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Yıl 2012, , 165 - 173, 10.10.2012


Recent studies have presented molecular interaction mechanisms between plant and pathogen. The plant innate immunity system is triggered by the pathogen or microbe associated molecular patterns (PAMPs/MAMPs). Different PAMPs are often perceived by distinct cell surface pattern-recognition receptors (PRRs) and activate intracellular signaling pathways in plant cells for immunity system. However, pathogens have evolved multiple virulence factors to suppress PAMP-triggered immunity. Most of gram negative plant pathogenic bacteria have the type III secretion system to transfer of virulence effector proteins into host cell. These effector proteins inhibit plant immunity system and support pathogenesis. On the other hand, plants have the secondary plant innate immunity system against pathogens. Especially, some plants have the specific intracellular disease resistance (R) proteins which effectively inactivate virulence effectors in effector-triggered immunity system.


  • Abramovitch, R.B., Anderson, J.C., Martin, G.B. 2006a. Bacterial elicitation and evasion of plant innate immunity. Molecular Cell Biology, 7: 601-611.
  • Abramovitch, R.B., Janjusevic, R., Stebbins, C.E., Martin, G.B. 2006b. Type III effector AvrPtoB requires intrinsic E3 ubiquitin ligase activity to suppress plant cell death and immunity. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA, 103, 2851– 2856.
  • Ade, J., Innes, R.W. 2007. Resistance to Bacterial Pathogens in Plants. Encyclopedia of Life Sciences, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., doi: 10.1002/9780470015902.a0020091.
  • Ade, J., DeYoung, B.J., Golstein, C., Innes, R.W. 2007. Indirect activation of a plant nucleotide binding site- leucine-rich repeat protein by a bacterial protease. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 104: 2531–2536.
  • Alfano, J.R., Collmer, A. 2004. Type III secretion system effector proteins: double agents in bacterial disease and plant defense. Annu. Rev. Phytopathol. 42, 385–414.
  • Asai, T., Tena, G., Plotnikova, J., Willmann, M.R., Chiu, W.L., Gomez-Gomez, L., Boller, T., Ausubel, F.M., Sheen, J. 2002. MAP kinase signalling cascade in Arabidopsis innate immunity. Nature, 415, 977–983.
  • Ausubel, F.M. 2005. Are innate immune signaling pathways in plants and animals conserved? Nature Immunol. 6, 973–979.
  • Bender, C.L., Alarcon-Chaidez, F., Gross, D.C. 1999. Pseudomonas syringae phytotoxins: mode of action, regulation, and biosynthesis by peptide and polyketide synthetases. Microbiol. Mol. Biol. Rev. 63, 266–292.
  • Bent, A.F., Innes, R.W., Ecker, J.R., Staskawicz, B.J. 1992. Disease Arabidopsis thaliana infected with virulent and avirulent Pseudomonas and Xanthamonas pathogens. Mol. Plant Microbe Interact., 5:372-378. in
  • ethylene-insensitive
  • Buttner, D., Bonas, U. 2006. Who comes first? How plant pathogenic bacteria orchestrate type III secretion. Curr. Opin. Microbiol. 9, 193–200.
  • Chang, J.H., Urbach, J.M., Law, T.F., Arnold, L.W., Hu, A., Gombar, S., Grant, S.R., Ausubel, F.M., Dangl, J.L. 2005. A high-throughput, near-saturating screen for type III effector genes from Pseudomonas syringae. PNAS, 102(7), 2549–2554.
  • Chinchilla, D., Bauer, Z., Regenass, M., Boller, T., Felix, G. 2006. The Arabidopsis receptor kinase FLS2 binds flg22 and determines the specificity of flagellin perception. Plant Cell, 18:465-476. Christie, P.J., Atmakuri, K., Jakubowski, S., Cascales, E. 2005. Biogenesis, architecture, and function of bacterial type IV secretion systems. Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 59, 451–485. V.,
  • Creelman, R.A., Mullet, J.E. 1997. Oligosaccharins, brassinolides, and jasmonates: nontraditional regulators of plant growth, development, and gene expression. Plant Cell, 9:1211-1223.
