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Yıl 2019, , 149 - 163, 19.08.2019


Bu araştırmada “Spor
Etkinliklerine Yönelim Ölçeğinin” Türk dili ve kültürüne uyarlanması amaçlanmıştır.
Ölçme aracı spor ve eğlence endüstrisinde hizmet sunanlara izleyiciye yönelik
spor etkinliklerine yönelim konusunda bölümlendirme fırsatı sunmaktadır. Türkçe
literatürde spor etkinliklerine yönelimi değerlendirebilecek bir ölçme aracı
olmadığı için bu araştırmanın alana katkı sağlayacağı düşünülmüştür. Araştırma
evrenini Anadolu Üniversitesi Spor Bilimleri Fakültesi tarafından düzenlenen
12. Uçurtma Şenliğine katılan bireyler oluşturmuştur. Etkinliğe katılanlar
arasından kolay örnekleme yöntemi ile seçilen 193 kişi araştırmaya dahil
edilmiştir. Ölçeğin yapısını test etmek için Açımlayıcı Faktör Analizi (AFA) ve
Doğrulayıcı Faktör Analizleri (DFA) kullanılmıştır. Ölçeğin içerik (uzman
görüşü), yakınsak (en düşük faktör değeri 0.529, en yüksek faktör yük değeri
0.834), ayrışma/dış geçerliliği (bütün faktörlerde pozitif yönde orta düzeyde
ilişki) ve yapı geçerliliği test edilmiştir. Ölçeğin güvenilirliği için
Cronbach Alpha (0.878) iç tutarlılık kat sayısı kullanılmıştır. AFA ile ortaya
çıkartılan üç boyutlu yapı DFA ile sınanmıştır. Elde edilen bulgulara göre
“Spor Etkinliklerine Yönelim Ölçeğinin” geçerli ve güvenilir bir ölçme aracı
olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Dolayısıyla Türk dili ve kültürü için gerekli
psikometrik özellikleri gösteren ölçme aracının Türkiye’deki etkinlik
katılımcılarına yönelik kullanılabileceği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.    


