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Investigation of Pseudo-residue Existence Obtained from the Hands of Employees in Various Business Lines

Yıl 2023, , 261 - 274, 10.03.2023


Handswap analysis is carried out in criminal laboratories in order to illuminate the crime scenes in which firearms are used. The reliability of the results obtained from the analyzes is the subject of the chemistry department and is based on sample reliability. In this study, the hand swabs of people working in fifteen various business lines were obtained using transfer kit in order to acquire a scientific response to the issue of whether there would be shot residues in the hands of people in everyday life. Collected samples were first examined by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM-EDS). The elements of Sb&Ba&Pb, as well as their combinations, were investigated in the samples. After SEM-EDS analysis, all samples were analyzed using graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS) method to determine the amount of antimony element. According to the results, antimony element was detected on the surface of the caliper used in the printing house via GFAAS. Sb&Ba&Pb particles were also detected by SEM-EDS analysis in the swabs taken from the hands of the automobile battery repairman and the market cashier.


  • Ali, L., Brown, K., Castellano, H., Wetzel, S. J. A Study of the Presence of Gunshot Residue in Pittsburgh Police Stations using SEM/EDS and LC-MS/MS. Journal of Forensic Sciences 2016; 61(4): 928-938.
  • Aliste, M., et al. Particle Analysis for the Detection of Gunshot Residue (GSR) in Nasal Samples Using Scanning Laser Ablation and Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (SLA-ICPMS). Journal of Forensic Sciences 2020; 65(4): 1094-1101.
  • Bender, R., Neimke, D., Niewöhner, L., Barth, M., Ebert, M. Discrimination of SINTOX® GSR against environmental particles and its automated investigation by SEM/EDS. Forensic Chemistry 2021; 24: 100338-100354.
  • Blakey, L. S., Sharples, G. P., Chana, K., Birkett, J. W. The fate and behaviour of gunshot residue: recreational shooter distribution. Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences 2019; 51: 176-179.
  • Brozek-Mucha, Z., Jankowicz, A. Evaluation of the possibility of differentiation between various types of ammunition by means of GSR examination with SEM-EDX method. Forensic Science International 2001; 123: 39-47.
  • Caccia, G., Mazzarelli, D., Amadasi, A., Rizzi, A., Caccianiga, M., Cattaneo, C. SEM-EDX analysis of microscopic surface debris collected from the skin - preliminary study. Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences 2021; 1-21.
  • Chang, K. H., Jayaprakash, P. T., Abdullah, A. F. L. Application of different standard loading approaches during solid phase microextraction for forensic analysis of single particle smokeless powders. Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences 2014; 47(2): 147-160.
  • Chang, K. H., Jayaprakash, P. T., Yew, C. H., Abdullah, A. F. L. Gunshot residue analysis and its evidential values: a review. Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences 2013; 45(1): 3-23.
  • Comanescu, M. A., Millett, T. J., Kubic, T. A. A Study of Background Levels of Antimony, Barium, and Lead on Vehicle Surface Samples by Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption. Journal of Forensic Sciences 2019; 64(2): 565-569.
  • Costa, R. A., et al. Gunshot residues (GSR) analysis of clean range ammunition using SEM/EDX, colorimetric test and ICP-MS: A comparative approach between the analytical techniques. Microchemical Journal 2016; 129: 339-347.
  • Dalby, O., Butler, D., Birkett, J. W. Analysis of gunshot residue and associated materials-a review. Journal of Forensic Sciences 2010; 55(4): 924-943.
  • Di Maio, V. J. M. Gunshot Wounds, Practical Aspects of Firearms, Ballistics and Forensic Tecniques. New York, CRC Press., 1999.
  • Feeney, W., Menking-Hoggatt, K., Arroyo, L., Curran, J., Bell, S., Trejos, T. Evaluation of organic and inorganic gunshot residues in various populations using LC-MS/MS. Forensic Chemistry 2022; 27: 100389-100400.
  • Feeney, W., Menking-Hoggatt, K., Vander Pyl, C., Ott, C. E., Bell, S., Arroyo, L., Trejos, T. Detection of organic and inorganic gunshot residues from hands using complexing agents and LC-MS/MS. Analytical Methods 2021; 13(27): 3024-3039.
  • Fidan, N. F., İzgi, B. Determination of antimony in gunshot residues (GSR) by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry. Bulgarian Chemical Communications 2009; 41(4): 404-408.
  • Gassner, A. L., Weyermann, C. Prevalence of organic gunshot residues in police vehicles. Science and Justice 2020; 60(2): 136-144.