  • Dangl, J.L., Jones, J.D. 2001. Plant pathogens and integrated defense responses to infection. Nature, 411:826-833.
  • Deslandes, L., Olivier, J., Peeters, N. 2003. Physical interaction between RRS1-R, a protein conferring resistance to bacterial wilt, and PopP2, a type III effector targeted to the plant nucleus. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 100: 8024– 8029.
  • Espinosa, A., Guo, M., Tam, V.C., Fu, Z.Q., Alfano, J.R. 2003. The Pseudomonas syringae type IIIsecreted protein phosphatase activity and suppresses programmed cell death in plants. Mol. Microbiol. 49, 377–387. tyrosine
  • Janjusevic, R., Abramovitch, R.B., Martin, G.B., Stebbins, C.E. 2006. A bacterial inhibitor of host programmed cell death defenses is an E3 ubiquitin ligase. Science, 311, 222–226.
  • Katiyar-Agarwal, S., Morgan, R., Dahlbeck, D. 2006. A pathogen-inducible immunity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 103: 18002–18007. in plant
  • Kim, Y.J., Lin, N.C., Martin, G.B. 2002. Two distinct pseudomonas effector proteins interact with the Pto kinase and activate plant immunity. Cell, 109: 589–598.
  • Kim, M.G., da Cunha, L., McFall, A.J. 2005. Two Pseudomonas syringae type III effectors inhibit RIN4- regulated basal defense in Arabidopsis. Cell 121: 749– 759.
  • Kunkel, B.N., Brooks, D.M. 2002. Cross talk between signaling pathways in pathogen defense. Current Opinion in Plant Biology, 5:325–331.
  • Kunze, G., Zipfel, C., Robatzek, S., Niehaus, K., Boller, T., Felix, G. 2004. The N terminus of bacterial elongation factor Tu elicits innate immunity in Arabidopsis plants. Plant Cell, 16, 3496–3507.
  • Leigh, J.A., Coplin, D.L. 1992. Exopolysaccharides in plant–bacterial interactions. Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 46, 307–346. 172
  • Li, L., Li, C., Howe, G.A. 2001. Genetic analysis of wound signaling in tomato. Evidence for a dual role of jasmonic acid in defense and female fertility. Plant Physiol. 2001, 127:1414-1417.
  • McDowell, J.M., Woffenden, B.J. 2003. Plant disease resistance applications. TRENDS in Biotechnology, 21(4), 178- 183. insights and potential
  • Melotto, M., Underwood, W., Koczan, J. 2006. Plant stomata function in innate immunity against bacterial invasion. Cell, 126: 969–980.
  • Mudgett, M.B. 2005. New insights to the function of phytopathogenic bacterial type III effectors in plants. Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 56, 509–531.
  • Navarro, L., Dunoyer, P., Jay, F. 2006a. A plant miRNA contributes to antibacterial resistance by repressing auxin signaling. Science, 312: 436–439.
  • Navarro, L., Dunoyer, P., Jay, F., Arnold, B., Dharmasiri, N., Estelle, M., Voinnet, O., Jones, J.D.G. 2006b. A plant miRNA contributes to antibacterial resistance by repressing auxin signalling. Science, 312, 436–439.
  • Nawrath, C., Metraux, J. 1999. Salicylic acid induction- deficient mutants of Arabidopsis express PR-2 and PR-5 and accumulate high levels of camalexin after pathogen inoculation. Plant Cell, 11:1393-1404.
  • Norman-Setterblad, C., Vidal, S., Palva, E.T. 2000. Interacting signal pathways control defense gene expression in Arabidopsis in response to cell wall- degrading enzymes from Erwinia carotovora. Mol. Plant Microbe Interact., 13:430-438.
  • Pedley, K.F., Martin, G.B. 2005. Role of mitogen-activated protein kinases in plant immunity. Curr. Opin. Plant Biol. 8, 541–547.
