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Effect of cutting time and IBA application on rooting of edible cherry laurel (Prunus laurocerasus cv. 'Kiraz') cuttings

Yıl 2015, , 215 - 220, 08.12.2015


Cherry laurel known as “karayemiş”, “laz cherry” or “taflan”, is a popular evergreen racemes fruit in Turkey and some other Caucasus countries. In this study, cherry laurel variety ‘Kiraz’ was propagated with hardwood, semi-hardwood and softwood cuttings with half leaf and effect of IBA application on rooting ability was determined. Cuttings with different lignification phase were collected from October, December, February (hardwood cuttings), May (softwood cuttings) and June (semi-hardwood cuttings) between 15th to 20th days and subjected to 0, 50, 100, 500 and 1000 ppm Indolebutryicacid (IBA). Cuttings were planted in bottom heated trays with perlite and over misting under greenhouse conditions. The percentages of rooting (100%), rootling (100%) and mortality (100%) were the highest at July’s semi-hardwood cuttings while rooting degree was the highest at December hardwood cuttings (7.72). 100 ppm IBA concentration gave the highest ratios of rooting (96.44%), first grade rootling (90.22%) and mortality rate (84.89%). These results suggest that cherry laurel varieties could be easily propagated easily by July’s semi hardwood cuttings subjected to 100 ppm IBA in perlite has bottom heating under greenhouse conditions with misting.