  • 1. Pons F, Laroche M., Nyeck, S., Perreault, S. Role of sporting events as ethnoculture's emblems: ımpact of acculturation and ethnic ıdentity on consumers' orientation toward sporting events, Sport Marketing Quarterly, 2001; 10 (4): 231-240.
  • 2. Funk DC, Filo K, Beaton AA, Pritchard M. Measuring the motives of sport event attendance: Bridging the academic-practitioner divide to understanding behavior. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 2009; 18 (3): 126-138.
  • 3. Pons F, Mourali M, Nyeck S. Consumer orientation toward sporting events: Scale development and validation. Journal of Service Research, 2006; 8(3): 276-287.
  • 4. Ferrell, OC, Hartline MD. Marketing strategy. 5th ed. South-Western; Cengage Learning; 2011.
  • 5. Hooley GJ, Greenley GE, Cadogan JW, Fahy J. The performance impact of marketing resources, Journal of Business Research, 2005; 58(1): 18-27.
  • 6. Humphreys BR, Ruseski JE. Problems with data on the sport industry, Journal of Sports Economics, 2010; 11(1): 60-76.
  • 7. Terry DJ, Hogg MA. Group norms and the attitude-behavior relationship: A role for group identification. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 1996; 22: 776-793.
  • 8. Lee M, Sandler D, Shani D. Attitudinal constructs towards sponsorship: Scale development using three global sporting events. International Marketing Review, 1997; 14(3): 159-69.
  • 9. Faircloth JB, Capella LM, Alford BL. The effect of attitude toward the sponsor and brand image on brand equity. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice 2001; 9: 61-75.
  • 10. Koo G, Quarterman J, Flynn L. Effect of perceived sport event and sponsor image fit on consumers’ cognition, affect, and behavioral intentions. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 2006; 15: 80-90.
  • 11. Madrigal R. Social identity effects in a belief–attitude–intentions hierarchy: Implications for corporate sponsorship. Psychology & Marketing, 2001; 18(2): 145-165.
  • 12. Pons F, Laroche M, Nyeck S, Perreault S. Role of Sporting Events as Ethnoculture's Emblems: Impact of Acculturation and Ethnic Identity on Consumers' Orientation Toward Sporting Events. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 2001; 10(4): 231-240.
  • 13. Fun, DC, Beaton A, Alexandris K. Sport consumer motivation: Autonomy and control orientations that regulate fan behaviours. Sport management review, 2012; 15(3): 355-367.
  • 14. Grusec JE, Hastings PD. Handbook of socialization: Theory and research. New York: Guilford Publications; 2014.
  • 15. Harman S, Çakıcı AC, Atalay A. İstanbul’a Gelen Sırt çantalı turistlerin seyahat motivasyonları üzerine bir araştırma. Sosyal Ekonomik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 2013; 25: 267-300.
  • 16. Sznitman S, Engel-Yeger B. Sensation seeking and adolescent alcohol use: Exploring the mediating role of unstructured socializing with peers. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 2017; 52(3): 396-401.
  • 17. Zuckerman, M. Behavioral expressions and biosocial bases of sensation seeking, New York: Cambridge University Press, 1994.
  • 18. Matusiak KK. Information seeking behavior in digital image collections: A cognitive approach. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 2006; 32(5): 479-488.
  • 19. Hirschman EC. Experience seeking: A subjectivist perspective of consumption. Journal of Business Research, 1984; 12: 115-136.
  • 20. Hambleton RK, Patsula L. Increasing the validity of adapted tests: Myths to be avoided and guidelines for improving test adaptation practices. Journal of Applied Testing Technology, 1999; 1(1): 1-30.
  • 21. Seçer İ. Psikolojik test geliştirme ve uyarlama süreci SPSS ve Lisrel uygulamaları, Ankara: Anı Yayıncılık, 2015.
  • 22. Aksayan S, Gözüm S. Kültürlerarası ölçek uyarlaması için rehber I: Ölçek uyarlama aşamaları ve dil uyarlaması. Hemşirelik Araştırma Dergisi, 2002; 4(1): 9-14.
  • 23. Polit DF, Beck CT. The content validity index: are you sure you know what's being reported? Critique and recommendations. Research in Nursing & Health, 2006; 29(5): 489-497.
  • 24. Lynn MR. Determination and quantification of content validity. Nursing Research, 1986; 35: 382-385.
  • 25. Waltz CF, Strickland OL, Lenz, ER. Measurement innursing and health research, 3rd. ed, New York: Springer Publishing Co., 2005.
  • 26. Tabachnick BG, Fidell LS. Using multivariate statistics, 6th. ed, Boston: Pearson, 2013.
  • 27. Alpar R. Spor, sağlık ve eğitim bilimlerinden örneklerle uygulamalı istatistik ve geçerlik-güvenirlik, Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık, 2014.
  • 28. Hair JF, Black WC, Babin BJ, Anderson RE. Multivariate data analysis: A global perspective, 7th ed, Upper Saddle River NJ: Pearson, 2013.
  • 29. Kline RB. Principles and practice of structural equation modeling, New York: The Guilford Press, 2011.
  • 30. Browne MW, Cudeck R. Alternative ways of assessing model fit, In: Bollen KA, Long JS, editors, Testing structural equation models. Beverly Hills CA: Sage; 1993.
  • 31. Hu L, Bentler PM. Cutoff criteria for fit indexes in covariance structure analysis: Conventional criteria versus new alternatives. Structural Equation Modeling, 1999; 6(1): 1-55.
  • 32. Forza C, Filippini R. TQM impact on quality conformance and customer satisfaction: a causal model. International journal of production economics, 1998; 55(1): 1-20.
  • 33. Baumgartner H, Homburg C. Applications of structural equation modeling in marketing and consumer research: A review. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 1996; 13(2): 139-161.
  • 34. Hatcher L. A Step-by-step approach to using the sas system for factor analysis and structural equation modeling, Cary, NC: SAS Institute Inc, 1994.
  • 35. Fornell C, Larcker DF. Structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error: Algebra and statistics. Journal of Marketing Research, 1981; 382-388.
  • 36. Nunnally J, Bernstein I. Psycometric theory, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1994.
  • 37. Büyüköztürk Ş. Sosyal bilimlerde veri analizi el kitabı, 19. Baskı, Ankara: Pegem Akademi, 2014.
  • 38. Robinson JP, Shaver PR, Wrightman LS. Criteria for scale selection and evaluation in measure of personality and psychological attitudes, San Diego: California Academic Press, 1991.
  • 39. Yousaf A, Bashir M, Amin I. Youth motivations to watch sports in Indian context: exploring cross-nationality and cross-gender differences. Management & Marketing, 2015; 10(4): 330-340.
  • 40. Pitts BG, Stotlar DK. Fundamentals of sport marketing, 2nd ed, Morgantown, WV: Fitness Information Technology, 2002.
  • 41. Roberti JW. A review of behavioral and biological correlates of sensation seeking. Journal of Research in Personality, 2004; 38(3): 256-279.
  • 42. Bardo MT, Donohew RL, Harrington NG. Psychobiology of novelty seeking and drug seeking behavior. Behav. Brain Res., 1996; 77:23–43.
  • 43. Mutz M, Wahnschaffe K. The television viewer’s quest for excitement–does the course of a soccer game affect TV ratings? European Journal for Sport and Society, 2016; 13(4): 325-341.
  • 44. Pons F, Giroux M, Mourali M. Consumer behavior and motivation: Why are sport event consumers so special? In: Stinso JL, editor, Leveraging brands in sport business. New York: Routledge, 2013.
  • 45. Polat E, Yalçın HB. Spor seyircileri için dışsal güdü ölçeği (SSİDGÖ) ve spor seyircileri için içsel güdü ölçeği (SSİİGÖ) geçerlik ve güvenilirlik çalışması. Journal of Human Sciences, 2014; 11(1): 105-127.


