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Arapçılık ve Helencilik Arasında Osmanlı Devleti: Kudüs Rum Ortodoks Patrikhanesi Krizi (1908-1914)

Yıl 2022, Sayı: 60, 179 - 215, 31.12.2022


Bu makale, Rum milletinin unsurları olan Rum ve Arap Ortodoksların ortak dinî değerlerini aşındıran bir sürecin krize dönüşen son evresini, kriz yönetiminde Osmanlı Devleti’nin rolünü merkeze alan yaklaşımla incelemektedir. Arapların Kudüs Rum Ortodoks Patrikhanesi idaresine katılım mücadelesini ifade eden bu süreç, 19. yüzyılın ikinci yarısından itibaren sosyal huzursuzluğa dönüşerek mahallî Arapçılığı beslerken Patrikhanenin ‘Rum’ karakterini koruyan Rum ruhbanların tutumlarını da radikalleştirmiştir. 1908’e gelindiğinde Kanun-ı Esasi’nin ilanı, Arapların taleplerine yasal bir zemin sunduğu gibi ‘yeniden’ ortaya çıkan ihtilafa Osmanlı Devleti’ni bütün merkezî ve mahallî kurumlarıyla birlikte hiç olmadığı kadar dahil etmiştir. Ancak meşrutiyetin getirdiği hürriyet hislerine rağmen Osmanlı Devleti’nin meseleye geleneksel düzenin devamı ve asayiş ve güvenliğin tesisini merkeze alan yaklaşımı değişmemiş; Patrikhanenin, Arapların ‘milli kilisesine’ dönüşmesi engellenirken Arapların da katılımıyla kurulan Karma Meclise Patrikhanenin bazı görevlerine nezaret hakkı verilerek Rum ruhbanların yolsuzluklarının önlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Nihayetinde nihai çözüm mercii olarak kararların tatbikine bizzat nezaret eden Osmanlı idaresi, ihtilaflı tarafları ‘devlet çıkarları’ doğrultusunda dengeleyebilmiştir.


  • Kaynaklar Devlet Arşivleri Başkanlığı Osmanlı Arşivi (BOA, İstanbul) Babıali Evrak Odası (BEO.) 3433/257457; 3464/259772; 3464/59772; 3481/261038; 3482/261126; 3523/264154; 3526/264410; 3527/264467; 3543/265668; 3610/270739; 3613/270907; 3622/271588; 3628/272056; 3640/272943; 3678/275840; 3717/278710; 3726/279401; 3727/279495; 3749/281122; 3846/288412; 3916/293665; 3939/295410; 3973/297954; 3994/299515; 4227/316998; 4228/317037; 4229/317103. Dahiliye İdare (DH.İD.) 116/31; 118/12. Dahiliye Mektubi Kalemi (DH.MKT.) 1308/4; 2694/92; 2719/61; 2726/35; 2739/73; 2745/94; 2781/5; 2826/88. Dahiliye Nezareti Muhaberat-ı Umumiye İdaresi (DH.MUİ.) 27-1/52; 49-2/14. Hariciye Nezareti İdare (HR.İD.) 2041/86. İrade Hariciye (İ.HR.) 266/15969. İrade Hususi (İ.HUS.) 54/7. Meclis-i Vükela Mazbataları (MV.) 125/17; 130/21; 137/70; 138/42. Şura-yı Devlet (ŞD.) 3197/77. Gazeteler “Kudüs Ahvâli”, Sabah, 6966 (16 Şubat 1909), s. 4. “Kudüs’te Vukû‘ât”, Tanin, 196 (16 Şubat 1909), s. 3. Yayımlanmış Eserler “Jitie i Muçeniestvo sv. Apostola İakova Brata Gospodnya”, Palestinskiy Paterik, 15 (1908), s. 1-23. “Poçetnaya Nagrada Russkomu Generalnomu Konsulu v İerusalime A.F. Kruglovu ot Da¬miana”, Soobşeniya İmparatorkavo Pravoslavnavo Palestinskavo Obşestva (SİPPO), XX (1909), s. 637. “Sobranie Predstaviteley Arabskavo naroda v hrame ap. İakova v İerusalime”, Soobşeniya İmparatorkavo Pravoslavnavo Palestinskavo Obşestva (SİPPO), XXIII (1912), s. 430- 431. “Svyatogrobskoe Bratstvo i Arabı v İerusalime”, Soobşeniya İmparatorkavo Pravoslavnavo Palestinskavo Obşestva (SİPPO), XX (1909), s. 133-144. Anderson, Benedict: Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origins and Spread of Nati¬onalism, London-New York: Verso 2006. Arslan, Melikşah: Suriye ve Filistin’de Rus Mevcudiyeti ve Osmanlı Siyaseti, 1847-1914, Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu Yayınları 2022. Barsov, N. İ.: “Eparhiya” Entsiklopediçeskiy Slovar Brokgauza i Efrona, XI/A, 1894, s. 662. Barsov, N. İ.: “Pasha, Hristianskiy Prazdnik”, Entsiklopediçeskiy Slovar Brokgauza i Efrona, XXII/A, 1897, s. 946-949. Benlisoy, Foti ve Stefo Benlisoy: “Millet-i Rum’dan Helen Ulusuna (1856-1922)”, Modern Türkiye’de Siyasi Düşünce, c. 1: Tanzimat ve