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Coğrafi işaretli Erzurum Kadayıf Dolmasının dışsal ürün nitelikleri bakımından tüketicilerin ödeme istekliliklerinin belirlenmesi

Yıl 2024, , 163 - 182, 29.02.2024


Çalışmanın amacı, coğrafi işaretli Erzurum Kadayıf Dolmasının içsel ve dışsal mamul niteliklerini temel alan ürün profillerinden mamul marka tipleri ve gıda perakendecileri bakış açısından tüketicilerin ödeme istekliliklerini (WTP) belirlemek ve daha sonra her bir tüketici grupları için pazarlama stratejilerini oluşturmaktır. Bu amaçlara ulaşmak için Erzurum ilinde Erzurum Kadayıf Dolması tüketen tüketicilerden elde edilen birincil veriler, araştırmanın ama materyalini oluşturmuştur. İlk olarak bu verileri temel alan k-ortalamalar kümeleme analizi, tüketicilerin tüketim frekanslarını dikkate alarak heterojen tüketici gruplarını kümelemek için kullanılmış ve daha sonra seçim tabanlı Conjoint Analiz (CA) modeli, her bir grubun toplam faydasını hesaplamak ve Erzurum Kadayıf Dolmasının profil simülasyonları için tüketicilerin WTP ölçmek için kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın sonuçları; düşük ve yoğun bir şekilde kadayıf dolmasını tüketen kullanıcıların yerel ve mağaza markaları için yüksek fiyatlı WTP sırasıyla %48.0 ve %28.2 ile %40.8 ve %26.5 olarak hesaplandığına, fakat ılımlı düzeyde kullanıcıların ise her iki marka için yüksek fiyatlı WTP %14.5 olarak bulunduğuna işaret etmiştir. Tüketici odaklı davranışlar üzerine odaklanan piyasa aktörleri, düşük ve yoğun bir şekilde kadayıf dolmasını tüketen kullanıcılar için imalatçı mağazalarında yüksek fiyatlardan satın alınan yerel markalı Erzurum Kadayıf Dolmalarını konumlandırmalıdır, fakat ılımlı düzeyde kullanıcılar için içsel ve dışsal gıda niteliklerini dikkate alan mamul farklılaştırma stratejileri uygulanmalıdır.


  • Arafat, S.M.Y., Kar, S.K., Kabir, R., 2021. Possible controlling measures of panic buying during COVID-19. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 19: 2289-2291.
  • Alsubhi, M., Blake, M., Nguyen, T., Majmudar, I., Moodie, M., Ananthapavan, J., 2022. Consumer willingness to pay for healthier food products: A systematic review. Obesity Reviews, 24: e13525.
  • Baptista, I., Spence, C., Shimizu, R., Ferreira, E., 2022. Color is to flavor as shape is to texture: A choice-based conjoint study of visual cues on chocolate packaging. Journal of Sensory Studies, 38: e12793.
  • Bernabeu, R., Brugarolas, M., Martínez-Carrasco, L., Nieto-Villegas, R., Rabadán, A., 2023. The price of organic foods as a limiting factor of the European green deal: the case of tomatoes in Spain. Sustainability, 15: 3238.
  • Best, A.R., Racette, C.M., Drake, M.A., 2023. Consumer perception of restaurant and ready-to-eat cheese dips. Journal of Food Science, 88: 1672-1683.
  • Bouranta, N., Psomas, E., Casolani, N., Carmen, J., Liberatore, L., 2022. Consumers’ food safety perceptions in Three Mediterranean Countries. New Medit, 21(4): 71-84. doi:10.30682/nm2204f.
  • Bytyqi, N., Bai, A., Peter, B., Mehaj, E., Sertolli, A., 2023. Analysis of consumers’ preferences for local cheese in Kosovo applying Conjoint Choice Analysis. Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design, UDC 658.89:637.3(497.115): 203-210.
  • Campbell, D., Totuka, M., Upadhyay, C.K., 2023. Attributes influencing consumer perception towards online food ordering in Rajasthan, India. AEBMR, 242: 42-51.
  • Cardona, M., Hernandez, M., Fuentes, A., Barat, J.M., Segovia, I., 2023. Assessment of the attributes that most affect the choice of minced meat and hamburgers. Meat Science, 198: 109089.