Yıl 2019, , 149 - 163, 19.08.2019


In this study, the aim was to adapt “Orientation Toward Sporting Events
Scale” to Turkish language and culture. Researchers have stated that those who
provide service in sports and entertainment industry can do a segmentation
about orientation toward sporting events with this measuring instrument. Due to
fact that there is no measuring instrument that can evaluate the orientation
toward sporting events in Turkish literature, it was thought that this study
would contribute to the field.
Universe of the study consisted of individuals who participated in the 12th Kite Festival organized by the
Anadolu University Faculty of Sports Science.
Among the participants in the event, 193 person selected by convenience
sampling method were included in the study.
Exploratory (EFA) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) were used to test
the structure of the scale. The scale was tested for content (expert opinion),
convergent (lowest factor value 0.529, highest factor load value 0.834),
discriminant/external validity (positively moderate correlation for all
factors) and construct validity.
Cronbach’s Alpha (0.878)
internal consistency coefficient was used for the reliability of the scale. The
three-dimensional structure revealed by the EFA was tested with the CFA. According
to the findings, it has been determined that "Orientation Toward Sporting
Events Scale" is a valid and reliable measuring instrument. Therefore, it
has been concluded that the measuring instrument which has the psychometric
properties required for Turkish language and culture can be used for the
participants of events in Turkey.