  • Adams, G. 1984. Propagation and cultivation of Prunus laurocerasus 'Schipkaensis'. Combined Proc., Int. Plant Propagators' Society, 33: 547-550.
  • Alexandrov, P., Bogdanov, B. 1988. Characteristics of the root formation of Laurocerasus officinalis Roem. Acta Hort., 226(1): 355-361.
  • Anonymous. 2014. Plants for a future. Prunus laurocerasus.
  • Attenburrow, D.C. 1981. Propagation of shrubs using blocking composts. Combined Proc., Int. Plant Propagators' Society, 30: 15p.
  • Ayaz, F.A., Kadioglu, A., Reunanen, M., Var, M. 1997. Phenolic acid and fatty acid composition in the fruits of Laurocerasus officinalis Roem and its cultivars, J. of Food Comp. and Analy., 10: 350–357.
  • Baytop, T. 1984. Therapy with medicinal plants in Turkey (past and present). Istanbul: Istanbul University Publication No. 3255.
  • Beyhan, O. 2010. A study on selection of promising native cherry laurel (Prunus laurocerasus L.) genotypes from Sakarya-Turkey. The J. of Animal and Plant Sci., 20(4): 231-233.
  • Bostan, S.Z. 2001. Pomological traits of “Su” cherry laurel. Journal of the American Pomological Society, 55(4): 215–217.
  • Bragt, J.V., Gelder, H.V., Pierik, R.L.M. 1976. Rooting of shoot cuttings of ornamental shrubs after immersion in auxin-containing solutions. Scientia Hort., 4(1): 91-94.
  • Browicz, K. 1972. Laurocerasus Duhamel. In Davis, P. H. (Ed.), Flora of Turkey and The East Aegean Islands. Edinburgh University Press., 4: 6–8.
  • Colak, A., Ozen, A., Dincer, B., Güner, S., Ayaz, F.A. 2005. Diphenolases from two cultivars of cherry laurel (Laurocerasus officinalis Roem.) fruits at an early stage of maturation. Food Chem., 90(4): 801-807.
  • Celik, F., Ercisli S., Yılmaz, O.S., Hegedus, A. 2011. Estimation of certain physical and chemical fruit characteristics of various cherry laurel (Laurocerasu officinalis Roem.) genotypes. Hort Sci., 46(6): 924-927.
  • Davis, T.D., Walser R.H., Soerensen, K., Sankhla, N. 1986. Rooting and subsequent growth of cuttings treated with paclobutrazol. Plant Propagator, 32(1): 7-9.
  • Dinter, B.J.F., Eaton, G.W. 1976. Effect of nutrients in the rooting medium on the rooting ability of cuttings. Plant Propagator, 22(4): 10-13.
  • Dudas, S., Pohajda, I., Segula, S., Varga, S., Andrakovic, J. 2014. Effect of cutting severance date on rooting success and Bio-algeen S-90 application on further growth of cherry laurel Prunus laurocerasus L. 3rd VIVUS Conf., 582-587.
  • Ercisli, S. 2004. A short review of the fruit germplasm resources of Turkey. Genetic Res. and Crop. Evol., 51: 419-435.
  • Frangi, P., Castelnuovo, M., Pozzi, A., Valagussa, M., Crippa, L., Genevini, P.L. 2008. A comparison of methods for the analysis of compost-based growing media. Acta Hort., 779: 113-119.
  • Islam, A. 2002. ‘Kiraz’ cherry laurel (Prunus laurocerasus). New Zealand J. of Crop and Hort. Sci. 30: 301-302.
  • Islam, A., Celik, H., Aygun, A., Kalkısım, O. 2010. Selection of native cherry laurels (Prunus laurocerasus L.) in the Black Sea Region. Int. Conf. on Organic Agr. in Scope of Env. Problems. Proceed. Book : 15-17.
  • Kolayli, S., Küçük, M., Duran, C., Candan, F., Dincer, B. 2003. Chemical and antioxidant properties of Laurocerasus officinalis Roem. (cherry laurel) fruit grown in Black Sea Region. J. Agric. Food Chem., 51: 7489-7494.
  • Liyana-Pathiran,a C.M., Shahidi, F., Alasalvar, C. 2006. Antioxidant activity of cherry laurel fruit (Laurocerasus officinalis Roem.) and its concentrated juice. Food Chem., 99: 121–128.
  • Maunder, C. 1984. A comparison of propagation unit systems. Comb. Proc., Int. Plant Propagators' Soc., 33: 233-238.
  • Ribeiro, M.M., Collado, L.M., Antunes, M.A. 2010. The influence of indole-3-butyric-acid in Prunus laurocerasus vegetative propagation. Acta Hort., 885: 277-283.
  • Srivastava, L.M. 2002. Plant Growth and Development. Hormones and Environment. Elsevier Sci. (USA), 772p.
  • Sulusoglu, M., Cavusoglu, A. 2010. Vegetative propagation of Cherry laurel (Prunus laurocerasus L.) using semi-hardwood cuttings. African J. of Agr. Res., 5(23): 3196-3202.
  • Sulusoglu, M. 2011. The cherry laurel (Prunus laurocerasus L.) tree selection. African J. Agric. Res., 6(15): 3574-3582.
  • Sulusoglu, M. 2014. Long term storage of cherry laurel (Prunus laurocerasus L.) and sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) pollens. Int. J. Biosci., 5(1): 328-338.
  • Ul'yanov, V.V. 1975. On the dates of propagating evergreen broad leaved plants by cuttings under mist. Byulleten' Gosudarstvennogo Nikitskogo Botanicheskogo Sada, 1(26): 21-25.
  • Ul’yanov, V.V. 1976. The role of leaves and buds in root formation on softwood cuttings of cherry laurel. Byulleten' Gosudarstvennogo Nikitskogo Botanicheskogo Sada, 2(30): 19-23.
  • Yazıcı, K., Dal, B., Gozlekci, S., Kaynak, L., Ersoy, N. 2009. Effects of cutting type and duration time on rooting of three cherry laurel (Prunus laurocerasus) genotype. Acta Hort. 818: 199-204.
  • Yıldız, H., Ercisli, S., Karmanlioglu, H.K., Guclu, S., Akbulut, M., Turkoglu, Z. 2014. The main quality attributes of non-sprayed cherry laurel (Laurocerasus officinalis Roem.) genotypes. Genetica, 46(1): 129-136.

