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An Evaluation of Research Done on the Relationship Between Religion and Mental and Physical Health

Yıl 2010, Cilt: 28 Sayı: 28, 5 - 36, 01.02.2010


Although the relationship between psychology and religion has not been very well for the last two hundreds, there has been tremendous research recently indicating positive relationship between religion and mental and physical health. This situation has not only been supported by the theologians but also secular scholars who work at medical schools. The research shows that while more religious man or woman are happier, more optimistic and better in terms of psychological well-being than those who are less religious; have less depression, less anxiety, and less oriented to suicide. In addition, those who are more religious people are better in physical health situation than those who are less religious people. As a result of these developments, many medical schools and colleges of psychology in the United States of America have begun to include the course of religion in their curriculum. However, when we talk about the effects of religion on mental and physical health, we should take into consideration the dimensions of religiosity, types of religiosity, cultures, races, countries, and religions of people involved in these studies.


  • Ai, A. L. C. Peterson, S. F. Bolling & H. Koenig. (2002). Private prayer and optimism in middle-aged and older patients awaiting cardiac surgery. The Gerentologist, 42 (1), 70-81.
  • Baetz, M. R. Bowen, G. Jones & T. Koru-Sengul. (2006). How spiritual values and worship attendance relate to psychiatric disorders in the Canadian population. Canadian journal of psychiatry, 51 (10), 654-661.
  • Bowie J. & Arkadaşları. (2001). The relationship between religious coping style and anxiety over breast canser in African American women. Journal of religion and health, 40 (4), 411-422.
  • Chang, B. A. E. Noonan & S. L. Tennstedt. (1998). The role of religion/spirituality in coping with caregiving for disabled elders. The Gerentologist, 38 (4), 463- 470.
  • Cohen, A. B. & H. G. Koenig. (2003). Religion, religiosity and spirituality in the biopsychosocial model of health and ageing. Ageing international, 28 (3), 215-241.
  • Commerford, M. C. & M. Reznikoff. (1996). Relationship of religion and perceived social support to self-esteem and depression in nursing home resident. The Journal of psychology, 130 (1), 35-50.
  • Cummings, S. M., J. A. Neff & B. A. Hussaini. (2003). Functional impairment as a predictor of depressive symtomatology: the role of race, religiosity, and social support. Health and social work, 28 (1), 23-32.
  • Ellison, C. G., J. A. Burr & P. L. McCall. (1997). Religious homogeneity and metropolitian suicide rates. Social forces, 76 (1), 273-299.
  • Ellison, C., G. Jason D. Boardman, D. R. Williams & J. S. Jakson. (2001). Religious involvement, stres, and mental health: findings from the 1995 Detroit area study. Social forces, 80 (1), 215-249.
  • Greening, L. & L. Stoppelbein. (2002). Religiosity, attributional style, and social support as psychological buffers for African American and white adolescents’ perceived risk for suicide. Suicide and life-threatening behavior, 32 (4), 404-417.
  • Hackney, C. H. & G. S. Sanders. (2003). Religiosity and mental health: a meta- analysis of recent studies. Journal for the scientific study of religion, 42 (1), 43- 55.
  • Hodge, D. R., P. Cardenas & H. Montoya. (2001). Substance use: spirituality and religious participation as protective factors among rural youths. Social Work Research, 25 (3) 153-161.
  • Idler, E. l. & S. V. Kasl. (1997). Religion among disabled and nondisabled persons 1: cross-sectional patterns in health practices, social activities, and well- being. Journal of gerentology, 52b (6), 294-305.
  • Jonhson, B. R. & D. B. Larson. (1998). The faith factor. Corrections today, 60 (3), 106-110.
  • Kennedy, G. J. & Arkadaşları. (1996). The relation of religious preference and practice to depressive symptons among 1,855 older adults. Journal of gerentology, 51b (6), 301-308.