  • 1. Pons F, Laroche M., Nyeck, S., Perreault, S. Role of sporting events as ethnoculture's emblems: ımpact of acculturation and ethnic ıdentity on consumers' orientation toward sporting events, Sport Marketing Quarterly, 2001; 10 (4): 231-240.
  • 2. Funk DC, Filo K, Beaton AA, Pritchard M. Measuring the motives of sport event attendance: Bridging the academic-practitioner divide to understanding behavior. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 2009; 18 (3): 126-138.
  • 3. Pons F, Mourali M, Nyeck S. Consumer orientation toward sporting events: Scale development and validation. Journal of Service Research, 2006; 8(3): 276-287.
  • 4. Ferrell, OC, Hartline MD. Marketing strategy. 5th ed. South-Western; Cengage Learning; 2011.
  • 5. Hooley GJ, Greenley GE, Cadogan JW, Fahy J. The performance impact of marketing resources, Journal of Business Research, 2005; 58(1): 18-27.
  • 6. Humphreys BR, Ruseski JE. Problems with data on the sport industry, Journal of Sports Economics, 2010; 11(1): 60-76.
  • 7. Terry DJ, Hogg MA. Group norms and the attitude-behavior relationship: A role for group identification. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 1996; 22: 776-793.
  • 8. Lee M, Sandler D, Shani D. Attitudinal constructs towards sponsorship: Scale development using three global sporting events. International Marketing Review, 1997; 14(3): 159-69.
  • 9. Faircloth JB, Capella LM, Alford BL. The effect of attitude toward the sponsor and brand image on brand equity. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice 2001; 9: 61-75.
  • 10. Koo G, Quarterman J, Flynn L. Effect of perceived sport event and sponsor image fit on consumers’ cognition, affect, and behavioral intentions. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 2006; 15: 80-90.
  • 11. Madrigal R. Social identity effects in a belief–attitude–intentions hierarchy: Implications for corporate sponsorship. Psychology & Marketing, 2001; 18(2): 145-165.
  • 12. Pons F, Laroche M, Nyeck S, Perreault S. Role of Sporting Events as Ethnoculture's Emblems: Impact of Acculturation and Ethnic Identity on Consumers' Orientation Toward Sporting Events. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 2001; 10(4): 231-240.
  • 13. Fun, DC, Beaton A, Alexandris K. Sport consumer motivation: Autonomy and control orientations that regulate fan behaviours. Sport management review, 2012; 15(3): 355-367.
  • 14. Grusec JE, Hastings PD. Handbook of socialization: Theory and research. New York: Guilford Publications; 2014.
  • 15. Harman S, Çakıcı AC, Atalay A. İstanbul’a Gelen Sırt çantalı turistlerin seyahat motivasyonları üzerine bir araştırma. Sosyal Ekonomik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 2013; 25: 267-300.
  • 16. Sznitman S, Engel-Yeger B. Sensation seeking and adolescent alcohol use: Exploring the mediating role of unstructured socializing with peers. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 2017; 52(3): 396-401.
  • 17. Zuckerman, M. Behavioral expressions and biosocial bases of sensation seeking, New York: Cambridge University Press, 1994.
  • 18. Matusiak KK. Information seeking behavior in digital image collections: A cognitive approach. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 2006; 32(5): 479-488.
  • 19. Hirschman EC. Experience seeking: A subjectivist perspective of consumption. Journal of Business Research, 1984; 12: 115-136.
  • 20. Hambleton RK, Patsula L. Increasing the validity of adapted tests: Myths to be avoided and guidelines for improving test adaptation practices. Journal of Applied Testing Technology, 1999; 1(1): 1-30.
  • 21. Seçer İ. Psikolojik test geliştirme ve uyarlama süreci SPSS ve Lisrel uygulamaları, Ankara: Anı Yayıncılık, 2015.
  • 22. Aksayan S, Gözüm S. Kültürlerarası ölçek uyarlaması için rehber I: Ölçek uyarlama aşamaları ve dil uyarlaması. Hemşirelik Araştırma Dergisi, 2002; 4(1): 9-14.
  • 23. Polit DF, Beck CT. The content validity index: are you sure you know what's being reported? Critique and recommendations. Research in Nursing & Health, 2006; 29(5): 489-497.
