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Yıl 2020, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2, 90 - 96, 15.12.2020



  • REFERENCES Abousekken MSM, 2015. Performance, immune response and carcass quality of broilers fed low protein diets contained either Moringa oleifera leaves meal or its extract. J. American Sci. 11: 153-164.
  • Adejola YA, Sobayo RA, Muhammed SB, Akinbola DD and A Olanrewaju. 2016. Effects of two herbal feed additives with or without grits on growth performance and nutrient digestibility of broiler chickens. J. Anim. Sci. Adv., 6:1548-1554.
  • Ahmad S, A Khalique, TN Pasha et al., 2017. Effect of Moringa oleifera (Lam.) pods as feed additive on egg antioxidants, chemical composition and performance of commercial layers. South Afri J Ani Sci, 47: 864-874.
  • Alnidawi, N. A., Hanaa, F. M., Sherein, S., Fatma, A., & Farid, M, 2016. Moringa oleifera Leaves in Broiler Diets: Effect on Chicken Performance and Health. Vol (58): 2224-6088.
  • Alexander DJ and DA Senne, 2008. Newcastle disease and other avian paramyxoviruses, in: A laboratory manual for the isolation, identification and characterization of avian pathogens, 5th E ) Pp, 135-141.
  • Anamika G, Manish K, Rahul K, Rao C, Goel R and Shampa A 2010. Immunumodulatory effect of Moringa oleifera Lam. extract on cyclophosphamide induced toxicity in mice. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology. 48: 1157-1160. Aruna M and N Srilatha, 2012. Water clarification using Moringa oleifera Lam.seed as a natural coagulant. Current Biotica, 5(4): 472-486.
  • Ashong JO and DL Brown. 2011. Safety and efficacy of Moringa oleifera powder for growing poultry. J. Anim. Sci., 89: 84.
  • Ayssiwede, S., Dieng, A., Bello, H., Chrysostome, C. A. A. M., Hane, M. B., Mankor, A.,& Missohou, A, 2011. Effects of Moringa oleifera (Lam.) leaves meal incorporation in diets on growth performances, carcass characteristics and economics results of growing indigenous senegal chicken.Pakistan Journal of Nutrition,10(12): 1132-1145.
  • Banjo OS 2012. Growth and performance as affected by inclusion of Moringa oleifera leaf meal in broiler chicks diet. J. of Bio, Agri. and Healthcare 2: 35-39.
  • Boakye OD, Emikpe BO, Folitse RD, Bonnah SG, Adusei K, Owusu M, Oyebanji VO. 2015. Serological detection of newcastle disease virus antibodies in local chickens and guinea fowls in the area of kumasi, Ghana. Brazilian Journal of Poultry Science. 18: 087-092.
  • Bolu SA, FF Suleiman and KD Adeyemi. 2013. Effects of Moringa oleifera leaf meal on the performance, heamatology and serum biochemistry of broiler chickens. Niugini Agrisaiens (5):1–9.
  • Chollom SC, GOA Agada, JG Gotep, SE Mwankon, PC Dus, YS Bot, DY Nyango, CL Singnap, EJ Fyaktu and AEJ Okwori. 2012. Investigation of aqueous extract of Moringa oleifera lam seed for antiviral activity against Newcastle disease virus in ovo. J. of Med. and Pl. Res., 6(22) 3870-3875.
  • Cwayita W. 2013. Effect of feeding Moringa oleifera leaf meal as an additive on growth performance of chicken, physico-chemical shelf – life indicators, fatty acids profiles and lipid oxidation of broiler meat. Thesis M.Sc.(Ani. Science), Facul. Of Sci. and Agri, Uni. Of Fort Hare, Alice, South Africa.
  • Ezejindu DN, AJ, Akiingboye 2014. Protective effects of Moringa oleifera leaf extract on murcury induced spleenotoxity in adult wistar rats. Int Mult-dis e- J Vol(3): 57- 63.
