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Yıl 2007, Cilt: 22 Sayı: 3, 329 - 336, 31.12.2007


This review presents the application and use of infrared thermography (IRT) in production animals. IRT is a
non-invasive and non-contact heat detecting technology. An infrared camera measures the emitted infrared radiation from an object and then uses this information to create images (thernograms). These thermograms are evaluated by a specially analyzing software program. In live organisms, changes in vascular circulation result in an increase or decrease in tissue temperature, which is then used to evaluate the situation in that area. But there are some limitations and factors that must be considered when using IRT (sunlight, moisture, dirt, weather conditions etc). IRT has been mainly used in veterinary medicine, primarily for diagnostic purposes, especially in the diagnosis of orthopaedic diseases in horses. But IRT can be very successfully used as tool for research on livestock, pig, cattle, sheep and poultry breeding,. Areas of research include reproduction, thermoregulation, animal welfare or milking process. All of the authors using IRT recommended this method which can produce important information where conventional diagnostic techniques have exhausted their possibilities.


  • Adamec, T., Kunc, P., Knizkova, I., Dolejs, J., Toufar, O., 1997. By evaporative cooling in summer session is possible to improve growth and feed conversion in pig fattening. In. Proc., 48th Annual Meeting of EAAP, Vienna, Austria: 229.
  • Cockroft, P.D., Henson, F.M.D., Parker, C., 2000. Thermography of a septic etatarsophalangeal joint in a heifer. The Vet.Rec., 26: 258-260.
  • Chepete, H.J., Xin, H., 2000. Cooling laying hens by intermittent partial surface sprinkling. Transaction of the ASAE, 43: 965-971.
  • Denoix, J.M., 1994. Diagnostic techniques for identification and documentation of tendon and ligament injuries. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Equine Pract., 2: 365-407.
  • Embaby, S., Shamaa, A.A., Gohar, H.M., 2002. Clinical assessment of thermography as a diagnostic and prognostic tool in horse practice. In: Proc., Inframation 2002, Orlando, USA, 30-36.
  • Gabor, G., Sasser, R.G., Kastelic, J.P., Coulter, G.H., Falkay, G., Mezes, M., Bozo, S., Volgyi-Csik, J., Barny, I., Szasz, F., 1998. Morphologic, endocrine and thermographic measurements of testicles in comparison with semen characteristic in mature Holstein-Friesen breeding bulls. Anim.Repr.Sci., 51: 215-224.
  • Gariepy, C., Amiot, J., Nadai, S., 1989. Antemortem detection of PSE and DFD by infrared thermography of pigs before stunning. Meat Sci., 25: 37-41.
  • Gerken, M., Barow, U., 1998. Methodical investigation into thermoregulation in suckler cows under field conditions. In: Proc., 49th Annual Meeting of EAAP, Warsaw, Poland: 179.
  • Harper, D.L., 2000. The value of infrared thermography in a diagnosis and prognosis of injuries in animals. Proc., Inframation 2000, Orlando, USA: 115 – 122.
  • Hellebrand, H.J., Brehme, U., Beuche, H., Stollberg, U., Jacobs, H., 2003. Application of thermal imaging for cattle management. In: Proc., 1st European Conference on Precision Livestock Farming, Berlin, Germany: 761-763.
  • Hilsberg, S., Goltenboth, R., Eulenberg, K., 1997. Infrered thermography in zoo animals: preliminary experiences from its use in pregnancy diagnosis. In: Proc., 38. Internationalen Symposium uber die Erkrankungen der Zoo- und Wildtiere, Zurich, Schweiz: 187-190.
  • Hurnik, J.F., De Boer, S., Webster, A.B., 1984. Detection of health disorders in dairy cattle utilizing a thermal infrared scanning technique. Can.J.Anim.Sci., 64: 1071-1073.
  • Hurnik, J.F., Webster, A.B., De Boer, S., 1985. An investigation of skin temperature differentials in relation to estrus in dairy cattle using a thermal infrared scanning technique. J.Anim.Sci., 61: 1095 -1102.
  • Kastelic, J.P., Coulter, G.H., Cook, R.B., 1995. Scrotal surface, subcutaneous, intratesticular, and intraepididymal temperatures in bulls. Theriogen., 44: 147-152.
