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Farklı Form ve Bileşendeki Kompoze Gübre Uygulamalarının Şeker Pancarı Verim ve Kalite Değerleri Üzerine Etkisi ve Ekonomik Analizi

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 36 Sayı: 2, 255 - 267, 15.06.2021


Bu çalışma, uygulanan farklı form ve bileşimdeki kompoze gübrelerin şeker pancarı (Beta vulgaris L.) verim ve kalite değerlerine etkisini tespit etmek amacıyla 2015 ve 2016 yıllarında Şeker Enstitüsü Etimesgut Deneme İstasyonunda yürütülmüştür. Çalışmada şeker pancarı ( Beta vulgaris L.) verim ve kalite değerlerinin ölçülmesi yanında gübreleme maliyetleri de belirlenmiştir. Denemeler her iki yılda da tesadüf blokları deneme desenine göre 4 tekrarlamalı olarak kurulmuştur. Araştırma konuları; a) 12-30-12, b) 15-15-15, c) 13-18-15+2 Mg+10 SO3+ 0.5 B, d) 10-25-20+25 SO3+ ME (% 0.5 Zn), e) 7-18-7+11 SO3+ B+ Mn+Zn (% 0.1) ve f) 13-24-12+10 SO3+ME (% 1 Zn) kompoze gübre uygulamalarından oluşmuştur. Birleştirilmiş varyans analiz sonuçlara göre pancar verimi ve şeker varlığı bakımından uygulamalar arasındaki farklar istatistikî olarak önemli bulunmamıştır. Yapılan gübreleme maliyetine göre ise yalın NPK (15-15-15 ve 12-30-12) kompoze gübre uygulamalarının gübre ve gübreleme maliyeti, ikincil ve mikro besin katkılı kompoze gübrelere göre % 23.23 daha düşük bulunmuştur.


  • Akyar, O. C., Cagatay, M., Kayimoglu, E., Özbek, A., Titiz., S., 1980. Uber die Beziehung zwischen dem bereinigten Zuckergehalt und der chemischen Zusammensetzung der Zuckerrübe. Zuckerindustrie. 105: 457–466.
  • Anonim, 2020. 2019 Tarım Raporu. TŞFAŞ Yayınları. Türkşeker. Yenişehir/ Ankara.
  • Armstrong, M. J., Milford, G .F. J., 1985 The nitrogen nutrition of sugar beet. British Sugar Beet Review. 53(4), 42–44.
  • Armstrong, M. J., Jarvıs, P. J., Houghton, B. J., Bellett-Travers, D. M., Jones,J., 2010. Effect of potassium fertilizer on the yield, quality and potassium offtake of sugar beet crops grown on soils of different potassium status. The Journal of Agricultural Science, 135(01):1-10. doi: 10.1017/S0021859699007881.
  • Artyszak, A., 2014. The efficiency of foliar boron fertilization of two sugar beet varieties. Part I. The yielding and technological quality of roots. Fragmenta Agronomica, 31:7-18
  • Baran, F. M., Gokdogan, O., 2016. Determination of energy balance of sugar beet production in Turkey: A case study of Kirklareli Province. Energy E_c, 9, 487–494. doi: 10.1007/s12053-015-9375-x.
  • Barłóg, P., W. Grzebisz, Pepliński, K., Szczepaniak, W., 2013. Sugar Beet Response to Balanced Nitrogen Fertilization with Phosphorus and Potassium Part I. Dynamics of Beet Yield Development. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 19:1311–1318.
  • Bee, P.M., Jarvıs, P.J., Armstrong, M.J., 1997, The Effect of potassium and sodium fertilizer on sugar beet yield and quality, Proceedings of the 60 th International Institute for Beet Research Congress, July, Cambridge (UK).
  • Burba, M., 1996. Invert sugar and harmful nitrogen as quality parameters of sugar beet. Institute International de Recherches Betteravières Proceedings, 369–383.
