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Genç ve Yetişkinlerde Psikolojik Esneklik ve Dindarlık Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi

Yıl 2024, , 1 - 22, 31.12.2024


Yaşam, tüm evreleriyle değerlendirildiğinde, eşsiz güzelliklerin yanı sıra zorlu koşullar ve acı veren durumlarla dolu, çok yönlü bir süreç olarak tanımlanabilir. Psikolojik esneklik sahibi bireyler, bu tür zorlu yaşantılar ve acı veren durumlarla daha etkili bir şekilde başa çıkarken, esnekliği düşük olanlar bu durumları atlatmakta ve an’a uygun davranış biçimleri geliştirmekte zorluk yaşayabilirler. Din, içerdiği mekanizmalar aracılığıyla bireylerin yaşamsal sıkıntılarla başa çıkma süreçlerine önemli katkılar sunmaktadır. Bu araştırmanın temel problemi, psikolojik esneklik ile dindarlık arasındaki ilişkileri belirlemektir. Ayrıca çalışma, yaş, cinsiyet, medeni durum, meslek, öğrenim durumu ve ekonomik durum gibi değişkenlerle psikolojik esneklik ve dindarlık arasındaki ilişkilere de odaklanmıştır. Araştırmanın örneklemi, farklı yaş ve meslek gruplarından oluşan 615 bireyi kapsamaktadır. Ölçüm araçları olarak “Psikolojik Esneklik Ölçeği” ve “Dini Tutum Ölçeği” kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen verilerin analizi sonucunda, psikolojik esneklik ve dini tutum arasında pozitif yönde anlamlı bir ilişki olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca araştırmada, yaş ve medeni durum ile dini tutum ve psikolojik esneklik arasında anlamlı ilişkiler bulunmuştur. Bu araştırma, yaşamsal sıkıntılarla başa çıkmada kritik bir mekanizma olan psikolojik esnekliğin gelişiminde dinin önemli katkılar sağlayabileceğini ortaya koymuştur.

Etik Beyan

Bu çalışma 27.05.2024 tarihinde Özlem YANAR tarafından tamamlanan 'Genç ve Yetişkinlerde Psikolojik Esneklik ve Dindarlık' başlıklı yüksek lisans tezi esas alınarak hazırlanmıştır. This article is extracted from master thesis entitled “Psychological flexibility and religiosity in youth and adults” completed by Özlem YANAR (Master Thesis, Trabzon University, Trabzon/Turkey, 2024).


