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Chemical Content and Quality of Sun Cured Tobacco Lines

Yıl 2021, , 282 - 292, 15.06.2021


Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) is a plant grown for leaves. Leaves are dried and fermented to use in tobacco products. Oriental tobacco is widely consumed in the world due to its good aroma qualities. For this, different chemical and quality properties of Oriental tobacco lines, which have undergone small changes over time, have been examined. The samples (27 lines and 1 variety (Xanthi 2A)) obtained from tobacco lines grown in three different locations (Bagpinar, Evciler and Yenice) in Tokat and Canakkale were used in this study. Quality index, nicotine, glucose, fructose, chlorogenic acid and rutin amounts were determined to investigate the effect of geographical environment on tobacco lines. Chemical analyzes were performed using high performance liquid chromatography. The data obtained from the chromatographic analyzes and quality index were evaluated by using principal component analysis. These three different locations were generally separated and clustered. Due to its geographical locations, genotypes better adapted in the Bagpinar location

Destekleyen Kurum

Republic of Turkey Tobacco and Alcohol Market Regulatory Authority

Proje Numarası

Determination of Lines with Superior Characteristics in Tokat Region Basmas Type Tobaccos


The authors are grateful to Dr. Z. Pinar Gumus (Central Research Testing and Analysis Laboratory Research and Application Center EGE-MATAL) for contribution.


