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Tüketicilerin sokak lezzeti tercihlerinde satıcılarının marka bilinirliği algılarının etkisi: Youtuberların aracı rolü

Yıl 2023, , 407 - 429, 30.04.2023


Günümüzde iş yaşam dengesi, “zamanındalık” ve “yeterlilik” kavramları etrafında şekillenmekte, çalışanın günü adeta bir yarış içinde geçmektedir. Gündelik yaşamda, zaman önemli bir denge aracı olmaktadır. Sokak lezzetleri her yerde ve her zaman kolay erişebilirlik yönüyle bu ihtiyacı fazlasıyla karşılamaktadır. Yeterlilik olgusu ise, gittikçe artan hayat pahalılığı nedeniyle insanların ucuz, lezzetli ve doyurucu gıdaya erişimini öncelikli bir konu haline getirmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı; tüketicilerin sokak lezzeti tercihlerinde Youteberların rolü ve etkisini ortaya koymaktır. Araştırma nicel araştırma deseninde planlanmış ve internet üzerinden yürütülmüştür. Araştırma için geliştiren anket formu, Linkedin sosyal medya platformu üyeleri arasından yargısal örnekleme ile seçilen farklı organizasyonların insan kaynakları departmanlarında insan kaynakları profesyoneli olarak çalışan ve sokak lezzetlerini sıkça deneyimleyen 400 kişiyle bir mail ekinde paylaşılmış ve 196 katılımcıdan dönüş sağlanmıştır. Veri toplama aracı olarak geliştirilen anket formu; Kişisel Bilgiler, Tüketiciye Yönelik Marka Değeri Ölçeği; Tüketici Marka Tercihi Ölçeği ile Youtuber Algı Ölçeğinden oluşmaktadır. Araştırmadan elde edilen bulgulara göre; tüketicilerin sokak lezzeti tercihleri ile satıcıların marka bilinirlik algıları arasında olumlu ve anlamlı ilişki bulunmaktadır. Youteberların bu ilişkide olumlu ve anlamlı katkısı olmakla birlikte aracılık rolü tanımlanamamıştır.


Etik Kurul İzini almama aracılık eden İstanbul Okan Üniversitesi Öğretim Üyesi Doç. Dr. Hüseyin Mert'e teşekkür ederim.


  • Aaker, A. D. (1991). Managing Brand Equity. The Free Press, Macmillan, Inc., New York, USA.
  • Aaker, D. (2007). Marka Değeri Yönetimi, İstanbul: Mediacat Kitapları.
  • Abidin, C. (2016). Visibility Labour: Engaging with Influencers’ Fashion Brands and OOTD Advertorial Campaigns on Instagram. Media International Australia, 161(1), 86-100.
  • Ariffin, S., Yusof, J. M., Putit, L. & Shah, M. I. A. (2016). Factors Influencing Perceived Quality and Repurchase Intention Towards Green Products. Procedia Economics and Finance. 37, 391-396.
  • Armağan, E. & Doğaner, M. C. (2018). Fenomen Pazarlaması: Youtube Güzellik Vloggerları Üzerine Bir Araştırma. 1st International Congress of Political, Economic and Financial Analysis
  • Avcı, N. (2019). İnsan Kaynaklarından Yetenek Yönetimine Endüstri 4.0. Kriter Yayınları, İstanbul
  • Ayas, N. (2012). Marka Değeri Algılamalarının Tüketici Satın Alma Davranışı Üzerine Etkisi. Girişimcilik ve Kalkınma Dergisi (7:1), ss.163-183
  • Barony, R.M. & Kenny, D.A (1986). “The Moderator-Mediator Variable Distinction in Social Psychological Research: Conceptual, Strategic, and Statistical Considerations,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 51(6): 1173-1182.
  • Bartels, D. M. & Johnson, E. J. (2015). Connecting Cognition and Consumer Choice. Cognition, 135, 47-51
  • Bor, H. M., & Erten, A. (2019). Dijital Çağın Mesleği Nasıl İnfluencer Olunur? İstanbul: Hürriyet Kitap.
  • Briliana, V., Ruswidiono, W. & Deitiana, T. (2020). How Social Media are Successfully Transforming the Marketing of Local Street Food to Better Serve the Constantly- Connected Digital Consumer Advances in Economics. Business and Management Research, volume 174 (Copyright © 2021 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press B.V.)
  • Chalmers, T.D. (2007). Advertising Authenticity: Resonating Replications of Real Life. European Advences in Consumer Research, 8, 442-443.
