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Japonya'nın bir göç ülkesine temkinli geçişi ve Türkiye için olası fırsatlar

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 14 Sayı: Türkiye-Japonya İlişkileri 100. Yıl Özel Sayısı, 272 - 288


Daha önce düşük vasıflı yabancı işçilere kapalı bir ülke olan Japonya, düşük vasıflı yabancı işçi alımını ve kalıcı yerleşimini aşamalı bir şekilde artırmayı amaçlayan yeni programlar uygulamaya koymuştur. Japonya'nın yeni girişimlerini ele alan az sayıda çalışma olmasına rağmen, Japonya'nın düşük vasıflı işçilerin kalıcı yerleşimi konusunda neden dolambaçlı bir yol benimsediği sorusu şimdiye kadar aydınlatılamamıştır. Bu makalenin amacı, Japonya'da ortaya çıkan yeni göç politikası açılımının temel özelliklerini ve bunun altında yatan nedenleri incelemektir. Çalışma, kamuya açık resmi belgeleri ve ikincil kaynakları kullanarak belge analizi uygulamıştır. Çalışmanın temel bulguları, Japonya’nın, göçmen işçilerin haklarının genişletilmesini ve daimî ikametgahı mesleki becerilerin geliştirilmesine bağlayan beceri temelli bir bakış açısı geliştirdiğidir. Yeni göç politikasını ortaya çıkaran başlıca nedenler, ülkenin ekonomik ihtiyaçları, ulusal imaj ve itibarını koruma arzusu ve düşük vasıflı/vasıfsız olarak adlandırılan yabancı işçiler üzerindeki olumsuz kamuoyu algısının etkisidir. Son bölümde Japonya'nın yeni göç politikasının Türkiye' için getirebileceği olası fırsatlar tartışılmaktadır.


