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Environmental Education, Attitudes, and Behaviours of Nutrition and Dietetics Students on Buying Organic Foods

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 18 Sayı: 43, 6177 - 6194, 07.11.2021


Environmental knowledge is a main determinant of organic food buying. This study investigated the relationships among nutrition and dietetics students’ knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours toward organic foods as they are marketed as healthier and environment friendly. The participants included all fourth-year nutrition and dietetics undergraduate students at 3 faculties in Konya, Turkey. The Cronbach’s alpha and factor loadings were calculated for the constructed indexes to check the reliability. The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin test was conducted and the sample size was found to be sufficient. Bartlett’s sphericity test was used to measure the suitability of the chi-square value for factor analysis. The factor analysis was performed on the obtained data of the questionnaire items using the Varimax method. The higher the ratio, the more suitable the data set is for factor analysis. The ANOVA Tukey’s test of additivity was used to calculate the total score of the scale. It was found that students with a higher score on environment knowledge showed a more positive environmental attitude. Specifically, nutrition and dietetics students with more positive environmental attitudes showed positive environmental behaviours. Moreover, environmental knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours were significantly associated with increased frequency of purchasing organic food among students. This is the first research study to investigate the environmental knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours of nutrition and dietetics students, which are believed to be associated with their frequency of purchasing organic foods.