  • Goudsmits, E., Sharples, G. P., Birkett, J. W. Preliminary classification of characteristic organic gunshot residue compounds. Science and Justice 2016; 56(6): 421-425.
  • Grima, M., Butler, M., Hanson, R., Mohameden, A. Firework displays as sources of particles similar to gunshot residue. Science and Justice 2012; 52(1): 49-57.
  • Hearns, N. G., Lafleche, D. N., Sandercock, M. L. Preparation of a Ytterbium-tagged Gunshot Residue Standard for Quality Control in the Forensic Analysis of GSR. Journal of Forensic Sciences 2015; 60(3): 737-742.
  • Kara, I., Lisesivdin, S. B., Kasap, M., Er, E., Uzek, U. The Relationship Between the Surface Morphology and Chemical Composition of Gunshot Residue Particles. Journal of Forensic Sciences 2015; 60(4): 1030-1033.
  • Kara, İ., Yalçinkaya, Ö. Evaluation of persistence of gunshot residue (GSR) using graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS) method. Bulgarian Chemical Communications 2017; 49(1): 101-108.
  • Koons, R. D., Havekost, D. G., Peters, C. A. Analysis of Gunshot Primer Residue Collection Swabs Using Flameless Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry: A Reexamination of Extraction and Instrument Procedures. Journal of Forensic Sciences 1987; 32(4): 846-865.
  • Maitre, M., Kirkbride, K. P., Horder, M., Roux, C., Beavis, A. Thinking beyond the lab: organic gunshot residues in an investigative perspective. Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences 2018; 1-7.
  • Matricardi, V. R., Kilty, W. Detection of Gunshot Residue Particles From the Hands of a Shooter. Journal of Forensic Sciences 1977; 2: 725-738.
  • Montoriol, R., et al. Gunshot residue detection in stagnant water: SEM-EDX or ICP-MS? A preliminary study. Journal of Forensic Sciences 2021; 66(4): 1267-1275.
  • Rijnders, M. R., Stamouli, A., Bolck, A. Comparison of GSR composition occurring at different locations around the firing position. Journal of Forensic Sciences 2010; 55(3): 616-623.
  • Romolo, F. S., Bailey, M. J., de Jesus, J., Manna, L., Donghi, M. Unusual sources of Sn in GSR. An experimental study by SEM and IBA. Science & Justice 2019; 59(2): 181-189.
  • Romolo, F. S., Margot P. Identification of gunshot residue: a critical review. Forensic Science International 2001; 119: 195-211. Rosengarten, H., Israelsohn, O., Sirota, N., Mero, O. Finding GSR evidence on used towels. Forensic Science International 2021; 328: 111032-111036.
  • Shrivastava, P., Jain, V. K., Nagpal, S. Gunshot residue detection Technologies-a review. Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences 2021; 11(1): 1-21.
  • Stamouli, A., et al. Survey of gunshot residue prevalence on the hands of individuals from various population groups in and outside Europe. Forensic Chemistry 2021; 23: 100308-100316.
  • Tahirukaj, M., Olluri, B., Surleva, A. A study of the effect of working parameters and validation of SEM/EDS method for determination of elemental composition of commonly encountered GSR samples in shooting events in Kosovo. Journal of Forensic Sciences 2021; 66(6): 2393-2404.
  • Tarifa, A., Almirall, J. R. Fast detection and characterization of organic and inorganic gunshot residues on the hands of suspects by CMV-GC-MS and LIBS. Science & Justice 2015; 55(3): 168-175.
  • Taudte, R. V., Beavis, A., Blanes, L., Cole, N., Doble, P., Roux, C. Detection of gunshot residues using mass spectrometry. BioMed Research International 2014: 965403-965419.
  • Tucker, W., Lucas, N., Seyfang, K. E., Kirkbride, K. P., Popelka-Filcoff, R. S. Gunshot residue and brakepads: Compositional and morphological considerations for forensic casework. Forensic Science International 2017; 270: 76-82.
  • Tugcu, H., et al. Determination of gunshot residues with image analysis: an experimental study. Military Medicine 2005; 170(9): 802-805.
  • Ulrich, A., Moor, C., Vonmont, H., Jordi, H. R., Lory, M. ICP-MS trace-element analysis as a forensic tool. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 2004; 378(4): 1059-1068.
  • Werner, D., Gassner, A. L., Marti, J., Christen, S., Wyss, P., Weyermann, C. Comparison of three collection methods for the sodium rhodizonate detection of gunshot residues on hands. Science & Justice 2020; 60(1): 63-71.
  • Yüksel, B., Ozler-Yigiter, A., Bora, T., Sen, N., Kayaalti, Z. GFAAS Determination of Antimony, Barium, and Lead Levels in Gunshot Residue Swabs: An Application in Forensic Chemistry. Atomic Spectroscopy 2016; 37(4): 164-169.
  • Yüksel, B., Şen, N., Ögünç, G. I., Erdoğan, A. Elemental profiling of toxic and modern primers using ICP-MS, SEM-EDS, and XPS: an application in firearm discharge residue investigation. Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences 2022; 1-18.

