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İlkçağ'da Tarsus “Ketenciler”i ve Ketenleri

Yıl 2005, Sayı: 11, 147 - 175, 01.05.2005



  • Abbott – Johnson 1926 Abbott, F.F., Johnson A.C., Municipal Administration in the Roman Empire, New York.
  • AJA American Journal of Archaology.
  • Alföldy 1988 Algöldy, G., The Social History of Rome, trans. D. Braund and F. Pollock, Routledge 1988.
  • Broughton 1938 Broughton, T.R.S., “A Grek Inscriptions from Tarsus”, AJA, (1938) 55-57.
  • Broughton 1975 Broughton, T.R.S., Roman Asia Minor, flurada: An Economic Survey of Ancient Rome IV, Ed. T. Frank, New York 1975, s. 499-916.
  • Callender 1904 Callender, T., “The Tarsian Orations of Dio Chrysostom”, JHS 24 (1904) 58-69.
  • Casson 1934 Casson, S., “Notes”, JHS LIV (1934) 75-79.
  • Chapot 1904 Chapot,V., Province Romaine. Proconsulaire d’Asie Depuis ses Origines Jusqu’a la fin du Haut-Empire, Paris 1904.
  • Charlesworth 1961 Charlesworth, M.P., Trade-Routes and Commerce of Roman Empire, Hildesheim, 1961.
  • Dion Chrys. Dion Chrysostomos = Dio Chrysostom, with English translation by Coohoon, Ph. D. and H. Lamar Crosby vol. III, London, Massachusetts 1951 [Loeb]
  • Dölen 1992 Dölen, E., Tekstil Tarihi. Dünya’da ve Türkiye’de Tekstil Teknolojisinin ve Sanayinin Tarihsel Geliflimi, ‹stanbul 1992
  • Duncan-Jones 1974 Duncan-Jones, R.P., The Economy of the Roman Empire: Quantitative Studies, Cambridge 1974.
  • Ertekin 2003 Ertekin, E. “Principatus Devrinde görev yapm›fl olan Ephesos Agoranomoslar› II”, Arkeoloji ve Sanat 112 (ocak-fiubat 2003) 35-43.
  • Forbes 1956 Forbes, R.J., Studies in Ancient Tecnology IV, Leiden 1956.
  • Frank 1962 Frank, T., An Economic History of Rome, New York 1962.
  • Garnsey – Saller 1987 Garnsey, V. – R. Saller, The Roman Empire. Economy, Society and Culture, Londra 1987.
  • Gough 1952 Gough, M., “Anazarbus”, AS 2 (1952) 85-150.
  • Goyon 1996 Goyon, J.-Cl., Le lin et sa teinture en Egypte, flurada: Aspects de l’artisanat du textile dans le monde méditerranéen (Égypte, Grèce, Monde Romain). Collection de l’Institut d’Archéologogie et d’Histoire de l’Antiquité, Université Lumière Lyon 2, Band 2, Lyon 1996, 14-22.
  • Gündüz 2002 Gündüz, A., Mezopotamya ve Eski M›s›r. Bilim, Teknoloji, Toplumsal Yap› ve Kültür, ‹stanbul 2002.
  • Heberdey – Wilhelm 1896 Heberdey, R. – A. Wilhelm, Reisen in Kilikien, Wien 1896.
  • Herod. Heredotos, Herodot Tarihi, (Çev: Müntekim Ökmen), ‹stanbul 1991.
  • Hicks 1890 Hicks, E..L., “Inscription from Eastern Cilicia”, JHS 11(1890), 236-254.
  • IGR Inscriptiones Graecae ad res Romanas pertinentes. JHS Journal of Hellenistic Studies
  • Jones 1974 Jones, A.H.M. (Ed. P. A. Brunt), The Roman Economy. Studies in Ancient Economic and Administrative History, Oxford 1974.