  • Akashi, J. (2014). New Aspects of Japan’s Immigration Policies: Is Population Decline Opening the Doors? Contemporary Japan, 26(2), 175-196.
  • Arakaki, O. (2008). Refugee Law and Practice in Japan. Hampshire: Ashgate.
  • Burgess, C. (2020). Keeping the Door Closed: The 2018 Revisions to the Immigration Control Act as a Continuation of Japan's 'No Immigration' Principle. Japanese Studies, 20(1).
  • Chiavacci, D. (2012). Japan in the 'Global War for Talent': Changing Concepts of Valuable Foreign Workers and Their Consequences. Asien The German Journal on Contemporary Asia 124, 27-47.
  • Chung, E. A. (2010). Immigration and Citizenship in Japan. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Endoh, T. (2019). The Politcs of Japan's İmmigration and Alien Residence Control. Asian and Pacific Migration Journal, 28(3), 324-352. doi:10.1177/0117196819873733
  • Flowers, P. (2009). Refugees, Women, and Weapons: International Norm Adoption and Compliance in Japan. Stanford: Stanford University Press
  • Government of Japan. (1990). Gaikokujin Roudousha Mondai ni Kansuru Seron Chousa [Public Opinion Poll on Foreign Workers Issue]. Tokyo: Cabinet Office, Government of Japan. Retrieved May 11, 2024, from
  • Government of Japan. (2000). Gaikokujin Roudousha Mondai ni Kansuru Seron Chousa [Public Opinion Poll on Foreign Workers Issue]. Tokyo: Cabinet Office, Government of Japan. Retrieved June 4, 2024, from
  • Government of Japan. (2004). Gaikokujin Roudousha no Ukeire ni Kansuru Seron Chousa [Public Opinion Poll on the Acceptance of Foreign Workers]. Tokyo: Cabinet Office, Government of Japan. Retrieved May 15, 2024, from
  • Hatcher , P., & Murakami, A. (2020). The politics of exclusion: embedded racism and Japan's pilot refugee resettlement programme. Race & Class 62, no.1, 60-77.
  • Hirotaka, F. (2020). When public opinion drives national asylum policymaking: The case of Kurdish asylum seekers in Japan. Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies, 7, 204-216.
  • Hosono, Y. (2011). Nihon Firipin Keizai Renkei Kyoutei wo Tsuujita Kango-shi Kaigo-shi Ukeire Koushou Katei [Negotiation Process for Aceeptance of Nurse Care Workers through the Japan-Phillipines Economic Partnership Agreement]. Yokohama Kokusai Shakai Kagaku Kenkyu 15, no.6, 67-89.
  • Kalicki, K. (2019). Security Fears and Bureucratic Rivalry. Comparative Politics 51, no.4, 603-623.
  • Kamibayashi, C. (2009). İchiteki Gaikokujin Roudou sha Ukeire Seido no Teichaku Katei: Gaikokujin Ginou Jisshuu Seido (The Process of Establishment of the Temporary Foreign Worker Acceptance System: Focusing on the Technical Internship Program for Foreign Nationals). Shakai Shirin 56, no.1, 39-63.
  • Kamibayashi, C. (2018, May). Gaikokujin Ginou Jisshuu Seidou no Dai Ni no Tenkiten: 2016 nen no Ginou Jisshuu Hou wo Chuushin ni (The Second Turning Point of the Foreign Technical Internship System: Focusing on the Technical Internship Law of 2016). Retrieved from Rengou Souken Repouto:
  • Kamibayashi, C. (2021). Gaikokujin Roudousha Ukeire to Nihon Shakai (Admission of Foreign Workers and the Japanese Society). Tokyo: Tokyo University Press.
  • Koizumi, K. (1992). Refugee Policy Formation in Japan: Developments and Implications. Journal of Refugee Studies 5, no.2, 123-135.
  • Kondo, A. (2008). Summary of Legal Position of the Migrants in Japan. Meijo , 57(3), 198-226. Retrieved from
  • Kondo, A. (2015). Migration and Law in Japan. Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies, 2(1), 155-168. doi:doi: 10.1002/app5.67
  • Matsubara Jin. (2021). Gaikokujin Ginou Jisshusei ni Taisuru Jinken Shingai Shitsumon Shuuishou [Questionnaire on Human Rights Violations against Foreign Technical Intern Trainees]. Tokyo: The Diet of Japan, House of
  • Representatives, The 206th Congress. Retrieved June 1, 2024, from
  • MHLWJ. (2002). Gaikokujin Roudosha Ukeire no Minaoshi no hitsuyousei [Necessity of reviewing the system for accepting foreign workers]. Tokyo: Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare of Japan. Retrieved June 3, 2024, from
  • MHLWJ. (2014, Haziran 4). Kaigo Jinzai no Kakuho ni Tsuite. Retrieved Eylül 1, 2022, from Ministry of Health Labor and Welfare of Japan:
  • MHLWJ. (2022, Ağustos 10). The Long-term care Insurance System. Retrieved from Ministry of Health Labor and Welfare of Japan:
