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Absence of A Common Kashmiri Identity And Future Claims in The Region of Kashmir: Paradox of Distinct Nationalisms

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 3, 1 - 9, 08.07.2017


Kashmiri identity being an important element of
the Kashmir conflict by complicating conflict resolution efforts deserves close
examination. A triangle in the state of Jammu and Kashmir between Ladakh, Jammu
and Kashmir prevents the emergence of a common Kashmirian identity. That’s why
the study focuses on only the identity of Muslims in Kashmir. It first examines
the elements that constitute this identity and second questions the causes of
the alienated and separative character of Kashmiri identity by focusing on the
Indian and Pakistan policies towards Kashmir and insurgent groups among
Kashmiri Muslims. The study finds out that Muslims in Kashmir are divided as
secular and fundamentalist Muslims and the Indian and Pakistan policies trigger
this split further. Thus, though a Kashmiri identity might be placed upon
religion, the causes of its alienation and separative character complicates the
conflict resolution further.


  • Ahuja, K. & Dhillon, M. D. & Akalamkam, K. & Papneja, D. (2016). Identities in Conflict: A Comparison of Drawings of Muslim Adolescents in Kashmir and Delhi. SAGE Publication, Retrieved January 19, 2016 from the World Wide Web: http://sgo.sagepub.com/content/spsgo/6/1/2158244015623596.full.pdf
  • Anant, A. (2009). Identity and Conflict: Perspectives from the Kashmir Valley. Strategic Analysis, 33(5), 760-773.
  • Arakotaram, K. (2009). The Rise of Kashmiriyat: People-Building in 20th Century Kashmir. The Columbia Undergraduate Journal of South Asian Studies, 1(1), 26-40. Retrieved October 15, 2015 from the World Wide Web: http://www.columbia.edu/cu/cujsas/Volume%20I/Karan%20Arakotaram%20-%20Kashmiriyat.pdf
  • BBC News. The Future of Kashmir In Depth. Retrieved October 25, 2015 from the World Wide Web: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/shared/spl/hi/south_asia/03/kashmir_future/html/
  • Bhat, :S. (2014). Political Assertion of Kashmiri Identity. Global Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 3(6), 28-36.
  • Cockell, J. G. (2000). Ethnic Nationalism and subaltern political process: exploring autonomous democratic action in Kashmir. Nations and Nationalism, 6(3), 319-346.
  • Dreze, J. (2000). Kashmir: manufacturing ethnic conflict. Retrieved September 20, 2015 from the World Wide Web: www.hinduonnet.com/thehindu/2000/03/29/stories/05292523.htm
  • Ganguly, R. (2001). India, Pakistan and the Kashmir Insurgency: Causes, Dynamics and Prospects for Solution. Asian Studies Review, 25(3), 309-334. India Guide, Population of Muslims in 2015. Retrieved October 15, 2015 from the World Wide Web: http://www.indiaonlinepages.com/population/muslim-population-in-india.html
  • Madan, T.N. (1998). Coping with ethnicity in South Asia: Bangladesh, Punjab and Kashmir compared. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 21(5), 969-989.
  • Majid, A. & Hamid, A. & Habib, Z. (2014). Genesis of the Two Nations Theory and the Quaid-e-Azam. Pakistan Vision, 15(1), 180-192.
  • Malik, I. (1992). Ethnicity and Contemporary South Asian Politics The Kashmir conflict as a case study. The Round Table, 81(322), 203-214.
  • Malik, I. H. (1999). Islam, Nationalism and the West, Issues of Identity in Pakistan. Oxford: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Naqash, N. & Shah, G. M. (1997). Kashmir: From Crisis to Crisis. New Delhi: APH Publishing Cooperation.
  • Puri, B. (1995). The Kashmiriyat: The Vitality of Kashmiri Identity. Contemporary South Asia, 4(1), 55-63.
  • Rozenberg, N.P. (2015). Lessons from Kashmir: Is Eastern Ukraine Next? Challenged Decolonization and Compromised Identities. Bard College Senior Projects, 326. Retrieved December 25, 2015 from the World Wide Web: http://digitalcommons.bard.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1202&context=senproj_s2015
  • Shah, M.A. (2014). Jammu and Kashmir: Understanding Identity and Difference. Retrieved September 22, 2015 from the World Wide Web: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2541342
  • Sharma, R. (2000). Kashmir Autonomy (An Exercise in Centre-State Relations). Delhi: Shubhi Publications.
  • Sharma, R. (2015). India, Kashmir, and the Muslim Identity. CLAWS Journal, Retrieved September 25, 2015 from the World Wide Web: http://www.claws.in/images/journals_doc/1404273411_RituSharma.pdf
  • The Constitution of India. Retrieved October 21, 2015 from the World Wide Web: http://www.constitution.org/cons/india/const.html
  • The Economic Times. (2015). Article 370, granting special status to the state, is permanent: Jammu and Kashmir High Court. Retrieved September 15, 2015 from the World Wide Web: http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/politics-and-nation/article-370-granting-special-status-to-the-state-is-permanent-jammu-and-kashmir-high-court/articleshow/49310080.cms
  • Tremblay, R. C. (1996-1997). Nation, Identity and the Intervening Role of the State: A Study of the Separative Movement in Kashmir. Pacific Affairs, 69(4), 471-497.
  • Varshney, A. (1991). India, Pakistan and Kashmir: Antinomies of Nationalism. Asian Survey, 31(11), 997-1019.
  • Varshney, A. (1992). Three Compromised Nationalisms: Why Kashmir Has Been A Problem. In R. T. (Ed.). Perspectives on Kashmir, The Roots of Conflict in South Asia (191-234). Boulder, CO: Westview Press.