  • Akto, Akif. “Allah-İnsan Arasında Ontolojik, Epistomolojik ve Varoluşsal Bir İlişki Biçimi: Tevekkül”. Şarkiyat 8/2 (2016), 878-902.
  • Aliche, Chinenye Joseph vd. “Psychological Flexibility as a Moderator of the Relationship between HIV-Related Stigma and Resilience among HIV/AIDS Patients”. African Journal of AIDS Research 21/4 (2022), 345-353.
  • Allport, G. W., & Ross, J. M. "Personal Religious Orientation and Prejudice". Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 5/4 (1967), 432-443.
  • Borges, Lauren M. vd. “Cultivating Psychological Flexibility to Address Religious and Spiritual Suffering in Moral Injury” Journal of Health Care Chaplaincy 28/1 (2022), 32-41. 10.1080/08854726.2022.2031467
  • Büyüköztürk. Şener Sosyal Bilimler için Veri Analizi El Kitabı. Ankara: PEGEM Akademi, 2011.
  • Ciarrochi, J., Bilich, L., & Godsell, C. “Psychological Flexibility as A Mechanism of Change in Acceptance And Commitment Therapy”. In R. A. Baer (Ed.), Assessing mindfulness and acceptance processes in clients: Illuminating the theory and practice of change (pp. 51-75). Oakland: New Harbinger Publications. 2010.
  • Clark, D. A., & Rhyno, S. “Unwanted Intrusive Thoughts in Nonclinical Individuals: Implications for Clinical Disorders”. In D. A. Clark (Ed.), Intrusive Thoughts in Clinical Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment. New York: The Guilford Press. 2005
  • Cohen, J. Statistical Power Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 1988.
  • Dajani, Dina R. - Uddin, Lucina Q. “Demystifying Cognitive Flexibility: Implications for Clinical and Developmental Neuroscience”. Trends in Neurosciences 38/9 (2015), 571-578.
  • Denckla, Christy A. vd. “Psychological Resilience: An Update on Definitions, a Critical Appraisal, and Research Recommendations”. European Journal of Psychotraumatology 11/1 (2020), 1822064.
  • Erdoğan, Emi̇ne. Tanrı Algısı, Dini Yönelim Biçimleri ve Dindarlığın Psikolojik Dayanıklılıkla İlişkisi, Ankara: Ankara Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 2014.
  • Fava, Giovanni A. - Tomba, Elena. “Increasing Psychological Well‐Being and Resilience by Psychotherapeutic Methods”. Journal of Personality 77/6 (2009), 1903-1934.
  • Folke, Fredrik vd. “Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Depression: A Preliminary Randomized Clinical Trial for Unemployed on Long-Term Sick Leave”. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice 19/4 (2012), 583-594.
  • Fredrickson, Barbara L. “The Role of Positive Emotions in Positive Psychology: The Broaden-and-Build Theory of Positive Emotions.” American Psychologist 56/3 (2001), 218-226.
  • Freymann, Johannes vd. “Examining Psychological Flexibility in Unaccompanied Refugee Minors: A Network Analysis”. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science 33 (2024), 100808.
  • Hayes, Steven C. vd. “Acceptance and Commitment Therapy as a Unified Model of Behavior Change”. The Counseling Psychologist 40/7 (2012), 976-1002.
  • Hayes, Steven C. vd. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: The Process and Practice of Mindful Change. New York: Guilford Press, 1. Basım, 2012.
  • Karademi̇r, Tamer - Açak, Mahmut. “Üniversiteli Sporcuların Psikolojik Dayanıklılık Düzeylerinin İncelenmesi”. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 16/2 (2019), 803-816. doi: 10.33437/ksusbd.566577
  • Karakuş, Sena – Evin, Sinem. “Psikolojik Esneklik Ölçeği: Uyarlama, Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması”, Mersin Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi 16/1 (2020), 32-43.
