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Kayseri İlinin Adli Açıdan Önemli Böcek Faunasının Belirlenmesi

Yıl 2022, , 663 - 690, 31.10.2022


Bu çalışmasının amacı; Kayseri ilinde adli açıdan önemli böcek faunasının belirlenmesidir. Çalışmanın deneysel kısmı; Eylül 2018-Mayıs 2019 tarihleri arasında; kış, ilkbahar, sonbahar mevsimleri sürecinde dört farklı bölgede gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmada, taze büyükbaş hayvan ciğeri ve tavuk eti deney materyali olarak kullanılmıştır. Böcek örneklerini toplamak için böceklerin kolayca girmesine izin veren ama çıkışına engel olan tuzak kullanılmıştır. Sonuç olarak 4 çalışma alanında toplam 21 tür tespit edilmiştir. Sonbahar mevsiminde; Calliphora vicina, (Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830) (Diptera: Calliphoridae), Lucilia sericata (Meigen, 1826) (Diptera: Calliphoridae), Chrysomya albiceps (Wiedemann, 1819) (Diptera: Calliphoridae), Muscina stabulans (Fallen, 1817) (Diptera: Muscidae) Musca autumnalis (De Geer,1776) (Diptera: Muscidae), türleri tüm çalışma alanlarında görülmüştür.
Kış mevsiminde; sadece C. vicina türü tüm çalışma alanlarında görülmüştür. İlkbahar mevsiminde; C. vicina, Thricops sp. (Rondani, 1856) (Diptera: Muscidae), Fannia canicularis (Linnaeus, 1761) (Diptera: Fanniade), L. sericata, Dermestes frischii (Kugelann, 1792) (Coleoptera: Dermestidae), tüm çalışma alanlarında görülmüştür. C. vicina Eylül ayından Mayıs ayı sonuna kadar tüm çalışma alanlarında görülmüştür. L. sericata Eylül ayından Kasım ayı sonuna, Nisan ayından Mayıs ayı sonuna kadar tüm çalışma alanlarında görülmüştür. Bu yüzden C. vicina ve L. sericata Kayseri'de ölümden sonra geçen zamanın tespitinde kullanılabilir.

