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Geç olgunlaşma süresine sahip bazı tatlı sorgum (Sorghum bicolor var. saccaharatum (L.) Mohlenbr. ) genotiplerinin tane verimi ve biyoyakıt öğelerinin belirlenmesi

Yıl 2021, , 488 - 500, 12.10.2021


Araştırmada geç olgunlaşma süresine sahip bazı tatlı sorgum genotiplerinin verim ve biyoyakıt ögelerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Deneme tesadüf blokları deneme deseninde üç tekerrürlü olarak 2019 yılı ana ürün yetiştirme sezonunda Şanlıurfa koşullarında yürütülmüştür. Çalışmada Brandes, Corina, Dale, Grassi, M81-E, P1579753, Ramada, Rio Roma, Smith, Theis, Topper 76-I, Topper 76-II, Tracy, UNL-Hybrid 3 ve Gülşeker gibi 16 adet geç olgunlaşma süresine sahip tatlı sorgum genotip’i kullanılmıştır. Çalışmada salkım çıkarma süresi, fizyolojik olgunlaşma süresi, sap verimi, tane verimi, bin tane ağırlığı ve hektolitre ağırlığı gibi özellikler incelenmiştir. Ayrıca özsu verimi, suda çözünür kuru madde oranı (brix), özsu oranı, şurup verimi, şeker verimi ve etanol verimi gibi biyoyakıt ögeleri de araştırılmıştır. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre, sap verimi 7555.45 ile 14433.20 kg da-1, özsu verimi 2341.08 ile 6149.14 L da-1, suda çüzünür kuru madde oranı %13 ile %20 arasında ve tane verimi 82.97 ile 328.18 kg da-1 arasında değişmiştir. Çalışmada salkım çıkarma süresi 72.66 ile 102.33 gün, fizyolojik olgunlaşma süresi 128 ile 168 gün, bin tane ağırlığı 15.41 ile 45.13 g ve hektolitre ağırlığı ise 51 ile 70 kg hL -1 arasında değişmiştir. Araştırmada, özsu oranı 30.42% ile 50.37% arasında, şurup verimi 409.0 (Ramada) ile 931.7 (M81-E) L da-1 arasında, şeker verimi 347.7 ile 792.0 kg da-1 arasında, etanol verimi 230.0 (Brandes) ile 421.6 (M81-E) L da-1 arasında değişmiştir. Sap verimi, özsu verimi, brix, şeker verimi ve biyoetanol verimi gibi biyoyakıt öğeleri göz önüne alındığında Theis, M81-E, Dale, Smith, Tracy ve UNL-Hybrid-3 gibi tatlı sorgum çeşitlerinin diğer çeşitlere göre daha verimli oldukları gözlenmiştir.


