Yıl 2008,
Cilt: 23 Sayı: 2, 131 - 136, 30.06.2008
Savaş Atasever
Hüseyin Erdem
Mastitis, bugün tüm dünyada süt sektörünün karşı karşıya bulunduğu en önemli sorunlardan biridir. Sütün elektriksel iletkenliği (Eİ); yüksek güvenilirliğe sahip olması ve mastitisle arasında orta-yüksek ilişki bulunması nedeniyle bu hastalığın belirlenmesinde özel bir önem taşımaktadır. Bu makalede mastitisin etki mekanizması hakkında özlü bilgiler verilerek, Eİ ve mastitis arasındaki ilişkiler üzerinde durulmuştur.
- Anonim, 2005. Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu. Bölgesel İstatistikler. http://www.tuik.gov.tr/PreIstatistikTablo.do?istab_=141 [Ulş. Tar.: 09.10.2007]
- Balık, M. Z., 1998. Köy Koşullarında İnek Mastitislerinin Yıl İçinde Dağılımları. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Ens., Ankara, 35 s.
- Bansal, B. K., Hamann, J., Grabowskit, N. T. and Singh, K. B., 2005. Variation in the composition of selected milk fraction samples from healty and mastitic quarters, and its significance for mastitis diagnosis. J. Dairy Res. 72 (2): 144-152.
- Barth, K. and Worstorff, H., 2003. Monitoring of quarter health status by periodic milk conductivity measurement: a useful management tool in dairy herds. 5 th International Dairy Housing Proceedings of the 29-31 January 2003 Conference. FortWorth, Texas, USA.
- Bodoh, G. W., Pearson, R. E., Schultze, W. D. and Miller, R. H., 1981. Variation in Wisconsin Mastitis Test Scores of bucket milk samples and relationship to bacterial infections. J. Dairy Sci. 64 (1): 123-129.
- Bradley, A. J., 2002. Bovine mastitis: An evolging disease. The Veterinary Journal. 164: 116-128.
- Bradley, A. J. and Green, M. J., 2001. Aetiology of clinical mastitis in six Somerset dairy herds. Vet. Rec. 148 (22): 683- 686.
- Bramley, A. J., 1991. Mastitis: Physiology or pathology? Flemmish Veterinary Journal. 62 (1): 3-11. mastitis control handbook. University of Florida, Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. Circular: 1136.
- Bruckmaier, R.M., Weiss, D., Wiedemann, M., Schmitz, S. and Wendl, G., 2004. Changes of physicochemical indicators during mastitis and the effects of milk ejection on their sensivity. J. Dairy Res. 71(3): 316-321.
- Carlén, E., Strandberg, E. and Roth, A., 2004. Genetic parameters for clinical mastitis, somatic cell score, and production in the first three lactations of Swedish Holstein cows. Journal of Dairy Sci. 87: 3062-3070.
- Cavero, D., Tölle, K. H., Buxadé, C., Krieter, J., 2006. Mastitis detection in dairy cows by application of fuzzy logic. Livestock Sci. 105: 207-213.
- Chamings, R.J., Murray, G. and Booth, J.M., 1984. Use of conductivity meter for the detection of subclinical mastitis. Vet. Rec. 114 (10): 243-5.
- Fernando, R.S., Spahr, S.L. and Jaster, E.H., 1985. Comparison of electrical conductivity of milk with other indirect methods for detection of subclinical mastitis. J. Dairy Sci. 68 (2): 449-456.
- Fernando, R.S., Rindsig, R.B. and Spahr, S.L., 1982. Electrical conductivity of milk for detection of mastitis. J.Dairy Sci. 65: 659-664.
- Ferrero, F. J., Grillo, G., Pérez, M. A., Antón, J. C. and Campo, J. C., 2002. Design of a low cost mastitis detector in cows by measuring electrical conductivity of milk. IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference. 21-23 May 2002. Anchorage, AK.,USA.
- Filev, F. and Kabaivanov, S., 1980. Indirect methods of determining the amount of cellular elements in bulk cow’s milk. Vet. Med. Nauki.17 (9-10):19-24.
- Gebre-Egziabher, A., Wood, H. C., Robar, J. D. and Blankenagel, G., 1979. Evaluation of automatic mastitis detection equipment. J. Dairy Sci. 62 (7): 1108-1114.