  • Chang, H.H. & Liu, Y.M. (2009). The Impact of Brand Equity on Brand Preference and Purchase Intention in the Services Industries. The Service Industries Journal. 29 (12), 1687- 1706
  • Chen, C. & Chang, Y. (2008). Airline Brand Equity, Brand Preference and Purchase Intentions The Moderating Effects of Switching Cost. Journal of Air Transport Management, 14, 40-42.
  • Cheung, M., Yee, C., Luo, C., Ling S. & Huaping, C. (2009). Credibility of Electronic Word-of- Mouth: Informational and Normative Determinants of On-line Consumer Recommendations. International Journal of Electroniccommerce, 13(4), 9-38.
  • Correa, S.C. H., Soares, J. L. Christino, J.M. M., Gosling, M.S. & Gonçalves, C. A. (2020). The Influence of YouTubers on Followers’ use Intention. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, vol.14, no.2, pp.173-194
  • Çokluk, Ö., Şekercioğlu, G. & Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2010). Sosyal Bilimler İçin Çok Değişkenli İstatistik. PEGEM Yayınları. Ankara.
  • De Veirman M., Caugberghe, V. & Hudders, L. (2017). Marketing Through Instagram Influencers: The Impact of Number of Followers and Product Divergence on Brand Attitude. International Journal of Advertising, 36(5), 798-828.
  • Dehghani, M. & Tumer, M. (2015). A Research on Effectiveness of Facebook Advertising on Enhancing Purchase Intention of Consumers. Computers in Human Behavior, 49, 597- 600.
  • Dıraman, A. (2018). Influencer Marketing ve Kampanya Süreci.
  • FAO. (1989). Street Foods. A summary of FAO Studies and Other Activities Relating to Street Foods. Rome: FAO.
  • FAO. (2007). School Kids and Street Food. Spotlight Magazine, Agriculture and Consumer Protection Department United Nations. Erişim tarihi: 16 Aralık 2021 http://www.fao.org/AG/magazine/0702sp1.htm
  • Giles, D. C. (2002). Parasocial Interaction: A Review of the Literature and A Model for Future Research. Media Psychology, 4(3), 279-305.
  • Gounaris, S. & Stathakopoulos, V. (2004). Antecedents and Consequences of Brand Loyalty: An Empirical Study. Brand Management, 11 (4), 283- 306
  • Gürgen, H., Kırel, Ç., Öztuğ, F. &Orhon, N. (2003). Halkla İlişkiler ve İletişim, Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayını, Eskişehir
  • Heilman, C.M., Bowman, D. & Wright, G. (2000). The Evolution Of Brand Preferences and Choice Behaviors Of Consumers New to a Market. Journal of Marketing Research, 37(2): 139-155.
  • Holt, D. (2016). Sosyal Medya Çağında Pazarlama. HBR Türkiye, Mart, 37-46.
  • Horton, D. & Wohl, R. (1956). Mass Communication and Para-social Interaction: Observations on Intimacy at a Distance. Psychiatry, 19(3), 215-229.
  • Hoyer, W. D., & Brown, S. P. (1990). Effects of Brand Awareness on Choice for a Common, Repeat-purchase Product. Journal of Consumer Research, 17(2), 141-148.
  • Huang, J. & Zhang, D. (2008). Customer Value and Brand Loyalty: Multi- Dimensional Empirical Test. International Seminar on Future Information Technology and Management Engineering, 102- 106.
  • Hwang, J. & Chihyung, O. (2013). The Antecedents and Consequence of Consumer Attitudes Toward Restaurant Brands: A Comparative Study Between Casual and Fine Dining Restaurants. International Journal of Hospitality Management, pp121 -131
  • Keller, K. L. (1993. Conceptualizing, Measuring, and Managing Customer Based Brand Equity. Journal of Marketing, Vol:57, January, pp. 1–22.
  • Kraig, B. & Sen, C. T. (2013). Street Food Around the World. California: ABC-CLIO, LLC.
  • Kusumawardhany, P. A. (2021). The Role of Youtubers on Covid-19 Prevention Products’ Purchase Intention in the New Normal Era. Advances in Economics, Business & Management Research, volume 180 Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Management (INSYMA 2021)
  • Labrecque, L.I. (2014). Fostering Consumer–Brand Relationships in Social Media Environments: The Role of Para-Social Interaction. Journal of Interactive Marketing 28(2): 134–148.