  • Karasar, Niyazi. Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemi: Kavramlar İlkeler Teknikler. Ankara: Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, 2016.
  • Karslı, Necmi. Mutluluk ve Dindarlık. Kayseri: Kimlik Yayınları. 2018.
  • Kashdan, T. B. "Psychological Flexibility as A Fundamental Aspect of Health". Clinical Psychology Review 30/7 (2010), 865-878.
  • Kavas, Erkan. “Demografik Değişkenlere Göre Dini Tutum”. Akademik Bakış Dergisi (Erişim 7 Eylül 2024) http://
  • Kendall, Philip C. (ed.). Flexibility within Fidelity: Breathing Life into a Psychological Treatment Manual. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2022.
  • Keng, Shian-Ling vd. “Effects of Mindfulness on Psychological Health: A Review of Empirical Studies”. Clinical Psychology Review 31/6 (2011), 1041-1056.
  • Killgore, William D.S. vd. “Psychological Resilience During the COVID-19 Lockdown”. Psychiatry Research 291 (2020), 113216.
  • Koenig, Harold G. vd. Handbook of Religion and Health. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2nd ed., 2012.
  • Korkmaz, Sezai. “Cinsiyete Göre Dindarlık: Bir Meta-Analiz Çalışması”. Bilimname 43 (2020), 437-460.
  • Koster, Ernst H.W. vd. “Understanding Depressive Rumination from a Cognitive Science Perspective: The Impaired Disengagement Hypothesis”. Clinical Psychology Review 31/1 (2011), 138-145.
  • lmedom, Astier M. “Resilience, Hardiness, Sense of Coherence, and Posttraumatic Growth: All Paths Leadıng to ‘Light at the End of the Tunnel’?” Journal of Loss and Trauma 10/3 (2005), 253-265. doi: 10.1080/15325020590928216
  • Lubis, Syahid Izharuddin - Sianipar, Agnes. "How Religious Tolerance can Emerge among Religious People: An Investigation on the Roles of Intellectual Humility, Cognitive Flexibility, and Trait Aggressiveness". Asian Journal of Social Psychology 25 (2022), 276–287. doi: 10.1111/ajsp.12493
  • Manning, Lydia K. “Navigating Hardships in Old Age: Exploring the Relationship Between Spirituality and Resilience in Later Life”. Qualitative Health Research 23/4 (2013), 568-575.
  • Maral, Sibel vd. “Positive Childhood Experiences and Spiritual Well‑Being: Psychological Flexibility and Meaning‑Based Coping as Mediators in Turkish Sample”. Journal of Religion and Health 63 (2024), 2709–2726. doi: 10.1007/s10943-024-02079-4
  • McEwen, Bruce S. “Physiology and Neurobiology of Stress and Adaptation: Central Role of the Brain”. Physiological Reviews 87/3 (2007), 873-904.
  • Mihic-Gongora, Luka vd. “Psychological Distress and Resilience in Patients with Advanced Cancer during the Covid-19 Pandemic: The Mediating Role of Spirituality”. BMC Palliative Care 21/1 (2022), 146. doi: 10.1186/s12904-022-01034-y
  • Neff, Kristin D. - Dahm, Katie A. “Self-Compassion: What It Is, What It Does, and How It Relates to Mindfulness”. Handbook of Mindfulness and Self-Regulation. ed. Brian D. Ostafin vd. 121-137. New York: Springer New York, 2015.
  • Neff, Kristin D. vd. “Self-Compassion and Adaptive Psychological Functioning”. Journal of Research in Personality 41/1 (2007), 139-154.
  • Nolen-Hoeksema, Susan vd. “Rethinking Rumination”. Perspectives on Psychological Science 3/5 (2008), 400-424.
  • Ok, Üzeyir, "Dini Tutum Ölçeği: Ölçek geliştirme ve geçerlik çalışması". Uluslararası İnsan Bilim Dergisi 8/2 (2011), 528-549.
  • Olson, Jonathan R. vd. “Shared Religious Beliefs, Prayer, and Forgiveness as Predictors of Marital Satisfaction”. Family Relations 64/4 (2015), 519-533.
