Terme ve Çarşamba’daki bazı fındık bahçelerinde toprakların fosfor adsorpsiyon kapasitelerinin belirlenmesi
Yıl 2017,
, 249 - 257, 20.06.2017
Ayhan Horuz
İmanverdi Ekberli
Ahmet Korkmaz
Güney Akınoğlu
Nutullah Özdemir
çalışmada Samsun ilinin Çarşamba ve Terme ilçelerine ait bazı fındık bahçelerinde
toprakların fosfor adsorpsiyon kapasiteleri ve izotermlerinin belirlenmesi
amaçlanmıştır. Araştırma topraklarının fosfor adsorpsiyonları 1.01 ile 234.15 µg
g-1 arasında değişmektedir. Fındık bahçesi topraklarında, Freundlich
izoterm denklemindeki birim ağırlıktaki toprağın fosforu tutma kapasitesini
ifade eden
izoterm parametreleri
3.161 ile 44.988 mg kg-1 arasında değişirken, adsorpsiyon
entalpisinin ampirik parametreleri ise
0.692 ile 1.488 arasında değişmiştir. Fosfor absorpsiyon kapasitesinin
belirlenmesi sonucunda, yöre topraklarının Freundlich izoterm denklemine uyum
sağladığı, Langmuir izoterm denkleminin ise uyum sağlamadığı belirlenmiştir.
- Ağca, N., Derici, M.R., 1999. Adıyaman Çamgazi Ovası topraklarında fosfor adsorpsiyonunun değişik izotermlerle belirlenmesi. Türk Tarım ve Ormancılık Dergisi, 23 (Ek sayı:2): 401-407.
- Atkins, P.W., 2001. Fizikokimya (Çeviri editörleri: Yıldız, S., Yılmaz, H., Kılıç, E.). Bilim Yayıncılık, Ankara, s. 849- 876.
- Amer, F., Buldin, D.R., Black, C.A., Duke, F.R., 1955. Characterization of soil phosphorus by anion exchange resin adsorption and P32 equilibration. Plant Soil, 6: 391– 408.
- Anonim, 2014. Tarıma bağlı çevre kirliliği. www.yesilaski.com/tarima-bagli-cevre-kirliligi.htm, Erişim: 6 Haziran 2016.
- Asri, F.Ö., S. Sönmez ve S. Çıtak. 2007. Kadmiyumun çevre ve insan sağlığı üzerine etkileri. Derim Dergisi, 24: 34-41.
- Atalay, A., 2001. Variation in phosphorus sorption with soil particle size. Soil and Sediment Contamination: An International Journal, 10(3): 317-335.
- Bayraklı, F. 1987. Toprak ve bitki analizleri. Ondokuz Mayıs Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Yayınları, s. 97-117, Samsun.
- Bayraklı, F.,1998.Toprak kimyası. OMÜ Ziraat Fakültesi, Ders Kitabı No: 26, Samsun, 214 s.
- Bazin,E.P., Ivanov, V.N., Shulgin, D.F., 1982. Ob adsorbsii pitatelnıx veşestv poçvami. Pocvovedeniye, 5: 27-31.
- Bouyoucos,G.J., 1951. A recalibration oh hidrometer method for making mechanical analysis of soil. Agronomy Journal, 43: 434-438.
- Brar, B.S., Vig, A.C., 1988. Kinetics of phosphate release from soil and its uptake by wheat. J. Agric. Sci., 110: 505–513.
- Bremner, J.M.,1965. Total nitrogen. In C.A. Black, D.D.Evans, J.L. White, L.E. Ensminger, F.E. Clark (Eds). Method of soil analysis, Part 2, Chemical and microbiological properties. Agronomy 9, ASA, Madison, Wisconsin, USA, 1149-1176.
- Bremmer, J. M., Mulvaney, C. S., 1982. Nitrogen-Total. In:Page, A.L., Miller, R.H., Keeney, D.R (Eds.), Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 2. Chemical and Microbiological Properties. 2 nd ed. Agronomy 9: 595-624.
- Ceylan, Ş., Kılınç, R., Karakaş, D., 2003. Bitlis yöresi topraklarının fosfor adsorpsiyon ve fiksasyon durumlarının nükleer yöntem ile belirlenmesi. Ege Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Derg., 40(1): 71-78.