  • Adams, M.A., Chen, Z.L., Landman, P., Colmer, T.D., 1999. Simultaneous determination by capillary gas chromatography of organic acids, sugars, and sugar alcohols in plant tissue extracts as their trimethylsilyl derivatives. Analytical Biochemistry, 266 (1): 77-84.
  • Andersen, R.A., Fleming, P.D., Burton, H.R., Hamilton-Kemp, T.R., Sutton, T.G., 1991. Nitrosated, acylated, and oxidized pyridine alkaloids during storage of smokeless tobaccos: effects of moisture, temperature, and their interactions. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 39: 1280-1287.
  • Bazinet, L., De Grandpre Y., Porter, A., 2005. Enhanced tobacco polyphenol electromigration and impact on membrane integrity. Journal of Membrane Science, 254 (1-2): 111-118.
  • Bilalis, D.J., Travlos, I.S., Portugal, J., Tsioros, S., Papastylianou, Y., Papatheohari, Y., Avgoulas, C., Tabaxi, I., Alexopoulou, E., Kanatas, P.J. 2015. Narrow row spacing yield and decreased nicotine content in sun-cured tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.). Industrial Crops and Products 75: 212-215.
  • Chase, M.W., Knapp, S., Cox, A.V., Clarkson, J.J., Butsko, Y., Joseph, J., Savolainen, V., Parokonny, A.S., 2003. Molecular systematics, GISH and the origin of hybrid taxa in Nicotiana (Solanaceae). Ann. Bot., 92: 107-127.
  • Chavez-Servin, J.L., Castellote, A.I., Lopez-Sabater, M.C., 2004. Analysis of mono- and di-saccharides in milk-based formulae by high-performance liquid chromatography with refractive index detection. Journal of Chromatography A, 1043 (2): 211-216.
  • Chen, Y., Yu, Q.J., Li, X., Luo, Y., Liu, H., 2007. Extraction and HPLC characterization of chlorogenic acid from tobacco residuals. Separation Science and Technology, 42 (15): 3481-3492.
  • Clark, M.S.G., Rand, M.J., Vanov, S., 1965. Comparison of pharmacological activity of nicotine and related alkaloids occurring in cigarette smoke. Archives Internationales de Pharmacodynamie et de Thérapie, 156: 363-379.
  • Cui, H., He, C., Zhao, G., 1999. Determination of polyphenols by high-performance liquid chromatography with inhibited chemiluminescence detection. Journal of Chromatography A, 855 (1): 171-179.
  • Gaquerel, E., Weinhold, A., Baldwin, I., 2009. Molecular interactions between the specialist herbivore Manduca sexta (Lepidoptera, Sphigidae) and its natural host Nicotiana attenuata. VIII. An unbiased GCxGC-ToFMS Analysis of the plant's elicited volatile emissions. Plant. Physiol. 149: 1408-1423.
  • Gu, J., Zeng, X., Kong, B., Mao, Y., Liu W., Wei, W., 2010. Rapid determination of polyphenols in tobacco by MLC. Chromatographia, 71(9-10): 769-774.
  • Han, N.S. and Robyt, J.F., 1998. Separation and detection of sugars and alditols on thin layer chromatograms. Carbohydrate Research, 313(2): 135-137.
  • Hossain, A.M., Salehuddin, S.M., 2013. Analytical determination of nicotine in tobacco leaves by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Arabian J. Chem., 6(3): 275-278.
  • Ji, X., Wei, Y., Liu, G., Chen, H., 2013. Quantitative determination of polyphenols in tobacco leaves by HPLC. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 11(1): 868-870.
  • Jiang, H., He, Y., Zhao, H., Hu, Y., 2004. Determination of chlorogenic acid and rutin in cigarettes by an improved capillary electrophoresis indirect chemiluminescence system. Analytica Chimica Acta, 512(1): 111-119.
  • Karaivazoglou, N.A., Tsotsolis, N.C., Tsadilas, C.D., 2006. Influence of liming and form of nitrogen fertilizer on nutrient uptake, growth, yield and quality of virginia (flue-cured) tobacco. Field Crops Research, 100: 52-60.
  • Knapp, S., Chase, M.W., Clarkson, J.J., 2004. Nomenclatural changes and a new sectional classification in Nicotiana (Solanaceae). Taxon, 53: 73-82.
  • Kinay, A., Kurt, D., Karakoc, E., 2019. Yield and quality performances of hybrid tobacco developed for Gümüşhacıköy Basma region. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 7(sp2): 1-6.
  • Kurt, D., Yilmaz, G., 2018. Hand groups oriented yield and grade index characters of oriental tobaccos. Anadolu J Agr Sci., 33: 254-260.
  • Leffingwell, J.C., 1999. Leaf chemistry: basic chemical constituents of tobacco leaf and differences among tobacco types. In Tobacco: Production Chemistry and Technology; Davis, D. L., Nielsen, M. T., Eds.; Blackwell Science: Oxford, U.K., pp 265-284.
  • Li, F., Liu, Q., Cai, W., Shao, X.G., 2009. Analysis of scopoletin and caffeic acid in tobacco by gc-ms after a rapid derivatization procedure. Chromatographia, 69 (7-8): 743-748.
  • Lindsay, H., 1973. A Clorimetric Estimation of Reducing Sugars in Potatoes. Potato Research, 16: 176-179.
  • Lourenco, M.G., Ferrao, J.M., Figueiredo, E.L., Amaro, J.A., Rocha, M.E., 2000. Effects of N fertilization and antioxidant application on alkaloit concentration of flue-cured tobacco. Tropical Agriculture, 77(2): 93-98.
  • Lu, G.H., Ralapati, S., 1998. Application of high-performance capillary electrophoresis to the quantitative analysis of nicotine and profiling of other alkaloids in ATF-regulated tobacco products. Electrophoresis, 19: 19-26.
  • Manceau, F., Fliniaux, M.A., Jacquin-Dubreuil, A., 1992. A high performance liquid chromatographic procedure for the analysis of tobacco alkaloids: application to the evaluation of tobacco alkaloids in plants and cell suspension cultures. Phytochem Anal., 3: 65-68.
  • Murray, J.L., 2014. Nicotine and what else?: HPLC elution optimization for the analysis of alkaloids found in electronic cigarettes, in: Honors Theses, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, TN.
  • NIH, DrugFacts, 2018. National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIH), (03.06.2020).
  • Pang, T., Bai, C., Xu, Y., Xu, G., Yuan, Z., Su, Y., Peng, L., 2006. Determination of sugars in tobacco leaf by hplc with evaporative light scattering detection. Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies, 29(9): 1281-1289.
  • Rodriguez-Sevilla, M.D., Villanueva-Sua´rez, M.J., Redondo-Cuenca, A., 1999. Effects of processing conditions on soluble sugars content of carrot, beetroot and turnip. Food Chemistry, 66(1): 81-85.
  • Roe, F.J.C., Salaman, M.H., Cohen, J., 1959. Incomplete carcinogens in cigarette smoke condensate: tumour- promotion by a phenolic fraction. British Journal of Cancer, 13: 623-633.
  • Sheng, L.Q., Ding, L., Tong, H.W., Yong, G.P., Zhou, X.Z., Liu, S.M., 2005. Determination of nicotine-related alkaloids in tobacco and cigarette smoke by GC-FID. Chromatographia, 62: 63-68.
  • Silva, F.O., Ferraz, V., 2004. Microwave-assisted preparation of sugars and organic acids for simultaneous determination in citric fruits by gas chromatography. Food Chemistry, 88(4): 609-612.
  • Tambwekar, K.R., Kakariya, R.B., Garg, S. A., 2003. Validated high performance liquid chromatographic method for analysis of nicotine in pure form and from formulations. J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal., 32: 441-450.
  • Troje, S. Z., Fröbe, Z., Perović, Đ., 1997. Analysis of selected alkaloids and sugars in tobacco extract. Journal of Chromatography A, 775: 101-107.
  • Vlase, L., Filip, L., Mindrutau, I., Leucuta, S.E., 2005. Determination of nicotine from tobacco by LC- MS-MS. Stud. Unive. Babes-Bolyai Phys. L, (4b): 19-24.
  • Wang, H.Y., Zhao, M.M., Yang, B., Jiang, Y.M., Rao, G.H., 2008. Identification of polyphenols in tobacco leaf and their antioxidant and antimicrobial activities. Food Chemistry, 107: 1399-1406.
  • Xia, B., Feng, M., Xu, G., Xu, J., Li, S., Chen, X., Ding, L., Zhou, Y., 2014. Investigation of the chemical compositions in tobacco of different origins and maturities at harvest by GC-MS and HPLC-PDA-QTOF-MS. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 62: 4979-4987.
  • Xie, F., Yu, A., Hou, D., Liu, H., Ding, L., Zhang, S., 2011. Rapid and sensitive analysis of eight polyphenols in tobacco by rapid resolution liquid chromatogarphy. American Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2: 929-933.
  • Yang, S., Smetena, I., Huang, C., 2002. Determination of tobacco alkaloids by gas chromatography with nitrogen-phosphorus detection. Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 373: 839-843.