  • David LS, JK Vidanarachchi, K Samarasinghe, HW Cyril and CMB Dematawewa. 2012. Effects of Moringa based feed additives on the growth performance and carcass quality of broiler chick. Tropical Agri. Res. 24: 12– 20.
  • David SOF. and IO Ademola. 2013. Direct effects of Moringa oleifera Lam (Moringaceae) acetone leaf extract on broiler chickens naturally infected with Eimeria species. Tropical Ani. H. and Produ. 45 (6): 1423–142.
  • Donkor RL, K Glover, D Addae and KA Kubi. 2013. Estimating the nutritional value of the leaves of Moringa oleifera on poultry. Food and Nutrition Sciences. 4: 1077-1083.
  • Eze DC, EC Okwor, J Okoye et al., 2013. Immunologic effects of Moringa oleifera methanolic leaf extract in chickens infected with Newcastle disease virus (kudu 113) strain. Afri J of Pharm and Pharma, 7: 2231-2237.
  • Eze DC, EC Okwor, CH Ehirim , JO Ibu, and SVO Shoyinka. 2014. Comparative Evaluation of Moringa oleifera and Vacci-Boost Immunomodulators. South Asian J. Expl. Biol. 4: 42-47.
  • Feustel S, Ayon-Perez, F, Sandoval-Rodriguez A, Rodriguez-Echevarria R, Contreras-salinas H, Armendarz-Borunda J, & Sanchez-Or0zco LV(2017). Protective Effects of Moringa oleifera on HBV Genotypes C and H Transiently Transfected Huh7 cells. Journal of immunology research, 2017.
  • Fuglier LJ 1999. The miracle tree: Moringa oleifera. Natural nutrition for the tropics. Church World Service, Dakkar, Senegal, 68.
  • Gaafar AA, EA Ibrahim, MS Asker, AF Moustafa and ZA Salama, 2016. Characterization of Polyphenols, Polysaccharides by HPLC and Their Antioxidant, Antimicrobial and Antiinflammatory Activities of Defatted Moringa (Moringa oleifera L.) Meal Extract. Inter J of Pharmal and Clinil Res, 8(6): 565-573.
  • Gadzirayi CT, B Masamha, JF Mupangwa and S Washaya 2012, Performance of broiler chickens fed on mature Moringa oleifera leaf meal as a protein supplement to soyabean meal. Inter J of P Sci, 11(1): 5-10.
  • Gaia S, 2005. Wonder tree 100 facts Moringa fact 04 exceptional animal feed Moringa as livestock feed & pet food. Moringa Mission Trust.
  • Gakuya DW, Mbugua PN, Kavoi B, Kiama SG. 2014. Effect of Supplementation of Moringa oleifera Leaf Meal in Broiler Chicken Feed. International Journal of Poultry Science.13:208-213. Hassan KU, Khalique A, Pasha TN, Akram, M, Mahmood S, Sahota AW, Imran MS and Saleem G, 2017. Influence of Moringa oleifera Decorticated Seed Meal on broiler performance and immunity. Pak. Vet. J. vol 37(1): 47-50.
  • Hossam A, MA Abdelazem, HS Farag and A Hamed. 2016. Some hemato-biochemical, bacteriological and pathological effects of Moringa oleifera leaf extract in broiler chickens. Int. J of Basic and Applied Sci. 5:99-104.
  • Ikubani PP, Komolafe CA, Agboola, OO and Osueke CO, 2017. Moringa Seed Dhueling Machine. A New Conceptual Design. JPE Vol 20(2).
  • Fahey JW,2005. Moringa Pleifera: A review of the Medical Evidence for Its Nutritional, therapeutic and prophylactic Properties, part 1. Trees for life Journal 1-5.
  • Kakengi AMV, JT Kaijage, SV Sarwatt, SK Mutayoba, MN Shem and T Fujihara. 2007. Effect of Moringa oleifera leaf meal as a substitute for sunflower seed meal on performance of laying hens in tanzania. Livest Res Rur Dev. 19: 120.
