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İngiliz Yerel Yönetimlerinde Performans Ölçüm Uygulamaları

Yıl 2007, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 1, - , 01.03.2007



  • Andrews, Rhys. (2004). “Analysing Depriwttion and Local Authority Performance; The Implications for (C'PA)“. Public Money and Management. Vol.24 No. 1.
  • Andrews, Rhys, Boyne1 George A., Walker, Richard M. ve Law, Jennifer. (2003). “External ("onstrains and the Comprehensive Performance Assessment Exercise". Carditi' University. Centre ["or Local and Regional Government Research Papers. No: 12.
  • Audit Commission. (2005). C‘I’Ar'i'he Harder Test. Local Government National Report. Londra.
  • Audit Commission, (1989}. Managing Services Effectively: Perlormance Review. Management Paper No. 5. London: 11M SO M7gf..\\..\\;\}_ dittilErrtlitrtlilitmgŞiittigt17Lt1h.fl_CDt‘t_T_‘_l__,j_ Erisim: 12.08.2006.
  • Audit Commission. (193(3). Performance Rm icw in Local Government—— A Handbook iiirAuditors and Local Authorities. London: IIMSO.
  • Audit Commission Report. (2002). The Final CPA Assessment Framework tor Single 'l'ier and Count)“ Councils. London.. l_ittt;_ my_ç.__._a_tralitşeoınıni:_»5itııı.ş__go_x_,_oh_r_e '; Erisim: 12.08.2000.
  • Audit Commission. About Us. http; 'n tw.aııdit—c.;ırtmjssion.rm .lllx a_b_otaos \\_itt_tl._il_\_|_1_. Erisim: 12.08.2006.
  • Boyne. George. ( 10%). Scale. Perl'ı'onıance and Local Government Reorganization: An Analysis ol‘the Non—Metropolitan Districts. Pub/11‘ Muma“ mm' .'1l'(ı'f.’ıı'f_’(’ iı'(’flt'. july -- September.
  • ( 1097). Comparing the Perloı'maı'ıce ol' Local Authorities: An
  • Evaluation ol'the Audit Commission indicators. Local Government Studies. 23 (4).
  • (2000). lixternal Regulation and Best Value in Loca
  • (io\ ernment. Pall/iv flimler um." :li'onagc'iaear. .lulyuSeptemher
  • _______- (3003). ('oncepts and Indicators oi‘l.oea| Authority l‘erlortnaneei An 1.xaluation ol‘the Statutory l-"ramcworks in lîngland and Wales. İ’m'n'ı'i' ;lfomiuüfllımıreı'nmrr. Aprililune.
  • Boyne1 George ve ICııticott. Gareth. (3004). Are the Poor Different? 'l'he Internal C'harectcı'istics ol' Local Authorities in the l’i\'e(.'ontperehensi\e Performance Assessment (iı'otıps. l’tri’ri'i't' Manor oln Mining-nimf. Vol.34- No. 1.
  • Boyııc, George ve Law, Jennifer. ( |90l ). Accountability and Local Authority Annual Reports; The Case of Welsh District Councils. Financial .4t't't)ttit (tf)fıltt_)' ııııı Mnnngmncni. Vol.7.
  • Boyne, George, hold—Williams. Julian. Law. Jennifer ve Walker, Richard. (I900). Best Value in Welsh Locat Government: Progress and Prospects. Lm'ni Goreı'ıııııeııt .‘a‘nniies. 25 (2).
  • (200] ). 'l'he impact of Best Value on Local Authority
  • Performance: Evidence from the Welsh Pilots. Lot-ıı (ı'nrerıııııeııt Studies. 27 (2).
  • Brigham, Cheryle. (WW). Perli'omance Indicators: A Guide to Good Practice. Abstract. Improvement and Development Agency. lut i:_ WWW.ltltğ'ilflxlüwlügğgıâğgjjnalllik, Erişim: l2.08.2006.
  • Comprehensive Performance Assessment, MIL;\"\_}§_\_\_._Q_IQI_E;\;tttsr€th. Erişimi 1 3 1182006
  • Davies, Marlene. (2003). Performance Measurement in the UK Public Sector: Understanding performance Indicators. The .lrnn'nn/ of. Finance and il/lnnnecnmit in Public Sei'rit'es. Vol.3 No. 2.
  • Departmant of the Environment, Transport and The Regions, Luca Goreı'ıııııeıııAt-r 199‘). Part 1 Best Value. DETR Circular 10,119.
  • Development Agency, http:/iwww.idea-knowledgegovuki. Erişim. 12.08.2006.
  • Eınrealp, Sad un ve Yıldırım, Selahattin. (1993). Yerel l’c'jııı'ıı'ııııı'c Başarının l'hliııı'ı, İstanbul: Toplu Konut idaresi Başkanlığı ve lULA—I'iMMli Uluslararast Yerel Yönetimler Birliği. Doğu Akdeniz, ve Ortadoğu Bölge Teşkilatı.
  • Game, Chris. (2004). Comprehensive Pei-tbrmance Assessment: Local Government Perlormance Management as only the British could do it. liG PA — European Group of Public Administration. Study Group 2: Productivity and Quality in the Public Sector. Ljubljana. Slovenia, l-4 September.
  • Ghobadian, Abby ve Ashwortlı, John. ( 1994). Performance Measurement in Local Government - Concept and Practice. ı'ııterııııtirımılJournal onJpeI'nIinns & Production ill/Initngt’nn'nt. Vet. 14. Issue 5.
  • Goultl-VVilliams. Julian, (2004). ODPM-OfŞcc oi”l'he Deputy Prime Minister. The 2003 Local Government Workplace Survey. Londra 2004. 3.07/8 11111138”

