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Yıl 2012, Cilt: 27 Sayı: 1, 31 - 40, 02.01.2012


Reuse of domestic wastewater that does not contain heavy metals or pathogenic microorganisms, as irrigation water is a significant method in terms of water conservation all around the world. In this field trial which was conducted over two years, the domestic wastewater (DW) of Muğla City after being alkaline stabilized was used to irrigate maize plant for silage and the interaction of soil and water was also controlled during the trial. Alkaline stabilized domestic wastewater (ASDW) was applied in four different doses as 150 ton ha-1, 300 ton ha-1, 450 ton ha-1 and 600 ton ha-1. During the vegetation stage, periodic physical observations were done and soil and plant samples were collected in order to evaluate the state of nutrition and effects of alkaline stabilized domestic wastewater. In the analysis, it was determined that pH and salt content of the soil didn’t change and the contents of Ca and Mg elements increased. Chemical composition, in vitro metabolic energy values and pH of silage feedstuffs samples were investigated. In comparison with control, alkaline stabilized domestic wastewater treatment increased dry matter, crude protein, crude fat (as ether extract) and thus the metabolic energy (ME) content of feedstuffs. For silage yield, crude protein and metabolic energy, the best results were obtained with 600 ton ha-1 application. According to the results, after alkaline stabilized domestic wastewater application to soil, which is a finite natural resource, soil was not negatively affected, and the quality and physiological features of maize for silage were affected affirmatively. In conclusion, alkaline stabilized domestic wastewater can be reused as a source of irrigation water and fertilizer for agricultural purposes.


Ağır metal ve patojen mikroorganizma ihtiva etmeyen kentsel atık suların sulama suyu olarak kullanımı, su korunumu açısından tüm dünyada kullanılan önemli bir metottur. Muğla İlinde iki yıllık tarla denemesiyle kireçle stabilize edilmiş kentsel atık sular silajlık mısır bitkisinin sulanmasında kullanılmış ve deneme süresince toprak ve su etkileşimleri kontrol altında tutulmuştur. Atık su; 150 ton ha-1, 300 ton ha-1, 450 ton ha-1 ve 600 ton ha-1 olmak üzere 4 farklı dozda uygulanmıştır. Vejetasyon süresince uygulanan atık suların toprağa ve bitkiye olan etkisini değerlendirmek amacıyla periyodik olarak toprak ve bitki örnekleri toplanmış ve fiziksel gözlemler yapılmıştır. Analizler sonucunda toprağın pH ve EC değerlerinin değişmediği ancak Ca ve Mg kapsamlarının arttığı tespit edilmiştir. Silaj örneklerinin kimyasal kompozisyonu, in vitro metabolik enerji ve pH değerleri silaj öncesi ve sonrası ayrı ayrı olmak üzere değerlendirilmiş ve kontrol uygulamaları ile atık su uygulama grupları karşılaştırıldığında; kuru madde, ham protein, ham yağ ve metabolik enerji kapsamlarının arttığı belirlenmiştir. Silaj verimi, ham protein kapsamı ve metabolik enerji açısından en iyi sonuçlar 600 ton ha-1 uygulamasıyla elde edilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre; kıt bir kaynak olan toprağa kentsel atık su uygulamasından sonra toprağın olumsuz etkilenmediği, önemli bir endüstriyel bitki olan silajlık mısırın fizyolojik özellikleri ve kalitesinin olumlu yönde etkilendiği ve ayrıca kireçle stabilize edilmiş kentsel atık suların önemli bir gübre ve sulama suyu kaynağı olarak yeniden kullanılabileceği yargısına varılmıştır.


  • Aggelides, S.M. and Londra, P.A., 2000. Effect of compost produced from town wastes and sewage sludge on the physical properties of a loamy and a clay soil. Bioresource Technol. 71:253-259. doi:10.1016/S09608524(99)00074-7
  • Akrivos, J. and Mamais, D., 2000. Agricultural utilization of lime treated sewage sludge. Water Sci. and Technol. 42:9,203-210. wst042090203.htm
  • Al-Lahham, O., El Assi, N.M. and Fayyad, M., 2003. Impact of treated wastewater irrigation on quality attributes and contamination of tomato fruit. Agric. Water Manage., 61:51-62. doi:10.1016/S03783774(02)00173-7
  • Anonymous., 1995. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, American Public Health Assocation, APHA, Washington.