  • Acar, R., Akgün, N., 2009. Şeker darısının (Sorgum bicolor (L.) Moench var. saccharatum) yeşil ot verim öğelerine farklı azot dozlarının etkisi. Türkiye 8. Tarla bitkileri kongresi, 19-22 Ekim, Hatay, s.637-640.
  • Almoderes, A., Hadi, M.R., Ranjbar, M., Taheri, R., 2007. The effects of nitrogen treatments, cultivars and harvest stages on stalk yield and sugar content in sweet sorghum. Asian Journal of plant Sciences, 6 (2): 423-426.
  • Almoderes, A., Hadı, M.R., Ahmadpour, H., 2008. Sorghum stem yield and soluble carbohydrates under different salinity levels. African Journal of Biotechnology, 7 (22): 4051-4055.
  • Almoderes, A., Goli, M., 2013. Preliminary study on the effect of plant population density and sweet sorghum cultivars on bioethanol production. Biofuels, 4(2): 163-167.
  • Avcı, S., İleri, O., Kaya, M.D., 2018. Sorgum’da farklı tohum miktarlarının verim öğeleri ile çimlenme özellikleri üzerine etkileri. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 22(2): 979-985.
  • Buxton, D.R., Anderson, I.C., Hallam, A., 1999. Performance of sweet sorghum grown continuously, double cropped with winter rye, or in rotation with soybean and maize. Agron, J. (91): 93-101.
  • Chavan, U.D., Patil, J.V., Shinde, M.S., 2009. An assesment of sweet sorghum cultivars for ethanol production. Sugar tech, 11 (4): 319-323.
  • Cole, M.R., Eggleston, G., Petrie, E., Uchimiya, M., Dalley, C., 2017. Cultivar and maturity effects on the quality attributes and ethanol potential of sweet sorghum. Biomass Bioenerg. 9(6): 183–192.
  • Dalianis, C., Christou, M., Sooter, S., Kyritisis, S., Zafiris, S., Samiotakis, G., 1992. Seventh european conference on biomass for energy and environment. Agriculture and Industry, P.09.09, Florence- Italy, October 5-9.
  • Dogget, H., 1988. Sorghum. Published by halow: 2nd edition. Longman scientific and technical tropica agriculture series. İnternational development research., Canada. 231(4): 243-254.
  • Frese, L., 1994. Yield potential and utilization possibilities of sugar crops. Field Crop Abstracts. 47, 3469.
  • Gomez F.J.D., Hernandez C.C., Carrillo E.P., Rooney W.L., Saldivar SO., 2011. Evaluation of bioethanol production from five different varieties of sweet and forage sorghums. Industrial Crops and Products, 33(3): 611-616.
  • Grassi, G., 2001. Sweet sorghum: One of the best world food-feed-energy crop.
  • Guiying, L., Weibin, G., Hicks, A., Chapman., K.R., 2003. A training manual for sweet sorghum. Development of sweet sorghum for grain, sugar, feed, fiber and value-added By-products, in the arid, Saline- alkaline regions of China. FAO-TCP/CPR/0066. page=2
  • Horton, D.S., 2011. Evaluation of sweet sorghum cultivars as a potential ethanol crop in Mississippi. MS Thesis. Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, Mississippi State University, USA.
  • Jia, F., Chawhuaymak, J., Riley, MR., Zimmt, W., Ogden, KL., 2013. Efficient extraction method to collect sugar from sweet sorghum. J Biol Eng.7:1. doi: 10.1186/1754-1611-7-1.
  • Koppen, S., Reinhardt, G., Gartner, S., 2009. Assesment of energy and greenhouse gas invertories of sweet sorghum for first and second generation bioethanol. enviroment and natural resources management series, 30, FAO, Rome.
  • Murray, SC., Rooney, WL., Hamblin, MT., Mitchell, SE., Kresovich S., 2009. Sweet sorghum genetic diversity and association mapping for brix and height. Plant Genome. 2(1): 48–62.
  • Mülayyim, M., Özköse, A., Işık, Ş., 2009. Konya koşullarında sorgum x sudanotu melezi çeşitlerinde verim ve bazı tarımsal özelliklerin belirlenmesi. Türkiye VIII. Tarla Bitkileri Kongresi, 17 Kasım, Hatay, s.627-630.
  • Reddy, B.V.S., Ramesh, S., Reddy, P.S., Ramaıah, B., Salımath, P.M., Kachapur, R., 2005. Sweet sorghum-a potential alternate raw material for bio-ethanol and bioenergy, ınternational sorghum and millets newsletter, 46: 79-86.
  • Rutto, L.K., Xu, Y., Brandt, M., S., Kering, M.K., 2013. Juice ethanol and grain yield potential of five sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) cultivars. J. Sustain. Bioenerg. 3: 113–118.
  • Samarth, AG., More DR., Hashmi I., 2018. Studies on physico-chemical properties and nutritional profile of sweet sorghum. International Journal of Chemical Studies, 6(2): 2826-2828.
  • Smith, GA., Buxton, DR., 1993. Temperate zone sweet sorghum ethanol production potential. Bioresource Tech. 43(1): 71-75.
  • Subramanian, S.K., 2013. Agronomical, physiological and biochemical approaches to characterize sweet sorghum genotypes for biofuel production. PhD Thesis. p.205, Department of Agronomy College of Agriculture. Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas.
  • Teetor, VH., Duclos, DV., Wittenberg, ET., Young, KM., Chawhuaymak, J., Riley, MR., Ray, DT., 2011. Effects of planting date on sugar and ethanol yield of sweet sorghum grown in Arizona. Industrial Crops and Products. 34(2): 1293-1300.
  • Tsuchihashi, N., Goto, Y., 2004. Cultivation of sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) and determination of its harvest time to make use as the raw material for fermantation, practiced during rainy season in dry land of Indonesia. Plant Proc. Sci. 7(4): 442-448.
  • Öktem, A., Öktem AG., Avcıoglu, E., 2018. Determination of yield and biofuel potential of some early sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor var. saccharatum (L.) Mohlenbr.) Genotypes. IX International Scientific Agriculture Symposium-Agrosym 2018, Jahorina, 04-07 October, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Pp.753-758.
  • Öktem, A., Öktem, AG., 2018. Usage of energy plants as a biofuel source. Current Academic Studies in Agricultural Science. Ed. Nurhan Keskin, Ivpe, Cetinje- Montenegro. Pp.333-354. ISBN: 978-9940-540-48-7.
  • Zhao, Y.L.I., Dolat, A., Steinberger, Y., Wanga, X., Osman, A., Xie, G.H., 2009. Biomass yield and changes in chemical composition of sweet sorghum cultivars grown for biofuel. Field crops research, 111: 55-64.