- Chien, S.H., Clayton, W.R., 1980. Application of elovich equation to the kinetics of phosphate release and sorption in soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 44: 265–268.
- Chitrakar, R., Tezuka, S., Sonoda, A., Sakane, K., Ooi, K., Hirotsu, T., 2006. Selective adsorption of phosphate from seawater and wastewater by amorphous zirconium hydroxide. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 297 (2): 426-433.
- Dalal, R.C., 1979. Application of dubinin-radushkevich adsorption izotherm for phosphorus sorption by soils. Soil Science, 128 (2): 65-69.
- Del Bubba, M., Arias, C.A., Brix, H., 2003. Phosphorus adsorption maximum of sands for use as media in subsurface flow constructed reed beds as measured bythe Langmuir isotherm. Water Research, 37: 3390–3400.
- Enfield, C. G., Harlin,C.C., Bledsoe,B.E., 1976. Comparison of five kinetic models for orthophosphate reaction in mineral soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 40 (2): 243-249.
- Enfield, C.G., Phan, T., Walters, D.M., Ellis,R., 1981a. Kinetic model for phosphate transport and transformation in calcareous soils. I. Kinetics of Transformation. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 45: 1059-1064.
- Enfield, C.G., Phan, T., Walters, D.G., 1981b. Kinetic model for phosphate transport and transformation in calcareous soils. II. Laboratory and Field Transport. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 45: 1064-1070.
- Evans, R.L., Jurinak, J.J., 1976. Kinetics of phosphate release from a desert soil. Soil Sciencve, 121: 205– 211.
- Freundlich, H., 1930. Fine deratellung der chemie der kolloid und verwandfer gabiet. Leipzig, Acad.Verl.-ges, 560 pp.
- Garcia-Rodeja, I., Gil-Sotres, F., 1997. Prediction of parameters describing phosphorus-desorption kinetics in soils of Galicia (Northwest Spain). J. Environ. Qual., 26: 1363– 1369.
- Georg J. L., Franz Z., Zakir H. K., Martin H. G., 2009. Phosphorus sorption–desorption in
alluvial soils of a young weathering sequence at the Danube River. Geoderma, 149: 39-44.
- Jin, X., Wang, S., Pang, Y., Zhao, H., Zhou, X., 2005. The adsorption of phosphate on different trophic lake sediments. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem Eng. Aspects, 254: 241-248.
- Kacar, B., 1994. Bitki ve toprağın kimyasal analizleri III, Toprak analizleri. Ankara Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Eğitim Araş. ve Gel.Vakfı Yayınları, 705 s., Ankara.
- Kang, J., Amoozegar, A., Hesterberg, D., Osmond, D. L., 2011. Phosphorus leaching in a sandy soil as affected by organic and inorganic fertilizer sources. Geoderma, 161: 194–201.
- Koopmans, G.F., McDowell, R.W., Chardon, W.J., Oenema, O., Dolfing, J., 2002. Soil phosphorus quantity–intensity relationships to predict increased soil phosphorus loss to overland and subsurface flow. Chemosphere, 48: 679–687.
- Kou, S., 1988. Application of a modified Langmuir isotherm to phosphate sorption by some acid soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 52: 97-102.
- Köleli, N., Ç. Kantar, 2006. Fosforlu gübrelerde ağır metal tehlikesi. Ekoloji Dergisi, 9: 1-5.
- Langmuir, I., 1918. The adsorption of gases on plane surfaces of glass, mica and platinum. J.American Chem.Soc., 40: 1361-1403.
- Leytem, A.B., Westermann, D.T., 2003. Phosphate sorption by pasific Northwest Calcareous Soils. Soil Science, 165 (5): 368-375.
- Li, W., Friedrich, R., 2006. Balancing phosphorus adsorption and consumption processes in experimental treatment ponds for agricultural drainage water. Ecological Engineering, 28: 14-24.
- Liang, H., Liu, J., Wei, Y., Guo, X., 2010. Evaluation of phosphorus removal from wastewater by soils in rural areas in China. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 22(1): 15-22.