  • Pieterse, C.M.J., van Loon, L.C. 1999. Salicylic acid- independent plant defense pathways. Trends Plant Sci., 4:52-58.
  • Reymond, P., Farmer, E.E. 1998. Jasmonate and salicylate as global signals for defense gene expression. Curr. Opin. Plant Biol., 1:404-411.
  • Robatzek, S., Bittel, P., Chinchilla, D., Kochner, P., Felix, G., Shiu, S.H., Boller, T. 2007. Molecular identification and characterization of the tomato flagellin receptor LeFLS2, an orthologue of Arabidopsis FLS2 exhibiting characteristically different perception specificities. Plant. Mol. Biol., 64:539-547.
  • Ryals, J.A., Neuenschwander, U.H., Willits, M.G., Molina, A., Steiner, H., Hunt, M.D. 1996. Systemic acquired resistance. Plant Cell, 8:1809-1819.
  • Saito, S., Yamamoto-Katou, A., Yoshioka, H. 2006. Peroxynitrite generation and tyrosine nitration in defense responses in tobacco BY-2 cells. Plant Cell Physiology, 47:689–697.
  • Staskawicz, B.J., Mudgett, M.B., Dangl, J.L., Galan, J.E. 2001. Common and contrasting themes of plant and animal diseases. Science, 292:2285-2289.
  • Sun, W., Dunning, F.M., Pfund, C. 2006. Within-species flagellin polymorphism in Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris and its impact on elicitation of Arabidopsis Flagellin Sensing2-dependent defenses. Plant Cell, 18: 764–779.
  • Thomma, B.P., Penninckx, I.A., Broekaert, W.F., Cammue, B.P. 2001. The complexity of disease signaling in Arabidopsis. Curr. Opin. Immunol. 13:63-68.
  • Von Bodman, S.B., Bauer, W.D., Coplin, D.L. 2003. Quorum sensing in plant-pathogenic bacteria. Annu. Rev. Phytopathol. 41, 455–482.
  • Zeidler, D., Zähringer, U., Gerber, I., Dubery, I., Hartung, T., Bors, W., Hutzler, P., Durner, J. 2004. Innate immunity in Arabidopsis thaliana: lipopolysaccharides activate nitric oxide synthase (NOS) and induce defense genes. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA, 101, 15811–15816.
  • Zipfel, C., Robatzek, S., Navarro, L., Oakeley, E.J., Jones, J.D., Felix, G., Boller, T. 2004. Bacterial disease resistance in Arabidopsis through flagellin perception. Nature, 428:764-767.
  • Zipfel, C. 2008. Pattern-recognition receptors in plant innate immunity. Current Opinion in Immunology, 20:10–16.


Yıl 2012, , 165 - 173, 10.10.2012


Son yıllarda yapılan çalışmalar, bitki ve patojen arasındaki moleküler etkileşim mekanizmalarını ortaya çıkarmıştır. Bitki bağışıklık sistemi, patojen veya mikropla ilgili moleküler yapılar (PAMP’lar veya MAMP’lar) tarafından harekete geçirilir. Farklı PAMP’lar genellikle bitkilerdeki farklı tanılayıcı hücre yüzey reseptörleri (PRR’ler) tarafından algılanır ve bağışıklık sistemi için hücrelerarası sinyal iletişimi aktive edilir. Ancak patojenler, PAMP’a dayalı bağışıklık sistemini baskılamak için çok sayıda virulens faktörleri geliştirirler. Gram negatif bitki patojeni bakterilerin çoğu, virulens özellikteki efektör proteinlerini konukçu hücresine aktarmak için tip III salgı sistemine sahiptirler. Bu efektör proteinler bitki bağışıklık sistemini engeller ve hastalık gelişimini teşvik eder. Diğer taraftan bitkiler ise patojenlere karşı ikinci bir bağışıklık sistemine sahiptir. Özellikle bazı bitkiler, efektöre dayalı harekete geçen bağışıklık sisteminde efektör proteinleri etkili bir şekilde inaktive eden ve hücrelerarasında bulunan hastalığa karşı dayanıklılık sağlayan özel proteinlere (R proteinlerine) sahiptir


  • Abramovitch, R.B., Anderson, J.C., Martin, G.B. 2006a. Bacterial elicitation and evasion of plant innate immunity. Molecular Cell Biology, 7: 601-611.