  • Karthivashan G, P Arulselvan, AR. Alimon, IS Ismail and S Fakurazi. 2015. Competing role of bioactive constituents in Moringa oleifera extract and conventional nutrition feed on the performance of cobb 500 broilers. BioMed Res. I. 1-13.
  • Khalafalla MM, Abdellatef E, Dafalla HM, Nassrallah AA, Aboul-Enein KM, Lightfoot DA. 2010. Active principle from Moringa oleif.era Lam Leaves effective against two leukemias and a hepatocarcinoma. African Journal of Biotechnology. 9:8467-8471
  • Khalifa K, A Abedlrahim, ES Elnasri, IM and SO Ahmed, 2013. A retrospective study (2000-2005) of poultry diseases diagnosed at department of avian diseases and diagnosis, veterinary research institute (VRI)-Khartoum. Sudanese J of Ani Sci, 9: 42-45.
  • Kout E, MEL Moustafa, Riry, FH Shata, Mousa, MAM Hanan, AH Alghonimy and SF Youssef, 2015. Effect of Using Moringa oleifera leaf meal on Performance of Japanese quail. Egypt. Poult. Sci. 35: 1095-1108.
  • Leone, A., Spada, A., Battezzati, A., Schiraldi, A., Aristil, J., & Bertoli, S. (2015). Cultivation, genetic, ethnopharmacology, phytochemistry and pharmacology of Moringa oleifera leaves: an overview.International journal of molecular sciences,16(6), 12791-12835.
  • Mahmood S, A Rehman, M Yousaf, P Akhtar, G Abbas, K Hayat and MK Shahzad, 2015. Comparative efficacy of different herbal plant’s leaf extract on haematology, intestinal histomorphology and nutrient digestibility in broilers. Adv Zool Bot, 3(2): 11-16.
  • Mahmood S, K Hayat, M Yousaf, G Abbas and A Rehman. 2016. Comparative effect of Azadirachta indica, Moringa oleifera and Cichorium intybus leaf extracts on growth performance, immune response and carcass characteristics of broilers. Scholar’s Adv. Anim. Vet. Res., 3: 60-65.
  • Makanjuola BA, OO Obi, TO Olorungbohunmi, OA Morakinyo, MO Oladele-Bukola and BA Boladuro. 2014. Effect of Moringa oleifera leaf meal as a substitute for antibiotics on the performance and blood parameters of broiler chickens. Live. Res. for Rur. Dev. 26 (8). Mbanga J, N Mangoma and B Saidi, 2010. An evaluation of the antimicrobial activities of Aloe barbadensis, A. chabaudii and A. arborescens leaf extracts used in folklore veterinary medicine in Zimbabwe. J of Ani and Vet Adv, 9: 2918-2923.
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  • Nkukwana TT, V Muchenjea, E Pieterse, PJ Masika, TP Mabusela, LC Hoffman and K Dzama. 2014. Effect of Moringa oleifera leaf meal on growth performance, apparent digestibility, digestive organ size and carcass yield in broiler chickens. Livestock Sci. J. 16:139–146.
  • Nouman W, SMA. Basra, MT Siddiqui, A Yasmeen, T Gull and MAC Alcayde. 2013. Potential of Moringa oleifera L. as livestock fodder crop: a review. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry. 37: 1-1
  • Ochi EB, Elbushra M.E, Fatur M. Abubakr O. Ismail, Hafiz Abdalla. 2015. Effect of Moringa (Moringa oleifera lam) seeds on the performance and carcass characteristics of broiler chickens. Journal of Natural Sciences Research. 5:.8.
