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Yıl 2013, Cilt: 32 Sayı: 2, - , 01.06.2013


This paper describes types of technology studies that have been conducted related to young children’s early education. A systematic review of studies was undertaken using EBSCOhost, Blackwell Synergy, and ScienceDirect databases, to identify all studies published between 2003 and 2009 according to specific criteria. The studies were selected on the basis of the following three issues: (1) the role of technology in children’s development, (2) the role of technology in teachers’ teaching practices, and (3) studies that aimed to investigate the impact of technology usage on not only teacher practices but also young children’s development in school settings. In for each type of study the methodology, types of technology used, purposes and findings and other features including the publication year, and study locations are given in detail.


  • 2006; Espinosa et al., 2006). Furthermore, it was discovered that technology
  • was useful for early childhood teachers in terms of supporting their
  • professional development (Chen & Chang, 2006a; Downer et al., 2009NAEYC
  • 1996). The results of these studies suggested that training programs should be
  • provided for early childhood teachers in order that could use technology in
  • ways that were appropriate for their young students. By attending technology
  • related courses in their pre-service education and became familiar with
  • computer skills they were able to utilize these skills in their professional life.
  • According to the statement from NAEYC (1996), both in-service and pre
  • service training should be conducted to allow early childhood teachers to
  • benefit from the possible advantages of technology in their teaching.
  • This systematic review indicated different types of studies about technology
  • usage in early childhood education in terms of the impact on children,
  • teachers, and both children and teachers. The current study covered 30 articles
  • concerning research conducted in different countries in the world; however,
  • none of the reviewed journals contained a report of research carried out in
  • Turkey. It would, therefore, be useful to review studies carried out in Turkey
  • in order to reflect the issue of technology usage in early childhood education.
  • Thus, the recent debate about technology usage in early childhood education
  • can be seen as a guide for further studies.
  • This study reviewed technology-related articles from journals published from
  • 2003 to 2009. From a content analysis it emerged that the main issues of these
  • studies focused on the different types of technologies using in early childhood
  • classrooms. This study showed that the “computer” as a technology plays an
  • important role on technology-related literature. In addition, other types of
  • technologies such as ICT, assistive technology were selected to be used in early
  • childhood classrooms. Moreover, it was clear that most of the researchers
  • chose the type of methodology on the basis of their research purposes.
  • Therefore, this review can help future researchers to select an appropriate
  • methodology to suit the purpose of their research.
  • ABU-EL-HAIJA L. (2003, July). Technology environment? How do computers affect kids? Paper presented at the National Information Center “Towards a Healthy Environment for Children, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan”. Retrieved May 11, 2009, from
  • BACIGALUPA C. (2005). “The use of video games by kindergarteners in a family child. Early Childhood Education Journal, 33(1), 25-30.
  • BAROODY A.J., EILAND M. & THOMPSON B. (2009). “Fostering at-risk preschoolers’ number sense”, Early Education & Development, 20(1), 80-128.
  • BOLSTAD R. (2004). Role and potential of ICT in early childhood education: A review of New Zealand and international literature. Retrieved May 10, 2009, from .pdf
  • BOSE K. (2005). Computers in Reception Schools-A case of Gaborone, Botswana, Early Childhood Education Journal, 33(1), 17-24.
  • BUCKLEITNER W. (2006). “The Relationship Between Software Design And Children’s Engagement”, Early Education & Development, 17(3), 489- 505.
  • CHEN J., CHANG C. (2006a). “A Comprehensive Approach To Technology Training For Early Childhood Teachers”, Early Education & Development, 17(3), 443-465.
  • CHEN J. & CHANG C. (2006b). “Using computers in early childhood classrooms: Teachers’ attitudes, skills and practices”, Journal of Early Childhood Research, 4(2), 169-188.
  • CHING C.C., WANG C., SHIH M. & KEDEM Y. (2006). “Digital photography and journals in a kindergarten-first-grade classroom: Toward meaningful technology integration in early childhood education”, Early Education & Development, 17(3), 347-371.