  • Carvalho, F.M., Spence, C., 2023. Methods for Studying Multisensory Perception in Consumer Research. In: Gómez-Corona, C., Rodrigues, H. (Eds) Consumer Research Methods in Food Science. Methods and Protocols in Food Science. Humana, New York, NY.
  • Chaffee, O., Ross, C.F., 2023. Older adults’ acceptance of ready-to-eat meals in relation to food choice and sensory ability. Journal of Food Science, 5: 1-18.
  • Churchill, G.A., 1995. Marketing research: methodological foundations. The Dryden Press Series in Marketing, 1(6): 251-252.
  • Curutchet, A., Tarrega, A., Arcia, P., 2023. Changes in consumers interest on cheeses with health benefits and different manufacture types over the last decade, CyTA-Journal of Food, 21(1): 72-81.
  • Edenbrandt, A.K., Nordström, J., 2023. The future of carbon labeling – Factors to consider. Agric. Res. Econ. Rev. 52: 151–167.
  • Fakhreddin, L.B., Sanchez, M., 2023. The interplay between health claims and sensory attributes in determining consumers’ purchase intentions for extra virgin olive oil. Food Quality and Preference, 106: 1048119.
  • Godde, C.M., Croz, D.M., Mayberry, D.E., Thornton, P.K., Herrero, M., 2021. Impacts of climate change on the livestock food supply chain; A review of the evidence. Global Food Security, 28: 100488.
  • Godden, E., Thornton, L., Avramova, Y., Dens, N., 2023. High hopes for front-of-pack (FOP) nutrition labels? A conjoint analysis on the trade-offs between a FOP label, nutrition claims, brand and price for different consumer segments. Appetite, 180: 106356. doi:10.1016/j.appet.2022.106356
  • Gonzalez, P.A., Parada, A.D., Miguens, M.J., 2023. What do consumers care about when purchasing experiential packaging? British Food Journal, 0007: 070X doi:10.1108/BFJ-07-2022-0579.
  • Gorton, M., Yeh, C., Chatzopoulou, E., White, J., Tocco, B., Hubbard, C., Hallam, F., 2023. Consumers’ willingness to pay for an animal welfare food label. Ecological Economics, 209: 107852.
  • Green, P.E., Krieger, A.M., 1991. Segmenting markets with conjoint analysis. Journal of Marketing, 55(4): 20-31.
  • Grunert, K.G., Aachmann, K., 2016. Consumer reactions to the use of EU quality labels on food products: A review of the literature. Food Control, 59: 178-187.
  • Hsu, J.L., Sung, C.C., Tseng, J., 2023. Willingness-to-pay for ready-to-eat clean label food products at convenient stores, Future Foods, 7(23): 100237. doi:10.1016/j.fufo.2023.100237.
  • Kleih, A., Lahberge, M., Sparke, K., 2023. Preference for branded fresh produce and consumers’ need for uniqueness: A mixed-methods investigation of consumer choice and thought process. Appetite, 180: 106232.
  • Lin, X., Yang, J., Chen, Q., 2023. College students’ preferences for milk tea: Results from a choice experiment. Foods, 12: 1491. doi:10.3390/foods12071491
  • Malhotra, N.K., 1993. Marketing Management Bases for International Market Segmentation: An Alternate Look at the Standardization Debate. Georgia Institute of Technology, Altanta, USA.
  • McLean, K.G., Hanson, D. J., Jervis, S.M. and Drake, M.A. (2017). Consumer perception of retail pork bacon attributes using adaptive choice-based conjoint analysis and maximum differential scaling. Journal of Food Science, 82(11): 2659-2668.
  • Milkovic, S.J., Loncaric, R., Kralik, J., Crncan, A., Kusec, I.D., Canavari, M., 2023. Consumers’ preference for the consumption of the fresh black Slavonian pig’s meat. Foods, 12: 1255.
  • Murphy, M., Cowan, C., Mehaan, H., 2004. A Conjoint analysis of Irish consumer preferences for farmhouse cheese. The National Food Centre, 106(4): 288-300.
  • Nawi, N.M., Basri, H.N., Kamarulzaman, N.H., Shamsudin, M.N., 2023. Consumers’ preferences and willingness-to-pay for traceability systems in purchasing meat and meat products. Food Research, 7(1): 1-10.
