Job Search Intensity of Unemployed in Turkey
Yıl 2019,
, 615 - 630, 31.12.2019
İsmail Şentürk
This study seeks to examine job search behaviour and factors affecting job search intensity of unemployed through a survey conducted countrywide of Turkey. In order to analyse data, Crostabs and Pearson chi-square test and Ordered Probit methods were utilized. It has been revealed that job search intensity of women is affected by their responsibility of managing household, number of children and member of family and a rise in household income. Besides, it has been shown that factors through which women’s job search behaviour is affected do not have an impact on men’s behaviour. Moreover, it has been explored that unemployment duration is negatively associated with job search intensity of the unemployed. As regards unemployment benefits, in contradiction with the expectation, it leads to an increase in the point at issue. This paper is believed to provide insights with decision-makers about focusing on and diversifying active labor market policies, facilitating access to unemployment benefits and striving for gender equality. |
- Addison, John T.; Portugal, Pedro (2002), “Job search methods and outcomes”, Oxford Economic Papers, Vol. 54 No. 3: 505-533.Bachmann, Ronald; Baumgarten, Daniel (2013), “How do the unemployed search for a job? Evidence from the EU Labour Force Sur-vey”, IZA Journal of European Labor Studies, 2: 22.Barron, John M.; Mellow, Wesley (1979), “Search Effort in the Labor Market”, Journal of Human Resources, Vol. 14 No. 3: 389-404.Blau, David M.; Robins, Philip K. (1990), “Job search outcomes for the employed and unemployed”, Journal of political Economy, Vol. 98 No. 3: 637-655.Eppel, Rainer; Mahringer, Helmut; Weber, A. (2014), “Job Search Behaviour and Job Search Success of the Unemployed”, WIFO Wor-king Papers, No. 471.Fougere, Denis; Pradel, Jacqueline; Roger, M. (2005), “Does job-search assistance affect search effort and outcomes? A microeconomet-ric analysis of public versusprivate search methods” IZA Discussion Papers, No. 1825.Gregg, Paul; Wadsworth, Jonathan (1996), “How effective are state employment agencies? Jobcentre use and job matching in Bri-tain” Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 58 No. 3: 443-467.Holzer, Harry J. (1988), “Search method use by unemployed youth”, Journal of Labor Economics, Vol. 6 No. 1: 1-20.Koning, Pierre; van den Berg, Gerard J.; Ridder, G. (1997), “A structural analysis of job search methods and subsequent wages”, Serie research memoranda, Research Memorandum No. 1997-36. Kroft, Kory; Pope, Devin G. (2010), “Does online search crowd out traditional search and improve matching efficiency? Evidence from Craigslist”, Journal of Labor Economics, Vol. 32 No. 2: 259-303,Kuhn, Peter; Mansour, Hani (2014), “Is Internet job search still ineffective?”, The Economic Journal, Vol. 124 No. 581: 1213-1233.Kuhn, Peter; Skuterud, Mikal (2004), “Internet job search and unemployment durations” American Economic Review, Vol. 94 No. 1: 218-232.Loury, Linda Datcher (2006), “Some contacts are more equal than others: Informal networks, job tenure, and wages” Journal of Labor Economics, Vol. 24 No. 2: 299-318.Marmaros, David; Sacerdote, Bruce (2002), “Peer and social networks in job search” European Economic Review, Vol. 46 No. 4–5: 870–879.McElvey, Richard D.; Zavoina, William (1975), "A Statistical Model for the Analysis of Ordinal Level Dependent Variables", Journal of Mathematical Sociology, Vol. 4 No 1: 103-120.Montgomery, James D. (1992) “Job search and network composition: Implications of the strength-of-weak-ties hypothesis” American Sociological