- Günaydın, G., 2007. Türkiye Süt Sığırcılığı Sektörünün Ekonomik ve Politik Analizi. Türkiye Süt Sığırcılığı Kurultayı (25-26 Ekim 2007). E.Ü. Ziraat Fak. Zootekni Bölümü, Bornova-İzmir.
- Hillerton, J.E. and Walton, A.W., 1991. Identification of subclinical mastitis with a hand- held electrical conductivy meter. Vet. Rec. 128(22): 513-515.
- Hillerton, J. E. and Berry, E. A., 2005. Treating mastitis in the cow-a tradition or an archaism. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 98: 1250- 1255.
- Ingvartsen, K.L., Dewhurst, R. J. and Friggens, N. C., 2003. On the relationship between lactational performance and health: is it yield or metabolic imbalance that cause production diseases in dairy cattle? A position paper. Livest. Prod. Sci. 83: 277- 308.
- Kesenkaş, H., 1999. İzmir İli ve Çevresinde Seçilen Pilot İşletmelerde Mastitisin Belirlenmesi ve Süt Kalitesine Etkisi Üzerine Bir Araştırma, Doktora Tezi, Ege Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İzmir, 93 s.
- Kobayashi, Y., 1978. Simplified resazurin rennet test for diagnosis of mastitis. J. Dairy Sci. 61(5): 592-595.
- Lansbergen, L. M. T. E., Nielen, M., Lam, T. J. G. M., Pengov, A., Schukken, Y. H., 1994. Evaluation of a prototype on-line electrical conductivity system for detection of subclinical mastitis. J. Dairy Sci. 77: 1132- 1140.
- Mansell, P. D. and Seguya, A., 2003. The use of a hand-held conductivy meter for the diagnosis of subclinical mastitis in dairy cows during late lactation. New Zeland Vet. J. 51(1): 21-25.
- Miller, R.H., Clay, J.S. and Norman, H.D., 2001. Relationship of somatic cell score with fertility measures. J. Dairy Sci. 84: 2543- 2548.
- Nielen, M., Deluyker, H., Schukken, Y.H. and Brand, A., 1992. Electrical conductivity of milk: measurement, modifiers, and meta analysis of mastitis detection performance. J. Dairy Sci. 75: 606-614.
- Nielen, M., Schukken, Y.H., Van De Broek, J., Brand, A., Deluyker, H. A. and Maatje, K., 1993. Relations between on-line electrical conductivity and daily milk production on a low somatic cell count farm. J. Dairy Sci. 76: 2589-2596.
- Norberg, E.,Hogeveen, H., Korsgaard, I.R., Friggens, N.C., Sloth, K.H.M.N. and Lİvendahl, P., 2004a. Electrical conductivity of milk: Ability to predict mastitis status. J. Dairy Sci. 87: 1099-1107.
- Norberg, E., Ødegard, J. and Madsen, P., 2004b. Comparison of variance components for test- day electrical conductivity of milk and test-day somatic cell score for first lactation cows in an experimental herd. Acta Agriculturae Scan. Section A- Animal Sci. 54 (4): 181-186.
- Norberg, E., 2005. Electrical conductivity of milk as a phenotypic and genetic indicator of bovine mastitis: A review. Livestock Production Sci. 96: 129-139.
- Norberg, E., Rogers, G. W., Odegard, J. B., Cooper, J. B. and Madsen, P., 2006. Short communication: genetic correlation between test-day electrical conductivity of milk and mastitis. J. Dairy Sci. 89 (2): 779-781.
- Pösö, J. and Mäntysaari, E.A., 1996. Relationships between clinical mastitis, somatic cell score, and production for the first three lactations of Finnish Ayrshire. J. Dairy Sci. 79: 1284-1291.
- Pyörälä, S., 2003. Indicators of inflammation in the diagnosis of mastitis. Vet. Res. 34 (5): 565-578.
- Ruegg, P., 2001. Milk secretion and quality standarts. Dairy Updates. Milking and Milk Quality, No: 404. The Babcock Institute, University of Wisconsin.
- Rupp, R. and Boichard, D., 2000. Relationship of early first lactation somatic cell count with risk of subsequent first clinical mastitis. Livestock Production Sci. 62: 169-180.