  • Bouyoucos, G. J., 1951. A recalibration of the hydrometer method for making mechanical analysis of soils. Agronomy Journal,43; 434-438.
  • Cakmak, I., 2005. The role of potassium in alleviating detrimental effects of abiotic stresses in plants. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 168: 521–530.
  • Çakmak, İ., Kirkby, E. A., 2008. Role of magnesium in carbon partitioning and alleviating photooxidative damage. Physiologia Plantarum, 133: 692-704. doi: 10.1111/j.1399-3054.2007.01042.x.
  • Draycott, A. P., Christenson, D. R., 2003. Nutrients for sugar beet production. Soil-plant relationships. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, UK.
  • Er, C., Başalma, D., İnan, H., Gürel, S., Soygeniş, A.F., Abacı ,Y., Pişkin, A., Karaş, E., Boyacıoğlu, A., Gürkan, Ş., Kaya, R., Tuğrul, K.M., Erdem, F., 2017. Şeker Pancarı Tarımı, Tarım Gündem Dergisi Özel Yayını, İzmir,127s.
  • Erdal, G., Esengün, K., Erdal, H., Gündüz, O., 2007. Energy use and economical analysis of sugar beet production in Tokat province of Turkey. Energy 1, 35–41.
  • Eyüpoğlu, F., 1999. Türkiye Topraklarının Verimlilik Durumu. Toprak Gübre Araş. Enst. Genel Yayınları No: 220, Ankara.
  • Filella , I., Serrano, I., Serra, J., Penuelas, J. 1995 . Evaluating wheat nitrogen status with canopy reflectance indices and discriminant analysis. Crop Science, 35: 1400-1405.
  • Gezgin. S.. Dursun. N.. Hamurcu. M.. Harmankaya. M.. Önder. M.. Sade. B.. Topal. A.. Soylu. S.. Akgün. N.. Yorgancilar. M.. Ceyhan. E.. Çiftçi. N.. Acar. B.. Gültekin. İ.. Işık. Y.. Şeker. C.. Babaoğlu. M.. 2002. Determination of B Contents Of Soils in Central Anatolian Cultivated Lands and its Relations between Soil and Water Characteristics. Boron in Plant and Animal Nutrition. Edited by Goldbach et al.. Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers. New York.
  • Hermans C., Hammond, J. P., White, P.J., Verbruggen, N., 2006. How to plants respond to nutrient shortage by biomass allocation? Trends Plant Sci 11: 610-617.
  • Hızalan, E., Ünal, H., 1966. Topraklarda önemli kimyasal analizler. A.Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları, 278.
  • ICUMSA., 2003. The determination of the polarization of sugar beet by the macerator or cold aqueous digestion method using aluminum sulphate as clarifying agent—official. In Methods book, method GS6-3, ed. International commission for uniform methods of sugar analysis. England: Colney.
  • Jackson, M. L., 1962. Soil chemical analysis. Prentice Hall, İnc. Eng. Cliffs. N.J. USA
  • Kacar, B., İnal, A., 2008. Bitki analizleri. Nobel Yayın Dağıtım Ltd. Şti, 892, Ankara
  • Kjeldahl, J. 1883. Neue Methode zur Bestimmung des Sticksstofffs in Organischen Körpem. Z. Anal. Chem, 22:366-382.
  • Knowels, F., Watkin, J. E., 1967. A Practical Course in Agricultural Chemistry. Mc Millian Co. Ltd. New York.
  • Kubadinow, N., 1972. Jahresbericht Zuckergorschungs Institute. Osterreich, 8; 83-94.
  • Kubadinow, N., Wieninger, L., 1972. Compt. Rent. XIV. Ass. Comm. Int. Tech. Sucr.(CITS) Brüssel,1971; 539.
  • Lindsay, W. L., Norwell, W. A., 1978. Development of a DTPA soil test for zinc, iron, manganese and copper. Soil Science Society of American Journal, 43 (2):421–28.
