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Aktif Karbon Kullanarak Su Arıtımında Yeni Bir Yaklaşım: Kayısı Çekirdek Kabuğu

Yıl 2018, , 1 - 7, 31.01.2018


Endüstrinin hızlı bir şekilde büyümesi ile birlikte çevre kirliliğinin artması ve küresel ısınmanın sebep olduğu anormal iklim değişiklikleri su kaynaklarının azalmasına sebep olmuştur. Bu durum ise son 40 yıldır içme su kaynaklarının korunması ve temizlenmesine yönelik artan bilim ve araştırmalara sebep olmuştur. Bunun sonucunda su arıtılması ile ilgili biyolojik arıtma ve oksidasyon teknikleri gibi pek çok değişik teknolojiler ve araştırmalar yapılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada metilen mavisi (MB) içeren suyun renk giderimi aktif karbon kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Kayısı çekirdeğinden elde edilen aktif karbon dünyanın en yüksek yüzey alanlarından birine sahiptir. UV-Vis spektrofotometre ile yapılan analiz sonucunda yaklaşık %95 boya giderimi ilk yarım saat içerisinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Ayrıca yaptığımız aktif karbon ve UV ışığı altında TiO2 nanoparçacıkları kullanılarak elde edilen renk giderim sonuçlarını karşılaştırdığımızda aktif karbonun çok daha iyi sonuçlar verdiği gözlemlenmiştir. Bu sonuçlar neticesinde dünya kayısı üretiminde ilk sırada olan ülkemizin, ekonomik değeri yok denecek kadar az olan kayısı çekirdek kabuğunun günümüzün en önemli problemlerinden biri olan temiz suyun eldesi konusunda büyük bir potansiyele sahip olacağı öngörülmektedir.