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Yıl 2020, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2, 90 - 96, 15.12.2020


Moringa oleifera meal can serve as a natural antimicrobial agent and a feed supplement supplying nutrients for rural and commercial poultry. Recently Moringa have wide range of application as a medicine, protein supplement and as an antioxidant in poultry. Moringa mainly composed of carbohydrates (38%), 27%, protein (27%), moisture (6%) and fibre (18%). The present study was planned to check efficacy of Moringa oleifera leaf meal (MOLM) for immunomodulatory effects in Broilers whilst it has been established already that there isn’t any deleterious effect in M. oleifera which are found in chemical drugs. 144 birds were divided into 4 groups having 12 birds of each and subdivided into groups of 12. Such that treatment groups were D; receiving 0%, divided into replicates D1, D2, D3 while similar divisions of group A, B and C received 2, 4 and 6 % of MOLM infused in their feed as an additive supplement. The birds were slaughtered at 14th, 21th and 35th day and blood as well as serum was collected for the sake of hematological parameters and to check the antibody titre using HA/HI checking for effectiveness of immune system at producing antibodies against Newcastle Disease, which the birds were vaccinated against. Maximum weight gain was observed in broilers fed diet B while lowest weight gain was observed in birds fed diet D, which was a control group. Maximum feed intake was observed in broilers fed diet A while lowest feed intake was observed in birds fed diet D, which was a control group. Significantly, better feed conversion ratio was observed in birds fed diet B whereas the highest feed conversion ratio (FCR) was observed in broilers fed diet without Moringa oleifera supplementations. The highest antibody level was found in the birds of group B, while lowest level was found in the broilers of group D. Maximum spleen weight was observed in birds fed diet group C and D while lowest weight was observed in birds fed diet A. Maximum thymus weight was observed in birds fed diet B and C. Bursa weight was observed in birds fed diet A and D while lowest weight was observed in birds fed diet C. There was no significant difference (P>0.05) on hematological profile among groups. All the collected data was analyzed by statistical software Minitab Inc. 2010. Minitab Statistical Software (Release 17). State College, PA. The data thus, obtained was subjected to CRD for analysis of variance. It was concluded that Moringa infused in feed does enhance immune parameters of broilers, making them better at combating diseases, making Moringa a viable dietary supplement for commercial poultry. It was also found that the optimal dose of Moringa in MOLM is 4g/kg feed


  • REFERENCES Abousekken MSM, 2015. Performance, immune response and carcass quality of broilers fed low protein diets contained either Moringa oleifera leaves meal or its extract. J. American Sci. 11: 153-164.
  • Adejola YA, Sobayo RA, Muhammed SB, Akinbola DD and A Olanrewaju. 2016. Effects of two herbal feed additives with or without grits on growth performance and nutrient digestibility of broiler chickens. J. Anim. Sci. Adv., 6:1548-1554.
  • Ahmad S, A Khalique, TN Pasha et al., 2017. Effect of Moringa oleifera (Lam.) pods as feed additive on egg antioxidants, chemical composition and performance of commercial layers. South Afri J Ani Sci, 47: 864-874.
  • Alnidawi, N. A., Hanaa, F. M., Sherein, S., Fatma, A., & Farid, M, 2016. Moringa oleifera Leaves in Broiler Diets: Effect on Chicken Performance and Health. Vol (58): 2224-6088.
  • Alexander DJ and DA Senne, 2008. Newcastle disease and other avian paramyxoviruses, in: A laboratory manual for the isolation, identification and characterization of avian pathogens, 5th E ) Pp, 135-141.
  • Anamika G, Manish K, Rahul K, Rao C, Goel R and Shampa A 2010. Immunumodulatory effect of Moringa oleifera Lam. extract on cyclophosphamide induced toxicity in mice. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology. 48: 1157-1160. Aruna M and N Srilatha, 2012. Water clarification using Moringa oleifera Lam.seed as a natural coagulant. Current Biotica, 5(4): 472-486.
  • Ashong JO and DL Brown. 2011. Safety and efficacy of Moringa oleifera powder for growing poultry. J. Anim. Sci., 89: 84.