Meşrutiyetin Birikimi, ed. Mehmet Ö. Alkan, İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları 2004, s. 367-376. Bertram, Anton and Harry C. Luke: Report of the Commission Appointed by the Govern¬ment of Palestine to Inquire into the Affairs of the Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem, London: Oxford University Press 1921. Bertram, Anton and John W. A. Young: The Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem: Report of the Commission Appointed by the Government of Palestine to Inquire and Report upon Certain Controversies between the Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem and the Arab Orthodox Community, London: Oxford University Press 1926. Bracy, R. Michael: Printing Class: ‘Isa Al-‘Isa, Filastin, and the Textual Construction of Na¬tional Identity, 1911-1931, Lanham: University Press of America 2011. Clogg, Richard: “The Greek Millet in the Ottoman Empire”, Christians and Jews in the Ottoman Empire: The Functioning of a Plural Society, eds. Benjamin Braude and Ber¬nard Lewis, New York: Homes and Meier Publishers 1982, s. 185-207. Çolak, Hasan: The Orthodox Church in the Early Modern Middle East: Relations between the Ottoman Central Administration and the Patriarchates of Antioch, Jerusalem and Alexandria, Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu 2015. Der Matossian, Bedross: “The Young Turks Revolution: Its Impact on Religious Politics of Jerusalem (1908-1912)”, Jerusalem Quarterly, 40 (2009-2010), s. 18-33. Dmitriyevskiy, A.: “Bet-Jalskaya Jenskaya Uçitelskaya Seminariya i poseşenie Damianom”, SİPPO, XXII (1911), s. 65-73. Düstur, I. Tertip, IV, İstanbul: Matbaa-yı Amire 1295. Haiduc-Dale, Noah: Arab Christians in British Mandate Palestine: Communalism and Na¬tionalism, 1917-1948, Edinburg: Edinburg University Press 2013. Harman, Ömer F.: “Konsil”, Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslam Ansiklopedisi, XXVI, 2002, s. 175-178. Hopwood, Derek: The Russian Presence in Syria and Palestine, 1843-1914: Church and Politics in the Near East, Oxford: Clarendon Press 1969. Hourani, Albert: Arabic Thought in the Liberal Age, 1798-1939, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2013. Karolides, Pavlos: Peritis Ethnikis Katagogiston Orthodoxon Christianon Syrias kai Palaistinis, Atina: Typois P. D. Sakellariou 1909. Katz, Itamar and Ruth Kark: “The Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem and its Congregation: Dissent over Real Estate”, International Journal of Middle East Studies, 37 (2005), s. 509-534. Kechriotis, Vangelis: “The Modernization of the Empire and the Community ‘Privileges’: Greek Orthodox Responses to the Young Turk Policies”, The State and the Subaltern: Modernization, Society and the State in Turkey and Iran, ed. Touraj Atabaki, London- New York: I. B. Tauris 2007, s. 53-70. Kuruvilla, S. J.: “Church–State Relations in Palestine: Empires, Arab Nationalism and the Indigenous Greek Orthodox, 1880–1940”, Holy Land Studies, X/1 (2011), s. 55-72. Litvinova, L. V.: “İgumen”, Pravoslavnaya Entsiklopediya, XXI, 2009, s. 168-172. Metaxakis, Meletios: Ai Axiovseiston Arabofonon Orthodoxon tis Palaistinis, İstanbul: Ek tou Patriarchikou Typografeiou 1909. Milas, Herkül: Geçmişten Bugüne Yunanlılar: Dil, Din ve Kimlikleri, İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları 2003. Papastathis, Konstantinos and Ruth Kark: “Orthodox Communal Politics in Palestine after the Young Turk Revolution (1908-1910)”, Jerusalem Quarterly, 56-57 (2013- 2014), s. 118-139. Papastathis, Konstantinos: “Arabic vs. Greek: the Linguistic Aspect of the Jerusalem Ort¬hodox Church Controversy in Late Ottoman Times and the British Mandate”, Ara¬bic and its Alternatives: Religious Minorities and their Languages in the Emerging