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Role of Financial Development on Entrepreneurship in the Emerging Market Economies

Yıl 2016, , 131 - 152, 18.12.2016


paper examines the role of financial development on entrepreneurship by
employing panel data estimation methods for 17 emerging markets economies
over the period 2004-2009. The financial development indicators, the impact
of institutional factors and economic conditions on entrepreneurship will be
empirically investigated in the analysis. In order to determine the linkages
among the variables, two different measures for financial development and
three institutional factors will be utilized in the analysis. Empirical
findings indicate that while financial development and per capita income
level have significantly and positively affected on entrepreneurship as
theoretically expected, inflation rate has had negatively and significantly
influencing entrepreneurship. Additionally, the effects of control of
corruption and political stability, as institutional factors, on
entrepreneurship are positive but insignificant.


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Yükselen Piyasa Ekonomilerinde Finansal Gelişmenin Girişimcilik Üzerindeki Rolü

Yıl 2016, , 131 - 152, 18.12.2016


Bu makale 17 yükselen piyasa ekonomisinde
2004-2009 dönemi için finansal gelişmenin girişimcilik üzerindeki rolünü
panel veri tahmin metotlarını kullanarak incelemektedir. Bu amaçla, finansal
gelişme göstergeleri, kurumsal faktörler ve ekonomik koşulların girişimcilik
üzerine etkisi ampirik olarak araştırılacaktır. Değişkenler arasındaki
bağlantıları belirlemek için, iki farklı finansal gelişme ölçütü ve üç
kurumsal faktör analizlere dahil edilmiştir. Ampirik bulgular, finansal
gelişme ile kişi başına gelirin girişimcilik üzerindeki etkisinin, teorik
beklentilerle uyumlu bir şekilde, pozitif ve istatiksel olarak anlamlı
olduğunu, enflasyonun ise negatif ve istatistiksel olarak anlamlı etkisinin bulunduğunu
göstermektedir. Ayrıca kurumsal faktör olarak, yolsuzluğun kontrol edilmesi
ve siyasal istikrarın girişimcilik üzerine etkisi pozitif fakat anlamsızdır.