  • Low, G. S. & Lamb, C.W. (2000). The Measurement and Dimensionality of Brand Associations. Journal of Product & Brand Management, Vol:9, No:6, pp.350-368
  • Macdonald, E & Sharp, B., (2003). Management Perceptions of the Importance of Brand
  • Awareness as an Indication od Advertising Effectiviness, Marketing Bulletin,14(2).
  • Moradi, H. & Zarei, A. (2011). The Impact of Brand Equity on Purchase Intention and Brand Preference- The Moderating Effects of Country of Origin Image. Austrailan Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 5(3), 539- 545.
  • Nizam, F. ve Öztürk Salğar, N. (2018). Yeni Medyada Tek Tıkla Şöhret Üretimi: İnternet Videolarıyla Gelen Şöhret. http://acikerisim.ticaret.edu.tr/xmlui/handle/11467/1893#sthash.yS0kCyeK.dpbs
  • Njaya, T. (2014). Nature, Operations and Socio-economic Features of Street Food Entrepreneurs of Harare, Zimbabwe. Journal Of Humanities And Social Science, 19(4),49-58.
  • Oyman, M. & Akıncı, S. (2019). Sosyal Medya Etkileyicileri Olarak Vloggerlar: Z Kuşağı Üzerinde Para-Sosyal İlişki, Satın Alma Niyeti Oluşturma ve Youtube Davranışlar Açısından Vloggerların İncelenmesi. Akdeniz Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Dergisi, (32), 441-464. DOI: 10.31123/akil.620050
  • Ohanian, R. (1990). Construction and Validation of a Scale to Measure Celebrity Endorsers’ Perceived Expertise, Trustworthiness, and Attractiveness. Journal of advertising, 19(3), 39-52.
  • Önen, V. (2018). Marka Güveni Marka Sadakati ve Marka Tercihi Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi: Kırtasiye Sektörü Uygulaması. İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 10/2 (2018), ss. 609-626, DOI: 10.20491/isarder.2018.447
  • Örs, M. (2018). İnternet Fenomenlerini Neden Takip Ediyoruz? Tüketici-Fenomen İlişkisini Güçlendiren Nedenlerin Ampirik Bir Çalışma İle Değerlendirilmesi. İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 10(4), 187-209.
  • Pappu, R., Pascale, G., Quester, P.G., Ray, W.& Cooksey, R.W. (2005). Consumer Based Brand Equity: Improving the Measurement-Empirical Evidence. Journal of Product & Brand Management, Vol:14, No:3, pp.143–154.
  • Pappu, R. & Quester, P.G. (2006). A Consumer-Based Method for Retailer Equity Measurement: Results of An Empirical Study. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. Vol:4, No:1, pp.1–13.
  • Punj, G.N. & Hillyer, C.L. (2004). A Cognitive Model of Customer-Based Brand Equity for Frequently Purchased Products: Conceptual Framework and Empirical Results, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 14(1&2): 124–131.
  • Sanyal, S. N. & Datta, S. K. (2011). The Effect of Perceived Quality on Brand Equity: An Empirical Study on Generic Drugs. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics. 23(5), 604-625
  • Sezgin, A. C. & Şanlıer, N. (2016). Street Food Consumption in Terms of the Food Safety and Health. Journal of Human Sciences, 13(3), 4072-4083
  • Spry A., Pappu, R. ve Bettina C. T. (2011). Celebrity Endorsement, Brand Credibility and Brand Equity. European Journal of Marketing, 45(6), 882-909.
  • Srinivasan, V., Park, Chang, S. & Chang, D. R. (2005). An Approach to the Measurement, Analysis, and Prediction of Brand Equity and Its Sources. Management Science, 51(9), 1433-1448.
  • Steyn, N. P., Labadarios, D. & Nel, J. H. (2011). Factors Which Influence the Consumption of Street Foods and Fast Foods in South Africa a National Survey. Nutrition Journal ,104,1- 10.
  • Teng S., Wei Khong, K.W., Wei Goh., & Yee L. C., A. (2014). Examining the Antecedents of Persuasive WOM Messages in Social Media. Online Information Review, 38(6), 746-768.
  • Ülker Demirel, E. & Yıldız, E. (2015). Marka Özgünlüğünün Marka Tercihi, Müşteri Tatmini ve Marka Sadakati Üzerindeki Etkileri: Bilgisayar Markaları Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Öneri Dergisi, 11 (44), 83-100.