Güneşte Kurutulmuş Tütünlerin Kimyasal İçeriği ve Kalitesi

Yıl 2021, , 282 - 292, 15.06.2021


Tütün (Nicotiana tabacum L.), yaprakları için yetiştirilen bir bitkidir. Yaprakları tütün ürünlerinde kullanılmak üzere kurutularak fermente edilmektedir. Oryantal tütün, yüksek aroma kalitesinden dolayı dünyada yaygın olarak tüketilmektedir.Bunun için, zamanla varyasyon gösteren oryantal tütün hatlarının farklı kimyasal ve kalite özellikleri incelenmiştir. Bu çalışmada, Tokat ve Çanakkale'de üç farklı lokasyonda (Bağpınar, Evciler ve Yenice) yetiştirilen tütün hatlarından elde edilen örnekler (27 hat ve 1 çeşit (Xanthi 2A)) kullanılmıştır. Coğrafi çevrenin tütün hatları üzerindeki etkisini araştırmak için kalite indeksi, nikotin, glikoz, fruktoz, klorojenik asit ve rutin miktarları belirlenmiştir. Kimyasal analizler, yüksek performanslı sıvı kromatografisi kullanılarak yapılmıştır. Kromatografik analizlerden ve kalite indeksinden elde edilen veriler, temel bileşen analizi kullanılarak değerlendirilmiş, üç farklı konum genel olarak ayrılmış ve kümelenmiştir. Genotipler, coğrafi konumu nedeniyle Bağpınar lokasyonuna daha iyi adaptasyon sağlamıştır.

Proje Numarası

Determination of Lines with Superior Characteristics in Tokat Region Basmas Type Tobaccos