  • Jones 1940 Jones, A.H.M., The Greek City from Alexander to Justinian, Oxford1940.
  • Jones 1970 Jones, A.H.M., The Cities of the Eastern Roman Provinces, Oxford 19702.
  • Jones 1978 Jones, C. P., The Roman World of Dio Chrysostom, London 1978.
  • Laberre – Dinahet 1996 G. Laberre – M. Th. Le Dinahet, Les métiers du textile en Asie Mineure de l’époque hellénistique à l’epoque imperiale, flurada: Aspects de l’artisanat du textile dans le monde méditerranéen (Égypte, Grèce, Monde Romain). Collection de l’Institut d’Archéologogie et d’Histoire de l’Antiquité, Université Lumière Lyon 2, Band 2, Lyon 1996, 49-115.
  • Lauffer 1971 Lauffer, S., Diokletians Preisedikt, Berlin 1971
  • Magie 1950 Magie, D., Roman Rule in Asia Minor, I-II, Princeton 1950.
  • MAMA Monumente Asiae Minoris Antiqua I-VI. Manchester 1928-39.
  • Nippel 2000 Nippel, W., From Agrarian Histort to cross-cultural comparasion: Weber on Greco-Roman Antiguity, flurada: The Cambridge Companion to Weber, Ed. S. Turner, Cambridge 2000.
  • Paterson 1998 Paterson, J., Trade and traders in the Roman world: scale, structure, and organization, fiurada: Trade, traders and the Ancient City, Ed. H. Parkins – C. Smith, London 1998, s.149-167
  • Perring 2000 Perring, D., Roma Kentlerinde Mekansal Organizasyon ve Toplumsal De¤iflim, flurada: Antik Dünyada K›rsal ve Kent, der. J.Rich, A. Wallace-Hadrill, çev.:Lale Özgenel, ‹stanbul 2000, s. 279-298.
  • Philostr. Ap. Philostratos, vita Apollinii = Philostratus, The Life of Apollonius of Tyana, vol.II , trans. by F.C. Conybeare, M.A., London, New York MCMXXI [Loeb]
  • Plin. nat. Plinius maior, naturalis historia= Pliny, Natural History, vol. V. Libri XVII-XIX, H. Rackham, M.A., London, Massachusetts, MCML
  • Poland 1909 Poland, F., Geschichte des griechischen Vereinswesens, Leibzig 1909.
  • Prithard – Verhecken 2001 Pritchard, F. – C. Verhecken-Lammens, Two Wide-sleeved Linen Tunics from Roman Egypt, flurada: The Roman Textile Industry and Its Influence, Ed. P.W. Rogers – L. B. Jorgensen and A. Rast-Eicher, Oxbow 2001, s. 21-29.
  • Ramsay 2000 Ramsay, W.M., Tarsus: Aziz Paulus’un Kenti, Çev.: Levent Zoro¤lu, Ankara 2000.
  • Robert 1937 Robert, L., Etudes Anatoliennes, Paris 1937.
  • Rostovtzeff 1957 Rostovtzeff, M., Social and Economic History of the Roman Empire, Oxford 19572.
  • Sayar 2001 Sayar, H., Inschrriften Griechischer Stadte Aus Kleinasien Band 56: Die Inschriften von Anazarbos und Umgeburg Teil I, Bonn 2001
  • Schiemann 1997 Schiemann, G.,” Edictum”, DNP III (1997) s. 876-879.
  • SEG Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecarum. Leiden 1923 vd.
  • Strab. Strabon= The Geography of Strabo vol. V, trans. by H. L. Jones, London, Massachusetts, MCMLIV [Loeb]
  • Tanr›ver 1996 Tanr›ver, C., Antik Devirde Lydia’da Sosyal ve Ekonomik Amaçl› Dernekler, ‹zmir 1996 (Yay›nlanmam›fl doktora tezi).
  • Vercoutter 2003 Vercoutter, J., Eski M›s›r, Çev.; Emine Çaykara, ‹stanbul 2003.
