This importanı monograph conccntraıcs on textilc production. wbich in the Ottoman Empirc of the ninetcenth century constiıuıcd the most viral br:ınch of manufacturing. Tfıc prcdominancc of
tcıttilcs was not uniquc to the Ottoman world, buı also characıeristie of industrializing European cconomics down to aı lcastıhc Iate cightccnth century. Quaıacrt's study is bascd on an imprcssivc archival documentation. The author has workcd not only in the Onoman archivc:S in Istanbul, buı also in the Public Rccord Office in London, the Bibliothequc Naıionalc in Paris arid the National Archivcs in Wa.~hington . He has cvcn used, at a time when this was stili quiıc diflicult, the Zcntralcs Sıaatsarchiv of the formcr German Dcmocraıic Republic in Potsdam. Morcover Quaıacrt has managed to inıelligently staıc w hat wc k now and what wc don'ı know, and rclatc his findings to the dcbaıcs current in Ouoman cconomic history. Thanks ıo the enormous arnount of archival spadcwork he has undcrtakcn, studcnıs of Onoman cconomic history will use his book as a basic work of refcrcncc for many years ıo comc. · Unavoidably Quataen's work rcflccts the problcms char.ıctcıistic of Oıtoman cconomic history in i ts preseni st:ııc. Until about wo dccadcs ago, thcrc cxisıcd a block of studies bascd on the Otroman archivcs and peıtaining ıo the fiftccnıh and sixtccnth cenıurics, along with a second block dcaling wiıh the nincıccnth century and bascd all bul cıtclusivcly on European sourccs. The two ccnturics 'in bctwccn' rcmaincd all but unknown, and ninctccnth-ccntury Onoman archivcs wcrc acccssiblc only ıo :ı very limited cxıcnl Now wc posscss a body of rcscarch dcaling wiıh the scvenıecnth and cightecnth ccnıuıics, cvcn though it is not as large as it might be, and the amounı of :ıccessihlc Ottom:ın archiv:ıl sourccs is inercasing :ılmosı by the day. Apart from permilling n clcarcr u nderstanding of many problcms of dctail, this new rcscarch has lcd ıo importanı shifts in the retcvanı paradigms. A study of Onoman manufactuıing published today thcrcforc ha.~ to work from mıher di ffereni prcmises than those farniliar ıo Charles lssawi, who publishcd an inOucntial book of rcadings on ni ncıcenth-century Onoman cconomic history no morc than thirtcen-ycars ago, in 1980.
Birincil Dil | İngilizce |
Bölüm | Makaleler |
Yazarlar | |
Yayımlanma Tarihi | 1 Haziran 1993 |
Yayımlandığı Sayı | Yıl 1993 Cilt: 13 Sayı: 13 |