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Enzymatic Synthesis and Functionalization of 2-Aminofluorene-Based Compounds with Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNT) for Enhanced Performance in Organic Solar Cells

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 2, 856 - 867, 12.03.2025


This research focuses on the synthesis and characterization of 2-Aminofluorene (PAF)-based compounds for their potential application in organic solar cells (OSCs). We present a novel enzymatic approach to the synthesis of PAF, which incorporates multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) at varying concentrations to modify and enhance the structural, electrical, chemical, and optical properties of the PAF matrix. The resultant modified compounds were subsequently incorporated into the active layer of OSC devices. Comprehensive characterization techniques, including scanning electron microscopy (SEM), UV-Vis spectroscopy, cyclic voltammetry (CV), and thermal analysis, were employed to evaluate the effects of MWCNT incorporation. Notably, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) analysis revealed that PAF3 exhibited the highest melting point (Tm) at 155.60 °C, while PAF1 demonstrated the highest glass transition temperature (Tg) at 26.14 °C, indicating favorable thermal stability and processing characteristics for these materials. Additionally, the energy gap (Egap) was found to be lowest for PAF3 at 5.51 eV, compared to PAF1, which exhibited an Egap of 7.65 eV, suggesting improved charge transport properties for PAF3. The results demonstrated significant enhancements in the photovoltaic performance parameters of the OSCs, underscoring the beneficial role of MWCNTs in optimizing the properties of PAF-based materials for solar energy applications.


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  • Benigni R. Structure-activity relationship studies of chemical mutagens and carcinogens: mechanistic investigations and prediction approaches. Chemical Reviews 2005; 105(5): 1767-1800.
  • Bilici A., Kaya I., Yıldırım M. Biosynthesis and characterization of organosoluble conjugated poly (2-aminofluorene) with the pyrazine bridged. Biomacromolecules 2010; 11(10): 2593-2601.
  • Cowan DO., Drisko RL. Photochemical reactions. IV. Photodimerization of acenaphthylene. Mechanistic studies. Journal of the American Chemical Society 1970; 92(21): 6286-6291.
  • Dekker C. Carbon nanotubes as molecular quantum wires. Physics Today 1999; 52: 22-30.
  • Del G., Belcari AN., Bisogni MG., Losa G., Marcatili S., Ambrosi G., Corsi F., Marzocca C., Dalla Betta G., Piemonte C. Advantages and pitfalls of the silicon photomultiplier (SiPM) as photodetector for the next generation of PET scanners. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 2010; 617(1-3): 223-226.
  • Gerard M., Chaubey A., Malhotra BD. Application of conducting polymers to biosensors. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 2002; 17(5): 345-359.
  • Gregg BA., Hanna MC. Comparing organic to inorganic photovoltaic cells: Theory, experiment, and simulation. Journal of Applied Physics 2003; 93(6): 3605-3614.
  • Hadziioannou G., Malliaras GG. Semiconducting polymers: chemistry, physics and engineering, John Wiley & Sons 2006.
  • Inaoka S., Advincula R. Synthesis and Oxidative cross-linking of fluorene-containing polymers to form conjugated network polyfluorenes: Poly (fluoren-9, 9-diyl-a lt-alkan-α, ω-diyl). Macromolecules 2002; 35(7): 2426-2428.
  • Jun GH., Jin SH., Park SH., Jeon S., Hong SH. Highly dispersed carbon nanotubes in organic media for polymer: fullerene photovoltaic devices. Carbon 2012; 50(1): 40-46.
  • Kymakis E., Kornilios N., Koudoumas E. Carbon nanotube doping of P3HT: PCBM photovoltaic devices. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 2008; 41(16): 165110.
  • MacDiarmid AG., Heeger AJ.Organic metals and semiconductors: The chemistry of polyacetylene,(CH) x, and its derivatives. Synthetic Metals 1980; 1(2): 101-118.
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  • Parker ID. Carrier tunneling and device characteristics in polymer light‐emitting diodes. Journal of Applied Physics 1994; 75(3): 1656-1666.
  • Sariciftci NS., Braun D., Zhang C., Srdanov V., Heeger AJ., Stucky G., Wudl F. Semiconducting polymer‐buckminsterfullerene heterojunctions: Diodes, photodiodes, and photovoltaic cells. Applied Physics Letters 1993; 62(6): 585-587.
  • Schilinsky P., Waldauf C., Brabec CJ. Recombination and loss analysis in polythiophene based bulk heterojunction photodetectors. Applied Physics Letters 2002; 81(20): 3885-3887.
  • Sonmez G., Sonmez H.B., Shen CK., Jost RW., Rubin Y., Wudl F. A processable green polymeric electrochromic. Macromolecules 2005; 38(3): 669-675.
  • Spanggaard H., Krebs FC. A brief history of the development of organic and polymeric photovoltaics. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 2004; 83(2-3): 125-146.
  • Tian S., Liu J., Zhu T., Knoll W. Polyaniline/gold nanoparticle multilayer films: assembly, properties, and biological applications. Chemistry of Materials 2004; 16(21): 4103-4108.
  • Wei W., Liu Z., Liang C., Han GC., Han J., Zhang S. Synthesis, characterization and corrosion inhibition behavior of 2-aminofluorene bis-Schiff bases in circulating cooling water. RSC advances 2020; 10(30): 17816-17828.
  • White C., Robertson D., Mintmire J. Helical and rotational symmetries of nanoscale graphitic tubules." Physical Review B 1993; 47(9): 5485.
  • Winder C., Sariciftci NS. Low bandgap polymers for photon harvesting in bulk heterojunction solar cells. Journal of Materials Chemistry 2004; 14(7): 1077-1086.