  • Wallace – Wynne 1999 Wallace, R. – W. Wynne, Tarsus’lu Paulus’un Üç Dünyas›, çev. Z. ‹lkgelen, ‹stanbul 1999.
  • Wallace-Hadrill 2000 Wallace-Hadrill, A., Roma Kentinde Seçkinler ve Ticaret, flurada: Antik Dünyada K›rsal ve Kent, der. J. Rich, A. WallaceHadrill, çev.: Lale Özgenel, ‹stanbul 2000, s. 245-277.
  • Waltzing 1970 Waltzing, J.P., Étude E’tude historique sur les corporations professionelles chez les Romains Romains depuis les origines jusqu’a la chute de l’Empire d’Occident III, New York 1970
  • Williams 2000 Williams, S., Diocletian and the Roman Rocevery, New York, London 2000.
  • Zoro¤lu 1995 Zoro¤lu, L., Tarsus Tarihi ve Tarihsel An›tlar›, Adana 1995
Yıl 2005, Sayı: 11, 147 - 175, 01.05.2005


At the beginning of the second century A.D., serial uprisings of Linenworkers
of Tarsus is an important phenomenon demonstrating the disagreement between
the lower classes and the local elites in the Roman cities. In many studies on the
social and economic history of Roman Empire, there are refrences concerning with
this event (uprising of Linenworkers of Tarsus) by only a few sentences but it not
in detail. In addition to this, another problem in these works is the lack of consensus among the different approaches connected in defining this class.
The main objective of this article is to consider these different approaches by
determining social status of this class. This will provide to assist a better understanding of the social and economic structure of the Anatolian cities in the Roman
period. In this context, the linen industry in Tarsus should be researched as the
power of the Linen-workers which was evident in the city.
Second Tarsic Oration of Dion Chrysostom is the unique source on the
Linenworkers of Tarsus which is the fist step of this research. The most important
document about the linen textile products of Tarsus and their prices is the Price
Edict of Diocletian dated 301 A.D. (Edictum Diocletiani de pretiis rerum venalium).
For determining political conditions of Linenworkers, we obtain important information from Strabo.
For clear suggestions related to the social and economic status of Linenworkers
of Tarsus, we are in need of additional epigraphic evidence about craftsmen and
their guilds in Tarsus like in the other Roman cities. For determining dimensions
of linen industry in Tarsus, we also need some archaelogical evidence like scale,
distribution and location of weaving workshops in the city. Besides, for determining
connections between the locale elite of Tarsus and linen production and trade, it is
necessary to know the connection between workshops and large residences in the city.
As almost the whole ancient city of Tarsus is occupied by modern town, there are
only limited excavation areas and therefore, a few epigraphic and archaological data


  • Abbott – Johnson 1926 Abbott, F.F., Johnson A.C., Municipal Administration in the Roman Empire, New York.
  • AJA American Journal of Archaology.
  • Alföldy 1988 Algöldy, G., The Social History of Rome, trans. D. Braund and F. Pollock, Routledge 1988.
  • Broughton 1938 Broughton, T.R.S., “A Grek Inscriptions from Tarsus”, AJA, (1938) 55-57.
  • Broughton 1975 Broughton, T.R.S., Roman Asia Minor, flurada: An Economic Survey of Ancient Rome IV, Ed. T. Frank, New York 1975, s. 499-916.
  • Callender 1904 Callender, T., “The Tarsian Orations of Dio Chrysostom”, JHS 24 (1904) 58-69.
  • Casson 1934 Casson, S., “Notes”, JHS LIV (1934) 75-79.
  • Chapot 1904 Chapot,V., Province Romaine. Proconsulaire d’Asie Depuis ses Origines Jusqu’a la fin du Haut-Empire, Paris 1904.
  • Charlesworth 1961 Charlesworth, M.P., Trade-Routes and Commerce of Roman Empire, Hildesheim, 1961.