  • Mahn, K., Hoffmann C., Märländer, B., 2002. Distribution of quality components in different morphological sections of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.). European Journal of Agronomy,17: 29–39.
  • Marschner, H., 1995. Mineral Nutrition of Higher Plants, 2nd edn. Academic Press, London, 889 pp.
  • Minitab. 1995. Minitab Reference Manuel (Release 7.1), Minitab Inc., State Coll. PA, 16801, USA.
  • Moran, J. A., Mitchell, A. K., Goodmanson, G., Stockburger,K. A., 2000. Differentiation among effects of nitrogenfertilization treatments on conifer seedlings by foliar reflectance; A comparison of methods. Tree Physiology. 20:1113 -1120. doı: 10.1093/treephys/20.16.1113.
  • Olsen, S. R. ,Cole, C.V.,Watanabe, F. S., Dean, L. A., 1954. Estimation of available phosphorus in soil by extraction with sodium bicarbonate. U.S. Dept. of. Agric. Circ. 939,Washington D.C.
  • O'shea, C.J., Lynch, B., Lynch, M. B., Callan, J. J., O’Doherty, J. V., 2009. Ammonia emissions and dry matter of separated pig manure fractions as affected by crude protein concentration and sugar beet pulp inclusion of finishing pig diets. Agric. Ecosyst. Environ., 131: 154–160. ://
  • Pidgeon, J. D., Werker, A.R., Jaggard, K .W., Richter, G.M., Lister, D.H. and Jones, P.D., 2001. Climatic impact on the productivity of sugar beet in Europe, 1961–1995. Agriculture and Forest Meteorology, 109, 27–37.
  • Pişkin, A., 2017. Effect of Zinc applied together with compound fertilizer on yield and quality of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.). Journal of Plant Nutrition, 40 (18): 2521-2531.
  • Pişkin, A., Turhan, M., 2017. İlkbaharda Uygulanan Fosforun Şeker Pancarının Verim ve Kalitesi Üzerine Etkisi. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi. 20 (Özel Sayı): 227-231.
  • Reinefeld, E., Emmerich, A., Baumgarten, G., Winner, C., Beiβ, U., 1974. Zur Voraussage des Melassezuckers aus Rübenanalysen. Zucker, 27; 2-15.
  • Scott, R. K., Jaggard, K. W., 1993. Crop physiology and agronomy. In: Cooke, D.A. and Scott, R.K. (eds).The Sugar Beet Crop. Science 237, Chapman and Hall, London, 179-237.
  • Selami, M., Saadat, S., 2013. Study of potassium and nitrogen fertilizer levels on the yield of sugar beet in jolge cultivar. Journal of Novel Applied Sciences, 2(4); 94-100. Sueri, A., Turhan, M. 2002. Bazı Şeker Fabrikaları Pancar Ekim Alanları Topraklarının Fiziksel ve Kimyasal Özellikleri ve Bitki Besin Kapsamları Durumu. Türkiye Şeker Fabrikaları A.Ş. İkinci Ulusal Şeker Pancarı Üretimi Sempozyumu 10-11 Eylül 2002. Mars Matbaası. Ankara.
  • Tecator Manual., 1987a. Digestion System 20. Application Note. Box 70 S-26321, Höganas, Sweden.
  • Tecator Manual. 1987b. Kjeltec Auto Sampler System. Box 70 S-26321, Höganas,
  • Tarım ve Orman Bakanlığı., 2021. Türkiye Şeker Sektörü, Şeker Dairesi Başkanlığı. (Erişim tarihi; 21.01.2021)
  • Ulrich, A., 1959. Growth and Development of the Sugar Beet. University of California Bulletin,776;4-24.
