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Kriz ya da iç savaş değil, bir yabancı saldırı: Rusya neden 2014'te Ukrayna'ya saldırdı?

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 23 Sayı: 1, 71 - 88, 01.06.2022


18 Mart 2014'te Rusya Federasyonu Başkanı Vladimir Putin muzaffer bir şekilde Kırım'ın Rusya ile “yeniden birleşmesini” ilan etti. Ancak bu, yolun son noktası değildi, büyük sanayi merkezleri ve çoğunlukla Rusça konuşan nüfusuyla beraber tüm Güneydoğu Ukrayna'yı ilhak etmeyi amaçlayan aşırı hırslı planların sadece bir başlangıcıydı. Rusya’nın gizli birliklerinin küçük grupları ve ücretli “siyasi turistler”, Güneydoğu Ukrayna'nın birçok şehrinde bir dizi ayrılıkçı Rus yanlısı toplantı düzenlemeye çalıştı. Ukrayna toplumu, Rusya’nın finanse ettiği, silahladığı ve doğrudan komuta ettiği “madenciler ve traktör sürücüleri”nin Kıyiv'deki “faşist anti-demokratik cuntaya” karşı “iç savaşı” olarak kamufle edilmiş, sistematik olarak planlanmış bir dış saldırıyla karşı karşıya kaldı. Kremlin'in dilinde “yeniden birleşme” ve “iç savaş” olarak adlandırılan bu olaylar, dünyanın geri kalanı tarafından uluslararası hukukun açık bir ihlali olarak nitelendirildi ve 1974'te Birleşmiş Milletler Genel Kurulunca kabul edilen uluslararası saldırı tanımına uymaktadır. Bu şekilde cevaplanması gereken en temel soru, Sovyet sonrası coğrafyasında yeni bir uzun süreli silahlı çatışmayı başlatanın kim olduğu değil, bu çatışmanın arkasında yatan nedenlerdir. Makalede, Ukrayna'ya karşı gerçekleştirilen Rus saldırısının arkasındaki itici güçlerin ne olabileceğini incelemeye çalışılacaktır.


  • All-Ukrainian population census (2001).
  • Aron, Leon (2014, 29 July). ‘With Ukraine, Putin is courting the home crowd’. Los Angeles Times.
  • Batkov, Szilvia (2015, 2 September). ‘Russia’s silent shale gas victory in Ukraine’.
  • BBC Ukraine (2014, 11 May). Holosuvannia na “referendumi” na Donbasi zavershylosia [Voting in the "referendum" in Donbass is over].
  • Belton, Catherine and Olearchyk Roman (2010, 30 April). ‘Anger in Kiev at Putin gas merger proposal’. Financial Times,
  • Broad, William J. (2014, 17 May). ‘In Taking Crimea, Putin Gains a Sea of Fuel Reserves’. The New York Times.
  • Burgo, Joseph (2014, 15 April). ‘Vladimir Putin, Narcissist?’ The Atlantic.
  • Charter 97 (2014, 28 April). Slavyansk mystery dispelled: Russia is fighting for vast shale gas deposits.
  • Chyhyr, Serhiy (2010, 16 December). Ukrayinu vytisniayut’ z rynku ozbroyen’ [Ukraine is being ousted from the arms market]. Ekonomichna Pravda.
  • Daly, John (2014, 7 May). ‘Russia Claims Ukraine’s Black Sea Oil and Gas Bounty’.
  • Doing Agrobusiness in Ukraine (2013). Survey of UCAB
  • Doing Agrobusiness in Ukraine (2014). Survey of Ukrainian Club of Agrobusiness (UCAB).
  • Dzerkalo Tyzhnia. (2018, 23 May). Tretyna novyn na rosiys’komu telebachenni prysviachena Ukrayini, 90% zgadok – negatyvni [One third of the news on Russian television is about Ukraine, 90% of mentions are negative].
  • Ford, Matt (2014, 8 April). ‘Russia Is Crushing Ukraine's Hopes for Energy Independence’.
  • Francis, Diane (2014, 25 July). ‘Pact Putinia: How Russia’s gas plan will unfold’. Financial Post.