  • Kirby, S. E., P. G. Coleman & D. Daley. (2004). Spirituality and well-being in frail and nonfrail older adults. Journal of gerontology, 59b (3), 123-129.
  • Koenig, H. G. (1994). Aging and God: spiritual pathways to mental health in midlife and later years. New York: Haworth Pastoral Press.
  • Koenig, H. G. (1998). Religious attitudes and practices of hospitalized medıcally ill older adults. International journal of geriatric psychiatry. 13, 213-224.
  • Koenig, H. G. (2001/2002. Religion and medicine II: religion, mental health, and related behaviors. International journal of psychiatri in medicine. 31 (1), 97-109.
  • Koenig, H. G. (2002). Religion, congestive heart failure, and chronic pulmonary disease. Journal of religion and health. 41 (3), 263-278.
  • Koenig, H. G. (2004). Religion, spirituality, and medicine: research findings and ımplications for clinical practice. Southern medical journal. 97 (12), 1194-1200.
  • Koenig, H. G., L. K. George & B. L. Peterson. (1998). Religiosity and remission of depression in medically ill older patients. The american journal of pschiatry. 155 (4), 536-542.
  • Koenig, H. G., M. McCullough, D. B. Larson. (2001). Religion and health: a century of research reviewed. New york: Oxford University press.
  • Kolchakian, M. & S. F. Sears. (1999). Religious coping in college students. Journal of religion and health. 38 (2), 115-125.
  • Köknel, Ö. (1989). Depresyon: ruhsal çöküntü. İstanbul: Altın kitaplar.
  • Krause, N. C., G. Ellison & J. P. Marcum. (2002). The effects of church-based emotional support on health: do they vary by gender? Sociology of religion 63 (1), 21-47.
  • Levin, J. S., K. S. Markides & L. A. Ray. (1996). Religious attendance and psychological well-being in Mexican Americans: a panel analysis of three- generations data. The gerentologist. 36 (4), 454-463.
  • Mirola, S. A. (1999). A refuge for some: gender differences in the relationship between religious involment and depression. Sociology of religion. 60 (4), 419-437.
  • Musick, M. A. & Arkadaşları. (1998). Religious activity and depression among community-dwelling elderly persons with cancer: the moderating effect of race. The journal of gerentology. 53b (4), 218-227.
  • Pargament, K. I. & Arkadaşları. (2001). Religious struggel as a predictor of mortality among medically ill elderly patients: a two-year longitudinal study. Archieves of internal medicine. 161, 1881-1885.
  • Pearce, M. J. (2005). A critical review of the forms and values of religious coping among informal caregivers. Journal of religion and health. 44 (1), 81-118.
  • Plante, T. G., S. Yancey, A. Sherman & M. Guertin. (2000). The association between strength of religious faith and psychological functioning. Pastoral psychology. . 48 (5), 405-412.
  • Pressman, P. & Arkadaşları. (1990). Religious belief, depression, and ambulation status in elderly women with broken hips. The american journal of psychiatry. 147 (6), 758-760.
  • Rasmussen, C. A. & C. Brems. (1996). The relationship of death anxiety with age and psychosocial maturity. The journal of psychology. 130 (2), 141-144.
  • Seybold, K. S. & P. C. Hill. (2001). The role of religion and spirituality in mental and physical health. Current directions in psychological science. 10 (1), 21-24.
  • Stack, S. (1998). Heavy metal, religiosity, and suicide acceptability. Suicide and life- threatening behavior. 28 (4), 388-394.
  • Tarakeshwar, N. & Arkadaşları. (2006). Religious coping is associated with the quality of life of patients with advanced cancer. Journal of palliative medicine. 9 (3), 646-657.
  • Weaver, A. J. & H. G. Koenig. (1996). Elderly suicide, mental health professionals, and the clergy: a need for clinical collobation, training, and research. Death studies. 20 (5), 495-508.
  • Westgate, C. E. (1996). Spiritual wellness and depression. Journal of counseling and development. 75, 26-35.
  • Zinnbauer, B. J. & K. I. Pargament. (2000). Working with the sacred: four approaches to religious and spiritual issues in counseling. Journal of counseling and development. 78 (2), 162-171.
  • 86& 04.01.2007 ııı