  • Adhoum, N., and Monser, L.(2002). Removal of cyanide from aqueous solution using impregnated activated carbon. Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, 41(1), 17-21.
  • Aygün, A., Yenisoy-Karakaş, S., Duman, I.(2003). Production of granular activated carbon from fruit stones and nutshells and evaluation of their physical, chemical and adsorption properties. Microporous and mesoporous materials, 66 (2), 189-195.
  • Basso, M., Cerrella, E., Cukierman, A.(2002). Activated carbons developed from a rapidly renewable biosource for removal of cadmium (II) and nickel (II) ions from dilute aqueous solutions. Industrial & engineering chemistry research, 41(2), 180-189.
  • Dai, K., Lu, L., Dawson, G.(2013). Development of UV-LED/TiO2 device and their application for photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue. Journal of materials engineering and performance, 22(4), 1035-1040.
  • Depci, T.(2012). Comparison of activated carbon and iron impregnated activated carbon derived from Gölbaşı lignite to remove cyanide from water. Chemical Engineering Journal 181, 467-478.
  • Depci, T., Onal, Y., Prisbrey, K.A.(2014). Apricot stone activated carbons adsorption of cyanide as revealed from computational chemistry analysis and experimental study. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 45(5), 2511-2517.
  • Deveci, H., Yazıcı, E., Alp, I., Uslu, T.(2006). Removal of cyanide from aqueous solutions by plain and metal-impregnated granular activated carbons. International Journal of Mineral Processing, 79(3), 198-208.
  • El-Geundi, M.S.(1997). Adsorbents for industrial pollution control. Adsorption science & technology, 15(10), 777-787.
  • El-Sharkawy, E., Soliman, A.Y., Al-Amer, K.M.(2007). Comparative study for the removal of methylene blue via adsorption and photocatalytic degradation. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 310(2), 498-508.
  • El-Sheikh, A.H., Newman, A.P., Al-Daffaee, H.K., Phull, S., Cresswell, N.(2004). Characterization of activated carbon prepared from a single cultivar of Jordanian Olive stones by chemical and physicochemical techniques. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 71(1), 151-164.
  • Girgis, B.S., El-Hendawy, A.-N.A.(2002). Porosity development in activated carbons obtained from date pits under chemical activation with phosphoric acid. Microporous and mesoporous materials, 52(2), 105-117.
  • Kaur, S., Gopal, R., Ng, W.J., Ramakrishna, S., Matsuura, T.(2008). Next-generation fibrous media for water treatment. Mrs Bulletin, 33(1), 21-26.
  • Kim, S.J., Ko, S.H., Kang, K.H., Han, J.(2010). Direct seawater desalination by ion concentration polarization. Nature Nanotechnology, 5(4), 297-301.
  • Küçükgül, E.Y.(2004). Ticari aktif karbon üretimi ve özelliklerinin belirlenmesi. Deü mühendislik fakültesi fen ve mühendislik dergisi, 3(6), 41-56.
  • Lee, S.-Y., Park, S.-J.(2013). TiO 2 photocatalyst for water treatment applications. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 19(6), 1761-1769.
  • Legrini, O., Oliveros, E., Braun, A.(1993). Photochemical processes for water treatment. Chemical reviews, 93(2), 671-698.
  • Montgomery, M.A., Elimelech, M.(2007). Water and sanitation in developing countries: including health in the equation. ACS Publications, 17-24
  • Rajalekshmi, G., Mrithaa, T., Ch, S.V.(2016). Preparation and Characterisation of Activated Carbon from Delonix Regia Seeds for the Removal of Methylene Blue Dye. Journal of Industrial Pollution Control, 32(2).
  • Renugadevi, N., Sangeetha, M., Kavitha, B.(2010). Methylene Blue Removal Using A Low㢠  Cost Activated Carbon Adsorbent From Mimusops Elengi. I Control Pollution, 26(1) 19-22.
  • Saheed, I.O., Adekola, F.A., Olatunji, G.A.(2017). Sorption study of methylene blue on activated carbon prepared from Jatropha curcas and Terminalia catappa seed coats. Journal of the Turkish Chemical Society, Section A: Chemistry, 4(1), 375-394.
  • Senthilkumaar, S., Varadarajan, P., Porkodi, K., Subbhuraam, C.(2005). Adsorption of methylene blue onto jute fiber carbon: kinetics and equilibrium studies. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 284(1), 78-82.
  • Shannon, M.A., Bohn, P.W., Elimelech, M., Georgiadis, J.G., Marinas, B.J., Mayes, A.M.(2008). Science and technology for water purification in the coming decades. Nature, 452(7185), 301-310.
  • Sivakumar, S., Senthilkumar, P., Subburam, V.(2001). Carbon from cassava peel, an agricultural waste, as an adsorbent in the removal of dyes and metal ions from aqueous solution. Bioresource technology, 80(3), 233-235.
  • Tabbara, M., Jamal, M.(2012). A kinetic study of the discoloration of methylene blue by Na2SO3, comparison with NaOH. Journal of the University of Chemical Technology and metallurgy, 47(3), 275-282.
  • Tsai, W., Chang, C., Lin, M., Chien, S., Sun, H., Hsieh, M., (2001). Adsorption of acid dye onto activated carbons prepared from agricultural waste bagasse by ZnCl 2 activation. Chemosphere, 45(1), 51-58.
  • Yalçın, N., Sevinc, V.(2000). Studies of the surface area and porosity of activated carbons prepared from rice husks. Carbon, 38(14), 1943-1945.
  • Zhang, T., Oyama, T., Aoshima, A., Hidaka, H., Zhao, J., Serpone, N.(2001). Photooxidative N-demethylation of methylene blue in aqueous TiO 2 dispersions under UV irradiation. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 140(2), 163-172.
  • Zimmerman, J.B., Mihelcic, J.R., Smith, A. J.(2008). Global stressors on water quality and quantity. ACS Publications, 4247-4254. Lang, A.R., (2009). Dyes and pigments. Nova Science Publishers.
  • 'Aktif Karbonda' Sınırlarını AştıKaynak. Access data: 18 Jun (2017)


Yıl 2018, , 1 - 7, 31.01.2018


The rapid growth of industry with increasing environmental pollution and abnormal climate changes caused by global warming leading to reduce water resources. It has encouraged
strengthening the science and research to protect and clean drinking water resources since the last 40 years. As a result, many different technologies and researches such as biological
treatment and oxidation techniques related to water treatment are being carried out. In this study, the color removal of water containing methylene blue (MB) by using activated carbon was performed. The activated carbon, which was obtained from the apricot kernel shell, has one of the world's highest surface areas. As a result of the analysis with UV-Vis spectrophotometer,
approximately 95% dye removal was obtained within the first half hour. We have also observed that the apricot kernel activated shell gives much better results when we compare the
color removal results obtained using TiO2 nanoparticles under UV light. It can be concluded that our country, which is the first in the world for apricot production, can supply the apricot
kernel shell with a very low cost can have a great potential to treat water which is one of the most important problems of our lives.