Destekleyen Kurum

Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi BAP

Proje Numarası



  • Açıkgöz, H. N., Hancı, H., & Çetin, G. 2002. How can we benefit from insects in forensic events, Journal of Ankara University Faculty of Law, C.51: 117-125.
  • Açıkgöz, H. N. 2010. Forensic Entomology. Turkish Journal of Parasitology, C.34(3): 216-221.
  • Aggarwal, A. D. 2005. Estimating the Post-Mortem Interval with the Help of Entomological Evidence, Anil Aggrawal's Internet Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology's, 185 pp.
  • Almeida, L. M., & Mise, K. M. 2009. Diagnosis and Key of The Main Families and Species Of South American Coleoptera of Forensic Importance, Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, 53(2): 227-244.
  • Amendt, J., Klotzbach, H., Benecke, M., Krettek, R., & Zehner, R. 2004a. Forensic Entomology, Rechtsmedizin, 14(2): 127-140.
  • Amendt, J., Krettek, R., & Zehner, R. 2004b. Forensic entomology, Naturwissenschaften, 91: 51-65.
  • Ames, C., & Turner, B. 2003. Low temperature episodes in development of blowflies: implications for postmortem interval estimation, Medical and Veterinary Entomology, 17: 178-186.
  • Anderson, G. S. 2001. Insect succession on carrion and its relationship to determine time of death in Forensic Entomology. (eds. Byrd, J. & Castner, J.) New York: CRC Press,750 pp.
  • Anderson, G. S., & Cervenka, V. J. 2002. Insects Associated with the Body: their Uses and Analyzes. Advances in Forensic Taphonomy: Method, Theory, and Archaeological Prespectives, (eds: Haglund, W. D., Sorg, M. H.), CRC Press, 173-200.
  • Anderson, G. S. 2005. Forensic Entomology. An introduction to scientific an investigative techniques, 2nd Edition. James, S.H and Nordby, J.J. (eds.), CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, 135-164.
  • Anderson, G. S. 2010. Factors that influence insect succession on carrion. Forensic Entomology: The Utility of Arthropods in Legal Investigations, (eds: Byrd, J. H., Castner, J. L.), 2nd Edition, CRC Press, 201-250.
  • Archer, M. S., & Elgar, M. A. 2003. Yearly activity patterns in Southern Victoria (Australia) of seasonally active carrion insects, Forensic Science International, 132(3): 173-176.
  • Arnaldos, M.I., Romera, E., Presa, J.J., Luna, A., & Garcia, M.D. 2004. Studies on seasonal arthropod succession on carrion in the southeastern Iberian Peninsula. International Journal Legal Medicine, 118: 197-205.
  • Bajerlein, D. 2009. Coprofilous Hysterid Beetle Community (Coleoptera: Histeridae) of Westem Poland, Police Journal of Entomologist, 78: 201-207.
  • Bass, W. M. 2001. Forensic Entomology: the utility of arthropods in legal investigations, Preface. In J. H. Byrd and J. L. Castner (eds.), CRC Press, Boca Raton,705 pp.
  • Benecke, M. 1998. Six Forensic Entomology Cases: Description and Commentary, Journal of Forensic Science, 43(4): 797-805.
  • Benecke, M. 2001a. A brief history of forensic entomology, Forensic Science International, 120: 2-14.
  • Bonacci, T., Vercillo, V., Brandmayr, P., Fonti, A., Tersaruolo, C., & Brandmayr, T. Z. 2009. A case of Calliphora vicina Robineau- Desvoidy, 1830 (Diptera, Calliphoridae) breeding in a human corpse in Calabria (southern Italy), Legal Medicine, 11: 30-32.
  • Byrd, J. H., & Castner, J. L. 2001. Forensic Entomology: the utility of arthropods in legal investigation. New York: CRC Press. 418 pp.
  • Carvalho, L. M. L., Thyssen, P. J., Linhares, A. X., & Palhares, F. A. B. 2000. A checklist of Arthropods Associated with Pig Carrion and Human Corpses in Southeastern Brazil, Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz, 95(1): 135-138.
  • Carvalho, C. J. B., & Mello-Patiu, C. A. 2008. Key to the adults of the most common forensic species of Diptera in South America, Revista Brasileria de Entomologia, 52(3): 390-406.
  • Catts, E. P., & Goff, M. L. 1992. Forensic entomology in criminal investigations. Annual Review Entomology. 37: 253-272.
  • Centeno, N., Maldonado, M. & Oliva, A. 2002. Seasonal Patterns of Arthropods on sheltered and unsheltered pig carcasses in Buenos Aires Pronvice, Argentina. Forensic Science International, 126(1): 63-70.
  • Demirsoy, A. 2006. Basic Rules of Life, Invertebrates/Insects, Entomology 9th Edition, Volume 2, Part 2, Ankara, Meksan A.Ş. 960 pp.
  • Deonier, C. C. 1940 Carcass temperatures and their relation to winter blowfly populations and activity in the southwest, Journal of Economic Entomology. 33: 166-170.
  • Early, M., & Goff, M. L. 1986. Arthropod succession patterns in exposed carrion on the island of O'ahu, Hawaiian Islands, USA. Entomology Journal. 23: 520-531.
  • Eberhard, T. L., & Elliot, D. A. 2008. A preliminary investigation of insect colonisation and succession on remains in New Zealand, Forensic Science International, 176(2-3): 217-223.
  • Erzinclioglu, Y. Z. 1996. Blowflies: Naturalists'Handbook, Richmond Publishing, Slough, UK. 71 pp.
  • Gennard, D. 2007. Forensic Entomology: an introduction, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., UK. 241 pp.
  • Goff, M.L., & Flynn, M.M. 1991. Determination on Postmortem Interval by Arthropod Succession: A Case Study from the Hawaiian Island, Journal of Forensic Sciences, 36: 607-614.
  • Goff, M. L. 2001. A fly for the prosecution: How Insect Evidence Helps Solve Crime. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 240 pp.
  • Gomes, L., & Zuben, J. 2006. Forensic entomology and main challenges, in Brazil. 35(1): 1-11.
  • Greenberg, B., & Pavolny, D. 1971. Flies and Disease, Princeton University, Princeton. New Jersey, USA. 1: 57.
  • Gregor, F., Rozkosny, R., Bartak, M., & Vanhara, J. 2002. The Muscidae (Diptera) of Central Europe. Folia Facultatis Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Masarykianae Brunensis, Biologia, 107: 1-280.
  • Hall, R. D., & Hundington, T. E. 2010. Perception and Status of Forensic Entomology. Forensic Entomology: The Utility of Arthropods in Legal Investigations, 2nd Edition, CRC Press, 1-16.