Determination of grain yield and biofuel characteristics of some late maturated sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor var. saccharatum (L.) Mohlenbr.) genotypes

Yıl 2021, , 488 - 500, 12.10.2021


In the research, it was aimed to determine the yield and biofuel components of some late maturated sweet sorghum genotypes. The experiment was conducted in a randomized block design with three replications in the 2019 main crop growing season under Şanlıurfa conditions. In the study, 16 late-maturated sweet sorghum genotypes such as Brandes, Corina, Dale, Grassi, M81-E, P1579753, Ramada, Rio Roma, Smith, Theis, Topper 76-I, Topper 76-II, Tracy, UNL-Hybrid-3 and Gülşeker were used. In the research, duration of clustering, duration of physiological maturation, stalk yield, grain yield, thousand kernel weight and hectoliter properties were investigated. In addition, biofuel components such as plant juice yield, water soluble dry matter ratio (brix), juice ratio, syrup yield, sugar yield and ethanol yield were also investigated. Stalk yield varied between 7555.45 and 14433.20 kg da-1, plant juice yield between 2341.08 and 6149.14 L da-1, and water-soluble dry matter ratio-brix between %13 and %20, grain yield between 82.97 and 328.18 kg da-1. In the study, duration of clustering varied between 72.66 and 102.33 days, duration of physiological maturation between 128 and 168 days, thousand grain weight between 15.41 and 45.13 g and hectoliter weight varied between 51 and 70 kg hL -1. In the study, the juice ratio was between 30.42% and 50.37% and the syrup yield was between 409.0 (Ramada) and 931.7 (M81-E) L da-1. The sugar yield ranged from 347.7 to 792.0 kg da-1 and the bioethanol yield from 230.0 (Brandes) to 421.6 (M81-E) L da-1. It was determined that Theis, M81-E, Dale, Smith, Tracy and UNL-Hybrid-3 sweet sorghum genotypes gave higher values than other ones in terms of biofuel characteristics such as stalk yield, plant juice yield, water-soluble dry matter ratio, sugar yield and ethanol yield values.