Çeşitli İş Kollarında Çalışanların Ellerinden Elde Edilen Yanıltıcı Kalıntı Varlığının Araştırılması

Yıl 2023, , 261 - 274, 10.03.2023


Ateşli silahların kullanıldığı polisiye olayların aydınlatılması için kriminal laboratuvarlarında el svap analizi yapılmaktadır. Analizlerden elde edilen sonuçların güvenilirliği, kimya anabilim dalının konusu olup örneklem güvenilirliğine dayalıdır. Bu çalışmada, insanların günlük hayatta ellerinde kurşun kalıntısı olup olmayacağı konusuna bilimsel bir cevap verebilmek için on beş farklı iş kolunda çalışan kişilerin el sürüntüleri transfer kiti kullanılarak elde edilmiştir. Toplanan numuneler ilk olarak Taramalı Elektron Mikroskobu (SEM-EDS) ile incelenmiştir. Numunelerde Sb&Ba&Pb elementleri ve bunların kombinasyonları incelenmiştir. SEM-EDS analizinden sonra tüm numuneler GFAAS yöntemi kullanılarak antimon element miktarının belirlenmesi için analiz edilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre matbaada kullanılan kumpasın yüzeyinde GFAAS aracılığıyla antimon elementi tespit edildi. Otomobil akü tamircisi ve market kasiyerinin ellerinden alınan sürüntülerde ayrıca SEM-EDS analizi ile Sb&Ba&Pb partikülü tespit edildi.