  • Vazquez, R., Del Rio, A.B. & Iglesias, V. (2002). Consumer Based Brand Equity: Development and Validation of a Measurement Instrument. Journal of Marketing Management, Vol:18, No:6, pp.27–48
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The effect of consumers' perceptions about brand awareness of street flavors on street flavors preferences: The mediational role of Youtubers

Yıl 2023, , 407 - 429, 30.04.2023


Today, work-life balance is shaped around the concepts of "timeliness" and "competence”. The day passes as if in a race. In daily life, time is an important balance tool. Street Its flavors are more than enough to meet this need in terms of easy accessibility anywhere and anytime. The concept of sufficiency, on the other hand, makes it a priority for people to access cheap, tasty and satisfying food due to the increasing cost of living. The aim of this study; is to reveal the role and effect of youtubers on consumers' street taste preferences. The research was planned in a quantitative research design and conducted over the internet. The questionnaire developed for the research was shared with 400 people who work as humanresources professionals in the human resources departments of different organizations selected by judgmental sampling among the members of the Linkedin social media platform and who frequently experience street flavors in an e-mail attachment, and 196 participants were returned. The questionnaire form developed as a data collection toolwhichconsists of Personal Information, The Consumer Oriented Brand Equity Scale,Consumer Brand Preference Scale and Youteber Perception Scale.According to the findings obtained from the research; There is a positive and significant relationship between consumers' street taste preferences and sellers' brand awareness perceptions. Although youtubers have a positive and significant contribution to this relationship, their mediating role has not been defined.


  • Aaker, A. D. (1991). Managing Brand Equity. The Free Press, Macmillan, Inc., New York, USA.
  • Aaker, D. (2007). Marka Değeri Yönetimi, İstanbul: Mediacat Kitapları.
  • Abidin, C. (2016). Visibility Labour: Engaging with Influencers’ Fashion Brands and OOTD Advertorial Campaigns on Instagram. Media International Australia, 161(1), 86-100.
  • Ariffin, S., Yusof, J. M., Putit, L. & Shah, M. I. A. (2016). Factors Influencing Perceived Quality and Repurchase Intention Towards Green Products. Procedia Economics and Finance. 37, 391-396.
  • Armağan, E. & Doğaner, M. C. (2018). Fenomen Pazarlaması: Youtube Güzellik Vloggerları Üzerine Bir Araştırma. 1st International Congress of Political, Economic and Financial Analysis
  • Avcı, N. (2019). İnsan Kaynaklarından Yetenek Yönetimine Endüstri 4.0. Kriter Yayınları, İstanbul
  • Ayas, N. (2012). Marka Değeri Algılamalarının Tüketici Satın Alma Davranışı Üzerine Etkisi. Girişimcilik ve Kalkınma Dergisi (7:1), ss.163-183
  • Barony, R.M. & Kenny, D.A (1986). “The Moderator-Mediator Variable Distinction in Social Psychological Research: Conceptual, Strategic, and Statistical Considerations,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 51(6): 1173-1182.
  • Bartels, D. M. & Johnson, E. J. (2015). Connecting Cognition and Consumer Choice. Cognition, 135, 47-51
  • Bor, H. M., & Erten, A. (2019). Dijital Çağın Mesleği Nasıl İnfluencer Olunur? İstanbul: Hürriyet Kitap.
  • Briliana, V., Ruswidiono, W. & Deitiana, T. (2020). How Social Media are Successfully Transforming the Marketing of Local Street Food to Better Serve the Constantly- Connected Digital Consumer Advances in Economics. Business and Management Research, volume 174 (Copyright © 2021 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press B.V.)
  • Chalmers, T.D. (2007). Advertising Authenticity: Resonating Replications of Real Life. European Advences in Consumer Research, 8, 442-443.
  • Chang, H.H. & Liu, Y.M. (2009). The Impact of Brand Equity on Brand Preference and Purchase Intention in the Services Industries. The Service Industries Journal. 29 (12), 1687- 1706
  • Chen, C. & Chang, Y. (2008). Airline Brand Equity, Brand Preference and Purchase Intentions The Moderating Effects of Switching Cost. Journal of Air Transport Management, 14, 40-42.
  • Cheung, M., Yee, C., Luo, C., Ling S. & Huaping, C. (2009). Credibility of Electronic Word-of- Mouth: Informational and Normative Determinants of On-line Consumer Recommendations. International Journal of Electroniccommerce, 13(4), 9-38.