Keşmir Bölgesinde Ortak Bir Keşmir Kimliğinin ve Gelecek Taleplerini Olmaması: Farklı Milliyetçiliklerin Paradoksu

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 3, 1 - 9, 08.07.2017


Ortak bir Keşmir kimliğinin ve gelecek taleplerinin olmaması Keşmir sorunun çözüm çabalarını zorlaştırmakta ve dolayısıyla derin bir incelemeyi hak etmektedir. Cammu ve Keşmir eyaletinde bulunan Ladak, Cammu ve Keşmir bölgeleri arasındaki üçlü durum ortak bir Keşmir kimliğinin oluşmasına engel olmaktadır. Dahası, Keşmir bölgesindeki Müslümanlar arasında da ortak bir Keşmir kimliği ve gelecek talebinden söz etmek mümkün değildir. Bu nedenledir ki; bu çalışma Keşmir bölgesinde neden ortak bir Keşmir kimliği ve gelecek talebinin olmadığına odaklanmakta ve dinin Keşmirli Müslümanlar arasında birleştirici bir unsurdan ziyade ayrıştırıcı bir unsur olduğunu ve iki farklı milliyetçiliğin oluşmasına sebep olduğunu iddia etmektedir: Hindistan ve Pakistan politikalarıyla desteklenen laik ve dini milliyetçilik.