  • Kastelic, J.P., Cook, R.B., Coulter, G.H., Wallins, G.L., Entz, T., 1996a. Environmental factors affecting measurement of bovine scrotal surface temperature with infrared thermography. Anim.Reprod.Sci., 41: 153-159.
  • Kastelic, J.P., Cook, R.B., Coulter, G.H., Saacke, R.G., 1996b. Ejaculation increase scrotal surface temperature in bulls with intact epididymides. Theriogen, 46: 889-992.
  • Kastelic, J.P., Cook, R.B., Coulter, G.H., Saacke, R.G., 1996c. Insulating the scrotal neck affects semen quality and scrotal/testicular temperatures in the bull. Theriogen, 45: 935-942.
  • Kastelic, J.P., Cook, R.B., Coulter, G.H., 1997a. Scrotal/testicular thermoregulation and the effects of increased testicular temperature in the bull. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Food Animal Practice, 13: 271-282.
  • Kastelic, J.P., Cook, R.B., Coulter, G.H., 1997b. Contribution of the scrotum, testes and testicular artery to scrotal/testicular thermoregulation in bulls at two ambient temperatures. Anim.Reprod.Sci., 45: 255-261.
  • Kimmel, E., Arkin, H., Berman, A., 1992. Evaporative cooling of cattle: transport phenomena and thermovision. Paper Am.Soc.of Agric.Engin., 92-4028: 14.
  • Knizkova, I., Kunc, P., Novy, Z., Knizek, J., 1996. Evaluation of evaporative cooling on the changes of cattle surface body temperatures with use of thermovisin. Živoč.Výr., 41: 433-439.
  • Knizkova, I., Kunc, P., Koubkova, M., Flusser, J., Dolezal, O., 2002. Evaluation of naturally ventilated dairy barn management by a thermographic method. Livest.Prod.Sci., 77: 349-353.
  • Knizkova, I., Mala, G., Kunc, P., Knizek, J., 2005. Resistance of early postnatal lambs from four genetic types to cold environment and rain. In: Proc., XIIth Internatioanl Congress ISAH, Warsaw, Poland: 271-273.
  • Kotrbacek, V., Nau, H.R., 1984. The changes in skin temperatures of periparturient sows. Acta Vet. Brno, 54: 35-40.
  • Kozumplik, J., Malik, K., Ochotsky, J., 1989. Využití termografické metody k diagnostice zanětlivých procesů lokalizovaných na pohlavních orgánech plemeníků Vet.Med-Czech, 39: 305-307.
  • Lendelova, J., Pogran, S., Knizkova, I., Kunc, P., 2005. The influence of top-layer structure quality on thermal properties of dairy cubicle floors. In. Proc., Aktualní otázky bioklimatologie zvířat, Brno, Czech Republic: 48-52.
  • Loughmiller, J.A., Spire, M.F., Dritz, S.S., Fenwick, B.W., Hosni, M.H., Hogge, S.B., 2001. Relationship between mean surface temperature measured by use of infrared thermography and ambient temperature in clinically normal pigs and pigs inoculated with Actinobacillus pleuropneumonia. Am.J.Vet.Res., 62: 676-681.
  • Loughmiller, J.A., Spire, M.F., Tokach, M.D., Dritz, S.S., Nelssen, J.L., Goodbenad, R.D., Hogge, S.B., 2005. An evaluation of differences in mean body surface temperature with infrared thermography in growing pigs fed different dietary energy intake and concentration. J.Appl.Anim.Res., 28: 73 – 80.
  • Mala, G., Knizkova, I., Kunc, P., Matlova, V., Knizek, J., 2004. Resistance of early postnatal lambs from two genetic types to cold environment and rain. Ann.Anim.Sci., 1: 169-171.
  • Markel, A.L., Vainer, B.G., 2005. Infrared thermography in diagnosis of breast cancer (review of foreign literature). Terapevticheskii Arkhiv, 77: 57-61.
  • Nikkah, A., Plaizier, J.C., Einarson, M.S., Berry, R.J., Scott, S.L., Kennedy, A.D., 2005. Infrared thermography and visual examination of hooves of dairy cows in two stages of lactation. J. Dairy Sci., 88: 2479-2753.
  • Sabec, D., Lazar, P., 1990. Erste Ergebnisse berührungsloser Temperaturmessungen mittels eines Infrarotthermometers am Sprunggelenk des Schweines mit Osteoarthrosis tarsi deformans. Dtsch.Tieräztl.Wschr., 97: 43-44.
