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Online Science Education Journal, OSEJ, focuses on serving individuals, especially future generations, to acquire knowledge and skills, and adopts them as its vision. In this sense, OSEJ sees it as its mission to contribute to the development of science education activities in all levels and subject areas from pre-school to higher education and to serve all stakeholders.

OSEJ provides all kinds of scientific studies in all areas of science education.

It is obligatory that the manuscript to be submitted for publication has to be appropriate in accordance with the manuscript rules and publication conditions of our journal.

Research articles that discuss and analyze the topics from different perspectives, teaching application examples, and review studies are given priority. However, the book review that is thought to contribute to our journal's stakeholders in the field of science education, and studies on the introduction of education and didactic theories may also be published.

The evaluation process of the manuscripts sent to our journal starts and is completed electronically. The manuscript submitted by the author(s) is reviewed firstly by the editorial board in terms of appropriateness of content to the OSEJ. After this, the journal editor will appoint two reviewers with a doctorate degree. Once the two referees have issued a decision for publication as positively, the article has prepared in terms of the rules of writing and quotes of OSEJ and investigated the appropriateness of plagiarism and so on (this review process does not change the responsibility of the author).

Yayımlanma Ayları
Haziran Aralık
13554    13679    13680    13681    13682    13684

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Eurasian Scientific Journal Index                Google Scholar                Türk Eğitim İndeksi                i2or

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