  • Ali, L., Brown, K., Castellano, H., Wetzel, S. J. A Study of the Presence of Gunshot Residue in Pittsburgh Police Stations using SEM/EDS and LC-MS/MS. Journal of Forensic Sciences 2016; 61(4): 928-938.
  • Aliste, M., et al. Particle Analysis for the Detection of Gunshot Residue (GSR) in Nasal Samples Using Scanning Laser Ablation and Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (SLA-ICPMS). Journal of Forensic Sciences 2020; 65(4): 1094-1101.
  • Bender, R., Neimke, D., Niewöhner, L., Barth, M., Ebert, M. Discrimination of SINTOX® GSR against environmental particles and its automated investigation by SEM/EDS. Forensic Chemistry 2021; 24: 100338-100354.
  • Blakey, L. S., Sharples, G. P., Chana, K., Birkett, J. W. The fate and behaviour of gunshot residue: recreational shooter distribution. Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences 2019; 51: 176-179.
  • Brozek-Mucha, Z., Jankowicz, A. Evaluation of the possibility of differentiation between various types of ammunition by means of GSR examination with SEM-EDX method. Forensic Science International 2001; 123: 39-47.
  • Caccia, G., Mazzarelli, D., Amadasi, A., Rizzi, A., Caccianiga, M., Cattaneo, C. SEM-EDX analysis of microscopic surface debris collected from the skin - preliminary study. Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences 2021; 1-21.
  • Chang, K. H., Jayaprakash, P. T., Abdullah, A. F. L. Application of different standard loading approaches during solid phase microextraction for forensic analysis of single particle smokeless powders. Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences 2014; 47(2): 147-160.
  • Chang, K. H., Jayaprakash, P. T., Yew, C. H., Abdullah, A. F. L. Gunshot residue analysis and its evidential values: a review. Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences 2013; 45(1): 3-23.
  • Comanescu, M. A., Millett, T. J., Kubic, T. A. A Study of Background Levels of Antimony, Barium, and Lead on Vehicle Surface Samples by Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption. Journal of Forensic Sciences 2019; 64(2): 565-569.
  • Costa, R. A., et al. Gunshot residues (GSR) analysis of clean range ammunition using SEM/EDX, colorimetric test and ICP-MS: A comparative approach between the analytical techniques. Microchemical Journal 2016; 129: 339-347.
  • Dalby, O., Butler, D., Birkett, J. W. Analysis of gunshot residue and associated materials-a review. Journal of Forensic Sciences 2010; 55(4): 924-943.
  • Di Maio, V. J. M. Gunshot Wounds, Practical Aspects of Firearms, Ballistics and Forensic Tecniques. New York, CRC Press., 1999.
  • Feeney, W., Menking-Hoggatt, K., Arroyo, L., Curran, J., Bell, S., Trejos, T. Evaluation of organic and inorganic gunshot residues in various populations using LC-MS/MS. Forensic Chemistry 2022; 27: 100389-100400.
  • Feeney, W., Menking-Hoggatt, K., Vander Pyl, C., Ott, C. E., Bell, S., Arroyo, L., Trejos, T. Detection of organic and inorganic gunshot residues from hands using complexing agents and LC-MS/MS. Analytical Methods 2021; 13(27): 3024-3039.
  • Fidan, N. F., İzgi, B. Determination of antimony in gunshot residues (GSR) by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry. Bulgarian Chemical Communications 2009; 41(4): 404-408.
  • Gassner, A. L., Weyermann, C. Prevalence of organic gunshot residues in police vehicles. Science and Justice 2020; 60(2): 136-144.
  • Goudsmits, E., Sharples, G. P., Birkett, J. W. Preliminary classification of characteristic organic gunshot residue compounds. Science and Justice 2016; 56(6): 421-425.
  • Grima, M., Butler, M., Hanson, R., Mohameden, A. Firework displays as sources of particles similar to gunshot residue. Science and Justice 2012; 52(1): 49-57.
  • Hearns, N. G., Lafleche, D. N., Sandercock, M. L. Preparation of a Ytterbium-tagged Gunshot Residue Standard for Quality Control in the Forensic Analysis of GSR. Journal of Forensic Sciences 2015; 60(3): 737-742.
  • Kara, I., Lisesivdin, S. B., Kasap, M., Er, E., Uzek, U. The Relationship Between the Surface Morphology and Chemical Composition of Gunshot Residue Particles. Journal of Forensic Sciences 2015; 60(4): 1030-1033.
  • Kara, İ., Yalçinkaya, Ö. Evaluation of persistence of gunshot residue (GSR) using graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS) method. Bulgarian Chemical Communications 2017; 49(1): 101-108.
  • Koons, R. D., Havekost, D. G., Peters, C. A. Analysis of Gunshot Primer Residue Collection Swabs Using Flameless Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry: A Reexamination of Extraction and Instrument Procedures. Journal of Forensic Sciences 1987; 32(4): 846-865.
  • Maitre, M., Kirkbride, K. P., Horder, M., Roux, C., Beavis, A. Thinking beyond the lab: organic gunshot residues in an investigative perspective. Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences 2018; 1-7.
  • Matricardi, V. R., Kilty, W. Detection of Gunshot Residue Particles From the Hands of a Shooter. Journal of Forensic Sciences 1977; 2: 725-738.
  • Montoriol, R., et al. Gunshot residue detection in stagnant water: SEM-EDX or ICP-MS? A preliminary study. Journal of Forensic Sciences 2021; 66(4): 1267-1275.
  • Rijnders, M. R., Stamouli, A., Bolck, A. Comparison of GSR composition occurring at different locations around the firing position. Journal of Forensic Sciences 2010; 55(3): 616-623.
  • Romolo, F. S., Bailey, M. J., de Jesus, J., Manna, L., Donghi, M. Unusual sources of Sn in GSR. An experimental study by SEM and IBA. Science & Justice 2019; 59(2): 181-189.
  • Romolo, F. S., Margot P. Identification of gunshot residue: a critical review. Forensic Science International 2001; 119: 195-211. Rosengarten, H., Israelsohn, O., Sirota, N., Mero, O. Finding GSR evidence on used towels. Forensic Science International 2021; 328: 111032-111036.
  • Shrivastava, P., Jain, V. K., Nagpal, S. Gunshot residue detection Technologies-a review. Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences 2021; 11(1): 1-21.
  • Stamouli, A., et al. Survey of gunshot residue prevalence on the hands of individuals from various population groups in and outside Europe. Forensic Chemistry 2021; 23: 100308-100316.
  • Tahirukaj, M., Olluri, B., Surleva, A. A study of the effect of working parameters and validation of SEM/EDS method for determination of elemental composition of commonly encountered GSR samples in shooting events in Kosovo. Journal of Forensic Sciences 2021; 66(6): 2393-2404.
  • Tarifa, A., Almirall, J. R. Fast detection and characterization of organic and inorganic gunshot residues on the hands of suspects by CMV-GC-MS and LIBS. Science & Justice 2015; 55(3): 168-175.
  • Taudte, R. V., Beavis, A., Blanes, L., Cole, N., Doble, P., Roux, C. Detection of gunshot residues using mass spectrometry. BioMed Research International 2014: 965403-965419.
  • Tucker, W., Lucas, N., Seyfang, K. E., Kirkbride, K. P., Popelka-Filcoff, R. S. Gunshot residue and brakepads: Compositional and morphological considerations for forensic casework. Forensic Science International 2017; 270: 76-82.
  • Tugcu, H., et al. Determination of gunshot residues with image analysis: an experimental study. Military Medicine 2005; 170(9): 802-805.
  • Ulrich, A., Moor, C., Vonmont, H., Jordi, H. R., Lory, M. ICP-MS trace-element analysis as a forensic tool. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 2004; 378(4): 1059-1068.
  • Werner, D., Gassner, A. L., Marti, J., Christen, S., Wyss, P., Weyermann, C. Comparison of three collection methods for the sodium rhodizonate detection of gunshot residues on hands. Science & Justice 2020; 60(1): 63-71.
  • Yüksel, B., Ozler-Yigiter, A., Bora, T., Sen, N., Kayaalti, Z. GFAAS Determination of Antimony, Barium, and Lead Levels in Gunshot Residue Swabs: An Application in Forensic Chemistry. Atomic Spectroscopy 2016; 37(4): 164-169.
  • Yüksel, B., Şen, N., Ögünç, G. I., Erdoğan, A. Elemental profiling of toxic and modern primers using ICP-MS, SEM-EDS, and XPS: an application in firearm discharge residue investigation. Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences 2022; 1-18.
Toplam 39 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Kimya Mühendisliği
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri (RESEARCH ARTICLES)