Review, Vol. 57: 586–595.Osberg, Lars (1993), “Fishing in different pools: job-search strategies and job-finding success in Canada in the early 1980s” Journal of labor economics, Vol. 11 No. 2: 348-386.Rees, Albert (1966), “Information networks in labor markets”, American Economic Review, Vol. 56 No. 1-2:559–566.Rosenbaum, James E.; DeLuca, Stephanie; Miller, Shaiza; Roy, K. (1999), “Pathways into work: Short- and long-term effects of personal and institutional ties”, Sociology of Education, Vol. 72 No. 3: 179–196.Simon, Curtis J.; Warner, John T. (1992), “Matchmaker, matchmaker: The effect of old boy networks on job match quality, earnings, and tenure”, Journal of Labor Economics, Vol. 10 No. 3: 306–330.Stevenson, Betsey (2007), “The impact of the Internet on worker flows”, (Erişim: 10.10.2018).Stevenson, Betsey (2009), “The Internet and job search”, (Ed. David Autor), Labor Market Intermediation, Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 67-86.Thomas, Jonathan M. (1997), "Public Employment Agencies and Unemployment Spells: Reconciling the Experimental and Nonexperi-mental Evidence", Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Vol. 50 No. 4: 667-683.Thomsen, Stephan L.; Wittich, Mick (2010), “Which one to choose? Evidence on the choice and success of job search methods”, Schmol-lers Jahrbuch, Vol. 130 No. 4: 445–483.Wahba, Jackline; Zenou, Yves (2005), “Density, social networks and job-search methods: Theory and application to Egypt”, Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 78 No. 2: 443–473.Weber, Andrea; Mahringer, Helmut (2008), “Choice and success of job search methods”, Empirical Economics, Vol. 35 No. 1: 153-178.Williams, Richard (2012), “Using the margins command to estimate and interpret adjusted predictions and marginal effects”, Stata Journal, Vol. 12 No. 2: 308-331.4
Türkiye’de İşsizlerin İş Arama Yoğunluğu
Yıl 2019,
, 615 - 630, 31.12.2019
İsmail Şentürk
Türkiye’de işsiz bireylerin iş arama davranışları ve iş arama yoğunluğunu etkileyen faktörlerin incelendiği çalışmada, ülke çapında yapılan anket ile elde edilen veriler kullanılmıştır. Analiz yöntemi olarak çapraz tablolar ile Pearson ki-kare testi ve Sıralı Probit yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Kadınların iş arama yoğunluğunun ailenin geçiminden sorumlu olma durumundan, çocuk sayısından, hanehalkının gelirinden ve ailede yaşayan kişi sayısından etkilendiği tespit edilmiştir. Bu etki erkek bireyler için geçerli değildir. Ayrıca işsizlik süresinin iş arama yoğunluğunu olumsuz etkilediği belirlenmiştir. İşsizlik ödeneğinin ise beklenen negatif etkisini göstermediği ve iş arama yoğunluğunu artırdığı görülmüştür. Bulgulara göre politika yapıcılara aktif işgücü piyasası politikalarına ağırlık verilmesi ve çeşitlendirilmesi, işsizlik ödeneğine erişimin kolaylaştırılması ve toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliğinin sağlanması konusunda çaba gösterilmesi önerilerinde bulunulmuştur. |
- Addison, John T.; Portugal, Pedro (2002), “Job search methods and outcomes”, Oxford Economic Papers, Vol. 54 No. 3: 505-533.Bachmann, Ronald; Baumgarten, Daniel (2013), “How do the unemployed search for a job? Evidence from the EU Labour Force Sur-vey”, IZA Journal of European Labor Studies, 2: 22.Barron, John M.; Mellow, Wesley (1979), “Search Effort in the Labor Market”, Journal of Human Resources, Vol. 14 No. 3: 389-404.Blau, David M.; Robins, Philip K. (1990), “Job search outcomes for the employed and unemployed”, Journal of political Economy, Vol. 98 No. 3: 637-655.Eppel, Rainer; Mahringer, Helmut; Weber, A. (2014), “Job Search Behaviour and Job Search Success of the Unemployed”, WIFO