- Santos, J. E., Cerri, R. L., Ballou, M. A., Higginbotham, G. E. and Kirk, J. H., 2004. Effect of timing of first clinical mastitis occurrence on lactational and reproductive performance of Holstein dairy cows. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 80 (1-2): 31-45.
- Sargeant, J.M., Leslie, K.E., Shirley, J.E., Pulkrabek, B.J. and Lim, G.H., 2001. Sensivity and specificity of somatic cell count and California Mastitis Test for identifying intramammary infection in early lactation. J.Dairy Sci. 84(9): 2018-2024.
- Schrick, F.N., Hockett, M.E., Saxton, A.M., Lewis, M.J., Dowlen, H.H. and Oliver, S.P., 2001. Influence of subclinical mastitis during early lactation on reproductive parameters. J. Dairy Sci. 84: 1407-1412.
- Schroeder, J.W., 1997. Mastitis control programs: Bovine mastitis and milking management. North Dakota State University Extension Service. AS–1129 (April 1997).
- Seegers, H., Fourichon, C. and Beaudeau, F., 2003. Production effects related to mastitis and mastitis economics in dairy cattle herds. Vet. Res. 34: 475- 491.
- Seguya, A.G. and Mansell, P.D., 2000. An evaluation of a hand-held electrical resistance meter for the diagnosis of bovine subclinical mastitis in late lactation under Australian conditions. Aust. Vet. J. 78 (9): 608-611.
- Sheldrake, R.F. and Hoare, R. J., 1981. The detection of mastitis in individual quarters using electrical conductivity or somatic cell concentration. New Zeland Vet. Journal. 29 (11): 211-213.
- Sheldrake, R.F., Hoare, R.J. and McGregor, G.D. 1983. Lactation stage, parity, and infection affecting somatic cells, electrical conductivity, and serum albumin in milk. J. Dairy Sci. 66(3): 542-547.
- Shim, E. H., Shanks, R. D. and Morin, D. E., 2004. Milk losses and treatment costs associated with two treatment protocols for clinical mastitis in dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 87: 2702-2708.
- Singh, S. and Bansal, B. K., 2004. Variation in selected components of milk among different milk fractions and its relevance to diagnosis of mastitis in buffaloes. Buffalo Journal. 3: 213-2124.
- Skrzypek, R., Wójtowski, J. and Fahr, R. D., 2004. Factors affecting somatic cell count in cow bulk tank milk- A case study from Poland. J. Vet. Med. Series A 51: 127-131.
- Sloth, K. H. M. N., Friggens, N. C., Lİvendahl, P., Andersen, P. H., Jensen, J., Ingvartsen, K. L., 2003. Potential for improving description of bovine udder health status by combined analysis of milk parameters. J. Dairy Sci. 86: 1221-1232.
- Sugimoto, M., Fujikawa, A., Womack, J. E. and Sugimoto, Y., 2006. Evidence that bovine forebrain embriyonic zinc finger-like gene influences immune response associated with mastitis resistance. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Online. 103 (17): 6454- 6459.
- Špauskas, V., Klimiene, I. and Matusevičius, A., 2006. A comparison of indirect methods for diagnosis of subclinical mastitis in lactating dairy cows. Vet. Arhiv. 76 (2): 101- 109.
- Tekeli, T., 2005. Mastitis. AB Sürecinde Kaliteli Süt Üretimi ve Somatik Hücre Sayısı. Güzeliş Matbaası, Konya. s: 19-35.
- Tsenkova, R., Atanassova,S., Kawano, S. and Toyoda, K., 2001. Somatic cell count determination in cow’s milk by near-infrared spectroscopy: a new diagnostic tool. J. Anim. Sci.79(10): 2550-2557.
- Tsioulpas, A., Lewis, M. J., Grandison, A. S., 2007. A study of the ph of individual milk samples. Int. Journal of Dairy Technology. 60 (2): 96-97.
- Van Dorp, T. E., Dekkers, J. C. M., Martin, S. W. and Noordhuizen, J. P. T. M., 1998. Genetic parameters of health disorders, and relationships with 305-day milk yield and conformation traits of registered Holstein cows. Journal of Dairy Sci. 81: 2264-2270.
- Windig, J. J., Calus, M. P. L., De Jong, G. and Veerkamp, R. F., 2005. The association between somatic cell count patterns and milk production prior to mastitis. Livestock Production Sci. 96: 291- 299.
