Investigation of Radiation Protection Parameters of Some Control Rod Types that Can Be Used in Akkuyu Nuclear Reactors
Yıl 2022,
, 15 - 25, 23.02.2022
Yusuf Kavun
Ahmet Öztürk
Eyyup Tel
Control rods are used in nuclear reactors to control fission in the core. Different reactor designs must use different control rod materials because of the neutrons that can be found at various energies. These materials, which can be made of chemical compounds such as B4C, ZrB2, TiB2 or HfB2 that can absorb neutrons, have different absorption properties for neutrons of various energies. In this study, control rods that can be used in Akkuyu Nuclear Reactors were investigated. It has been taken into account that chemical compounds such as B4C, ZrB2, TiB2 or HfB2 may be present in the structure of these control rods, and the linear and mass attenuation coefficients (LAC, MAC), half and tenth value thicknesses (HVL, TVL) and mean free path (MFP), The atomic number, electron density (Zeff, Neff) and effective conductivity (Ceff) energy parameters have been calculated theoretically between 1 keV and 20 MeV using Phy-X software.
Destekleyen Kurum
Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University
Proje Numarası
2020/7-18 M, 2020/7-19 M and 2021/3-2 YLS
This study was supported by the Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit of Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University.
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- Lee, J.C., 2020. Nuclear Reactor: Physics and Engineering. Nucl. React. Phys. Eng. 1–631.
- Mohanakrishnan, P., Singh, O.P., Umasankari, K., 2021. Physics of nuclear reactors, 1st ed. Academic Press.
- Özpolat, Ö.F., Alım, · B, Şakar, · E, Büyükyıldız, · M, Kurudirek, · M, 2020. Phy-X/ZeXTRa: a software for robust calculation of effective atomic numbers for photon, electron, proton, alpha particle, and carbon ion interactions. Radiat. Environ. Biophys. 59, 321–329.
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- Shultis, J.K., Faw, R.E., 2010. Radiation Shielding and Radiological Protection, in: Handbook of Nuclear Engineering.
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Akkuyu Nükleer Reaktörlerinde Kullanılabilecek olan Bazı Kontrol Çubuğu Tiplerinin Radyasyon Koruma Parametrelerinin İncelenmesi
Yıl 2022,
, 15 - 25, 23.02.2022
Yusuf Kavun
Ahmet Öztürk
Eyyup Tel
Kontrol çubukları, nükleer reaktörlerde çekirdekte oluşacak fisyonun kontrol edilmesi için kullanılır. Farklı reaktör tasarımlarında çeşitli enerjilerde bulunabilen nötronlar nedeniyle farklı kontrol çubuğu malzemeleri kullanmalıdır. Nötronları absorbe edebilen B4C, ZrB2, TiB2 veya HfB2 gibi kimyasal bileşiklerden yapılabilen bu malzemeler, çeşitli enerjilerdeki nötronlar için farklı absorpsiyon özelliklerine sahiptir. Bu çalışmada Akkuyu Nükleer Reaktörlerde kullanılabilecek kontrol çubukları araştırılmıştır. Bu kontrol çubuklarının yapısında B4C, ZrB2, TiB2 veya HfB2 gibi kimyasal bileşiklerin bulunabileceği ve lineer ve kütle zayıflama katsayıları (LAC, MAC), yarım ve onuncu değer kalınlıkları (HVL, TVL) ve ortalama serbest yol (MFP), Atom numarası, elektron yoğunluğu (Zeff, Neff) ve etkin iletkenlik (Ceff) enerji parametreleri Phy-X yazılımı kullanılarak teorik olarak 1 keV ile 20 MeV arasında hesaplanmıştır.
Proje Numarası
2020/7-18 M, 2020/7-19 M and 2021/3-2 YLS
- Agar, O., 2018. Study on gamma ray shielding performance of concretes doped with natural sepiolite mineral. Radiochim. Acta.
- Cockbame D.R., Gültekin, E., n.d. Nükleer Reaktörlerin Kontrolü ve Cihazlandırılması. TJDK 631.
- Cox, J., et al., 2020. Flexible Nuclear Energy for Clean Energy Systems.
- Fischer, V., Tiras, E., 2020. Water-based Liquid Scintillator detector as a new technology testbed for neutrino studies in Turkey. Nucl. Instruments Methods Phys. Res. Sect. A Accel. Spectrometers, Detect. Assoc. Equip. 969, 163931.
- H. Eskalen, Y. Kavun, S. Kerli, S. Eken, 2020. An investigation of radiation shielding properties of boron doped ZnO thin films. Opt. Mater. (Amst). 105.
- Kavun, Y., Eskalen, H., Kerli̇, S., Kavgaci, M., 2021. Fabrication and characterization of GdxFe2O3(100-x) /PVA (x=0, 5, 10, 20) composite films for radiation shielding. Appl. Radiat. Isot. 177, 109918.
- Kavun, Y., Uruş, S., Tutuş, A., Eken, S., Özbek, R., 2019. Investigation of Radiation Absorption Properties of Tungstate and Molibdate Doped Wallpapers. Cumhur. Sci. J.
- Lee, J.C., 2020. Nuclear Reactor: Physics and Engineering. Nucl. React. Phys. Eng. 1–631.
- Mohanakrishnan, P., Singh, O.P., Umasankari, K., 2021. Physics of nuclear reactors, 1st ed. Academic Press.
- Özpolat, Ö.F., Alım, · B, Şakar, · E, Büyükyıldız, · M, Kurudirek, · M, 2020. Phy-X/ZeXTRa: a software for robust calculation of effective atomic numbers for photon, electron, proton, alpha particle, and carbon ion interactions. Radiat. Environ. Biophys. 59, 321–329.
- Şakar, E., Özpolat, Ö.F., Alım, B., Sayyed, M.I., Kurudirek, M., 2020. Phy-X / PSD: Development of a user friendly online software for calculation of parameters relevant to radiation shielding and dosimetry. Radiat. Phys. Chem. 166, 108496.
- Shultis, J.K., Faw, R.E., 2010. Radiation Shielding and Radiological Protection, in: Handbook of Nuclear Engineering.
- William E Ray, 1963. Fabrication of control rods for nuclear reactors, First Edit. ed. Rowman and Littlefield.