Çelik alma zamanı ve IBA uygulamasının kareyemiş (Prunus laurocerasus cv. 'KIRAZ') çeliklerinin köklenmesi üzerine etkileri

Yıl 2015, , 215 - 220, 08.12.2015


“Laz kirazı” veya “taflan” olarak da adlandırılan karayemiş, son yıllarda Türkiye ve bazı Kafkas ülkelerinde popüler olmaya başlayan herdemyeşil bir meyvedir. Bu çalışmada Prunus laurocerasus türüne ait Kiraz karayemiş çeşidinden farklı zamanlarda alınmış olan yeşil, yarı-odunsu ve odunsu yapraklı çeliklerin köklenmesi üzerine farklı dozlardaki IBA uygulamalarının etkisi araştırılmıştır. Ekim, Aralık, Şubat ve Temmuz aylarının ilk yarısında ve farklı odunlaşma aşamalarında alınan çelikler 5 farklı dozda (0, 50, 100, 500 ve 100 ppm) IBA uygulanmıştır. Çelikler sera şartlarında alttan ısıtmalı tavalardaki perlit içerisinde ve mistleme altında köklendirilmiştir. Temmuz ayında alınan yarı odunsu çelikler köklenme, fidan randımanı ve yaşama oranı bakımından %100’lük başarı göstermiştir. Köklenme derecesi ise Aralık ayında alınan çeliklerde 7.72 ile en yüksek olmuştur. 100 ppm IBA dozu gerek köklenme (%96.44), gerek fidan randımanı (%90.22) gerekse yaşama oranı bakımından en yüksek değerleri vermiştir. Bu çalışmanın sonuçlarına göre karayemişler, Temmuz ayında alınan yapraklı yarı odunsu çeliklere 100 ppm gibi düşük IBA dozu uygulanarak seradaki perlit ortamında ve mistleme altında kolaylıkla çoğaltılabilir.


