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Poly(aniline-co-N-methylpyrrole) and Poly(N-methylpyrrole-co-N-methylaniline) Synthesized on ZnNi Coated Carbon Steel Surface

Yıl 2025, , 314 - 324, 17.01.2025


Poly(aniline-co-N-methylpyrrole) and poly(N-methylpyrrole-co-N-methylaniline) copolymers were synthesized on the ZnNi-coated carbon steel (CS/ZnNi) electrode surface by cyclic voltammetry method. Copolymer film-coated electrodes were characterized by anodic polarization, linear sweep voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. It was determined that there was a ZnNi alloy underlying the copolymer films synthesized by linear sweep voltammetry. Anodic polarization curves showed that the current values of the poly(N-methylpyrrole-co-N-methylaniline) coated CS/ZnNi electrode were lower than the poly(aniline-co-N-methylpyrrole) coated CS/ZnNi electrode. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy results showed that the polarization resistance of the poly(N-methylpyrrole-co-N-methylaniline) coated CS/ZnNi electrode was higher than the poly(aniline-co-N-methylpyrrole) coated CS/ZnNi electrode after a long waiting time of 168 hours in a corrosive environment.


  • Akdağ A. Çinko-demir kaplı elektrot yüzeyindeki poli(anilin-co-pirol) ve poli(anilin-co-N-metilpirol) kopolimerlerin korozyon performansı. Bilecik Şeyh Edebali Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 2020; 7(1): 231-238.
  • Akdag A. Electrochemical synthesis and corrosion behaviour of poly (o–anisidine)-TiO2 nanocomposite on ZnNi-plated carbon. ChemistrySelect 2020; 5: 2496–2500.
  • Akdag A., Ozyilmaz AT. Poly(N-methylpyrrole) film on znni plated carbon steel electrode. Acta Chimica Slovenica 2017; 64(2): 312–318.
  • Akdag A., Ozyilmaz G., Ozyilmaz AT. Poly(2-chloroaniline) and poly(aniline-co-2-chloroaniline) films on ZnFe alloy plating. Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials 2018; 65(6): 580–586.
  • Beheshti M., Ismail MC., Kakooei S., Shahrestani S., Mohan G., Zabihiazadboni M. Influence of deposition temperature on the corrosion resistance of electrodeposited zinc‐nickel alloy coatings. Materialwissenschaft Und Werkstofftechnik 2018; 49(4): 472–482.
  • Boshkov N., Petrov K., Vitkova S., Nemska S., Raichevsky G. composition of the corrosion products of galvanic alloys Zn–Co and their influence on the protective ability. Surface and Coatings Technology 2002; 157(2–3): 171–178.
  • De Abreu Y., Da Silva A., Ruiz A., Réquiz R., Angulo N., Alanis R. Study of zinc coatings on steel substrate attained by two different techniques. Surface and Coatings Technology 1999; 120–121: 682–686.
  • Dutra CA., Codaro EN., Nakazato RZ. Electrochemical behavior and corrosion study of electrodeposits of Zn and Zn-Fe-Co on steel. Materials Sciences and Applications 2012; 3(6): 348-354.
  • Fayomi OSI., Akande IG., Odigie S. Economic impact of corrosion in oil sectors and prevention: an overview. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2019; 1378(2): 022037.
  • Edavan RP., Kopinski R. Corrosion resistance of painted zinc alloy coated steels. Corrosion Science 2009; 51(10): 2429-2442.
  • El Fazazi A., Ouakki M., Cherkaoui M. Electrochemical deposition and spectroscopy ınvestigation of Zn coatings on steel. Journal of Bio- and Tribo-Corrosion 2021; 7(2): 58.
  • Et Taouil A., Mahmoud MM., Lallemand F., Lallemand S., Gigandet MP., Hihn JY. Corrosion protection by sonoelectrodeposited organic films on zinc coated steel. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 2012; 19(6): 1186-1193.
  • Hosking NC., Ström MA., Shipway PH., Rudd CD. Corrosion resistance of zinc–magnesium coated steel. Corrosion Science 2007; 49(9): 3669–3695.
  • Hosseini MG., Ashassi-Sorkhabi H., Ghiasvand HAY. Electrochemical studies of Zn–Ni alloy coatings from non-cyanide alkaline bath containing tartrate as complexing agent. Surface and Coatings Technology 2008; 202(13): 2897–2904.
  • Karahan IH., Karabulut O., Alver U. A study on electrodeposited Zn–Co alloys. Physica Scripta 2009; 79(5): 055801.
  • Kirilova I., Ivanov I., Rashkov ST. Electrodeposition of Zn–Co alloy coatings from sulfate–chloride electrolytes. Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 1997; 27(12): 1380–1384.
  • Koch G. Cost of corrosion. In trends in Oil and Gas Corrosion Research and Technologies 2017; 3–30, Elsevier.
  • Marder AR. The metallurgy of zinc-coated steel. Progress in Materials Science 2000; 45(3): 191–271.
  • Ozyilmaz AT., Akdag A., Karahan IH., Ozyilmaz G. The influence of polyaniline (pani) coating on corrosion behaviour of zinc-cobalt coated carbon steel electrode. Progress in Organic Coatings 2013; 76(6): 993–997. Ozyilmaz AT., Akdag A., Karahan IH., Ozyilmaz G. Electrochemical synthesis of polyaniline films on zinc-cobalt alloy deposited carbon steel surface in sodium oxalate. Progress in Organic Coatings 2014; 77(4): 872–879.
  • Pech-Canul MA., Ramanauskas R., Maldonado L. An Electrochemical ınvestigation of passive layers formed on electrodeposited Zn and Zn-alloy coatings in alkaline solutions. Electrochimica Acta 1997; 42(2): 255–260.
  • Roventi G., Bellezze T., Fratesi R. Electrochemical study on the inhibitory effect of the underpotential deposition of zinc on Zn–Co alloy electrodeposition. Electrochimica Acta 2006; 51(13): 2691–2697.
  • Ryu H., Sheng N., Ohtsuka T., Fujita S., Kajiyama H. Polypyrrole film on 55% Al–Zn coated steel for corrosion prevention. Corrosion Science 2012; 56: 67–77.
  • Seré PR., Zapponi M., Elsner CI., Di Sarli AR. Comparative corrosion behaviour of 55Aluminium–zinc alloy and zinc hot-dip coatings deposited on low carbon steel substrates. Corrosion Science 1998; 40(10): 1711-1723.
  • Song GM., Sloof WG., Pei YT., De Hosson JTM. Interface fracture behavior of zinc coatings on steel: Experiments and finite element calculations. Surface and Coatings Technology 2006; 201(7): 4311–4316.
  • Tada E., Yusuke M. Hydrogen absorption behavior into Zn and Zn–Al coated steels during corrosion in aqueous solutions. The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan International 2016; 56(3): 444–451.
  • Tsuchiya S., Ueda M., Ohtsuka T. Polypyrrole coating on zinc for corrosion prevention of zinc-coated steels. The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan International 2007; 47: 151–156.
  • Üneri S. Korozyon ve önlenmesi. Korozyon Deneği Yayınları, 1998; Ankara
  • Yadav AP., Katayama H., Noda K., Masuda H., Nishikata A., Tsuru, T. Effect of Fe–Zn alloy layer on the corrosion resistance of galvanized steel in chloride containing environments. Corrosion Science 2007; 49(9): 3716-3731.

