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Yıl 2004, Sayı: 9, 111 - 125, 01.05.2004



  • Atefllier 2001 Ateflliler, S., “Observations on an Early Classical Building of the Satrapal Period at Daskyleion”, T. Bak›r (Ed.), Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Anatolia in the Achaemenid Period, Band›rma 15-18
  • August, 1997, ACHAEMEN‹D ANATOLIA, PIHANS 92, Nederland Institut voor het Nabije Ooosten, Leiden, 2001, 147-168.
  • Atefllier 2002 Atefllier, S., “Pers Ölü Gömme Gelene¤inde Cenaze Harmamaksa’lar›”, OLBA 5, 2002, 77-95.
  • Bernard 1969 Bernard, P., “Les bas-reliefs greco-perses de Dascylion a la lumiere de nouvelles decouvertes”, RA 1969, 17-28.
  • Borchhardt 1968 Borchhardt, J., “Epichorische, gräko-persisch beeinflußte Reliefs in Kilikien”, IstMitt 18, 1968, 161-211.
  • Briant 2002 Briant, P., From Cyrus to Alexander, A History of the Persian Empire, 2002, Winona Lake, Indiana, Eisenbruns.
  • Büsing-Kolbe 1978 Büsing-Kolbe, A., “Frühe griechische Türen”, JdI 93, 1978, 66-174.
  • Cahill 1984a Cahill, N., Tafl Kule, A Tomb Near Eski Foça, Turkey, Master of Arts., 1984, University of California, Berkeley.
  • Cahill 1984b Cahill, N., “Tafl Kule: A Tomb Near Eskifoça, Turkey”, 2. Araflt›rma Sonuçlar› Toplant›s›, 16-20 Nisan, ‹zmir, 1984, 143-151.
  • Cahill 1988 Cahill, N., Tafl Kule: A Persian-Period Tomb near Phokaia”, AJA 92, 1988, 481-501.
  • Do¤er- Gezgin 1996 Do¤er, E.-Gezgin, ‹., “Aiolis’de Bir An›t”, Arkeoloji Dergisi IV, Ege Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Yay›nlar›, 1996, 169-174.
  • Dusinberre 2003 Dusinberre, Elspeth, R. M., Aspects of Empire in Achaemenid Sardis, Cambridge University Press, 2003.
  • Guepin 1963 Guepin, J. P., “On the Position of Greek Artists Under Achaemenid Rule”, Persica 1, 1963, 34-52
  • Hanfmann 1983 Hanfmann, G. M. A., Sardis From Prehistoric to Roman Times, 1983.
  • Kleiss 1971 Kleiss, W., “Der Takh-i Rustam bei Persepolis und das KyrosGrab in Pasargadae”, AA, 1971, 157-162.
  • Kleiss 1996 Kleiss, W., “Bemerkungen zum Pyramid Tomb in Sardes”, IstMitt 46, 1996, 135-140.
  • Nolle 1992: Nolle, M., Denkmaler vom Satrapensitz Daskyleion, Berlin, 1992.
  • Nylander 1965 Nylander, C., “Old Persian and Greek Stonecutting and the Chronology of Achaemenid Monuments: Achaemenid Problems I”, AJA 69, 1965, 49-55.
  • Nylander 1966a Nylander, C., “The toothed-chisel in Pasargadae: Further notes on old Persian stonecutting”, AJA 70, 1966, 373-376.
  • Nylander 1966b Nylander, C., “Clamps and Chronology (Achaemenid Problems II)”, IrAnt 6, 1966, 130-146.
  • Nylander 1970 Nylander, C., 1970, Ionians in Pasargadae, Uppsala.
  • Nylander 1972 Nylander, C., “Foreign Craftsmen in Achaemenid Persia”, Vth International Congress of Iranian Art (Archaeology, Tehran, 1968 (Tehran 1972) vol.I. 311-318.
  • Nylander 1974 Nylander, C., “Masons’ Marks in Persepolis”, Proceeding of the IInd Annual Sympos›um on Archaeological Research in Iran, Tehran, 1974, 216-222.
  • Nylander 1975 Nylander, C., “Anatolians in Susa-And Persepolis ?”, Acta Iranica. Hommagenes Et Opera Minora,III, Leiden, 1975, 317-323.
  • Nylander 1977 Nylander, C., “Greek and Lydian Craftsmen in Achaemenid Persia”, Atti Del XVI. Congresso Di Storia Dell’Architettura, Atene,1969 , (Roma 1977) 141-145.
  • Nylander 1979a Nylander, C., “Masons’ Marks in Persepolis”, Akten Des VII.
  • Internationalen Kongresses Für Iranische Kunst Und Archaologie, München,1976, (1979) AMIran, 236-239.
  • Nylander 1979b Nylander, C., “Achaemenid Imperial Art”, in M. Trolle Larsen, Ed., Power and Propaganda. A Symposium on Ancient Empires (Mesopotamia, Copenhagen Studies in Assyriology 7), Copenhagen 1979: 345-359.
