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Bilinçli Farkındalık Mobil Uygulamalarında Oyunlaştırma: Ödüllerin Satın Alma Niyetine Etkileri

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 1, 125 - 142, 02.01.2023


Teknolojinin yaygın kullanımı, mobil uygulamaların insan refahını geliştirmesine yönelik ilgiyi artırmaktadır. Dijitalleşen dünyada, oyunlaştırma, mobil uygulamalara adapte edilmektedir. Oyunlaştırma ve bilinçli farkındalık mobil uygulamalarına yönelik artan ilgiyle birleştiğinde, oyunlaştırmanın bilinçli farkındalık mobil uygulamaları üzerindeki etkileri akademisyenler ve uygulayıcılar arasında merak uyandırmaktadır. Ancak bu konuda literatür henüz başlangıç aşamasındadır. Bu çalışma, ödüllerin satın alma niyetini nasıl etkilediğini ortaya çıkararak, farkındalık mobil uygulamalarında oyunlaştırmanın daha iyi anlaşılmasını amaçlamaktadır. Bilinçli farkındalık mobil uygulama kullanıcıları ile derinlemesine görüşmeler ve odak grup çalışması yapılarak veriler toplanmıştır. Çalışmanın bulgularına içerik analizi yöntemi ile ulaşılmıştır. Bulgular ödüllerin, satın alma niyeti davranışları üzerinde etkili olması beklenen eğlence, sosyal etkileşim ve insan-bilgisayar etkileşimine yol açtığını ortaya koymaktadır. Çalışmanın, gelecekteki modeller için ampirik bir temel sağlamaya yönelik ilk girişimlerden biri olmasının yanı sıra, çalışma bulgularının ayrıca, iş uygulamalarında daha iyi müşteri deneyimi için oyunlaştırma üzerine gelecekteki araştırmalara rehberlik etmesi beklenmektedir.


  • Allam, A., Kostova, Z., Nakamoto, K., & Schulz, P. J. (2015). The Effect of Social Support Features and Gamification on a Web-Based Intervention for Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients: Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 17(1), e14.
  • Alnawas, I., & Aburub, F. (2016). Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services The effect of bene fi ts generated from interacting with branded mobile apps on consumer satisfaction and purchase intentions. 31, 313–315.
  • Boendermaker, W. J., Prins, P. J. M., & Wiers, R. W. (2015). Cognitive Bias Modification for adolescents with substance use problems – Can serious games help? Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 49(December), 13–20.
  • Bunchball, I. (2010). Gamification 101: an introduction to the use of game dynamics to influence behavior. White Paper. Available online at: (accessed June 22, 2022).
  • Cafazzo, J. A., Casselman, M., Hamming, N., Katzman, D. K., & Palmert, M. R. (2012). Design of an mHealth App for the Self-management of Adolescent Type 1 Diabetes: A Pilot Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 14(3), e70.
  • Carson, D., Gilmore, A., Perry, C., & Gronhaug, K. (2001). Qualitative marketing research (First Edit).
  • Cechetti, N. P., Andrei, E., Biduski, D., Pedro, J., Rodriguez, M., Klein, M., Carolina, A., & Marchi, B. De. (2019). Telematics and Informatics Developing and implementing a gamification method to improve user engagement : A case study with an m-Health application for hypertension monitoring. Telematics and Informatics, 41(December 2018), 126–138.
  • Chen, Yu, & Pu, P. (2014). Healthy Together: Exploring Social Incentives for Mobile Fitness Applications. Proceedings of the Second International Symposium of Chinese CHI on - Chinese CHI ’14, May, 25–34.
  • Chen, Yue, Yan, X., & Fan, W. (2015). Examining the Effects of Decomposed Perceived Risk on Consumer ’ s Online Shopping Behavior : A Field Study in China Examining the Effects of Decomposed Perceived Risk on Consumer Online Shopping Behavior : a Field Study in China. June.
  • Choi, J., Choi, H., So, W., Lee, J., & You, J. 2014. A Study about Designing Reward for Gamified Crowdsourcing System, in International Conference of Design, User Experience, and Usability, Springer, pp. 678–687.