  • Zengin, M., Gökmen, F., Yazıcı, M. A., Gezgin, S., 2009. Effects of Potassium, Magnesium and Sulphur Containing Fertilizers on Yield and Quality of Sugar Beets (Beta vulgaris L.). Turkish J. of Agric. and Forestry, 33, 495-502. doi: 10.3906/tar-0812-19

The Effect of Compound Fertilizer Applications in Different Forms and Components on Sugar Beet Yield and Quality and Economic Analysis

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 36 Sayı: 2, 255 - 267, 15.06.2021


This study was carried out at the Sugar Institute Etimesgut Experiment Station in 2015 and 2016 in order to determine the effect of compound fertilizers in different forms and components on yield and quality values of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.). In the study, besides measuring the yield and quality values of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.), fertilization costs were also conducted to fertilizer applications. The trials were set up with 4 replications in both years according to the randomized blocks trial design. Research issues; a) 12-30-12, b) 15-15-15, c) 13-18-15 + 2 Mg + 10 SO3 + 0.5 B, d) 10-25-20 + 25 SO3 + ME (0.5 % Zn), e) 7-18-7 + 11 SO3 + B + Mn + Zn (0.1 %) and f) 13-24-12 + 10 SO3 + ME (1% Zn) compound fertilizer applications. According to the combined variance analysis results, the differences between the applications in terms of beet yield and sugar presence were not found statistically significant. According to the economic analysis, the fertilizer and fertilization costs of lean NPK (15-15-15 and 12-30-12) compound fertilizer applications were found to be 23.23 % lower than secondary and micronutrient added compound fertilizers.


  • Akyar, O. C., Cagatay, M., Kayimoglu, E., Özbek, A., Titiz., S., 1980. Uber die Beziehung zwischen dem bereinigten Zuckergehalt und der chemischen Zusammensetzung der Zuckerrübe. Zuckerindustrie. 105: 457–466.
  • Anonim, 2020. 2019 Tarım Raporu. TŞFAŞ Yayınları. Türkşeker. Yenişehir/ Ankara.
  • Armstrong, M. J., Milford, G .F. J., 1985 The nitrogen nutrition of sugar beet. British Sugar Beet Review. 53(4), 42–44.
  • Armstrong, M. J., Jarvıs, P. J., Houghton, B. J., Bellett-Travers, D. M., Jones,J., 2010. Effect of potassium fertilizer on the yield, quality and potassium offtake of sugar beet crops grown on soils of different potassium status. The Journal of Agricultural Science, 135(01):1-10. doi: 10.1017/S0021859699007881.
  • Artyszak, A., 2014. The efficiency of foliar boron fertilization of two sugar beet varieties. Part I. The yielding and technological quality of roots. Fragmenta Agronomica, 31:7-18
  • Baran, F. M., Gokdogan, O., 2016. Determination of energy balance of sugar beet production in Turkey: A case study of Kirklareli Province. Energy E_c, 9, 487–494. doi: 10.1007/s12053-015-9375-x.
  • Barłóg, P., W. Grzebisz, Pepliński, K., Szczepaniak, W., 2013. Sugar Beet Response to Balanced Nitrogen Fertilization with Phosphorus and Potassium Part I. Dynamics of Beet Yield Development. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 19:1311–1318.
  • Bee, P.M., Jarvıs, P.J., Armstrong, M.J., 1997, The Effect of potassium and sodium fertilizer on sugar beet yield and quality, Proceedings of the 60 th International Institute for Beet Research Congress, July, Cambridge (UK).
  • Burba, M., 1996. Invert sugar and harmful nitrogen as quality parameters of sugar beet. Institute International de Recherches Betteravières Proceedings, 369–383.
  • Bouyoucos, G. J., 1951. A recalibration of the hydrometer method for making mechanical analysis of soils. Agronomy Journal,43; 434-438.
  • Cakmak, I., 2005. The role of potassium in alleviating detrimental effects of abiotic stresses in plants. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 168: 521–530.
  • Çakmak, İ., Kirkby, E. A., 2008. Role of magnesium in carbon partitioning and alleviating photooxidative damage. Physiologia Plantarum, 133: 692-704. doi: 10.1111/j.1399-3054.2007.01042.x.