  • CHUNG Y. & Walsh, D.J. (2006). “Constructing A Joint Story-Writing Space: The Dynamics Of Young Children’s Collaboration At Computers”, Early Education & Development, 17(3), 373-420.
  • CLEMENTS D.H. (1994). “The Uniqueness of The Computer As A Learning Tool”, In J. L. Wright & D. D. Shade (Eds.), Young Children: Active Learners in a Technological Age (pp. 31-55), Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children.
  • CLEMENTS D.H. & NASTASI B.K. (1993). “Electronic media and early childhood education”, In B. Spodek (Ed.), Handbook of Research on the Education of Young Children (pp. 251-275). New York, NY: Macmillan.
  • DOWNER J.T., KRAFT-SAYRE M.E. & PIANTA R.C. (2009). “Ongoing, Web- Mediated Professional Development Focused On Teacher-Child Interactions: Early Childhood Educators’ Usage Rates and Self-Reported Satisfaction”, Early Education & Development, 20(2), 321-345.
  • ESPINOSA L.M., LAFFEY J.M., WHITTAKER T. & SHENG Y. (2006). “Technology In The Home And The Achievement Of Young Children: Findings from The Early Childhood Longitudinal Study”, Early Education & Development, 17(3), 421-441.
  • HAUGLAND S.W. (1992). “The Effect Of Computer Software On Preschool Developmental Gains”, Journal of Computing in Childhood Education, 3(1), 15-30.
  • HAUGLAND S.W. & WRIGHT J.L. (1997). Young Children and Technology: A World Of Discovery, Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.
  • HINDE J.F. & WOLERY M. (2006). “Using Point-Of-View Video Modeling To Teach Play To Preschoolers With Autism”, Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 26(2), 83-93.
  • HITCHCOCK C.H. & NOONON M.J. (2000). “Computer-Assisted Instruction of Early Academic Skills”, Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 20(3), 145-158.
  • HUTINGER P. L. (1998). “Software applications”, In S. L. Judge & H. P. Parette (Eds.), Assistive Technology for Young Children with Disabilities (pp. 76-126), Cambridge, MA: Brookline.
  • KENT N. & FACER K. (2004). “Different worlds? A comparison of young people’s home and school ICT use”, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 20(6), 440-455.
  • KORAT O. & SHAMIR A. (2007). “Electronic Books Versus Adult Readers: Effects On Children’s Emergent Literacy As A Function Of Social Class”, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 23(3), 248-259.
  • LAU C., HIGGINS K., GELFER J., HONG E. & MILLER S. (2005). “The Effects Of Teacher Facilitation On The Social Interactions Of Young Children During Computer Activities”, Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 25(4), 208-217.
  • LEWIS R.B. (1993). Special education technology: Classroom applications, Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Inc.
  • LUCKIN R., CONNOLLY D., PLOWMAN L. & AIREY S. (2003). “Children’s Interactions with Interactive Toy Technology”, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 19(2), 165-176.
  • MARSH J. (2004). “The Techno-Literacy Practices of Young Children”, Journal of Early Childhood Research Development, 2(1), 51-66.
  • MORRISON G.S. (2007). Early Childhood Education Today (10th ed.), Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill Prentice Hall.
  • National Association for the Education of Young Children (1996). “NAEYC Position Statement: Technology and Young Children-Ages Three To Eight”, Young Children, 51(6), 11-16.
  • PLOWMAN L. & STEPHEN C. (2007). “Guided interaction in pre-school settings”, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 23(1), 14-26.
  • SARACHO O. N. & SPODEK B. (2008). “A future research agenda for early childhood science and technology”, In O. N. Saracho & B. Spodek (Eds.), Contemporary Perspectives on Science and Technology in Early Childhood Education (pp. 167-181). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, Inc. EĞ Y Retrieved Laboratory, April 5, 2008, from
  • SEGERS E. & VERHOEVEN L. (2003). Effects Of Vocabulary Training By Computer In Kindergarten, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 19(4), 557-566.