Na¬tion States of the Middle East (1920-1950), eds. Heleen Murre-van den Berg, Karene Sanchez Summerer and Tijmen C. Baarda, Leiden: Brill 2020, s. 261-286. Papastathis, Konstantinos: “Secularizing the Sacred: The Orthodox Church of Jerusalem as a Representative of Greek Nationalism in the Holy Land”, Modern Greek Studies- Yearbook, 30/31 (2014/2015), s. 37-54. Pomerantsev, İ.: “Patriarşiy Krizis v İerusalime (13 dekabrya 1908 g. – 16 fevralya 1909 g.)”, SİPPO, XX (1909), s. 254-298. Robson, Laura: “Communalism and Nationalism in the Mandate: The Greek Orthodox Controversy and the National Movement”, Journal of Palestine Studies, 41 (2011), s. 6-23. Segev, Tom: One Palestine, Complete: Jews and Arabs under the British Mandate, trans. Haim Watzman, New York: Metropolitan Books 2000. Sokolov, İ.: “Svyatogrobskoe Bratsvo v İeruslime, İstoriçeskiy Oçerk”, SİPPO, XVII (1906), s. 1-23. Stamatopoulos, Dimitris: “Ecumenical Ideology in the Orthodox Millet (19th - 20th c.)”, Economy and Society on both Shores of the Aegean, eds. Lorans Tanatar Baruh and Vangelis Kechriotis, Athens: Alpha Bank Historical Archives 2010, s. 201-247. Stamatopoulos, Dimitris: “Holy Canons or General Regulations? The Ecumenical Patri¬archate vis-à-vis the Challenge of Secularization in the Nineteenth Century”, Inno¬vation in the Orthodox Christian Tradition? The Question of Change in Greek Orthodox Thought and Practice, eds. Trine Stauning Willert and Lina Molokotos-Liederman, Farnham: Ashgate Publishing 2012, s. 143-162. Stamatopoulos, Dimitris: “The Splitting of the Orthodox Millet as a Secularizing process, the Clerical-Lay Assembly of the Bulgarian Exarchate (Istanbul 1871)”, Griechische Kultur in Südosteuropa in der Neuzeit. Beiträge zum Symposium in memoriam Gunnar Hering, eds. Maria A. Stassinopoulou and Ioannis Zelepos, Wien: Verlag der Öster-reichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 2008, s. 243-270. Storrs, Ronald: Orientations, Londra: Nicholson & Watson 1945. Vatikiotis, P. J.: “The Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem between Hellenism and Arabism”, Middle Eastern Studies, XXX/4 (1994), s. 916-929. Vovchenko, Denis: “Creating Arab Nationalism? Russia and Greece in Ottoman Syria and Palestine (1840–1909)”, Middle Eastern Studies, XLIX/6 (2013), s. 901-918.
Yıl 2022, Sayı: 60, 179 - 215, 31.12.2022


This article deals with the last phase of a process which turned into a crisis that eroded common religious values of Orthodox Arabs and Greeks, includ¬ing elements of Rum millet, with an approach including the role of the Ottoman administration in the crisis management. This process, which expressed the struggle of Arabs to participate in the administration of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem by creating social unrest during the second half of 19th century, radicalized the attitudes of Greek clergy as defenders of Greek characteristics of the Patriarchate while nurturing local Arab nationalism. The declaration of Kanun-ı Esasi in 1908 provided not only a legal basis for the demands of Arabs but also included Ottoman administration together with all its central and local institutions in the reemerging conflict more than ever. Despite feelings of freedom and equality brought about by constitutionalism, the Ottoman approach on the issue stayed traditional. In other words, while preventing the Patriarchate from turning into a ‘national church’ for Arabs, the Ottoman administration aimed to repress the corruption of Greek clergy by giving the parish council the right to supervise some duties of the Patriarchate. Finally, supervising implementation of decisions, as the political arbiter, the Ottoman administration managed to balance the disputed parties in line with ‘state interests’.