Ruh ve Beden Sağlığı Üzerine Yapılan Araştırmaların Bir Değerlendirilmesi

Yıl 2010, Cilt: 28 Sayı: 28, 5 - 36, 01.02.2010


Her ne kadar din ile psikoloji arasındaki ilişkiler son iki yüz yıldır çok sağlıklı olmadıysa da, son zamanlarda din ile ruh ve beden sağlığı arasındaki pozitif ilişkiyi gösteren pek çok çalışma vardır. Bu durum sadece ilahiyatçılar tarafından değil, diğer alanlardaki bilim insanları tarafından da desteklenmektedir. Bu alanda yapılan araştırmalar, daha dindar olanların daha az dindar olanlara kıyasla daha mutlu, daha iyimser ve genel olarak psikolojik açıdan da daha iyi durumda olduklarını; buna karşılık daha az strese, kaygıya ve depresyona maruz kaldıklarını ve daha az intihara teşebbüs ettiklerini göstermektedir. Ayrıca, daha dindar olanların daha az dindar olanlara oranla, bedensel sağlık açısından da daha iyi durumda oldukları görülmektedir. İşte bu gelişmelerin bir sonucu olarak, bugün başta ABD ve diğer gelişmiş ülkelerde birçok Tıp Fakültesi ve Psikoloji Bölümleri programlarına dini danışmanlıkla ilgili dersler koymaktadırlar. Makale, ruh ve beden sağlığı ile din ilişkisi üzerine yapılan bazı ampirik çalışmaların sonuçlarını ortaya koyarak değerlendirmeye çalışacaktır. Ancak bununla beraber, dinin ruh ve beden sağlığı üzerindeki etkilerinden bahsederken, dindarlığın çeşitli boyutlarını, dindarlık şekillerini, kültürleri, ırkları, ülkeleri ve araştırma yapılan kişilerin dinlerini de dikkate almak gerekir.