- Lopez-Pineiro A, Garcia Navarro A., 1997. Phosphate sorption in vertisols of southwestern. Spain. Soil Sci., 162(1): 69–77.
- Mandzhieva , S., Minkina, T., Pinskiy, D., Bauer, T., Sushkova, S., 2014. The role of soil's particle-size fractions in the adsorption of heavy metals. Eurasıan Journal of Soıl Scıence, 3(3): 197-205.
- Nair, V.D., Graetz, D.A., Reddy, K.R., 1998. Dairy manure influences on phosphorus retention capacity of spodosols. Journal of Environmental Quality, 27(3): 522-527.
- Nwoke, O.C., Vanlauwe, B., Diels, J., Sanginga, N., Osonubi, O., Merckx, R., 2003. Assessment of labile phosphorus fractions and adsorption characteristics in relation to soil properties of West African savanna soils. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 100: 285–294.
- Oskay, K. S., 1986. The influence of time on phosphate retention and the description of P adsorption by means of Langmuir isotherm in calcereous soils. Doğa Tr. J.Agri.Forest., 10 (2): 252-261.
- Pinsky, D. L., 1997. Ion-Exchange Processes in Soils. Pushchino, 166 pp.
- Pinsky, D.L., Minkina, T.M., 2013. Regularities of Cu, Pb and Zn adsorption by chernozems of the South of Russia. Eurasıan Journal of Soıl Scıence, 2(1): 59-68.
- Polyzopoulos, N. A., Keramidas, V. Z., Kiosse H., 1985. Phosphate sorption bysome alfisols of Greece as described by commonlyused isotherms. Soil Sci Soc Am Proc., 49 :81–84.
- Prodromou, K.P., 2016. Lithium adsorption on amorphous aluminum hydroxides and gibbsite. Eurasıan Journal of Soıl Scıence, 5(1): 13-16.
- Quang, V.D., Thai, V.C., Tuong Linh, T.T. , Dufey, J.E., 1996. Phosphorus sorption in soils of the Mekong Delta (Vietnam) as described by the binary Langmuir equation. European Journal of Soil Science, 47 (1): 113-123.
- Sağlam, 2006. Toprak ve suyun kimyasal analiz yöntemleri. Namık Kemal Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi yayınları, s. 45-49, Tekirdağ.
- Sayılı, M., Akman, Z., 1993. Tarımsal uygulamalar ve çevreye olan etkileri. Ekoloji Dergisi, 12: 28-32.
- Schachtschabel, P., Blume, H.P., Brümmer, G., Hartge, K.H., Schwertmann, U, Fischer, W.R., Renger, M., Sttebel, O. (Çevirenler: Özbek, H., Kaya, Z., Gök, M., Kaptan, H.), 2001. Toprak bilimi. Ç.Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi Genel Yayın No: 73, Ders Kitapları Yayın No: A-16, Adana, 816 s.
- Sencar, Ö., Gökmen, S., Yıldırım, A. 1993. Tarımsal ekoloji, GOP Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Ders Yayınları, 262 s., Tokat.
- Sei, J., Jumas, J.C., Olivier-Fourcade, J., Quiquampoix, H., Staunton, S., 2002. Role of iron oxides in the phosphate adsorption properties of kaolinites from the ivory coast. Clays and Clay Minerals, 50: 217-222.
- Shariatmadari, H., Shirvani, M., Jafari, A., 2006. Phosphorus release kinetics and availability in calcareous soils of selected arid and semiarid toposequences. Geoderma, 132: 261-272.
- Soil Survey Laboratory, 1992. Procedures for collecting soil samples and methods of analysis for soil survey. Soil Surv. Invest. Rep. I. U.S. Gov. Print. Office, Washington D.C. USA.
- Sönmez, İ., Kaplan, M., Sönmez, S. 2008. Kimyasal gübrelerin çevre kirliliği üzerine etkileri ve çözüm önerileri. Batı Akdeniz Tarımsal Araştırma Enstitüsü Derim Dergisi, 25(2): 24-34.
- Steffens, D., 1994. Phosphorus release kinetics and extractable phosphorus after long-term fertilization. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 58: 1702– 1708.