  • MHWLJ. (2022). Kaigo Bunya ni Okeru Gaikokujin Ukeire no Jisseki nado [The Achievements of Acceptance of Foreign Nationals in the Field of Nursing Care]. Tokyo: Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare of Japan. Retrieved May 17, 2024, from
  • MHWLJ and ISAJ. (2023). Outline of Employment for Skill Development Program. Tokyo: Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare of Japan and Immigration Services Agengy of Japan. Retrieved May 13, 2024, from
  • MOFAJ. (2022). Ginou Jisshu Seido ni Kansuru Kokusaiteki Shiteki ni Tsuite [About International Remarks on the Technical Internship System]. Tokyo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. Retrieved May 12, 2024, from
  • MOJJ. (2005). Dai San ji Shutsunyu Koku Kanri Kihon Keikaku [The Third Basic Plan for Immigration Control]. Tokyo: Ministry of Justice. Retrieved May 30, 2024, from
  • MOJJ. (2018). Ginou Jishuu Seido no Genjyou Fusei Koui to Shissou [Current State of the Technical Intern Trainee System: Misconduct and Disappearance]. Tokyo: Ministry of Justice of Japan. Retrieved May 10, 2024, from
  • MOJJ. (2023). Ginou Jishu Seido Oyobi Tokutei Ginou Seido no Arikata ni Kansuru Yuushikisha Kaigi Saishuu Houkoku [Expert Council on the Technical Intern Trainee System and the Specified Skill System, Final Report]. Tokyo: Ministry of Justice of Japan. Retrieved March 30, 2024, from
  • MOJJ. (2024). Gaikoku Jinzai Ukeire oyobi Kyousei Shakai Jitsugen ni Muketa Torikumi [Initiatives for Acceptance of Foreign Human Resources and Realization of a Symbiotic Society]. Tokyo: Ministry of Justice of Japan, Immigration Services Agency. Retrieved from
  • MTEIJ. (2022). Sekinin Aru Sapurai Chein Nado ni Okeru Jinken Sonchou no Tame ni Gaidorain [the “Guidelines for Respecting Human Rights in Responsible Supply Chains, etc.”]. Tokyo: Ministry of Trade, Economy and Industry of Japan. Retrieved May 20, 2024, from
  • Morita, K., & Sassen, S. (1994). The New Illegal Immigration in Japan, 1980-1992. The International Migration Review 28, no.1, 153-163.
  • Strausz, M. (2019). Help Not Wanted: Immigration Politics in Japan. New York: State University of New York Press.
  • Song, J. (2020, Aralık). The Political Dynamics of Japan's Immigration Policies during the Abe Government. Pacific Focus, XXXV(3), 613-640.
  • Ogawa, N. (2011). Population Aging and Immiration in Japan. Asia and pacific Migration Journal, 20(2), 133-167.
  • Peng, I. (2016, March). Testing the Limits of Welfare State Change: The Slow-moving Immigration Policy Reform in Japan. Social Policy and Administration , 50(2), 278-295. doi:10.1111/spol.12215
  • Roberts, G. S. (2018). An Immigration Policy by Any Other Name: Semantics of Immigration to Japan. Social Science Japan Journal, 21(1), 89-102.
  • US State Department. (2022). Trafficking in Persons Report June 2022. Washington D.C.: US State Department. Retrieved June 15, 2024, from
  • Vogt, G. (2007). Closed Doors, Open Doors, Doors Wide Shut? Migration Politics In Japan. Japan Aktuell, 5, 3-30.
  • Vogt, G. (2018). Population Aging and International Health-Caregiver Migration to Japan. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
  • Wilson, T., Saito, M., Funakoshi, M., & Miyazaki, A. (2016, August 8). Banned from working, asylum seekers are building Japan's roads and sewers. Retrieved May 18, 2024, from Reuters:
  • Yamagata, A. (2017). Conflicting Japanese Responses to the Syrian Refugee Crisis. The Asia Pacific Journal Japan Focus, 15(24), 1-29. Retrieved from
  • Yamanaka, K. (1993). New Immigration and Unskilled Foreign Workers in Japan. Pacific Affairs, 66(1), 72-90. doi:
  • Yamanaka , K. (2003). 'I will go home, but when?: labor migration and circular diaspora formation by Japanese Brazilians in Japan. In M. Douglass, & G. S. Roberts, Japan and Global Migration: Foreign Workers and the Advent of a Multicultural Society (pp. 123-153). Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press.
  • Yamazaki, T. (2006, Şubat). Kango Kaigo Bunya ni Okeru Gaikokujin Roudousha no Ukeire Mondai (The Problems of Receiving Foreign Workers in the Fields of Nurses and Elderly Care). Refransu, 4-24.
  • Yorulmaz, I. (2019, February 6). Japonya yabancı işçi alımında Türkiye'ye neden yasak koymayı düşünüyor? (Why is Japan planning to ban Turkey from hiring foreign workers?). Retrieved June 10, 2024, from BBC News Türkçe:

Japan's cautious transition to a migration country and potential opportunities for Türkiye

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 14 Sayı: Türkiye-Japonya İlişkileri 100. Yıl Özel Sayısı, 272 - 288


Previously a country closed to the so-called low-skilled foreign workers, Japan introduced new programs aimed at increasing the their intake and permanent settlement in an incremental way. Although few studies address these initiatives, the question of why Japan has adopted a convoluted way to the permanent settlement of low-skilled workers has not been illuminated so far. The objective of this paper is to examine the main characteristics of the emerging immigration policy in Japan and the underlying reasons thereof. The paper applied documentary analysis by utilizing publicly available official documents, and secondary literature on the topic. The main findings of the study are that Japan has developed a skills-based perspective which ties expansion of rights and permanent residency to the development of occupational skills. The new immigration policy has resulted from the economic needs of the country, the desire to protect its national image and reputation, and the influence of a negative public perception on the so-called low-skilled/unskilled foreign workers. The final section discusses the possible opportunities that Japan’s new immigration policy can bring for Turkey.


  • Akashi, J. (2014). New Aspects of Japan’s Immigration Policies: Is Population Decline Opening the Doors? Contemporary Japan, 26(2), 175-196.
  • Arakaki, O. (2008). Refugee Law and Practice in Japan. Hampshire: Ashgate.
  • Burgess, C. (2020). Keeping the Door Closed: The 2018 Revisions to the Immigration Control Act as a Continuation of Japan's 'No Immigration' Principle. Japanese Studies, 20(1).
  • Chiavacci, D. (2012). Japan in the 'Global War for Talent': Changing Concepts of Valuable Foreign Workers and Their Consequences. Asien The German Journal on Contemporary Asia 124, 27-47.
  • Chung, E. A. (2010). Immigration and Citizenship in Japan. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Endoh, T. (2019). The Politcs of Japan's İmmigration and Alien Residence Control. Asian and Pacific Migration Journal, 28(3), 324-352. doi:10.1177/0117196819873733
  • Flowers, P. (2009). Refugees, Women, and Weapons: International Norm Adoption and Compliance in Japan. Stanford: Stanford University Press
  • Government of Japan. (1990). Gaikokujin Roudousha Mondai ni Kansuru Seron Chousa [Public Opinion Poll on Foreign Workers Issue]. Tokyo: Cabinet Office, Government of Japan. Retrieved May 11, 2024, from
  • Government of Japan. (2000). Gaikokujin Roudousha Mondai ni Kansuru Seron Chousa [Public Opinion Poll on Foreign Workers Issue]. Tokyo: Cabinet Office, Government of Japan. Retrieved June 4, 2024, from
  • Government of Japan. (2004). Gaikokujin Roudousha no Ukeire ni Kansuru Seron Chousa [Public Opinion Poll on the Acceptance of Foreign Workers]. Tokyo: Cabinet Office, Government of Japan. Retrieved May 15, 2024, from
  • Hatcher , P., & Murakami, A. (2020). The politics of exclusion: embedded racism and Japan's pilot refugee resettlement programme. Race & Class 62, no.1, 60-77.
  • Hirotaka, F. (2020). When public opinion drives national asylum policymaking: The case of Kurdish asylum seekers in Japan. Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies, 7, 204-216.
  • Hosono, Y. (2011). Nihon Firipin Keizai Renkei Kyoutei wo Tsuujita Kango-shi Kaigo-shi Ukeire Koushou Katei [Negotiation Process for Aceeptance of Nurse Care Workers through the Japan-Phillipines Economic Partnership Agreement]. Yokohama Kokusai Shakai Kagaku Kenkyu 15, no.6, 67-89.