  • Nguyen, D.T., Truong, D.C., 2021. The impact of psychological and environmental factors on consumers’ purchase intention toward organic food: Evidence from Vietnam. J. Asian Finance Econ. Bus., 8(1): 915-925.
  • Noor, A.Y.M., Toiba, H., Stiawan, A.W.M. and Nutjannah, N. (2023). Indonesian consumers’ preferences and willingness to pay for certified vegetables: A Choice-Based Conjoint Approach. Journal of International Food and Agribusiness Marketing. doi: 10.1080/08974438.2023.2187916
  • Ong, A.K.S., Prasetyo, Y.T., Esteller, A.J.D., Bruno, J.E., Lagorza, K.C.O., Oli, L.E.T., Chuenyindee, K.T., Persade, S.F., Nadlifatin, R., 2023. Consumer preference analysis on the attributes of Samgyeopsal Korean cuisine and its market segmentation: Integrating conjoint analysis and K-means clustering. PLoS ONE, 18(2): e0281948. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0281948
  • Onozaka, Y., Honkanen, P., Altintzoglou, T., 2023. Sustainability, perceived quality and country of origin of farmed salmon: Impact on consumer choices in the USA, France and Japan. Food Policy, 117: 102452.
  • Pascoe, S., Paredes, S., Coglan, L., 2023. Do local markets offer new opportunities to Australian seafood producers? Fisheries Research, 263: 106691.
  • Perrea, T., Chrysochou, P., Krystallis, A., 2023. Customer value toward innovative food products: Empirical evidence from two international markets. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 84: 103293.
  • Petrontino, A., Frem, M., Fucilli, V., Labbete, A., Tria, E., Bozzo, F., 2023. The influence of nutritional ingredients and labelling claims in Italian consumers’ choice and WTP. Nutrients, 15: 1799. doi:10.3390/nu15071799
  • PTB, 2022. Wheat price indexes from Polatlı Commodity Exchange. Available from URL: (Access date: 15 May 2023).
  • PTB, (2022a). Flour prices index from Polatlı Commodity Exchange. Available from URL: (Access date: 15 May 2023).
  • Racette, C.M., Drake, M.A., 2022. Consumer perception of natural hot-pepper cheeses. Journal of Dairy Science, 105(3): 2166–2179.
  • Realini, C.E., Fonti Furnols, M., Sanudo, C., Montossi, F., Oliver, M.A., Guerrero, L., 2013. Spanish, French and British consumers’ acceptability of Uruguayan beef, and consumers’ beef choice associated with country of origin, finishing diet and meat price. Meat Science, 95: 14-21.
  • Rojas-Downing, M.M., Nejadhashemi, A.P., Harrigan, T., Woznicki, S.A., 2017. Climate change and livestock: Impacts, adaptation, and mitigation. Climate Risk Management, 16: 145-163.
  • Schiano, A.N., Harwood, W.S., Gerard, P.D., Drake, M.A., 2020. Consumer perception of the sustainability of dairy products and plant-based dairy alternatives. Journal of Dairy Science, 103(12): 11228–11243.
  • Seo, S., Kim, M.K., 2023. Consumers’ neophobic and variety-seeking tendency in food choices according to their fashion ınvolvement status: An exploratory study of Korean consumers. Foods, 12: 1278.
  • SPSS Conjoint 20.0, 2020. SPSS Conjoint User’s Guide, London: Chicago: IL.
  • TEPGE, 2022. Current situation and forecast of Wheat. TEPGE Yayın No: 362, ISBN: 978-625-8451-57-3. Available from URL: (Access date: 25 May 2023).
  • Topcu, Y., 2012. The integrated marketing approach as a rural development tool. In. R.S. Adisa (Ed.), Rural development-contemporary ıssue and practices (pp. 257-282). Croatia: InTech-Open Access Publisher, ISBN: 978-953-307-942-4.
  • Topcu, Y., 2019. Determining product profiles based on consumers’ consumption satisfaction towards drinking milk with the region of origin: Case of Igdir province. Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 34(3): 268-278.