  • Benitez, E., Romero, M., Gomez, M., Gallardo-Lara, F. and Nogales, R., 2001. Biosolid and biosolid ash as sources of heavy metals in plant-soil system. Water Air and Soil Pollut., 132:75-87. doi: 10.1023/A:1012012924151
  • Bilgin, N., Eyüpoğlu, H. and Üstün, H., 2002. Biyokatıların arazide kullanımı. Ankara Su ve Kanalizasyon İdaresi Gen. Müd. ve Köy Hizm.Gen.Müd. ortak projesi. Ankara.
  • Bozkurt, M.A. and Yarilgac, T., 2003. The effects of sewage sludge applications on the yield, growth, nutrition and heavy metal accumulation in apple trees growing in dry conditions. Turk. J. Agric. For., 27:285-292. k=0303-13
  • Bulgurlu, Ş. and Ergül, M., 1978. Yemlerin Fiziksel, Kimyasal ve Biyolojik Analiz Metotları. E.Ü.Z.F Yayınları, No: 127, İzmir.
  • Bürün, B., Tuna, A.L., Yokaş, İ. and Ege, H., 2006. Some soil properties of lime stabilized urban wastewater and effects on barley’s yield and mineral matter content. J. of Agron., 5:1, 37-44. doi: 10.3923/ja.2006.37.44
  • Castro, E., Manas, M.P. and De Las Heras, J., 2009. Nitrate content of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) after fertilization with sewage sludge and irrigation with treated wastewater. Food Additiv. and Contamin., 26: 2, 172179. doi: 10.1080/02652030802425334
  • Christie, P.D., Easson, D.L., Picton, J.R. and Love Stanley, C.P., 2001. Agronomic value of alkaline-stabilized sewage biosolids for spring barley. Agron. J., 93:144151. doi:10.2134/agronj2001.931144x
  • Christensen, G.L., 1987. Lime stabilization of wastewater sludge. In: Lime for environmental use in ASTM-STP 931. (Ed. K.A Gutschick), American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, pp.78-94. ISBN: 0-80310499-5
  • Cogger, C.G., Bary, A.I., Fransen, S.C. and Sullivan, D.M., 2001. Seven years of biosolids versus inorganic nitrogen applications to tall fescue. J. Environ. Qual., 30: 21882194. doi:10.2134/jeq2001.2188
  • Correa, R.S., White, R.E. and Weatherley, A.J., 2005. Biosolids effectiveness to yield ryegrass based on their nitrogen content. Scientia Agricola (Piracicaba, Braz.) 62:3, 274-280. doi: 10.1590/S0103-901620050003000 11
  • El-Naim, M.A., El-Housseini, M. and Naeem, M.H., 2004. Safety use of sewage sludge as soil conditioner. J of Environ. Sci. and Health Part A., 39:2, 435-444. doi: 10.1081/ESE-120027534
  • Faruqui, N.I., Niang, S. and Redwood, M., 2002. Untreated wastewater use in market gardens: A Case Study of Dakar, Senegal, IWMI; Int. Water manage. Ins. Research Report: 63. html
  • Fytili, D. and Zabaniotou, A., 2008. Utilization of sewage sludge in EU application of old and new methods- A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 12:116-140. ISBN 92-5-103013-8
  • Gavi, F., Raun, W.R., Basta, N.T. and Johnson, G.V., 1997. Effect of sewage sludge and ammonium nitrate on wheat yield and soil profile inorganic nitrogen accumulation. J. of Plant Nutr., 20:2, 203-218. doi: 10.1080/019041697 09365244
  • Goering, H.K. and Van Soest, P.J., 1970. Forage Fiber Analyses. Agric. Handbook No:379, Wash. D.C., p.829. ID Numbers, open library: OL13933073M
  • Haruvy, N., 1997. Agricultural reuse of wastewater: nationwide cost-benefit analysis. Agric. Ecosyst. Environ., 66:113-119. doi: 10.1016/S0167-8809(97)00046-7
  • Hoek van der, W., Hassan, M.U., Ensink, J.H.J., Feenstra, S., Sally, L.R., Munir, S., Alsam, R., Ali, N., Hussain, R. and Matsuno, Y., 2002. Urban wastewater: A valuable resource for agriculture, A case study from Haroonabad, Pakistan, IWMI; Int. Water manage. Ins. Research Report: 63. ISBN: 92-9090- 504-2
  • Ibrahim, M., Ahmad, N. and Khan, A., 1995. Use of city wastewater for vegetable production. Proceedings. Soil fertility and fertilizer management 9th int. symp. of CIEC, 25-30 Sept. Kuşadası-Turkey.