İngiliz Yerel Yönetimlerinde Performans Ölçüm Uygulamaları

Yıl 2007, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 1, - , 01.03.2007



  • Andrews, Rhys. (2004). “Analysing Depriwttion and Local Authority Performance; The Implications for (C'PA)“. Public Money and Management. Vol.24 No. 1.
  • Andrews, Rhys, Boyne1 George A., Walker, Richard M. ve Law, Jennifer. (2003). “External ("onstrains and the Comprehensive Performance Assessment Exercise". Carditi' University. Centre ["or Local and Regional Government Research Papers. No: 12.
  • Audit Commission. (2005). C‘I’Ar'i'he Harder Test. Local Government National Report. Londra.
  • Audit Commission, (1989}. Managing Services Effectively: Perlormance Review. Management Paper No. 5. London: 11M SO M7gf..\\..\\;\}_ dittilErrtlitrtlilitmgŞiittigt17Lt1h.fl_CDt‘t_T_‘_l__,j_ Erisim: 12.08.2006.
  • Audit Commission. (193(3). Performance Rm icw in Local Government—— A Handbook iiirAuditors and Local Authorities. London: IIMSO.
  • Audit Commission Report. (2002). The Final CPA Assessment Framework tor Single 'l'ier and Count)“ Councils. London.. l_ittt;_ my_ç.__._a_tralitşeoınıni:_»5itııı.ş__go_x_,_oh_r_e '; Erisim: 12.08.2000.
  • Audit Commission. About Us. http; 'n tw.aııdit—c.;ırtmjssion.rm .lllx a_b_otaos \\_itt_tl._il_\_|_1_. Erisim: 12.08.2006.
  • Boyne. George. ( 10%). Scale. Perl'ı'onıance and Local Government Reorganization: An Analysis ol‘the Non—Metropolitan Districts. Pub/11‘ Muma“ mm' .'1l'(ı'f.’ıı'f_’(’ iı'(’flt'. july -- September.
  • ( 1097). Comparing the Perloı'maı'ıce ol' Local Authorities: An
  • Evaluation ol'the Audit Commission indicators. Local Government Studies. 23 (4).
  • (2000). lixternal Regulation and Best Value in Loca
  • (io\ ernment. Pall/iv flimler um." :li'onagc'iaear. .lulyuSeptemher
  • _______- (3003). ('oncepts and Indicators oi‘l.oea| Authority l‘erlortnaneei An 1.xaluation ol‘the Statutory l-"ramcworks in lîngland and Wales. İ’m'n'ı'i' ;lfomiuüfllımıreı'nmrr. Aprililune.
  • Boyne1 George ve ICııticott. Gareth. (3004). Are the Poor Different? 'l'he Internal C'harectcı'istics ol' Local Authorities in the l’i\'e(.'ontperehensi\e Performance Assessment (iı'otıps. l’tri’ri'i't' Manor oln Mining-nimf. Vol.34- No. 1.
  • Boyııc, George ve Law, Jennifer. ( |90l ). Accountability and Local Authority Annual Reports; The Case of Welsh District Councils. Financial .4t't't)ttit (tf)fıltt_)' ııııı Mnnngmncni. Vol.7.
  • Boyne, George, hold—Williams. Julian. Law. Jennifer ve Walker, Richard. (I900). Best Value in Welsh Locat Government: Progress and Prospects. Lm'ni Goreı'ıııııeııt .‘a‘nniies. 25 (2).
  • (200] ). 'l'he impact of Best Value on Local Authority
  • Performance: Evidence from the Welsh Pilots. Lot-ıı (ı'nrerıııııeııt Studies. 27 (2).
  • Brigham, Cheryle. (WW). Perli'omance Indicators: A Guide to Good Practice. Abstract. Improvement and Development Agency. lut i:_ WWW.ltltğ'ilflxlüwlügğgıâğgjjnalllik, Erişim: l2.08.2006.
