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Kısmi En Küçük Kareler Yapısal Eşitlik Modellemesiyle Bir Elektrik Dağıtım Şirketinin Hizmet Kalitesinin Araştırılması

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 15 Sayı: 2, 437 - 456, 01.08.2020


Bu çalışmada, Amerikan Müşteri Memnuniyeti İndeksi (ACSI) Modeliyle bir elektrik dağıtım şirketi müşterileri-nin hizmet kalitesi araştırılmıştır. ACSI’de yer alan faktör-ler Algılanan Kalite, Algılanan Değer, Müşteri Şikâyetleri, Müşteri Beklentileri ve Müşteri Sadakatidir. Çalışmada, faktörler arası ilişkiler ve ACSI modeli, Kısmi En Küçük Kareler Yapısal Eşitlik Modellemesi (KEKK-YEM) yardımıy-la test edilmiştir. Bu çalışmada ilk önce anketin tasar-lanmasına yönelik literatür taraması yapılmıştır. Daha sonra, geliştirilen anket Eskişehir Büyükdere Mahalle-si'nde 400 katılımcıyla yüz yüze görüşülerek uygulanmış-tır. Çalışmanın sonunda derlenen veriler yardımıyla, ACSI, KEKK-YEM ile analiz edilmiş ve modelin uygunluğu çeşitli uyum ölçütlerine göre değerlendirilmiştir. Analiz sonuçlarından, Algılanan Kalitedeki bir birimlik artışın, Memnuniyeti 0,25 birim arttıracağı, memnuniyetteki bir birimlik artışın da Sadakati 0,40 birim arttıracağı tahmin edilmiştir.  


  • Anderson, Eugene W.; Fornell, Claes (2000), “Foundations of the American Customer Satisfaction Index”, Total Quality Management, Vol.11 No.7: 869-882.
  • Bayol, Marie-Paule; Foye, Anne de la; Tellier, Carole; Tenenhaus, Michel (2000), “Use of PLS path modelling to estimate the European Consumer Satisfaction Index (ECSI) model”, Statistica Applicata, Vol.12 No.3: 361-375.
  • Barsky, Jonathan D. (1992), “Customer satisfaction in the hotel industry: meaning and measurement”, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, Vol.16 No.1: 51–73.
  • CFI Group (2013), “The American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) Technology: A Methodological Primer”.
  • Cassel, Claes-M. (2001), “Measuring Customer Satisfaction in the Public Sector.” https://www.scb.se/Grupp/Produkter_Tjanster/Kurser/Tidigare_kurser/q2001/Session_29.pdf.
  • Deng, Wei Jaw; Yeh, Minglang; Sung, Mialang (2013), “A customer satisfaction index model for international tourist hotels: Integrating consumption emotions into the American Customer Satisfaction Index”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Vol.35: 133–140.
  • Eskildsen, Jakob; Kristensen, Kai; Juhl, Hans JØrn; Ostergaard, Peder (2004), “The Drivers of Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty: The Case of Denmark 2000-2002”, Total Quality Management, Vol.15 No.5-6: 859-868.
  • Fornell, Claes; Lacker, David F. Larcker (1981), “Evaluating structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error”, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol.18: 39-50.
  • Fornell, Claes; Bookstein, Fred L. (1982), “Two structural equation models: LISREL and PLS applied to consumer exit-voice theory”, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol.19 No.4:440–452.
  • Fornell, Claes (1992), “A national customer satisfaction barometer: the Swedish experience”, Journal of Marketing, Vol.56 No.1: 6–21.
  • Fornell, Claes; Cha, Jaesung (1994), Partial least squares, In R. Bagozzi (Ed.), Advanced methods of marketing, 52-78. Cambridge: Blackwell.
  • Fornell, Claes; Johnson, Michael; Anderson, Eugene W.; Cha, Jeasung; Bryant, Barbara Everitt (1996), “The American Customer Satisfaction Index: Nature, Purpose, and Findings”, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 60 No.4: 7-18.