  • Kaynaklar Devlet Arşivleri Başkanlığı Osmanlı Arşivi (BOA, İstanbul) Babıali Evrak Odası (BEO.) 3433/257457; 3464/259772; 3464/59772; 3481/261038; 3482/261126; 3523/264154; 3526/264410; 3527/264467; 3543/265668; 3610/270739; 3613/270907; 3622/271588; 3628/272056; 3640/272943; 3678/275840; 3717/278710; 3726/279401; 3727/279495; 3749/281122; 3846/288412; 3916/293665; 3939/295410; 3973/297954; 3994/299515; 4227/316998; 4228/317037; 4229/317103. Dahiliye İdare (DH.İD.) 116/31; 118/12. Dahiliye Mektubi Kalemi (DH.MKT.) 1308/4; 2694/92; 2719/61; 2726/35; 2739/73; 2745/94; 2781/5; 2826/88. Dahiliye Nezareti Muhaberat-ı Umumiye İdaresi (DH.MUİ.) 27-1/52; 49-2/14. Hariciye Nezareti İdare (HR.İD.) 2041/86. İrade Hariciye (İ.HR.) 266/15969. İrade Hususi (İ.HUS.) 54/7. Meclis-i Vükela Mazbataları (MV.) 125/17; 130/21; 137/70; 138/42. Şura-yı Devlet (ŞD.) 3197/77. Gazeteler “Kudüs Ahvâli”, Sabah, 6966 (16 Şubat 1909), s. 4. “Kudüs’te Vukû‘ât”, Tanin, 196 (16 Şubat 1909), s. 3. Yayımlanmış Eserler “Jitie i Muçeniestvo sv. Apostola İakova Brata Gospodnya”, Palestinskiy Paterik, 15 (1908), s. 1-23. “Poçetnaya Nagrada Russkomu Generalnomu Konsulu v İerusalime A.F. Kruglovu ot Da¬miana”, Soobşeniya İmparatorkavo Pravoslavnavo Palestinskavo Obşestva (SİPPO), XX (1909), s. 637. “Sobranie Predstaviteley Arabskavo naroda v hrame ap. İakova v İerusalime”, Soobşeniya İmparatorkavo Pravoslavnavo Palestinskavo Obşestva (SİPPO), XXIII (1912), s. 430- 431. “Svyatogrobskoe Bratstvo i Arabı v İerusalime”, Soobşeniya İmparatorkavo Pravoslavnavo Palestinskavo Obşestva (SİPPO), XX (1909), s. 133-144. Anderson, Benedict: Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origins and Spread of Nati¬onalism, London-New York: Verso 2006. Arslan, Melikşah: Suriye ve Filistin’de Rus Mevcudiyeti ve Osmanlı Siyaseti, 1847-1914, Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu Yayınları 2022. Barsov, N. İ.: “Eparhiya” Entsiklopediçeskiy Slovar Brokgauza i Efrona, XI/A, 1894, s. 662. Barsov, N. İ.: “Pasha, Hristianskiy Prazdnik”, Entsiklopediçeskiy Slovar Brokgauza i Efrona, XXII/A, 1897, s. 946-949. Benlisoy, Foti ve Stefo Benlisoy: “Millet-i Rum’dan Helen Ulusuna (1856-1922)”, Modern Türkiye’de Siyasi Düşünce, c. 1: Tanzimat ve Meşrutiyetin Birikimi, ed. Mehmet Ö. Alkan, İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları 2004, s. 367-376. Bertram, Anton and Harry C. Luke: Report of the Commission Appointed by the Govern¬ment of Palestine to Inquire into the Affairs of the Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem, London: Oxford University Press 1921. Bertram, Anton and John W. A. Young: The Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem: Report of the Commission Appointed by the Government of Palestine to Inquire and Report upon Certain Controversies between the Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem and the Arab Orthodox Community, London: Oxford University Press 1926. Bracy, R. Michael: Printing Class: ‘Isa Al-‘Isa, Filastin, and the Textual Construction of Na¬tional Identity, 1911-1931, Lanham: University Press of America 2011. Clogg, Richard: “The Greek Millet in the Ottoman Empire”, Christians and Jews in the Ottoman Empire: The Functioning of a Plural Society, eds. Benjamin Braude and Ber¬nard Lewis, New York: Homes and Meier Publishers 1982, s. 185-207. Çolak, Hasan: The Orthodox Church in the Early Modern Middle East: Relations between the Ottoman Central Administration and the Patriarchates of Antioch, Jerusalem and Alexandria, Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu 2015. Der Matossian, Bedross: “The Young Turks Revolution: Its Impact on Religious Politics of Jerusalem (1908-1912)”, Jerusalem Quarterly, 40 (2009-2010), s. 18-33. Dmitriyevskiy, A.: “Bet-Jalskaya Jenskaya Uçitelskaya Seminariya i poseşenie Damianom”, SİPPO, XXII (1911), s. 65-73. Düstur, I. Tertip, IV, İstanbul: Matbaa-yı Amire 1295. Haiduc-Dale, Noah: Arab Christians in British Mandate Palestine: Communalism and Na¬tionalism, 1917-1948, Edinburg: Edinburg University Press 2013. Harman, Ömer F.: “Konsil”, Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslam Ansiklopedisi, XXVI, 2002, s. 175-178. Hopwood, Derek: The Russian Presence in Syria and Palestine, 1843-1914: Church and Politics in the Near East, Oxford: Clarendon Press 1969. Hourani, Albert: Arabic Thought in the Liberal Age, 1798-1939, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2013. Karolides, Pavlos: Peritis Ethnikis Katagogiston Orthodoxon Christianon Syrias kai Palaistinis, Atina: Typois P. D. Sakellariou 1909. Katz, Itamar and Ruth Kark: “The Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem and its Congregation: Dissent over Real Estate”, International Journal of Middle East Studies, 37 (2005), s. 509-534. Kechriotis, Vangelis: “The Modernization of the Empire and the Community ‘Privileges’: Greek Orthodox Responses to the Young Turk Policies”, The State and the Subaltern: Modernization, Society and the State in Turkey and Iran, ed. Touraj Atabaki, London- New York: I. B. Tauris 2007, s. 53-70. Kuruvilla, S. J.: “Church–State Relations in Palestine: Empires, Arab Nationalism and the Indigenous Greek Orthodox, 1880–1940”, Holy Land Studies, X/1 (2011), s. 55-72. Litvinova, L. V.: “İgumen”, Pravoslavnaya Entsiklopediya, XXI, 2009, s. 168-172. Metaxakis, Meletios: Ai Axiovseiston Arabofonon Orthodoxon tis Palaistinis, İstanbul: Ek tou Patriarchikou Typografeiou 1909. Milas, Herkül: Geçmişten Bugüne Yunanlılar: Dil, Din ve Kimlikleri, İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları 2003. Papastathis, Konstantinos and Ruth Kark: “Orthodox Communal Politics in Palestine after the Young Turk Revolution (1908-1910)”, Jerusalem Quarterly, 56-57 (2013- 2014), s. 118-139. Papastathis, Konstantinos: “Arabic vs. Greek: the Linguistic Aspect of the Jerusalem Ort¬hodox Church Controversy in Late Ottoman Times and the British Mandate”, Ara¬bic and its Alternatives: Religious Minorities and their Languages in the Emerging Na¬tion States of the Middle East (1920-1950), eds. Heleen Murre-van den Berg, Karene Sanchez Summerer and Tijmen C. Baarda, Leiden: Brill 2020, s. 261-286. Papastathis, Konstantinos: “Secularizing the Sacred: The Orthodox Church of Jerusalem as a Representative of Greek Nationalism in the Holy Land”, Modern Greek Studies- Yearbook, 30/31 (2014/2015), s. 37-54. Pomerantsev, İ.: “Patriarşiy Krizis v İerusalime (13 dekabrya 1908 g. – 16 fevralya 1909 g.)”, SİPPO, XX (1909), s. 254-298. Robson, Laura: “Communalism and Nationalism in the Mandate: The Greek Orthodox Controversy and the National Movement”, Journal of Palestine Studies, 41 (2011), s. 6-23. Segev, Tom: One Palestine, Complete: Jews and Arabs under the British Mandate, trans. Haim Watzman, New York: Metropolitan Books 2000. Sokolov, İ.: “Svyatogrobskoe Bratsvo v İeruslime, İstoriçeskiy Oçerk”, SİPPO, XVII (1906), s. 1-23. Stamatopoulos, Dimitris: “Ecumenical Ideology in the Orthodox Millet (19th - 20th c.)”, Economy and Society on both Shores of the Aegean, eds. Lorans Tanatar Baruh and Vangelis Kechriotis, Athens: Alpha Bank Historical Archives 2010, s. 201-247. Stamatopoulos, Dimitris: “Holy Canons or General Regulations? The Ecumenical Patri¬archate vis-à-vis the Challenge of Secularization in the Nineteenth Century”, Inno¬vation in the Orthodox Christian Tradition? The Question of Change in Greek Orthodox Thought and Practice, eds. Trine Stauning Willert and Lina Molokotos-Liederman, Farnham: Ashgate Publishing 2012, s. 143-162. Stamatopoulos, Dimitris: “The Splitting of the Orthodox Millet as a Secularizing process, the Clerical-Lay Assembly of the Bulgarian Exarchate (Istanbul 1871)”, Griechische Kultur in Südosteuropa in der Neuzeit. Beiträge zum Symposium in memoriam Gunnar Hering, eds. Maria A. Stassinopoulou and Ioannis Zelepos, Wien: Verlag der Öster-reichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 2008, s. 243-270. Storrs, Ronald: Orientations, Londra: Nicholson & Watson 1945. Vatikiotis, P. J.: “The Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem between Hellenism and Arabism”, Middle Eastern Studies, XXX/4 (1994), s. 916-929. Vovchenko, Denis: “Creating Arab Nationalism? Russia and Greece in Ottoman Syria and Palestine (1840–1909)”, Middle Eastern Studies, XLIX/6 (2013), s. 901-918.
Toplam 1 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Melikşah Arslan Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Sayı: 60

Kaynak Göster

APA Arslan, M. (2022). Arapçılık ve Helencilik Arasında Osmanlı Devleti: Kudüs Rum Ortodoks Patrikhanesi Krizi (1908-1914). Osmanlı Araştırmaları, 60(60), 179-215.
AMA Arslan M. Arapçılık ve Helencilik Arasında Osmanlı Devleti: Kudüs Rum Ortodoks Patrikhanesi Krizi (1908-1914). OA. Aralık 2022;60(60):179-215. doi:10.18589/oa.1225299
Chicago Arslan, Melikşah. “Arapçılık Ve Helencilik Arasında Osmanlı Devleti: Kudüs Rum Ortodoks Patrikhanesi Krizi (1908-1914)”. Osmanlı Araştırmaları 60, sy. 60 (Aralık 2022): 179-215.
EndNote Arslan M (01 Aralık 2022) Arapçılık ve Helencilik Arasında Osmanlı Devleti: Kudüs Rum Ortodoks Patrikhanesi Krizi (1908-1914). Osmanlı Araştırmaları 60 60 179–215.
IEEE M. Arslan, “Arapçılık ve Helencilik Arasında Osmanlı Devleti: Kudüs Rum Ortodoks Patrikhanesi Krizi (1908-1914)”, OA, c. 60, sy. 60, ss. 179–215, 2022, doi: 10.18589/oa.1225299.
ISNAD Arslan, Melikşah. “Arapçılık Ve Helencilik Arasında Osmanlı Devleti: Kudüs Rum Ortodoks Patrikhanesi Krizi (1908-1914)”. Osmanlı Araştırmaları 60/60 (Aralık 2022), 179-215.
JAMA Arslan M. Arapçılık ve Helencilik Arasında Osmanlı Devleti: Kudüs Rum Ortodoks Patrikhanesi Krizi (1908-1914). OA. 2022;60:179–215.
MLA Arslan, Melikşah. “Arapçılık Ve Helencilik Arasında Osmanlı Devleti: Kudüs Rum Ortodoks Patrikhanesi Krizi (1908-1914)”. Osmanlı Araştırmaları, c. 60, sy. 60, 2022, ss. 179-15, doi:10.18589/oa.1225299.
Vancouver Arslan M. Arapçılık ve Helencilik Arasında Osmanlı Devleti: Kudüs Rum Ortodoks Patrikhanesi Krizi (1908-1914). OA. 2022;60(60):179-215.