  • Hall, R.D. 2001. Perceptions and status of forensic entomology. Forensic Entomology, The Utility of Arthropods in Legal Investigations. CRC Press, Boca Raton, 1-15.
  • Haskell, N. H., & Williams, R. E. 1990. Collection of Entomological Evidence at the Death Scene. Entomology and Death: A Procedural Guide, (eds: Catts, E. P., Haskell N. H.), Joyce's Print Shop. 437 pp.
  • Hava, J. 2004. World keys to the genera and subgenera of dermestidae (Coleoptera) with descriptions, nomenclature and distributional Records Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae, Series, Natural History, 60(3-4): 149-164.
  • Introna, F. J., Suman, T. W. & Smialek, J. E. 1991. Sarcosaprophagous fly activity in Maryland. J. Forensic Science, 36: 238-243.
  • Kökdener, M. 2012. Determination of the Seasons of the Fly Species Used in Forensic Entomology in Samsun, PhD Thesis, Istanbul University, Institute of Forensic Medicine, Department of Science, Istanbul. 114 pp.
  • Kökdener, M. 2016. Use of Forensic Entomological Evidence in Determining the Time of Death. Gumushane University Journal of Health Sciences Institute, C.5(3): 105-106.
  • Knight, B., & Nokes, L. 2002. Temperature Based Methods I. In the estimation of the time Death in the Early Postmortem Period, Arnold, London, 3-42.
  • Madea, B., Krompecher, T., Knight, B., & Nokes, L. 2002. Muscle and Tissue Changes After Death, In the Estimation of the Time Death in the Early Postmortem Period, London, 134-208.
  • Marchenko, M.I. 2001. Medicolegal Relevance of Cadaver Entomofauna for the Determination of the Time Since Death, Forensic Science International, 120: 89-109.
  • Matuszewki, S., Bajerlein, D., Konwerski, S, & Szmila, K. 2010. Insect succession and carrion decomposition in selected forests of Central Europe. Pattern and rate of decomposition, Forensic Science International, 194: 85-93.
  • Me'ndeza, J., Mello-Patiub, C. A., & Pape, T. 2008. New flesh flies (Sarcophagidae) from coastal mangroves of Panama with taxonomic notes and keys, Journal of Natural History, 42(3-4): 249-257.
  • Merritt, R. W., Higgins, M. J., & Wallance, J. R. 2000. Entomology, Encyclopedia of Forensic and Legal Medicine: Encyclopedia of Forensic Sciences. 700-706.
  • Nabity, P.D., Higley, L.G., & Heng-Moss, T.M., 2006. Effects of Temperature on Development of Phormia regina (Diptera: Calliphoridae) and Use of Developmental Data in Determining Time Intervals in Forensic Entomology, Journal of Medical Entomology, 43(6): 1276-1286.
  • Nelson, E. L. 1999. Estimation of short-term postmortem interval utilizing core body temperature: a new algorithm. Forensic Science International, 109: 31-38.
  • Nuorteva, P. 1959. Studies on the significance of flies in the transmission of poliomyelitis. The composition of the blow fly fauna and the activity of the flies in relation to the weather during the epidemic season of poliomyelitis in south Finland, Ann Entomology Fenn., 25: 137-162.
  • Payne, J. A. 1965. A Summer Carrion Study of the Baby Pig Sus scrofa Linnaeus. Ecology, Forensic Entomology, 46: 529-602.
  • Reed, H. B. 1958. Study of dog carcass communities in Tennessee with special reference to the insects, American Midland Naturalist, 59(1): 213-245.
  • Schoenly, K., & Reid, W. 1987. Dynamics of Heterotrophic Succession in Carion Arthropod Assemblages: Discrete Series or a Continuum of Change, Oecologia, 73: 192-202.
  • Shazia, M. T., Suhail, A., & Yousuf, M. J. 2006. Systematics and Population of Sarcophagid Flies in Faisalabad (Pakistan), International Journal of Agriculture Biology, 8(6): 810-812.
  • Sharanowski, B. J., Walker, E. G., & Anderson, G. S. 2008. Insect succession and decomposition patterns on shaded and sunlit carrion in Saskatchewan in three different seasons Forensic Science International, 179: 219-240.
  • Shean, B. S., Messinger, L, & Papworth, M. 1993. Observations of differential decomposition on sun exposed shaded pig carrion in coastal Washington State, Journal of Forensic Science, 38: 938-949.
  • Smith, K. G. V. 1986. A Manual of Forensic Entomology., British Museum of Natural History, Cornell University Press, London. 288 pp.
  • Slone, D., Gruner, S., & Allen, J. 2005. Assessing Error in PMI Prediction Using A Forensic Entomological. http://www. pdffiles1/nij/ grants/ 211760. pdf. 26.05.2020.
  • Sumodan, P.K. 2002. Insect detectives, 7(8): 51-58.
  • Sabanoglu, B., & Sert, O. 2010. Determination of Calliphoridae (Diptera) fauna and seasonal distribution on carrion in Ankara Province, Journal of Forensic Science. Doi:10,1111/1.1556-4029.2010.01366.
  • Triplehorn, C.A., & Johnson, N.F. 2005. Study of Triplehorn, C. A., Norman F. J., Borror and DeLong's Introduction to the Study of Insects, 7th Edition, Brooks/Cole: Cengace Learning. 864 pp.
  • Turner, B., & Howard, T. 1992. Metabolic heat generation in dipteran larval aggregations: a consideration for forensic entomology, Medical and Veterinary Entomology, 6: 179-181.
  • Tuzun, A., & Yuksel, S. 2007. Forensic Entomology in the Detection of Postmortem Interval, Turkiye Klinikleri, 4: 23-32.
  • Varatharajan, R. 2000. Role of entomology in forensic science, 8(5): 544-546.
  • Voss, S. C., Spafford, H., & Dadour, I. R. 2009. Annual and seasonal patterns of insect succession on decomposing remains at two locations in Western Australia, Forensic Science International, 193: 26-36.
  • Whitworth, T. 2006. Keys to the genera and species of blow flies (Diptera: Calliphoridae) of America North of Mexico, Proceedingsof the Entomologic Society of Washington 108(3): 689-725.
  • Wolff, M., Uribe, A., & Ortiz, A. 2001. A Preliminary Study of Forensic Entomology, Forensic Science International, Colombia, 120: 53-59.
  • Zehner, R., & Amendt, J. 2004. Genetic identification of forensically important flesh flies (Diptera: Sarcophagidae), International Journal Legal Medicine, 118: 245-247.

