Türkiye’de Tüketicilerin Organik Tarım Ürünleri Tercihini Etkileyen Faktörler
Yıl 2023,
, 33 - 52, 28.02.2023
Başak Aydın
Murat Doğu
Ayten Aşkın Kılınç
Sunay Demir
Bülent Tarım
Duygu Aktürk
Filiz Pezikoğlu
Volkan Burucu
Mustafa Aslan
Bu çalışma, Türkiye’de sosyo-ekonomik gelişmişlik endeksi değerlerine göre gelişmişlik seviyeleri bakımından sınıflandırılan altı bölgede organik ürün tüketen ve tüketmeyen tüketicilerle yürütülmüştür. Çalışmanın amaçları; tüketicilerin sosyo-ekonomik yönden karşılaştırılması ve tüketicilerin organik ürün satın alma davranışlarına etki eden faktörlerin ortaya konmasıdır. Araştırmada 32 ilde organik ürün tüketen ve tüketmeyen toplam 1494 tüketiciyle anket çalışması yapılmıştır. Tüketicilerin organik ürün tüketme eğilimlerinde etkili olan faktörlerin analizinde Lojistik regresyon analizi kullanılmıştır. Organik ürün tüketen tüketicilerin tüketmeyen tüketicilere göre az da olsa daha genç olduğu ve aylık gıda harcamalarının daha fazla olduğu belirlenmiştir. Organik ürün tüketen tüketicilerin eğitim düzeylerinin daha yüksek olduğu belirlenmiştir. Bunun yanında organik ürün tüketmeyen tüketici grubunda çalışmayan ve emekli meslek gruplarının daha ağırlıklı olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre, tüketicilerin cinsiyetinin, eğitim süresinin, hanelerinde çocuk olup olmama durumunun, hanelerinde gıda alışverişini yapan kişinin, aylık gıda harcamalarının ve yaşadıkları bölgenin organik ürün tüketimi durumunu pozitif yönde etkilediği belirlenmiştir.
- Ağır, H.B., Poyraz, N., Yılmaz, H.İ., Boz, İ., 2014. Organic product perception of consumers: Sample of Kayseri province. XI. National Agricultural Economics Congress,1434-1439,3-5 September, Samsun (in Turkish)
- Akın, M., Çiçek, R., İnal, M.E., Toksarı, M., 2010. A research for the examination of the differences in customers attitude towards organic foods their demographical characteristics and individual values. Dokuz Eylul University The Journal of Graduate School of Social Sciences, 12(1): 29-56. (in Turkish)
- Aktürk, D., 2015. Evaluation of consumer demand against conventional and organic produced agricultural products with non–linear canonical correlation analysis. COMU Journal of Agriculture Faculty, 3(1): 115–121. (in Turkish)
- Altındişli, A., İlter, E., 1999. Eko-tarımda ilke ve kavramlar. Ekolojik tarım eğitimi ders notları, 24-29. İzmir.
- Aydoğdu, M.H., Kaya, F., Eren, M.E., Parlakçı Doğan, H., 2018. A research on the reasons of organic product consumption: Şanlıurfa sampling, The Journal of Academic Social Science, 64: 161-170. (in Turkish)
- Bahşi, N., Akça, A., 2019. A Research on the determination of consumers' perspectives on organic agricultural products: Case study in Osmaniye and Şanlıurfa Provinces, KSU Journal of Agriculture and Nature, 22(1): 26-34. doi:10.18016/ksutarimdoga.vi.443228. (in Turkish)
- Chen, M.F., 2009. attitude toward organic foods among Taiwanese as related to health consciousness, environmental attitudes and the mediating effects of a healthy life style. British Food Journal, 111(2): 165-178. doi: 10.1108/00070700910931986.