  • Comprehensive Performance Assessment, MIL;\"\_}§_\_\_._Q_IQI_E;\;tttsr€th. Erişimi 1 3 1182006
  • Davies, Marlene. (2003). Performance Measurement in the UK Public Sector: Understanding performance Indicators. The .lrnn'nn/ of. Finance and il/lnnnecnmit in Public Sei'rit'es. Vol.3 No. 2.
  • Departmant of the Environment, Transport and The Regions, Luca Goreı'ıııııeıııAt-r 199‘). Part 1 Best Value. DETR Circular 10,119.
  • Development Agency, http:/iwww.idea-knowledgegovuki. Erişim. 12.08.2006.
  • Eınrealp, Sad un ve Yıldırım, Selahattin. (1993). Yerel l’c'jııı'ıı'ııııı'c Başarının l'hliııı'ı, İstanbul: Toplu Konut idaresi Başkanlığı ve lULA—I'iMMli Uluslararast Yerel Yönetimler Birliği. Doğu Akdeniz, ve Ortadoğu Bölge Teşkilatı.
  • Game, Chris. (2004). Comprehensive Pei-tbrmance Assessment: Local Government Perlormance Management as only the British could do it. liG PA — European Group of Public Administration. Study Group 2: Productivity and Quality in the Public Sector. Ljubljana. Slovenia, l-4 September.
  • Ghobadian, Abby ve Ashwortlı, John. ( 1994). Performance Measurement in Local Government - Concept and Practice. ı'ııterııııtirımılJournal onJpeI'nIinns & Production ill/Initngt’nn'nt. Vet. 14. Issue 5.
  • Goultl-VVilliams. Julian, (2004). ODPM-OfŞcc oi”l'he Deputy Prime Minister. The 2003 Local Government Workplace Survey. Londra 2004. 3.07/8 11111138”
Toplam 27 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Semih Bilge Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mart 2007
Gönderilme Tarihi 12 Aralık 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2007 Cilt: 8 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Bilge, S. (2007). İngiliz Yerel Yönetimlerinde Performans Ölçüm Uygulamaları. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 8(1).
AMA Bilge S. İngiliz Yerel Yönetimlerinde Performans Ölçüm Uygulamaları. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. Mart 2007;8(1).
Chicago Bilge, Semih. “İngiliz Yerel Yönetimlerinde Performans Ölçüm Uygulamaları”. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 8, sy. 1 (Mart 2007).
EndNote Bilge S (01 Mart 2007) İngiliz Yerel Yönetimlerinde Performans Ölçüm Uygulamaları. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 8 1
IEEE S. Bilge, “İngiliz Yerel Yönetimlerinde Performans Ölçüm Uygulamaları”, Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, c. 8, sy. 1, 2007.
ISNAD Bilge, Semih. “İngiliz Yerel Yönetimlerinde Performans Ölçüm Uygulamaları”. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 8/1 (Mart 2007).
JAMA Bilge S. İngiliz Yerel Yönetimlerinde Performans Ölçüm Uygulamaları. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 2007;8.
MLA Bilge, Semih. “İngiliz Yerel Yönetimlerinde Performans Ölçüm Uygulamaları”. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, c. 8, sy. 1, 2007.
Vancouver Bilge S. İngiliz Yerel Yönetimlerinde Performans Ölçüm Uygulamaları. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 2007;8(1).