  • Jacobs, L.W. and McCreary, D.S., 2001. Utilizing biosolids on agricultural land. Extension Bulletin, E 2781. Michigan State University Extension, USA. 0Biosolids%20on%20Agricultural%20Land.pdf
  • Jarausch-Wehrheim, B., Mocquot, B. and and Mench, M., 2001. Effect of long-term sewage sludge applicatıon on the distribution of nutrients in maize (Zea mays L.). J. Plant Nutr., 24:9, 1347-1365. dele=afficheN&cpsidt=14361869
  • Jimenez-Cisneros, B., 1995. Wastewater reuses to increase soil productivity.Water Sci. Technol. 32:12, 173-180. tm
  • Kacar, B., 2009. Toprak analizleri (Soil Analysis Methods), Second Revised and Re-edited version, Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, no: 1387, Fen Bil: 90, Ankara.
  • Kılıç, A., 1986. Silo yemi (Silage feedstuffs). Bilgehan basımevi, İzmir.
  • Klee, O., 1991. Angewandte Hydrobiologie G. Theieme Verlag, 2. neubearbeitete und erweiterte, Auflage, Stuttgart-New York.
  • Kouraa, A., Fethi, F., Fahde, A., Lahlou, A. and Ouazzani, N., 2002. Reuse of urban wastewater treated by a combined stabilisation pond system in Benslimane (Morocco) Urban Water, 4:373-378. doi: 10.1016/S1462-0758(01)00067-X
  • Magesan, G.N., Williamson, J.C., Sparling, G.P., Schipper, L.A. and Lloyd-Jones, A.R., 1999. Hydraulic conductivity in soils irrigated with wastewaters of differing strengths: Field and laboratory studies, Aust. J. Soil Res., 37: 391-402. doi:10.1071/S98030
  • Melo, W.J., Marques, M.O., Ferreira, M.E., Melo, G.M.P. and Melo, V.P., 2002. Chemical properties and enzyme activity in a sewage sludge-treated soil. Commun. Soil Sci. and Plant Anal., 33:9, 1643- 1659. http://cat.inist. fr/?aModele=afficheN&cpsidt=13679231
  • Mena, E., Garrido, A., Hernandez, T. and Garcia, C., 2003. Bioremediation of sewage sludge by composting. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal., 34:957-971. doi: 10.1081/CSS-120019102
  • Naumann, C. and Bassler, R., 1997. Die chemische untersuchung von Futtermitteln. Methodenbuch, Band III. VDLUFA-Verlag, Darmstadt.
  • Parr, J.F. and Hornick, S.B., 1992. Utilization of municipal wastes. In: Soil Microbial Ecology: Applications in Agricultural and Environmental Management. (Ed. FB Metting) pp. 545-559. Marcel Dekker. NY. ISBN: 08247-8737-4
  • Pedreno, J.N., Gomez, I., Moral, R. and Mataix, J., 1996. Improving the agricultural value of a semi arid soil by addition of sewage sludge and almond residue. Agric. Ecosyst. and Environ., 58:115-119. doi: 10.1016/01678809(95)01005-X
  • Reed, B.E., Carriere, P.E., Matsumoto, M.R., 1991. Applying sludge on agricultural land. Biocycle 37: 5860.
