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Türkoloji’deki Tarihi Metin Çalışmalarında Bir Rönesansı Tetiklemek: Metin Kodlama Girişimi (TEI) ve İlk Standartlaştırılmış Osmanlı Matematik Metni

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 11 Sayı: 30, 261 - 283, 20.07.2024


Bu makale, küresel teknolojik ve dijital gelişmelerin bir zorunluluk haline getirdiği dijital dönüşümün Türkoloji’dekitarihî metin çalışmalarına etkisine dair eleştirel bir soruya cevap aramaktadır. Makale, tarihî metin çalışmalarında dijital dönüşüme duyulan ihtiyaca ve Türkoloji’de TEI kullanımına ilişkin literatür eksikliğine dikkat çekmektedir. Araştırma, tarihsel metin çalışmalarını dijital kültürel miras (digital cultural heritage), dijital beşerî bilimler (digital humanities) ve dijital akademik araştırmaların (digital scholarships) bir nesnesi olarak ele almakta ve Metin Kodlama Girişimi (TEI) standardı üzerinden değerlendirmektedir. Amaç, tarihsel metin çalışmaları ile Metin Kodlama Girişimi (TEI) arasında simbiyotik bir ilişki kurmak ve Türkçe el yazmalarını incelemek için en son dijital ortam ve bu araştırmanın geleceği hakkında yeni bir bakış açısı sunmaktır. Ayrıca el yazmalarının (özellikle Osmanlı sahasında) dijital neşirlerde disiplinlerarası iş birliğinin sağlanması için TEI’da nasıl kodlanması gerektiğine dair bir bilgi akışı sunmaktadır. Bu amaçla bir 18. yüzyıl Osmanlı matematik metni TEI’da kodlanmış ve Türkoloji sahasında çalışanlar ve bu yöntemle metin neşri yapmak isteyenler için süreç ayrıntılı olarak açıklanmıştır. Makalenin sonuçları, Github linki sunularak okuyucuyla paylaşılmıştır. Bu sonuçlar, tarihi metinlerin dijital kodlanması konusunda uluslararası literatüre yeni bir kaynak oluşturmakta ve Türkoloji’deki tarihi metin çalışmalarında kullanılacak dijital metin neşirleri için standartlar belirlemektedir. Böylelikle, tarihi metin çalışmalarında TEI kullanımını teşvik eden bir rönesansı tetiklemeyi ve nihai olarak yenilenmiş bir araştırma alanına dönüşmesi için ilk adımı atmayı amaçlamaktadır.