  • Adams, M.A., Chen, Z.L., Landman, P., Colmer, T.D., 1999. Simultaneous determination by capillary gas chromatography of organic acids, sugars, and sugar alcohols in plant tissue extracts as their trimethylsilyl derivatives. Analytical Biochemistry, 266 (1): 77-84.
  • Andersen, R.A., Fleming, P.D., Burton, H.R., Hamilton-Kemp, T.R., Sutton, T.G., 1991. Nitrosated, acylated, and oxidized pyridine alkaloids during storage of smokeless tobaccos: effects of moisture, temperature, and their interactions. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 39: 1280-1287.
  • Bazinet, L., De Grandpre Y., Porter, A., 2005. Enhanced tobacco polyphenol electromigration and impact on membrane integrity. Journal of Membrane Science, 254 (1-2): 111-118.
  • Bilalis, D.J., Travlos, I.S., Portugal, J., Tsioros, S., Papastylianou, Y., Papatheohari, Y., Avgoulas, C., Tabaxi, I., Alexopoulou, E., Kanatas, P.J. 2015. Narrow row spacing yield and decreased nicotine content in sun-cured tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.). Industrial Crops and Products 75: 212-215.
  • Chase, M.W., Knapp, S., Cox, A.V., Clarkson, J.J., Butsko, Y., Joseph, J., Savolainen, V., Parokonny, A.S., 2003. Molecular systematics, GISH and the origin of hybrid taxa in Nicotiana (Solanaceae). Ann. Bot., 92: 107-127.
  • Chavez-Servin, J.L., Castellote, A.I., Lopez-Sabater, M.C., 2004. Analysis of mono- and di-saccharides in milk-based formulae by high-performance liquid chromatography with refractive index detection. Journal of Chromatography A, 1043 (2): 211-216.
  • Chen, Y., Yu, Q.J., Li, X., Luo, Y., Liu, H., 2007. Extraction and HPLC characterization of chlorogenic acid from tobacco residuals. Separation Science and Technology, 42 (15): 3481-3492.
  • Clark, M.S.G., Rand, M.J., Vanov, S., 1965. Comparison of pharmacological activity of nicotine and related alkaloids occurring in cigarette smoke. Archives Internationales de Pharmacodynamie et de Thérapie, 156: 363-379.
  • Cui, H., He, C., Zhao, G., 1999. Determination of polyphenols by high-performance liquid chromatography with inhibited chemiluminescence detection. Journal of Chromatography A, 855 (1): 171-179.
  • Gaquerel, E., Weinhold, A., Baldwin, I., 2009. Molecular interactions between the specialist herbivore Manduca sexta (Lepidoptera, Sphigidae) and its natural host Nicotiana attenuata. VIII. An unbiased GCxGC-ToFMS Analysis of the plant's elicited volatile emissions. Plant. Physiol. 149: 1408-1423.
  • Gu, J., Zeng, X., Kong, B., Mao, Y., Liu W., Wei, W., 2010. Rapid determination of polyphenols in tobacco by MLC. Chromatographia, 71(9-10): 769-774.
  • Han, N.S. and Robyt, J.F., 1998. Separation and detection of sugars and alditols on thin layer chromatograms. Carbohydrate Research, 313(2): 135-137.
  • Hossain, A.M., Salehuddin, S.M., 2013. Analytical determination of nicotine in tobacco leaves by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Arabian J. Chem., 6(3): 275-278.
  • Ji, X., Wei, Y., Liu, G., Chen, H., 2013. Quantitative determination of polyphenols in tobacco leaves by HPLC. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 11(1): 868-870.
  • Jiang, H., He, Y., Zhao, H., Hu, Y., 2004. Determination of chlorogenic acid and rutin in cigarettes by an improved capillary electrophoresis indirect chemiluminescence system. Analytica Chimica Acta, 512(1): 111-119.
  • Karaivazoglou, N.A., Tsotsolis, N.C., Tsadilas, C.D., 2006. Influence of liming and form of nitrogen fertilizer on nutrient uptake, growth, yield and quality of virginia (flue-cured) tobacco. Field Crops Research, 100: 52-60.
  • Knapp, S., Chase, M.W., Clarkson, J.J., 2004. Nomenclatural changes and a new sectional classification in Nicotiana (Solanaceae). Taxon, 53: 73-82.
  • Kinay, A., Kurt, D., Karakoc, E., 2019. Yield and quality performances of hybrid tobacco developed for Gümüşhacıköy Basma region. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 7(sp2): 1-6.
  • Kurt, D., Yilmaz, G., 2018. Hand groups oriented yield and grade index characters of oriental tobaccos. Anadolu J Agr Sci., 33: 254-260.
  • Leffingwell, J.C., 1999. Leaf chemistry: basic chemical constituents of tobacco leaf and differences among tobacco types. In Tobacco: Production Chemistry and Technology; Davis, D. L., Nielsen, M. T., Eds.; Blackwell Science: Oxford, U.K., pp 265-284.