  • Rosenqvist, H., Aronsson, P., Hasselgren, K. and Perttu, K., 1997. Economics of using municipal wastewater irrigation of willow coppice crops. Biomass and Bioenergy, 12:1, 1-8. doi:10.1016/S0961-9534(96) 00058-X
  • Russell, J.M., Cooper, R.N. and Lindsey, S.B., 1991. Reuse of wastewater from meat proc. plants for agricultural and forestry irrigation. Water Sci. Technol., 24:9, 277286. ter= gs&collection=TRD&recid=20070650353501MT
  • Scott, C.A., Faruqui, N.I. and Raschid-Sally, L., 2002. Coordinating the livelihood and environmental realities. In: Wastewater use in irrigated agriculture: Management Challenges in Developing Countries. (Eds. Scott C.A, Faruqui N.I, Raschid-Sally L) pp. 1-11. CAB International in association with the International Water Management Institute and International Development Research Centre.
  • Scott, C.A., Faruqui, N.I. and Raschid-Sally, L., 2004. Wastewater use in irrigated agriculture, Confronting the Livelihood and Environmental Realities. CABI, IWMI, IDRC / 2004-01-01, 0-85199-823-2, 1-55250-112-4.
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Yıl 2012, Cilt: 27 Sayı: 1, 31 - 40, 02.01.2012


Ağır metal ve patojen mikroorganizma ihtiva etmeyen kentsel atık suların sulama suyu olarak kullanımı, su korunumu açısından tüm dünyada kullanılan önemli bir metottur. Muğla İlinde iki yıllık tarla denemesiyle kireçle stabilize edilmiş kentsel atık sular silajlık mısır bitkisinin sulanmasında kullanılmış ve deneme süresince toprak ve su etkileşimleri kontrol altında tutulmuştur. Atık su; 150 ton ha-1, 300 ton ha-1, 450 ton ha-1 ve 600 ton ha-1 olmak üzere 4 farklı dozda uygulanmıştır. Vejetasyon süresince uygulanan atık suların toprağa ve bitkiye olan etkisini değerlendirmek amacıyla periyodik olarak toprak ve bitki örnekleri toplanmış ve fiziksel gözlemler yapılmıştır. Analizler sonucunda toprağın pH ve EC değerlerinin değişmediği ancak Ca ve Mg kapsamlarının arttığı tespit edilmiştir. Silaj örneklerinin kimyasal kompozisyonu, in vitro metabolik enerji ve pH değerleri silaj öncesi ve sonrası ayrı ayrı olmak üzere değerlendirilmiş ve kontrol uygulamaları ile atık su uygulama grupları karşılaştırıldığında; kuru madde, ham protein, ham yağ ve metabolik enerji kapsamlarının arttığı belirlenmiştir. Silaj verimi, ham protein kapsamı ve metabolik enerji açısından en iyi sonuçlar 600 ton ha-1 uygulamasıyla elde edilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre; kıt bir kaynak olan toprağa kentsel atık su uygulamasından sonra toprağın olumsuz etkilenmediği, önemli bir endüstriyel bitki olan silajlık mısırın fizyolojik özellikleri ve kalitesinin olumlu yönde etkilendiği ve ayrıca kireçle stabilize edilmiş kentsel atık suların önemli bir gübre ve sulama suyu kaynağı olarak yeniden kullanılabileceği yargısına varılmıştır


  • Aggelides, S.M. and Londra, P.A., 2000. Effect of compost produced from town wastes and sewage sludge on the physical properties of a loamy and a clay soil. Bioresource Technol. 71:253-259. doi:10.1016/S09608524(99)00074-7
  • Akrivos, J. and Mamais, D., 2000. Agricultural utilization of lime treated sewage sludge. Water Sci. and Technol. 42:9,203-210. wst042090203.htm
  • Al-Lahham, O., El Assi, N.M. and Fayyad, M., 2003. Impact of treated wastewater irrigation on quality attributes and contamination of tomato fruit. Agric. Water Manage., 61:51-62. doi:10.1016/S03783774(02)00173-7
  • Anonymous., 1995. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, American Public Health Assocation, APHA, Washington.
  • Benitez, E., Romero, M., Gomez, M., Gallardo-Lara, F. and Nogales, R., 2001. Biosolid and biosolid ash as sources of heavy metals in plant-soil system. Water Air and Soil Pollut., 132:75-87. doi: 10.1023/A:1012012924151
  • Bilgin, N., Eyüpoğlu, H. and Üstün, H., 2002. Biyokatıların arazide kullanımı. Ankara Su ve Kanalizasyon İdaresi Gen. Müd. ve Köy Hizm.Gen.Müd. ortak projesi. Ankara.