Destekleyen Kurum


Proje Numarası



  • Açıl, Berat, Yazar, Sadık, Kadir Turgut, Özgür Kavak. Tenkitli Neşir Kılavuzu (Osmanlı Türkçesi Metinleri İçin), İstanbul: İSAM, 2022.
  • Aladağ, Fatma, “Dijital beşerî bilimler ve Türkiye araştırmaları: Bir literatür değerlendirmesi”, Türkiye Araştırmaları Literatür Dergisi, 18, no. 36 (2020): 773–796, accessed: June 2021,
  • ASCII, American Standard Code,, accessed: 3 March 2022.
  • Baxter, Pamela ve Susan Jack. "Qualitative case study methodology: Study design and implementation for novice researchers," The Qualitative Report, 13, (2008), 547, accessed: 27 July 2022,,
  • Blackman, Tim. What is Crowd-Based Translation: A beginner’s Guide, April 25, 2018, accessed: 9 March 2022.
  • Burnard, Lou. What is the Text Encoding Initiative? How to add intelligent markup to digital resources (Marseille: OpenEdition Press, 2014), 12, accessed: 7 March 2022,,
  • “Concept of digital heritage”, UNESCO 2018, accessed: 5 March 2022,
  • Cummings, James. "The Text Encoding Initiative and the study of literature" in Ray Siemens & Susan Schreibman (Eds.), A Companion to digital literary studies Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2007, accessed: 7 March 2022,
  • Çakmak, Tolga. "Kültürel bellek kurumlarında dijitalleştirme: Ankara’daki 17 kurumun uygulamalarının analizi", Ankara Araştırmaları Dergisi 6, no. 2 (2018): 167–182.
  • Dölek, İshak ve Atakan Kurt. “Derin Sinir ağlarıyla Osmanlıca Optik Karakter tanıma”, Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi 38, 4 (April 2023): 2579-94,,
  • Drucker, Johanna. "Humanistic theory and digital scholarship," Debates İn The Digital Humanities, Part II. Theorising The Digital Humanities, (2012), accessed: 7 December 2022,
  • Goldfarb, Charles, F. The SGML handbook, Oxford: Clarendon, 1990.
  • Hockey, Susan."The history of humanities computing," in A Companion to Digital Humanities, ed. Susan Schreibman, Ray Siemens, and John Unsworth (Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2004), accessed 11 April 2022,
  • ISO 8879. "SGML Standard 1986," ISO, accessed: 3 March 2022,
  • Kalafat, Şermin. “Türkoloji araştırmaları kapsamında yazma eser çalışmalarına yönelik bir inceleme”, The Second International Congress of Turcology, "600 Years of Polish-Turkish Relations: Research on Turcology Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow," Warsaw, Poland, June 25, 2014.
  • Lee, Stuart D., Digital Imaging: A Practical Handbook, London: Facet Publishing, 2001.
  • Manoff, Marlene. "The Materiality of Digital Collections: Theoretical and Historical Perspectives", Libraries and the Academy, 6, no. 3 (2006), 311, accessed: January 2022,
  • Pfannenschmidt, Sarah L. and Tanya E. Clement. "Evaluating digital scholarship: suggestions and strategies for the text encoding initiative," Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative, 7 (November 2014), 7; accessed: 21 March 2022,,
  • Pittock, Murray. "The Scottish Heritage Partnership Immersive Experiences: Policy Report", (University of Glasgow, 2018: 5),
  • Polat, Atilla ve Halime Mücella Demirhan Çavuşoğlu. “Mehmed Said Efendi’nin Misâha Risâlesi”. Osmanlı Bilimi Araştırmaları 21, 2 (July 2020): 249-70, accessed: 23 March 2021,,
  • Purdy, James P., ve Joyce R. Walker. “Valuing digital scholarship: Exploring the changing realities of digital work”, Profession, Modern Language Association, (2010), 177–195, accessed: 11 April 2022,
  • Renear, A., "Text Encoding," in A Companion to Digital Humanities, ed. Susan Schreibman, Ray Siemens, and John Unsworth (Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2004) accessed: 11 April 2022,
  • Sahle, Patrick. "What is a Scholarly Digital Edition?" In Digital Scholarly Editing: Theories and Practices, (Cambridge, 2017), 19-25, accessed: March 2022,
  • Soualah, Mohammed Ourabah and Mohamed Hassoun. "A TEI P5 Manuscript Description Adaptation For Cataloguing Digitised Arabic Manuscripts", Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative, 2, no. 2 (February 2012), 2, accessed, 11 April 2022,,
  • Sperberg-McQueen, C. Michael. "Textual criticism and the Text Encoding Initiative." Paper presented at the annual convention of the Modern Language Association, (San Diego, California: December 1994), accessed: 11 April 2022,
  • Svensson, Patrik. "Humanities computing as digital humanities," (Digital Humanities Quarterly, 2009), accessed: 11 April 2022,
  • “Text Encoding Initiative.” Text Encoding Initiative: TEI, accessed: 11 June 2021,
  • Van Hyning, Victoria Anne, ve Mason A. Jones. “Data's Destinations: Three Case Studies in Crowdsourced Transcription Data Management and Dissemination”, Startwords, 2 (01 October 2021) accessed: 9 March 2022, Crowsourching,
  • Vanhoutte, Edward. "An Introduction to the TEI and the TEI Consortium", Literary and Linguistic Computing,19, no. 1 (2004), 10, accessed: 11 April 2022,
  • Vertan, Cristina and Stefanie Reimers. "A TEI-based application for editing manuscript descriptions," Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative 2 (2012), accessed: 11 April 2022,,