  • Kalicki, K. (2019). Security Fears and Bureucratic Rivalry. Comparative Politics 51, no.4, 603-623.
  • Kamibayashi, C. (2009). İchiteki Gaikokujin Roudou sha Ukeire Seido no Teichaku Katei: Gaikokujin Ginou Jisshuu Seido (The Process of Establishment of the Temporary Foreign Worker Acceptance System: Focusing on the Technical Internship Program for Foreign Nationals). Shakai Shirin 56, no.1, 39-63.
  • Kamibayashi, C. (2018, May). Gaikokujin Ginou Jisshuu Seidou no Dai Ni no Tenkiten: 2016 nen no Ginou Jisshuu Hou wo Chuushin ni (The Second Turning Point of the Foreign Technical Internship System: Focusing on the Technical Internship Law of 2016). Retrieved from Rengou Souken Repouto:
  • Kamibayashi, C. (2021). Gaikokujin Roudousha Ukeire to Nihon Shakai (Admission of Foreign Workers and the Japanese Society). Tokyo: Tokyo University Press.
  • Koizumi, K. (1992). Refugee Policy Formation in Japan: Developments and Implications. Journal of Refugee Studies 5, no.2, 123-135.
  • Kondo, A. (2008). Summary of Legal Position of the Migrants in Japan. Meijo , 57(3), 198-226. Retrieved from
  • Kondo, A. (2015). Migration and Law in Japan. Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies, 2(1), 155-168. doi:doi: 10.1002/app5.67
  • Matsubara Jin. (2021). Gaikokujin Ginou Jisshusei ni Taisuru Jinken Shingai Shitsumon Shuuishou [Questionnaire on Human Rights Violations against Foreign Technical Intern Trainees]. Tokyo: The Diet of Japan, House of
  • Representatives, The 206th Congress. Retrieved June 1, 2024, from
  • MHLWJ. (2002). Gaikokujin Roudosha Ukeire no Minaoshi no hitsuyousei [Necessity of reviewing the system for accepting foreign workers]. Tokyo: Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare of Japan. Retrieved June 3, 2024, from
  • MHLWJ. (2014, Haziran 4). Kaigo Jinzai no Kakuho ni Tsuite. Retrieved Eylül 1, 2022, from Ministry of Health Labor and Welfare of Japan:
  • MHLWJ. (2022, Ağustos 10). The Long-term care Insurance System. Retrieved from Ministry of Health Labor and Welfare of Japan:
  • MHWLJ. (2022). Kaigo Bunya ni Okeru Gaikokujin Ukeire no Jisseki nado [The Achievements of Acceptance of Foreign Nationals in the Field of Nursing Care]. Tokyo: Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare of Japan. Retrieved May 17, 2024, from
  • MHWLJ and ISAJ. (2023). Outline of Employment for Skill Development Program. Tokyo: Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare of Japan and Immigration Services Agengy of Japan. Retrieved May 13, 2024, from
  • MOFAJ. (2022). Ginou Jisshu Seido ni Kansuru Kokusaiteki Shiteki ni Tsuite [About International Remarks on the Technical Internship System]. Tokyo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. Retrieved May 12, 2024, from
  • MOJJ. (2005). Dai San ji Shutsunyu Koku Kanri Kihon Keikaku [The Third Basic Plan for Immigration Control]. Tokyo: Ministry of Justice. Retrieved May 30, 2024, from
  • MOJJ. (2018). Ginou Jishuu Seido no Genjyou Fusei Koui to Shissou [Current State of the Technical Intern Trainee System: Misconduct and Disappearance]. Tokyo: Ministry of Justice of Japan. Retrieved May 10, 2024, from
  • MOJJ. (2023). Ginou Jishu Seido Oyobi Tokutei Ginou Seido no Arikata ni Kansuru Yuushikisha Kaigi Saishuu Houkoku [Expert Council on the Technical Intern Trainee System and the Specified Skill System, Final Report]. Tokyo: Ministry of Justice of Japan. Retrieved March 30, 2024, from