Yıl 2008,
Cilt: 23 Sayı: 2, 131 - 136, 30.06.2008
Savaş Atasever
Hüseyin Erdem
Mastitis, bugün tüm dünyada süt sektörünün karşı karşıya bulunduğu en önemli sorunlardan biridir. Sütün elektriksel iletkenliği (Eİ); yüksek güvenilirliğe sahip olması ve mastitisle arasında orta-yüksek ilişki bulunması nedeniyle bu hastalığın belirlenmesinde özel bir önem taşımaktadır. Bu makalede mastitisin etki mekanizması hakkında özlü bilgiler verilerek, Eİ ve mastitis arasındaki ilişkiler üzerinde durulmuştur
- Anonim, 2005. Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu. Bölgesel İstatistikler. http://www.tuik.gov.tr/PreIstatistikTablo.do?istab_=141 [Ulş. Tar.: 09.10.2007]
- Balık, M. Z., 1998. Köy Koşullarında İnek Mastitislerinin Yıl İçinde Dağılımları. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Ens., Ankara, 35 s.
- Bansal, B. K., Hamann, J., Grabowskit, N. T. and Singh, K. B., 2005. Variation in the composition of selected milk fraction samples from healty and mastitic quarters, and its significance for mastitis diagnosis. J. Dairy Res. 72 (2): 144-152.
- Barth, K. and Worstorff, H., 2003. Monitoring of quarter health status by periodic milk conductivity measurement: a useful management tool in dairy herds. 5 th International Dairy Housing Proceedings of the 29-31 January 2003 Conference. FortWorth, Texas, USA.
- Bodoh, G. W., Pearson, R. E., Schultze, W. D. and Miller, R. H., 1981. Variation in Wisconsin Mastitis Test Scores of bucket milk samples and relationship to bacterial infections. J. Dairy Sci. 64 (1): 123-129.
- Bradley, A. J., 2002. Bovine mastitis: An evolging disease. The Veterinary Journal. 164: 116-128.
- Bradley, A. J. and Green, M. J., 2001. Aetiology of clinical mastitis in six Somerset dairy herds. Vet. Rec. 148 (22): 683- 686.
- Bramley, A. J., 1991. Mastitis: Physiology or pathology? Flemmish Veterinary Journal. 62 (1): 3-11. mastitis control handbook. University of Florida, Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. Circular: 1136.
- Bruckmaier, R.M., Weiss, D., Wiedemann, M., Schmitz, S. and Wendl, G., 2004. Changes of physicochemical indicators during mastitis and the effects of milk ejection on their sensivity. J. Dairy Res. 71(3): 316-321.
- Carlén, E., Strandberg, E. and Roth, A., 2004. Genetic parameters for clinical mastitis, somatic cell score, and production in the first three lactations of Swedish Holstein cows. Journal of Dairy Sci. 87: 3062-3070.
- Cavero, D., Tölle, K. H., Buxadé, C., Krieter, J., 2006. Mastitis detection in dairy cows by application of fuzzy logic. Livestock Sci. 105: 207-213.
- Chamings, R.J., Murray, G. and Booth, J.M., 1984. Use of conductivity meter for the detection of subclinical mastitis. Vet. Rec. 114 (10): 243-5.
- Fernando, R.S., Spahr, S.L. and Jaster, E.H., 1985. Comparison of electrical conductivity of milk with other indirect methods for detection of subclinical mastitis. J. Dairy Sci. 68 (2): 449-456.
- Fernando, R.S., Rindsig, R.B. and Spahr, S.L., 1982. Electrical conductivity of milk for detection of mastitis. J.Dairy Sci. 65: 659-664.
- Ferrero, F. J., Grillo, G., Pérez, M. A., Antón, J. C. and Campo, J. C., 2002. Design of a low cost mastitis detector in cows by measuring electrical conductivity of milk. IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference. 21-23 May 2002. Anchorage, AK.,USA.
- Filev, F. and Kabaivanov, S., 1980. Indirect methods of determining the amount of cellular elements in bulk cow’s milk. Vet. Med. Nauki.17 (9-10):19-24.
- Gebre-Egziabher, A., Wood, H. C., Robar, J. D. and Blankenagel, G., 1979. Evaluation of automatic mastitis detection equipment. J. Dairy Sci. 62 (7): 1108-1114.