  • Nylander 1983 Nylander, C., “Architecture grecque et pouvoir persan”, in Architecture et Societe de I’arcaisme grec a la fin de la republique romaine, Collection de I’Ecole Francaise de Rome, 66, 1983, 265-269.
  • Nylander 1990 Nylander, C., “Considerations sur le travoil de la pierre dans la cultura perse”, in Pierre èternelle du Nil au Rhin. Carrieres et prefabrication, Bruxelles, 1990, 76-80.
  • Nylander 1991 Nylander, C, “The Toothed Chisel”, Archeologia Classica, XXLIII, 1991, 1037-1052.
  • Praschniker-Theuer 1979 Praschniker, C.-Theuer, M., Das Mausoleum von Belevi, FIE (Forschungen in Ephesos) VI, 1979, Wien
  • Ratte 1989 Ratte, C. J., Lydian and Monumental Architecture at Sardis, Diss., 1989, University of California at Berkeley.
  • Ratte 1992 Ratte, C. J., “The Pyramid Tomb at Sardis”, IstMitt 42, 1992, 135-161.
  • Ratte 1993 Ratte, C. J., “Lydian Conributions to Archaic East Greek Architecture”, Les Grands Ateliers D’Architecture Dans Le Monde Egeen Du Vie siecle av. J.-C., Actes du colloque d’Istanbul, 23-25 mai 1991,edt. J. Courtils-J.C. Moretti, Varia Anatolica III, 1993, 1-12.
  • Serdaro¤lu 1979 Serdaro¤lu, Ü., “Bautätigkeit in Anatolien unter der persischen Herrschaft”, in Palast und Hütte, Berlin, 347- 356.
  • Von Gall 1979 Von Gall, H., “Bemerkungen zum Kyrosgrab in Pasargadae und zu verwandten Denkmälern”, AMIran 12, 1979, 271- 279.
  • Von Gall 1988 Von Gall, H., “Das Felsgrab von Qizqapan. Ein Denkmal aus dem Umfeld der achaemenidischen Königsstrasse”, BaM 19, 1988, 557-582.
  • Waelkens 1980 Waelkens, M., “Das Totenhaus in Kleinasien”, Antike Welt 4, 1980, 3-12
Yıl 2004, Sayı: 9, 111 - 125, 01.05.2004


The so-called Taş Kule is a freestanding unique and monumental tomb locatednear Phokaia. The tomb was cut from the bedrock. It was studied and published byN. Cahill in 1988. The tomb was built in two stories, the lower storey is rectangular but the upper storey shows a pyramidal tomb model apart from the lower storey.The upper storey was set marginally at the north side of the tomb and has a fourstepped podium; lowest three steps on the north side are missing, only fourth stepsurrounds the cubic part. The steps show the main direction which has a false door.The false door is not an isolated motif, it is functioning with the pyramidal tombmodel, described on the upper storey.


  • Atefllier 2001 Ateflliler, S., “Observations on an Early Classical Building of the Satrapal Period at Daskyleion”, T. Bak›r (Ed.), Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Anatolia in the Achaemenid Period, Band›rma 15-18
  • August, 1997, ACHAEMEN‹D ANATOLIA, PIHANS 92, Nederland Institut voor het Nabije Ooosten, Leiden, 2001, 147-168.
  • Atefllier 2002 Atefllier, S., “Pers Ölü Gömme Gelene¤inde Cenaze Harmamaksa’lar›”, OLBA 5, 2002, 77-95.
  • Bernard 1969 Bernard, P., “Les bas-reliefs greco-perses de Dascylion a la lumiere de nouvelles decouvertes”, RA 1969, 17-28.
  • Borchhardt 1968 Borchhardt, J., “Epichorische, gräko-persisch beeinflußte Reliefs in Kilikien”, IstMitt 18, 1968, 161-211.
  • Briant 2002 Briant, P., From Cyrus to Alexander, A History of the Persian Empire, 2002, Winona Lake, Indiana, Eisenbruns.
  • Büsing-Kolbe 1978 Büsing-Kolbe, A., “Frühe griechische Türen”, JdI 93, 1978, 66-174.
  • Cahill 1984a Cahill, N., Tafl Kule, A Tomb Near Eski Foça, Turkey, Master of Arts., 1984, University of California, Berkeley.
  • Cahill 1984b Cahill, N., “Tafl Kule: A Tomb Near Eskifoça, Turkey”, 2. Araflt›rma Sonuçlar› Toplant›s›, 16-20 Nisan, ‹zmir, 1984, 143-151.
  • Cahill 1988 Cahill, N., Tafl Kule: A Persian-Period Tomb near Phokaia”, AJA 92, 1988, 481-501.
  • Do¤er- Gezgin 1996 Do¤er, E.-Gezgin, ‹., “Aiolis’de Bir An›t”, Arkeoloji Dergisi IV, Ege Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Yay›nlar›, 1996, 169-174.
  • Dusinberre 2003 Dusinberre, Elspeth, R. M., Aspects of Empire in Achaemenid Sardis, Cambridge University Press, 2003.
