Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2024, Cilt: 24 Sayı: 58, 66 - 90, 30.06.2024


The narrative structure is a quintessential pillar within Arabic literature, establishing a nuanced and intellectual bridge that connects stories to their respective audiences. This exploration seeks to dissect the pivotal components of narrative structure vision and form each serving a distinct purpose. Vision, enveloping the author's philosophical and ideological lens, endeavours to articulate the underlying themes and worldviews the author seeks to convey. In contrast, form acts as the aesthetic medium through which vision is transposed, interlacing elements such as temporal-spatial orchestrations, character interplays, and event trajectories. In recent epochs, Arabic literature has undergone transformative shifts in narrative structures, welcoming innovative styles and methodologies that elevate storytelling, offering nuanced levels of engagement and suspense. Canonical texts, including “One Thousand and One Nights”, Naguib Mahfouz’s “The Cairo Trilogy”, and Taha Hussein’s “The Days”, illustrate multifaceted narrative structures that have permeated Arabic literature across generations. This dynamism extends to contemporary works that adeptly deploy evolved narrative elements—complexity, tension, and unforeseen plot twists—to perpetually captivate the reader’s interest. This article navigates through a multidimensional exploration of Arabic literature's narrative structures, identifying and deconstructing developmental stages—preparation, genesis, climax, and resolution. Within these stages, an array of storytelling techniques is judiciously employed to arrest and sustain reader engagement, successfully fulfilling the author's communicative and artistic aspirations.

Etik Beyan

Ethical Statement: In the preparation of this article, 'Towards a Deeper Understanding of the Short Story Narrative Structure, Visions, and Form in Arabic Literature,' all applicable ethical guidelines and standards for research and writing in the field of literary studies were strictly adhered to. This includes ensuring the integrity of the analysis, respecting intellectual property rights through proper citation and acknowledgment of sources, and avoiding any form of plagiarism. The content and viewpoints expressed in this article are solely those of the author and were developed through a careful and respectful consideration of the primary texts and existing scholarship in the field of Arabic literature. No conflict of interest exists in the creation of this article, and all sources, whether primary or secondary, have been duly credited for their contributions to the development of the arguments and perspectives presented herein

Destekleyen Kurum

This research was conducted with the support of Yozgat Bozok University, which provided essential resources and facilities for the study. The university's contribution was instrumental in enhancing the quality and depth of the research. This support enabled a comprehensive exploration of narrative structure, visions, and form in Arabic short stories. Yozgat Bozok University's dedication to promoting scholarly research in Arabic literary studies has been invaluable in realizing this work


Esteemed Editors at Nüsha Şarkiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, I extend my deepest gratitude to you and all the supporters and contributors to the scientific research who have played a role in enriching this work. Your support and participation have been pivotal in achieving this scholarly milestone. I would also like to express my sincere appreciation to the Editor-in-Chief of the journal for accepting my article for evaluation. This opportunity represents a great honor for me, and I eagerly hope that the article will be accepted for publication and will meet your esteemed approval. Please be assured that I have exerted every effort to present work that embodies scientific accuracy and intellectual depth, contributing to the enrichment of knowledge in the field of Arabic literature, particularly in the study of the short story. I hope that you will find this work a valuable addition to your esteemed journal and to the academic community at large. With your support and guidance, I am always looking forward to presenting the best and contributing effectively to the academic field. Thank you again for this precious opportunity and for your trust. With utmost respect and appreciation,