  • Giucci, Ricardo and Kirchner, Robert (2013). ‘Russian bullying of Ukrainian exporters – What should be done?’. Newsletter of the German Advisory Group Ukraine, Issue 60.
  • Global Nuclear Weapons Stockpiles, 1945-2002. (2002). Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Vol. 58, No. 6, pp. 103-104.
  • Global Terrorism Index, 2002-2017.
  • Goble, Paul (2014, 8 May). ‘Putin’s Russia More Fascist than Ukraine, Comparison Shows’. The Interpreter.
  • Izhak, Aleksei and Simutov, Mikhail (2013, 13 March). Udar “Bumeranga”: Mezhdu Moskvoi i Kiyevom obostrilas konkurentsiia na rynke bronetekhniki [A “Boomerang” blow: The Competition between Moscow and Kyiv has escalated on the market of the armoured vehicles]. Voienno-Promyshlennyi Kurier.
  • Johnston, Robert. (2017). Terrorist attacks in Russia (with statistical summary),
  • Kasparov, Garry (2014, 9 April). ‘Putin boitsia Maidana na Krasnoi Ploshchadi’ [Putin is afraid of Maidan on the Red Square].
  • Kazansky, Denys (2013, 22 July). ‘The Looming Revolt in Lysychansk’. The Ukrainian Week.
  • Khomenko, Sviatoslav (2015, 8 April). KhNR: Khrakivs’ka Nevdala Respublika [KhNR: Kharkiv Failed Republic]. BBC Ukraine.
  • Kopchak, Volodymyr (2012, 2 July). ‘A Crash of Interests in the Air? The rivalry between Ukrainian and Russian aircraft companies is set to intensify’. The Ukrainian Week.
  • Kovalenko, Oksana. (2017, 10 April). Yak mı vtraçalı Krım. Ukrayıns’ka Pravda.
  • Kuzio, Taras. (2018). Viyna Putina proty Ukrayiny [Putin’s war against Ukraine]. Kyiv: Dukh i litera.
  • Kyiv Post. (2013, 21 October). Ukraine's car industry not expecting recovery of position on Russian market.
  • Marson, James. (2009, 25 May). 'Putin to the West: Hands off Ukraine’. Time.,8599,1900838,00.html
  • Mashovets’ Kostiantyn. (2015, 31 July). Rosiys’kyi spetsnaz na Donbasi: dyversanty, reydery, turysty [Russian special forces in Donbass: saboteurs, raiders, "tourists"]. Espreso TV.
  • Mearsheimer, John J. (2014). ‘Why the Ukraine Crisis Is the West's Fault: The Liberal Delusions That Provoked Putin.’ Foreign Affairs, Vol. 93, No. 5, pp. 77-89.
  • Mel’nyk, Mykhailo and Plastovets’ Pavlo. (2014, 8 February). ‘Torgovi viyny za yizhu’ [Trade Wars for Food] Ekonomichna Pravda
  • Memorandum on Security Assurances in Connection with Ukraine’s Accession to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (1994, 19 December).
  • Morello, Carol (2014, 30 June). ‘Babushkas in ‘liberated’ Ukrainian city remain staunchly pro-Russian’. The Washington Post.
  • NATO Wales Summit Declaration (2014, 5 September).
  • Nunn, Martin and Foley, Martin (2014, 14 March). ‘Oil and gas could explain Putin's costly attempt to control the Crimea’. The Independent.
  • Parfitt, Tom. (2014, 11 August). ‘Ukraine crisis: the neo-Nazi brigade fighting pro-Russian separatists’. The Telegraph.
  • Parry, Robert. (2014, 22 August). NYT Discovers Ukraine’s Neo-Nazis at War.
  • Parfitt, Tom. (2014, 11 August). Ukraine crisis: the neo-Nazi brigade fighting pro-Russian separatists. The Telegraph.
  • Petersen, Austin (2014, 21 March). ‘The Budapest Memorandums for Security Assurances do not obligate the US to intervene in Ukraine’.
  • Pilger, John. (2014, 13 May). ‘In Ukraine, the US is dragging us towards war with Russia’. The Guardian.