  • MOJJ. (2024). Gaikoku Jinzai Ukeire oyobi Kyousei Shakai Jitsugen ni Muketa Torikumi [Initiatives for Acceptance of Foreign Human Resources and Realization of a Symbiotic Society]. Tokyo: Ministry of Justice of Japan, Immigration Services Agency. Retrieved from
  • MTEIJ. (2022). Sekinin Aru Sapurai Chein Nado ni Okeru Jinken Sonchou no Tame ni Gaidorain [the “Guidelines for Respecting Human Rights in Responsible Supply Chains, etc.”]. Tokyo: Ministry of Trade, Economy and Industry of Japan. Retrieved May 20, 2024, from
  • Morita, K., & Sassen, S. (1994). The New Illegal Immigration in Japan, 1980-1992. The International Migration Review 28, no.1, 153-163.
  • Strausz, M. (2019). Help Not Wanted: Immigration Politics in Japan. New York: State University of New York Press.
  • Song, J. (2020, Aralık). The Political Dynamics of Japan's Immigration Policies during the Abe Government. Pacific Focus, XXXV(3), 613-640.
  • Ogawa, N. (2011). Population Aging and Immiration in Japan. Asia and pacific Migration Journal, 20(2), 133-167.
  • Peng, I. (2016, March). Testing the Limits of Welfare State Change: The Slow-moving Immigration Policy Reform in Japan. Social Policy and Administration , 50(2), 278-295. doi:10.1111/spol.12215
  • Roberts, G. S. (2018). An Immigration Policy by Any Other Name: Semantics of Immigration to Japan. Social Science Japan Journal, 21(1), 89-102.
  • US State Department. (2022). Trafficking in Persons Report June 2022. Washington D.C.: US State Department. Retrieved June 15, 2024, from
  • Vogt, G. (2007). Closed Doors, Open Doors, Doors Wide Shut? Migration Politics In Japan. Japan Aktuell, 5, 3-30.
  • Vogt, G. (2018). Population Aging and International Health-Caregiver Migration to Japan. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
  • Wilson, T., Saito, M., Funakoshi, M., & Miyazaki, A. (2016, August 8). Banned from working, asylum seekers are building Japan's roads and sewers. Retrieved May 18, 2024, from Reuters:
  • Yamagata, A. (2017). Conflicting Japanese Responses to the Syrian Refugee Crisis. The Asia Pacific Journal Japan Focus, 15(24), 1-29. Retrieved from
  • Yamanaka, K. (1993). New Immigration and Unskilled Foreign Workers in Japan. Pacific Affairs, 66(1), 72-90. doi:
  • Yamanaka , K. (2003). 'I will go home, but when?: labor migration and circular diaspora formation by Japanese Brazilians in Japan. In M. Douglass, & G. S. Roberts, Japan and Global Migration: Foreign Workers and the Advent of a Multicultural Society (pp. 123-153). Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press.
  • Yamazaki, T. (2006, Şubat). Kango Kaigo Bunya ni Okeru Gaikokujin Roudousha no Ukeire Mondai (The Problems of Receiving Foreign Workers in the Fields of Nurses and Elderly Care). Refransu, 4-24.
  • Yorulmaz, I. (2019, February 6). Japonya yabancı işçi alımında Türkiye'ye neden yasak koymayı düşünüyor? (Why is Japan planning to ban Turkey from hiring foreign workers?). Retrieved June 10, 2024, from BBC News Türkçe:
Toplam 48 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Konular Siyaset Bilimi (Diğer)

Kıvılcım Erkan 0000-0002-2752-4176

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 16 Aralık 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi
Gönderilme Tarihi 16 Eylül 2024
Kabul Tarihi 30 Ekim 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 14 Sayı: Türkiye-Japonya İlişkileri 100. Yıl Özel Sayısı

Kaynak Göster

APA Erkan, K. (2024). Japan’s cautious transition to a migration country and potential opportunities for Türkiye. Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli Üniversitesi SBE Dergisi, 14(Türkiye-Japonya İlişkileri 100. Yıl Özel Sayısı), 272-288.