ZnNi Kaplı Karbon Çelik Yüzeyine Sentezlenen Poli(anilin-ko-N-metilpirol) ve Poli(N-metilpirol-ko-N-metilanilin)

Yıl 2025, , 314 - 324, 17.01.2025


Poli(anilin-ko-N-metilpirol) ve poli(N-metilpirol-ko-N-metilanilin) kopolimerleri ZnNi kaplı karbon çelik (CS/ZnNi) elektrot yüzeyine döngülü voltametri yöntemiyle sentezlenmiştir. Kopolimer film kaplı elektrotlar anodik polarizasyon, doğrusal taramalı voltametri ve elektrokimyasal empedans spektroskopisi ile karakterize edilmiştir. Doğrusal taramalı voltametri ile sentezlenen kopolimer filmlerin altında ZnNi alaşımı bulunduğu belirlenmiştir. Anodik polazrizasyon eğrileri poli(N-metilpirol-ko-N-metilanilin) kaplı CS/ZnNi elektrodun akım değerlerinin daha düşük olduğu göstermiştir. Elektrokimyasal empedans spektroskopisi korozif ortamda uzun bekleme süresi olan 168 saat sonunda poli(N-metilpirol-ko-N-metilanilin) kaplı CS/ZnNi elektrodun polarizasyon direncinin Poli(anilin-ko-N-metilpirol) kaplı elektroda göre daha yüksek olduğunu göstermiştir.