  • Schaefer, A.L., Jones, S.D.M., Murray, A.P., Sather, A.P., Tong, A.K.W., 1989. Infrared thermography of pigs with known genotypes for stress susceptibility in relation to pork quality. Can .J. Anim. Sci., 69: 491-495.
  • Schaefer, A.L., Jones, S.D.M., Tong, A.K.W., Vincent, B.C., 1988. The effects of fasting and transportation on beef cattle. 1. Acid-base-electrolyte balance and infrared heat loss of beef cattle. Livestock Prod. Sci., 20: 15-24.
  • Schaefer, A.L., Cook, N., Tessaro, S.V., Deregt, D., Desroches, G., Dubeski, P.L., Tong, A.K.W., Godson, D.L., 2003. Early detection and prediction of infection using infrared thermography. Can. J. Anim. Sci., 84: 73-80.
  • Schwartzkopfgenswein, K.S., Stookey, J.M., 1997. The use of infrared thermography to assess inflammation associated with hot-iron and freeze branding in cattle. Can. J. Anim. Sci., 77: 577-583.
  • Speakmen, J.R., Ward, S., 1998. Infrared thermography: Principle and applications. Zoology, 101: 224-232.
  • Spire, M.F., Drouillard, J.S., Galland, J.C., Sargeant, J.M., 1999. Use of infrared thermography to detect inflammation caused by contaminated growth promotant ear implants in cattle. J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc, 215: 1320-1324.
  • Spruyt, P., Ghafir, Y., Art, T., Lekeux, P., 1995. La thermographie infrarouge dans l´etude de la thermoregulation. Revue de la liteerature. Ann. Med.Vet., 139: 413-418.
  • Stewart, M., Webster, J.R., Schaefer, A.L., Cook, N.J., Scott, S.L., 2005. Infrared thermography as a noninvasive tool to study animal welfare. Animal Welfare, 14: 319-325.
  • Tong, A.K.W., Scheafer, A.L., Jones, S.D.M., 1995. Detection of poor quality beef using infrared thermography. Meat Focus International, 4: 443-445.
  • Verkerk, G., Webster, J., Bloomberg, M., Barrell, G., Tucker, C., Matthews, L., 2004. Minimising impact of adverse environments on stock. Dexcelink Winter: 15.
  • Xin, H., 1999. Assessing swine thermal comfort by image analysis of postural behaviors. J. Anim. Sci, 77, Suppl.2/J.Dairy Sci., 82, Suppl. 2: 1-9.
  • Yang, W., Yang, P.P.T., 1992. Literature survey on biomedical applications of thermography. Bio-medical Materials and Engineering, 2: 7-18.


Yıl 2007, Cilt: 22 Sayı: 3, 329 - 336, 31.12.2007


Bu çalışma hayvansal üretimde kızılötesi termograf (infrared termography; IRT) uygulamalarını özetlemektedir. IRT temas ve yayılma olmaksızın ısı algılamaya dayalı bir teknolojidir. Bir kızılötesi kamera nesnelerden yayılan kızılötesi ışınımı ölçer ve bu bilgileri görüntü oluşturmada kullanır. Bu görüntüler özel bir çözümleme yazılımı ile değerlendirilir. Canlı organizmalarda kan dolaşımındaki değişmeler doku sıcaklığının artması veya azalmasına neden olur ve bu sonuçlar o bölgedeki durum değerlendirilmesinde kullanılır. IRT kullanımında güneş ışığı, nem, kir ve hava şartları gibi bası kısıtlayıcı faktörleri göz önünde bulundurmak gerekir. IRT genellikle veterinerlikte tanı amaçlı olarak kullanılmış ve özelikle atlarda ortopedik rahatsızlıkların teşhisinde kullanılmıştır. Bununla birlikte bir araç olarak IRT, büyükbaş, koyun, domuz, kanatlı gibi çiftlik hayvanları üzerinde yapılan araştırmalarda da çok başarılı bir şekilde kullanılabilir. IRT’nin kullanımı ayrıca üreme, ısısal denge, hayvan sağlığı ve süt işleme gibi alanları da kapsamaktadır. IRT yöntemini kullanan bütün araştırmacılar geleneksel teşhis yöntemlerinin yetersiz kaldığı yerlerde bu yöntemi tavsiye etmektedirler


  • Adamec, T., Kunc, P., Knizkova, I., Dolejs, J., Toufar, O., 1997. By evaporative cooling in summer session is possible to improve growth and feed conversion in pig fattening. In. Proc., 48th Annual Meeting of EAAP, Vienna, Austria: 229.