  • Guepin 1963 Guepin, J. P., “On the Position of Greek Artists Under Achaemenid Rule”, Persica 1, 1963, 34-52
  • Hanfmann 1983 Hanfmann, G. M. A., Sardis From Prehistoric to Roman Times, 1983.
  • Kleiss 1971 Kleiss, W., “Der Takh-i Rustam bei Persepolis und das KyrosGrab in Pasargadae”, AA, 1971, 157-162.
  • Kleiss 1996 Kleiss, W., “Bemerkungen zum Pyramid Tomb in Sardes”, IstMitt 46, 1996, 135-140.
  • Nolle 1992: Nolle, M., Denkmaler vom Satrapensitz Daskyleion, Berlin, 1992.
  • Nylander 1965 Nylander, C., “Old Persian and Greek Stonecutting and the Chronology of Achaemenid Monuments: Achaemenid Problems I”, AJA 69, 1965, 49-55.
  • Nylander 1966a Nylander, C., “The toothed-chisel in Pasargadae: Further notes on old Persian stonecutting”, AJA 70, 1966, 373-376.
  • Nylander 1966b Nylander, C., “Clamps and Chronology (Achaemenid Problems II)”, IrAnt 6, 1966, 130-146.
  • Nylander 1970 Nylander, C., 1970, Ionians in Pasargadae, Uppsala.
  • Nylander 1972 Nylander, C., “Foreign Craftsmen in Achaemenid Persia”, Vth International Congress of Iranian Art (Archaeology, Tehran, 1968 (Tehran 1972) vol.I. 311-318.
  • Nylander 1974 Nylander, C., “Masons’ Marks in Persepolis”, Proceeding of the IInd Annual Sympos›um on Archaeological Research in Iran, Tehran, 1974, 216-222.
  • Nylander 1975 Nylander, C., “Anatolians in Susa-And Persepolis ?”, Acta Iranica. Hommagenes Et Opera Minora,III, Leiden, 1975, 317-323.
  • Nylander 1977 Nylander, C., “Greek and Lydian Craftsmen in Achaemenid Persia”, Atti Del XVI. Congresso Di Storia Dell’Architettura, Atene,1969 , (Roma 1977) 141-145.
  • Nylander 1979a Nylander, C., “Masons’ Marks in Persepolis”, Akten Des VII.
  • Internationalen Kongresses Für Iranische Kunst Und Archaologie, München,1976, (1979) AMIran, 236-239.
  • Nylander 1979b Nylander, C., “Achaemenid Imperial Art”, in M. Trolle Larsen, Ed., Power and Propaganda. A Symposium on Ancient Empires (Mesopotamia, Copenhagen Studies in Assyriology 7), Copenhagen 1979: 345-359.
  • Nylander 1983 Nylander, C., “Architecture grecque et pouvoir persan”, in Architecture et Societe de I’arcaisme grec a la fin de la republique romaine, Collection de I’Ecole Francaise de Rome, 66, 1983, 265-269.
  • Nylander 1990 Nylander, C., “Considerations sur le travoil de la pierre dans la cultura perse”, in Pierre èternelle du Nil au Rhin. Carrieres et prefabrication, Bruxelles, 1990, 76-80.
  • Nylander 1991 Nylander, C, “The Toothed Chisel”, Archeologia Classica, XXLIII, 1991, 1037-1052.
  • Praschniker-Theuer 1979 Praschniker, C.-Theuer, M., Das Mausoleum von Belevi, FIE (Forschungen in Ephesos) VI, 1979, Wien
  • Ratte 1989 Ratte, C. J., Lydian and Monumental Architecture at Sardis, Diss., 1989, University of California at Berkeley.
  • Ratte 1992 Ratte, C. J., “The Pyramid Tomb at Sardis”, IstMitt 42, 1992, 135-161.
  • Ratte 1993 Ratte, C. J., “Lydian Conributions to Archaic East Greek Architecture”, Les Grands Ateliers D’Architecture Dans Le Monde Egeen Du Vie siecle av. J.-C., Actes du colloque d’Istanbul, 23-25 mai 1991,edt. J. Courtils-J.C. Moretti, Varia Anatolica III, 1993, 1-12.
  • Serdaro¤lu 1979 Serdaro¤lu, Ü., “Bautätigkeit in Anatolien unter der persischen Herrschaft”, in Palast und Hütte, Berlin, 347- 356.
  • Von Gall 1979 Von Gall, H., “Bemerkungen zum Kyrosgrab in Pasargadae und zu verwandten Denkmälern”, AMIran 12, 1979, 271- 279.
  • Von Gall 1988 Von Gall, H., “Das Felsgrab von Qizqapan. Ein Denkmal aus dem Umfeld der achaemenidischen Königsstrasse”, BaM 19, 1988, 557-582.
  • Waelkens 1980 Waelkens, M., “Das Totenhaus in Kleinasien”, Antike Welt 4, 1980, 3-12
Toplam 39 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mayıs 2004
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2004 Sayı: 9

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