Determination of the important insect fauna of forensic entomology in Kayseri province

Yıl 2022, , 663 - 690, 31.10.2022


The aim of this thesis is the determinations of insects' species of forensic importance in Kayserı province. The experimental part of our study was carried out between September 2018 – May 2019; during the periods of winter, spring, autumn seasons in four different regions. In this study, fresh cow liver and chicken muscle were used as the experimental materials. The traps which allow the insects to enter easily but which prevent exit were used to collect insect species. As a result, 21 species were identified at four different study areas. Calliphora vicina (Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830) (Diptera: Calliphoridae), Lucilia sericata (Meigen, 1826) (Diptera: Calliphoridae), Chrysomya albiceps (Wiedemann, 1819) (Diptera: Calliphoridae), Muscina stabulans (Fallen, 1817) (Diptera: Muscidae), Musca autumnalis (De Geer,1776) (Diptera: Muscidae), were identified in fall season at all study areas. C. vicina was identified in winter season. C. vicina, Thricops sp. (Rondani, 1856) (Diptera: Muscidae), Fannia canicularis (Linnaeus, 1761) (Diptera: Fanniade), L. sericata, Dermestes frischii (Kugelann, 1792) (Coleoptera: Dermestidae), were identified in spring season at all study areas. C. vicina was seen from September to the end of May at all study areas. L. sericata was seen from September to the end of November and April to end of May at all study areas. Therefore, C. vicina and L. sericata can be used as an indicator species for determining the Posmortem Interval in Kayseri.