  • Akdağ A. Çinko-demir kaplı elektrot yüzeyindeki poli(anilin-co-pirol) ve poli(anilin-co-N-metilpirol) kopolimerlerin korozyon performansı. Bilecik Şeyh Edebali Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 2020; 7(1): 231-238.
  • Akdag A. Electrochemical synthesis and corrosion behaviour of poly (o–anisidine)-TiO2 nanocomposite on ZnNi-plated carbon. ChemistrySelect 2020; 5: 2496–2500.
  • Akdag A., Ozyilmaz AT. Poly(N-methylpyrrole) film on znni plated carbon steel electrode. Acta Chimica Slovenica 2017; 64(2): 312–318.
  • Akdag A., Ozyilmaz G., Ozyilmaz AT. Poly(2-chloroaniline) and poly(aniline-co-2-chloroaniline) films on ZnFe alloy plating. Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials 2018; 65(6): 580–586.
  • Beheshti M., Ismail MC., Kakooei S., Shahrestani S., Mohan G., Zabihiazadboni M. Influence of deposition temperature on the corrosion resistance of electrodeposited zinc‐nickel alloy coatings. Materialwissenschaft Und Werkstofftechnik 2018; 49(4): 472–482.
  • Boshkov N., Petrov K., Vitkova S., Nemska S., Raichevsky G. composition of the corrosion products of galvanic alloys Zn–Co and their influence on the protective ability. Surface and Coatings Technology 2002; 157(2–3): 171–178.
  • De Abreu Y., Da Silva A., Ruiz A., Réquiz R., Angulo N., Alanis R. Study of zinc coatings on steel substrate attained by two different techniques. Surface and Coatings Technology 1999; 120–121: 682–686.
  • Dutra CA., Codaro EN., Nakazato RZ. Electrochemical behavior and corrosion study of electrodeposits of Zn and Zn-Fe-Co on steel. Materials Sciences and Applications 2012; 3(6): 348-354.
  • Fayomi OSI., Akande IG., Odigie S. Economic impact of corrosion in oil sectors and prevention: an overview. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2019; 1378(2): 022037.
  • Edavan RP., Kopinski R. Corrosion resistance of painted zinc alloy coated steels. Corrosion Science 2009; 51(10): 2429-2442.
  • El Fazazi A., Ouakki M., Cherkaoui M. Electrochemical deposition and spectroscopy ınvestigation of Zn coatings on steel. Journal of Bio- and Tribo-Corrosion 2021; 7(2): 58.
  • Et Taouil A., Mahmoud MM., Lallemand F., Lallemand S., Gigandet MP., Hihn JY. Corrosion protection by sonoelectrodeposited organic films on zinc coated steel. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 2012; 19(6): 1186-1193.
  • Hosking NC., Ström MA., Shipway PH., Rudd CD. Corrosion resistance of zinc–magnesium coated steel. Corrosion Science 2007; 49(9): 3669–3695.
  • Hosseini MG., Ashassi-Sorkhabi H., Ghiasvand HAY. Electrochemical studies of Zn–Ni alloy coatings from non-cyanide alkaline bath containing tartrate as complexing agent. Surface and Coatings Technology 2008; 202(13): 2897–2904.
  • Karahan IH., Karabulut O., Alver U. A study on electrodeposited Zn–Co alloys. Physica Scripta 2009; 79(5): 055801.
  • Kirilova I., Ivanov I., Rashkov ST. Electrodeposition of Zn–Co alloy coatings from sulfate–chloride electrolytes. Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 1997; 27(12): 1380–1384.
  • Koch G. Cost of corrosion. In trends in Oil and Gas Corrosion Research and Technologies 2017; 3–30, Elsevier.
  • Marder AR. The metallurgy of zinc-coated steel. Progress in Materials Science 2000; 45(3): 191–271.
  • Ozyilmaz AT., Akdag A., Karahan IH., Ozyilmaz G. The influence of polyaniline (pani) coating on corrosion behaviour of zinc-cobalt coated carbon steel electrode. Progress in Organic Coatings 2013; 76(6): 993–997. Ozyilmaz AT., Akdag A., Karahan IH., Ozyilmaz G. Electrochemical synthesis of polyaniline films on zinc-cobalt alloy deposited carbon steel surface in sodium oxalate. Progress in Organic Coatings 2014; 77(4): 872–879.
  • Pech-Canul MA., Ramanauskas R., Maldonado L. An Electrochemical ınvestigation of passive layers formed on electrodeposited Zn and Zn-alloy coatings in alkaline solutions. Electrochimica Acta 1997; 42(2): 255–260.
  • Roventi G., Bellezze T., Fratesi R. Electrochemical study on the inhibitory effect of the underpotential deposition of zinc on Zn–Co alloy electrodeposition. Electrochimica Acta 2006; 51(13): 2691–2697.
  • Ryu H., Sheng N., Ohtsuka T., Fujita S., Kajiyama H. Polypyrrole film on 55% Al–Zn coated steel for corrosion prevention. Corrosion Science 2012; 56: 67–77.
  • Seré PR., Zapponi M., Elsner CI., Di Sarli AR. Comparative corrosion behaviour of 55Aluminium–zinc alloy and zinc hot-dip coatings deposited on low carbon steel substrates. Corrosion Science 1998; 40(10): 1711-1723.
  • Song GM., Sloof WG., Pei YT., De Hosson JTM. Interface fracture behavior of zinc coatings on steel: Experiments and finite element calculations. Surface and Coatings Technology 2006; 201(7): 4311–4316.
  • Tada E., Yusuke M. Hydrogen absorption behavior into Zn and Zn–Al coated steels during corrosion in aqueous solutions. The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan International 2016; 56(3): 444–451.
  • Tsuchiya S., Ueda M., Ohtsuka T. Polypyrrole coating on zinc for corrosion prevention of zinc-coated steels. The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan International 2007; 47: 151–156.
  • Üneri S. Korozyon ve önlenmesi. Korozyon Deneği Yayınları, 1998; Ankara
  • Yadav AP., Katayama H., Noda K., Masuda H., Nishikata A., Tsuru, T. Effect of Fe–Zn alloy layer on the corrosion resistance of galvanized steel in chloride containing environments. Corrosion Science 2007; 49(9): 3716-3731.
Toplam 28 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Elektrokimyasal Teknolojiler
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri (RESEARCH ARTICLES)