  • Abramovitch, R.B., Janjusevic, R., Stebbins, C.E., Martin, G.B. 2006b. Type III effector AvrPtoB requires intrinsic E3 ubiquitin ligase activity to suppress plant cell death and immunity. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA, 103, 2851– 2856.
  • Ade, J., Innes, R.W. 2007. Resistance to Bacterial Pathogens in Plants. Encyclopedia of Life Sciences, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., doi: 10.1002/9780470015902.a0020091.
  • Ade, J., DeYoung, B.J., Golstein, C., Innes, R.W. 2007. Indirect activation of a plant nucleotide binding site- leucine-rich repeat protein by a bacterial protease. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 104: 2531–2536.
  • Alfano, J.R., Collmer, A. 2004. Type III secretion system effector proteins: double agents in bacterial disease and plant defense. Annu. Rev. Phytopathol. 42, 385–414.
  • Asai, T., Tena, G., Plotnikova, J., Willmann, M.R., Chiu, W.L., Gomez-Gomez, L., Boller, T., Ausubel, F.M., Sheen, J. 2002. MAP kinase signalling cascade in Arabidopsis innate immunity. Nature, 415, 977–983.
  • Ausubel, F.M. 2005. Are innate immune signaling pathways in plants and animals conserved? Nature Immunol. 6, 973–979.
  • Bender, C.L., Alarcon-Chaidez, F., Gross, D.C. 1999. Pseudomonas syringae phytotoxins: mode of action, regulation, and biosynthesis by peptide and polyketide synthetases. Microbiol. Mol. Biol. Rev. 63, 266–292.
  • Bent, A.F., Innes, R.W., Ecker, J.R., Staskawicz, B.J. 1992. Disease Arabidopsis thaliana infected with virulent and avirulent Pseudomonas and Xanthamonas pathogens. Mol. Plant Microbe Interact., 5:372-378. in
  • ethylene-insensitive
  • Buttner, D., Bonas, U. 2006. Who comes first? How plant pathogenic bacteria orchestrate type III secretion. Curr. Opin. Microbiol. 9, 193–200.
  • Chang, J.H., Urbach, J.M., Law, T.F., Arnold, L.W., Hu, A., Gombar, S., Grant, S.R., Ausubel, F.M., Dangl, J.L. 2005. A high-throughput, near-saturating screen for type III effector genes from Pseudomonas syringae. PNAS, 102(7), 2549–2554.
  • Chinchilla, D., Bauer, Z., Regenass, M., Boller, T., Felix, G. 2006. The Arabidopsis receptor kinase FLS2 binds flg22 and determines the specificity of flagellin perception. Plant Cell, 18:465-476. Christie, P.J., Atmakuri, K., Jakubowski, S., Cascales, E. 2005. Biogenesis, architecture, and function of bacterial type IV secretion systems. Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 59, 451–485. V.,
  • Creelman, R.A., Mullet, J.E. 1997. Oligosaccharins, brassinolides, and jasmonates: nontraditional regulators of plant growth, development, and gene expression. Plant Cell, 9:1211-1223.
  • Dangl, J.L., Jones, J.D. 2001. Plant pathogens and integrated defense responses to infection. Nature, 411:826-833.
  • Deslandes, L., Olivier, J., Peeters, N. 2003. Physical interaction between RRS1-R, a protein conferring resistance to bacterial wilt, and PopP2, a type III effector targeted to the plant nucleus. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 100: 8024– 8029.
  • Espinosa, A., Guo, M., Tam, V.C., Fu, Z.Q., Alfano, J.R. 2003. The Pseudomonas syringae type IIIsecreted protein phosphatase activity and suppresses programmed cell death in plants. Mol. Microbiol. 49, 377–387. tyrosine
  • Janjusevic, R., Abramovitch, R.B., Martin, G.B., Stebbins, C.E. 2006. A bacterial inhibitor of host programmed cell death defenses is an E3 ubiquitin ligase. Science, 311, 222–226.