  • Topcu, Y., 2019a. Consumers’ WTP and market shares for drinking milk with PDO: Case of Igdir Province. TURJAF 7(7): 981-988.
  • Topcu, Y., Çavdar, M., 2022. Consumers’ consumption preferences towards Gümüşhane mulberry products with PGI: Case of Gümüşhane. Harran Agric. Food Sci. J., 26(2): 214-227.
  • TSI, 2023. Consumer Price Index (CPI). Available from URL: (Access date: 30 May 2023).
  • TSI, 2023a. Producer Price Index (PPI). Available from URL: (Access date: 30 May 2023).
  • Yeh, C.H., Hirsch, S., 2023. A meta-regression analysis on the willingness-to-pay for country-of-origin labelling. Journal of Agricultural Economics, 00: 1-25.
  • Zanchini, R., Vita, G., Panzone, L., Brun, F., 2023. What is the value of a “mountain product” claim? A ranking conjoint experiment on goat’s milk yoghurt. Foods, 12: 2059. doi:10.3390/foods12102059
  • Zeng, M., Yan, W.Y., Zeng, Z.J., 2023. Analysis of consumers’ willingness to pay for honey in China. Sustainability, 15: 1500. doi:10.3390/su15021500.

Determining consumers’ willingness to pay in view of extrinsic attributes of Erzurum Stuffed-Kadayif with Protected Geographical Indication

Yıl 2024, , 163 - 182, 29.02.2024


The aim of the study is to determine consumers’ willingness to pay (WTP) in view of the brand types and food retailers simulations from the product profiles based on the intrinsic and extrinsic attributes of Erzurum Stuffed-kadayif profiles with Protected Geographical Indication, and then to create the marketing strategies for each consumer segment. In order to reach to these goals, the main material composed of the primary data obtained from consumers consuming Erzurum Stuffed-kadayif in Erzurum Province. Based on the data, k-means cluster analysis was firstly used to segment heterogeneous consumer masses according to their consumption frequencies, and choice-based CA model was secondly applied to calculate the total utilities for each consumer segment and then to measure consumers’ WTP for Erzurum Stuffed-kadayif profile simulations. The results of the study highlighted that the light and heavy users’ WTPs with higher premium prices for the local brands and manufacturer outlets calculated as 48.0% and 28.2%, and 40.8% and 26.5% respectively, but the medium users’ WTPs with high premium prices for each product attribute found as 14.5%. Focused on such consumer-oriented attitudes, the market actors should position Erzurum Stuffed-kadayif with local retailer brands sold from the higher premium prices at the manufacturer stores for the light and heavy users, but it should be implemented the product differentiation strategies under the intrinsic and extrinsic food attributes for the medium users.


  • Arafat, S.M.Y., Kar, S.K., Kabir, R., 2021. Possible controlling measures of panic buying during COVID-19. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 19: 2289-2291.
  • Alsubhi, M., Blake, M., Nguyen, T., Majmudar, I., Moodie, M., Ananthapavan, J., 2022. Consumer willingness to pay for healthier food products: A systematic review. Obesity Reviews, 24: e13525.
  • Baptista, I., Spence, C., Shimizu, R., Ferreira, E., 2022. Color is to flavor as shape is to texture: A choice-based conjoint study of visual cues on chocolate packaging. Journal of Sensory Studies, 38: e12793.
  • Bernabeu, R., Brugarolas, M., Martínez-Carrasco, L., Nieto-Villegas, R., Rabadán, A., 2023. The price of organic foods as a limiting factor of the European green deal: the case of tomatoes in Spain. Sustainability, 15: 3238.
  • Best, A.R., Racette, C.M., Drake, M.A., 2023. Consumer perception of restaurant and ready-to-eat cheese dips. Journal of Food Science, 88: 1672-1683.
  • Bouranta, N., Psomas, E., Casolani, N., Carmen, J., Liberatore, L., 2022. Consumers’ food safety perceptions in Three Mediterranean Countries. New Medit, 21(4): 71-84. doi:10.30682/nm2204f.
  • Bytyqi, N., Bai, A., Peter, B., Mehaj, E., Sertolli, A., 2023. Analysis of consumers’ preferences for local cheese in Kosovo applying Conjoint Choice Analysis. Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design, UDC 658.89:637.3(497.115): 203-210.