  • Dülgeroğlu, İsmail (2017), “Son Tüketicilerin Değer Bilinci ve Fiyat-Kalite İlişkilerinin İnternet Üzerinden Satın Alma Davranışı Üzerindeki Etkisi: Kırklareli İlinde Bir Araştırma”, Kırklareli Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, Vol.6 No.1: 53-63.
  • Grigaliūnaitė, Viktorija; Pilelienė, Lina (2013), “Customer Satisfaction With Catering Services In Lıthunia”, Regional Formation and Development Studies, Vol.3 No.11:75-87.
  • Hair, Jr. Joseph F.; Jr., Tatham, Ronald L., Anderson, Rolph E.; Black, William (1998), Multivariate data analysis with readings, 5th Edn. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
  • Hair, Jr. Joseph F.; Hult, G. Tomas M.; Ringle, Christian M.; Sarstedt, Marko (2013), A primer on partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM), SAGE Publications, Inc.
  • Hirschman, Albert O. (1970), Exit, Voice, and Loyalty: Responses to Declines in Firms, Organizations and States, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA.
  • Jacoby, Jacob (1971), “A Model Of Multi-Brand Loyalty”, Journal of Advertising Research, Vol.11: 25-30.
  • Johnson, Michael; Gustafsson, Anders; Andreassen, Tor Wallin; Lervik, Line; Cha, Jaesung (2001), “The Evaluation and Future of National Customer Satsifaction Index Models”, Journal of Economic Psychology, Vol.22 No.2: 217-245.
  • Kandampully, Jay; Suhartanto, Dwi (2000), “Customer loyalty in the hotel industry: the role of customer satisfaction and image”, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol.12 No.6: 346–351.
  • Kline, Rex B. (2011), Principles And Practice Of Structural Equation Modeling, New York: Guilford Press.
  • Knutson, Bonnie J. (1988), “Frequent travelers: making them happy and bringing them back”, The Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, Vol.29 No.1: 83–87.
  • Lee, Yu-Cheng; Wang, Yu-Che; Lu, Shu-Chiung; Hsieh, Yi-Fang; Chien, Chih-Hung; Tsai, Sang-Bing; Dong, Weiwei (2016), “An Empirical Research on Customer Satisfaction Study: A Consideration Of Different Levels of Performance”, SpringerPlus, Vol.5 No.1:1577. doi:10.1186/s40064-016-3208-z.
  • Lohmöller, Jan-Bernd (1984), LVPLS 1.6 program manual: latent variables path analysis with partial least-squares estimation; mit 2 Disketten Version 1.8, Köln: Zentralarchiv für Empirische Sozialforschung.
  • Lohmöller, Jan-Bernd (1989), Latent Variable Path Modeling with Partial Least Squares, Physica, Heidelberg.
  • Maxham, James G.; Netemeyer, Richard G. (2002), “Modeling customer perceptions of complaint handling over time: the effects of perceived justice on satisfaction and intent”, Journal of Retailing, Vol.78 No.4: 239–252.
  • Mutua, John; Ngui, Diana; Osiolo, Helen; Aligula, Eric; Gachanja, James (2012), “Consumer satisfaction in the energy sector in Kenya”, Energy Policy, Vol.48: 702-710.
  • Satria, Rd. Okky; Suzanto, Boy; Sidharta, Iwan (2015), “The Role of Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty though Student Perception on Mobile Broadband Based on Consumer Satisfaction Index Model (CSI)”, International Journal of Business Quantitative Economics and Applied Management Research, Vol.2 No.5: 56-71.
  • Pilelienė, Lina; Almeida, Nuno; Grigaliūnaitė, Viktorija (2016), “Customer satisfaction in catering industry: Contrasts between Lithuania and Portugal”, Tourism&Management Studies, Vol.12 No.1: 53-59.
  • Schneeweiss, Hans (1991), Models with latent variables: LISREL versus PLS, Statistica Neerlandica, Vol.45 No.2:145–157.