  • Bozkurt, M.A. and Yarilgac, T., 2003. The effects of sewage sludge applications on the yield, growth, nutrition and heavy metal accumulation in apple trees growing in dry conditions. Turk. J. Agric. For., 27:285-292. k=0303-13
  • Bulgurlu, Ş. and Ergül, M., 1978. Yemlerin Fiziksel, Kimyasal ve Biyolojik Analiz Metotları. E.Ü.Z.F Yayınları, No: 127, İzmir.
  • Bürün, B., Tuna, A.L., Yokaş, İ. and Ege, H., 2006. Some soil properties of lime stabilized urban wastewater and effects on barley’s yield and mineral matter content. J. of Agron., 5:1, 37-44. doi: 10.3923/ja.2006.37.44
  • Castro, E., Manas, M.P. and De Las Heras, J., 2009. Nitrate content of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) after fertilization with sewage sludge and irrigation with treated wastewater. Food Additiv. and Contamin., 26: 2, 172179. doi: 10.1080/02652030802425334
  • Christie, P.D., Easson, D.L., Picton, J.R. and Love Stanley, C.P., 2001. Agronomic value of alkaline-stabilized sewage biosolids for spring barley. Agron. J., 93:144151. doi:10.2134/agronj2001.931144x
  • Christensen, G.L., 1987. Lime stabilization of wastewater sludge. In: Lime for environmental use in ASTM-STP 931. (Ed. K.A Gutschick), American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, pp.78-94. ISBN: 0-80310499-5
  • Cogger, C.G., Bary, A.I., Fransen, S.C. and Sullivan, D.M., 2001. Seven years of biosolids versus inorganic nitrogen applications to tall fescue. J. Environ. Qual., 30: 21882194. doi:10.2134/jeq2001.2188
  • Correa, R.S., White, R.E. and Weatherley, A.J., 2005. Biosolids effectiveness to yield ryegrass based on their nitrogen content. Scientia Agricola (Piracicaba, Braz.) 62:3, 274-280. doi: 10.1590/S0103-901620050003000 11
  • El-Naim, M.A., El-Housseini, M. and Naeem, M.H., 2004. Safety use of sewage sludge as soil conditioner. J of Environ. Sci. and Health Part A., 39:2, 435-444. doi: 10.1081/ESE-120027534
  • Faruqui, N.I., Niang, S. and Redwood, M., 2002. Untreated wastewater use in market gardens: A Case Study of Dakar, Senegal, IWMI; Int. Water manage. Ins. Research Report: 63. html
  • Fytili, D. and Zabaniotou, A., 2008. Utilization of sewage sludge in EU application of old and new methods- A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 12:116-140. ISBN 92-5-103013-8
  • Gavi, F., Raun, W.R., Basta, N.T. and Johnson, G.V., 1997. Effect of sewage sludge and ammonium nitrate on wheat yield and soil profile inorganic nitrogen accumulation. J. of Plant Nutr., 20:2, 203-218. doi: 10.1080/019041697 09365244
  • Goering, H.K. and Van Soest, P.J., 1970. Forage Fiber Analyses. Agric. Handbook No:379, Wash. D.C., p.829. ID Numbers, open library: OL13933073M
  • Haruvy, N., 1997. Agricultural reuse of wastewater: nationwide cost-benefit analysis. Agric. Ecosyst. Environ., 66:113-119. doi: 10.1016/S0167-8809(97)00046-7
  • Hoek van der, W., Hassan, M.U., Ensink, J.H.J., Feenstra, S., Sally, L.R., Munir, S., Alsam, R., Ali, N., Hussain, R. and Matsuno, Y., 2002. Urban wastewater: A valuable resource for agriculture, A case study from Haroonabad, Pakistan, IWMI; Int. Water manage. Ins. Research Report: 63. ISBN: 92-9090- 504-2
  • Ibrahim, M., Ahmad, N. and Khan, A., 1995. Use of city wastewater for vegetable production. Proceedings. Soil fertility and fertilizer management 9th int. symp. of CIEC, 25-30 Sept. Kuşadası-Turkey.