  • Cockroft, P.D., Henson, F.M.D., Parker, C., 2000. Thermography of a septic etatarsophalangeal joint in a heifer. The Vet.Rec., 26: 258-260.
  • Chepete, H.J., Xin, H., 2000. Cooling laying hens by intermittent partial surface sprinkling. Transaction of the ASAE, 43: 965-971.
  • Denoix, J.M., 1994. Diagnostic techniques for identification and documentation of tendon and ligament injuries. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Equine Pract., 2: 365-407.
  • Embaby, S., Shamaa, A.A., Gohar, H.M., 2002. Clinical assessment of thermography as a diagnostic and prognostic tool in horse practice. In: Proc., Inframation 2002, Orlando, USA, 30-36.
  • Gabor, G., Sasser, R.G., Kastelic, J.P., Coulter, G.H., Falkay, G., Mezes, M., Bozo, S., Volgyi-Csik, J., Barny, I., Szasz, F., 1998. Morphologic, endocrine and thermographic measurements of testicles in comparison with semen characteristic in mature Holstein-Friesen breeding bulls. Anim.Repr.Sci., 51: 215-224.
  • Gariepy, C., Amiot, J., Nadai, S., 1989. Antemortem detection of PSE and DFD by infrared thermography of pigs before stunning. Meat Sci., 25: 37-41.
  • Gerken, M., Barow, U., 1998. Methodical investigation into thermoregulation in suckler cows under field conditions. In: Proc., 49th Annual Meeting of EAAP, Warsaw, Poland: 179.
  • Harper, D.L., 2000. The value of infrared thermography in a diagnosis and prognosis of injuries in animals. Proc., Inframation 2000, Orlando, USA: 115 – 122.
  • Hellebrand, H.J., Brehme, U., Beuche, H., Stollberg, U., Jacobs, H., 2003. Application of thermal imaging for cattle management. In: Proc., 1st European Conference on Precision Livestock Farming, Berlin, Germany: 761-763.
  • Hilsberg, S., Goltenboth, R., Eulenberg, K., 1997. Infrered thermography in zoo animals: preliminary experiences from its use in pregnancy diagnosis. In: Proc., 38. Internationalen Symposium uber die Erkrankungen der Zoo- und Wildtiere, Zurich, Schweiz: 187-190.
  • Hurnik, J.F., De Boer, S., Webster, A.B., 1984. Detection of health disorders in dairy cattle utilizing a thermal infrared scanning technique. Can.J.Anim.Sci., 64: 1071-1073.
  • Hurnik, J.F., Webster, A.B., De Boer, S., 1985. An investigation of skin temperature differentials in relation to estrus in dairy cattle using a thermal infrared scanning technique. J.Anim.Sci., 61: 1095 -1102.
  • Kastelic, J.P., Coulter, G.H., Cook, R.B., 1995. Scrotal surface, subcutaneous, intratesticular, and intraepididymal temperatures in bulls. Theriogen., 44: 147-152.
  • Kastelic, J.P., Cook, R.B., Coulter, G.H., Wallins, G.L., Entz, T., 1996a. Environmental factors affecting measurement of bovine scrotal surface temperature with infrared thermography. Anim.Reprod.Sci., 41: 153-159.
  • Kastelic, J.P., Cook, R.B., Coulter, G.H., Saacke, R.G., 1996b. Ejaculation increase scrotal surface temperature in bulls with intact epididymides. Theriogen, 46: 889-992.
  • Kastelic, J.P., Cook, R.B., Coulter, G.H., Saacke, R.G., 1996c. Insulating the scrotal neck affects semen quality and scrotal/testicular temperatures in the bull. Theriogen, 45: 935-942.
  • Kastelic, J.P., Cook, R.B., Coulter, G.H., 1997a. Scrotal/testicular thermoregulation and the effects of increased testicular temperature in the bull. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Food Animal Practice, 13: 271-282.
  • Kastelic, J.P., Cook, R.B., Coulter, G.H., 1997b. Contribution of the scrotum, testes and testicular artery to scrotal/testicular thermoregulation in bulls at two ambient temperatures. Anim.Reprod.Sci., 45: 255-261.