Enzimatik Sentez Metodu Kullanılarak MWCNT ile Fonksiyonelleştirilen 2-Aminofluoren Tabanlı Malzemeler ve Organik Güneş Hücrelerine Uygulamaları

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 2, 856 - 867, 12.03.2025


Bu araştırma, organik güneş hücrelerinde (OSC'ler) potansiyel uygulamaları için 2-aminofluoren (PAF) bazlı bileşiklerin sentezi ve karakterizasyonuna odaklanmaktadır. PAF matrisinin yapısal, elektriksel, kimyasal ve optik özelliklerini değiştirmek ve geliştirmek için çeşitli konsantrasyonlarda çok duvarlı karbon nanotüpleri (MWCNT) içeren PAF sentezine yönelik yeni bir enzimatik yaklaşım önermektedir. Elde edilen modifiye bileşikler daha sonra OSC cihazlarının aktif katmanına dahil edildi. Taramalı elektron mikroskobu (SEM), UV-Vis spektroskopisi, döngüsel voltametri (CV) ve termal analiz dahil olmak üzere kapsamlı karakterizasyon teknikleri, MWCNT dahil edilmesinin etkilerini değerlendirmek için kullanılmıştır. Özellikle, diferansiyel taramalı kalorimetri (DSC) analizi, PAF3'ün 155,60 °C'de en yüksek erime noktasını (Tm) gösterirken, PAF1'in 26,14 °C'de en yüksek cam geçiş sıcaklığını (Tg) gösterdiğini ortaya koymuş ve bu da bu malzemeler için olumlu termal kararlılık ve işleme özelliklerini göstermiştir. Ek olarak, enerji boşluğunun (Egap) PAF3 için 5,51 eV'de en düşük olduğu bulunmuştur; PAF1'in Egap'ı 7,65 eV idi ve bu da PAF3 için iyileştirilmiş yük taşıma özelliklerini önerilmiştir. Sonuçlar, OSC'lerin fotovoltaik performans parametrelerinde önemli iyileştirmeler göstererek, MWCNT'lerin güneş enerjisi uygulamaları için PAF bazlı malzemelerin özelliklerini optimize etmedeki yararlı rolünü vurgulamıştır.