  • Podolianets, Viktoriya’. (2014, 25 April). Rosiya zavdaye udar po promyslovtsiakh [Russia strikes at manufacturers]. Ekonomichna Pravda.
  • Poliakovskaia, Ielena. (2014, 22 June). ‘O fashizme i fashistakh’ [On Fascism and Fascists]. Radio Svoboda.
  • Polievoi, Maksim. (2012, 22 November). Ukraina tesnit Rossiyu na rynke vooruzheniy? [Is Ukraine putting pressure on Russia at the arms market?].
  • Putin, Vladimir (2014, 18 March). Obrashcheniie Prezidenta Rossiiskoi Federatsii [The Address of the President of the Russian Federation].
  • Putin, Vladimir (2014, 17 April). Priamaya liniya s Vladimirom Putinym [Direct Line with V. Putin].
  • Putin. War (2015). An independent expert report.
  • Rauf, Tariq. (2013). Roles and Responsibilities for Nuclear Disarmament. In: Civil Society and Disarmament. UN Publications, New York.
  • Razumkov Center. (2016, 25-30 March). To which Religion do you belong?
  • Robertson, Ian H. (2014, 17 March). ‘The Danger That Lurks Inside Vladimir Putin's Brain’. Psychology Today.
  • Rossiyskie vertolety otkazalis’ ot ukrainskikh dvigateley [Russian helicopters refused from Ukrainian engines]. (2011, 26 July).
  • Shcherbyna, Serhiy and Liamets’, Serhiy (2013, 20 August). ‘Rosiya pochala poglynaty Ukrayinu’ [Russia started to swallow up Ukraine]. Ekonomichna Pravda.
  • Shurkhalo, Dmytro. (2013, 15 August). ‘Fears of Trade War Arise as Ukrainian Exports to Russia Grind to a Halt’. Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty.
  • Snyder, Timothy. (2014, 11 May). ‘The Battle in Ukraine Means Everything’. New Republic.
  • Socor, Vladimir. ‘Russia Trashes US-Russian-British Memorandum on Ukraine’ (2014). Eurasia Daily Monitor. Vol. 11, Issue 45.
  • Struggle against fake information about events in Ukraine.
  • Strelkov, Igor. (2014, 17 May) ‘The address of Igor Strelkov to the inhabitants of the Donbas People’s Republic’.
  • Sukhov, Oleg. (2014, 14 March). ‘Amid Ukraine Crisis, Russia Puts the Squeeze on Independent Media’. The Moscow Times.
  • Taylor, Adam. (2013, 17 June). ‘7 Remarkable Stories of Vladimir Putin Being One of the World's Most Brutal Thugs’. Business Insider.
  • The Global Terrorism Database (2019).
  • The High Representative on behalf of the European Union on the illegal annexation of Crimea and Sevastopol. Declaration (2021, 25 February).
  • The High Representative on behalf of the European Union, on the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol (2020, 16 March)
  • The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Resolution on Clear, Gross and Uncorrected Violations of Helsinki Principles by the Russian Federation. (2014, 2 July). Baku.
  • The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Resolution on Ongoing Violations of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms In the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the City of Sevastopol (Ukraine) (2018, 11 July). Berlin.
  • The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Resolution on Restoration of the Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity of Ukraine. (2017, 9 July). Minsk.
  • The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Resolution on the Continuation of Clear, Gross and Uncorrected Violations of OSCE Commitments and International Norms by the Russian Federation. (2015, 9 July). Helsinki.
  • The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Resolution on the Militarization by the Russian Federation of the Temporarily Occupied Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the City of Sevastopol, Ukraine, the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov (2019, 4–8 July). Luxemburg.
  • The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Resolution on Violations of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the City of Sevastopol. (2016, 5 July). Tbilisi.
  • The UN General Assembly resolution 68/262 “Territorial Integrity of Ukraine” (2014, 27 March).
  • The UN General Assembly Resolution 72/190 “Situation of human rights in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, Ukraine” (2017, 19 December).
  • The UN General Assembly Resolution 75/29 “Problem of the militarization of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, Ukraine, as well as parts of the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov” (2020, 7 December).