Abdurrahman Akdağ 0000-0001-5292-8001

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 15 Ocak 2025
Yayımlanma Tarihi 17 Ocak 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 22 Mayıs 2024
Kabul Tarihi 26 Eylül 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025

Kaynak Göster

APA Akdağ, A. (2025). ZnNi Kaplı Karbon Çelik Yüzeyine Sentezlenen Poli(anilin-ko-N-metilpirol) ve Poli(N-metilpirol-ko-N-metilanilin). Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 8(1), 314-324.
AMA Akdağ A. ZnNi Kaplı Karbon Çelik Yüzeyine Sentezlenen Poli(anilin-ko-N-metilpirol) ve Poli(N-metilpirol-ko-N-metilanilin). Osmaniye Korkut Ata University Journal of The Institute of Science and Techno. Ocak 2025;8(1):314-324. doi:10.47495/okufbed.1488453
Chicago Akdağ, Abdurrahman. “ZnNi Kaplı Karbon Çelik Yüzeyine Sentezlenen Poli(anilin-Ko-N-Metilpirol) Ve Poli(N-Metilpirol-Ko-N-Metilanilin)”. Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 8, sy. 1 (Ocak 2025): 314-24.
EndNote Akdağ A (01 Ocak 2025) ZnNi Kaplı Karbon Çelik Yüzeyine Sentezlenen Poli(anilin-ko-N-metilpirol) ve Poli(N-metilpirol-ko-N-metilanilin). Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 8 1 314–324.
IEEE A. Akdağ, “ZnNi Kaplı Karbon Çelik Yüzeyine Sentezlenen Poli(anilin-ko-N-metilpirol) ve Poli(N-metilpirol-ko-N-metilanilin)”, Osmaniye Korkut Ata University Journal of The Institute of Science and Techno, c. 8, sy. 1, ss. 314–324, 2025, doi: 10.47495/okufbed.1488453.
ISNAD Akdağ, Abdurrahman. “ZnNi Kaplı Karbon Çelik Yüzeyine Sentezlenen Poli(anilin-Ko-N-Metilpirol) Ve Poli(N-Metilpirol-Ko-N-Metilanilin)”. Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 8/1 (Ocak 2025), 314-324.
JAMA Akdağ A. ZnNi Kaplı Karbon Çelik Yüzeyine Sentezlenen Poli(anilin-ko-N-metilpirol) ve Poli(N-metilpirol-ko-N-metilanilin). Osmaniye Korkut Ata University Journal of The Institute of Science and Techno. 2025;8:314–324.
MLA Akdağ, Abdurrahman. “ZnNi Kaplı Karbon Çelik Yüzeyine Sentezlenen Poli(anilin-Ko-N-Metilpirol) Ve Poli(N-Metilpirol-Ko-N-Metilanilin)”. Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, c. 8, sy. 1, 2025, ss. 314-2, doi:10.47495/okufbed.1488453.
Vancouver Akdağ A. ZnNi Kaplı Karbon Çelik Yüzeyine Sentezlenen Poli(anilin-ko-N-metilpirol) ve Poli(N-metilpirol-ko-N-metilanilin). Osmaniye Korkut Ata University Journal of The Institute of Science and Techno. 2025;8(1):314-2.



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