  • SEGERS E. & VERHOEVEN L. (2005). “Long-Term Effects Of Computer Training Of Phonological Awareness In Kindergarten”, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 21(1), 17-27.
  • SKOUTERIS H. & KELLY L. (2006). “Repeated-Viewing and Co-Viewing of an Animated Video: An Examination of Factors That Impact on Young Children’s Comprehension Of Video Content”, Australian Journal of Early Childhood, 31(3), 22-30.
  • STEPHEN C., McPAKE J., PLOWMAN L. & BERCH-HEYMAN S. (2008). “Learning From The Children: Exploring Preschool Children’s Encounters with ICT At Home”, Journal of Early Childhood Research, 6(2), 99-117.
  • WANG X.C. & CHING C.C. (2003). “Social Construction Of Computer Experience In A First-Grade Classroom: Social Processes and Mediating Artifacts”, Early Education & Development, 14(3), 335-362.
  • WEIKART, P.S. (1995). “Purposeful Movement: Have We Overlooked the Base?”, Early Childhood Connections, 1(4), 6-15.
  • WILCOX M.J., GUIMOND A., CAMPBELL P.H. & MOORE H.W. (2006). “Provider Perspectives on the Use Of Assistive Technology For Infants And Toddlers With Disabilities”, Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 26(1), 33-49.
  • YIN H. & YIM B. (2007). “Exposing Young Children to Music through the Production and Presentation of Music-Appreciation Television Programs”, Australian Journal of Early Childhood, 32(4), 12-17.
  • ZEVENBERGEN R. & LOGAN H. (2008). “Computer Use By Preschool Children: Rethinking Practice As Digital Natives Come To Preschool”, Australian Journal of Early Childhood, 33(1), 37-44.


Yıl 2013, Cilt: 32 Sayı: 2, - , 01.06.2013


Bu çalışma, erken çocukluk eğitiminde kullanılan teknoloji türleri ile ilgili yapılmış olan çalışmaları açıklamaktadır. EBSCOhost, Blackwell Synergy, and ScienceDirect veritabanlarının sistematik bir şekilde incelenmesi sonucunda 2003-2009 yılları arasında basılmış olan çalışmaları içermektedir. Çalışmalar üç konu bazında seçilmiştir: (1) teknolojinin çocuk gelişimindeki rolü, (2) teknolojinin öğretmen uygulamalarındaki rolü, ve (3) teknolojinin hem okul ortamındaki çocuğun gelişimindeki hem de öğretmen uygulamalarındaki rolü. Seçilen çalışmaların yöntemleri, araştırmış oldukları teknoloji çeşitleri, amaç ve bulguları, basım yılları ve çalışmaların yapıldığı ülkeler gibi kriterler detaylı bir şekilde incelenmiştir.


  • 2006; Espinosa et al., 2006). Furthermore, it was discovered that technology
  • was useful for early childhood teachers in terms of supporting their
  • professional development (Chen & Chang, 2006a; Downer et al., 2009NAEYC
  • 1996). The results of these studies suggested that training programs should be
  • provided for early childhood teachers in order that could use technology in
  • ways that were appropriate for their young students. By attending technology
  • related courses in their pre-service education and became familiar with
  • computer skills they were able to utilize these skills in their professional life.
  • According to the statement from NAEYC (1996), both in-service and pre
  • service training should be conducted to allow early childhood teachers to
  • benefit from the possible advantages of technology in their teaching.
  • This systematic review indicated different types of studies about technology
  • usage in early childhood education in terms of the impact on children,
  • teachers, and both children and teachers. The current study covered 30 articles
  • concerning research conducted in different countries in the world; however,
  • none of the reviewed journals contained a report of research carried out in
  • Turkey. It would, therefore, be useful to review studies carried out in Turkey
  • in order to reflect the issue of technology usage in early childhood education.
  • Thus, the recent debate about technology usage in early childhood education
  • can be seen as a guide for further studies.