  • Balzani V. Electron transfer in chemistry, Wiley-VCH 2001.
  • Benigni R. Structure-activity relationship studies of chemical mutagens and carcinogens: mechanistic investigations and prediction approaches. Chemical Reviews 2005; 105(5): 1767-1800.
  • Bilici A., Kaya I., Yıldırım M. Biosynthesis and characterization of organosoluble conjugated poly (2-aminofluorene) with the pyrazine bridged. Biomacromolecules 2010; 11(10): 2593-2601.
  • Cowan DO., Drisko RL. Photochemical reactions. IV. Photodimerization of acenaphthylene. Mechanistic studies. Journal of the American Chemical Society 1970; 92(21): 6286-6291.
  • Dekker C. Carbon nanotubes as molecular quantum wires. Physics Today 1999; 52: 22-30.
  • Del G., Belcari AN., Bisogni MG., Losa G., Marcatili S., Ambrosi G., Corsi F., Marzocca C., Dalla Betta G., Piemonte C. Advantages and pitfalls of the silicon photomultiplier (SiPM) as photodetector for the next generation of PET scanners. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 2010; 617(1-3): 223-226.
  • Gerard M., Chaubey A., Malhotra BD. Application of conducting polymers to biosensors. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 2002; 17(5): 345-359.
  • Gregg BA., Hanna MC. Comparing organic to inorganic photovoltaic cells: Theory, experiment, and simulation. Journal of Applied Physics 2003; 93(6): 3605-3614.
  • Hadziioannou G., Malliaras GG. Semiconducting polymers: chemistry, physics and engineering, John Wiley & Sons 2006.
  • Inaoka S., Advincula R. Synthesis and Oxidative cross-linking of fluorene-containing polymers to form conjugated network polyfluorenes: Poly (fluoren-9, 9-diyl-a lt-alkan-α, ω-diyl). Macromolecules 2002; 35(7): 2426-2428.
  • Jun GH., Jin SH., Park SH., Jeon S., Hong SH. Highly dispersed carbon nanotubes in organic media for polymer: fullerene photovoltaic devices. Carbon 2012; 50(1): 40-46.
  • Kymakis E., Kornilios N., Koudoumas E. Carbon nanotube doping of P3HT: PCBM photovoltaic devices. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 2008; 41(16): 165110.
  • MacDiarmid AG., Heeger AJ.Organic metals and semiconductors: The chemistry of polyacetylene,(CH) x, and its derivatives. Synthetic Metals 1980; 1(2): 101-118.
  • Martel R., Derycke V., Lavoie C., Appenzeller J., Chan K., Tersoff J., Avouris P. Ambipolar electrical transport in semiconducting single-wall carbon nanotubes. Physical Review Letters 2001; 87(25): 256805.
  • Mattox D. Handbook of physical vapor deposition (PVD) processing. Noyes Publications 1998.
  • Meissner D., Siebentritt S., Guenster S. Charge carrier photogeneration in organic solar cells. Optical Materials Technology for Energy Efficiency and Solar Energy Conversion XI: Photovoltaics, Photochemistry, Photoelectrochemistry, SPIE 1992.
  • Parker ID. Carrier tunneling and device characteristics in polymer light‐emitting diodes. Journal of Applied Physics 1994; 75(3): 1656-1666.
  • Sariciftci NS., Braun D., Zhang C., Srdanov V., Heeger AJ., Stucky G., Wudl F. Semiconducting polymer‐buckminsterfullerene heterojunctions: Diodes, photodiodes, and photovoltaic cells. Applied Physics Letters 1993; 62(6): 585-587.
  • Schilinsky P., Waldauf C., Brabec CJ. Recombination and loss analysis in polythiophene based bulk heterojunction photodetectors. Applied Physics Letters 2002; 81(20): 3885-3887.
  • Sonmez G., Sonmez H.B., Shen CK., Jost RW., Rubin Y., Wudl F. A processable green polymeric electrochromic. Macromolecules 2005; 38(3): 669-675.
  • Spanggaard H., Krebs FC. A brief history of the development of organic and polymeric photovoltaics. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 2004; 83(2-3): 125-146.
  • Tian S., Liu J., Zhu T., Knoll W. Polyaniline/gold nanoparticle multilayer films: assembly, properties, and biological applications. Chemistry of Materials 2004; 16(21): 4103-4108.
  • Wei W., Liu Z., Liang C., Han GC., Han J., Zhang S. Synthesis, characterization and corrosion inhibition behavior of 2-aminofluorene bis-Schiff bases in circulating cooling water. RSC advances 2020; 10(30): 17816-17828.
  • White C., Robertson D., Mintmire J. Helical and rotational symmetries of nanoscale graphitic tubules." Physical Review B 1993; 47(9): 5485.
  • Winder C., Sariciftci NS. Low bandgap polymers for photon harvesting in bulk heterojunction solar cells. Journal of Materials Chemistry 2004; 14(7): 1077-1086.
Toplam 25 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Malzeme Fiziği
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri (RESEARCH ARTICLES)

