ABSTRACT The current study aimed at determining the views of instructors concerning the teaching of the course of basic art education/basic design at the faculties of fine arts and education. A total sum of 23 instructors teaching the course at 8 faculties, 4 Faculties of Fine Arts and 4 Faculties of Education made up the sampling of the study. Questionnaire technique was used in the study and the frequency (f) and percentage (%) values of the data were determined and findings were analyzed in suitable tables. At the end of the study, it was found that instructors mostly benefited from the earlier studies of students in teaching the course, made some changes at the applications of the course each year, they paid attention to transferring the earlier experience of the students to their later practice in the selection of their applications, but that they focused on the fact that products have a creative feature in the evaluation of the applications carried out, and that they also paid attention to the principles and components of design and their transfer in the process of planning. It was also determined that instructors mostly had problems on the competence of students during the class.
Basic Art Education Basic Design Art Education Fine Arts Design Principles
ÖZET Bu ara?tyrma, güzel sanatlar fakülteleri ve e?itim fakülteleri güzel sanatlar e?itimi bölümlerinde verilen temel sanat e?itimi/temel tasarym dersinin i?leni?ine ili?kin ö?retim elemany görü?lerini belirlemek amacyyla hazyrlanmy?tyr. 4 Güzel Sanatlar Fakültesi, 4 E?itim Fakültesi olmak üzere toplam 8 fakültede bu dersi yürüten 23 ö?retim elemany ara?tyrmanyn örneklemini olu?turmu?tur. Ara?tyrmada anket tekni?i kullanylmy?, elde edilen verilerin frekans (f) ve yüzde (%) de?erleri belirlenmi?, bulgular uygun tablolar halinde yorumlanmy?tyr. Ara?tyrma sonucunda ö?retim elemanlarynyn dersin i?leni?inde ço?unlukla önceki ö?renci çaly?malaryndan faydalandy?y, her yyl derste yapylacak uygulamalarda de?i?iklik yapty?y, ö?rencilerin yapacaklary uygulamalaryn seçiminde ö?rencilerin önceki bilgi ve becerilerin sonraki çaly?malara aktarymyna, yapylan uygulamalaryn de?erlendirilmesinde ise en çok ürünlerin yaratycy özellikler ta?ymasyna dikkat ettikleri, dersin planlanmasy sürecinde tasarym ilke ve elemanlaryna ve bunlaryn aktarymyna yer verilmesini dikkate aldyklary anla?ylmy?tyr. Ö?retim elemanlarynyn ayryca ders süresince en çok ö?rencilerin yeterlik düzeyi konusunda sorun ya?adyklary belirlenmi?tir.
Temel Sanat E?itimi Temel Tasarym Sanat E?itimi Güzel Sanatlar Tasarym Ylkeleri
Birincil Dil | Türkçe |
Bölüm | İç Mimarlık |
Yazarlar | |
Yayımlanma Tarihi | 1 Nisan 2011 |
Yayımlandığı Sayı | Yıl 2011 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 3 |