Proje Numarası



  • Açıkgöz, H. N., Hancı, H., & Çetin, G. 2002. How can we benefit from insects in forensic events, Journal of Ankara University Faculty of Law, C.51: 117-125.
  • Açıkgöz, H. N. 2010. Forensic Entomology. Turkish Journal of Parasitology, C.34(3): 216-221.
  • Aggarwal, A. D. 2005. Estimating the Post-Mortem Interval with the Help of Entomological Evidence, Anil Aggrawal's Internet Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology's, 185 pp.
  • Almeida, L. M., & Mise, K. M. 2009. Diagnosis and Key of The Main Families and Species Of South American Coleoptera of Forensic Importance, Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, 53(2): 227-244.
  • Amendt, J., Klotzbach, H., Benecke, M., Krettek, R., & Zehner, R. 2004a. Forensic Entomology, Rechtsmedizin, 14(2): 127-140.
  • Amendt, J., Krettek, R., & Zehner, R. 2004b. Forensic entomology, Naturwissenschaften, 91: 51-65.
  • Ames, C., & Turner, B. 2003. Low temperature episodes in development of blowflies: implications for postmortem interval estimation, Medical and Veterinary Entomology, 17: 178-186.
  • Anderson, G. S. 2001. Insect succession on carrion and its relationship to determine time of death in Forensic Entomology. (eds. Byrd, J. & Castner, J.) New York: CRC Press,750 pp.
  • Anderson, G. S., & Cervenka, V. J. 2002. Insects Associated with the Body: their Uses and Analyzes. Advances in Forensic Taphonomy: Method, Theory, and Archaeological Prespectives, (eds: Haglund, W. D., Sorg, M. H.), CRC Press, 173-200.
  • Anderson, G. S. 2005. Forensic Entomology. An introduction to scientific an investigative techniques, 2nd Edition. James, S.H and Nordby, J.J. (eds.), CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, 135-164.
  • Anderson, G. S. 2010. Factors that influence insect succession on carrion. Forensic Entomology: The Utility of Arthropods in Legal Investigations, (eds: Byrd, J. H., Castner, J. L.), 2nd Edition, CRC Press, 201-250.
  • Archer, M. S., & Elgar, M. A. 2003. Yearly activity patterns in Southern Victoria (Australia) of seasonally active carrion insects, Forensic Science International, 132(3): 173-176.
  • Arnaldos, M.I., Romera, E., Presa, J.J., Luna, A., & Garcia, M.D. 2004. Studies on seasonal arthropod succession on carrion in the southeastern Iberian Peninsula. International Journal Legal Medicine, 118: 197-205.
  • Bajerlein, D. 2009. Coprofilous Hysterid Beetle Community (Coleoptera: Histeridae) of Westem Poland, Police Journal of Entomologist, 78: 201-207.
  • Bass, W. M. 2001. Forensic Entomology: the utility of arthropods in legal investigations, Preface. In J. H. Byrd and J. L. Castner (eds.), CRC Press, Boca Raton,705 pp.
  • Benecke, M. 1998. Six Forensic Entomology Cases: Description and Commentary, Journal of Forensic Science, 43(4): 797-805.
  • Benecke, M. 2001a. A brief history of forensic entomology, Forensic Science International, 120: 2-14.
  • Bonacci, T., Vercillo, V., Brandmayr, P., Fonti, A., Tersaruolo, C., & Brandmayr, T. Z. 2009. A case of Calliphora vicina Robineau- Desvoidy, 1830 (Diptera, Calliphoridae) breeding in a human corpse in Calabria (southern Italy), Legal Medicine, 11: 30-32.
  • Byrd, J. H., & Castner, J. L. 2001. Forensic Entomology: the utility of arthropods in legal investigation. New York: CRC Press. 418 pp.
  • Carvalho, L. M. L., Thyssen, P. J., Linhares, A. X., & Palhares, F. A. B. 2000. A checklist of Arthropods Associated with Pig Carrion and Human Corpses in Southeastern Brazil, Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz, 95(1): 135-138.
  • Carvalho, C. J. B., & Mello-Patiu, C. A. 2008. Key to the adults of the most common forensic species of Diptera in South America, Revista Brasileria de Entomologia, 52(3): 390-406.
  • Catts, E. P., & Goff, M. L. 1992. Forensic entomology in criminal investigations. Annual Review Entomology. 37: 253-272.
  • Centeno, N., Maldonado, M. & Oliva, A. 2002. Seasonal Patterns of Arthropods on sheltered and unsheltered pig carcasses in Buenos Aires Pronvice, Argentina. Forensic Science International, 126(1): 63-70.
  • Demirsoy, A. 2006. Basic Rules of Life, Invertebrates/Insects, Entomology 9th Edition, Volume 2, Part 2, Ankara, Meksan A.Ş. 960 pp.
  • Deonier, C. C. 1940 Carcass temperatures and their relation to winter blowfly populations and activity in the southwest, Journal of Economic Entomology. 33: 166-170.
  • Early, M., & Goff, M. L. 1986. Arthropod succession patterns in exposed carrion on the island of O'ahu, Hawaiian Islands, USA. Entomology Journal. 23: 520-531.
  • Eberhard, T. L., & Elliot, D. A. 2008. A preliminary investigation of insect colonisation and succession on remains in New Zealand, Forensic Science International, 176(2-3): 217-223.
  • Erzinclioglu, Y. Z. 1996. Blowflies: Naturalists'Handbook, Richmond Publishing, Slough, UK. 71 pp.
  • Gennard, D. 2007. Forensic Entomology: an introduction, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., UK. 241 pp.
  • Goff, M.L., & Flynn, M.M. 1991. Determination on Postmortem Interval by Arthropod Succession: A Case Study from the Hawaiian Island, Journal of Forensic Sciences, 36: 607-614.
  • Goff, M. L. 2001. A fly for the prosecution: How Insect Evidence Helps Solve Crime. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 240 pp.