  • This study reviewed technology-related articles from journals published from
  • 2003 to 2009. From a content analysis it emerged that the main issues of these
  • studies focused on the different types of technologies using in early childhood
  • classrooms. This study showed that the “computer” as a technology plays an
  • important role on technology-related literature. In addition, other types of
  • technologies such as ICT, assistive technology were selected to be used in early
  • childhood classrooms. Moreover, it was clear that most of the researchers
  • chose the type of methodology on the basis of their research purposes.
  • Therefore, this review can help future researchers to select an appropriate
  • methodology to suit the purpose of their research.
  • ABU-EL-HAIJA L. (2003, July). Technology environment? How do computers affect kids? Paper presented at the National Information Center “Towards a Healthy Environment for Children, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan”. Retrieved May 11, 2009, from
  • BACIGALUPA C. (2005). “The use of video games by kindergarteners in a family child. Early Childhood Education Journal, 33(1), 25-30.
  • BAROODY A.J., EILAND M. & THOMPSON B. (2009). “Fostering at-risk preschoolers’ number sense”, Early Education & Development, 20(1), 80-128.
  • BOLSTAD R. (2004). Role and potential of ICT in early childhood education: A review of New Zealand and international literature. Retrieved May 10, 2009, from .pdf
  • BOSE K. (2005). Computers in Reception Schools-A case of Gaborone, Botswana, Early Childhood Education Journal, 33(1), 17-24.
  • BUCKLEITNER W. (2006). “The Relationship Between Software Design And Children’s Engagement”, Early Education & Development, 17(3), 489- 505.
  • CHEN J., CHANG C. (2006a). “A Comprehensive Approach To Technology Training For Early Childhood Teachers”, Early Education & Development, 17(3), 443-465.
  • CHEN J. & CHANG C. (2006b). “Using computers in early childhood classrooms: Teachers’ attitudes, skills and practices”, Journal of Early Childhood Research, 4(2), 169-188.
  • CHING C.C., WANG C., SHIH M. & KEDEM Y. (2006). “Digital photography and journals in a kindergarten-first-grade classroom: Toward meaningful technology integration in early childhood education”, Early Education & Development, 17(3), 347-371.
  • CHUNG Y. & Walsh, D.J. (2006). “Constructing A Joint Story-Writing Space: The Dynamics Of Young Children’s Collaboration At Computers”, Early Education & Development, 17(3), 373-420.
  • CLEMENTS D.H. (1994). “The Uniqueness of The Computer As A Learning Tool”, In J. L. Wright & D. D. Shade (Eds.), Young Children: Active Learners in a Technological Age (pp. 31-55), Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children.
  • CLEMENTS D.H. & NASTASI B.K. (1993). “Electronic media and early childhood education”, In B. Spodek (Ed.), Handbook of Research on the Education of Young Children (pp. 251-275). New York, NY: Macmillan.
  • DOWNER J.T., KRAFT-SAYRE M.E. & PIANTA R.C. (2009). “Ongoing, Web- Mediated Professional Development Focused On Teacher-Child Interactions: Early Childhood Educators’ Usage Rates and Self-Reported Satisfaction”, Early Education & Development, 20(2), 321-345.
  • ESPINOSA L.M., LAFFEY J.M., WHITTAKER T. & SHENG Y. (2006). “Technology In The Home And The Achievement Of Young Children: Findings from The Early Childhood Longitudinal Study”, Early Education & Development, 17(3), 421-441.
  • HAUGLAND S.W. (1992). “The Effect Of Computer Software On Preschool Developmental Gains”, Journal of Computing in Childhood Education, 3(1), 15-30.
  • HAUGLAND S.W. & WRIGHT J.L. (1997). Young Children and Technology: A World Of Discovery, Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.
  • HINDE J.F. & WOLERY M. (2006). “Using Point-Of-View Video Modeling To Teach Play To Preschoolers With Autism”, Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 26(2), 83-93.