- Toor, G.S., Bahl, G.S., 1999. Kinetics of phosphate desorption from different soils as influenced by application of poultry manure and fertilizer phosphorus and its uptake by soybean. Biores. Technol., 69: 117– 121.
- Walkey, A., 1947. A critical examination of a rapid method for determining organic carbon in soils-effect of variations in degestion conditions and of inorganic soil constituents. Soil Science, 63(4): 251-264.
- Yagodin, B.A., Smirnov, P.M., Peterburgskiy, A.V., Asarov, H.K., Demin, V.A., Reşetnikova, N.V., 1989. Agrohimiya. Press BO Agropromizdat, Moskova, s. 254-299.
Yıl 2017,
, 249 - 257, 20.06.2017
Ayhan Horuz
İmanverdi Ekberli
Ahmet Korkmaz
Güney Akınoğlu
Nutullah Özdemir
- Ağca, N., Derici, M.R., 1999. Adıyaman Çamgazi Ovası topraklarında fosfor adsorpsiyonunun değişik izotermlerle belirlenmesi. Türk Tarım ve Ormancılık Dergisi, 23 (Ek sayı:2): 401-407.
- Atkins, P.W., 2001. Fizikokimya (Çeviri editörleri: Yıldız, S., Yılmaz, H., Kılıç, E.). Bilim Yayıncılık, Ankara, s. 849- 876.
- Amer, F., Buldin, D.R., Black, C.A., Duke, F.R., 1955. Characterization of soil phosphorus by anion exchange resin adsorption and P32 equilibration. Plant Soil, 6: 391– 408.
- Anonim, 2014. Tarıma bağlı çevre kirliliği. www.yesilaski.com/tarima-bagli-cevre-kirliligi.htm, Erişim: 6 Haziran 2016.
- Asri, F.Ö., S. Sönmez ve S. Çıtak. 2007. Kadmiyumun çevre ve insan sağlığı üzerine etkileri. Derim Dergisi, 24: 34-41.
- Atalay, A., 2001. Variation in phosphorus sorption with soil particle size. Soil and Sediment Contamination: An International Journal, 10(3): 317-335.
- Bayraklı, F. 1987. Toprak ve bitki analizleri. Ondokuz Mayıs Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Yayınları, s. 97-117, Samsun.
- Bayraklı, F.,1998.Toprak kimyası. OMÜ Ziraat Fakültesi, Ders Kitabı No: 26, Samsun, 214 s.
- Bazin,E.P., Ivanov, V.N., Shulgin, D.F., 1982. Ob adsorbsii pitatelnıx veşestv poçvami. Pocvovedeniye, 5: 27-31.
- Bouyoucos,G.J., 1951. A recalibration oh hidrometer method for making mechanical analysis of soil. Agronomy Journal, 43: 434-438.
- Brar, B.S., Vig, A.C., 1988. Kinetics of phosphate release from soil and its uptake by wheat. J. Agric. Sci., 110: 505–513.
- Bremner, J.M.,1965. Total nitrogen. In C.A. Black, D.D.Evans, J.L. White, L.E. Ensminger, F.E. Clark (Eds). Method of soil analysis, Part 2, Chemical and microbiological properties. Agronomy 9, ASA, Madison, Wisconsin, USA, 1149-1176.
- Bremmer, J. M., Mulvaney, C. S., 1982. Nitrogen-Total. In:Page, A.L., Miller, R.H., Keeney, D.R (Eds.), Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 2. Chemical and Microbiological Properties. 2 nd ed. Agronomy 9: 595-624.
- Ceylan, Ş., Kılınç, R., Karakaş, D., 2003. Bitlis yöresi topraklarının fosfor adsorpsiyon ve fiksasyon durumlarının nükleer yöntem ile belirlenmesi. Ege Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Derg., 40(1): 71-78.
- Chien, S.H., Clayton, W.R., 1980. Application of elovich equation to the kinetics of phosphate release and sorption in soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 44: 265–268.
- Chitrakar, R., Tezuka, S., Sonoda, A., Sakane, K., Ooi, K., Hirotsu, T., 2006. Selective adsorption of phosphate from seawater and wastewater by amorphous zirconium hydroxide. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 297 (2): 426-433.