  • Chiu, C., Hsu, M., & Wang, E. T. G. (2006). Understanding knowledge sharing in virtual communities : An integration of social capital and social cognitive theories. 42, 1872–1888.
  • Christie, G. I., Shepherd, M., Merry, S. N., Hopkins, S., Knightly, S., & Stasiak, K. (2019). Gamifying CBT to deliver emotional health treatment to young people on smartphones. Internet Interventions, 18, 100286.
  • Dennis, T. A., & O’Toole, L. J. (2014). Mental Health on the Go: Effects of a Gamified Attention Bias Modification Mobile Application in Trait Anxious Adults. Clinical Psychological Science, 2(5), 576–590.
  • Deterding, S. (2015). The Lens of Intrinsic Skill Atoms: A Method for Gameful Design. Human–Computer Interaction, 30(3–4), 294–335.
  • Deterding, S., Dixon, D., Khaled, R., & Nacke, L. (2011). From game design elements to gamefulness: Defining “gamification.” Proceedings of the 15th International Academic MindTrek Conference: Envisioning Future Media Environments, MindTrek 2011, September, 9–15.
  • Di Bitonto, P., Corriero, N., Pesare, E., Rossano, V., & Roselli, T. (2014). Training and Learning in e-Health Using the Gamification Approach: The Trainer Interaction (pp. 228–237).
  • Dias, L. P. S., Barbosa, J. L. V., & Vianna, H. D. (2018). Gamification and serious games in depression care: A systematic mapping study. Telematics and Informatics, 35(1), 213–224.
  • Elo, S., & Kyngäs, H. A. (2008). The qualitative content analysis process. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 62 1, 107–115.
  • Fish, M. T., & Saul, A. D. (2019). The Gamification of Meditation: A Randomized-Controlled Study of a Prescribed Mobile Mindfulness Meditation Application in Reducing College Students’ Depression. Simulation & Gaming, 50(4), 419–435.
  • Floh, A., & Madlberger, M. (2013). Electronic Commerce Research and Applications The role of atmospheric cues in online impulse-buying behavior. 12, 2012–2014.
  • Freelon, D. G. (2010). ReCal : Intercoder Reliability Calculation as a Web Service. 5(1), 20–33.
  • Freelon, D. G. (2013). ReCal OIR : Ordinal , Interval , and Ratio Intercoder Reliability as a Web Service. 8(1), 10–16.
  • Hall, M., Caton, S. J., & Weinhardt, C. (2013). Online Communities and Social Computing (A. A. Ozok & P. Zaphiris (eds.); Vol. 8029, Issue August 2014). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
  • Hamari, J. 2013. Transforming Homo Economicus into Homo Ludens: A Field Experiment on Gamification in a Utilitarian Peer-to-Peer Trading Service, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 12(4), 236-245.
  • Hamari, J., & Koivisto, J. (2013). Social Motivations To Use Gamification : An Empirical Study Of Gamifying Exercise.
  • Hamari, J., & Koivisto, J. (2015). “Working out for likes”: An empirical study on social influence in exercise gamification. Computers in Human Behavior, 50, 333–347.
  • Hamouda, M. (2021). Purchase intention through mobile applications : a customer experience lens.
  • Harwood, T., & Garry, T. (2015). An investigation into gamification as a customer engagement experience environment. Journal of Services Marketing, 29(6/7), 533–546.
  • Hassan, L., & Hamari, J. (2019). Gamification of E-Participation : A Literature Review Gamification of E-Participation : A Literature Review. January.
  • Hofacker, C. F., de Ruyter, K., Lurie, N. H., Manchanda, P., & Donaldson, J. (2016). Gamification and Mobile Marketing Effectiveness. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 34(2016), 25–36.
  • Hung, K., Chen, A. H., Peng, N., & Hackley, C. (2011). Antecedents of luxury brand purchase intention. July 2014.
  • Johnson, D., Deterding, S., Kuhn, K., Staneva, A., Stoyanov, S., & Hides, L. (2016). Gamification for health and wellbeing: A systematic review of the literature. Internet Interventions, 6(February 2017), 89–106.