  • HITCHCOCK C.H. & NOONON M.J. (2000). “Computer-Assisted Instruction of Early Academic Skills”, Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 20(3), 145-158.
  • HUTINGER P. L. (1998). “Software applications”, In S. L. Judge & H. P. Parette (Eds.), Assistive Technology for Young Children with Disabilities (pp. 76-126), Cambridge, MA: Brookline.
  • KENT N. & FACER K. (2004). “Different worlds? A comparison of young people’s home and school ICT use”, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 20(6), 440-455.
  • KORAT O. & SHAMIR A. (2007). “Electronic Books Versus Adult Readers: Effects On Children’s Emergent Literacy As A Function Of Social Class”, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 23(3), 248-259.
  • LAU C., HIGGINS K., GELFER J., HONG E. & MILLER S. (2005). “The Effects Of Teacher Facilitation On The Social Interactions Of Young Children During Computer Activities”, Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 25(4), 208-217.
  • LEWIS R.B. (1993). Special education technology: Classroom applications, Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Inc.
  • LUCKIN R., CONNOLLY D., PLOWMAN L. & AIREY S. (2003). “Children’s Interactions with Interactive Toy Technology”, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 19(2), 165-176.
  • MARSH J. (2004). “The Techno-Literacy Practices of Young Children”, Journal of Early Childhood Research Development, 2(1), 51-66.
  • MORRISON G.S. (2007). Early Childhood Education Today (10th ed.), Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill Prentice Hall.
  • National Association for the Education of Young Children (1996). “NAEYC Position Statement: Technology and Young Children-Ages Three To Eight”, Young Children, 51(6), 11-16.
  • PLOWMAN L. & STEPHEN C. (2007). “Guided interaction in pre-school settings”, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 23(1), 14-26.
  • SARACHO O. N. & SPODEK B. (2008). “A future research agenda for early childhood science and technology”, In O. N. Saracho & B. Spodek (Eds.), Contemporary Perspectives on Science and Technology in Early Childhood Education (pp. 167-181). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, Inc. EĞ Y Retrieved Laboratory, April 5, 2008, from
  • SEGERS E. & VERHOEVEN L. (2003). Effects Of Vocabulary Training By Computer In Kindergarten, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 19(4), 557-566.
  • SEGERS E. & VERHOEVEN L. (2005). “Long-Term Effects Of Computer Training Of Phonological Awareness In Kindergarten”, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 21(1), 17-27.
  • SKOUTERIS H. & KELLY L. (2006). “Repeated-Viewing and Co-Viewing of an Animated Video: An Examination of Factors That Impact on Young Children’s Comprehension Of Video Content”, Australian Journal of Early Childhood, 31(3), 22-30.
  • STEPHEN C., McPAKE J., PLOWMAN L. & BERCH-HEYMAN S. (2008). “Learning From The Children: Exploring Preschool Children’s Encounters with ICT At Home”, Journal of Early Childhood Research, 6(2), 99-117.
  • WANG X.C. & CHING C.C. (2003). “Social Construction Of Computer Experience In A First-Grade Classroom: Social Processes and Mediating Artifacts”, Early Education & Development, 14(3), 335-362.
  • WEIKART, P.S. (1995). “Purposeful Movement: Have We Overlooked the Base?”, Early Childhood Connections, 1(4), 6-15.
  • WILCOX M.J., GUIMOND A., CAMPBELL P.H. & MOORE H.W. (2006). “Provider Perspectives on the Use Of Assistive Technology For Infants And Toddlers With Disabilities”, Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 26(1), 33-49.
  • YIN H. & YIM B. (2007). “Exposing Young Children to Music through the Production and Presentation of Music-Appreciation Television Programs”, Australian Journal of Early Childhood, 32(4), 12-17.
  • ZEVENBERGEN R. & LOGAN H. (2008). “Computer Use By Preschool Children: Rethinking Practice As Digital Natives Come To Preschool”, Australian Journal of Early Childhood, 33(1), 37-44.
Toplam 68 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2013
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2013 Cilt: 32 Sayı: 2

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