  • Smith, Amy K.; Bolton, Ruth N. (1998), “An experimental investigation of customer reactions to service failure and recovery encounters: paradox or peril?”, Journal of Service Research, Vol.1 No.1: 65-81.
  • Song, Haiyan; Li, Gang; Veen, Robert van der; Chen, Jason Li (2011), “Assessing Mainland Chinese Tourists’ Satisfaction with Hong Kong Using Tourist Satisfaction Index”, International Journal of Tourism Research, Vol.13 No.1: 82-96.
  • Strenitzerová, Mariana; Gan̆a, Ján (2018), “Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty as a Part of Customer-Based Corporate Sustainability in the Sektor of Mobile Communications Services”, Sustainability, Vol.10: 1657. doi:10.3390/su10051657.
  • Sugiati, Tinik; Thoyib, Armanu; Hadiwidjoyo, Djumilah; Setiawan, Margono (2013), “The Role of Customer Value on Satisfaction and Loyalty (Study on Hypermart’s Customers)”, International Journal of Business and Management Invention, Vol.2 No.6: 65-70.
  • Tunçay, Ahmet (2009), “Müşteri memnuniyeti algısı temel alınarak EFQM mükemmelik modeli ile kurumsal performans ölçümü: bir lojistik firma uygulaması”, Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Kara Harp Okulu. Savunma Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Malzeme Tedarik ve Lojistik Yönetimi Ana Bilim Dalı.
  • Tenenhaus, Michel (1998), La Régression PLS: théorie et pratique, Technip, Paris.
  • Tenenhaus, Michel (1999), “Lapproche PLS. Revue de Statistique Applique”, Vol.47 No.2: 5–40.
  • Tenenhaus, Michel; Vinzi, Vincenzo Esposito; Chatelin, Yves-Marie; Lauro, Carlo (2005), “PLS path modeling”, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, Vol.48 No.1:159–205.
  • Terblanche, Nic S. (2005), “A Study of Two Customer Retention Measures: The American Customer Satisfaction Index And The Conversion Model”, ANZMAC Conference: Relationship Marketing (Consumer), Vol 1:50 – 65.
  • Tüzüntürk, Selim; Dülgeroğlu, İsmail; Gönüller, Şeref (2016), “Avrupa Müşteri Memnuniyeti Endeksi Modeli: Marmara Bölgesi’nde Bir Lüks Otomobil Markasının Satış Sonrası Hizmetlerinin Bulguları”, Akademik Bakış Uluslararası Hakemli Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Vol 55: 109-131.
  • Wold, Herman. (1982), Soft modeling: The basic design and some extensions, In Jöreskog, K. G. And Wold, H., editors, Systems Under Indirect Observations: Part I, 1-54. North-Holland, Amsterdam.
  • Wold, Svante; Martens, Herald; Wold, Herman (1983), The multivariate calibration problem in chemistry solved by the PLS method, In In: Ruhe, A., Kagstrom, B. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Conference on Matrix Pencils. Lectures Notes in Mathematics, Heidelberg. Springer.
  • Wold, Herman (1985), Partial least squares, In S. Kotz, and N. L. Johnson, (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences, 6:581-591. New York: Wiley
  • Van Ryzin, Gregg G.; Muzzio, Douglas; Immerwahr, Stephen; Gulick, Lisa; Martinez, Eve (2004), “Drivers and Consequences of Citizen Satisfaction: An Application of the American Customer Satisfaction Index Model to New York City”, Public Administration Review, Vol.64 No.3:331-341.
  • Vinzi, Vincenzo Esposito; Trinchera, Laura; Amato, Silvano (2010), PLS path modeling: from foundations to recent developments and open issues for model assessment and improvement, In: V.E. Vinzi, W.W. Chin, J. Hensler, and H. Wold (Eds.,) Handbook of partial least squares. Heidelberg: Springer.
  • Zeithaml, Valarie A.; Berry, Leonard L.; Parasuraman, Ananthanarayanan (1996), “The behavioral consequences of service quality”, Journal of Marketing, Vol.60: 31–46.

