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Yıl 2019, , 131 - 139, 19.08.2019


sıçrayarak kullanılan servisler en sık kullanılan servislerdir. Servis
çeşitleri arasında en hızlısı smaç servistir. Bu çalışmaya 120 kadın ve 134
erkek voleybol oyuncusu dahil edildi. Toplamda kadın oyuncular 2872 servis
(smaç servis (SS)=163, sıçrayarak yüzen servis (SY)=2163, durarak servis (DS)
=546) kullanırken, erkek oyuncular 3296 servis (smaç servis (SS)=1546,
sıçrayarak yüzen servis (SYS)=1745, durarak servis (DS) =5) kullandı. Servis
hızları radar tabanca ile ölçüldü. Erkek ve kadın oyuncuların kullandığı servis
çeşitlerinin dağılımındaki fark χ2 testi ile değerlendirildi. Servis hızına
cinsiyet, oyuncunun pozisyonu ve servis çeşidinin etkisinin belirlenmesinde
varyans analizi kullanıldı. Erkek ve kadın oyuncuların kullandığı servis çeşitleri
birbirinden farklıydı (p<0,05). Servis hızı ile cinsiyet, oyuncunun
pozisyonu ve servis çeşidinin etkileşimi anlamlıydı [F(6,6166)=70,622,
p<0,0001]. Cinsiyet, oyuncunun pozisyonu ve servis çeşidinin servis hızı
üzerindeki ana etkileri de anlamlı bulundu
[sırasıyla, F(1,6166)=22,848, p<0,0001; F(3,6166)=4,369, p=0,004; ve
F(2,6166)=150,916, p<0,0001]. Erkekler kadınlara göre daha etkili servisleri
tercih etmişlerdir (p<0,0001). Erkeklerde SS hızı SY hızından daha yüksek
bulunmuştur (p<0,0001). daha önceki çalışmalarda kadınlar tarafından en sık
kullanıldığı bulunan DS yerine SY servisi tercih etmişlerdir. Sonuç olarak
kadın voleybolu daha güçlü bir oyun stiline dönüşmektedir. Kadın pasör
çaprazları SS ve SY servislerinin geliştirilmesi için eğitilmelidir çünkü
servis hızları diğer kadın sporculardan genel olarak daha düşüktür. 


  • 1. Agelonidis Y. The jump serve in volleyball: From oblivion to dominance. Journal of Human Movement Studies, 2004;47(3):205-214.
  • 2. García-de-Alcaraz A, Ortega E, Palao JM. Effect of Age Group on Technical–Tactical Performance Profile of the Serve in Men’s Volleyball. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 2016;123(2):508-525.
  • 3. Moras G, Busca B, Pena J, et al. A comparative study between serve mode and speed and its effectiveness in a high-level volleyball tournament. Journal of Sports Medicine Physical Fitness, 2008;48(1):31-36.
  • 4. Katsikadelli A. A comparative study of the attack serve in high-level volleyball tournaments. Journal of Human Movement Studies, 1996;30(6):259-268.
  • 5. Katsikadelli A. Reception and the attack serve of the world's leading volleyball teams. Journal of Human Movement Studies, 1998;34(5):223-232.
  • 6. Palao JM, Manzanares P, Ortega E. Techniques used and efficacy of volleyball skills in relation to gender. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 2009;9(2):281-293.
  • 7. Costa G, Afonso J, Brant E, Mesquita I. Differences in game between male and female youth volleyball. Kinesiology, 2012;44(1):60-66.
  • 8. Palao JM, Santos JA, Ureña A. Effect of team level on skill performance in volleyball. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 2004;4(2):50-60.
  • 9. Charalabos I, Savvas L, Sophia P, Theodoros I. Biomechanical differences between jump topspin serve and jump float serve of elite Greek female volleyball players. Medicina Sportiva: Journal of Romanian Sports Medicine Society, 2013;9(2):2083.
  • 10. Reeser JC, Verhagen E, Briner WW, Askeland TI, Bahr R. Strategies for the prevention of volleyball related injuries. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 2006;40(7):594-600.
  • 11. Quiroga ME, García-Manso JM, Rodríguez-Ruiz D, Sarmiento S, De Saa Y, Moreno MP. Relation between In-Game Role and Service Characteristics in Elite Women's Volleyball. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 2010;24(9):2316-2321.
  • 12. Gray R, Orn A, Woodman T. Ironic and Reinvestment Effects in Baseball Pitching: How Information About an Opponent Can Influence Performance Under Pressure. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 2017;39(1):3-12.
  • 13. Tocci NX, Howell DR, Sugimoto D, Dawkins C, Whited A, Bae D. The Effect of Stride Length and Lateral Pelvic Tilt on Elbow Torque in Youth Baseball Pitchers. Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 2017;33(5):339-346.
  • 14. Bishop P, Cureton K, Collins M. Sex difference in muscular strength in equally-trained men and women. Ergonomics, 1987;30(4):675-687.
  • 15. Miller AE, MacDougall JD, Tarnopolsky MA, Sale DG. Gender differences in strength and muscle fiber characteristics. European journal of applied physiology and occupational physiology, 1993;66(3):254-262.