- Dalal, R.C., 1979. Application of dubinin-radushkevich adsorption izotherm for phosphorus sorption by soils. Soil Science, 128 (2): 65-69.
- Del Bubba, M., Arias, C.A., Brix, H., 2003. Phosphorus adsorption maximum of sands for use as media in subsurface flow constructed reed beds as measured bythe Langmuir isotherm. Water Research, 37: 3390–3400.
- Enfield, C. G., Harlin,C.C., Bledsoe,B.E., 1976. Comparison of five kinetic models for orthophosphate reaction in mineral soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 40 (2): 243-249.
- Enfield, C.G., Phan, T., Walters, D.M., Ellis,R., 1981a. Kinetic model for phosphate transport and transformation in calcareous soils. I. Kinetics of Transformation. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 45: 1059-1064.
- Enfield, C.G., Phan, T., Walters, D.G., 1981b. Kinetic model for phosphate transport and transformation in calcareous soils. II. Laboratory and Field Transport. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 45: 1064-1070.
- Evans, R.L., Jurinak, J.J., 1976. Kinetics of phosphate release from a desert soil. Soil Sciencve, 121: 205– 211.
- Freundlich, H., 1930. Fine deratellung der chemie der kolloid und verwandfer gabiet. Leipzig, Acad.Verl.-ges, 560 pp.
- Garcia-Rodeja, I., Gil-Sotres, F., 1997. Prediction of parameters describing phosphorus-desorption kinetics in soils of Galicia (Northwest Spain). J. Environ. Qual., 26: 1363– 1369.
- Georg J. L., Franz Z., Zakir H. K., Martin H. G., 2009. Phosphorus sorption–desorption in
alluvial soils of a young weathering sequence at the Danube River. Geoderma, 149: 39-44.
- Jin, X., Wang, S., Pang, Y., Zhao, H., Zhou, X., 2005. The adsorption of phosphate on different trophic lake sediments. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem Eng. Aspects, 254: 241-248.
- Kacar, B., 1994. Bitki ve toprağın kimyasal analizleri III, Toprak analizleri. Ankara Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Eğitim Araş. ve Gel.Vakfı Yayınları, 705 s., Ankara.
- Kang, J., Amoozegar, A., Hesterberg, D., Osmond, D. L., 2011. Phosphorus leaching in a sandy soil as affected by organic and inorganic fertilizer sources. Geoderma, 161: 194–201.
- Koopmans, G.F., McDowell, R.W., Chardon, W.J., Oenema, O., Dolfing, J., 2002. Soil phosphorus quantity–intensity relationships to predict increased soil phosphorus loss to overland and subsurface flow. Chemosphere, 48: 679–687.
- Kou, S., 1988. Application of a modified Langmuir isotherm to phosphate sorption by some acid soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 52: 97-102.
- Köleli, N., Ç. Kantar, 2006. Fosforlu gübrelerde ağır metal tehlikesi. Ekoloji Dergisi, 9: 1-5.
- Langmuir, I., 1918. The adsorption of gases on plane surfaces of glass, mica and platinum. J.American Chem.Soc., 40: 1361-1403.
- Leytem, A.B., Westermann, D.T., 2003. Phosphate sorption by pasific Northwest Calcareous Soils. Soil Science, 165 (5): 368-375.
- Li, W., Friedrich, R., 2006. Balancing phosphorus adsorption and consumption processes in experimental treatment ponds for agricultural drainage water. Ecological Engineering, 28: 14-24.
- Liang, H., Liu, J., Wei, Y., Guo, X., 2010. Evaluation of phosphorus removal from wastewater by soils in rural areas in China. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 22(1): 15-22.
- Lopez-Pineiro A, Garcia Navarro A., 1997. Phosphate sorption in vertisols of southwestern. Spain. Soil Sci., 162(1): 69–77.
- Mandzhieva , S., Minkina, T., Pinskiy, D., Bauer, T., Sushkova, S., 2014. The role of soil's particle-size fractions in the adsorption of heavy metals. Eurasıan Journal of Soıl Scıence, 3(3): 197-205.
- Nair, V.D., Graetz, D.A., Reddy, K.R., 1998. Dairy manure influences on phosphorus retention capacity of spodosols. Journal of Environmental Quality, 27(3): 522-527.