  • Ayssiwede, S., Dieng, A., Bello, H., Chrysostome, C. A. A. M., Hane, M. B., Mankor, A.,& Missohou, A, 2011. Effects of Moringa oleifera (Lam.) leaves meal incorporation in diets on growth performances, carcass characteristics and economics results of growing indigenous senegal chicken.Pakistan Journal of Nutrition,10(12): 1132-1145.
  • Banjo OS 2012. Growth and performance as affected by inclusion of Moringa oleifera leaf meal in broiler chicks diet. J. of Bio, Agri. and Healthcare 2: 35-39.
  • Boakye OD, Emikpe BO, Folitse RD, Bonnah SG, Adusei K, Owusu M, Oyebanji VO. 2015. Serological detection of newcastle disease virus antibodies in local chickens and guinea fowls in the area of kumasi, Ghana. Brazilian Journal of Poultry Science. 18: 087-092.
  • Bolu SA, FF Suleiman and KD Adeyemi. 2013. Effects of Moringa oleifera leaf meal on the performance, heamatology and serum biochemistry of broiler chickens. Niugini Agrisaiens (5):1–9.
  • Chollom SC, GOA Agada, JG Gotep, SE Mwankon, PC Dus, YS Bot, DY Nyango, CL Singnap, EJ Fyaktu and AEJ Okwori. 2012. Investigation of aqueous extract of Moringa oleifera lam seed for antiviral activity against Newcastle disease virus in ovo. J. of Med. and Pl. Res., 6(22) 3870-3875.
  • Cwayita W. 2013. Effect of feeding Moringa oleifera leaf meal as an additive on growth performance of chicken, physico-chemical shelf – life indicators, fatty acids profiles and lipid oxidation of broiler meat. Thesis M.Sc.(Ani. Science), Facul. Of Sci. and Agri, Uni. Of Fort Hare, Alice, South Africa.
  • Ezejindu DN, AJ, Akiingboye 2014. Protective effects of Moringa oleifera leaf extract on murcury induced spleenotoxity in adult wistar rats. Int Mult-dis e- J Vol(3): 57- 63.
  • David LS, JK Vidanarachchi, K Samarasinghe, HW Cyril and CMB Dematawewa. 2012. Effects of Moringa based feed additives on the growth performance and carcass quality of broiler chick. Tropical Agri. Res. 24: 12– 20.
  • David SOF. and IO Ademola. 2013. Direct effects of Moringa oleifera Lam (Moringaceae) acetone leaf extract on broiler chickens naturally infected with Eimeria species. Tropical Ani. H. and Produ. 45 (6): 1423–142.
  • Donkor RL, K Glover, D Addae and KA Kubi. 2013. Estimating the nutritional value of the leaves of Moringa oleifera on poultry. Food and Nutrition Sciences. 4: 1077-1083.
  • Eze DC, EC Okwor, J Okoye et al., 2013. Immunologic effects of Moringa oleifera methanolic leaf extract in chickens infected with Newcastle disease virus (kudu 113) strain. Afri J of Pharm and Pharma, 7: 2231-2237.
  • Eze DC, EC Okwor, CH Ehirim , JO Ibu, and SVO Shoyinka. 2014. Comparative Evaluation of Moringa oleifera and Vacci-Boost Immunomodulators. South Asian J. Expl. Biol. 4: 42-47.
  • Feustel S, Ayon-Perez, F, Sandoval-Rodriguez A, Rodriguez-Echevarria R, Contreras-salinas H, Armendarz-Borunda J, & Sanchez-Or0zco LV(2017). Protective Effects of Moringa oleifera on HBV Genotypes C and H Transiently Transfected Huh7 cells. Journal of immunology research, 2017.
  • Fuglier LJ 1999. The miracle tree: Moringa oleifera. Natural nutrition for the tropics. Church World Service, Dakkar, Senegal, 68.