  • Dion Chrys. Dion Chrysostomos = Dio Chrysostom, with English translation by Coohoon, Ph. D. and H. Lamar Crosby vol. III, London, Massachusetts 1951 [Loeb]
  • Dölen 1992 Dölen, E., Tekstil Tarihi. Dünya’da ve Türkiye’de Tekstil Teknolojisinin ve Sanayinin Tarihsel Geliflimi, ‹stanbul 1992
  • Duncan-Jones 1974 Duncan-Jones, R.P., The Economy of the Roman Empire: Quantitative Studies, Cambridge 1974.
  • Ertekin 2003 Ertekin, E. “Principatus Devrinde görev yapm›fl olan Ephesos Agoranomoslar› II”, Arkeoloji ve Sanat 112 (ocak-fiubat 2003) 35-43.
  • Forbes 1956 Forbes, R.J., Studies in Ancient Tecnology IV, Leiden 1956.
  • Frank 1962 Frank, T., An Economic History of Rome, New York 1962.
  • Garnsey – Saller 1987 Garnsey, V. – R. Saller, The Roman Empire. Economy, Society and Culture, Londra 1987.
  • Gough 1952 Gough, M., “Anazarbus”, AS 2 (1952) 85-150.
  • Goyon 1996 Goyon, J.-Cl., Le lin et sa teinture en Egypte, flurada: Aspects de l’artisanat du textile dans le monde méditerranéen (Égypte, Grèce, Monde Romain). Collection de l’Institut d’Archéologogie et d’Histoire de l’Antiquité, Université Lumière Lyon 2, Band 2, Lyon 1996, 14-22.
  • Gündüz 2002 Gündüz, A., Mezopotamya ve Eski M›s›r. Bilim, Teknoloji, Toplumsal Yap› ve Kültür, ‹stanbul 2002.
  • Heberdey – Wilhelm 1896 Heberdey, R. – A. Wilhelm, Reisen in Kilikien, Wien 1896.
  • Herod. Heredotos, Herodot Tarihi, (Çev: Müntekim Ökmen), ‹stanbul 1991.
  • Hicks 1890 Hicks, E..L., “Inscription from Eastern Cilicia”, JHS 11(1890), 236-254.
  • IGR Inscriptiones Graecae ad res Romanas pertinentes. JHS Journal of Hellenistic Studies
  • Jones 1974 Jones, A.H.M. (Ed. P. A. Brunt), The Roman Economy. Studies in Ancient Economic and Administrative History, Oxford 1974.
  • Jones 1940 Jones, A.H.M., The Greek City from Alexander to Justinian, Oxford1940.
  • Jones 1970 Jones, A.H.M., The Cities of the Eastern Roman Provinces, Oxford 19702.
  • Jones 1978 Jones, C. P., The Roman World of Dio Chrysostom, London 1978.
  • Laberre – Dinahet 1996 G. Laberre – M. Th. Le Dinahet, Les métiers du textile en Asie Mineure de l’époque hellénistique à l’epoque imperiale, flurada: Aspects de l’artisanat du textile dans le monde méditerranéen (Égypte, Grèce, Monde Romain). Collection de l’Institut d’Archéologogie et d’Histoire de l’Antiquité, Université Lumière Lyon 2, Band 2, Lyon 1996, 49-115.
  • Lauffer 1971 Lauffer, S., Diokletians Preisedikt, Berlin 1971
  • Magie 1950 Magie, D., Roman Rule in Asia Minor, I-II, Princeton 1950.
  • MAMA Monumente Asiae Minoris Antiqua I-VI. Manchester 1928-39.
  • Nippel 2000 Nippel, W., From Agrarian Histort to cross-cultural comparasion: Weber on Greco-Roman Antiguity, flurada: The Cambridge Companion to Weber, Ed. S. Turner, Cambridge 2000.