  • Campbell, D., Totuka, M., Upadhyay, C.K., 2023. Attributes influencing consumer perception towards online food ordering in Rajasthan, India. AEBMR, 242: 42-51.
  • Cardona, M., Hernandez, M., Fuentes, A., Barat, J.M., Segovia, I., 2023. Assessment of the attributes that most affect the choice of minced meat and hamburgers. Meat Science, 198: 109089.
  • Carvalho, F.M., Spence, C., 2023. Methods for Studying Multisensory Perception in Consumer Research. In: Gómez-Corona, C., Rodrigues, H. (Eds) Consumer Research Methods in Food Science. Methods and Protocols in Food Science. Humana, New York, NY.
  • Chaffee, O., Ross, C.F., 2023. Older adults’ acceptance of ready-to-eat meals in relation to food choice and sensory ability. Journal of Food Science, 5: 1-18.
  • Churchill, G.A., 1995. Marketing research: methodological foundations. The Dryden Press Series in Marketing, 1(6): 251-252.
  • Curutchet, A., Tarrega, A., Arcia, P., 2023. Changes in consumers interest on cheeses with health benefits and different manufacture types over the last decade, CyTA-Journal of Food, 21(1): 72-81.
  • Edenbrandt, A.K., Nordström, J., 2023. The future of carbon labeling – Factors to consider. Agric. Res. Econ. Rev. 52: 151–167.
  • Fakhreddin, L.B., Sanchez, M., 2023. The interplay between health claims and sensory attributes in determining consumers’ purchase intentions for extra virgin olive oil. Food Quality and Preference, 106: 1048119.
  • Godde, C.M., Croz, D.M., Mayberry, D.E., Thornton, P.K., Herrero, M., 2021. Impacts of climate change on the livestock food supply chain; A review of the evidence. Global Food Security, 28: 100488.
  • Godden, E., Thornton, L., Avramova, Y., Dens, N., 2023. High hopes for front-of-pack (FOP) nutrition labels? A conjoint analysis on the trade-offs between a FOP label, nutrition claims, brand and price for different consumer segments. Appetite, 180: 106356. doi:10.1016/j.appet.2022.106356
  • Gonzalez, P.A., Parada, A.D., Miguens, M.J., 2023. What do consumers care about when purchasing experiential packaging? British Food Journal, 0007: 070X doi:10.1108/BFJ-07-2022-0579.
  • Gorton, M., Yeh, C., Chatzopoulou, E., White, J., Tocco, B., Hubbard, C., Hallam, F., 2023. Consumers’ willingness to pay for an animal welfare food label. Ecological Economics, 209: 107852.
  • Green, P.E., Krieger, A.M., 1991. Segmenting markets with conjoint analysis. Journal of Marketing, 55(4): 20-31.
  • Grunert, K.G., Aachmann, K., 2016. Consumer reactions to the use of EU quality labels on food products: A review of the literature. Food Control, 59: 178-187.
  • Hsu, J.L., Sung, C.C., Tseng, J., 2023. Willingness-to-pay for ready-to-eat clean label food products at convenient stores, Future Foods, 7(23): 100237. doi:10.1016/j.fufo.2023.100237.
  • Kleih, A., Lahberge, M., Sparke, K., 2023. Preference for branded fresh produce and consumers’ need for uniqueness: A mixed-methods investigation of consumer choice and thought process. Appetite, 180: 106232.
  • Lin, X., Yang, J., Chen, Q., 2023. College students’ preferences for milk tea: Results from a choice experiment. Foods, 12: 1491. doi:10.3390/foods12071491
  • Malhotra, N.K., 1993. Marketing Management Bases for International Market Segmentation: An Alternate Look at the Standardization Debate. Georgia Institute of Technology, Altanta, USA.
  • McLean, K.G., Hanson, D. J., Jervis, S.M. and Drake, M.A. (2017). Consumer perception of retail pork bacon attributes using adaptive choice-based conjoint analysis and maximum differential scaling. Journal of Food Science, 82(11): 2659-2668.
  • Milkovic, S.J., Loncaric, R., Kralik, J., Crncan, A., Kusec, I.D., Canavari, M., 2023. Consumers’ preference for the consumption of the fresh black Slavonian pig’s meat. Foods, 12: 1255.