  • Adhoum, N., and Monser, L.(2002). Removal of cyanide from aqueous solution using impregnated activated carbon. Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, 41(1), 17-21.
  • Aygün, A., Yenisoy-Karakaş, S., Duman, I.(2003). Production of granular activated carbon from fruit stones and nutshells and evaluation of their physical, chemical and adsorption properties. Microporous and mesoporous materials, 66 (2), 189-195.
  • Basso, M., Cerrella, E., Cukierman, A.(2002). Activated carbons developed from a rapidly renewable biosource for removal of cadmium (II) and nickel (II) ions from dilute aqueous solutions. Industrial & engineering chemistry research, 41(2), 180-189.
  • Dai, K., Lu, L., Dawson, G.(2013). Development of UV-LED/TiO2 device and their application for photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue. Journal of materials engineering and performance, 22(4), 1035-1040.
  • Depci, T.(2012). Comparison of activated carbon and iron impregnated activated carbon derived from Gölbaşı lignite to remove cyanide from water. Chemical Engineering Journal 181, 467-478.
  • Depci, T., Onal, Y., Prisbrey, K.A.(2014). Apricot stone activated carbons adsorption of cyanide as revealed from computational chemistry analysis and experimental study. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 45(5), 2511-2517.
  • Deveci, H., Yazıcı, E., Alp, I., Uslu, T.(2006). Removal of cyanide from aqueous solutions by plain and metal-impregnated granular activated carbons. International Journal of Mineral Processing, 79(3), 198-208.
  • El-Geundi, M.S.(1997). Adsorbents for industrial pollution control. Adsorption science & technology, 15(10), 777-787.
  • El-Sharkawy, E., Soliman, A.Y., Al-Amer, K.M.(2007). Comparative study for the removal of methylene blue via adsorption and photocatalytic degradation. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 310(2), 498-508.
  • El-Sheikh, A.H., Newman, A.P., Al-Daffaee, H.K., Phull, S., Cresswell, N.(2004). Characterization of activated carbon prepared from a single cultivar of Jordanian Olive stones by chemical and physicochemical techniques. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 71(1), 151-164.
  • Girgis, B.S., El-Hendawy, A.-N.A.(2002). Porosity development in activated carbons obtained from date pits under chemical activation with phosphoric acid. Microporous and mesoporous materials, 52(2), 105-117.
  • Kaur, S., Gopal, R., Ng, W.J., Ramakrishna, S., Matsuura, T.(2008). Next-generation fibrous media for water treatment. Mrs Bulletin, 33(1), 21-26.
  • Kim, S.J., Ko, S.H., Kang, K.H., Han, J.(2010). Direct seawater desalination by ion concentration polarization. Nature Nanotechnology, 5(4), 297-301.
  • Küçükgül, E.Y.(2004). Ticari aktif karbon üretimi ve özelliklerinin belirlenmesi. Deü mühendislik fakültesi fen ve mühendislik dergisi, 3(6), 41-56.
  • Lee, S.-Y., Park, S.-J.(2013). TiO 2 photocatalyst for water treatment applications. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 19(6), 1761-1769.
  • Legrini, O., Oliveros, E., Braun, A.(1993). Photochemical processes for water treatment. Chemical reviews, 93(2), 671-698.
  • Montgomery, M.A., Elimelech, M.(2007). Water and sanitation in developing countries: including health in the equation. ACS Publications, 17-24
  • Rajalekshmi, G., Mrithaa, T., Ch, S.V.(2016). Preparation and Characterisation of Activated Carbon from Delonix Regia Seeds for the Removal of Methylene Blue Dye. Journal of Industrial Pollution Control, 32(2).
  • Renugadevi, N., Sangeetha, M., Kavitha, B.(2010). Methylene Blue Removal Using A Low㢠  Cost Activated Carbon Adsorbent From Mimusops Elengi. I Control Pollution, 26(1) 19-22.
  • Saheed, I.O., Adekola, F.A., Olatunji, G.A.(2017). Sorption study of methylene blue on activated carbon prepared from Jatropha curcas and Terminalia catappa seed coats. Journal of the Turkish Chemical Society, Section A: Chemistry, 4(1), 375-394.
  • Senthilkumaar, S., Varadarajan, P., Porkodi, K., Subbhuraam, C.(2005). Adsorption of methylene blue onto jute fiber carbon: kinetics and equilibrium studies. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 284(1), 78-82.
  • Shannon, M.A., Bohn, P.W., Elimelech, M., Georgiadis, J.G., Marinas, B.J., Mayes, A.M.(2008). Science and technology for water purification in the coming decades. Nature, 452(7185), 301-310.
  • Sivakumar, S., Senthilkumar, P., Subburam, V.(2001). Carbon from cassava peel, an agricultural waste, as an adsorbent in the removal of dyes and metal ions from aqueous solution. Bioresource technology, 80(3), 233-235.
  • Tabbara, M., Jamal, M.(2012). A kinetic study of the discoloration of methylene blue by Na2SO3, comparison with NaOH. Journal of the University of Chemical Technology and metallurgy, 47(3), 275-282.
  • Tsai, W., Chang, C., Lin, M., Chien, S., Sun, H., Hsieh, M., (2001). Adsorption of acid dye onto activated carbons prepared from agricultural waste bagasse by ZnCl 2 activation. Chemosphere, 45(1), 51-58.
  • Yalçın, N., Sevinc, V.(2000). Studies of the surface area and porosity of activated carbons prepared from rice husks. Carbon, 38(14), 1943-1945.
  • Zhang, T., Oyama, T., Aoshima, A., Hidaka, H., Zhao, J., Serpone, N.(2001). Photooxidative N-demethylation of methylene blue in aqueous TiO 2 dispersions under UV irradiation. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 140(2), 163-172.
  • Zimmerman, J.B., Mihelcic, J.R., Smith, A. J.(2008). Global stressors on water quality and quantity. ACS Publications, 4247-4254. Lang, A.R., (2009). Dyes and pigments. Nova Science Publishers.
  • 'Aktif Karbonda' Sınırlarını AştıKaynak. Access data: 18 Jun (2017)
Toplam 29 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Kimya Mühendisliği, Malzeme Üretim Teknolojileri
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Sadaf Adhami

