The research was conducted to determine the views of students on the use of computer aided education in graphics courses. The sample of research comprises 241 students who are randomly selected at Ankara, Ba?kent and Gazi universities, and who agreed to participate in the study. Students' opinions on the use of computer aided education in graphic design courses; analyzed according to entering the audition, was evaluated by examining with the chi-square analysis. As a result, following the examination of students' opinions regarding the use of computer-aided education in graphic design courses; the students who participated in the audition agreed more to the opinions that the use of computer-aided education in graphic design courses "gives a possibility to trainers to use time more comfortably" (p
Ara?tyrma, bilgisayar destekli e?itimin grafik dersinde kullanymyna ili?kin ö?renci görü?lerini belirlemek amacyyla yürütülmü?tür. Ara?tyrmanyn örneklemini Ankara, Ba?kent ve Gazi üniversitelerinde ö?renim gören, geli?igüzel seçilen ve çaly?maya katylmayy kabul eden 241 ö?renci olu?turmaktadyr. Bilgisayar destekli e?itimin grafik tasarym dersinde kullanymyna ili?kin ö?renci görü?leri, yetenek synavyna girme durumuna göre incelenerek ki-kare analizi ile de?erlendirilmi?tir. Sonuçta, bilgisayar destekli e?itimin grafik tasarym dersinde kullanymyna ili?kin ö?renci görü?leri yetenek synavyna girme durumuna göre incelendi?inde; bilgisayar destekli e?itimin grafik dersinde kullanylmasynyn "e?iticiye zamany rahat kullanma imkâny verdi?ini" (p
Birincil Dil | Türkçe |
Bölüm | İç Mimarlık |
Yazarlar | |
Yayımlanma Tarihi | 1 Mayıs 2011 |
Yayımlandığı Sayı | Yıl 2011 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 4 |