  • Paterson 1998 Paterson, J., Trade and traders in the Roman world: scale, structure, and organization, fiurada: Trade, traders and the Ancient City, Ed. H. Parkins – C. Smith, London 1998, s.149-167
  • Perring 2000 Perring, D., Roma Kentlerinde Mekansal Organizasyon ve Toplumsal De¤iflim, flurada: Antik Dünyada K›rsal ve Kent, der. J.Rich, A. Wallace-Hadrill, çev.:Lale Özgenel, ‹stanbul 2000, s. 279-298.
  • Philostr. Ap. Philostratos, vita Apollinii = Philostratus, The Life of Apollonius of Tyana, vol.II , trans. by F.C. Conybeare, M.A., London, New York MCMXXI [Loeb]
  • Plin. nat. Plinius maior, naturalis historia= Pliny, Natural History, vol. V. Libri XVII-XIX, H. Rackham, M.A., London, Massachusetts, MCML
  • Poland 1909 Poland, F., Geschichte des griechischen Vereinswesens, Leibzig 1909.
  • Prithard – Verhecken 2001 Pritchard, F. – C. Verhecken-Lammens, Two Wide-sleeved Linen Tunics from Roman Egypt, flurada: The Roman Textile Industry and Its Influence, Ed. P.W. Rogers – L. B. Jorgensen and A. Rast-Eicher, Oxbow 2001, s. 21-29.
  • Ramsay 2000 Ramsay, W.M., Tarsus: Aziz Paulus’un Kenti, Çev.: Levent Zoro¤lu, Ankara 2000.
  • Robert 1937 Robert, L., Etudes Anatoliennes, Paris 1937.
  • Rostovtzeff 1957 Rostovtzeff, M., Social and Economic History of the Roman Empire, Oxford 19572.
  • Sayar 2001 Sayar, H., Inschrriften Griechischer Stadte Aus Kleinasien Band 56: Die Inschriften von Anazarbos und Umgeburg Teil I, Bonn 2001
  • Schiemann 1997 Schiemann, G.,” Edictum”, DNP III (1997) s. 876-879.
  • SEG Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecarum. Leiden 1923 vd.
  • Strab. Strabon= The Geography of Strabo vol. V, trans. by H. L. Jones, London, Massachusetts, MCMLIV [Loeb]
  • Tanr›ver 1996 Tanr›ver, C., Antik Devirde Lydia’da Sosyal ve Ekonomik Amaçl› Dernekler, ‹zmir 1996 (Yay›nlanmam›fl doktora tezi).
  • Vercoutter 2003 Vercoutter, J., Eski M›s›r, Çev.; Emine Çaykara, ‹stanbul 2003.
  • Wallace – Wynne 1999 Wallace, R. – W. Wynne, Tarsus’lu Paulus’un Üç Dünyas›, çev. Z. ‹lkgelen, ‹stanbul 1999.
  • Wallace-Hadrill 2000 Wallace-Hadrill, A., Roma Kentinde Seçkinler ve Ticaret, flurada: Antik Dünyada K›rsal ve Kent, der. J. Rich, A. WallaceHadrill, çev.: Lale Özgenel, ‹stanbul 2000, s. 245-277.
  • Waltzing 1970 Waltzing, J.P., Étude E’tude historique sur les corporations professionelles chez les Romains Romains depuis les origines jusqu’a la chute de l’Empire d’Occident III, New York 1970
  • Williams 2000 Williams, S., Diocletian and the Roman Rocevery, New York, London 2000.
  • Zoro¤lu 1995 Zoro¤lu, L., Tarsus Tarihi ve Tarihsel An›tlar›, Adana 1995
Toplam 52 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Efrumiye Ertekin Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mayıs 2005
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2005 Sayı: 11

Kaynak Göster

APA Ertekin, E. (2005). İlkçağ’da Tarsus “Ketenciler”i ve Ketenleri. OLBA(11), 147-175.