  • Correa, S.C. H., Soares, J. L. Christino, J.M. M., Gosling, M.S. & Gonçalves, C. A. (2020). The Influence of YouTubers on Followers’ use Intention. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, vol.14, no.2, pp.173-194
  • Çokluk, Ö., Şekercioğlu, G. & Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2010). Sosyal Bilimler İçin Çok Değişkenli İstatistik. PEGEM Yayınları. Ankara.
  • De Veirman M., Caugberghe, V. & Hudders, L. (2017). Marketing Through Instagram Influencers: The Impact of Number of Followers and Product Divergence on Brand Attitude. International Journal of Advertising, 36(5), 798-828.
  • Dehghani, M. & Tumer, M. (2015). A Research on Effectiveness of Facebook Advertising on Enhancing Purchase Intention of Consumers. Computers in Human Behavior, 49, 597- 600.
  • Dıraman, A. (2018). Influencer Marketing ve Kampanya Süreci.
  • FAO. (1989). Street Foods. A summary of FAO Studies and Other Activities Relating to Street Foods. Rome: FAO.
  • FAO. (2007). School Kids and Street Food. Spotlight Magazine, Agriculture and Consumer Protection Department United Nations. Erişim tarihi: 16 Aralık 2021 http://www.fao.org/AG/magazine/0702sp1.htm
  • Giles, D. C. (2002). Parasocial Interaction: A Review of the Literature and A Model for Future Research. Media Psychology, 4(3), 279-305.
  • Gounaris, S. & Stathakopoulos, V. (2004). Antecedents and Consequences of Brand Loyalty: An Empirical Study. Brand Management, 11 (4), 283- 306
  • Gürgen, H., Kırel, Ç., Öztuğ, F. &Orhon, N. (2003). Halkla İlişkiler ve İletişim, Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayını, Eskişehir
  • Heilman, C.M., Bowman, D. & Wright, G. (2000). The Evolution Of Brand Preferences and Choice Behaviors Of Consumers New to a Market. Journal of Marketing Research, 37(2): 139-155.
  • Holt, D. (2016). Sosyal Medya Çağında Pazarlama. HBR Türkiye, Mart, 37-46.
  • Horton, D. & Wohl, R. (1956). Mass Communication and Para-social Interaction: Observations on Intimacy at a Distance. Psychiatry, 19(3), 215-229.
  • Hoyer, W. D., & Brown, S. P. (1990). Effects of Brand Awareness on Choice for a Common, Repeat-purchase Product. Journal of Consumer Research, 17(2), 141-148.
  • Huang, J. & Zhang, D. (2008). Customer Value and Brand Loyalty: Multi- Dimensional Empirical Test. International Seminar on Future Information Technology and Management Engineering, 102- 106.
  • Hwang, J. & Chihyung, O. (2013). The Antecedents and Consequence of Consumer Attitudes Toward Restaurant Brands: A Comparative Study Between Casual and Fine Dining Restaurants. International Journal of Hospitality Management, pp121 -131
  • Keller, K. L. (1993. Conceptualizing, Measuring, and Managing Customer Based Brand Equity. Journal of Marketing, Vol:57, January, pp. 1–22.
  • Kraig, B. & Sen, C. T. (2013). Street Food Around the World. California: ABC-CLIO, LLC.
  • Kusumawardhany, P. A. (2021). The Role of Youtubers on Covid-19 Prevention Products’ Purchase Intention in the New Normal Era. Advances in Economics, Business & Management Research, volume 180 Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Management (INSYMA 2021)
  • Labrecque, L.I. (2014). Fostering Consumer–Brand Relationships in Social Media Environments: The Role of Para-Social Interaction. Journal of Interactive Marketing 28(2): 134–148.
  • Low, G. S. & Lamb, C.W. (2000). The Measurement and Dimensionality of Brand Associations. Journal of Product & Brand Management, Vol:9, No:6, pp.350-368
  • Macdonald, E & Sharp, B., (2003). Management Perceptions of the Importance of Brand
  • Awareness as an Indication od Advertising Effectiviness, Marketing Bulletin,14(2).
  • Moradi, H. & Zarei, A. (2011). The Impact of Brand Equity on Purchase Intention and Brand Preference- The Moderating Effects of Country of Origin Image. Austrailan Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 5(3), 539- 545.