  • Gomes, L., & Zuben, J. 2006. Forensic entomology and main challenges, in Brazil. 35(1): 1-11.
  • Greenberg, B., & Pavolny, D. 1971. Flies and Disease, Princeton University, Princeton. New Jersey, USA. 1: 57.
  • Gregor, F., Rozkosny, R., Bartak, M., & Vanhara, J. 2002. The Muscidae (Diptera) of Central Europe. Folia Facultatis Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Masarykianae Brunensis, Biologia, 107: 1-280.
  • Hall, R. D., & Hundington, T. E. 2010. Perception and Status of Forensic Entomology. Forensic Entomology: The Utility of Arthropods in Legal Investigations, 2nd Edition, CRC Press, 1-16.
  • Hall, R.D. 2001. Perceptions and status of forensic entomology. Forensic Entomology, The Utility of Arthropods in Legal Investigations. CRC Press, Boca Raton, 1-15.
  • Haskell, N. H., & Williams, R. E. 1990. Collection of Entomological Evidence at the Death Scene. Entomology and Death: A Procedural Guide, (eds: Catts, E. P., Haskell N. H.), Joyce's Print Shop. 437 pp.
  • Hava, J. 2004. World keys to the genera and subgenera of dermestidae (Coleoptera) with descriptions, nomenclature and distributional Records Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae, Series, Natural History, 60(3-4): 149-164.
  • Introna, F. J., Suman, T. W. & Smialek, J. E. 1991. Sarcosaprophagous fly activity in Maryland. J. Forensic Science, 36: 238-243.
  • Kökdener, M. 2012. Determination of the Seasons of the Fly Species Used in Forensic Entomology in Samsun, PhD Thesis, Istanbul University, Institute of Forensic Medicine, Department of Science, Istanbul. 114 pp.
  • Kökdener, M. 2016. Use of Forensic Entomological Evidence in Determining the Time of Death. Gumushane University Journal of Health Sciences Institute, C.5(3): 105-106.
  • Knight, B., & Nokes, L. 2002. Temperature Based Methods I. In the estimation of the time Death in the Early Postmortem Period, Arnold, London, 3-42.
  • Madea, B., Krompecher, T., Knight, B., & Nokes, L. 2002. Muscle and Tissue Changes After Death, In the Estimation of the Time Death in the Early Postmortem Period, London, 134-208.
  • Marchenko, M.I. 2001. Medicolegal Relevance of Cadaver Entomofauna for the Determination of the Time Since Death, Forensic Science International, 120: 89-109.
  • Matuszewki, S., Bajerlein, D., Konwerski, S, & Szmila, K. 2010. Insect succession and carrion decomposition in selected forests of Central Europe. Pattern and rate of decomposition, Forensic Science International, 194: 85-93.
  • Me'ndeza, J., Mello-Patiub, C. A., & Pape, T. 2008. New flesh flies (Sarcophagidae) from coastal mangroves of Panama with taxonomic notes and keys, Journal of Natural History, 42(3-4): 249-257.
  • Merritt, R. W., Higgins, M. J., & Wallance, J. R. 2000. Entomology, Encyclopedia of Forensic and Legal Medicine: Encyclopedia of Forensic Sciences. 700-706.
  • Nabity, P.D., Higley, L.G., & Heng-Moss, T.M., 2006. Effects of Temperature on Development of Phormia regina (Diptera: Calliphoridae) and Use of Developmental Data in Determining Time Intervals in Forensic Entomology, Journal of Medical Entomology, 43(6): 1276-1286.
  • Nelson, E. L. 1999. Estimation of short-term postmortem interval utilizing core body temperature: a new algorithm. Forensic Science International, 109: 31-38.
  • Nuorteva, P. 1959. Studies on the significance of flies in the transmission of poliomyelitis. The composition of the blow fly fauna and the activity of the flies in relation to the weather during the epidemic season of poliomyelitis in south Finland, Ann Entomology Fenn., 25: 137-162.
  • Payne, J. A. 1965. A Summer Carrion Study of the Baby Pig Sus scrofa Linnaeus. Ecology, Forensic Entomology, 46: 529-602.
  • Reed, H. B. 1958. Study of dog carcass communities in Tennessee with special reference to the insects, American Midland Naturalist, 59(1): 213-245.
  • Schoenly, K., & Reid, W. 1987. Dynamics of Heterotrophic Succession in Carion Arthropod Assemblages: Discrete Series or a Continuum of Change, Oecologia, 73: 192-202.
  • Shazia, M. T., Suhail, A., & Yousuf, M. J. 2006. Systematics and Population of Sarcophagid Flies in Faisalabad (Pakistan), International Journal of Agriculture Biology, 8(6): 810-812.
  • Sharanowski, B. J., Walker, E. G., & Anderson, G. S. 2008. Insect succession and decomposition patterns on shaded and sunlit carrion in Saskatchewan in three different seasons Forensic Science International, 179: 219-240.
  • Shean, B. S., Messinger, L, & Papworth, M. 1993. Observations of differential decomposition on sun exposed shaded pig carrion in coastal Washington State, Journal of Forensic Science, 38: 938-949.
  • Smith, K. G. V. 1986. A Manual of Forensic Entomology., British Museum of Natural History, Cornell University Press, London. 288 pp.
  • Slone, D., Gruner, S., & Allen, J. 2005. Assessing Error in PMI Prediction Using A Forensic Entomological. http://www. pdffiles1/nij/ grants/ 211760. pdf. 26.05.2020.
  • Sumodan, P.K. 2002. Insect detectives, 7(8): 51-58.
  • Sabanoglu, B., & Sert, O. 2010. Determination of Calliphoridae (Diptera) fauna and seasonal distribution on carrion in Ankara Province, Journal of Forensic Science. Doi:10,1111/1.1556-4029.2010.01366.
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Toplam 68 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi

Ali Durmaz 0000-0002-0568-0450

Proje Numarası PYO.SBF.1904.18.008
Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ekim 2022
Kabul Tarihi 27 Nisan 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Durmaz, A. (2022). Determination of the important insect fauna of forensic entomology in Kayseri province. Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 37(3), 663-690.
AMA Durmaz A. Determination of the important insect fauna of forensic entomology in Kayseri province. ANAJAS. Ekim 2022;37(3):663-690. doi:10.7161/omuanajas.1021200
Chicago Durmaz, Ali. “Determination of the Important Insect Fauna of Forensic Entomology in Kayseri Province”. Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi 37, sy. 3 (Ekim 2022): 663-90.
EndNote Durmaz A (01 Ekim 2022) Determination of the important insect fauna of forensic entomology in Kayseri province. Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi 37 3 663–690.
IEEE A. Durmaz, “Determination of the important insect fauna of forensic entomology in Kayseri province”, ANAJAS, c. 37, sy. 3, ss. 663–690, 2022, doi: 10.7161/omuanajas.1021200.
ISNAD Durmaz, Ali. “Determination of the Important Insect Fauna of Forensic Entomology in Kayseri Province”. Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi 37/3 (Ekim 2022), 663-690.
JAMA Durmaz A. Determination of the important insect fauna of forensic entomology in Kayseri province. ANAJAS. 2022;37:663–690.
MLA Durmaz, Ali. “Determination of the Important Insect Fauna of Forensic Entomology in Kayseri Province”. Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 37, sy. 3, 2022, ss. 663-90, doi:10.7161/omuanajas.1021200.
Vancouver Durmaz A. Determination of the important insect fauna of forensic entomology in Kayseri province. ANAJAS. 2022;37(3):663-90.
Online ISSN: 1308-8769