Investigation of the Quality of Service of an Electrical Distribution Company with Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 15 Sayı: 2, 437 - 456, 01.08.2020


In this study, service quality of customers of an electricity distribution company has been investigated with the American Customer Satisfaction Index Model (ACSI). The factors included in ACSI are Perceived Quality, Perceived Value, Customer Complaints, Customer Expectations and Customer Loyalty. In the study, the relationships between the factors and the ACSI model were tested with the help of Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). In this study, a literature review was carried out for the design of the questionnaire. Then, the develo-ped questionnaire was applied face to face with 400 participants in the Büyükdere neighborhood of Eskişehir. At the end of the study, with the help of the data compi-led, ACSI was analyzed by PLS-SEM and the suitability of the model was evaluated according to various compliance criteria. From the results of the analysis, it is estimated that a one-unit increase in Perceived Quality will increase the Satisfaction by 0.25 units, and a unit of increase in satisfaction will increase Loyalty by 0.40 units.


  • Anderson, Eugene W.; Fornell, Claes (2000), “Foundations of the American Customer Satisfaction Index”, Total Quality Management, Vol.11 No.7: 869-882.
  • Bayol, Marie-Paule; Foye, Anne de la; Tellier, Carole; Tenenhaus, Michel (2000), “Use of PLS path modelling to estimate the European Consumer Satisfaction Index (ECSI) model”, Statistica Applicata, Vol.12 No.3: 361-375.
  • Barsky, Jonathan D. (1992), “Customer satisfaction in the hotel industry: meaning and measurement”, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, Vol.16 No.1: 51–73.
  • CFI Group (2013), “The American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) Technology: A Methodological Primer”.
  • Cassel, Claes-M. (2001), “Measuring Customer Satisfaction in the Public Sector.” https://www.scb.se/Grupp/Produkter_Tjanster/Kurser/Tidigare_kurser/q2001/Session_29.pdf.
  • Deng, Wei Jaw; Yeh, Minglang; Sung, Mialang (2013), “A customer satisfaction index model for international tourist hotels: Integrating consumption emotions into the American Customer Satisfaction Index”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Vol.35: 133–140.
  • Eskildsen, Jakob; Kristensen, Kai; Juhl, Hans JØrn; Ostergaard, Peder (2004), “The Drivers of Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty: The Case of Denmark 2000-2002”, Total Quality Management, Vol.15 No.5-6: 859-868.
  • Fornell, Claes; Lacker, David F. Larcker (1981), “Evaluating structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error”, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol.18: 39-50.
  • Fornell, Claes; Bookstein, Fred L. (1982), “Two structural equation models: LISREL and PLS applied to consumer exit-voice theory”, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol.19 No.4:440–452.
  • Fornell, Claes (1992), “A national customer satisfaction barometer: the Swedish experience”, Journal of Marketing, Vol.56 No.1: 6–21.
  • Fornell, Claes; Cha, Jaesung (1994), Partial least squares, In R. Bagozzi (Ed.), Advanced methods of marketing, 52-78. Cambridge: Blackwell.
  • Fornell, Claes; Johnson, Michael; Anderson, Eugene W.; Cha, Jeasung; Bryant, Barbara Everitt (1996), “The American Customer Satisfaction Index: Nature, Purpose, and Findings”, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 60 No.4: 7-18.
  • Dülgeroğlu, İsmail (2017), “Son Tüketicilerin Değer Bilinci ve Fiyat-Kalite İlişkilerinin İnternet Üzerinden Satın Alma Davranışı Üzerindeki Etkisi: Kırklareli İlinde Bir Araştırma”, Kırklareli Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, Vol.6 No.1: 53-63.
  • Grigaliūnaitė, Viktorija; Pilelienė, Lina (2013), “Customer Satisfaction With Catering Services In Lıthunia”, Regional Formation and Development Studies, Vol.3 No.11:75-87.