  • Ahuja, K. & Dhillon, M. D. & Akalamkam, K. & Papneja, D. (2016). Identities in Conflict: A Comparison of Drawings of Muslim Adolescents in Kashmir and Delhi. SAGE Publication, Retrieved January 19, 2016 from the World Wide Web: http://sgo.sagepub.com/content/spsgo/6/1/2158244015623596.full.pdf
  • Anant, A. (2009). Identity and Conflict: Perspectives from the Kashmir Valley. Strategic Analysis, 33(5), 760-773.
  • Arakotaram, K. (2009). The Rise of Kashmiriyat: People-Building in 20th Century Kashmir. The Columbia Undergraduate Journal of South Asian Studies, 1(1), 26-40. Retrieved October 15, 2015 from the World Wide Web: http://www.columbia.edu/cu/cujsas/Volume%20I/Karan%20Arakotaram%20-%20Kashmiriyat.pdf
  • BBC News. The Future of Kashmir In Depth. Retrieved October 25, 2015 from the World Wide Web: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/shared/spl/hi/south_asia/03/kashmir_future/html/
  • Bhat, :S. (2014). Political Assertion of Kashmiri Identity. Global Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 3(6), 28-36.
  • Cockell, J. G. (2000). Ethnic Nationalism and subaltern political process: exploring autonomous democratic action in Kashmir. Nations and Nationalism, 6(3), 319-346.
  • Dreze, J. (2000). Kashmir: manufacturing ethnic conflict. Retrieved September 20, 2015 from the World Wide Web: www.hinduonnet.com/thehindu/2000/03/29/stories/05292523.htm
  • Ganguly, R. (2001). India, Pakistan and the Kashmir Insurgency: Causes, Dynamics and Prospects for Solution. Asian Studies Review, 25(3), 309-334. India Guide, Population of Muslims in 2015. Retrieved October 15, 2015 from the World Wide Web: http://www.indiaonlinepages.com/population/muslim-population-in-india.html
  • Madan, T.N. (1998). Coping with ethnicity in South Asia: Bangladesh, Punjab and Kashmir compared. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 21(5), 969-989.
  • Majid, A. & Hamid, A. & Habib, Z. (2014). Genesis of the Two Nations Theory and the Quaid-e-Azam. Pakistan Vision, 15(1), 180-192.
  • Malik, I. (1992). Ethnicity and Contemporary South Asian Politics The Kashmir conflict as a case study. The Round Table, 81(322), 203-214.
  • Malik, I. H. (1999). Islam, Nationalism and the West, Issues of Identity in Pakistan. Oxford: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Naqash, N. & Shah, G. M. (1997). Kashmir: From Crisis to Crisis. New Delhi: APH Publishing Cooperation.
  • Puri, B. (1995). The Kashmiriyat: The Vitality of Kashmiri Identity. Contemporary South Asia, 4(1), 55-63.
  • Rozenberg, N.P. (2015). Lessons from Kashmir: Is Eastern Ukraine Next? Challenged Decolonization and Compromised Identities. Bard College Senior Projects, 326. Retrieved December 25, 2015 from the World Wide Web: http://digitalcommons.bard.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1202&context=senproj_s2015
  • Shah, M.A. (2014). Jammu and Kashmir: Understanding Identity and Difference. Retrieved September 22, 2015 from the World Wide Web: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2541342
  • Sharma, R. (2000). Kashmir Autonomy (An Exercise in Centre-State Relations). Delhi: Shubhi Publications.
  • Sharma, R. (2015). India, Kashmir, and the Muslim Identity. CLAWS Journal, Retrieved September 25, 2015 from the World Wide Web: http://www.claws.in/images/journals_doc/1404273411_RituSharma.pdf
  • The Constitution of India. Retrieved October 21, 2015 from the World Wide Web: http://www.constitution.org/cons/india/const.html
  • The Economic Times. (2015). Article 370, granting special status to the state, is permanent: Jammu and Kashmir High Court. Retrieved September 15, 2015 from the World Wide Web: http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/politics-and-nation/article-370-granting-special-status-to-the-state-is-permanent-jammu-and-kashmir-high-court/articleshow/49310080.cms
  • Tremblay, R. C. (1996-1997). Nation, Identity and the Intervening Role of the State: A Study of the Separative Movement in Kashmir. Pacific Affairs, 69(4), 471-497.
  • Varshney, A. (1991). India, Pakistan and Kashmir: Antinomies of Nationalism. Asian Survey, 31(11), 997-1019.
  • Varshney, A. (1992). Three Compromised Nationalisms: Why Kashmir Has Been A Problem. In R. T. (Ed.). Perspectives on Kashmir, The Roots of Conflict in South Asia (191-234). Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
Toplam 23 adet kaynakça vardır.


Konular Ekonomi
Bölüm Makaleler

Arzu Güler

Yayımlanma Tarihi 8 Temmuz 2017
Gönderilme Tarihi 9 Haziran 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017 Cilt: 10 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Güler, A. (2017). Absence of A Common Kashmiri Identity And Future Claims in The Region of Kashmir: Paradox of Distinct Nationalisms. Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 10(3), 1-9. https://doi.org/10.25287/ohuiibf.320152
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