  • Pargament, K. I. "The Psychology of Religion and Spirituality? Yes and No." International Journal for the Psychology of Religion, 9/1 (1999), 3-16.
  • Pargament, K. I. vd. “The Religious Dimension of Coping: Advances in Theory, Research, and Practice”. Handbook of the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality. 560-579. New York: The Guilford Press, 2013.
  • Park, C. L. - Slattery, J. M. “Religion, Spirituality, and Mental Health”. Handbook of the psychology of religion and spirituality. 540-559. New York: Guilford Press, 2013.
  • Parmaksız, İzzet. “İyimserlik, Özgecilik ve Medeni Durumun Psikolojik Dayanıklılık Üzerindeki Etkileri”. Pamukkale University Journal of Education 48 (2020), 285-302. doi: 10.9779/pauefd.576186
  • Perry, Samuel L. “Pornography Use and Religious Bonding among Heterosexually Married Americans: A Longitudinal Examination”. Review of Religious Research 59/1 (2017), 81-98.
  • Raes, Filip. “Rumination and Worry as Mediators of the Relationship between Self-Compassion and Depression and Anxiety”. Personality and Individual Differences 48/6 (2010), 757-761.
  • Sears, Richard. Acceptance and Commitment Thearapy, The ACT Flip Chart. United States: Pesi Publishing, 2022.
  • Şahin, Meryem - Hökelekli̇, Hayati. “Tevekkül Psikolojisi: Nedenleri, Süreci ve Sonuçları Hakkında Nitel Bir Araştırma”. International Journal of Social Inquiry 12/2 (2019), 801-836.
  • Tabachnick, Barbara G., Fidell, Linda S. Using Multivariate Statistics. New York: Pearson Education. 2013.
  • Tedeschi, Richard G. - Calhoun, Lawrence G. “Posttraumatic Growth: Conceptual Foundations and Empirical Evidence”. Psychological Inquiry 15/1 (2004), 1-18.
  • Thompson, Rachel W. vd. “Conceptualizing Mindfulness and Acceptance as Components of Psychological Resilience to Trauma”. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse 12/4 (2011), 220-235.
  • Tugade, Michele M. - Fredrickson, Barbara L. “Resilient Individuals Use Positive Emotions to Bounce Back From Negative Emotional Experiences.” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 86/2 (2004), 320-333.
  • Uysal, Veysel vd. “Dinî Başa Çıkma ile Umut, Hayat Memnuniyeti ve Psikolojik Sağlamlık Arasındaki Etkileşim Üzerine Bir Araştırma”. Marmara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 52/52 (2017), 139-160. 10.15370/maruifd.333535
  • Watkins, Ed - Moulds, Michelle. “Distinct Modes of Ruminative Self-Focus: Impact of Abstract versus Concrete Rumination on Problem Solving in Depression.” Emotion 5/3 (2005), 319-328.
  • Wilt, Joshua A. vd. “God’s Role in Suffering: Theodicies, Divine Struggle, and Mental Health.” Psychology of Religion and Spirituality 8/4 (2016), 352-362.
  • Yadavaia, J. E., Hayes, S. C., & Vilardaga, R. “Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy To İncrease Self-Compassion: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Contextual” Behavioral Science, 3/4 (2014), 248-257.
  • Yavuz, Oğuzhan. “Building a Bridge Between Spirituality/Religion with Acceptance and Commitment Therapy”. Spiritual Psychology and Counseling 7/2 (2022), 179-200.
  • Yinger, J. M. “Pluralism, Religion, and Secularism”. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 6/1 (1967), 17-28.
  • Zettle, Robert D. - Hayes, Steven C. “Dysfunctional Control by Client Verbal Behavior: The Context of Reason-Giving”. The Analysis of Verbal Behavior 4/1 (1986), 30-38. doi: 10.1007/BF03392813Zmigrod, Leor vd., “Cognitive flexibility and religious disbelief”. Psychological Research 83 (2019), 1749–1759. doi: 10.1007/s00426-018-1034-3