  • Jones, B. A., Madden, G. J., & Wengreen, H. J. (2014). The FIT Game: preliminary evaluation of a gamification approach to increasing fruit and vegetable consumption in school. Preventive Medicine, 68, 76–79.
  • Kabat-Zinn, J. (1994). Wherever you go, there you are: Mindfulness meditation in everyday life. ( ed).
  • King, D., Greaves, F., Exeter, C., & Darzi, A. (2013). ‘ Gamification ’ : Influencing health behaviours with games. 76–78.
  • Kowalczuk, P., Siepmann (née Scheiben), C., & Adler, J. (2021). Cognitive, affective, and behavioral consumer responses to augmented reality in e-commerce: A comparative study. Journal of Business Research, 124(August 2019), 357–373.
  • Krippendorff, K. (2011). ScholarlyCommons Computing Krippendorff ’ s Alpha-Reliability Computing Krippendorff ’ s Alpha-Reliability.
  • Krippendorff, K. H. (2013). Content Analysis: An Introduction to Its Methodology.
  • Liu, D., Radhika, S., & Webster, J. (2017). T OWARD M EANINGFUL E NGAGEMENT : A F RAMEWORK FOR D ESIGN AND R ESEARCH OF G AMIFIED. November 2016.
  • Loock, A. C., Staake, T., Thiesse, F., & Staake, T. (2013). Motivating Energy-Efficient Behavior With Green Is : An Investigation of Goal Setting and the Role of Defaults Motivating Energy-Efficient Behavior with Green IS : An Investigation of Goal Setting and the Role of Defaults1. 37(4), 1313–1332.
  • Maher, C., Ferguson, M., Vandelanotte, C., Plotnikoff, R., De Bourdeaudhuij, I., Thomas, S., Nelson-Field, K., & Olds, T. (2015). A Web-Based, Social Networking Physical Activity Intervention for Insufficiently Active Adults Delivered via Facebook App: Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 17(7), e174.
  • Miller, A. S., Cafazzo, J. A., & Seto, E. (2016). A game plan: Gamification design principles in mHealth applications for chronic disease management. Health Informatics Journal, 22(2), 184–193.
  • Mullins, J. K., & Sabherwal, R. (2020). Gamification : A cognitive-emotional view. January, 9–10.
  • Nah, F. F., Eschenbrenner, B., & Dewester, D. (2011). Enhancing Brand Equity Through Flow and Telepresence : A Comparison of 2D ENHANCING B RAND E QUITY THROUGH FLOW AND TELEPRESENCE : A COMPARISON OF 2D AND 3D V IRTUAL W ORLDS Summary of Literature on Flow and Telepresence in Online Environments. September.
  • Park, M., & Yoo, J. (2020). Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services Effects of perceived interactivity of augmented reality on consumer responses : A mental imagery perspective. 52(March 2019).
  • Pillai, R., Sivathanu, B., & Dwivedi, Y. K. (2020). Shopping intention at AI-powered automated retail stores (AIPARS). Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 57(May), 102207.
  • Raman, P. (2020). Examining the importance of gamification, social interaction and perceived enjoyment among young female online buyers in India. Young Consumers.
  • Reyes, A. T. (2020). A Mindfulness Mobile App for Traumatized COVID ‑ 19 Healthcare Workers and Recovered Patients : A Response to “ The Use of Digital Applications and COVID ‑ 19 .” Community Mental Health Journal, 56(7), 1204–1205.
  • Rodrigues, L. F., Oliveira, A., & Costa, C. J. (2016). Computers in Human Behavior Playing seriously e How gami fi cation and social cues in fl uence bank customers to use gami fi ed e-business applications. 63, 392–407.
  • Sardi, L., Idri, A., & Fernández-Alemán, J. L. (2017). A systematic review of gamification in e-Health. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 71, 31–48.
  • Seaborn, K., & Fels, D. I. (2015). Gamification in theory and action: A survey. International Journal of Human Computer Studies, 74, 14–31.