Mehmet Erman Mert 0000-0002-0114-8707

Cihat Hilal 0000-0002-6966-6711

Yayımlanma Tarihi 10 Mart 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 20 Mayıs 2022
Kabul Tarihi 9 Ağustos 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Mert, M. E., & Hilal, C. (2023). Investigation of Pseudo-residue Existence Obtained from the Hands of Employees in Various Business Lines. Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 6(1), 261-274.
AMA Mert ME, Hilal C. Investigation of Pseudo-residue Existence Obtained from the Hands of Employees in Various Business Lines. Osmaniye Korkut Ata University Journal of The Institute of Science and Techno. Mart 2023;6(1):261-274. doi:10.47495/okufbed.1119195
Chicago Mert, Mehmet Erman, ve Cihat Hilal. “Investigation of Pseudo-Residue Existence Obtained from the Hands of Employees in Various Business Lines”. Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 6, sy. 1 (Mart 2023): 261-74.
EndNote Mert ME, Hilal C (01 Mart 2023) Investigation of Pseudo-residue Existence Obtained from the Hands of Employees in Various Business Lines. Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 6 1 261–274.
IEEE M. E. Mert ve C. Hilal, “Investigation of Pseudo-residue Existence Obtained from the Hands of Employees in Various Business Lines”, Osmaniye Korkut Ata University Journal of The Institute of Science and Techno, c. 6, sy. 1, ss. 261–274, 2023, doi: 10.47495/okufbed.1119195.
ISNAD Mert, Mehmet Erman - Hilal, Cihat. “Investigation of Pseudo-Residue Existence Obtained from the Hands of Employees in Various Business Lines”. Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 6/1 (Mart 2023), 261-274.
JAMA Mert ME, Hilal C. Investigation of Pseudo-residue Existence Obtained from the Hands of Employees in Various Business Lines. Osmaniye Korkut Ata University Journal of The Institute of Science and Techno. 2023;6:261–274.
MLA Mert, Mehmet Erman ve Cihat Hilal. “Investigation of Pseudo-Residue Existence Obtained from the Hands of Employees in Various Business Lines”. Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, c. 6, sy. 1, 2023, ss. 261-74, doi:10.47495/okufbed.1119195.
Vancouver Mert ME, Hilal C. Investigation of Pseudo-residue Existence Obtained from the Hands of Employees in Various Business Lines. Osmaniye Korkut Ata University Journal of The Institute of Science and Techno. 2023;6(1):261-74.



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