Triggering A Renaissance in Historical Textual Studies in Turcology: Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) and the Initial Standardised Ottoman Mathematics Text

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 11 Sayı: 30, 261 - 283, 20.07.2024


This article seeks to answer a critical question about the impact of digital transformation, which global technological and digital developments have made a necessity, on historical textual studies in Turcology. The article draws attention to the need for digital transformation in historical textual studies and the lack of literature on the use of TEI in Turcology. The research considers historical textual studies as an object of digital cultural heritage, digital humanities, and digital scholarship. It is evaluated through the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) standard. The aim is to establish a symbiotic relationship between historical textual studies and the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) and offer a new perspective on the latest digital environment for studying Turkish manuscripts and the future of this research. It also explains how manuscripts (especially in the Ottoman field) should be encoded at TEI to enable interdisciplinary cooperation in digital editions. A case study of an 18th-century Ottoman mathematical text was encoded in TEI, and the process is explained in detail for those working in Turcology and those who want to do text editions with this method. The article's results are shared with the reader by presenting a Github link. These results constitute a new source for the international literature on digital encoding of historical texts and set standards for digital text editions to be used in historical text studies in Turcology. In this way, it aims to trigger a renaissance promoting the use of TEI in historical textual studies and to take the first step towards its eventual transformation into a renewed field of research.

Destekleyen Kurum


Proje Numarası



This article marks the beginning of a series aimed at exploring and documenting the application processes of digital humanities software within specific areas of Turkish language studies, such as Old Anatolian Turkish, Ottoman Turkish, and the Ottoman tradition of lexicography, historical and cultural terminology, in the context of my project conducted at the University of Cambridge/Cambridge Digital Humanities starting from 2024. Supported by the TUBITAK 2219 International Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, this study represents the first digital humanities project in Turkish language studies, and I am grateful to TUBITAK for their valuable support.