  • Silverman, R. E. (2011). Latest game theory: mixing work and play. Wall Street J. Available online at:
  • Simões, J., Díaz, R., & Fernández, A. (2013). Computers in Human Behavior A social gamification framework for a K-6 learning platform. 29, 345–353.
  • Stockings, E., Hall, W. D., Lynskey, M., Morley, K. I., Reavley, N., Strang, J., Patton, G., & Degenhardt, L. (2016). Prevention, early intervention, harm reduction, and treatment of substance use in young people. The Lancet Psychiatry, 3(3), 280–296.
  • Suh, A., & Wagner, C. (2017). How gamification of an enterprise collaboration system increases knowledge contribution : an affordance approach. 21(2), 416–431.
  • Suh, A., Wagner, C., Liu, L., & Wagner, C. (2018). Enhancing User Engagement through Gamification Enhancing User Engagement through Gamification. Journal of Computer Information Systems, 58(3), 204–213.
  • Teixes Argilés, F. (2017). Yu-Kai Chou (2016). Actionable Gamification: beyond points, badges and leaderboards. Octalysis Media: Fremont. CA. Revista Internacional de Organizaciones, 0(18), 137.
  • Tobon, S., Ruiz-alba, J. L., & García-madariaga, J. (2020). Gamification and online consumer decisions : Is the game over ? Decision Support Systems, 128(September 2019), 113167.
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Gamification in Mindfulness Mobile Applications: The Effects of Rewards on Purchase Intention

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 1, 125 - 142, 02.01.2023


Technology's widespread use has sparked interest in how mobile applications might enhance human well-being. In the digitalized environment, gamification has been adapted to mobile applications. Coupled with the increasing concern toward gamification and well-being mobile applications, the effects of gamification on mindfulness mobile applications are now of burgeoning interest among scholars and practitioners. However, literature is still in its introductory stages. This study attempted to explain gamification in mindfulness mobile applications by examining how rewards influence purchasing intentions. In-depth interviews and focus groups are conducted among users and data is analyzed via content analyses. Findings reveal that rewards lead to enjoyment, social interaction, and interactivity, which affects purchase intention. Apart from being one of the first attempts to provide an empirical basis for future models, findings of the current study are also expected to guide future research on gamification for better customer experience in business practices.


  • Allam, A., Kostova, Z., Nakamoto, K., & Schulz, P. J. (2015). The Effect of Social Support Features and Gamification on a Web-Based Intervention for Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients: Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 17(1), e14.
  • Alnawas, I., & Aburub, F. (2016). Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services The effect of bene fi ts generated from interacting with branded mobile apps on consumer satisfaction and purchase intentions. 31, 313–315.
  • Boendermaker, W. J., Prins, P. J. M., & Wiers, R. W. (2015). Cognitive Bias Modification for adolescents with substance use problems – Can serious games help? Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 49(December), 13–20.
  • Bunchball, I. (2010). Gamification 101: an introduction to the use of game dynamics to influence behavior. White Paper. Available online at: (accessed June 22, 2022).
  • Cafazzo, J. A., Casselman, M., Hamming, N., Katzman, D. K., & Palmert, M. R. (2012). Design of an mHealth App for the Self-management of Adolescent Type 1 Diabetes: A Pilot Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 14(3), e70.
  • Carson, D., Gilmore, A., Perry, C., & Gronhaug, K. (2001). Qualitative marketing research (First Edit).
  • Cechetti, N. P., Andrei, E., Biduski, D., Pedro, J., Rodriguez, M., Klein, M., Carolina, A., & Marchi, B. De. (2019). Telematics and Informatics Developing and implementing a gamification method to improve user engagement : A case study with an m-Health application for hypertension monitoring. Telematics and Informatics, 41(December 2018), 126–138.
  • Chen, Yu, & Pu, P. (2014). Healthy Together: Exploring Social Incentives for Mobile Fitness Applications. Proceedings of the Second International Symposium of Chinese CHI on - Chinese CHI ’14, May, 25–34.