Examination of the Relationship between Psychological Flexibility and Religious Devotion in Young People and Adults

Yıl 2024, , 1 - 22, 31.12.2024


Life, when evaluated in all its phases, could be defined as a multifaceted process filled with unique beauties as well as challenging conditions and painful situations. Individuals with psychological flexibility are able to cope more effectively with such challenging experiences and painful situations, while those with low flexibility may struggle to overcome these situations and develop appropriate behavioral patterns for the moment. Religion, through the mechanisms it contains, makes significant contributions to individuals' processes of coping with life difficulties. The main problem of this research is to determine the relationship between psychological flexibility and religious devotion. Additionally, the study focuses on the relationship between variables such as age, sex, marital status, occupation, educational status, and economic status and psychological flexibility and religious devotion. The sample of the research includes 615 individuals from different age groups and occupations. The “Psychological Flexibility Scale” and “Religious Attitude Scale” were used as measurement tools. As a result of the analysis of the obtained data, a significant positive relationship was found between psychological flexibility and religious attitude. Furthermore, the research found significant relationships between age and marital status and religious attitude and psychological flexibility. This research has revealed that religion could make important contributions to the development of psychological flexibility, which is a critical mechanism in coping with life difficulties.


  • Akto, Akif. “Allah-İnsan Arasında Ontolojik, Epistomolojik ve Varoluşsal Bir İlişki Biçimi: Tevekkül”. Şarkiyat 8/2 (2016), 878-902.
  • Aliche, Chinenye Joseph vd. “Psychological Flexibility as a Moderator of the Relationship between HIV-Related Stigma and Resilience among HIV/AIDS Patients”. African Journal of AIDS Research 21/4 (2022), 345-353.
  • Allport, G. W., & Ross, J. M. "Personal Religious Orientation and Prejudice". Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 5/4 (1967), 432-443.
  • Borges, Lauren M. vd. “Cultivating Psychological Flexibility to Address Religious and Spiritual Suffering in Moral Injury” Journal of Health Care Chaplaincy 28/1 (2022), 32-41. 10.1080/08854726.2022.2031467
  • Büyüköztürk. Şener Sosyal Bilimler için Veri Analizi El Kitabı. Ankara: PEGEM Akademi, 2011.
  • Ciarrochi, J., Bilich, L., & Godsell, C. “Psychological Flexibility as A Mechanism of Change in Acceptance And Commitment Therapy”. In R. A. Baer (Ed.), Assessing mindfulness and acceptance processes in clients: Illuminating the theory and practice of change (pp. 51-75). Oakland: New Harbinger Publications. 2010.
  • Clark, D. A., & Rhyno, S. “Unwanted Intrusive Thoughts in Nonclinical Individuals: Implications for Clinical Disorders”. In D. A. Clark (Ed.), Intrusive Thoughts in Clinical Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment. New York: The Guilford Press. 2005
  • Cohen, J. Statistical Power Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 1988.
  • Dajani, Dina R. - Uddin, Lucina Q. “Demystifying Cognitive Flexibility: Implications for Clinical and Developmental Neuroscience”. Trends in Neurosciences 38/9 (2015), 571-578.
  • Denckla, Christy A. vd. “Psychological Resilience: An Update on Definitions, a Critical Appraisal, and Research Recommendations”. European Journal of Psychotraumatology 11/1 (2020), 1822064.
  • Erdoğan, Emi̇ne. Tanrı Algısı, Dini Yönelim Biçimleri ve Dindarlığın Psikolojik Dayanıklılıkla İlişkisi, Ankara: Ankara Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 2014.
  • Fava, Giovanni A. - Tomba, Elena. “Increasing Psychological Well‐Being and Resilience by Psychotherapeutic Methods”. Journal of Personality 77/6 (2009), 1903-1934.
  • Folke, Fredrik vd. “Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Depression: A Preliminary Randomized Clinical Trial for Unemployed on Long-Term Sick Leave”. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice 19/4 (2012), 583-594.
  • Fredrickson, Barbara L. “The Role of Positive Emotions in Positive Psychology: The Broaden-and-Build Theory of Positive Emotions.” American Psychologist 56/3 (2001), 218-226.