  • Gaafar AA, EA Ibrahim, MS Asker, AF Moustafa and ZA Salama, 2016. Characterization of Polyphenols, Polysaccharides by HPLC and Their Antioxidant, Antimicrobial and Antiinflammatory Activities of Defatted Moringa (Moringa oleifera L.) Meal Extract. Inter J of Pharmal and Clinil Res, 8(6): 565-573.
  • Gadzirayi CT, B Masamha, JF Mupangwa and S Washaya 2012, Performance of broiler chickens fed on mature Moringa oleifera leaf meal as a protein supplement to soyabean meal. Inter J of P Sci, 11(1): 5-10.
  • Gaia S, 2005. Wonder tree 100 facts Moringa fact 04 exceptional animal feed Moringa as livestock feed & pet food. Moringa Mission Trust.
  • Gakuya DW, Mbugua PN, Kavoi B, Kiama SG. 2014. Effect of Supplementation of Moringa oleifera Leaf Meal in Broiler Chicken Feed. International Journal of Poultry Science.13:208-213. Hassan KU, Khalique A, Pasha TN, Akram, M, Mahmood S, Sahota AW, Imran MS and Saleem G, 2017. Influence of Moringa oleifera Decorticated Seed Meal on broiler performance and immunity. Pak. Vet. J. vol 37(1): 47-50.
  • Hossam A, MA Abdelazem, HS Farag and A Hamed. 2016. Some hemato-biochemical, bacteriological and pathological effects of Moringa oleifera leaf extract in broiler chickens. Int. J of Basic and Applied Sci. 5:99-104.
  • Ikubani PP, Komolafe CA, Agboola, OO and Osueke CO, 2017. Moringa Seed Dhueling Machine. A New Conceptual Design. JPE Vol 20(2).
  • Fahey JW,2005. Moringa Pleifera: A review of the Medical Evidence for Its Nutritional, therapeutic and prophylactic Properties, part 1. Trees for life Journal 1-5.
  • Kakengi AMV, JT Kaijage, SV Sarwatt, SK Mutayoba, MN Shem and T Fujihara. 2007. Effect of Moringa oleifera leaf meal as a substitute for sunflower seed meal on performance of laying hens in tanzania. Livest Res Rur Dev. 19: 120.
  • Karthivashan G, P Arulselvan, AR. Alimon, IS Ismail and S Fakurazi. 2015. Competing role of bioactive constituents in Moringa oleifera extract and conventional nutrition feed on the performance of cobb 500 broilers. BioMed Res. I. 1-13.
  • Khalafalla MM, Abdellatef E, Dafalla HM, Nassrallah AA, Aboul-Enein KM, Lightfoot DA. 2010. Active principle from Moringa oleif.era Lam Leaves effective against two leukemias and a hepatocarcinoma. African Journal of Biotechnology. 9:8467-8471
  • Khalifa K, A Abedlrahim, ES Elnasri, IM and SO Ahmed, 2013. A retrospective study (2000-2005) of poultry diseases diagnosed at department of avian diseases and diagnosis, veterinary research institute (VRI)-Khartoum. Sudanese J of Ani Sci, 9: 42-45.
  • Kout E, MEL Moustafa, Riry, FH Shata, Mousa, MAM Hanan, AH Alghonimy and SF Youssef, 2015. Effect of Using Moringa oleifera leaf meal on Performance of Japanese quail. Egypt. Poult. Sci. 35: 1095-1108.
  • Leone, A., Spada, A., Battezzati, A., Schiraldi, A., Aristil, J., & Bertoli, S. (2015). Cultivation, genetic, ethnopharmacology, phytochemistry and pharmacology of Moringa oleifera leaves: an overview.International journal of molecular sciences,16(6), 12791-12835.
  • Mahmood S, A Rehman, M Yousaf, P Akhtar, G Abbas, K Hayat and MK Shahzad, 2015. Comparative efficacy of different herbal plant’s leaf extract on haematology, intestinal histomorphology and nutrient digestibility in broilers. Adv Zool Bot, 3(2): 11-16.