  • Chen, Yue, Yan, X., & Fan, W. (2015). Examining the Effects of Decomposed Perceived Risk on Consumer ’ s Online Shopping Behavior : A Field Study in China Examining the Effects of Decomposed Perceived Risk on Consumer Online Shopping Behavior : a Field Study in China. June.
  • Choi, J., Choi, H., So, W., Lee, J., & You, J. 2014. A Study about Designing Reward for Gamified Crowdsourcing System, in International Conference of Design, User Experience, and Usability, Springer, pp. 678–687.
  • Chiu, C., Hsu, M., & Wang, E. T. G. (2006). Understanding knowledge sharing in virtual communities : An integration of social capital and social cognitive theories. 42, 1872–1888.
  • Christie, G. I., Shepherd, M., Merry, S. N., Hopkins, S., Knightly, S., & Stasiak, K. (2019). Gamifying CBT to deliver emotional health treatment to young people on smartphones. Internet Interventions, 18, 100286.
  • Dennis, T. A., & O’Toole, L. J. (2014). Mental Health on the Go: Effects of a Gamified Attention Bias Modification Mobile Application in Trait Anxious Adults. Clinical Psychological Science, 2(5), 576–590.
  • Deterding, S. (2015). The Lens of Intrinsic Skill Atoms: A Method for Gameful Design. Human–Computer Interaction, 30(3–4), 294–335.
  • Deterding, S., Dixon, D., Khaled, R., & Nacke, L. (2011). From game design elements to gamefulness: Defining “gamification.” Proceedings of the 15th International Academic MindTrek Conference: Envisioning Future Media Environments, MindTrek 2011, September, 9–15.
  • Di Bitonto, P., Corriero, N., Pesare, E., Rossano, V., & Roselli, T. (2014). Training and Learning in e-Health Using the Gamification Approach: The Trainer Interaction (pp. 228–237).
  • Dias, L. P. S., Barbosa, J. L. V., & Vianna, H. D. (2018). Gamification and serious games in depression care: A systematic mapping study. Telematics and Informatics, 35(1), 213–224.
  • Elo, S., & Kyngäs, H. A. (2008). The qualitative content analysis process. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 62 1, 107–115.
  • Fish, M. T., & Saul, A. D. (2019). The Gamification of Meditation: A Randomized-Controlled Study of a Prescribed Mobile Mindfulness Meditation Application in Reducing College Students’ Depression. Simulation & Gaming, 50(4), 419–435.
  • Floh, A., & Madlberger, M. (2013). Electronic Commerce Research and Applications The role of atmospheric cues in online impulse-buying behavior. 12, 2012–2014.
  • Freelon, D. G. (2010). ReCal : Intercoder Reliability Calculation as a Web Service. 5(1), 20–33.
  • Freelon, D. G. (2013). ReCal OIR : Ordinal , Interval , and Ratio Intercoder Reliability as a Web Service. 8(1), 10–16.
  • Hall, M., Caton, S. J., & Weinhardt, C. (2013). Online Communities and Social Computing (A. A. Ozok & P. Zaphiris (eds.); Vol. 8029, Issue August 2014). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
  • Hamari, J. 2013. Transforming Homo Economicus into Homo Ludens: A Field Experiment on Gamification in a Utilitarian Peer-to-Peer Trading Service, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 12(4), 236-245.
  • Hamari, J., & Koivisto, J. (2013). Social Motivations To Use Gamification : An Empirical Study Of Gamifying Exercise.
  • Hamari, J., & Koivisto, J. (2015). “Working out for likes”: An empirical study on social influence in exercise gamification. Computers in Human Behavior, 50, 333–347.
  • Hamouda, M. (2021). Purchase intention through mobile applications : a customer experience lens.
  • Harwood, T., & Garry, T. (2015). An investigation into gamification as a customer engagement experience environment. Journal of Services Marketing, 29(6/7), 533–546.
  • Hassan, L., & Hamari, J. (2019). Gamification of E-Participation : A Literature Review Gamification of E-Participation : A Literature Review. January.
  • Hofacker, C. F., de Ruyter, K., Lurie, N. H., Manchanda, P., & Donaldson, J. (2016). Gamification and Mobile Marketing Effectiveness. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 34(2016), 25–36.