- Nwoke, O.C., Vanlauwe, B., Diels, J., Sanginga, N., Osonubi, O., Merckx, R., 2003. Assessment of labile phosphorus fractions and adsorption characteristics in relation to soil properties of West African savanna soils. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 100: 285–294.
- Oskay, K. S., 1986. The influence of time on phosphate retention and the description of P adsorption by means of Langmuir isotherm in calcereous soils. Doğa Tr. J.Agri.Forest., 10 (2): 252-261.
- Pinsky, D. L., 1997. Ion-Exchange Processes in Soils. Pushchino, 166 pp.
- Pinsky, D.L., Minkina, T.M., 2013. Regularities of Cu, Pb and Zn adsorption by chernozems of the South of Russia. Eurasıan Journal of Soıl Scıence, 2(1): 59-68.
- Polyzopoulos, N. A., Keramidas, V. Z., Kiosse H., 1985. Phosphate sorption bysome alfisols of Greece as described by commonlyused isotherms. Soil Sci Soc Am Proc., 49 :81–84.
- Prodromou, K.P., 2016. Lithium adsorption on amorphous aluminum hydroxides and gibbsite. Eurasıan Journal of Soıl Scıence, 5(1): 13-16.
- Quang, V.D., Thai, V.C., Tuong Linh, T.T. , Dufey, J.E., 1996. Phosphorus sorption in soils of the Mekong Delta (Vietnam) as described by the binary Langmuir equation. European Journal of Soil Science, 47 (1): 113-123.
- Sağlam, 2006. Toprak ve suyun kimyasal analiz yöntemleri. Namık Kemal Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi yayınları, s. 45-49, Tekirdağ.
- Sayılı, M., Akman, Z., 1993. Tarımsal uygulamalar ve çevreye olan etkileri. Ekoloji Dergisi, 12: 28-32.
- Schachtschabel, P., Blume, H.P., Brümmer, G., Hartge, K.H., Schwertmann, U, Fischer, W.R., Renger, M., Sttebel, O. (Çevirenler: Özbek, H., Kaya, Z., Gök, M., Kaptan, H.), 2001. Toprak bilimi. Ç.Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi Genel Yayın No: 73, Ders Kitapları Yayın No: A-16, Adana, 816 s.
- Sencar, Ö., Gökmen, S., Yıldırım, A. 1993. Tarımsal ekoloji, GOP Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Ders Yayınları, 262 s., Tokat.
- Sei, J., Jumas, J.C., Olivier-Fourcade, J., Quiquampoix, H., Staunton, S., 2002. Role of iron oxides in the phosphate adsorption properties of kaolinites from the ivory coast. Clays and Clay Minerals, 50: 217-222.
- Shariatmadari, H., Shirvani, M., Jafari, A., 2006. Phosphorus release kinetics and availability in calcareous soils of selected arid and semiarid toposequences. Geoderma, 132: 261-272.
- Soil Survey Laboratory, 1992. Procedures for collecting soil samples and methods of analysis for soil survey. Soil Surv. Invest. Rep. I. U.S. Gov. Print. Office, Washington D.C. USA.
- Sönmez, İ., Kaplan, M., Sönmez, S. 2008. Kimyasal gübrelerin çevre kirliliği üzerine etkileri ve çözüm önerileri. Batı Akdeniz Tarımsal Araştırma Enstitüsü Derim Dergisi, 25(2): 24-34.
- Steffens, D., 1994. Phosphorus release kinetics and extractable phosphorus after long-term fertilization. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 58: 1702– 1708.
- Toor, G.S., Bahl, G.S., 1999. Kinetics of phosphate desorption from different soils as influenced by application of poultry manure and fertilizer phosphorus and its uptake by soybean. Biores. Technol., 69: 117– 121.
- Walkey, A., 1947. A critical examination of a rapid method for determining organic carbon in soils-effect of variations in degestion conditions and of inorganic soil constituents. Soil Science, 63(4): 251-264.
- Yagodin, B.A., Smirnov, P.M., Peterburgskiy, A.V., Asarov, H.K., Demin, V.A., Reşetnikova, N.V., 1989. Agrohimiya. Press BO Agropromizdat, Moskova, s. 254-299.