  • Mahmood S, K Hayat, M Yousaf, G Abbas and A Rehman. 2016. Comparative effect of Azadirachta indica, Moringa oleifera and Cichorium intybus leaf extracts on growth performance, immune response and carcass characteristics of broilers. Scholar’s Adv. Anim. Vet. Res., 3: 60-65.
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Toplam 65 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Yapısal Biyoloji , Çevre Bilimleri
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri (RESEARCH ARTICLES)

Madeeha Akram Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-4187-468X

Ijaz Saleem Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-4012-0704

Muhammad Farhab

Zubair Luqman Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-6482-6448

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Aralık 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 16 Mayıs 2020
Kabul Tarihi 7 Ağustos 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Akram, M., Saleem, I., Farhab, M., Luqman, Z. (2020). IMMUNOMODULATORY EFFECTS OF MORINGA OLEIFERA LEAF MEAL (MOLM) AGAINST NEWCASTLE DISEASE IN BROILERS. Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 3(2), 90-96.
AMA Akram M, Saleem I, Farhab M, Luqman Z. IMMUNOMODULATORY EFFECTS OF MORINGA OLEIFERA LEAF MEAL (MOLM) AGAINST NEWCASTLE DISEASE IN BROILERS. Osmaniye Korkut Ata University Journal of The Institute of Science and Techno. Aralık 2020;3(2):90-96. doi:10.47495/okufbed.738447
Chicago Akram, Madeeha, Ijaz Saleem, Muhammad Farhab, ve Zubair Luqman. “IMMUNOMODULATORY EFFECTS OF MORINGA OLEIFERA LEAF MEAL (MOLM) AGAINST NEWCASTLE DISEASE IN BROILERS”. Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 3, sy. 2 (Aralık 2020): 90-96.
EndNote Akram M, Saleem I, Farhab M, Luqman Z (01 Aralık 2020) IMMUNOMODULATORY EFFECTS OF MORINGA OLEIFERA LEAF MEAL (MOLM) AGAINST NEWCASTLE DISEASE IN BROILERS. Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 3 2 90–96.
IEEE M. Akram, I. Saleem, M. Farhab, ve Z. Luqman, “IMMUNOMODULATORY EFFECTS OF MORINGA OLEIFERA LEAF MEAL (MOLM) AGAINST NEWCASTLE DISEASE IN BROILERS”, Osmaniye Korkut Ata University Journal of The Institute of Science and Techno, c. 3, sy. 2, ss. 90–96, 2020, doi: 10.47495/okufbed.738447.
ISNAD Akram, Madeeha vd. “IMMUNOMODULATORY EFFECTS OF MORINGA OLEIFERA LEAF MEAL (MOLM) AGAINST NEWCASTLE DISEASE IN BROILERS”. Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 3/2 (Aralık 2020), 90-96.
JAMA Akram M, Saleem I, Farhab M, Luqman Z. IMMUNOMODULATORY EFFECTS OF MORINGA OLEIFERA LEAF MEAL (MOLM) AGAINST NEWCASTLE DISEASE IN BROILERS. Osmaniye Korkut Ata University Journal of The Institute of Science and Techno. 2020;3:90–96.
MLA Akram, Madeeha vd. “IMMUNOMODULATORY EFFECTS OF MORINGA OLEIFERA LEAF MEAL (MOLM) AGAINST NEWCASTLE DISEASE IN BROILERS”. Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, c. 3, sy. 2, 2020, ss. 90-96, doi:10.47495/okufbed.738447.
Vancouver Akram M, Saleem I, Farhab M, Luqman Z. IMMUNOMODULATORY EFFECTS OF MORINGA OLEIFERA LEAF MEAL (MOLM) AGAINST NEWCASTLE DISEASE IN BROILERS. Osmaniye Korkut Ata University Journal of The Institute of Science and Techno. 2020;3(2):90-6.

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