  • Hung, K., Chen, A. H., Peng, N., & Hackley, C. (2011). Antecedents of luxury brand purchase intention. July 2014.
  • Johnson, D., Deterding, S., Kuhn, K., Staneva, A., Stoyanov, S., & Hides, L. (2016). Gamification for health and wellbeing: A systematic review of the literature. Internet Interventions, 6(February 2017), 89–106.
  • Jones, B. A., Madden, G. J., & Wengreen, H. J. (2014). The FIT Game: preliminary evaluation of a gamification approach to increasing fruit and vegetable consumption in school. Preventive Medicine, 68, 76–79.
  • Kabat-Zinn, J. (1994). Wherever you go, there you are: Mindfulness meditation in everyday life. ( ed).
  • King, D., Greaves, F., Exeter, C., & Darzi, A. (2013). ‘ Gamification ’ : Influencing health behaviours with games. 76–78.
  • Kowalczuk, P., Siepmann (née Scheiben), C., & Adler, J. (2021). Cognitive, affective, and behavioral consumer responses to augmented reality in e-commerce: A comparative study. Journal of Business Research, 124(August 2019), 357–373.
  • Krippendorff, K. (2011). ScholarlyCommons Computing Krippendorff ’ s Alpha-Reliability Computing Krippendorff ’ s Alpha-Reliability.
  • Krippendorff, K. H. (2013). Content Analysis: An Introduction to Its Methodology.
  • Liu, D., Radhika, S., & Webster, J. (2017). T OWARD M EANINGFUL E NGAGEMENT : A F RAMEWORK FOR D ESIGN AND R ESEARCH OF G AMIFIED. November 2016.
  • Loock, A. C., Staake, T., Thiesse, F., & Staake, T. (2013). Motivating Energy-Efficient Behavior With Green Is : An Investigation of Goal Setting and the Role of Defaults Motivating Energy-Efficient Behavior with Green IS : An Investigation of Goal Setting and the Role of Defaults1. 37(4), 1313–1332.
  • Maher, C., Ferguson, M., Vandelanotte, C., Plotnikoff, R., De Bourdeaudhuij, I., Thomas, S., Nelson-Field, K., & Olds, T. (2015). A Web-Based, Social Networking Physical Activity Intervention for Insufficiently Active Adults Delivered via Facebook App: Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 17(7), e174.
  • Miller, A. S., Cafazzo, J. A., & Seto, E. (2016). A game plan: Gamification design principles in mHealth applications for chronic disease management. Health Informatics Journal, 22(2), 184–193.
  • Mullins, J. K., & Sabherwal, R. (2020). Gamification : A cognitive-emotional view. January, 9–10.
  • Nah, F. F., Eschenbrenner, B., & Dewester, D. (2011). Enhancing Brand Equity Through Flow and Telepresence : A Comparison of 2D ENHANCING B RAND E QUITY THROUGH FLOW AND TELEPRESENCE : A COMPARISON OF 2D AND 3D V IRTUAL W ORLDS Summary of Literature on Flow and Telepresence in Online Environments. September.
  • Park, M., & Yoo, J. (2020). Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services Effects of perceived interactivity of augmented reality on consumer responses : A mental imagery perspective. 52(March 2019).
  • Pillai, R., Sivathanu, B., & Dwivedi, Y. K. (2020). Shopping intention at AI-powered automated retail stores (AIPARS). Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 57(May), 102207.
  • Raman, P. (2020). Examining the importance of gamification, social interaction and perceived enjoyment among young female online buyers in India. Young Consumers.
  • Reyes, A. T. (2020). A Mindfulness Mobile App for Traumatized COVID ‑ 19 Healthcare Workers and Recovered Patients : A Response to “ The Use of Digital Applications and COVID ‑ 19 .” Community Mental Health Journal, 56(7), 1204–1205.
  • Rodrigues, L. F., Oliveira, A., & Costa, C. J. (2016). Computers in Human Behavior Playing seriously e How gami fi cation and social cues in fl uence bank customers to use gami fi ed e-business applications. 63, 392–407.