  • Nizam, F. ve Öztürk Salğar, N. (2018). Yeni Medyada Tek Tıkla Şöhret Üretimi: İnternet Videolarıyla Gelen Şöhret. http://acikerisim.ticaret.edu.tr/xmlui/handle/11467/1893#sthash.yS0kCyeK.dpbs
  • Njaya, T. (2014). Nature, Operations and Socio-economic Features of Street Food Entrepreneurs of Harare, Zimbabwe. Journal Of Humanities And Social Science, 19(4),49-58.
  • Oyman, M. & Akıncı, S. (2019). Sosyal Medya Etkileyicileri Olarak Vloggerlar: Z Kuşağı Üzerinde Para-Sosyal İlişki, Satın Alma Niyeti Oluşturma ve Youtube Davranışlar Açısından Vloggerların İncelenmesi. Akdeniz Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Dergisi, (32), 441-464. DOI: 10.31123/akil.620050
  • Ohanian, R. (1990). Construction and Validation of a Scale to Measure Celebrity Endorsers’ Perceived Expertise, Trustworthiness, and Attractiveness. Journal of advertising, 19(3), 39-52.
  • Önen, V. (2018). Marka Güveni Marka Sadakati ve Marka Tercihi Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi: Kırtasiye Sektörü Uygulaması. İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 10/2 (2018), ss. 609-626, DOI: 10.20491/isarder.2018.447
  • Örs, M. (2018). İnternet Fenomenlerini Neden Takip Ediyoruz? Tüketici-Fenomen İlişkisini Güçlendiren Nedenlerin Ampirik Bir Çalışma İle Değerlendirilmesi. İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 10(4), 187-209.
  • Pappu, R., Pascale, G., Quester, P.G., Ray, W.& Cooksey, R.W. (2005). Consumer Based Brand Equity: Improving the Measurement-Empirical Evidence. Journal of Product & Brand Management, Vol:14, No:3, pp.143–154.
  • Pappu, R. & Quester, P.G. (2006). A Consumer-Based Method for Retailer Equity Measurement: Results of An Empirical Study. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. Vol:4, No:1, pp.1–13.
  • Punj, G.N. & Hillyer, C.L. (2004). A Cognitive Model of Customer-Based Brand Equity for Frequently Purchased Products: Conceptual Framework and Empirical Results, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 14(1&2): 124–131.
  • Sanyal, S. N. & Datta, S. K. (2011). The Effect of Perceived Quality on Brand Equity: An Empirical Study on Generic Drugs. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics. 23(5), 604-625
  • Sezgin, A. C. & Şanlıer, N. (2016). Street Food Consumption in Terms of the Food Safety and Health. Journal of Human Sciences, 13(3), 4072-4083
  • Spry A., Pappu, R. ve Bettina C. T. (2011). Celebrity Endorsement, Brand Credibility and Brand Equity. European Journal of Marketing, 45(6), 882-909.
  • Srinivasan, V., Park, Chang, S. & Chang, D. R. (2005). An Approach to the Measurement, Analysis, and Prediction of Brand Equity and Its Sources. Management Science, 51(9), 1433-1448.
  • Steyn, N. P., Labadarios, D. & Nel, J. H. (2011). Factors Which Influence the Consumption of Street Foods and Fast Foods in South Africa a National Survey. Nutrition Journal ,104,1- 10.
  • Teng S., Wei Khong, K.W., Wei Goh., & Yee L. C., A. (2014). Examining the Antecedents of Persuasive WOM Messages in Social Media. Online Information Review, 38(6), 746-768.
  • Ülker Demirel, E. & Yıldız, E. (2015). Marka Özgünlüğünün Marka Tercihi, Müşteri Tatmini ve Marka Sadakati Üzerindeki Etkileri: Bilgisayar Markaları Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Öneri Dergisi, 11 (44), 83-100.
  • Vazquez, R., Del Rio, A.B. & Iglesias, V. (2002). Consumer Based Brand Equity: Development and Validation of a Measurement Instrument. Journal of Marketing Management, Vol:18, No:6, pp.27–48
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Toplam 62 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Nuri Avcı 0000-0001-8128-5666

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Nisan 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 7 Ekim 2022
Kabul Tarihi 3 Nisan 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Avcı, N. (2023). Tüketicilerin sokak lezzeti tercihlerinde satıcılarının marka bilinirliği algılarının etkisi: Youtuberların aracı rolü. Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 16(2), 407-429. https://doi.org/10.25287/ohuiibf.1185639
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Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi Creative Commons Atıf-GayriTicari-AynıLisanslaPaylaş 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı ile lisanslanmıştır.