Betül Canımkurbey

Recep Taş

Melek Gül 0000-0002-0037-1202

Yayımlanma Tarihi 12 Mart 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 21 Kasım 2024
Kabul Tarihi 20 Şubat 2025
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Cilt: 8 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Canımkurbey, B., Taş, R., & Gül, M. (2025). Enzymatic Synthesis and Functionalization of 2-Aminofluorene-Based Compounds with Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNT) for Enhanced Performance in Organic Solar Cells. Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 8(2), 856-867.
AMA Canımkurbey B, Taş R, Gül M. Enzymatic Synthesis and Functionalization of 2-Aminofluorene-Based Compounds with Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNT) for Enhanced Performance in Organic Solar Cells. Osmaniye Korkut Ata University Journal of The Institute of Science and Techno. Mart 2025;8(2):856-867. doi:10.47495/okufbed.1588770
Chicago Canımkurbey, Betül, Recep Taş, ve Melek Gül. “Enzymatic Synthesis and Functionalization of 2-Aminofluorene-Based Compounds With Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNT) for Enhanced Performance in Organic Solar Cells”. Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 8, sy. 2 (Mart 2025): 856-67.
EndNote Canımkurbey B, Taş R, Gül M (01 Mart 2025) Enzymatic Synthesis and Functionalization of 2-Aminofluorene-Based Compounds with Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNT) for Enhanced Performance in Organic Solar Cells. Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 8 2 856–867.
IEEE B. Canımkurbey, R. Taş, ve M. Gül, “Enzymatic Synthesis and Functionalization of 2-Aminofluorene-Based Compounds with Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNT) for Enhanced Performance in Organic Solar Cells”, Osmaniye Korkut Ata University Journal of The Institute of Science and Techno, c. 8, sy. 2, ss. 856–867, 2025, doi: 10.47495/okufbed.1588770.
ISNAD Canımkurbey, Betül vd. “Enzymatic Synthesis and Functionalization of 2-Aminofluorene-Based Compounds With Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNT) for Enhanced Performance in Organic Solar Cells”. Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 8/2 (Mart 2025), 856-867.
JAMA Canımkurbey B, Taş R, Gül M. Enzymatic Synthesis and Functionalization of 2-Aminofluorene-Based Compounds with Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNT) for Enhanced Performance in Organic Solar Cells. Osmaniye Korkut Ata University Journal of The Institute of Science and Techno. 2025;8:856–867.
MLA Canımkurbey, Betül vd. “Enzymatic Synthesis and Functionalization of 2-Aminofluorene-Based Compounds With Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNT) for Enhanced Performance in Organic Solar Cells”. Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, c. 8, sy. 2, 2025, ss. 856-67, doi:10.47495/okufbed.1588770.
Vancouver Canımkurbey B, Taş R, Gül M. Enzymatic Synthesis and Functionalization of 2-Aminofluorene-Based Compounds with Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNT) for Enhanced Performance in Organic Solar Cells. Osmaniye Korkut Ata University Journal of The Institute of Science and Techno. 2025;8(2):856-67.



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