  • Freymann, Johannes vd. “Examining Psychological Flexibility in Unaccompanied Refugee Minors: A Network Analysis”. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science 33 (2024), 100808.
  • Hayes, Steven C. vd. “Acceptance and Commitment Therapy as a Unified Model of Behavior Change”. The Counseling Psychologist 40/7 (2012), 976-1002.
  • Hayes, Steven C. vd. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: The Process and Practice of Mindful Change. New York: Guilford Press, 1. Basım, 2012.
  • Karademi̇r, Tamer - Açak, Mahmut. “Üniversiteli Sporcuların Psikolojik Dayanıklılık Düzeylerinin İncelenmesi”. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 16/2 (2019), 803-816. doi: 10.33437/ksusbd.566577
  • Karakuş, Sena – Evin, Sinem. “Psikolojik Esneklik Ölçeği: Uyarlama, Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması”, Mersin Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi 16/1 (2020), 32-43.
  • Karasar, Niyazi. Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemi: Kavramlar İlkeler Teknikler. Ankara: Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, 2016.
  • Karslı, Necmi. Mutluluk ve Dindarlık. Kayseri: Kimlik Yayınları. 2018.
  • Kashdan, T. B. "Psychological Flexibility as A Fundamental Aspect of Health". Clinical Psychology Review 30/7 (2010), 865-878.
  • Kavas, Erkan. “Demografik Değişkenlere Göre Dini Tutum”. Akademik Bakış Dergisi (Erişim 7 Eylül 2024) http://
  • Kendall, Philip C. (ed.). Flexibility within Fidelity: Breathing Life into a Psychological Treatment Manual. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2022.
  • Keng, Shian-Ling vd. “Effects of Mindfulness on Psychological Health: A Review of Empirical Studies”. Clinical Psychology Review 31/6 (2011), 1041-1056.
  • Killgore, William D.S. vd. “Psychological Resilience During the COVID-19 Lockdown”. Psychiatry Research 291 (2020), 113216.
  • Koenig, Harold G. vd. Handbook of Religion and Health. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2nd ed., 2012.
  • Korkmaz, Sezai. “Cinsiyete Göre Dindarlık: Bir Meta-Analiz Çalışması”. Bilimname 43 (2020), 437-460.
  • Koster, Ernst H.W. vd. “Understanding Depressive Rumination from a Cognitive Science Perspective: The Impaired Disengagement Hypothesis”. Clinical Psychology Review 31/1 (2011), 138-145.
  • lmedom, Astier M. “Resilience, Hardiness, Sense of Coherence, and Posttraumatic Growth: All Paths Leadıng to ‘Light at the End of the Tunnel’?” Journal of Loss and Trauma 10/3 (2005), 253-265. doi: 10.1080/15325020590928216
  • Lubis, Syahid Izharuddin - Sianipar, Agnes. "How Religious Tolerance can Emerge among Religious People: An Investigation on the Roles of Intellectual Humility, Cognitive Flexibility, and Trait Aggressiveness". Asian Journal of Social Psychology 25 (2022), 276–287. doi: 10.1111/ajsp.12493
  • Manning, Lydia K. “Navigating Hardships in Old Age: Exploring the Relationship Between Spirituality and Resilience in Later Life”. Qualitative Health Research 23/4 (2013), 568-575.
  • Maral, Sibel vd. “Positive Childhood Experiences and Spiritual Well‑Being: Psychological Flexibility and Meaning‑Based Coping as Mediators in Turkish Sample”. Journal of Religion and Health 63 (2024), 2709–2726. doi: 10.1007/s10943-024-02079-4
  • McEwen, Bruce S. “Physiology and Neurobiology of Stress and Adaptation: Central Role of the Brain”. Physiological Reviews 87/3 (2007), 873-904.
  • Mihic-Gongora, Luka vd. “Psychological Distress and Resilience in Patients with Advanced Cancer during the Covid-19 Pandemic: The Mediating Role of Spirituality”. BMC Palliative Care 21/1 (2022), 146. doi: 10.1186/s12904-022-01034-y
  • Neff, Kristin D. - Dahm, Katie A. “Self-Compassion: What It Is, What It Does, and How It Relates to Mindfulness”. Handbook of Mindfulness and Self-Regulation. ed. Brian D. Ostafin vd. 121-137. New York: Springer New York, 2015.
  • Neff, Kristin D. vd. “Self-Compassion and Adaptive Psychological Functioning”. Journal of Research in Personality 41/1 (2007), 139-154.
  • Nolen-Hoeksema, Susan vd. “Rethinking Rumination”. Perspectives on Psychological Science 3/5 (2008), 400-424.
  • Ok, Üzeyir, "Dini Tutum Ölçeği: Ölçek geliştirme ve geçerlik çalışması". Uluslararası İnsan Bilim Dergisi 8/2 (2011), 528-549.