  • Draycott, A. P., Christenson, D. R., 2003. Nutrients for sugar beet production. Soil-plant relationships. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, UK.
  • Er, C., Başalma, D., İnan, H., Gürel, S., Soygeniş, A.F., Abacı ,Y., Pişkin, A., Karaş, E., Boyacıoğlu, A., Gürkan, Ş., Kaya, R., Tuğrul, K.M., Erdem, F., 2017. Şeker Pancarı Tarımı, Tarım Gündem Dergisi Özel Yayını, İzmir,127s.
  • Erdal, G., Esengün, K., Erdal, H., Gündüz, O., 2007. Energy use and economical analysis of sugar beet production in Tokat province of Turkey. Energy 1, 35–41.
  • Eyüpoğlu, F., 1999. Türkiye Topraklarının Verimlilik Durumu. Toprak Gübre Araş. Enst. Genel Yayınları No: 220, Ankara.
  • Filella , I., Serrano, I., Serra, J., Penuelas, J. 1995 . Evaluating wheat nitrogen status with canopy reflectance indices and discriminant analysis. Crop Science, 35: 1400-1405.
  • Gezgin. S.. Dursun. N.. Hamurcu. M.. Harmankaya. M.. Önder. M.. Sade. B.. Topal. A.. Soylu. S.. Akgün. N.. Yorgancilar. M.. Ceyhan. E.. Çiftçi. N.. Acar. B.. Gültekin. İ.. Işık. Y.. Şeker. C.. Babaoğlu. M.. 2002. Determination of B Contents Of Soils in Central Anatolian Cultivated Lands and its Relations between Soil and Water Characteristics. Boron in Plant and Animal Nutrition. Edited by Goldbach et al.. Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers. New York.
  • Hermans C., Hammond, J. P., White, P.J., Verbruggen, N., 2006. How to plants respond to nutrient shortage by biomass allocation? Trends Plant Sci 11: 610-617.
  • Hızalan, E., Ünal, H., 1966. Topraklarda önemli kimyasal analizler. A.Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları, 278.
  • ICUMSA., 2003. The determination of the polarization of sugar beet by the macerator or cold aqueous digestion method using aluminum sulphate as clarifying agent—official. In Methods book, method GS6-3, ed. International commission for uniform methods of sugar analysis. England: Colney.
  • Jackson, M. L., 1962. Soil chemical analysis. Prentice Hall, İnc. Eng. Cliffs. N.J. USA
  • Kacar, B., İnal, A., 2008. Bitki analizleri. Nobel Yayın Dağıtım Ltd. Şti, 892, Ankara
  • Kjeldahl, J. 1883. Neue Methode zur Bestimmung des Sticksstofffs in Organischen Körpem. Z. Anal. Chem, 22:366-382.
  • Knowels, F., Watkin, J. E., 1967. A Practical Course in Agricultural Chemistry. Mc Millian Co. Ltd. New York.
  • Kubadinow, N., 1972. Jahresbericht Zuckergorschungs Institute. Osterreich, 8; 83-94.
  • Kubadinow, N., Wieninger, L., 1972. Compt. Rent. XIV. Ass. Comm. Int. Tech. Sucr.(CITS) Brüssel,1971; 539.
  • Lindsay, W. L., Norwell, W. A., 1978. Development of a DTPA soil test for zinc, iron, manganese and copper. Soil Science Society of American Journal, 43 (2):421–28.
  • Mahn, K., Hoffmann C., Märländer, B., 2002. Distribution of quality components in different morphological sections of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.). European Journal of Agronomy,17: 29–39.
  • Marschner, H., 1995. Mineral Nutrition of Higher Plants, 2nd edn. Academic Press, London, 889 pp.
  • Minitab. 1995. Minitab Reference Manuel (Release 7.1), Minitab Inc., State Coll. PA, 16801, USA.