  • Acar, R., Akgün, N., 2009. Şeker darısının (Sorgum bicolor (L.) Moench var. saccharatum) yeşil ot verim öğelerine farklı azot dozlarının etkisi. Türkiye 8. Tarla bitkileri kongresi, 19-22 Ekim, Hatay, s.637-640.
  • Almoderes, A., Hadi, M.R., Ranjbar, M., Taheri, R., 2007. The effects of nitrogen treatments, cultivars and harvest stages on stalk yield and sugar content in sweet sorghum. Asian Journal of plant Sciences, 6 (2): 423-426.
  • Almoderes, A., Hadı, M.R., Ahmadpour, H., 2008. Sorghum stem yield and soluble carbohydrates under different salinity levels. African Journal of Biotechnology, 7 (22): 4051-4055.
  • Almoderes, A., Goli, M., 2013. Preliminary study on the effect of plant population density and sweet sorghum cultivars on bioethanol production. Biofuels, 4(2): 163-167.
  • Avcı, S., İleri, O., Kaya, M.D., 2018. Sorgum’da farklı tohum miktarlarının verim öğeleri ile çimlenme özellikleri üzerine etkileri. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 22(2): 979-985.
  • Buxton, D.R., Anderson, I.C., Hallam, A., 1999. Performance of sweet sorghum grown continuously, double cropped with winter rye, or in rotation with soybean and maize. Agron, J. (91): 93-101.
  • Chavan, U.D., Patil, J.V., Shinde, M.S., 2009. An assesment of sweet sorghum cultivars for ethanol production. Sugar tech, 11 (4): 319-323.
  • Cole, M.R., Eggleston, G., Petrie, E., Uchimiya, M., Dalley, C., 2017. Cultivar and maturity effects on the quality attributes and ethanol potential of sweet sorghum. Biomass Bioenerg. 9(6): 183–192.
  • Dalianis, C., Christou, M., Sooter, S., Kyritisis, S., Zafiris, S., Samiotakis, G., 1992. Seventh european conference on biomass for energy and environment. Agriculture and Industry, P.09.09, Florence- Italy, October 5-9.
  • Dogget, H., 1988. Sorghum. Published by halow: 2nd edition. Longman scientific and technical tropica agriculture series. İnternational development research., Canada. 231(4): 243-254.
  • Frese, L., 1994. Yield potential and utilization possibilities of sugar crops. Field Crop Abstracts. 47, 3469.
  • Gomez F.J.D., Hernandez C.C., Carrillo E.P., Rooney W.L., Saldivar SO., 2011. Evaluation of bioethanol production from five different varieties of sweet and forage sorghums. Industrial Crops and Products, 33(3): 611-616.
  • Grassi, G., 2001. Sweet sorghum: One of the best world food-feed-energy crop.
  • Guiying, L., Weibin, G., Hicks, A., Chapman., K.R., 2003. A training manual for sweet sorghum. Development of sweet sorghum for grain, sugar, feed, fiber and value-added By-products, in the arid, Saline- alkaline regions of China. FAO-TCP/CPR/0066. page=2
  • Horton, D.S., 2011. Evaluation of sweet sorghum cultivars as a potential ethanol crop in Mississippi. MS Thesis. Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, Mississippi State University, USA.
  • Jia, F., Chawhuaymak, J., Riley, MR., Zimmt, W., Ogden, KL., 2013. Efficient extraction method to collect sugar from sweet sorghum. J Biol Eng.7:1. doi: 10.1186/1754-1611-7-1.
  • Koppen, S., Reinhardt, G., Gartner, S., 2009. Assesment of energy and greenhouse gas invertories of sweet sorghum for first and second generation bioethanol. enviroment and natural resources management series, 30, FAO, Rome.
  • Murray, SC., Rooney, WL., Hamblin, MT., Mitchell, SE., Kresovich S., 2009. Sweet sorghum genetic diversity and association mapping for brix and height. Plant Genome. 2(1): 48–62.
  • Mülayyim, M., Özköse, A., Işık, Ş., 2009. Konya koşullarında sorgum x sudanotu melezi çeşitlerinde verim ve bazı tarımsal özelliklerin belirlenmesi. Türkiye VIII. Tarla Bitkileri Kongresi, 17 Kasım, Hatay, s.627-630.
  • Reddy, B.V.S., Ramesh, S., Reddy, P.S., Ramaıah, B., Salımath, P.M., Kachapur, R., 2005. Sweet sorghum-a potential alternate raw material for bio-ethanol and bioenergy, ınternational sorghum and millets newsletter, 46: 79-86.
  • Rutto, L.K., Xu, Y., Brandt, M., S., Kering, M.K., 2013. Juice ethanol and grain yield potential of five sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) cultivars. J. Sustain. Bioenerg. 3: 113–118.
  • Samarth, AG., More DR., Hashmi I., 2018. Studies on physico-chemical properties and nutritional profile of sweet sorghum. International Journal of Chemical Studies, 6(2): 2826-2828.
  • Smith, GA., Buxton, DR., 1993. Temperate zone sweet sorghum ethanol production potential. Bioresource Tech. 43(1): 71-75.
  • Subramanian, S.K., 2013. Agronomical, physiological and biochemical approaches to characterize sweet sorghum genotypes for biofuel production. PhD Thesis. p.205, Department of Agronomy College of Agriculture. Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas.
  • Teetor, VH., Duclos, DV., Wittenberg, ET., Young, KM., Chawhuaymak, J., Riley, MR., Ray, DT., 2011. Effects of planting date on sugar and ethanol yield of sweet sorghum grown in Arizona. Industrial Crops and Products. 34(2): 1293-1300.
  • Tsuchihashi, N., Goto, Y., 2004. Cultivation of sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) and determination of its harvest time to make use as the raw material for fermantation, practiced during rainy season in dry land of Indonesia. Plant Proc. Sci. 7(4): 442-448.
  • Öktem, A., Öktem AG., Avcıoglu, E., 2018. Determination of yield and biofuel potential of some early sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor var. saccharatum (L.) Mohlenbr.) Genotypes. IX International Scientific Agriculture Symposium-Agrosym 2018, Jahorina, 04-07 October, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Pp.753-758.
  • Öktem, A., Öktem, AG., 2018. Usage of energy plants as a biofuel source. Current Academic Studies in Agricultural Science. Ed. Nurhan Keskin, Ivpe, Cetinje- Montenegro. Pp.333-354. ISBN: 978-9940-540-48-7.
  • Zhao, Y.L.I., Dolat, A., Steinberger, Y., Wanga, X., Osman, A., Xie, G.H., 2009. Biomass yield and changes in chemical composition of sweet sorghum cultivars grown for biofuel. Field crops research, 111: 55-64.
Toplam 29 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi

Abdullah Öktem 0000-0001-5247-7044

Dicle Demir 0000-0003-3194-9457

Yayımlanma Tarihi 12 Ekim 2021
Kabul Tarihi 10 Temmuz 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

APA Öktem, A., & Demir, D. (2021). Geç olgunlaşma süresine sahip bazı tatlı sorgum (Sorghum bicolor var. saccaharatum (L.) Mohlenbr. ) genotiplerinin tane verimi ve biyoyakıt öğelerinin belirlenmesi. Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 36(3), 488-500.
Online ISSN: 1308-8769