  • Aertsens, J., Verbeke, W., Mondelaers, K. and Huylenbroeck, G. V. (2009). Personal determinants of organic food consumption: A review. British Food Journal, 111(10), 1140-1167.
  • Afonso, C., Gavilán, D., Martins Gonçalves, H. and García de Madariaga, J. (2017). Why consumers purchase organic products? The role of environment, health and age. Paper presented at the XXIX Congreso de Marketing AEMARK (2017), p.36-50.
  • Akgüngör, S., Miran, B. and Abay, C. (2010). Consumer willingness to pay for organic food in Urban Turkey. Journal of International Food and Agribusiness Marketing, 22(3-4), 299-313. doi:10.1080/08974431003641455.
  • Bamberg, S. and Möser, G. (2007). Twenty years after Hines, Hungerford, and Tomera: A new meta-analysis of psycho-social determinants of pro-environmental behaviour. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 27(1), 14-25.
  • Baumann, S., Engman, A., Huddart-Kennedy, E. and Johnston, J. (2017). Organic vs. local: Comparing individualist and collectivist motivations for “ethical” food consumption. Canadian Food Studies/La Revue canadienne des études sur l'alimentation, 4(1), 68-86.
  • Boz, I. and Kaynakçı, C. (2019). Possibilities of Improving organic farming in Turkey. Paper presented at the Proceedings Book, 3th International Conference on Food and Agricultural Economics.
  • Bramer, W. M., de Jonge, G. B., Rethlefsen, M. L., Mast, F. and Kleijnen, J. (2018). A systematic approach to searching: An efficient and complete method to develop literature searches. Journal of the Medical Library Association: JMLA, 106(4), 531-541. doi:10.5195/jmla.2018.283.
  • Braun, T. (2018). Efficacy of Outdoor environmental education: A Cross-national comparative research study investigating nature connectedness, environmental attitudes, knowledge and behavior. Doctoral Thesis, Universitätsbibliothek Johann Christian Senckenberg.
  • Chang, C. (2011). Feeling ambivalent about going green. Journal of Advertising, 40(4), 19-32.
  • Chen, F.-Y. (2013). The intention and determining factors for airline passengers' participation in carbon offset schemes. Journal of Air Transport Management, 29, 17-22.
  • Çabuk, S., Tanrikulu, C. and Gelibolu, L. (2014). Understanding organic food consumption: Attitude as a mediator. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 38(4), 337-345. doi:10.1111/ijcs.12094.
  • Drissner, J., Haase, H. M. and Hille, K. (2010). Short-term environmental education-does it work? An evaluation of the ‘green classroom’. Journal of Biological Education, 44(4), 149-155.
  • EU. (2018). Organic farming legislation - Revision of EU Regulation on organic production and labelling of organic products. Accessed 01.10.2020.
  • Forman, J. and Silverstein, J. (2012). Organic foods: health and environmental advantages and disadvantages. Pediatrics, 130(5), 1406-1415.
  • Ghali-Zinoubi, Z. (2020). On linking socioeconomic status to consumer willingness to buy and pay for organic food. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 58(3), 1042-1050. doi:10.1007/s13197-020-04618-9.
  • Gifford, R., Sussman, R. and Clayton, S. (2012). The Oxford Handbook of Environmental and Conservation Psychology. In: Oxford University Press, USA.
  • Hadzigeorgiou, Y., Prevezanou, B., Kabouropoulou, M. and Konsolas, M. (2011). Teaching about the importance of trees: A study with young children. Environmental Education Research, 17(4), 519-536.
  • Harding, B. A. (2016). Considering Efficacy of an outdoor environmental education program: Facilitating elementary students’ environmental knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours. In: Kingston: Queen’s University Kingston.
  • ICDA. (2010). Role of dietitians in food sustainability: Position of the Italian Association of Dietitians (ANDID). National Association Reports.
  • Indriani, I. A. D., Rahayu, M. and Hadiwidjojo, D. (2019). The Influence of Environmental Knowledge on Green Purchase Intention the Role of Attitude as Mediating Variable. International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, 6(2), 627-635.
  • Johnson, B. and Manoli, C. C. (2010). The 2-MEV scale in the United States: a measure of children's environmental attitudes based on the theory of ecological attitude. The Journal of Environmental Education, 42(2), 84-97.
  • Kaiser, F. G., Roczen, N. and Bogner, F. X. (2008). Competence formation in environmental education: Advancing ecology-specific rather than general abilities. Umweltpsychologie, 12(2), 56-70.
  • Katt, F. and Meixner, O. (2020). A systematic review of drivers influencing consumer willingness to pay for organic food. Trends in Food Science and Technology, 100, 374-378.
  • Kollmuss, A. and Agyeman, J. (2002). Mind the gap: Why do people act environmentally and what are the barriers to pro-environmental behavior? Environmental Education Research, 8(3), 239-260.
  • Konuk, F. A. (2018). Antecedents of pregnant women’s purchase intentions and willingness to pay a premium for organic food. British Food Journal, 120(7), 1561-1573.
  • Liefländer, A. K., Bogner, F. X., Kibbe, A. and Kaiser, F. G. (2015). Evaluating environmental knowledge dimension convergence to assess educational programme effectiveness. International Journal of Science Education, 37(4), 684-702.
  • Lozano, R., Lozano, F. J., Mulder, K., Huisingh, D. and Waas, T. (2013). Advancing higher education for sustainable development: international insights and critical reflections. In: Elsevier.
  • MAF, R. o. T. (2020). 2018 yılı organik tarım istatistikleri.
  • Manoli, C. C., Johnson, B., Hadjichambis, A. C., Hadjichambi, D., Georgiou, Y. and Ioannou, H. (2014). Evaluating the impact of the Earthkeepers Earth education program on children's ecological understandings, values and attitudes, and behaviour in Cyprus. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 41, 29-37.
  • Mantzicopoulos, P. and Patrick, H. (2011). Reading picture books and learning science: Engaging young children with informational text. Theory Into Practice, 50(4), 269-276.
  • Melovic, B., Dabic, M., Rogic, S., Durisic, V. and Prorok, V. (2020). Food for thought Identifying the influential factors that affect consumption of organic produce in today's youth. British Food Journal, 122(4), 1130-1155.
  • Muhammad, S., Fathelrahman, E., Ullah, T. and Ullah, R. (2016). The significance of consumer’s awareness about organic food products in the United Arab Emirates. Sustainability, 8(9), 833.
  • Olsen, J., Thach, L. and Hemphill, L. (2012). The impact of environmental protection and hedonistic values on organic wine purchases in the US. International Journal of Wine Business Research, 24(1), 47-67.
  • Oraman, Y. and Unakitan, G. (2010). Analysis of factors influencing organic fruit and vegetable purchasing in Istanbul, Turkey. Ecology of Food and Nutrition, 49(6), 452-466. doi:10.1080/03670244.2010.524105.
  • Paul, J. and Rana, J. (2012). Consumer behavior and purchase intention for organic food. Journal of consumer Marketing, 29(6), 412-422.
  • Saleki, R., Quoquab, F. and Mohammad, J. (2019). What drives Malaysian consumers’ organic food purchase intention? The role of moral norm, self-identity, environmental concern and price consciousness. Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies, 9(5), 584-603.
  • Scozzafava, G., Gerini, F., Boncinelli, F., Contini, C., Marone, E. and Casini, L. (2020). Organic milk preference: Is it a matter of information? Appetite, 144, 104477. doi:
  • Shahbandeh, M. (2020). Area of organic farming worldwide 2000-2018.
  • Sharma, N. and Singhvi, R. (2018). Consumers perception and Behaviour towards organic food: A systematic review of literature. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 7(2), 2152-2155.
  • Smith-Spangler, C., Brandeau, M. L., Hunter, G. E., Bavinger, J. C., Pearson, M., Eschbach, P. J. and Stave, C. (2012). Are organic foods safer or healthier than conventional alternatives?: A systematic review. Annals of Internal Medicine, 157(5), 348-366.
  • Szerényi, Z., Ágnes, Z. and Anna, S. (2011). Consumer behaviour and lifestyle patterns of Hungarian students with regard to environmental awareness. Society and Economy, 33(1), 89-109.
  • Thalheimer, J. C. and RD, L. (2013). The organic foods debate: Are they healthier than conventional. Today's Dietitian, 15(7), 28.
  • Wheeler, S. A., Gregg, D. and Singh, M. (2019). Understanding the role of social desirability bias and environmental attitudes and behaviour on South Australians’ stated purchase of organic foods. Food Quality and Preference, 74, 125-134. doi:
  • Zsóka, Á., Szerényi, Z. M., Széchy, A. and Kocsis, T. (2013). Greening due to environmental education? Environmental knowledge, attitudes, consumer behavior and everyday pro-environmental activities of Hungarian high school and university students. Journal of Cleaner Production, 48, 126-138. doi:

Beslenme ve Diyetetik Öğrencilerinin Organik Gıda Satın Alma Konusundaki Çevre Eğitimi, Tutum ve Davranışları

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 18 Sayı: 43, 6177 - 6194, 07.11.2021


Çevre bilgisi, organik gıda satın almanın temel belirleyicisidir. Bu çalışma, beslenme ve diyetetik öğrencilerinin daha sağlıklı ve çevre dostu olarak pazarlanan organik gıdalara yönelik bilgi, tutum ve davranışları arasındaki ilişkileri araştırmıştır. Katılımcılar arasında Konya'da 3 fakültenin beslenme ve diyetetik lisans öğrencilerinin tamamı yer amıştırı. Güvenilirliği kontrol etmek için yapılandırılmış indeksler için Cronbach alfa ve faktör yükleri hesaplanmıştır. Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin testi yapılmış ve örneklem büyüklüğünün yeterli olduğu görülmüştür. Ki-kare değerinin faktör analizi için uygunluğunu ölçmek için Bartlett'in küresellik testi kullanılmıştır. Anket maddelerinin elde edilen verileri üzerinde Varimax yöntemi kullanılarak faktör analizi yapılmıştır. Oran ne kadar yüksekse, veri seti faktör analizi için o kadar uygundur. Ölçeğin toplam puanını hesaplamak için ANOVA Tukey’in toplamsallık testi kullanılmıştır. Çevre bilgisinden daha yüksek puan alan öğrencilerin daha olumlu bir çevre tutumu sergilediği görülmüştür. Özellikle, daha olumlu çevresel tutuma sahip beslenme ve diyetetik öğrencileri olumlu çevresel davranışlar sergilemişlerdir. Dahası, çevresel bilgi, tutumlar ve davranışlar, öğrenciler arasında organik gıda satın alma sıklığının artmasıyla önemli ölçüde ilişkilendirilmiştir. Bu, beslenme ve diyetetik öğrencilerinin organik gıda satın alma sıklıkları ile ilişkili olduğuna inanılan çevresel bilgi, tutum ve davranışlarını araştıran ilk araştırma çalışmasıdır.