  • Li, F., Liu, Q., Cai, W., Shao, X.G., 2009. Analysis of scopoletin and caffeic acid in tobacco by gc-ms after a rapid derivatization procedure. Chromatographia, 69 (7-8): 743-748.
  • Lindsay, H., 1973. A Clorimetric Estimation of Reducing Sugars in Potatoes. Potato Research, 16: 176-179.
  • Lourenco, M.G., Ferrao, J.M., Figueiredo, E.L., Amaro, J.A., Rocha, M.E., 2000. Effects of N fertilization and antioxidant application on alkaloit concentration of flue-cured tobacco. Tropical Agriculture, 77(2): 93-98.
  • Lu, G.H., Ralapati, S., 1998. Application of high-performance capillary electrophoresis to the quantitative analysis of nicotine and profiling of other alkaloids in ATF-regulated tobacco products. Electrophoresis, 19: 19-26.
  • Manceau, F., Fliniaux, M.A., Jacquin-Dubreuil, A., 1992. A high performance liquid chromatographic procedure for the analysis of tobacco alkaloids: application to the evaluation of tobacco alkaloids in plants and cell suspension cultures. Phytochem Anal., 3: 65-68.
  • Murray, J.L., 2014. Nicotine and what else?: HPLC elution optimization for the analysis of alkaloids found in electronic cigarettes, in: Honors Theses, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, TN.
  • NIH, DrugFacts, 2018. National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIH), (03.06.2020).
  • Pang, T., Bai, C., Xu, Y., Xu, G., Yuan, Z., Su, Y., Peng, L., 2006. Determination of sugars in tobacco leaf by hplc with evaporative light scattering detection. Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies, 29(9): 1281-1289.
  • Rodriguez-Sevilla, M.D., Villanueva-Sua´rez, M.J., Redondo-Cuenca, A., 1999. Effects of processing conditions on soluble sugars content of carrot, beetroot and turnip. Food Chemistry, 66(1): 81-85.
  • Roe, F.J.C., Salaman, M.H., Cohen, J., 1959. Incomplete carcinogens in cigarette smoke condensate: tumour- promotion by a phenolic fraction. British Journal of Cancer, 13: 623-633.
  • Sheng, L.Q., Ding, L., Tong, H.W., Yong, G.P., Zhou, X.Z., Liu, S.M., 2005. Determination of nicotine-related alkaloids in tobacco and cigarette smoke by GC-FID. Chromatographia, 62: 63-68.
  • Silva, F.O., Ferraz, V., 2004. Microwave-assisted preparation of sugars and organic acids for simultaneous determination in citric fruits by gas chromatography. Food Chemistry, 88(4): 609-612.
  • Tambwekar, K.R., Kakariya, R.B., Garg, S. A., 2003. Validated high performance liquid chromatographic method for analysis of nicotine in pure form and from formulations. J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal., 32: 441-450.
  • Troje, S. Z., Fröbe, Z., Perović, Đ., 1997. Analysis of selected alkaloids and sugars in tobacco extract. Journal of Chromatography A, 775: 101-107.
  • Vlase, L., Filip, L., Mindrutau, I., Leucuta, S.E., 2005. Determination of nicotine from tobacco by LC- MS-MS. Stud. Unive. Babes-Bolyai Phys. L, (4b): 19-24.
  • Wang, H.Y., Zhao, M.M., Yang, B., Jiang, Y.M., Rao, G.H., 2008. Identification of polyphenols in tobacco leaf and their antioxidant and antimicrobial activities. Food Chemistry, 107: 1399-1406.
  • Xia, B., Feng, M., Xu, G., Xu, J., Li, S., Chen, X., Ding, L., Zhou, Y., 2014. Investigation of the chemical compositions in tobacco of different origins and maturities at harvest by GC-MS and HPLC-PDA-QTOF-MS. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 62: 4979-4987.
  • Xie, F., Yu, A., Hou, D., Liu, H., Ding, L., Zhang, S., 2011. Rapid and sensitive analysis of eight polyphenols in tobacco by rapid resolution liquid chromatogarphy. American Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2: 929-933.
  • Yang, S., Smetena, I., Huang, C., 2002. Determination of tobacco alkaloids by gas chromatography with nitrogen-phosphorus detection. Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 373: 839-843.
Toplam 39 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi

Ahmet Kınay 0000-0003-4554-2148

Dursun Kurt 0000-0001-6697-3954

Proje Numarası Determination of Lines with Superior Characteristics in Tokat Region Basmas Type Tobaccos
Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Haziran 2021
Kabul Tarihi 22 Mart 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

APA Kınay, A., & Kurt, D. (2021). Chemical Content and Quality of Sun Cured Tobacco Lines. Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 36(2), 282-292.
Online ISSN: 1308-8769