- Dağıstan, E., Demirtaş, B., Yılmaz, Y., Tapkı, N., 2010. Consumer preferences on organic products. Turkey IX. Agricultural Economics Congress, 312-319, 22-24 September, Şanlıurfa. (in Turkish)
Doğan, H.G., Gürel, E., 2016. The determination of attitudes and behaviors in organic product consumption of consumers living of Central District of Kırşehir Province. Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Gaziosmanpaşa University, 33(3): 147-156. doi: 10.13002/jafag1033 (in Turkish)
- Eryılmaz, G.A., Demiryürek, K., Emir, M., 2015. Consumer behaviour towards organic agriculture and food products in the European Union and Turkey. Anadolu Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 30(2015): 199-206. doi: 10.7161/anajas.2015.30.2.199-206
- Eti, H.S., 2014. Marketing of organic food and analysis of consumer attitude and behavior towards organic food. PhD Thesis. Namık Kemal University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, p.194, Tekirdağ. (in Turkish)
- Gülgör, E., 2017. Economy of organic farming and consumer trends. Msc Thesis. Namık Kemal University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, p.145, Tekirdağ. (in Turkish)
- Gürses, S.T., 2014. Consumption trend of organic product and determination of consumer profile: a case study of Sakarya. Msc Thesis. Uludağ University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, p.98, Bursa. (in Turkish)
- Hasdemir, M., 2016. Implementation of environmentally based agricultural land protection program in Turkey. International Conference on Eurasian Economies, 496-502, 29-31 August, Hungary. (in Turkish)
- Hassan, D., Monier-Dilhan, S., Nichèle, V., Simioni, M., 2009. Organic food consumption patterns in France. PreConference Workshop, Diet and Obesity: Role of Prices and Policies August 16.
- Işığıçok, E., 2003. Bebeklerin doğum ağırlıklarını ve boylarını etkileyen faktörlerin lojistik regresyon analizi ile araştırılması. VI. Ulusal Ekonometri ve İstatistik Sempozyumu, 29-30 Mayıs, Ankara.
- İnci, H., Karakaya, E., Şengül, A.Y., 2017. Factors affecting organic product consumption (Diyarbakır case). KSU Journal of Agriculture and Nature, 20(2): 137-147. doi:10.18016/ksujns.41314. (in Turkish)
- Karabaş, S., Gürler, A.Z., 2012. Predicting of the factors affecting consumer behavior the choice of organic products by logit regression analysis, Adıyaman University Journal of Social Sciences, 5(10): 129-156. doi:10.14520/adyusbd.272. (in Turkish)
- Leech, N.L., Barrett, K.C., Morgan, G.A., 2004. SPSS for intermediate statistics: Use and interpretation. Lawrance Erlbaum Associates Publishers, Manwah New Jersey.
- Mutlu, N., 2007. Consumer attitude and behaviour towards organic food: Cross-cultural study of Turkey and Germany. Msc Thesis. Unıverstat Hohenheim, Institute for Agricultural Policy and Markets, p.146, Stuttgart.
- Newbold, P., 1995. Statistics for business and economics. Prentice-Hall International, New Jersey.
- Özgen, P., Yeşiloğlu, H., 2015. Investigation of consumption behaviours of organic food consumers within the scope of life styles. Gazi University Journal of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 17(2): 197-215. (in Turkish)
- Ritson, C., Brennan, M., 2008. What does consumer science tell us about organic foods. In: Givens, I., Baxter, S., Minihane, A.M., Shaw, E. (Eds). Health benefits of organic food: effects of the environment. pp. 190-206. doi: 10.1079/9781845934590.0190.
- Sandallıoğlu, A., 2014. Consumption of organic agricultural products and consumer tendencies in Adana. PhD Thesis. Çukurova University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, p.201, Adana. (in Turkish)
- Sarıkaya, N., 2007. Organik ürün tüketimini etkileyen faktörler ve tutumlar üzerine bir saha çalışması. Kocaeli Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 14(2): 110-125.
- Sezgin, A., Uzundumlu, A.S., 2019. Analysis of factors effecting organic product consumption: A case study of Erzurum Province. IBAD Journal of Social Sciences, Special Issue: 441-451. doi: 10.21733/ibad.613411 (in Turkish)
- Stepherd, R., Magnusson, M., Sjöden, P.O., 2005. determinants of consumer behavior related to organic foods. Ambio, 34(4/5): 352-359.
- Stock, J.H., Watson, M.W., 2007. Introduction to econometrics. Pearson Addison Wesley, 822p, Boston.
- Stolze, M., Lampkin, N., 2009. Policy for organic farming: rationale and concepts. Food Policy, 34(3): 237-244. doi: 10.1016/j.foodpol.2009.03.005
- Ustaahmetoğlu, E., Toklu, İ.T., 2015. A survey on the effect of attitude, health consciousness and food safety on organic food purchase intention. The International Journal of Economic and Social Research, 11(1): 197-211. (in Turkish)
- Varoğlu, S.T., Tarhan, Ş., 2016. Consumption trend of organic product and determination of consumer profile: A case study of Sakarya. Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Gaziosmanpaşa University, 33(3): 189-196. doi: 10.13002/jafag923 (in Turkish)
- Walker, S.H., Duncan, D.B., 1967. Estimation of the probability of an event as a function of several independent variables. Biometrika, 54(1): 167–179.