- Günaydın, G., 2007. Türkiye Süt Sığırcılığı Sektörünün Ekonomik ve Politik Analizi. Türkiye Süt Sığırcılığı Kurultayı (25-26 Ekim 2007). E.Ü. Ziraat Fak. Zootekni Bölümü, Bornova-İzmir.
- Hillerton, J.E. and Walton, A.W., 1991. Identification of subclinical mastitis with a hand- held electrical conductivy meter. Vet. Rec. 128(22): 513-515.
- Hillerton, J. E. and Berry, E. A., 2005. Treating mastitis in the cow-a tradition or an archaism. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 98: 1250- 1255.
- Ingvartsen, K.L., Dewhurst, R. J. and Friggens, N. C., 2003. On the relationship between lactational performance and health: is it yield or metabolic imbalance that cause production diseases in dairy cattle? A position paper. Livest. Prod. Sci. 83: 277- 308.
- Kesenkaş, H., 1999. İzmir İli ve Çevresinde Seçilen Pilot İşletmelerde Mastitisin Belirlenmesi ve Süt Kalitesine Etkisi Üzerine Bir Araştırma, Doktora Tezi, Ege Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İzmir, 93 s.
- Kobayashi, Y., 1978. Simplified resazurin rennet test for diagnosis of mastitis. J. Dairy Sci. 61(5): 592-595.
- Lansbergen, L. M. T. E., Nielen, M., Lam, T. J. G. M., Pengov, A., Schukken, Y. H., 1994. Evaluation of a prototype on-line electrical conductivity system for detection of subclinical mastitis. J. Dairy Sci. 77: 1132- 1140.
- Mansell, P. D. and Seguya, A., 2003. The use of a hand-held conductivy meter for the diagnosis of subclinical mastitis in dairy cows during late lactation. New Zeland Vet. J. 51(1): 21-25.
- Miller, R.H., Clay, J.S. and Norman, H.D., 2001. Relationship of somatic cell score with fertility measures. J. Dairy Sci. 84: 2543- 2548.
- Nielen, M., Deluyker, H., Schukken, Y.H. and Brand, A., 1992. Electrical conductivity of milk: measurement, modifiers, and meta analysis of mastitis detection performance. J. Dairy Sci. 75: 606-614.
- Nielen, M., Schukken, Y.H., Van De Broek, J., Brand, A., Deluyker, H. A. and Maatje, K., 1993. Relations between on-line electrical conductivity and daily milk production on a low somatic cell count farm. J. Dairy Sci. 76: 2589-2596.
- Norberg, E.,Hogeveen, H., Korsgaard, I.R., Friggens, N.C., Sloth, K.H.M.N. and Lİvendahl, P., 2004a. Electrical conductivity of milk: Ability to predict mastitis status. J. Dairy Sci. 87: 1099-1107.
- Norberg, E., Ødegard, J. and Madsen, P., 2004b. Comparison of variance components for test- day electrical conductivity of milk and test-day somatic cell score for first lactation cows in an experimental herd. Acta Agriculturae Scan. Section A- Animal Sci. 54 (4): 181-186.
- Norberg, E., 2005. Electrical conductivity of milk as a phenotypic and genetic indicator of bovine mastitis: A review. Livestock Production Sci. 96: 129-139.
- Norberg, E., Rogers, G. W., Odegard, J. B., Cooper, J. B. and Madsen, P., 2006. Short communication: genetic correlation between test-day electrical conductivity of milk and mastitis. J. Dairy Sci. 89 (2): 779-781.
- Pösö, J. and Mäntysaari, E.A., 1996. Relationships between clinical mastitis, somatic cell score, and production for the first three lactations of Finnish Ayrshire. J. Dairy Sci. 79: 1284-1291.
- Pyörälä, S., 2003. Indicators of inflammation in the diagnosis of mastitis. Vet. Res. 34 (5): 565-578.
- Ruegg, P., 2001. Milk secretion and quality standarts. Dairy Updates. Milking and Milk Quality, No: 404. The Babcock Institute, University of Wisconsin.
- Rupp, R. and Boichard, D., 2000. Relationship of early first lactation somatic cell count with risk of subsequent first clinical mastitis. Livestock Production Sci. 62: 169-180.