  • Jacobs, L.W. and McCreary, D.S., 2001. Utilizing biosolids on agricultural land. Extension Bulletin, E 2781. Michigan State University Extension, USA. 0Biosolids%20on%20Agricultural%20Land.pdf
  • Jarausch-Wehrheim, B., Mocquot, B. and and Mench, M., 2001. Effect of long-term sewage sludge applicatıon on the distribution of nutrients in maize (Zea mays L.). J. Plant Nutr., 24:9, 1347-1365. dele=afficheN&cpsidt=14361869
  • Jimenez-Cisneros, B., 1995. Wastewater reuses to increase soil productivity.Water Sci. Technol. 32:12, 173-180. tm
  • Kacar, B., 2009. Toprak analizleri (Soil Analysis Methods), Second Revised and Re-edited version, Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, no: 1387, Fen Bil: 90, Ankara.
  • Kılıç, A., 1986. Silo yemi (Silage feedstuffs). Bilgehan basımevi, İzmir.
  • Klee, O., 1991. Angewandte Hydrobiologie G. Theieme Verlag, 2. neubearbeitete und erweiterte, Auflage, Stuttgart-New York.
  • Kouraa, A., Fethi, F., Fahde, A., Lahlou, A. and Ouazzani, N., 2002. Reuse of urban wastewater treated by a combined stabilisation pond system in Benslimane (Morocco) Urban Water, 4:373-378. doi: 10.1016/S1462-0758(01)00067-X
  • Magesan, G.N., Williamson, J.C., Sparling, G.P., Schipper, L.A. and Lloyd-Jones, A.R., 1999. Hydraulic conductivity in soils irrigated with wastewaters of differing strengths: Field and laboratory studies, Aust. J. Soil Res., 37: 391-402. doi:10.1071/S98030
  • Melo, W.J., Marques, M.O., Ferreira, M.E., Melo, G.M.P. and Melo, V.P., 2002. Chemical properties and enzyme activity in a sewage sludge-treated soil. Commun. Soil Sci. and Plant Anal., 33:9, 1643- 1659. http://cat.inist. fr/?aModele=afficheN&cpsidt=13679231
  • Mena, E., Garrido, A., Hernandez, T. and Garcia, C., 2003. Bioremediation of sewage sludge by composting. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal., 34:957-971. doi: 10.1081/CSS-120019102
  • Naumann, C. and Bassler, R., 1997. Die chemische untersuchung von Futtermitteln. Methodenbuch, Band III. VDLUFA-Verlag, Darmstadt.
  • Parr, J.F. and Hornick, S.B., 1992. Utilization of municipal wastes. In: Soil Microbial Ecology: Applications in Agricultural and Environmental Management. (Ed. FB Metting) pp. 545-559. Marcel Dekker. NY. ISBN: 08247-8737-4
  • Pedreno, J.N., Gomez, I., Moral, R. and Mataix, J., 1996. Improving the agricultural value of a semi arid soil by addition of sewage sludge and almond residue. Agric. Ecosyst. and Environ., 58:115-119. doi: 10.1016/01678809(95)01005-X
  • Reed, B.E., Carriere, P.E., Matsumoto, M.R., 1991. Applying sludge on agricultural land. Biocycle 37: 5860.
  • Rosenqvist, H., Aronsson, P., Hasselgren, K. and Perttu, K., 1997. Economics of using municipal wastewater irrigation of willow coppice crops. Biomass and Bioenergy, 12:1, 1-8. doi:10.1016/S0961-9534(96) 00058-X
  • Russell, J.M., Cooper, R.N. and Lindsey, S.B., 1991. Reuse of wastewater from meat proc. plants for agricultural and forestry irrigation. Water Sci. Technol., 24:9, 277286. ter= gs&collection=TRD&recid=20070650353501MT
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Toplam 52 adet kaynakça vardır.


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A. Levent Tuna

İbrahim Yokaş

Hülya Özkul

Yayımlanma Tarihi 2 Ocak 2012
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2012 Cilt: 27 Sayı: 1

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Online ISSN: 1308-8769