- Wier, M., Calverley, C., 2002. Market potential for organic foods in Europe. British Food Journal, 104(1): 45-62. doi: 10.1108/00070700210418749
Factors Affecting Consumers' Organic Agricultural Products Preferences in Turkey
Yıl 2023,
, 33 - 52, 28.02.2023
Başak Aydın
Murat Doğu
Ayten Aşkın Kılınç
Sunay Demir
Bülent Tarım
Duygu Aktürk
Filiz Pezikoğlu
Volkan Burucu
Mustafa Aslan
This study was conducted with consumers consuming and not consuming organic products in six regions in Turkey classified in terms of development levels according to socio-economic development index values. The study aimed to compare the socio-economic aspects of consumers and to reveal the factors affecting the organic product purchasing behaviors of consumers. In the research, a survey was conducted with a total of 1494 consumers in 32 provinces, who consumed and did not consume organic products. Logistic regression analysis was used to analyze the factors affecting consumers' tendency to consume organic products. It was determined that consumers who consumed organic products were slightly younger than consumers who did not, and their monthly food expenditures were higher. It was determined that the education level of consumers who consumed organic products was higher. In addition, it was determined that the non-working and retired occupational groups were more dominant in the consumer group that did not consume organic products. According to the results, it was determined that the gender of the consumers, the education period, the presence of children in their households, the person doing the food shopping in the family, the monthly food expenditures, and the organic product consumption of the region they lived in affected the organic product consumption status positively.
- Ağır, H.B., Poyraz, N., Yılmaz, H.İ., Boz, İ., 2014. Organic product perception of consumers: Sample of Kayseri province. XI. National Agricultural Economics Congress,1434-1439,3-5 September, Samsun (in Turkish)
- Akın, M., Çiçek, R., İnal, M.E., Toksarı, M., 2010. A research for the examination of the differences in customers attitude towards organic foods their demographical characteristics and individual values. Dokuz Eylul University The Journal of Graduate School of Social Sciences, 12(1): 29-56. (in Turkish)
- Aktürk, D., 2015. Evaluation of consumer demand against conventional and organic produced agricultural products with non–linear canonical correlation analysis. COMU Journal of Agriculture Faculty, 3(1): 115–121. (in Turkish)
- Altındişli, A., İlter, E., 1999. Eko-tarımda ilke ve kavramlar. Ekolojik tarım eğitimi ders notları, 24-29. İzmir.
- Aydoğdu, M.H., Kaya, F., Eren, M.E., Parlakçı Doğan, H., 2018. A research on the reasons of organic product consumption: Şanlıurfa sampling, The Journal of Academic Social Science, 64: 161-170. (in Turkish)
- Bahşi, N., Akça, A., 2019. A Research on the determination of consumers' perspectives on organic agricultural products: Case study in Osmaniye and Şanlıurfa Provinces, KSU Journal of Agriculture and Nature, 22(1): 26-34. doi:10.18016/ksutarimdoga.vi.443228. (in Turkish)
- Chen, M.F., 2009. attitude toward organic foods among Taiwanese as related to health consciousness, environmental attitudes and the mediating effects of a healthy life style. British Food Journal, 111(2): 165-178. doi: 10.1108/00070700910931986.
- Dağıstan, E., Demirtaş, B., Yılmaz, Y., Tapkı, N., 2010. Consumer preferences on organic products. Turkey IX. Agricultural Economics Congress, 312-319, 22-24 September, Şanlıurfa. (in Turkish)
Doğan, H.G., Gürel, E., 2016. The determination of attitudes and behaviors in organic product consumption of consumers living of Central District of Kırşehir Province. Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Gaziosmanpaşa University, 33(3): 147-156. doi: 10.13002/jafag1033 (in Turkish)
- Eryılmaz, G.A., Demiryürek, K., Emir, M., 2015. Consumer behaviour towards organic agriculture and food products in the European Union and Turkey. Anadolu Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 30(2015): 199-206. doi: 10.7161/anajas.2015.30.2.199-206
- Eti, H.S., 2014. Marketing of organic food and analysis of consumer attitude and behavior towards organic food. PhD Thesis. Namık Kemal University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, p.194, Tekirdağ. (in Turkish)
- Gülgör, E., 2017. Economy of organic farming and consumer trends. Msc Thesis. Namık Kemal University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, p.145, Tekirdağ. (in Turkish)
- Gürses, S.T., 2014. Consumption trend of organic product and determination of consumer profile: a case study of Sakarya. Msc Thesis. Uludağ University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, p.98, Bursa. (in Turkish)
- Hasdemir, M., 2016. Implementation of environmentally based agricultural land protection program in Turkey. International Conference on Eurasian Economies, 496-502, 29-31 August, Hungary. (in Turkish)
- Hassan, D., Monier-Dilhan, S., Nichèle, V., Simioni, M., 2009. Organic food consumption patterns in France. PreConference Workshop, Diet and Obesity: Role of Prices and Policies August 16.