  • Murphy, M., Cowan, C., Mehaan, H., 2004. A Conjoint analysis of Irish consumer preferences for farmhouse cheese. The National Food Centre, 106(4): 288-300.
  • Nawi, N.M., Basri, H.N., Kamarulzaman, N.H., Shamsudin, M.N., 2023. Consumers’ preferences and willingness-to-pay for traceability systems in purchasing meat and meat products. Food Research, 7(1): 1-10.
  • Nguyen, D.T., Truong, D.C., 2021. The impact of psychological and environmental factors on consumers’ purchase intention toward organic food: Evidence from Vietnam. J. Asian Finance Econ. Bus., 8(1): 915-925.
  • Noor, A.Y.M., Toiba, H., Stiawan, A.W.M. and Nutjannah, N. (2023). Indonesian consumers’ preferences and willingness to pay for certified vegetables: A Choice-Based Conjoint Approach. Journal of International Food and Agribusiness Marketing. doi: 10.1080/08974438.2023.2187916
  • Ong, A.K.S., Prasetyo, Y.T., Esteller, A.J.D., Bruno, J.E., Lagorza, K.C.O., Oli, L.E.T., Chuenyindee, K.T., Persade, S.F., Nadlifatin, R., 2023. Consumer preference analysis on the attributes of Samgyeopsal Korean cuisine and its market segmentation: Integrating conjoint analysis and K-means clustering. PLoS ONE, 18(2): e0281948. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0281948
  • Onozaka, Y., Honkanen, P., Altintzoglou, T., 2023. Sustainability, perceived quality and country of origin of farmed salmon: Impact on consumer choices in the USA, France and Japan. Food Policy, 117: 102452.
  • Pascoe, S., Paredes, S., Coglan, L., 2023. Do local markets offer new opportunities to Australian seafood producers? Fisheries Research, 263: 106691.
  • Perrea, T., Chrysochou, P., Krystallis, A., 2023. Customer value toward innovative food products: Empirical evidence from two international markets. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 84: 103293.
  • Petrontino, A., Frem, M., Fucilli, V., Labbete, A., Tria, E., Bozzo, F., 2023. The influence of nutritional ingredients and labelling claims in Italian consumers’ choice and WTP. Nutrients, 15: 1799. doi:10.3390/nu15071799
  • PTB, 2022. Wheat price indexes from Polatlı Commodity Exchange. Available from URL: (Access date: 15 May 2023).
  • PTB, (2022a). Flour prices index from Polatlı Commodity Exchange. Available from URL: (Access date: 15 May 2023).
  • Racette, C.M., Drake, M.A., 2022. Consumer perception of natural hot-pepper cheeses. Journal of Dairy Science, 105(3): 2166–2179.
  • Realini, C.E., Fonti Furnols, M., Sanudo, C., Montossi, F., Oliver, M.A., Guerrero, L., 2013. Spanish, French and British consumers’ acceptability of Uruguayan beef, and consumers’ beef choice associated with country of origin, finishing diet and meat price. Meat Science, 95: 14-21.
  • Rojas-Downing, M.M., Nejadhashemi, A.P., Harrigan, T., Woznicki, S.A., 2017. Climate change and livestock: Impacts, adaptation, and mitigation. Climate Risk Management, 16: 145-163.
  • Schiano, A.N., Harwood, W.S., Gerard, P.D., Drake, M.A., 2020. Consumer perception of the sustainability of dairy products and plant-based dairy alternatives. Journal of Dairy Science, 103(12): 11228–11243.
  • Seo, S., Kim, M.K., 2023. Consumers’ neophobic and variety-seeking tendency in food choices according to their fashion ınvolvement status: An exploratory study of Korean consumers. Foods, 12: 1278.
  • SPSS Conjoint 20.0, 2020. SPSS Conjoint User’s Guide, London: Chicago: IL.
  • TEPGE, 2022. Current situation and forecast of Wheat. TEPGE Yayın No: 362, ISBN: 978-625-8451-57-3. Available from URL: (Access date: 25 May 2023).
  • Topcu, Y., 2012. The integrated marketing approach as a rural development tool. In. R.S. Adisa (Ed.), Rural development-contemporary ıssue and practices (pp. 257-282). Croatia: InTech-Open Access Publisher, ISBN: 978-953-307-942-4.