  • Katiyar-Agarwal, S., Morgan, R., Dahlbeck, D. 2006. A pathogen-inducible immunity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 103: 18002–18007. in plant
  • Kim, Y.J., Lin, N.C., Martin, G.B. 2002. Two distinct pseudomonas effector proteins interact with the Pto kinase and activate plant immunity. Cell, 109: 589–598.
  • Kim, M.G., da Cunha, L., McFall, A.J. 2005. Two Pseudomonas syringae type III effectors inhibit RIN4- regulated basal defense in Arabidopsis. Cell 121: 749– 759.
  • Kunkel, B.N., Brooks, D.M. 2002. Cross talk between signaling pathways in pathogen defense. Current Opinion in Plant Biology, 5:325–331.
  • Kunze, G., Zipfel, C., Robatzek, S., Niehaus, K., Boller, T., Felix, G. 2004. The N terminus of bacterial elongation factor Tu elicits innate immunity in Arabidopsis plants. Plant Cell, 16, 3496–3507.
  • Leigh, J.A., Coplin, D.L. 1992. Exopolysaccharides in plant–bacterial interactions. Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 46, 307–346. 172
  • Li, L., Li, C., Howe, G.A. 2001. Genetic analysis of wound signaling in tomato. Evidence for a dual role of jasmonic acid in defense and female fertility. Plant Physiol. 2001, 127:1414-1417.
  • McDowell, J.M., Woffenden, B.J. 2003. Plant disease resistance applications. TRENDS in Biotechnology, 21(4), 178- 183. insights and potential
  • Melotto, M., Underwood, W., Koczan, J. 2006. Plant stomata function in innate immunity against bacterial invasion. Cell, 126: 969–980.
  • Mudgett, M.B. 2005. New insights to the function of phytopathogenic bacterial type III effectors in plants. Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 56, 509–531.
  • Navarro, L., Dunoyer, P., Jay, F. 2006a. A plant miRNA contributes to antibacterial resistance by repressing auxin signaling. Science, 312: 436–439.
  • Navarro, L., Dunoyer, P., Jay, F., Arnold, B., Dharmasiri, N., Estelle, M., Voinnet, O., Jones, J.D.G. 2006b. A plant miRNA contributes to antibacterial resistance by repressing auxin signalling. Science, 312, 436–439.
  • Nawrath, C., Metraux, J. 1999. Salicylic acid induction- deficient mutants of Arabidopsis express PR-2 and PR-5 and accumulate high levels of camalexin after pathogen inoculation. Plant Cell, 11:1393-1404.
  • Norman-Setterblad, C., Vidal, S., Palva, E.T. 2000. Interacting signal pathways control defense gene expression in Arabidopsis in response to cell wall- degrading enzymes from Erwinia carotovora. Mol. Plant Microbe Interact., 13:430-438.
  • Pedley, K.F., Martin, G.B. 2005. Role of mitogen-activated protein kinases in plant immunity. Curr. Opin. Plant Biol. 8, 541–547.
  • Pieterse, C.M.J., van Loon, L.C. 1999. Salicylic acid- independent plant defense pathways. Trends Plant Sci., 4:52-58.
  • Reymond, P., Farmer, E.E. 1998. Jasmonate and salicylate as global signals for defense gene expression. Curr. Opin. Plant Biol., 1:404-411.
  • Robatzek, S., Bittel, P., Chinchilla, D., Kochner, P., Felix, G., Shiu, S.H., Boller, T. 2007. Molecular identification and characterization of the tomato flagellin receptor LeFLS2, an orthologue of Arabidopsis FLS2 exhibiting characteristically different perception specificities. Plant. Mol. Biol., 64:539-547.