  • Sardi, L., Idri, A., & Fernández-Alemán, J. L. (2017). A systematic review of gamification in e-Health. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 71, 31–48.
  • Seaborn, K., & Fels, D. I. (2015). Gamification in theory and action: A survey. International Journal of Human Computer Studies, 74, 14–31.
  • Silverman, R. E. (2011). Latest game theory: mixing work and play. Wall Street J. Available online at:
  • Simões, J., Díaz, R., & Fernández, A. (2013). Computers in Human Behavior A social gamification framework for a K-6 learning platform. 29, 345–353.
  • Stockings, E., Hall, W. D., Lynskey, M., Morley, K. I., Reavley, N., Strang, J., Patton, G., & Degenhardt, L. (2016). Prevention, early intervention, harm reduction, and treatment of substance use in young people. The Lancet Psychiatry, 3(3), 280–296.
  • Suh, A., & Wagner, C. (2017). How gamification of an enterprise collaboration system increases knowledge contribution : an affordance approach. 21(2), 416–431.
  • Suh, A., Wagner, C., Liu, L., & Wagner, C. (2018). Enhancing User Engagement through Gamification Enhancing User Engagement through Gamification. Journal of Computer Information Systems, 58(3), 204–213.
  • Teixes Argilés, F. (2017). Yu-Kai Chou (2016). Actionable Gamification: beyond points, badges and leaderboards. Octalysis Media: Fremont. CA. Revista Internacional de Organizaciones, 0(18), 137.
  • Tobon, S., Ruiz-alba, J. L., & García-madariaga, J. (2020). Gamification and online consumer decisions : Is the game over ? Decision Support Systems, 128(September 2019), 113167.
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Toplam 71 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular İşletme
Bölüm Makaleler

Gözde Tanrıkulu 0000-0003-4305-3076

Banu Demirel 0000-0002-2487-0313

Yayımlanma Tarihi 2 Ocak 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 4 Ağustos 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 10 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Tanrıkulu, G., & Demirel, B. (2023). Gamification in Mindfulness Mobile Applications: The Effects of Rewards on Purchase Intention. Optimum Ekonomi Ve Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, 10(1), 125-142.
AMA Tanrıkulu G, Demirel B. Gamification in Mindfulness Mobile Applications: The Effects of Rewards on Purchase Intention. OEYBD. Ocak 2023;10(1):125-142.
Chicago Tanrıkulu, Gözde, ve Banu Demirel. “Gamification in Mindfulness Mobile Applications: The Effects of Rewards on Purchase Intention”. Optimum Ekonomi Ve Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi 10, sy. 1 (Ocak 2023): 125-42.
EndNote Tanrıkulu G, Demirel B (01 Ocak 2023) Gamification in Mindfulness Mobile Applications: The Effects of Rewards on Purchase Intention. Optimum Ekonomi ve Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi 10 1 125–142.
IEEE G. Tanrıkulu ve B. Demirel, “Gamification in Mindfulness Mobile Applications: The Effects of Rewards on Purchase Intention”, OEYBD, c. 10, sy. 1, ss. 125–142, 2023.
ISNAD Tanrıkulu, Gözde - Demirel, Banu. “Gamification in Mindfulness Mobile Applications: The Effects of Rewards on Purchase Intention”. Optimum Ekonomi ve Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi 10/1 (Ocak 2023), 125-142.
JAMA Tanrıkulu G, Demirel B. Gamification in Mindfulness Mobile Applications: The Effects of Rewards on Purchase Intention. OEYBD. 2023;10:125–142.
MLA Tanrıkulu, Gözde ve Banu Demirel. “Gamification in Mindfulness Mobile Applications: The Effects of Rewards on Purchase Intention”. Optimum Ekonomi Ve Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 10, sy. 1, 2023, ss. 125-42.
Vancouver Tanrıkulu G, Demirel B. Gamification in Mindfulness Mobile Applications: The Effects of Rewards on Purchase Intention. OEYBD. 2023;10(1):125-42.

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