  • Moran, J. A., Mitchell, A. K., Goodmanson, G., Stockburger,K. A., 2000. Differentiation among effects of nitrogenfertilization treatments on conifer seedlings by foliar reflectance; A comparison of methods. Tree Physiology. 20:1113 -1120. doı: 10.1093/treephys/20.16.1113.
  • Olsen, S. R. ,Cole, C.V.,Watanabe, F. S., Dean, L. A., 1954. Estimation of available phosphorus in soil by extraction with sodium bicarbonate. U.S. Dept. of. Agric. Circ. 939,Washington D.C.
  • O'shea, C.J., Lynch, B., Lynch, M. B., Callan, J. J., O’Doherty, J. V., 2009. Ammonia emissions and dry matter of separated pig manure fractions as affected by crude protein concentration and sugar beet pulp inclusion of finishing pig diets. Agric. Ecosyst. Environ., 131: 154–160. ://
  • Pidgeon, J. D., Werker, A.R., Jaggard, K .W., Richter, G.M., Lister, D.H. and Jones, P.D., 2001. Climatic impact on the productivity of sugar beet in Europe, 1961–1995. Agriculture and Forest Meteorology, 109, 27–37.
  • Pişkin, A., 2017. Effect of Zinc applied together with compound fertilizer on yield and quality of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.). Journal of Plant Nutrition, 40 (18): 2521-2531.
  • Pişkin, A., Turhan, M., 2017. İlkbaharda Uygulanan Fosforun Şeker Pancarının Verim ve Kalitesi Üzerine Etkisi. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi. 20 (Özel Sayı): 227-231.
  • Reinefeld, E., Emmerich, A., Baumgarten, G., Winner, C., Beiβ, U., 1974. Zur Voraussage des Melassezuckers aus Rübenanalysen. Zucker, 27; 2-15.
  • Scott, R. K., Jaggard, K. W., 1993. Crop physiology and agronomy. In: Cooke, D.A. and Scott, R.K. (eds).The Sugar Beet Crop. Science 237, Chapman and Hall, London, 179-237.
  • Selami, M., Saadat, S., 2013. Study of potassium and nitrogen fertilizer levels on the yield of sugar beet in jolge cultivar. Journal of Novel Applied Sciences, 2(4); 94-100. Sueri, A., Turhan, M. 2002. Bazı Şeker Fabrikaları Pancar Ekim Alanları Topraklarının Fiziksel ve Kimyasal Özellikleri ve Bitki Besin Kapsamları Durumu. Türkiye Şeker Fabrikaları A.Ş. İkinci Ulusal Şeker Pancarı Üretimi Sempozyumu 10-11 Eylül 2002. Mars Matbaası. Ankara.
  • Tecator Manual., 1987a. Digestion System 20. Application Note. Box 70 S-26321, Höganas, Sweden.
  • Tecator Manual. 1987b. Kjeltec Auto Sampler System. Box 70 S-26321, Höganas,
  • Tarım ve Orman Bakanlığı., 2021. Türkiye Şeker Sektörü, Şeker Dairesi Başkanlığı. (Erişim tarihi; 21.01.2021)
  • Ulrich, A., 1959. Growth and Development of the Sugar Beet. University of California Bulletin,776;4-24.
  • Zengin, M., Gökmen, F., Yazıcı, M. A., Gezgin, S., 2009. Effects of Potassium, Magnesium and Sulphur Containing Fertilizers on Yield and Quality of Sugar Beets (Beta vulgaris L.). Turkish J. of Agric. and Forestry, 33, 495-502. doi: 10.3906/tar-0812-19
Toplam 45 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi

Ahmet Pişkin 0000-0002-3641-9191

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Haziran 2021
Kabul Tarihi 9 Nisan 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 36 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Pişkin, A. (2021). Farklı Form ve Bileşendeki Kompoze Gübre Uygulamalarının Şeker Pancarı Verim ve Kalite Değerleri Üzerine Etkisi ve Ekonomik Analizi. Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 36(2), 255-267.
Online ISSN: 1308-8769