  • Ryals, J.A., Neuenschwander, U.H., Willits, M.G., Molina, A., Steiner, H., Hunt, M.D. 1996. Systemic acquired resistance. Plant Cell, 8:1809-1819.
  • Saito, S., Yamamoto-Katou, A., Yoshioka, H. 2006. Peroxynitrite generation and tyrosine nitration in defense responses in tobacco BY-2 cells. Plant Cell Physiology, 47:689–697.
  • Staskawicz, B.J., Mudgett, M.B., Dangl, J.L., Galan, J.E. 2001. Common and contrasting themes of plant and animal diseases. Science, 292:2285-2289.
  • Sun, W., Dunning, F.M., Pfund, C. 2006. Within-species flagellin polymorphism in Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris and its impact on elicitation of Arabidopsis Flagellin Sensing2-dependent defenses. Plant Cell, 18: 764–779.
  • Thomma, B.P., Penninckx, I.A., Broekaert, W.F., Cammue, B.P. 2001. The complexity of disease signaling in Arabidopsis. Curr. Opin. Immunol. 13:63-68.
  • Von Bodman, S.B., Bauer, W.D., Coplin, D.L. 2003. Quorum sensing in plant-pathogenic bacteria. Annu. Rev. Phytopathol. 41, 455–482.
  • Zeidler, D., Zähringer, U., Gerber, I., Dubery, I., Hartung, T., Bors, W., Hutzler, P., Durner, J. 2004. Innate immunity in Arabidopsis thaliana: lipopolysaccharides activate nitric oxide synthase (NOS) and induce defense genes. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA, 101, 15811–15816.
  • Zipfel, C., Robatzek, S., Navarro, L., Oakeley, E.J., Jones, J.D., Felix, G., Boller, T. 2004. Bacterial disease resistance in Arabidopsis through flagellin perception. Nature, 428:764-767.
  • Zipfel, C. 2008. Pattern-recognition receptors in plant innate immunity. Current Opinion in Immunology, 20:10–16.
Toplam 45 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Derleme

Hasan Murat Aksoy

Armağan Öz Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 10 Ekim 2012
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2012

Kaynak Göster

APA Aksoy, H. M., & Öz, A. (2012). BAKTERİYEL PATOJENLERE KARŞI BİTKİLERDEKİ DAYANIKLILIK MEKANİZMALARI. Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 27(3), 165-173.
AMA Aksoy HM, Öz A. BAKTERİYEL PATOJENLERE KARŞI BİTKİLERDEKİ DAYANIKLILIK MEKANİZMALARI. ANAJAS. Aralık 2012;27(3):165-173. doi:10.7161/anajas.2012.273.165
Chicago Aksoy, Hasan Murat, ve Armağan Öz. “BAKTERİYEL PATOJENLERE KARŞI BİTKİLERDEKİ DAYANIKLILIK MEKANİZMALARI”. Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi 27, sy. 3 (Aralık 2012): 165-73.
EndNote Aksoy HM, Öz A (01 Aralık 2012) BAKTERİYEL PATOJENLERE KARŞI BİTKİLERDEKİ DAYANIKLILIK MEKANİZMALARI. Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi 27 3 165–173.
IEEE H. M. Aksoy ve A. Öz, “BAKTERİYEL PATOJENLERE KARŞI BİTKİLERDEKİ DAYANIKLILIK MEKANİZMALARI”, ANAJAS, c. 27, sy. 3, ss. 165–173, 2012, doi: 10.7161/anajas.2012.273.165.
ISNAD Aksoy, Hasan Murat - Öz, Armağan. “BAKTERİYEL PATOJENLERE KARŞI BİTKİLERDEKİ DAYANIKLILIK MEKANİZMALARI”. Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi 27/3 (Aralık 2012), 165-173.
MLA Aksoy, Hasan Murat ve Armağan Öz. “BAKTERİYEL PATOJENLERE KARŞI BİTKİLERDEKİ DAYANIKLILIK MEKANİZMALARI”. Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 27, sy. 3, 2012, ss. 165-73, doi:10.7161/anajas.2012.273.165.
Online ISSN: 1308-8769