- Santos, J. E., Cerri, R. L., Ballou, M. A., Higginbotham, G. E. and Kirk, J. H., 2004. Effect of timing of first clinical mastitis occurrence on lactational and reproductive performance of Holstein dairy cows. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 80 (1-2): 31-45.
- Sargeant, J.M., Leslie, K.E., Shirley, J.E., Pulkrabek, B.J. and Lim, G.H., 2001. Sensivity and specificity of somatic cell count and California Mastitis Test for identifying intramammary infection in early lactation. J.Dairy Sci. 84(9): 2018-2024.
- Schrick, F.N., Hockett, M.E., Saxton, A.M., Lewis, M.J., Dowlen, H.H. and Oliver, S.P., 2001. Influence of subclinical mastitis during early lactation on reproductive parameters. J. Dairy Sci. 84: 1407-1412.
- Schroeder, J.W., 1997. Mastitis control programs: Bovine mastitis and milking management. North Dakota State University Extension Service. AS–1129 (April 1997).
- Seegers, H., Fourichon, C. and Beaudeau, F., 2003. Production effects related to mastitis and mastitis economics in dairy cattle herds. Vet. Res. 34: 475- 491.
- Seguya, A.G. and Mansell, P.D., 2000. An evaluation of a hand-held electrical resistance meter for the diagnosis of bovine subclinical mastitis in late lactation under Australian conditions. Aust. Vet. J. 78 (9): 608-611.
- Sheldrake, R.F. and Hoare, R. J., 1981. The detection of mastitis in individual quarters using electrical conductivity or somatic cell concentration. New Zeland Vet. Journal. 29 (11): 211-213.
- Sheldrake, R.F., Hoare, R.J. and McGregor, G.D. 1983. Lactation stage, parity, and infection affecting somatic cells, electrical conductivity, and serum albumin in milk. J. Dairy Sci. 66(3): 542-547.
- Shim, E. H., Shanks, R. D. and Morin, D. E., 2004. Milk losses and treatment costs associated with two treatment protocols for clinical mastitis in dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 87: 2702-2708.
- Singh, S. and Bansal, B. K., 2004. Variation in selected components of milk among different milk fractions and its relevance to diagnosis of mastitis in buffaloes. Buffalo Journal. 3: 213-2124.
- Skrzypek, R., Wójtowski, J. and Fahr, R. D., 2004. Factors affecting somatic cell count in cow bulk tank milk- A case study from Poland. J. Vet. Med. Series A 51: 127-131.
- Sloth, K. H. M. N., Friggens, N. C., Lİvendahl, P., Andersen, P. H., Jensen, J., Ingvartsen, K. L., 2003. Potential for improving description of bovine udder health status by combined analysis of milk parameters. J. Dairy Sci. 86: 1221-1232.
- Sugimoto, M., Fujikawa, A., Womack, J. E. and Sugimoto, Y., 2006. Evidence that bovine forebrain embriyonic zinc finger-like gene influences immune response associated with mastitis resistance. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Online. 103 (17): 6454- 6459.
- Špauskas, V., Klimiene, I. and Matusevičius, A., 2006. A comparison of indirect methods for diagnosis of subclinical mastitis in lactating dairy cows. Vet. Arhiv. 76 (2): 101- 109.
- Tekeli, T., 2005. Mastitis. AB Sürecinde Kaliteli Süt Üretimi ve Somatik Hücre Sayısı. Güzeliş Matbaası, Konya. s: 19-35.
- Tsenkova, R., Atanassova,S., Kawano, S. and Toyoda, K., 2001. Somatic cell count determination in cow’s milk by near-infrared spectroscopy: a new diagnostic tool. J. Anim. Sci.79(10): 2550-2557.
- Tsioulpas, A., Lewis, M. J., Grandison, A. S., 2007. A study of the ph of individual milk samples. Int. Journal of Dairy Technology. 60 (2): 96-97.
- Van Dorp, T. E., Dekkers, J. C. M., Martin, S. W. and Noordhuizen, J. P. T. M., 1998. Genetic parameters of health disorders, and relationships with 305-day milk yield and conformation traits of registered Holstein cows. Journal of Dairy Sci. 81: 2264-2270.
- Windig, J. J., Calus, M. P. L., De Jong, G. and Veerkamp, R. F., 2005. The association between somatic cell count patterns and milk production prior to mastitis. Livestock Production Sci. 96: 291- 299.