  • Topcu, Y., 2019. Determining product profiles based on consumers’ consumption satisfaction towards drinking milk with the region of origin: Case of Igdir province. Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 34(3): 268-278.
  • Topcu, Y., 2019a. Consumers’ WTP and market shares for drinking milk with PDO: Case of Igdir Province. TURJAF 7(7): 981-988.
  • Topcu, Y., Çavdar, M., 2022. Consumers’ consumption preferences towards Gümüşhane mulberry products with PGI: Case of Gümüşhane. Harran Agric. Food Sci. J., 26(2): 214-227.
  • TSI, 2023. Consumer Price Index (CPI). Available from URL: (Access date: 30 May 2023).
  • TSI, 2023a. Producer Price Index (PPI). Available from URL: (Access date: 30 May 2023).
  • Yeh, C.H., Hirsch, S., 2023. A meta-regression analysis on the willingness-to-pay for country-of-origin labelling. Journal of Agricultural Economics, 00: 1-25.
  • Zanchini, R., Vita, G., Panzone, L., Brun, F., 2023. What is the value of a “mountain product” claim? A ranking conjoint experiment on goat’s milk yoghurt. Foods, 12: 2059. doi:10.3390/foods12102059
  • Zeng, M., Yan, W.Y., Zeng, Z.J., 2023. Analysis of consumers’ willingness to pay for honey in China. Sustainability, 15: 1500. doi:10.3390/su15021500.
Toplam 54 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Tarımsal Yönetimde Pazarlama
Bölüm Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi

Yavuz Topcu 0000-0002-2260-3465

Tuba Güler 0009-0007-4421-6929

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 27 Şubat 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Şubat 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 8 Aralık 2023
Kabul Tarihi 8 Ocak 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Topcu, Y., & Güler, T. (2024). Determining consumers’ willingness to pay in view of extrinsic attributes of Erzurum Stuffed-Kadayif with Protected Geographical Indication. Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 39(1), 163-182.
AMA Topcu Y, Güler T. Determining consumers’ willingness to pay in view of extrinsic attributes of Erzurum Stuffed-Kadayif with Protected Geographical Indication. ANAJAS. Şubat 2024;39(1):163-182. doi:10.7161/omuanajas.1402221
Chicago Topcu, Yavuz, ve Tuba Güler. “Determining consumers’ Willingness to Pay in View of Extrinsic Attributes of Erzurum Stuffed-Kadayif With Protected Geographical Indication”. Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi 39, sy. 1 (Şubat 2024): 163-82.
EndNote Topcu Y, Güler T (01 Şubat 2024) Determining consumers’ willingness to pay in view of extrinsic attributes of Erzurum Stuffed-Kadayif with Protected Geographical Indication. Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi 39 1 163–182.
IEEE Y. Topcu ve T. Güler, “Determining consumers’ willingness to pay in view of extrinsic attributes of Erzurum Stuffed-Kadayif with Protected Geographical Indication”, ANAJAS, c. 39, sy. 1, ss. 163–182, 2024, doi: 10.7161/omuanajas.1402221.
ISNAD Topcu, Yavuz - Güler, Tuba. “Determining consumers’ Willingness to Pay in View of Extrinsic Attributes of Erzurum Stuffed-Kadayif With Protected Geographical Indication”. Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi 39/1 (Şubat 2024), 163-182.
JAMA Topcu Y, Güler T. Determining consumers’ willingness to pay in view of extrinsic attributes of Erzurum Stuffed-Kadayif with Protected Geographical Indication. ANAJAS. 2024;39:163–182.
MLA Topcu, Yavuz ve Tuba Güler. “Determining consumers’ Willingness to Pay in View of Extrinsic Attributes of Erzurum Stuffed-Kadayif With Protected Geographical Indication”. Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 39, sy. 1, 2024, ss. 163-82, doi:10.7161/omuanajas.1402221.
Vancouver Topcu Y, Güler T. Determining consumers’ willingness to pay in view of extrinsic attributes of Erzurum Stuffed-Kadayif with Protected Geographical Indication. ANAJAS. 2024;39(1):163-82.
Online ISSN: 1308-8769