Wor-king Papers, No. 471.Fougere, Denis; Pradel, Jacqueline; Roger, M. (2005), “Does job-search assistance affect search effort and outcomes? A microeconomet-ric analysis of public versusprivate search methods” IZA Discussion Papers, No. 1825.Gregg, Paul; Wadsworth, Jonathan (1996), “How effective are state employment agencies? Jobcentre use and job matching in Bri-tain” Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 58 No. 3: 443-467.Holzer, Harry J. (1988), “Search method use by unemployed youth”, Journal of Labor Economics, Vol. 6 No. 1: 1-20.Koning, Pierre; van den Berg, Gerard J.; Ridder, G. (1997), “A structural analysis of job search methods and subsequent wages”, Serie research memoranda, Research Memorandum No. 1997-36. Kroft, Kory; Pope, Devin G. (2010), “Does online search crowd out traditional search and improve matching efficiency? Evidence from Craigslist”, Journal of Labor Economics, Vol. 32 No. 2: 259-303,Kuhn, Peter; Mansour, Hani (2014), “Is Internet job search still ineffective?”, The Economic Journal, Vol. 124 No. 581: 1213-1233.Kuhn, Peter; Skuterud, Mikal (2004), “Internet job search and unemployment durations” American Economic Review, Vol. 94 No. 1: 218-232.Loury, Linda Datcher (2006), “Some contacts are more equal than others: Informal networks, job tenure, and wages” Journal of Labor Economics, Vol. 24 No. 2: 299-318.Marmaros, David; Sacerdote, Bruce (2002), “Peer and social networks in job search” European Economic Review, Vol. 46 No. 4–5: 870–879.McElvey, Richard D.; Zavoina, William (1975), "A Statistical Model for the Analysis of Ordinal Level Dependent Variables", Journal of Mathematical Sociology, Vol. 4 No 1: 103-120.Montgomery, James D. (1992) “Job search and network composition: Implications of the strength-of-weak-ties hypothesis” American Sociological Review, Vol. 57: 586–595.Osberg, Lars (1993), “Fishing in different pools: job-search strategies and job-finding success in Canada in the early 1980s” Journal of labor economics, Vol. 11 No. 2: 348-386.Rees, Albert (1966), “Information networks in labor markets”, American Economic Review, Vol. 56 No. 1-2:559–566.Rosenbaum, James E.; DeLuca, Stephanie; Miller, Shaiza; Roy, K. (1999), “Pathways into work: Short- and long-term effects of personal and institutional ties”, Sociology of Education, Vol. 72 No. 3: 179–196.Simon, Curtis J.; Warner, John T. (1992), “Matchmaker, matchmaker: The effect of old boy networks on job match quality, earnings, and tenure”, Journal of Labor Economics, Vol. 10 No. 3: 306–330.Stevenson, Betsey (2007), “The impact of the Internet on worker flows”, (Erişim: 10.10.2018).Stevenson, Betsey (2009), “The Internet and job search”, (Ed. David Autor), Labor Market Intermediation, Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 67-86.Thomas, Jonathan M. (1997), "Public Employment Agencies and Unemployment Spells: Reconciling the Experimental and Nonexperi-mental Evidence", Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Vol. 50 No. 4: 667-683.Thomsen, Stephan L.; Wittich, Mick (2010), “Which one to choose? Evidence on the choice and success of job search methods”, Schmol-lers Jahrbuch, Vol. 130 No. 4: 445–483.Wahba, Jackline; Zenou, Yves (2005), “Density, social networks and job-search methods: Theory and application to Egypt”, Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 78 No. 2: 443–473.Weber, Andrea; Mahringer, Helmut (2008), “Choice and success of job search methods”, Empirical Economics, Vol. 35 No. 1: 153-178.Williams, Richard (2012), “Using the margins command to estimate and interpret adjusted predictions and marginal effects”, Stata Journal, Vol. 12 No. 2: 308-331.4