Yıl 2019, , 131 - 139, 19.08.2019


service is a powerful serve type and produces greater power output in
volleyball. Among serve types, the speed of JT serves is the fastest. This study
included 120 female and 134 male volleyball players. In total, male players
performed 3296 serves (jump topspin (JT)=1546, jump float (JF)=1745, tennis=5)
while females performed 2872 serves (JT=163, JF=2163, tennis=546) over several
volleyball games. Serve speeds were measured with a radar gun. A χ
2 test
was performed to analyze differences in the distribution of serve types used by
male and female volleyball players. Comparisons were performed via analysis of
variance to detect the effect of gender, player position, and serve type on
serve speed. Serve types used by female and male players were different
(p<0.05). The interaction of gender, player position, and serve type on
serve speed was significant (F
(6,6166)=70.622, p<0.0001). The
main effects of gender, player position, and serve type were also significant
(1,6166)=22.848, p<0.0001; F(3,6166)=4.369 ,p=0.004;
and F
(2,6166)=150.916, p<0.0001, respectively). Males produced
more powerful serves than their female counterparts (p < 0.001l). The speeds
of JT serves were higher than those of JF serves among males (p < 0.0001).Females
preferred JF serve instead of SS which was found to be most used serve type in
previous studies. The characteristics of female volleyball are changing to a
powerful game style. Female opposites should be trained to improve their JT and
JF serves because their serve speeds were generally lower than those of other
female players. 


  • 1. Agelonidis Y. The jump serve in volleyball: From oblivion to dominance. Journal of Human Movement Studies, 2004;47(3):205-214.
  • 2. García-de-Alcaraz A, Ortega E, Palao JM. Effect of Age Group on Technical–Tactical Performance Profile of the Serve in Men’s Volleyball. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 2016;123(2):508-525.
  • 3. Moras G, Busca B, Pena J, et al. A comparative study between serve mode and speed and its effectiveness in a high-level volleyball tournament. Journal of Sports Medicine Physical Fitness, 2008;48(1):31-36.
  • 4. Katsikadelli A. A comparative study of the attack serve in high-level volleyball tournaments. Journal of Human Movement Studies, 1996;30(6):259-268.
  • 5. Katsikadelli A. Reception and the attack serve of the world's leading volleyball teams. Journal of Human Movement Studies, 1998;34(5):223-232.
  • 6. Palao JM, Manzanares P, Ortega E. Techniques used and efficacy of volleyball skills in relation to gender. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 2009;9(2):281-293.
  • 7. Costa G, Afonso J, Brant E, Mesquita I. Differences in game between male and female youth volleyball. Kinesiology, 2012;44(1):60-66.
  • 8. Palao JM, Santos JA, Ureña A. Effect of team level on skill performance in volleyball. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 2004;4(2):50-60.
  • 9. Charalabos I, Savvas L, Sophia P, Theodoros I. Biomechanical differences between jump topspin serve and jump float serve of elite Greek female volleyball players. Medicina Sportiva: Journal of Romanian Sports Medicine Society, 2013;9(2):2083.
  • 10. Reeser JC, Verhagen E, Briner WW, Askeland TI, Bahr R. Strategies for the prevention of volleyball related injuries. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 2006;40(7):594-600.
  • 11. Quiroga ME, García-Manso JM, Rodríguez-Ruiz D, Sarmiento S, De Saa Y, Moreno MP. Relation between In-Game Role and Service Characteristics in Elite Women's Volleyball. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 2010;24(9):2316-2321.
  • 12. Gray R, Orn A, Woodman T. Ironic and Reinvestment Effects in Baseball Pitching: How Information About an Opponent Can Influence Performance Under Pressure. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 2017;39(1):3-12.
  • 13. Tocci NX, Howell DR, Sugimoto D, Dawkins C, Whited A, Bae D. The Effect of Stride Length and Lateral Pelvic Tilt on Elbow Torque in Youth Baseball Pitchers. Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 2017;33(5):339-346.
  • 14. Bishop P, Cureton K, Collins M. Sex difference in muscular strength in equally-trained men and women. Ergonomics, 1987;30(4):675-687.
  • 15. Miller AE, MacDougall JD, Tarnopolsky MA, Sale DG. Gender differences in strength and muscle fiber characteristics. European journal of applied physiology and occupational physiology, 1993;66(3):254-262.
Toplam 15 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Hareket ve Antrenman Bilimleri

Özge Çınar Medeni 0000-0002-8779-109X

Cengiz Akarçeşme

Senay Çerezci

Nihan Özünlü Pekyavaş

Fatma Filiz Çolakoğlu

Gül Baltacı Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 19 Ağustos 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019

Kaynak Göster

APA Çınar Medeni, Ö., Akarçeşme, C., Çerezci, S., Özünlü Pekyavaş, N., vd. (2019). EFFECTS OF SERVE TYPE, POSITION, AND GENDER ON THE SERVE SPEED OF ELITE VOLLEYBALL PLAYERS. Spor Ve Performans Araştırmaları Dergisi, 10(2), 131-139.