  • Kimmel, E., Arkin, H., Berman, A., 1992. Evaporative cooling of cattle: transport phenomena and thermovision. Paper Am.Soc.of Agric.Engin., 92-4028: 14.
  • Knizkova, I., Kunc, P., Novy, Z., Knizek, J., 1996. Evaluation of evaporative cooling on the changes of cattle surface body temperatures with use of thermovisin. Živoč.Výr., 41: 433-439.
  • Knizkova, I., Kunc, P., Koubkova, M., Flusser, J., Dolezal, O., 2002. Evaluation of naturally ventilated dairy barn management by a thermographic method. Livest.Prod.Sci., 77: 349-353.
  • Knizkova, I., Mala, G., Kunc, P., Knizek, J., 2005. Resistance of early postnatal lambs from four genetic types to cold environment and rain. In: Proc., XIIth Internatioanl Congress ISAH, Warsaw, Poland: 271-273.
  • Kotrbacek, V., Nau, H.R., 1984. The changes in skin temperatures of periparturient sows. Acta Vet. Brno, 54: 35-40.
  • Kozumplik, J., Malik, K., Ochotsky, J., 1989. Využití termografické metody k diagnostice zanětlivých procesů lokalizovaných na pohlavních orgánech plemeníků Vet.Med-Czech, 39: 305-307.
  • Lendelova, J., Pogran, S., Knizkova, I., Kunc, P., 2005. The influence of top-layer structure quality on thermal properties of dairy cubicle floors. In. Proc., Aktualní otázky bioklimatologie zvířat, Brno, Czech Republic: 48-52.
  • Loughmiller, J.A., Spire, M.F., Dritz, S.S., Fenwick, B.W., Hosni, M.H., Hogge, S.B., 2001. Relationship between mean surface temperature measured by use of infrared thermography and ambient temperature in clinically normal pigs and pigs inoculated with Actinobacillus pleuropneumonia. Am.J.Vet.Res., 62: 676-681.
  • Loughmiller, J.A., Spire, M.F., Tokach, M.D., Dritz, S.S., Nelssen, J.L., Goodbenad, R.D., Hogge, S.B., 2005. An evaluation of differences in mean body surface temperature with infrared thermography in growing pigs fed different dietary energy intake and concentration. J.Appl.Anim.Res., 28: 73 – 80.
  • Mala, G., Knizkova, I., Kunc, P., Matlova, V., Knizek, J., 2004. Resistance of early postnatal lambs from two genetic types to cold environment and rain. Ann.Anim.Sci., 1: 169-171.
  • Markel, A.L., Vainer, B.G., 2005. Infrared thermography in diagnosis of breast cancer (review of foreign literature). Terapevticheskii Arkhiv, 77: 57-61.
  • Nikkah, A., Plaizier, J.C., Einarson, M.S., Berry, R.J., Scott, S.L., Kennedy, A.D., 2005. Infrared thermography and visual examination of hooves of dairy cows in two stages of lactation. J. Dairy Sci., 88: 2479-2753.
  • Sabec, D., Lazar, P., 1990. Erste Ergebnisse berührungsloser Temperaturmessungen mittels eines Infrarotthermometers am Sprunggelenk des Schweines mit Osteoarthrosis tarsi deformans. Dtsch.Tieräztl.Wschr., 97: 43-44.
  • Schaefer, A.L., Jones, S.D.M., Murray, A.P., Sather, A.P., Tong, A.K.W., 1989. Infrared thermography of pigs with known genotypes for stress susceptibility in relation to pork quality. Can .J. Anim. Sci., 69: 491-495.
  • Schaefer, A.L., Jones, S.D.M., Tong, A.K.W., Vincent, B.C., 1988. The effects of fasting and transportation on beef cattle. 1. Acid-base-electrolyte balance and infrared heat loss of beef cattle. Livestock Prod. Sci., 20: 15-24.
  • Schaefer, A.L., Cook, N., Tessaro, S.V., Deregt, D., Desroches, G., Dubeski, P.L., Tong, A.K.W., Godson, D.L., 2003. Early detection and prediction of infection using infrared thermography. Can. J. Anim. Sci., 84: 73-80.