  • Olson, Jonathan R. vd. “Shared Religious Beliefs, Prayer, and Forgiveness as Predictors of Marital Satisfaction”. Family Relations 64/4 (2015), 519-533.
  • Pargament, K. I. "The Psychology of Religion and Spirituality? Yes and No." International Journal for the Psychology of Religion, 9/1 (1999), 3-16.
  • Pargament, K. I. vd. “The Religious Dimension of Coping: Advances in Theory, Research, and Practice”. Handbook of the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality. 560-579. New York: The Guilford Press, 2013.
  • Park, C. L. - Slattery, J. M. “Religion, Spirituality, and Mental Health”. Handbook of the psychology of religion and spirituality. 540-559. New York: Guilford Press, 2013.
  • Parmaksız, İzzet. “İyimserlik, Özgecilik ve Medeni Durumun Psikolojik Dayanıklılık Üzerindeki Etkileri”. Pamukkale University Journal of Education 48 (2020), 285-302. doi: 10.9779/pauefd.576186
  • Perry, Samuel L. “Pornography Use and Religious Bonding among Heterosexually Married Americans: A Longitudinal Examination”. Review of Religious Research 59/1 (2017), 81-98.
  • Raes, Filip. “Rumination and Worry as Mediators of the Relationship between Self-Compassion and Depression and Anxiety”. Personality and Individual Differences 48/6 (2010), 757-761.
  • Sears, Richard. Acceptance and Commitment Thearapy, The ACT Flip Chart. United States: Pesi Publishing, 2022.
  • Şahin, Meryem - Hökelekli̇, Hayati. “Tevekkül Psikolojisi: Nedenleri, Süreci ve Sonuçları Hakkında Nitel Bir Araştırma”. International Journal of Social Inquiry 12/2 (2019), 801-836.
  • Tabachnick, Barbara G., Fidell, Linda S. Using Multivariate Statistics. New York: Pearson Education. 2013.
  • Tedeschi, Richard G. - Calhoun, Lawrence G. “Posttraumatic Growth: Conceptual Foundations and Empirical Evidence”. Psychological Inquiry 15/1 (2004), 1-18.
  • Thompson, Rachel W. vd. “Conceptualizing Mindfulness and Acceptance as Components of Psychological Resilience to Trauma”. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse 12/4 (2011), 220-235.
  • Tugade, Michele M. - Fredrickson, Barbara L. “Resilient Individuals Use Positive Emotions to Bounce Back From Negative Emotional Experiences.” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 86/2 (2004), 320-333.
  • Uysal, Veysel vd. “Dinî Başa Çıkma ile Umut, Hayat Memnuniyeti ve Psikolojik Sağlamlık Arasındaki Etkileşim Üzerine Bir Araştırma”. Marmara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 52/52 (2017), 139-160. 10.15370/maruifd.333535
  • Watkins, Ed - Moulds, Michelle. “Distinct Modes of Ruminative Self-Focus: Impact of Abstract versus Concrete Rumination on Problem Solving in Depression.” Emotion 5/3 (2005), 319-328.
  • Wilt, Joshua A. vd. “God’s Role in Suffering: Theodicies, Divine Struggle, and Mental Health.” Psychology of Religion and Spirituality 8/4 (2016), 352-362.
  • Yadavaia, J. E., Hayes, S. C., & Vilardaga, R. “Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy To İncrease Self-Compassion: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Contextual” Behavioral Science, 3/4 (2014), 248-257.
  • Yavuz, Oğuzhan. “Building a Bridge Between Spirituality/Religion with Acceptance and Commitment Therapy”. Spiritual Psychology and Counseling 7/2 (2022), 179-200.
  • Yinger, J. M. “Pluralism, Religion, and Secularism”. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 6/1 (1967), 17-28.
  • Zettle, Robert D. - Hayes, Steven C. “Dysfunctional Control by Client Verbal Behavior: The Context of Reason-Giving”. The Analysis of Verbal Behavior 4/1 (1986), 30-38. doi: 10.1007/BF03392813Zmigrod, Leor vd., “Cognitive flexibility and religious disbelief”. Psychological Research 83 (2019), 1749–1759. doi: 10.1007/s00426-018-1034-3
Toplam 59 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Dini Araştırmalar (Diğer)
Bölüm Makaleler

Necmi Karslı 0000-0002-2975-9307

Özlem Yanar 0009-0009-1055-4908

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 9 Eylül 2024
Kabul Tarihi 14 Kasım 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

ISNAD Karslı, Necmi - Yanar, Özlem. “Genç Ve Yetişkinlerde Psikolojik Esneklik Ve Dindarlık Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi”. Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 57 (Aralık 2024), 1-22.