  • Aertsens, J., Verbeke, W., Mondelaers, K. and Huylenbroeck, G. V. (2009). Personal determinants of organic food consumption: A review. British Food Journal, 111(10), 1140-1167.
  • Afonso, C., Gavilán, D., Martins Gonçalves, H. and García de Madariaga, J. (2017). Why consumers purchase organic products? The role of environment, health and age. Paper presented at the XXIX Congreso de Marketing AEMARK (2017), p.36-50.
  • Akgüngör, S., Miran, B. and Abay, C. (2010). Consumer willingness to pay for organic food in Urban Turkey. Journal of International Food and Agribusiness Marketing, 22(3-4), 299-313. doi:10.1080/08974431003641455.
  • Bamberg, S. and Möser, G. (2007). Twenty years after Hines, Hungerford, and Tomera: A new meta-analysis of psycho-social determinants of pro-environmental behaviour. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 27(1), 14-25.
  • Baumann, S., Engman, A., Huddart-Kennedy, E. and Johnston, J. (2017). Organic vs. local: Comparing individualist and collectivist motivations for “ethical” food consumption. Canadian Food Studies/La Revue canadienne des études sur l'alimentation, 4(1), 68-86.
  • Boz, I. and Kaynakçı, C. (2019). Possibilities of Improving organic farming in Turkey. Paper presented at the Proceedings Book, 3th International Conference on Food and Agricultural Economics.
  • Bramer, W. M., de Jonge, G. B., Rethlefsen, M. L., Mast, F. and Kleijnen, J. (2018). A systematic approach to searching: An efficient and complete method to develop literature searches. Journal of the Medical Library Association: JMLA, 106(4), 531-541. doi:10.5195/jmla.2018.283.
  • Braun, T. (2018). Efficacy of Outdoor environmental education: A Cross-national comparative research study investigating nature connectedness, environmental attitudes, knowledge and behavior. Doctoral Thesis, Universitätsbibliothek Johann Christian Senckenberg.
  • Chang, C. (2011). Feeling ambivalent about going green. Journal of Advertising, 40(4), 19-32.
  • Chen, F.-Y. (2013). The intention and determining factors for airline passengers' participation in carbon offset schemes. Journal of Air Transport Management, 29, 17-22.
  • Çabuk, S., Tanrikulu, C. and Gelibolu, L. (2014). Understanding organic food consumption: Attitude as a mediator. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 38(4), 337-345. doi:10.1111/ijcs.12094.
  • Drissner, J., Haase, H. M. and Hille, K. (2010). Short-term environmental education-does it work? An evaluation of the ‘green classroom’. Journal of Biological Education, 44(4), 149-155.
  • EU. (2018). Organic farming legislation - Revision of EU Regulation on organic production and labelling of organic products. Accessed 01.10.2020.
  • Forman, J. and Silverstein, J. (2012). Organic foods: health and environmental advantages and disadvantages. Pediatrics, 130(5), 1406-1415.
  • Ghali-Zinoubi, Z. (2020). On linking socioeconomic status to consumer willingness to buy and pay for organic food. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 58(3), 1042-1050. doi:10.1007/s13197-020-04618-9.
  • Gifford, R., Sussman, R. and Clayton, S. (2012). The Oxford Handbook of Environmental and Conservation Psychology. In: Oxford University Press, USA.
  • Hadzigeorgiou, Y., Prevezanou, B., Kabouropoulou, M. and Konsolas, M. (2011). Teaching about the importance of trees: A study with young children. Environmental Education Research, 17(4), 519-536.
  • Harding, B. A. (2016). Considering Efficacy of an outdoor environmental education program: Facilitating elementary students’ environmental knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours. In: Kingston: Queen’s University Kingston.
  • ICDA. (2010). Role of dietitians in food sustainability: Position of the Italian Association of Dietitians (ANDID). National Association Reports.
  • Indriani, I. A. D., Rahayu, M. and Hadiwidjojo, D. (2019). The Influence of Environmental Knowledge on Green Purchase Intention the Role of Attitude as Mediating Variable. International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, 6(2), 627-635.
  • Johnson, B. and Manoli, C. C. (2010). The 2-MEV scale in the United States: a measure of children's environmental attitudes based on the theory of ecological attitude. The Journal of Environmental Education, 42(2), 84-97.
  • Kaiser, F. G., Roczen, N. and Bogner, F. X. (2008). Competence formation in environmental education: Advancing ecology-specific rather than general abilities. Umweltpsychologie, 12(2), 56-70.
  • Katt, F. and Meixner, O. (2020). A systematic review of drivers influencing consumer willingness to pay for organic food. Trends in Food Science and Technology, 100, 374-378.