  • Abbas, İ. (2002). Takniyâtü’l-Binyeti’s-Serdiyye Fî’r-Rivâyeti’l-Megâribiyye, Cezayir, Müessesetü’l-Vataniyye. Ayid, M. ‘A. C. (2014). The Narrative Structure in the Letters of Sharif al-Rida's Poetry (Master's thesis, Department of Arabic Language, Faculty of Literature, University of Dhi Qar, Iraq). Retrieved from
  • Akpınar, F. (2022). Suriyeli Öykücü Ülfet El-İdlibî’nin "وداعا يا دمشق" (Elveda Ey Dımaşk) Adlı Öyküsünün Edebî Tahlili. Akif, 52(2), 109-128.
  • Araz, M. A. K. (2020). CEZAYİR EDEBİYATINDA KISA ÖYKÜ. Nüsha, 20(50), 165-188.
  • Arslan, Adnan. “Modern Arap Edebiyatı’nda Cezaevi Romanı”. Uludağ Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 25/2 (Ağustos 2016), 31-57.
  • Barthes, R. (1975). *The pleasure of the text* (R. Miller, Trans.). Hill and Wang. Retrieved from
  • Belkilil, D. (2019). The narrative structure in modern Arabic novels: The novel 'Mā ana bi-Kātib' by al-Sayyid Hāfidz. (Master’s Thesis). Faculty of Language and Literature, Muhammad Būdıyāf University, M’sila, Algeria.
  • Bû’âfiye, A. (2017). The Narrative Structure and Its Role in Forming the Narrative Discourse. Tamanrasset University Journal, (June, Issue 6, pp. 133-148). Retrieved from
  • Burabih, N. (2019). The Narrative Structure in Contemporary Algerian Poetry: The Structure of Space in the Poems of Yûsuf Vaglîsî. Journal of Literature and Language Studies El-Hikme, 59-73. Retrieved from
  • Fehmavi, S. (2007). Hürmetân and Muharrem. Cairo: Dârü’l-Hilâl. Garnâvut, Z. Ibn ‘Âshûr, al-‘Arabî. (2020). The Narrative Structure in Contemporary Algerian Poetry. Journal of Language Studies al-Hikma, (October 8, pp. 2921-2130).
  • Ibrahim, A. (2017). Modern Arabic Narratology: Deconstructing Colonial Discourse and Reinterpreting Genesis. Beirut: Arab Institution.
  • Khalifi, S. (2013). The Narrative Structure between Theoretical Concept and Critical Practice. (pp. 175-182, (2) 8). Retrieved from
  • Kittler, F., von Mücke, D., & Similon, P. L. (1987). Gramophone, film, typewriter. October, 41, 101–118. Retrieved from
  • Kurdi, M. A. A. (2005). The narrative structure of the short story. Cairo, Mektebetu'l-Adab. Lévi-Strauss, C. (1962). The Savage Mind (G. Weidenfield & Nicholson, Trans.). University of Chicago Press.Retrieved from
  • McCloskey, D. N. (1983). The Rhetoric of Economics. Journal of Economic Literature, 21(2), 481–517.
  • Mandour, M. (2013). Short Stories from Arabic Literature: A Study and Selections. Cairo: Dâr Al-Shorouk.
  • Mikraz, C. ‘A. ‘A. (2012). The Structure of Poetry in Imru' al-Qays' Poetry, Faculty of Literature, Hadramut University. Amman, Dâr Gaydâ.
  • Mîrgânî, H. (2008). The History and Critique of Arabic Stories, Khartoum, Sudan Metabi Company.
  • Raşîdî, R. (1964). The Short Story Structure: Analysis. Cairo: Anglo-Egyptian Library.
  • Shantî, M. S. (2001). The Structure of Arabic Writing: Its Elements and Effects. Saudi Arabia: Dar Al-Andalus.
  • Shebib, S. (2013). The Narrative Structure in Arabic Novels, Journal of Studies in Arabic Language and Literature, (Issue 14, 2013). Retrieved from
  • Sherifuddin M. A. (2018). The Visual Narrative in the Short Story of the Broken Glass, Cairo, Dar al-Nahda.
  • Sharuni, Y. (2001). The Story of Growth and Decline. Cairo: Center for Arab Civilization. Temîmî İ. S. ‘A. ‘Alâvî G. Mes’ûdî M. (2023). The Serdi Structure and the Cold Gold in Arabic Cash, The Scientific Interpretation Journal, The Scientific Interpretation Academy, Semâdrûb Journal. Issue 13. Yemen. (March pp. 265-282).


Yıl 2024, Cilt: 24 Sayı: 58, 66 - 90, 30.06.2024


Arap edebiyatında anlatı yapıları; hikayelerle, ilgili kitleleri birbirine bağlayan ince ve entelektüel bir köprü oluşturan temel bir unsurdur. Bu inceleme, anlatı yapısının temel bileşenlerini—vizyon ve formu—ayrıntılı bir şekilde ele almayı amaçlamaktadır. Vizyon, yazarın felsefî ve ideolojik bakış açısını kapsayarak, yazarın iletmek istediği altta yatan temaları ve dünya görüşlerini ifade etmeye çalışır. Buna karşılık, form, vizyonun aktarıldığı estetik bir araç olarak işlev görür ve zaman-mekan düzenlemeleri, karakter etkileşimleri ve olayların seyirleri gibi unsurları içerir. Son dönemlerde, Arap edebiyatı anlatı yapılarında dönüşümcü değişiklikler geçirmiş, hikaye anlatımının seviyesini yükselten yenilikçi stiller ve metodolojiler benimsemiştir. Bu yenilikler, katılım ve gerilim seviyelerinde nüanslı değişiklikler sunmaktadır. “Binbir Gece”, Necîp Mahfûz’un “Kahire Üçlemesi” ve Tâhâ Hüseyin’in “Günler” adlı eserleri gibi kanonik metinler, nesiller boyunca Arap edebiyatına sızan çok yönlü anlatı yapılarını sergilemektedir. Bu dinamizm, karmaşıklık, gerilim ve beklenmedik dönemeçler gibi gelişmiş anlatı unsurlarını ustalıkla kullanan çağdaş eserlere de uzanmaktadır ve okuyucunun ilgisini sürekli olarak çekmeyi başarmaktadır. Bu makale, Arap edebiyatının anlatı yapılarının çok boyutlu bir incelemesini yaparak, hazırlık, oluşum, doruk noktası ve çözüm gibi gelişim aşamalarını tanımlayıp deşifre etmektedir. Bu aşamalar içinde, yazarın iletişim ve sanatsal hedeflerini başarıyla yerine getiren, okuyucunun ilgisini çekmeyi ve sürdürmeyi hedefleyen bir dizi hikâye anlatım tekniği dikkatlice kullanılmaktadır.