  • The UN General Assembly Resolution 75/192 “Situation of human rights in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, Ukraine” (2020, 16 December).
  • The US Congress. Support for the Sovereignty, Integrity, Democracy, and Economic Stability of Ukraine Act (2014, 3 April).
  • Ukraine Crisis Media Center. (2014, 8 May). Russia says yes to Fascism.
  • Ukraine Special Weapons (n.d.). Global,
  • Ukrayins'ki truby – golovnyi konkurent dlia rosiyskykh vyrobnykiv. [Ukrainian pipes - the main competitor for Russian manufacturers]. (2010, 16 December).
  • UN General Assembly Resolution 3314 (XXIX), (1974, 14 December). Definition of Aggression.
  • Vasylenko, Volodymyr. (2009, 15 December). ‘On assurances without guarantees in a “shelved document”’. The Day.
  • Vorotnikov, Vladislav (2014, 8 August). ‘Russia to hit Ukrainian auto industry with import duties’. Automotive Logistics.
  • Whitmore, Brian. (2014, 24 February). ‘A Specter is Haunting Russia’. Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty.
  • Istorychna Pravda (2012, 3 July). Yak borolysia z ukrayins’koyu movoyu. Khronika zaboron za 400 rokiv. [How they fought with Ukrainian language. A chronicle of bans for 400 years].
  • Young, Cathy (2014, 21 May). ‘Fascism Comes to Ukraine - From Russia’. Real Clear Politics.
  • Young, Cathy. (2014, 27 July). ‘Vladimir Putin's circle of fear’. The Sydney Morning Herald.

Not a crisis nor civil war, but a foreign aggression: Why did Russia attack Ukraine in 2014?

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 23 Sayı: 1, 71 - 88, 01.06.2022


On 18 March 2014 Vladimir Putin, the President of the Russian Federation triumphantly declared the “reunification of the Crimea” with Russia. However, this was not the end, but just the beginning of overambitious plans to annex the whole South-Eastern Ukraine with its large industrial centers and mainly Russian-speaking population. The small groups of the Russian secret forces and paid “political tourists” tried to orchestrate a series of separatist pro-Russian meetings in a number of cities in the South-Eastern Ukraine. Ukrainian society faced with systematically planned foreign aggression, camouflaged as a “civil war” of Russian-financed, Russian-armed and directly Russian-led “miners and tractor-drivers” against a “fascist anti-democratic junta” in Kyiv. What in Kremlin’s language came as a “reunification” and “civil war”, for the rest of the world became a blatant violation of international law and meets the definition of international aggression adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1974. Thus, the most fundamental question remains not who initiated yet another protracted armed conflict in the post-Soviet space, but reasons lying behind it. The article attempts to look into what might be the driving force of the Russian aggression in Ukraine.


  • All-Ukrainian population census (2001).
  • Aron, Leon (2014, 29 July). ‘With Ukraine, Putin is courting the home crowd’. Los Angeles Times.
  • Batkov, Szilvia (2015, 2 September). ‘Russia’s silent shale gas victory in Ukraine’.
  • BBC Ukraine (2014, 11 May). Holosuvannia na “referendumi” na Donbasi zavershylosia [Voting in the "referendum" in Donbass is over].
  • Belton, Catherine and Olearchyk Roman (2010, 30 April). ‘Anger in Kiev at Putin gas merger proposal’. Financial Times,
  • Broad, William J. (2014, 17 May). ‘In Taking Crimea, Putin Gains a Sea of Fuel Reserves’. The New York Times.
  • Burgo, Joseph (2014, 15 April). ‘Vladimir Putin, Narcissist?’ The Atlantic.
  • Charter 97 (2014, 28 April). Slavyansk mystery dispelled: Russia is fighting for vast shale gas deposits.
  • Chyhyr, Serhiy (2010, 16 December). Ukrayinu vytisniayut’ z rynku ozbroyen’ [Ukraine is being ousted from the arms market]. Ekonomichna Pravda.
  • Daly, John (2014, 7 May). ‘Russia Claims Ukraine’s Black Sea Oil and Gas Bounty’.