- Işığıçok, E., 2003. Bebeklerin doğum ağırlıklarını ve boylarını etkileyen faktörlerin lojistik regresyon analizi ile araştırılması. VI. Ulusal Ekonometri ve İstatistik Sempozyumu, 29-30 Mayıs, Ankara.
- İnci, H., Karakaya, E., Şengül, A.Y., 2017. Factors affecting organic product consumption (Diyarbakır case). KSU Journal of Agriculture and Nature, 20(2): 137-147. doi:10.18016/ksujns.41314. (in Turkish)
- Karabaş, S., Gürler, A.Z., 2012. Predicting of the factors affecting consumer behavior the choice of organic products by logit regression analysis, Adıyaman University Journal of Social Sciences, 5(10): 129-156. doi:10.14520/adyusbd.272. (in Turkish)
- Leech, N.L., Barrett, K.C., Morgan, G.A., 2004. SPSS for intermediate statistics: Use and interpretation. Lawrance Erlbaum Associates Publishers, Manwah New Jersey.
- Mutlu, N., 2007. Consumer attitude and behaviour towards organic food: Cross-cultural study of Turkey and Germany. Msc Thesis. Unıverstat Hohenheim, Institute for Agricultural Policy and Markets, p.146, Stuttgart.
- Newbold, P., 1995. Statistics for business and economics. Prentice-Hall International, New Jersey.
- Özgen, P., Yeşiloğlu, H., 2015. Investigation of consumption behaviours of organic food consumers within the scope of life styles. Gazi University Journal of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 17(2): 197-215. (in Turkish)
- Ritson, C., Brennan, M., 2008. What does consumer science tell us about organic foods. In: Givens, I., Baxter, S., Minihane, A.M., Shaw, E. (Eds). Health benefits of organic food: effects of the environment. pp. 190-206. doi: 10.1079/9781845934590.0190.
- Sandallıoğlu, A., 2014. Consumption of organic agricultural products and consumer tendencies in Adana. PhD Thesis. Çukurova University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, p.201, Adana. (in Turkish)
- Sarıkaya, N., 2007. Organik ürün tüketimini etkileyen faktörler ve tutumlar üzerine bir saha çalışması. Kocaeli Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 14(2): 110-125.
- Sezgin, A., Uzundumlu, A.S., 2019. Analysis of factors effecting organic product consumption: A case study of Erzurum Province. IBAD Journal of Social Sciences, Special Issue: 441-451. doi: 10.21733/ibad.613411 (in Turkish)
- Stepherd, R., Magnusson, M., Sjöden, P.O., 2005. determinants of consumer behavior related to organic foods. Ambio, 34(4/5): 352-359.
- Stock, J.H., Watson, M.W., 2007. Introduction to econometrics. Pearson Addison Wesley, 822p, Boston.
- Stolze, M., Lampkin, N., 2009. Policy for organic farming: rationale and concepts. Food Policy, 34(3): 237-244. doi: 10.1016/j.foodpol.2009.03.005
- Ustaahmetoğlu, E., Toklu, İ.T., 2015. A survey on the effect of attitude, health consciousness and food safety on organic food purchase intention. The International Journal of Economic and Social Research, 11(1): 197-211. (in Turkish)
- Varoğlu, S.T., Tarhan, Ş., 2016. Consumption trend of organic product and determination of consumer profile: A case study of Sakarya. Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Gaziosmanpaşa University, 33(3): 189-196. doi: 10.13002/jafag923 (in Turkish)
- Walker, S.H., Duncan, D.B., 1967. Estimation of the probability of an event as a function of several independent variables. Biometrika, 54(1): 167–179.
- Wier, M., Calverley, C., 2002. Market potential for organic foods in Europe. British Food Journal, 104(1): 45-62. doi: 10.1108/00070700210418749