  • Abbas, İ. (2002). Takniyâtü’l-Binyeti’s-Serdiyye Fî’r-Rivâyeti’l-Megâribiyye, Cezayir, Müessesetü’l-Vataniyye. Ayid, M. ‘A. C. (2014). The Narrative Structure in the Letters of Sharif al-Rida's Poetry (Master's thesis, Department of Arabic Language, Faculty of Literature, University of Dhi Qar, Iraq). Retrieved from
  • Akpınar, F. (2022). Suriyeli Öykücü Ülfet El-İdlibî’nin "وداعا يا دمشق" (Elveda Ey Dımaşk) Adlı Öyküsünün Edebî Tahlili. Akif, 52(2), 109-128.
  • Araz, M. A. K. (2020). CEZAYİR EDEBİYATINDA KISA ÖYKÜ. Nüsha, 20(50), 165-188.
  • Arslan, Adnan. “Modern Arap Edebiyatı’nda Cezaevi Romanı”. Uludağ Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 25/2 (Ağustos 2016), 31-57.
  • Barthes, R. (1975). *The pleasure of the text* (R. Miller, Trans.). Hill and Wang. Retrieved from
  • Belkilil, D. (2019). The narrative structure in modern Arabic novels: The novel 'Mā ana bi-Kātib' by al-Sayyid Hāfidz. (Master’s Thesis). Faculty of Language and Literature, Muhammad Būdıyāf University, M’sila, Algeria.
  • Bû’âfiye, A. (2017). The Narrative Structure and Its Role in Forming the Narrative Discourse. Tamanrasset University Journal, (June, Issue 6, pp. 133-148). Retrieved from
  • Burabih, N. (2019). The Narrative Structure in Contemporary Algerian Poetry: The Structure of Space in the Poems of Yûsuf Vaglîsî. Journal of Literature and Language Studies El-Hikme, 59-73. Retrieved from
  • Fehmavi, S. (2007). Hürmetân and Muharrem. Cairo: Dârü’l-Hilâl. Garnâvut, Z. Ibn ‘Âshûr, al-‘Arabî. (2020). The Narrative Structure in Contemporary Algerian Poetry. Journal of Language Studies al-Hikma, (October 8, pp. 2921-2130).
  • Ibrahim, A. (2017). Modern Arabic Narratology: Deconstructing Colonial Discourse and Reinterpreting Genesis. Beirut: Arab Institution.
  • Khalifi, S. (2013). The Narrative Structure between Theoretical Concept and Critical Practice. (pp. 175-182, (2) 8). Retrieved from
  • Kittler, F., von Mücke, D., & Similon, P. L. (1987). Gramophone, film, typewriter. October, 41, 101–118. Retrieved from
  • Kurdi, M. A. A. (2005). The narrative structure of the short story. Cairo, Mektebetu'l-Adab. Lévi-Strauss, C. (1962). The Savage Mind (G. Weidenfield & Nicholson, Trans.). University of Chicago Press.Retrieved from
  • McCloskey, D. N. (1983). The Rhetoric of Economics. Journal of Economic Literature, 21(2), 481–517.
  • Mandour, M. (2013). Short Stories from Arabic Literature: A Study and Selections. Cairo: Dâr Al-Shorouk.
  • Mikraz, C. ‘A. ‘A. (2012). The Structure of Poetry in Imru' al-Qays' Poetry, Faculty of Literature, Hadramut University. Amman, Dâr Gaydâ.
  • Mîrgânî, H. (2008). The History and Critique of Arabic Stories, Khartoum, Sudan Metabi Company.
  • Raşîdî, R. (1964). The Short Story Structure: Analysis. Cairo: Anglo-Egyptian Library.
  • Shantî, M. S. (2001). The Structure of Arabic Writing: Its Elements and Effects. Saudi Arabia: Dar Al-Andalus.
  • Shebib, S. (2013). The Narrative Structure in Arabic Novels, Journal of Studies in Arabic Language and Literature, (Issue 14, 2013). Retrieved from
  • Sherifuddin M. A. (2018). The Visual Narrative in the Short Story of the Broken Glass, Cairo, Dar al-Nahda.
  • Sharuni, Y. (2001). The Story of Growth and Decline. Cairo: Center for Arab Civilization. Temîmî İ. S. ‘A. ‘Alâvî G. Mes’ûdî M. (2023). The Serdi Structure and the Cold Gold in Arabic Cash, The Scientific Interpretation Journal, The Scientific Interpretation Academy, Semâdrûb Journal. Issue 13. Yemen. (March pp. 265-282).
Toplam 22 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Arap Dili, Edebiyatı ve Kültürü
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Dr.mohammed Yaseen 0000-0002-3206-9884

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 29 Haziran 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 10 Ocak 2024
Kabul Tarihi 29 Haziran 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 24 Sayı: 58

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