  • Açıl, Berat, Yazar, Sadık, Kadir Turgut, Özgür Kavak. Tenkitli Neşir Kılavuzu (Osmanlı Türkçesi Metinleri İçin), İstanbul: İSAM, 2022.
  • Aladağ, Fatma, “Dijital beşerî bilimler ve Türkiye araştırmaları: Bir literatür değerlendirmesi”, Türkiye Araştırmaları Literatür Dergisi, 18, no. 36 (2020): 773–796, accessed: June 2021,
  • ASCII, American Standard Code,, accessed: 3 March 2022.
  • Baxter, Pamela ve Susan Jack. "Qualitative case study methodology: Study design and implementation for novice researchers," The Qualitative Report, 13, (2008), 547, accessed: 27 July 2022,,
  • Blackman, Tim. What is Crowd-Based Translation: A beginner’s Guide, April 25, 2018, accessed: 9 March 2022.
  • Burnard, Lou. What is the Text Encoding Initiative? How to add intelligent markup to digital resources (Marseille: OpenEdition Press, 2014), 12, accessed: 7 March 2022,,
  • “Concept of digital heritage”, UNESCO 2018, accessed: 5 March 2022,
  • Cummings, James. "The Text Encoding Initiative and the study of literature" in Ray Siemens & Susan Schreibman (Eds.), A Companion to digital literary studies Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2007, accessed: 7 March 2022,
  • Çakmak, Tolga. "Kültürel bellek kurumlarında dijitalleştirme: Ankara’daki 17 kurumun uygulamalarının analizi", Ankara Araştırmaları Dergisi 6, no. 2 (2018): 167–182.
  • Dölek, İshak ve Atakan Kurt. “Derin Sinir ağlarıyla Osmanlıca Optik Karakter tanıma”, Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi 38, 4 (April 2023): 2579-94,,
  • Drucker, Johanna. "Humanistic theory and digital scholarship," Debates İn The Digital Humanities, Part II. Theorising The Digital Humanities, (2012), accessed: 7 December 2022,
  • Goldfarb, Charles, F. The SGML handbook, Oxford: Clarendon, 1990.
  • Hockey, Susan."The history of humanities computing," in A Companion to Digital Humanities, ed. Susan Schreibman, Ray Siemens, and John Unsworth (Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2004), accessed 11 April 2022,
  • ISO 8879. "SGML Standard 1986," ISO, accessed: 3 March 2022,
  • Kalafat, Şermin. “Türkoloji araştırmaları kapsamında yazma eser çalışmalarına yönelik bir inceleme”, The Second International Congress of Turcology, "600 Years of Polish-Turkish Relations: Research on Turcology Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow," Warsaw, Poland, June 25, 2014.
  • Lee, Stuart D., Digital Imaging: A Practical Handbook, London: Facet Publishing, 2001.
  • Manoff, Marlene. "The Materiality of Digital Collections: Theoretical and Historical Perspectives", Libraries and the Academy, 6, no. 3 (2006), 311, accessed: January 2022,
  • Pfannenschmidt, Sarah L. and Tanya E. Clement. "Evaluating digital scholarship: suggestions and strategies for the text encoding initiative," Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative, 7 (November 2014), 7; accessed: 21 March 2022,,
  • Pittock, Murray. "The Scottish Heritage Partnership Immersive Experiences: Policy Report", (University of Glasgow, 2018: 5),
  • Polat, Atilla ve Halime Mücella Demirhan Çavuşoğlu. “Mehmed Said Efendi’nin Misâha Risâlesi”. Osmanlı Bilimi Araştırmaları 21, 2 (July 2020): 249-70, accessed: 23 March 2021,,
  • Purdy, James P., ve Joyce R. Walker. “Valuing digital scholarship: Exploring the changing realities of digital work”, Profession, Modern Language Association, (2010), 177–195, accessed: 11 April 2022,
  • Renear, A., "Text Encoding," in A Companion to Digital Humanities, ed. Susan Schreibman, Ray Siemens, and John Unsworth (Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2004) accessed: 11 April 2022,
  • Sahle, Patrick. "What is a Scholarly Digital Edition?" In Digital Scholarly Editing: Theories and Practices, (Cambridge, 2017), 19-25, accessed: March 2022,
  • Soualah, Mohammed Ourabah and Mohamed Hassoun. "A TEI P5 Manuscript Description Adaptation For Cataloguing Digitised Arabic Manuscripts", Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative, 2, no. 2 (February 2012), 2, accessed, 11 April 2022,,
  • Sperberg-McQueen, C. Michael. "Textual criticism and the Text Encoding Initiative." Paper presented at the annual convention of the Modern Language Association, (San Diego, California: December 1994), accessed: 11 April 2022,
  • Svensson, Patrik. "Humanities computing as digital humanities," (Digital Humanities Quarterly, 2009), accessed: 11 April 2022,
  • “Text Encoding Initiative.” Text Encoding Initiative: TEI, accessed: 11 June 2021,
  • Van Hyning, Victoria Anne, ve Mason A. Jones. “Data's Destinations: Three Case Studies in Crowdsourced Transcription Data Management and Dissemination”, Startwords, 2 (01 October 2021) accessed: 9 March 2022, Crowsourching,
  • Vanhoutte, Edward. "An Introduction to the TEI and the TEI Consortium", Literary and Linguistic Computing,19, no. 1 (2004), 10, accessed: 11 April 2022,
  • Vertan, Cristina and Stefanie Reimers. "A TEI-based application for editing manuscript descriptions," Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative 2 (2012), accessed: 11 April 2022,,
Toplam 30 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Yeni Türk Dili (Eski Anadolu, Osmanlı, Türkiye Türkçesi)
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Şermin Kalafat 0000-0003-1000-0402

Proje Numarası 1059B192301230
Erken Görünüm Tarihi 19 Temmuz 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 20 Temmuz 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 26 Mayıs 2024
Kabul Tarihi 8 Temmuz 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 11 Sayı: 30

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Kalafat, Şermin. “Triggering A Renaissance in Historical Textual Studies in Turcology: Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) and the Initial Standardised Ottoman Mathematics Text”. Osmanlı Mirası Araştırmaları Dergisi 11, sy. 30 (Temmuz 2024): 261-83.