  • Schwartzkopfgenswein, K.S., Stookey, J.M., 1997. The use of infrared thermography to assess inflammation associated with hot-iron and freeze branding in cattle. Can. J. Anim. Sci., 77: 577-583.
  • Speakmen, J.R., Ward, S., 1998. Infrared thermography: Principle and applications. Zoology, 101: 224-232.
  • Spire, M.F., Drouillard, J.S., Galland, J.C., Sargeant, J.M., 1999. Use of infrared thermography to detect inflammation caused by contaminated growth promotant ear implants in cattle. J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc, 215: 1320-1324.
  • Spruyt, P., Ghafir, Y., Art, T., Lekeux, P., 1995. La thermographie infrarouge dans l´etude de la thermoregulation. Revue de la liteerature. Ann. Med.Vet., 139: 413-418.
  • Stewart, M., Webster, J.R., Schaefer, A.L., Cook, N.J., Scott, S.L., 2005. Infrared thermography as a noninvasive tool to study animal welfare. Animal Welfare, 14: 319-325.
  • Tong, A.K.W., Scheafer, A.L., Jones, S.D.M., 1995. Detection of poor quality beef using infrared thermography. Meat Focus International, 4: 443-445.
  • Verkerk, G., Webster, J., Bloomberg, M., Barrell, G., Tucker, C., Matthews, L., 2004. Minimising impact of adverse environments on stock. Dexcelink Winter: 15.
  • Xin, H., 1999. Assessing swine thermal comfort by image analysis of postural behaviors. J. Anim. Sci, 77, Suppl.2/J.Dairy Sci., 82, Suppl. 2: 1-9.
  • Yang, W., Yang, P.P.T., 1992. Literature survey on biomedical applications of thermography. Bio-medical Materials and Engineering, 2: 7-18.
Toplam 44 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Tarım Bilimleri (Agricultural Sciences) Eski Sayılar (Back Issues)

İvana Knízková Bu kişi benim

Petr Kunc Bu kişi benim

Gürkan Gürdil Bu kişi benim

Yunus Pınar Bu kişi benim

K. Çağatay Selvi Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2007
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2007 Cilt: 22 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Knízková, İ., Kunc, P., Gürdil, G., Pınar, Y., vd. (2007). APPLICATIONS OF INFRARED THERMOGRAPHY IN ANIMAL PRODUCTION. Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 22(3), 329-336.
AMA Knízková İ, Kunc P, Gürdil G, Pınar Y, Selvi KÇ. APPLICATIONS OF INFRARED THERMOGRAPHY IN ANIMAL PRODUCTION. ANAJAS. Aralık 2007;22(3):329-336. doi:10.7161/anajas.2007.22.3.329-336
Chicago Knízková, İvana, Petr Kunc, Gürkan Gürdil, Yunus Pınar, ve K. Çağatay Selvi. “APPLICATIONS OF INFRARED THERMOGRAPHY IN ANIMAL PRODUCTION”. Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi 22, sy. 3 (Aralık 2007): 329-36.
EndNote Knízková İ, Kunc P, Gürdil G, Pınar Y, Selvi KÇ (01 Aralık 2007) APPLICATIONS OF INFRARED THERMOGRAPHY IN ANIMAL PRODUCTION. Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi 22 3 329–336.
IEEE İ. Knízková, P. Kunc, G. Gürdil, Y. Pınar, ve K. Ç. Selvi, “APPLICATIONS OF INFRARED THERMOGRAPHY IN ANIMAL PRODUCTION”, ANAJAS, c. 22, sy. 3, ss. 329–336, 2007, doi: 10.7161/anajas.2007.22.3.329-336.
ISNAD Knízková, İvana vd. “APPLICATIONS OF INFRARED THERMOGRAPHY IN ANIMAL PRODUCTION”. Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi 22/3 (Aralık 2007), 329-336.
MLA Knízková, İvana vd. “APPLICATIONS OF INFRARED THERMOGRAPHY IN ANIMAL PRODUCTION”. Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 22, sy. 3, 2007, ss. 329-36, doi:10.7161/anajas.2007.22.3.329-336.
Vancouver Knízková İ, Kunc P, Gürdil G, Pınar Y, Selvi KÇ. APPLICATIONS OF INFRARED THERMOGRAPHY IN ANIMAL PRODUCTION. ANAJAS. 2007;22(3):329-36.
Online ISSN: 1308-8769