Hamed Ghorbanpoor

Berat Azak Bu kişi benim

Serkan Kapucu Bu kişi benim

Macid Nurbas

Hüseyin Avcı

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ocak 2018
Kabul Tarihi 2 Aralık 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018

Kaynak Göster

APA Adhami, S., Ghorbanpoor, H., Azak, B., Kapucu, S., vd. (2018). A NOVEL APPROACH FOR WATER TREATMENT BY USING ACTIVATED CARBON: APRICOT KERNEL SHELL. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Ve Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 26(1), 1-7.
AMA Adhami S, Ghorbanpoor H, Azak B, Kapucu S, Nurbas M, Avcı H. A NOVEL APPROACH FOR WATER TREATMENT BY USING ACTIVATED CARBON: APRICOT KERNEL SHELL. ESOGÜ Müh Mim Fak Derg. Ocak 2018;26(1):1-7. doi:10.31796/ogummf.326933
Chicago Adhami, Sadaf, Hamed Ghorbanpoor, Berat Azak, Serkan Kapucu, Macid Nurbas, ve Hüseyin Avcı. “A NOVEL APPROACH FOR WATER TREATMENT BY USING ACTIVATED CARBON: APRICOT KERNEL SHELL”. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Ve Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi 26, sy. 1 (Ocak 2018): 1-7.
EndNote Adhami S, Ghorbanpoor H, Azak B, Kapucu S, Nurbas M, Avcı H (01 Ocak 2018) A NOVEL APPROACH FOR WATER TREATMENT BY USING ACTIVATED CARBON: APRICOT KERNEL SHELL. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik ve Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi 26 1 1–7.
IEEE S. Adhami, H. Ghorbanpoor, B. Azak, S. Kapucu, M. Nurbas, ve H. Avcı, “A NOVEL APPROACH FOR WATER TREATMENT BY USING ACTIVATED CARBON: APRICOT KERNEL SHELL”, ESOGÜ Müh Mim Fak Derg, c. 26, sy. 1, ss. 1–7, 2018, doi: 10.31796/ogummf.326933.
ISNAD Adhami, Sadaf vd. “A NOVEL APPROACH FOR WATER TREATMENT BY USING ACTIVATED CARBON: APRICOT KERNEL SHELL”. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik ve Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi 26/1 (Ocak 2018), 1-7.
MLA Adhami, Sadaf vd. “A NOVEL APPROACH FOR WATER TREATMENT BY USING ACTIVATED CARBON: APRICOT KERNEL SHELL”. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Ve Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 26, sy. 1, 2018, ss. 1-7, doi:10.31796/ogummf.326933.
Vancouver Adhami S, Ghorbanpoor H, Azak B, Kapucu S, Nurbas M, Avcı H. A NOVEL APPROACH FOR WATER TREATMENT BY USING ACTIVATED CARBON: APRICOT KERNEL SHELL. ESOGÜ Müh Mim Fak Derg. 2018;26(1):1-7.

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