  • Ai, A. L. C. Peterson, S. F. Bolling & H. Koenig. (2002). Private prayer and optimism in middle-aged and older patients awaiting cardiac surgery. The Gerentologist, 42 (1), 70-81.
  • Baetz, M. R. Bowen, G. Jones & T. Koru-Sengul. (2006). How spiritual values and worship attendance relate to psychiatric disorders in the Canadian population. Canadian journal of psychiatry, 51 (10), 654-661.
  • Bowie J. & Arkadaşları. (2001). The relationship between religious coping style and anxiety over breast canser in African American women. Journal of religion and health, 40 (4), 411-422.
  • Chang, B. A. E. Noonan & S. L. Tennstedt. (1998). The role of religion/spirituality in coping with caregiving for disabled elders. The Gerentologist, 38 (4), 463- 470.
  • Cohen, A. B. & H. G. Koenig. (2003). Religion, religiosity and spirituality in the biopsychosocial model of health and ageing. Ageing international, 28 (3), 215-241.
  • Commerford, M. C. & M. Reznikoff. (1996). Relationship of religion and perceived social support to self-esteem and depression in nursing home resident. The Journal of psychology, 130 (1), 35-50.
  • Cummings, S. M., J. A. Neff & B. A. Hussaini. (2003). Functional impairment as a predictor of depressive symtomatology: the role of race, religiosity, and social support. Health and social work, 28 (1), 23-32.
  • Ellison, C. G., J. A. Burr & P. L. McCall. (1997). Religious homogeneity and metropolitian suicide rates. Social forces, 76 (1), 273-299.
  • Ellison, C., G. Jason D. Boardman, D. R. Williams & J. S. Jakson. (2001). Religious involvement, stres, and mental health: findings from the 1995 Detroit area study. Social forces, 80 (1), 215-249.
  • Greening, L. & L. Stoppelbein. (2002). Religiosity, attributional style, and social support as psychological buffers for African American and white adolescents’ perceived risk for suicide. Suicide and life-threatening behavior, 32 (4), 404-417.
  • Hackney, C. H. & G. S. Sanders. (2003). Religiosity and mental health: a meta- analysis of recent studies. Journal for the scientific study of religion, 42 (1), 43- 55.
  • Hodge, D. R., P. Cardenas & H. Montoya. (2001). Substance use: spirituality and religious participation as protective factors among rural youths. Social Work Research, 25 (3) 153-161.
  • Idler, E. l. & S. V. Kasl. (1997). Religion among disabled and nondisabled persons 1: cross-sectional patterns in health practices, social activities, and well- being. Journal of gerentology, 52b (6), 294-305.
  • Jonhson, B. R. & D. B. Larson. (1998). The faith factor. Corrections today, 60 (3), 106-110.
  • Kennedy, G. J. & Arkadaşları. (1996). The relation of religious preference and practice to depressive symptons among 1,855 older adults. Journal of gerentology, 51b (6), 301-308.
  • Kirby, S. E., P. G. Coleman & D. Daley. (2004). Spirituality and well-being in frail and nonfrail older adults. Journal of gerontology, 59b (3), 123-129.
  • Koenig, H. G. (1994). Aging and God: spiritual pathways to mental health in midlife and later years. New York: Haworth Pastoral Press.
  • Koenig, H. G. (1998). Religious attitudes and practices of hospitalized medıcally ill older adults. International journal of geriatric psychiatry. 13, 213-224.
  • Koenig, H. G. (2001/2002. Religion and medicine II: religion, mental health, and related behaviors. International journal of psychiatri in medicine. 31 (1), 97-109.
  • Koenig, H. G. (2002). Religion, congestive heart failure, and chronic pulmonary disease. Journal of religion and health. 41 (3), 263-278.
  • Koenig, H. G. (2004). Religion, spirituality, and medicine: research findings and ımplications for clinical practice. Southern medical journal. 97 (12), 1194-1200.
  • Koenig, H. G., L. K. George & B. L. Peterson. (1998). Religiosity and remission of depression in medically ill older patients. The american journal of pschiatry. 155 (4), 536-542.
  • Koenig, H. G., M. McCullough, D. B. Larson. (2001). Religion and health: a century of research reviewed. New york: Oxford University press.
  • Kolchakian, M. & S. F. Sears. (1999). Religious coping in college students. Journal of religion and health. 38 (2), 115-125.
  • Köknel, Ö. (1989). Depresyon: ruhsal çöküntü. İstanbul: Altın kitaplar.
  • Krause, N. C., G. Ellison & J. P. Marcum. (2002). The effects of church-based emotional support on health: do they vary by gender? Sociology of religion 63 (1), 21-47.
  • Levin, J. S., K. S. Markides & L. A. Ray. (1996). Religious attendance and psychological well-being in Mexican Americans: a panel analysis of three- generations data. The gerentologist. 36 (4), 454-463.
  • Mirola, S. A. (1999). A refuge for some: gender differences in the relationship between religious involment and depression. Sociology of religion. 60 (4), 419-437.
  • Musick, M. A. & Arkadaşları. (1998). Religious activity and depression among community-dwelling elderly persons with cancer: the moderating effect of race. The journal of gerentology. 53b (4), 218-227.
  • Pargament, K. I. & Arkadaşları. (2001). Religious struggel as a predictor of mortality among medically ill elderly patients: a two-year longitudinal study. Archieves of internal medicine. 161, 1881-1885.
  • Pearce, M. J. (2005). A critical review of the forms and values of religious coping among informal caregivers. Journal of religion and health. 44 (1), 81-118.
  • Plante, T. G., S. Yancey, A. Sherman & M. Guertin. (2000). The association between strength of religious faith and psychological functioning. Pastoral psychology. . 48 (5), 405-412.
  • Pressman, P. & Arkadaşları. (1990). Religious belief, depression, and ambulation status in elderly women with broken hips. The american journal of psychiatry. 147 (6), 758-760.
  • Rasmussen, C. A. & C. Brems. (1996). The relationship of death anxiety with age and psychosocial maturity. The journal of psychology. 130 (2), 141-144.
  • Seybold, K. S. & P. C. Hill. (2001). The role of religion and spirituality in mental and physical health. Current directions in psychological science. 10 (1), 21-24.
  • Stack, S. (1998). Heavy metal, religiosity, and suicide acceptability. Suicide and life- threatening behavior. 28 (4), 388-394.
  • Tarakeshwar, N. & Arkadaşları. (2006). Religious coping is associated with the quality of life of patients with advanced cancer. Journal of palliative medicine. 9 (3), 646-657.
  • Weaver, A. J. & H. G. Koenig. (1996). Elderly suicide, mental health professionals, and the clergy: a need for clinical collobation, training, and research. Death studies. 20 (5), 495-508.
  • Westgate, C. E. (1996). Spiritual wellness and depression. Journal of counseling and development. 75, 26-35.
  • Zinnbauer, B. J. & K. I. Pargament. (2000). Working with the sacred: four approaches to religious and spiritual issues in counseling. Journal of counseling and development. 78 (2), 162-171.
  • 86& 04.01.2007 ııı
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Mustafa Köylü Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Şubat 2010
Gönderilme Tarihi 2 Kasım 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2010 Cilt: 28 Sayı: 28

Kaynak Göster

ISNAD Köylü, Mustafa. “Ruh Ve Beden Sağlığı Üzerine Yapılan Araştırmaların Bir Değerlendirilmesi”. Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 28/28 (Şubat 2010), 5-36.