Ara?tyrmanyn amacy, ilkö?retim ikinci kademe ö?rencilerinin psikolojik dany?ma ve rehberlik hizmetleri ile ilgili algylaryny bazy de?i?kenlere göre incelemektir. Ara?tyrma, 208 ilkö?retim ö?rencisi üzerinde yapylmy?tyr. Toplanan veriler üzerinde yüzdelik hesaplamalary, MANOVA, ba?ymsyz gruplarda t testi, Tukey testi ve çoklu regresyon analizi yapylmy?tyr. Ara?tyrma sonuçlary, cinsiyete ve akademik ba?aryya göre, PDR hizmetlerini de?erlendirme puanlarynyn anlamly olarak farklylyk gösterdi?ini ortaya koymu?tur. Ayryca ara?tyrma sonuçlaryna göre, okul psikolojik dany?manyn sorunlarynyn çözümüne yardymcy olaca?yna ili?kin inancyn, mesleki rehberlik yardymyny almanyn, e?itsel rehberlik yardymyny almanyn, ö?retmenin PDR hizmetlerini tanytmasynyn ve okul psikolojik dany?manyny tanymanyn PDR hizmetlerinin de?erlendirilmesi üzerinde anlamly bir yordayycy oldu?u görülmü?tür. Ancak, psikolojik dany?manyn PDR hizmetlerini tanytmasy ve okullarda mutlaka psikolojik dany?man bulunmaly dü?üncesinin PDR hizmetlerinin de?erlendirilmesi üzerinde anlamly bir yordayycy olmady?y da görülmü?tür.
The aim of the study is to analyze the perceptions of students in the second level of elementary education towards psychological counseling and guidance services considering some variables. Participants were 208 students. Student Personal Information Form and the School Guidance Services Scale were used for data analysis. Percentage, MANOVA, independent samples t-test, Tukey's test and multiple regression procedures were used for data analysis. Results revealed that students' evaluations of school counseling and guidance services differed significantly according to gender and academic achievement. Results also showed that whether students utilized educational counseling, career counseling and had met the school counselor; whether teachers informed students about counseling services and whether students believed in the helpfulness of counseling and guidance services were significant predictors of students' evaluations of these services. On the other hand, whether school counselors familiarized students with their services or should certainly have counselors were not significant predictors of students' evaluation of counseling guidance services.
Counseling Guidance Services Elementary Education Student MANOVA
Birincil Dil | Türkçe |
Bölüm | Eğitim Bilimleri |
Yazarlar | |
Yayımlanma Tarihi | 1 Mart 2009 |
Yayımlandığı Sayı | Yıl 2009 Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2 |