  • Doing Agrobusiness in Ukraine (2013). Survey of UCAB
  • Doing Agrobusiness in Ukraine (2014). Survey of Ukrainian Club of Agrobusiness (UCAB).
  • Dzerkalo Tyzhnia. (2018, 23 May). Tretyna novyn na rosiys’komu telebachenni prysviachena Ukrayini, 90% zgadok – negatyvni [One third of the news on Russian television is about Ukraine, 90% of mentions are negative].
  • Ford, Matt (2014, 8 April). ‘Russia Is Crushing Ukraine's Hopes for Energy Independence’.
  • Francis, Diane (2014, 25 July). ‘Pact Putinia: How Russia’s gas plan will unfold’. Financial Post.
  • Giucci, Ricardo and Kirchner, Robert (2013). ‘Russian bullying of Ukrainian exporters – What should be done?’. Newsletter of the German Advisory Group Ukraine, Issue 60.
  • Global Nuclear Weapons Stockpiles, 1945-2002. (2002). Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Vol. 58, No. 6, pp. 103-104.
  • Global Terrorism Index, 2002-2017.
  • Goble, Paul (2014, 8 May). ‘Putin’s Russia More Fascist than Ukraine, Comparison Shows’. The Interpreter.
  • Izhak, Aleksei and Simutov, Mikhail (2013, 13 March). Udar “Bumeranga”: Mezhdu Moskvoi i Kiyevom obostrilas konkurentsiia na rynke bronetekhniki [A “Boomerang” blow: The Competition between Moscow and Kyiv has escalated on the market of the armoured vehicles]. Voienno-Promyshlennyi Kurier.
  • Johnston, Robert. (2017). Terrorist attacks in Russia (with statistical summary),
  • Kasparov, Garry (2014, 9 April). ‘Putin boitsia Maidana na Krasnoi Ploshchadi’ [Putin is afraid of Maidan on the Red Square].
  • Kazansky, Denys (2013, 22 July). ‘The Looming Revolt in Lysychansk’. The Ukrainian Week.
  • Khomenko, Sviatoslav (2015, 8 April). KhNR: Khrakivs’ka Nevdala Respublika [KhNR: Kharkiv Failed Republic]. BBC Ukraine.
  • Kopchak, Volodymyr (2012, 2 July). ‘A Crash of Interests in the Air? The rivalry between Ukrainian and Russian aircraft companies is set to intensify’. The Ukrainian Week.
  • Kovalenko, Oksana. (2017, 10 April). Yak mı vtraçalı Krım. Ukrayıns’ka Pravda.
  • Kuzio, Taras. (2018). Viyna Putina proty Ukrayiny [Putin’s war against Ukraine]. Kyiv: Dukh i litera.
  • Kyiv Post. (2013, 21 October). Ukraine's car industry not expecting recovery of position on Russian market.
  • Marson, James. (2009, 25 May). 'Putin to the West: Hands off Ukraine’. Time.,8599,1900838,00.html
  • Mashovets’ Kostiantyn. (2015, 31 July). Rosiys’kyi spetsnaz na Donbasi: dyversanty, reydery, turysty [Russian special forces in Donbass: saboteurs, raiders, "tourists"]. Espreso TV.
  • Mearsheimer, John J. (2014). ‘Why the Ukraine Crisis Is the West's Fault: The Liberal Delusions That Provoked Putin.’ Foreign Affairs, Vol. 93, No. 5, pp. 77-89.
  • Mel’nyk, Mykhailo and Plastovets’ Pavlo. (2014, 8 February). ‘Torgovi viyny za yizhu’ [Trade Wars for Food] Ekonomichna Pravda
  • Memorandum on Security Assurances in Connection with Ukraine’s Accession to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (1994, 19 December).
  • Morello, Carol (2014, 30 June). ‘Babushkas in ‘liberated’ Ukrainian city remain staunchly pro-Russian’. The Washington Post.
  • NATO Wales Summit Declaration (2014, 5 September).
  • Nunn, Martin and Foley, Martin (2014, 14 March). ‘Oil and gas could explain Putin's costly attempt to control the Crimea’. The Independent.