  • Hair, Jr. Joseph F.; Jr., Tatham, Ronald L., Anderson, Rolph E.; Black, William (1998), Multivariate data analysis with readings, 5th Edn. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
  • Hair, Jr. Joseph F.; Hult, G. Tomas M.; Ringle, Christian M.; Sarstedt, Marko (2013), A primer on partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM), SAGE Publications, Inc.
  • Hirschman, Albert O. (1970), Exit, Voice, and Loyalty: Responses to Declines in Firms, Organizations and States, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA.
  • Jacoby, Jacob (1971), “A Model Of Multi-Brand Loyalty”, Journal of Advertising Research, Vol.11: 25-30.
  • Johnson, Michael; Gustafsson, Anders; Andreassen, Tor Wallin; Lervik, Line; Cha, Jaesung (2001), “The Evaluation and Future of National Customer Satsifaction Index Models”, Journal of Economic Psychology, Vol.22 No.2: 217-245.
  • Kandampully, Jay; Suhartanto, Dwi (2000), “Customer loyalty in the hotel industry: the role of customer satisfaction and image”, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol.12 No.6: 346–351.
  • Kline, Rex B. (2011), Principles And Practice Of Structural Equation Modeling, New York: Guilford Press.
  • Knutson, Bonnie J. (1988), “Frequent travelers: making them happy and bringing them back”, The Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, Vol.29 No.1: 83–87.
  • Lee, Yu-Cheng; Wang, Yu-Che; Lu, Shu-Chiung; Hsieh, Yi-Fang; Chien, Chih-Hung; Tsai, Sang-Bing; Dong, Weiwei (2016), “An Empirical Research on Customer Satisfaction Study: A Consideration Of Different Levels of Performance”, SpringerPlus, Vol.5 No.1:1577. doi:10.1186/s40064-016-3208-z.
  • Lohmöller, Jan-Bernd (1984), LVPLS 1.6 program manual: latent variables path analysis with partial least-squares estimation; mit 2 Disketten Version 1.8, Köln: Zentralarchiv für Empirische Sozialforschung.
  • Lohmöller, Jan-Bernd (1989), Latent Variable Path Modeling with Partial Least Squares, Physica, Heidelberg.
  • Maxham, James G.; Netemeyer, Richard G. (2002), “Modeling customer perceptions of complaint handling over time: the effects of perceived justice on satisfaction and intent”, Journal of Retailing, Vol.78 No.4: 239–252.
  • Mutua, John; Ngui, Diana; Osiolo, Helen; Aligula, Eric; Gachanja, James (2012), “Consumer satisfaction in the energy sector in Kenya”, Energy Policy, Vol.48: 702-710.
  • Satria, Rd. Okky; Suzanto, Boy; Sidharta, Iwan (2015), “The Role of Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty though Student Perception on Mobile Broadband Based on Consumer Satisfaction Index Model (CSI)”, International Journal of Business Quantitative Economics and Applied Management Research, Vol.2 No.5: 56-71.
  • Pilelienė, Lina; Almeida, Nuno; Grigaliūnaitė, Viktorija (2016), “Customer satisfaction in catering industry: Contrasts between Lithuania and Portugal”, Tourism&Management Studies, Vol.12 No.1: 53-59.
  • Schneeweiss, Hans (1991), Models with latent variables: LISREL versus PLS, Statistica Neerlandica, Vol.45 No.2:145–157.
  • Smith, Amy K.; Bolton, Ruth N. (1998), “An experimental investigation of customer reactions to service failure and recovery encounters: paradox or peril?”, Journal of Service Research, Vol.1 No.1: 65-81.
  • Song, Haiyan; Li, Gang; Veen, Robert van der; Chen, Jason Li (2011), “Assessing Mainland Chinese Tourists’ Satisfaction with Hong Kong Using Tourist Satisfaction Index”, International Journal of Tourism Research, Vol.13 No.1: 82-96.