  • Kollmuss, A. and Agyeman, J. (2002). Mind the gap: Why do people act environmentally and what are the barriers to pro-environmental behavior? Environmental Education Research, 8(3), 239-260.
  • Konuk, F. A. (2018). Antecedents of pregnant women’s purchase intentions and willingness to pay a premium for organic food. British Food Journal, 120(7), 1561-1573.
  • Liefländer, A. K., Bogner, F. X., Kibbe, A. and Kaiser, F. G. (2015). Evaluating environmental knowledge dimension convergence to assess educational programme effectiveness. International Journal of Science Education, 37(4), 684-702.
  • Lozano, R., Lozano, F. J., Mulder, K., Huisingh, D. and Waas, T. (2013). Advancing higher education for sustainable development: international insights and critical reflections. In: Elsevier.
  • MAF, R. o. T. (2020). 2018 yılı organik tarım istatistikleri.
  • Manoli, C. C., Johnson, B., Hadjichambis, A. C., Hadjichambi, D., Georgiou, Y. and Ioannou, H. (2014). Evaluating the impact of the Earthkeepers Earth education program on children's ecological understandings, values and attitudes, and behaviour in Cyprus. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 41, 29-37.
  • Mantzicopoulos, P. and Patrick, H. (2011). Reading picture books and learning science: Engaging young children with informational text. Theory Into Practice, 50(4), 269-276.
  • Melovic, B., Dabic, M., Rogic, S., Durisic, V. and Prorok, V. (2020). Food for thought Identifying the influential factors that affect consumption of organic produce in today's youth. British Food Journal, 122(4), 1130-1155.
  • Muhammad, S., Fathelrahman, E., Ullah, T. and Ullah, R. (2016). The significance of consumer’s awareness about organic food products in the United Arab Emirates. Sustainability, 8(9), 833.
  • Olsen, J., Thach, L. and Hemphill, L. (2012). The impact of environmental protection and hedonistic values on organic wine purchases in the US. International Journal of Wine Business Research, 24(1), 47-67.
  • Oraman, Y. and Unakitan, G. (2010). Analysis of factors influencing organic fruit and vegetable purchasing in Istanbul, Turkey. Ecology of Food and Nutrition, 49(6), 452-466. doi:10.1080/03670244.2010.524105.
  • Paul, J. and Rana, J. (2012). Consumer behavior and purchase intention for organic food. Journal of consumer Marketing, 29(6), 412-422.
  • Saleki, R., Quoquab, F. and Mohammad, J. (2019). What drives Malaysian consumers’ organic food purchase intention? The role of moral norm, self-identity, environmental concern and price consciousness. Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies, 9(5), 584-603.
  • Scozzafava, G., Gerini, F., Boncinelli, F., Contini, C., Marone, E. and Casini, L. (2020). Organic milk preference: Is it a matter of information? Appetite, 144, 104477. doi:
  • Shahbandeh, M. (2020). Area of organic farming worldwide 2000-2018.
  • Sharma, N. and Singhvi, R. (2018). Consumers perception and Behaviour towards organic food: A systematic review of literature. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 7(2), 2152-2155.
  • Smith-Spangler, C., Brandeau, M. L., Hunter, G. E., Bavinger, J. C., Pearson, M., Eschbach, P. J. and Stave, C. (2012). Are organic foods safer or healthier than conventional alternatives?: A systematic review. Annals of Internal Medicine, 157(5), 348-366.
  • Szerényi, Z., Ágnes, Z. and Anna, S. (2011). Consumer behaviour and lifestyle patterns of Hungarian students with regard to environmental awareness. Society and Economy, 33(1), 89-109.
  • Thalheimer, J. C. and RD, L. (2013). The organic foods debate: Are they healthier than conventional. Today's Dietitian, 15(7), 28.
  • Wheeler, S. A., Gregg, D. and Singh, M. (2019). Understanding the role of social desirability bias and environmental attitudes and behaviour on South Australians’ stated purchase of organic foods. Food Quality and Preference, 74, 125-134. doi:
  • Zsóka, Á., Szerényi, Z. M., Széchy, A. and Kocsis, T. (2013). Greening due to environmental education? Environmental knowledge, attitudes, consumer behavior and everyday pro-environmental activities of Hungarian high school and university students. Journal of Cleaner Production, 48, 126-138. doi:
Toplam 44 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Sosyoloji (Diğer)
Bölüm Makaleler

Nurhan Unusan 0000-0002-7445-6903

Mustafa Agah Tekindal 0000-0002-4060-7048

Yayımlanma Tarihi 7 Kasım 2021
Kabul Tarihi 16 Temmuz 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 18 Sayı: 43

Kaynak Göster

APA Unusan, N., & Tekindal, M. A. (2021). Environmental Education, Attitudes, and Behaviours of Nutrition and Dietetics Students on Buying Organic Foods. OPUS International Journal of Society Researches, 18(43), 6177-6194.