  • Adams, G. 1984. Propagation and cultivation of Prunus laurocerasus 'Schipkaensis'. Combined Proc., Int. Plant Propagators' Society, 33: 547-550.
  • Alexandrov, P., Bogdanov, B. 1988. Characteristics of the root formation of Laurocerasus officinalis Roem. Acta Hort., 226(1): 355-361.
  • Anonymous. 2014. Plants for a future. Prunus laurocerasus.
  • Attenburrow, D.C. 1981. Propagation of shrubs using blocking composts. Combined Proc., Int. Plant Propagators' Society, 30: 15p.
  • Ayaz, F.A., Kadioglu, A., Reunanen, M., Var, M. 1997. Phenolic acid and fatty acid composition in the fruits of Laurocerasus officinalis Roem and its cultivars, J. of Food Comp. and Analy., 10: 350–357.
  • Baytop, T. 1984. Therapy with medicinal plants in Turkey (past and present). Istanbul: Istanbul University Publication No. 3255.
  • Beyhan, O. 2010. A study on selection of promising native cherry laurel (Prunus laurocerasus L.) genotypes from Sakarya-Turkey. The J. of Animal and Plant Sci., 20(4): 231-233.
  • Bostan, S.Z. 2001. Pomological traits of “Su” cherry laurel. Journal of the American Pomological Society, 55(4): 215–217.
  • Bragt, J.V., Gelder, H.V., Pierik, R.L.M. 1976. Rooting of shoot cuttings of ornamental shrubs after immersion in auxin-containing solutions. Scientia Hort., 4(1): 91-94.
  • Browicz, K. 1972. Laurocerasus Duhamel. In Davis, P. H. (Ed.), Flora of Turkey and The East Aegean Islands. Edinburgh University Press., 4: 6–8.
  • Colak, A., Ozen, A., Dincer, B., Güner, S., Ayaz, F.A. 2005. Diphenolases from two cultivars of cherry laurel (Laurocerasus officinalis Roem.) fruits at an early stage of maturation. Food Chem., 90(4): 801-807.
  • Celik, F., Ercisli S., Yılmaz, O.S., Hegedus, A. 2011. Estimation of certain physical and chemical fruit characteristics of various cherry laurel (Laurocerasu officinalis Roem.) genotypes. Hort Sci., 46(6): 924-927.
  • Davis, T.D., Walser R.H., Soerensen, K., Sankhla, N. 1986. Rooting and subsequent growth of cuttings treated with paclobutrazol. Plant Propagator, 32(1): 7-9.
  • Dinter, B.J.F., Eaton, G.W. 1976. Effect of nutrients in the rooting medium on the rooting ability of cuttings. Plant Propagator, 22(4): 10-13.
  • Dudas, S., Pohajda, I., Segula, S., Varga, S., Andrakovic, J. 2014. Effect of cutting severance date on rooting success and Bio-algeen S-90 application on further growth of cherry laurel Prunus laurocerasus L. 3rd VIVUS Conf., 582-587.
  • Ercisli, S. 2004. A short review of the fruit germplasm resources of Turkey. Genetic Res. and Crop. Evol., 51: 419-435.
  • Frangi, P., Castelnuovo, M., Pozzi, A., Valagussa, M., Crippa, L., Genevini, P.L. 2008. A comparison of methods for the analysis of compost-based growing media. Acta Hort., 779: 113-119.
  • Islam, A. 2002. ‘Kiraz’ cherry laurel (Prunus laurocerasus). New Zealand J. of Crop and Hort. Sci. 30: 301-302.
  • Islam, A., Celik, H., Aygun, A., Kalkısım, O. 2010. Selection of native cherry laurels (Prunus laurocerasus L.) in the Black Sea Region. Int. Conf. on Organic Agr. in Scope of Env. Problems. Proceed. Book : 15-17.
  • Kolayli, S., Küçük, M., Duran, C., Candan, F., Dincer, B. 2003. Chemical and antioxidant properties of Laurocerasus officinalis Roem. (cherry laurel) fruit grown in Black Sea Region. J. Agric. Food Chem., 51: 7489-7494.
  • Liyana-Pathiran,a C.M., Shahidi, F., Alasalvar, C. 2006. Antioxidant activity of cherry laurel fruit (Laurocerasus officinalis Roem.) and its concentrated juice. Food Chem., 99: 121–128.
  • Maunder, C. 1984. A comparison of propagation unit systems. Comb. Proc., Int. Plant Propagators' Soc., 33: 233-238.
  • Ribeiro, M.M., Collado, L.M., Antunes, M.A. 2010. The influence of indole-3-butyric-acid in Prunus laurocerasus vegetative propagation. Acta Hort., 885: 277-283.
  • Srivastava, L.M. 2002. Plant Growth and Development. Hormones and Environment. Elsevier Sci. (USA), 772p.
  • Sulusoglu, M., Cavusoglu, A. 2010. Vegetative propagation of Cherry laurel (Prunus laurocerasus L.) using semi-hardwood cuttings. African J. of Agr. Res., 5(23): 3196-3202.
  • Sulusoglu, M. 2011. The cherry laurel (Prunus laurocerasus L.) tree selection. African J. Agric. Res., 6(15): 3574-3582.
  • Sulusoglu, M. 2014. Long term storage of cherry laurel (Prunus laurocerasus L.) and sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) pollens. Int. J. Biosci., 5(1): 328-338.
  • Ul'yanov, V.V. 1975. On the dates of propagating evergreen broad leaved plants by cuttings under mist. Byulleten' Gosudarstvennogo Nikitskogo Botanicheskogo Sada, 1(26): 21-25.
  • Ul’yanov, V.V. 1976. The role of leaves and buds in root formation on softwood cuttings of cherry laurel. Byulleten' Gosudarstvennogo Nikitskogo Botanicheskogo Sada, 2(30): 19-23.
  • Yazıcı, K., Dal, B., Gozlekci, S., Kaynak, L., Ersoy, N. 2009. Effects of cutting type and duration time on rooting of three cherry laurel (Prunus laurocerasus) genotype. Acta Hort. 818: 199-204.
  • Yıldız, H., Ercisli, S., Karmanlioglu, H.K., Guclu, S., Akbulut, M., Turkoglu, Z. 2014. The main quality attributes of non-sprayed cherry laurel (Laurocerasus officinalis Roem.) genotypes. Genetica, 46(1): 129-136.
Toplam 31 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Bahçe Bitkileri

Hüseyin Çelik

Ali İslam

Özgün Kalkışım Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 8 Aralık 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2015

Kaynak Göster

APA Çelik, H., İslam, A., & Kalkışım, Ö. (2015). Effect of cutting time and IBA application on rooting of edible cherry laurel (Prunus laurocerasus cv. ’Kiraz’) cuttings. Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 30(3), 215-220.
Online ISSN: 1308-8769