  • Parfitt, Tom. (2014, 11 August). ‘Ukraine crisis: the neo-Nazi brigade fighting pro-Russian separatists’. The Telegraph.
  • Parry, Robert. (2014, 22 August). NYT Discovers Ukraine’s Neo-Nazis at War.
  • Parfitt, Tom. (2014, 11 August). Ukraine crisis: the neo-Nazi brigade fighting pro-Russian separatists. The Telegraph.
  • Petersen, Austin (2014, 21 March). ‘The Budapest Memorandums for Security Assurances do not obligate the US to intervene in Ukraine’.
  • Pilger, John. (2014, 13 May). ‘In Ukraine, the US is dragging us towards war with Russia’. The Guardian.
  • Podolianets, Viktoriya’. (2014, 25 April). Rosiya zavdaye udar po promyslovtsiakh [Russia strikes at manufacturers]. Ekonomichna Pravda.
  • Poliakovskaia, Ielena. (2014, 22 June). ‘O fashizme i fashistakh’ [On Fascism and Fascists]. Radio Svoboda.
  • Polievoi, Maksim. (2012, 22 November). Ukraina tesnit Rossiyu na rynke vooruzheniy? [Is Ukraine putting pressure on Russia at the arms market?].
  • Putin, Vladimir (2014, 18 March). Obrashcheniie Prezidenta Rossiiskoi Federatsii [The Address of the President of the Russian Federation].
  • Putin, Vladimir (2014, 17 April). Priamaya liniya s Vladimirom Putinym [Direct Line with V. Putin].
  • Putin. War (2015). An independent expert report.
  • Rauf, Tariq. (2013). Roles and Responsibilities for Nuclear Disarmament. In: Civil Society and Disarmament. UN Publications, New York.
  • Razumkov Center. (2016, 25-30 March). To which Religion do you belong?
  • Robertson, Ian H. (2014, 17 March). ‘The Danger That Lurks Inside Vladimir Putin's Brain’. Psychology Today.
  • Rossiyskie vertolety otkazalis’ ot ukrainskikh dvigateley [Russian helicopters refused from Ukrainian engines]. (2011, 26 July).
  • Shcherbyna, Serhiy and Liamets’, Serhiy (2013, 20 August). ‘Rosiya pochala poglynaty Ukrayinu’ [Russia started to swallow up Ukraine]. Ekonomichna Pravda.
  • Shurkhalo, Dmytro. (2013, 15 August). ‘Fears of Trade War Arise as Ukrainian Exports to Russia Grind to a Halt’. Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty.
  • Snyder, Timothy. (2014, 11 May). ‘The Battle in Ukraine Means Everything’. New Republic.
  • Socor, Vladimir. ‘Russia Trashes US-Russian-British Memorandum on Ukraine’ (2014). Eurasia Daily Monitor. Vol. 11, Issue 45.
  • Struggle against fake information about events in Ukraine.
  • Strelkov, Igor. (2014, 17 May) ‘The address of Igor Strelkov to the inhabitants of the Donbas People’s Republic’.
  • Sukhov, Oleg. (2014, 14 March). ‘Amid Ukraine Crisis, Russia Puts the Squeeze on Independent Media’. The Moscow Times.
  • Taylor, Adam. (2013, 17 June). ‘7 Remarkable Stories of Vladimir Putin Being One of the World's Most Brutal Thugs’. Business Insider.
  • The Global Terrorism Database (2019).
  • The High Representative on behalf of the European Union on the illegal annexation of Crimea and Sevastopol. Declaration (2021, 25 February).
  • The High Representative on behalf of the European Union, on the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol (2020, 16 March)
  • The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Resolution on Clear, Gross and Uncorrected Violations of Helsinki Principles by the Russian Federation. (2014, 2 July). Baku.
  • The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Resolution on Ongoing Violations of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms In the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the City of Sevastopol (Ukraine) (2018, 11 July). Berlin.
  • The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Resolution on Restoration of the Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity of Ukraine. (2017, 9 July). Minsk.
  • The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Resolution on the Continuation of Clear, Gross and Uncorrected Violations of OSCE Commitments and International Norms by the Russian Federation. (2015, 9 July). Helsinki.