  • 24. Lynn MR. Determination and quantification of content validity. Nursing Research, 1986; 35: 382-385.
  • 25. Waltz CF, Strickland OL, Lenz, ER. Measurement innursing and health research, 3rd. ed, New York: Springer Publishing Co., 2005.
  • 26. Tabachnick BG, Fidell LS. Using multivariate statistics, 6th. ed, Boston: Pearson, 2013.
  • 27. Alpar R. Spor, sağlık ve eğitim bilimlerinden örneklerle uygulamalı istatistik ve geçerlik-güvenirlik, Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık, 2014.
  • 28. Hair JF, Black WC, Babin BJ, Anderson RE. Multivariate data analysis: A global perspective, 7th ed, Upper Saddle River NJ: Pearson, 2013.
  • 29. Kline RB. Principles and practice of structural equation modeling, New York: The Guilford Press, 2011.
  • 30. Browne MW, Cudeck R. Alternative ways of assessing model fit, In: Bollen KA, Long JS, editors, Testing structural equation models. Beverly Hills CA: Sage; 1993.
  • 31. Hu L, Bentler PM. Cutoff criteria for fit indexes in covariance structure analysis: Conventional criteria versus new alternatives. Structural Equation Modeling, 1999; 6(1): 1-55.
  • 32. Forza C, Filippini R. TQM impact on quality conformance and customer satisfaction: a causal model. International journal of production economics, 1998; 55(1): 1-20.
  • 33. Baumgartner H, Homburg C. Applications of structural equation modeling in marketing and consumer research: A review. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 1996; 13(2): 139-161.
  • 34. Hatcher L. A Step-by-step approach to using the sas system for factor analysis and structural equation modeling, Cary, NC: SAS Institute Inc, 1994.
  • 35. Fornell C, Larcker DF. Structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error: Algebra and statistics. Journal of Marketing Research, 1981; 382-388.
  • 36. Nunnally J, Bernstein I. Psycometric theory, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1994.
  • 37. Büyüköztürk Ş. Sosyal bilimlerde veri analizi el kitabı, 19. Baskı, Ankara: Pegem Akademi, 2014.
  • 38. Robinson JP, Shaver PR, Wrightman LS. Criteria for scale selection and evaluation in measure of personality and psychological attitudes, San Diego: California Academic Press, 1991.
  • 39. Yousaf A, Bashir M, Amin I. Youth motivations to watch sports in Indian context: exploring cross-nationality and cross-gender differences. Management & Marketing, 2015; 10(4): 330-340.
  • 40. Pitts BG, Stotlar DK. Fundamentals of sport marketing, 2nd ed, Morgantown, WV: Fitness Information Technology, 2002.
  • 41. Roberti JW. A review of behavioral and biological correlates of sensation seeking. Journal of Research in Personality, 2004; 38(3): 256-279.
  • 42. Bardo MT, Donohew RL, Harrington NG. Psychobiology of novelty seeking and drug seeking behavior. Behav. Brain Res., 1996; 77:23–43.
  • 43. Mutz M, Wahnschaffe K. The television viewer’s quest for excitement–does the course of a soccer game affect TV ratings? European Journal for Sport and Society, 2016; 13(4): 325-341.
  • 44. Pons F, Giroux M, Mourali M. Consumer behavior and motivation: Why are sport event consumers so special? In: Stinso JL, editor, Leveraging brands in sport business. New York: Routledge, 2013.
  • 45. Polat E, Yalçın HB. Spor seyircileri için dışsal güdü ölçeği (SSİDGÖ) ve spor seyircileri için içsel güdü ölçeği (SSİİGÖ) geçerlik ve güvenilirlik çalışması. Journal of Human Sciences, 2014; 11(1): 105-127.
Toplam 45 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Psiko Sosyal Alanlar

Hüseyin Çevik 0000-0002-3555-7322

Kerem Yıldırım Şimşek

Anıl Onur Mercanoğlu

Alican Bayram

Yayımlanma Tarihi 19 Ağustos 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019

Kaynak Göster

APA Çevik, H., Şimşek, K. Y., Mercanoğlu, A. O., Bayram, A. (2019). SPOR ETKİNLİKLERİNE YÖNELİM ÖLÇEĞİNİN TÜRKÇE GEÇERLİK VE GÜVENİRLİK ÇALIŞMASI. Spor Ve Performans Araştırmaları Dergisi, 10(2), 149-163.