  • Strenitzerová, Mariana; Gan̆a, Ján (2018), “Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty as a Part of Customer-Based Corporate Sustainability in the Sektor of Mobile Communications Services”, Sustainability, Vol.10: 1657. doi:10.3390/su10051657.
  • Sugiati, Tinik; Thoyib, Armanu; Hadiwidjoyo, Djumilah; Setiawan, Margono (2013), “The Role of Customer Value on Satisfaction and Loyalty (Study on Hypermart’s Customers)”, International Journal of Business and Management Invention, Vol.2 No.6: 65-70.
  • Tunçay, Ahmet (2009), “Müşteri memnuniyeti algısı temel alınarak EFQM mükemmelik modeli ile kurumsal performans ölçümü: bir lojistik firma uygulaması”, Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Kara Harp Okulu. Savunma Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Malzeme Tedarik ve Lojistik Yönetimi Ana Bilim Dalı.
  • Tenenhaus, Michel (1998), La Régression PLS: théorie et pratique, Technip, Paris.
  • Tenenhaus, Michel (1999), “Lapproche PLS. Revue de Statistique Applique”, Vol.47 No.2: 5–40.
  • Tenenhaus, Michel; Vinzi, Vincenzo Esposito; Chatelin, Yves-Marie; Lauro, Carlo (2005), “PLS path modeling”, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, Vol.48 No.1:159–205.
  • Terblanche, Nic S. (2005), “A Study of Two Customer Retention Measures: The American Customer Satisfaction Index And The Conversion Model”, ANZMAC Conference: Relationship Marketing (Consumer), Vol 1:50 – 65.
  • Tüzüntürk, Selim; Dülgeroğlu, İsmail; Gönüller, Şeref (2016), “Avrupa Müşteri Memnuniyeti Endeksi Modeli: Marmara Bölgesi’nde Bir Lüks Otomobil Markasının Satış Sonrası Hizmetlerinin Bulguları”, Akademik Bakış Uluslararası Hakemli Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Vol 55: 109-131.
  • Wold, Herman. (1982), Soft modeling: The basic design and some extensions, In Jöreskog, K. G. And Wold, H., editors, Systems Under Indirect Observations: Part I, 1-54. North-Holland, Amsterdam.
  • Wold, Svante; Martens, Herald; Wold, Herman (1983), The multivariate calibration problem in chemistry solved by the PLS method, In In: Ruhe, A., Kagstrom, B. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Conference on Matrix Pencils. Lectures Notes in Mathematics, Heidelberg. Springer.
  • Wold, Herman (1985), Partial least squares, In S. Kotz, and N. L. Johnson, (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences, 6:581-591. New York: Wiley
  • Van Ryzin, Gregg G.; Muzzio, Douglas; Immerwahr, Stephen; Gulick, Lisa; Martinez, Eve (2004), “Drivers and Consequences of Citizen Satisfaction: An Application of the American Customer Satisfaction Index Model to New York City”, Public Administration Review, Vol.64 No.3:331-341.
  • Vinzi, Vincenzo Esposito; Trinchera, Laura; Amato, Silvano (2010), PLS path modeling: from foundations to recent developments and open issues for model assessment and improvement, In: V.E. Vinzi, W.W. Chin, J. Hensler, and H. Wold (Eds.,) Handbook of partial least squares. Heidelberg: Springer.
  • Zeithaml, Valarie A.; Berry, Leonard L.; Parasuraman, Ananthanarayanan (1996), “The behavioral consequences of service quality”, Journal of Marketing, Vol.60: 31–46.
Toplam 46 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Veysel Yılmaz 0000-0001-5147-5047

Yasemin Kinaş Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-3358-480X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ağustos 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 2 Mart 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 15 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Yılmaz, V., & Kinaş, Y. (2020). Kısmi En Küçük Kareler Yapısal Eşitlik Modellemesiyle Bir Elektrik Dağıtım Şirketinin Hizmet Kalitesinin Araştırılması. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 15(2), 437-456. https://doi.org/10.17153/oguiibf.534641

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