  • The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Resolution on the Militarization by the Russian Federation of the Temporarily Occupied Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the City of Sevastopol, Ukraine, the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov (2019, 4–8 July). Luxemburg.
  • The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Resolution on Violations of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the City of Sevastopol. (2016, 5 July). Tbilisi.
  • The UN General Assembly resolution 68/262 “Territorial Integrity of Ukraine” (2014, 27 March).
  • The UN General Assembly Resolution 72/190 “Situation of human rights in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, Ukraine” (2017, 19 December).
  • The UN General Assembly Resolution 75/29 “Problem of the militarization of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, Ukraine, as well as parts of the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov” (2020, 7 December).
  • The UN General Assembly Resolution 75/192 “Situation of human rights in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, Ukraine” (2020, 16 December).
  • The US Congress. Support for the Sovereignty, Integrity, Democracy, and Economic Stability of Ukraine Act (2014, 3 April).
  • Ukraine Crisis Media Center. (2014, 8 May). Russia says yes to Fascism.
  • Ukraine Special Weapons (n.d.). Global,
  • Ukrayins'ki truby – golovnyi konkurent dlia rosiyskykh vyrobnykiv. [Ukrainian pipes - the main competitor for Russian manufacturers]. (2010, 16 December).
  • UN General Assembly Resolution 3314 (XXIX), (1974, 14 December). Definition of Aggression.
  • Vasylenko, Volodymyr. (2009, 15 December). ‘On assurances without guarantees in a “shelved document”’. The Day.
  • Vorotnikov, Vladislav (2014, 8 August). ‘Russia to hit Ukrainian auto industry with import duties’. Automotive Logistics.
  • Whitmore, Brian. (2014, 24 February). ‘A Specter is Haunting Russia’. Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty.
  • Istorychna Pravda (2012, 3 July). Yak borolysia z ukrayins’koyu movoyu. Khronika zaboron za 400 rokiv. [How they fought with Ukrainian language. A chronicle of bans for 400 years].
  • Young, Cathy (2014, 21 May). ‘Fascism Comes to Ukraine - From Russia’. Real Clear Politics.
  • Young, Cathy. (2014, 27 July). ‘Vladimir Putin's circle of fear’. The Sydney Morning Herald.
Toplam 83 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Valeriy Morkva 0000-0003-0366-6599

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 18 Ağustos 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 23 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Morkva, V. (2022). Not a crisis nor civil war, but a foreign aggression: Why did Russia attack Ukraine in 2014?. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 23(1), 71-88.
AMA Morkva V. Not a crisis nor civil war, but a foreign aggression: Why did Russia attack Ukraine in 2014?. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. Haziran 2022;23(1):71-88. doi:10.17494/ogusbd.984437
Chicago Morkva, Valeriy. “Not a Crisis nor Civil War, But a Foreign Aggression: Why Did Russia Attack Ukraine in 2014?”. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 23, sy. 1 (Haziran 2022): 71-88.
EndNote Morkva V (01 Haziran 2022) Not a crisis nor civil war, but a foreign aggression: Why did Russia attack Ukraine in 2014?. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 23 1 71–88.
IEEE V. Morkva, “Not a crisis nor civil war, but a foreign aggression: Why did Russia attack Ukraine in 2014?”, Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, c. 23, sy. 1, ss. 71–88, 2022, doi: 10.17494/ogusbd.984437.
ISNAD Morkva, Valeriy. “Not a Crisis nor Civil War, But a Foreign Aggression: Why Did Russia Attack Ukraine in 2014?”. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 23/1 (Haziran 2022), 71-88.
JAMA Morkva V. Not a crisis nor civil war, but a foreign aggression: Why did Russia attack Ukraine in 2014?. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 2022;23:71–88.
MLA Morkva, Valeriy. “Not a Crisis nor Civil War, But a Foreign Aggression: Why Did Russia Attack Ukraine in 2014?”. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, c. 23, sy. 1, 2022, ss. 71-88, doi:10.17494/ogusbd.984437.
Vancouver Morkva V. Not a crisis nor civil war, but a foreign aggression: Why did Russia attack Ukraine in 2014?. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 2022;23(1):71-88.