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  • Ağır, H. (2010), An Econometric Analysis of Relationship Between Financial Liberalization and Financial Development in Turkey, Ankara: BDDK (in Turkish).
  • Akinboade, O. A. (1998), “Financial Development and Economic Growth in Bostwana: A Test of Causality”, Savings and Development, 12 (3), 331-347.
  • Andrianova, S., Demetriades, P. and A. Shortland (2008), “Government Ownership of Banks, Institutions and Financial Development”, Journal of Development Economics, 85, 218-252.
  • Ang, J. B. (2007), Are Financial Sector Policies Effective in Deepening the Malaysian Financial System?, Discussion Paper, 02/07, Monash University.
  • Ardichvili, A., Cardozo, R. and S. Ray (2003), “A Theory of Entrepreneurial Opportunity Identification and Development”, Journal of Business Venturing, 18, 105-123.
  • Arestis, P. and P. Demetriades (1999), “Finance and Growth: Institutional Considerations, Financial Policies and Causality”, Zagreb International Review of Economics and Business, 2, 37-62.
  • Baliamoune-Lutz, M., Brixiova, Z. and L. Ndikumana (2011), Credit Constraints and Productive Entrepreneurship in Africa, Political Economy Research Institute Working Paper Series, Paper No: 256, University of Massachusetts.
  • Baltagi, B., Demetriades, P. and S. H. Law (2007), Financial Development, Openness and Institutions, Discussion Paper in Economics, 2007/05, University of Leicester.
  • Baltagi, B. H.(1998). “Panel Data Methods”, in Aman Ullah and David E.A. Giles (eds.), Handbook of Applied Economic Statistics, New York: Marcel Dekker.
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  • Barth, J., Caprio, G. and R. Levine (2001), “Banking System Around the Globe: Do Regulation and Ownership Affect Performance And Stability?” in F. Mishkin (editor). Prudential Regulation and Supervision: Why it is Important and What are the Issues?, National Bureau of Economic Research.
  • Bastie, F., Cieply, S. and P. Cussy (2013), “The Entrepreneur’s Mode of Entry: The Effect of Social and Financial Capital”, Small Business Economics, 40(4), 865-877.
  • Baum, C. F. (2006), An Introduction to Modern Econometrics Using STATA, Texas: Stata Press Publication.
  • Baumol, W. J .(1990), “Entrepreneurship: Productive, Unproductive, and Destructive”, Journal of Political Economy, 98(5): 893-921.
  • Beaugrand, P., Boileau, L. and M. Montfort (2002), The Choice Between External and Domestic Debt in Financing Budget Deficits: The Case of Central and West African Countries. IMF Working Paper. WP/02/79.
  • Beck, N. and J. Katz (1995), “What To Do (and Not To Do) with Time Series Cross Section Data”, American Political Science Review, 89(3), 634-647.
  • Beck, T., Demirgüç-Kunt, A. and R. Levine (2001a), Law, Politics and Finance. World Bank Working Paper, No. 2585.
  • Beck, T., Demirgüç-Kunt, A. and R. Levine (2001b), “Legal Theories of Financial Development”, Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 17(4), 483-501.
  • Beck, T. and R. Levine (2004). “Stock Markets, Banks, and Growth: Panel Evidence”, Journal of Banking and Finance, 28(3), 423-442.
  • Beck, T. and A. Demirguc-Kunt (2009), “Financial Institutions and Markets across Countries and over Time: Data and Analysis”, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, Paper No. 4943.
  • Bekaert, G., Harvey, C. R. and C. Lundblad (2001). “Emerging Equity Markets and Economic Development”, Journal of Development Economics, 66: 465-504.
  • Ben Naceur, S., Boubakri, N. and S. Ghazouani (2008). Privatization and Financial Market Development: A Comparison between MENA Countries and Other Regions, Economic Research Forum, Working Paper No. 390.
  • Bencivenga, V. and B. Smith (1991), “Financial Intermediation and Endogenous Growth”, Review of Economic Studies, 58, 195-209.
  • Bental, B. and B. Eden (2002), “Reserve Requirements and Output Fluctuations”, Journal of Monetary Economics, 49, 1597–1620.
  • Bianchi, M. (2010), “Credit Constraints, Entrepreneurial Talent and Economic Development”. Small Business Economics, 34(1), 93-104.
  • Bittencourt, M. (2008), Inflation and Financial Development: Evidence from Brazil. United Nations University, Research Paper No: 2008/14.
  • Blackburn, K. and R. Sarmah (2006). Red Tape, Corruption and Finance. Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series, Paper No: 82, The University of Manchester.
  • Bortolotti, B., de Jong, F., Nicodano, G. and I. Schindele (2007), “Privatization and Stock Market Liquidity”, Journal of Banking and Finance, 31, 297-316.
  • Boubakri, N. and O. Hamza (2007), “The Dynamics of Privatization, the Legal Environment and Stock Market Development”, International Review of Financial Analysis, 16, 304-331.
  • Boyd, J., Levine, R. and B. Smith (2001), “The Impact of Inflation on Financial Sector Performance”, Journal of Monetary Economics, 47, 221-248.
  • Breusch, T. S. and A. R. Pagan (1980), “The Lagrange Multiplier Test and Its Applications to Model Selection in Econometrics”, Review of Economics Studies 47(1), 239-253.
  • Brownbridge, M., Kirkpatrick, C. H. and S.M. Maimbo (2005), “Financial Regulation in Developing Countries: Policy and Recent Experience”, in C. Green, C. Kirkpatrick and V. Murinde (editors), Finance and Development Surveys of Theory, Evidence and Policy, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 154-180.
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Toplam 127 adet kaynakça vardır.


Bölüm Makaleler

Muhsin Kar Bu kişi benim

Şerife Özşahin

Yayımlanma Tarihi 18 Aralık 2016
Gönderilme Tarihi 4 Aralık 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2016

Kaynak Göster

APA Kar, M., & Özşahin, Ş. (2016). Yükselen Piyasa Ekonomilerinde Finansal Gelişmenin Girişimcilik Üzerindeki Rolü. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 11(3), 131-152.