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İtalya’da Türk Göçmenler: Göç ve Birlikte Yaşam Üzerine

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 22 Sayı: 2, 251 - 264


İtalya’da yaşayan Türk göçmenlerin deneyimlerini ele alan bu çalışma, göç sürecinin kültürel, sosyal ve ekonomik dönüşümlerle birlikte nasıl farklılıklarla bir arada yaşama yolunu açtığını incelemektedir. Nitel bir araştırma olarak, kartopu örneklemiyle 50 Türkiyeli göçmenle yapılan görüşmeler ve katılımcı gözlem yoluyla veri toplanmıştır. Bulgular, Türk göçmenlerin, İtalya’da farklılıklarını muhafaza ederek, bu farklılıkların birbirini besleyen bir iç içe geçmişlik içinde nasıl sürdürüldüğünü göstermektedir. Göçmenler, kimliklerini kanıtlama adına öteki kimlikleri baskı altına alma eğiliminde değildir. Aksine, kültürel değerlerini paylaşarak toplumsal yapıyı zenginleştirirler. Bu durum, hem göçmenlerin kendilerini ifade etmelerine hem de yerel halkın farklı kültürleri tanımasına olanak tanır. Türk ve İtalyan toplumu arasındaki etkileşim, önyargıları azaltarak ortak yaşam duygusunun güçlenmesini sağlar. Bu makale, farklılıklarla birlikte yaşamanın birlikte, ortak bir yaşamı nasıl güçlendirdiğini ve göçmenlerin yeni yaşam biçimlerine uyum sağlama süreçlerine ne şekilde katkı sağladığını ortaya koymaktadır.


  • Ambrosini, M. (2012). We are against a multi-ethnic society: Policies of exclusion at the urban level in Italy. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 36 (1), 135-155. https://doi:10.1080/01419870.2011.-644312
  • Ambrosini, M. (2013). Immigration in Italy: Between economic acceptance and political rejection, Journal of International Migration and Integration, 14 (1), 175-194. https://doi: 10.1007-/s12134-011-0231-3
  • Ambrosini, M. (2018). Irregular immigration in southern Europe. Actors, dynamics and governance. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Barrero, Z. Ricard, & E. Yalaz (2018). Qualitative research in european migration studies. London: Springer Nature. Bauman, Z. (2000). Liquid modernity. Cambridge: Polity.
  • Bauman, Z. (2003). Wasted lives: Modernity and its outcasts. Cambridge: Polity.
  • Bauman, Z. (2005). Liquid life. Cambridge: Polity.
  • Bauman, Z. (2016). Strangers at our door. Cambridge: Polity.
  • Bauman, Z. (2017). Symptoms in search of an object and a name, (Heinrich Geiselberger Eds.). The Great Regression. Cambridge: Polity.
  • Bauman, Z. & D. Leonidas (2020). Ahlaki körlük. (Akın Emre Pilgir, Çev.). İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları.
  • Beqo, I., G. (2019a). Migration from Turkey to Italy and family relationships among migrants. The Journal of Migration, 6 (1), 73-96. https://doi:10.33182/gd.v6i1.625
  • Beqo, I., G. (2019b). Women in Here, Women in There: Changing Roles and Lives of Women Migrants from Turkey in Italy, Migration Letters, 16 (4), 531-541. https://doi:10.33182-/ml.v16i4.607
  • Beqo, I., G. & Ambrosini, M. (2022). Reimagining the homeland: diasporic belonging among Turkish and Kurdish second generations in Italy, International Review of Sociology, 32 (3), 483-500. https://doi:10.1080/03906701.2022.212-1118
  • Berry, J. W. (1992). Acculturation and adaptation in a new society. International Migration, 30 (1), 69–85. https://doi: 10.1111/j.1468-2435.1992.tb00776.x
  • Bettin, G. & Cela. E. (2014). The evolution of migration flows in Europe and Italy. Economia Marche: Journal of Applied Economics, 33 (1): 37-63.
  • Brown, W. (2017). Walled states, waning sovereignty. New York: Zone Books.
  • Castles, S. & Miller, M. J. (2013). The age of migration: International population movements in the modern world. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Çakırer, Y. (2010). Göç trafiğinde araftakiler: İtalya'daki Türkler, (M. Murat Erdoğan Eds.), Turks abroad: Mıgration and Integration in its 50th year. Ankara: Orion.
  • Carignani, S. & Rosina, M. & Ince Beqo, G. (2023). Like ‘falling leaves’: The migration of the highly-skilled from Turkey to Italy. lceonline, falling_leaves_The_migration_of_the_highly_skilled_from_Turkey_to_Italy.
  • De Haan, A. (2000). Migrants, Livelihoods, and Rights: The Relevance of Migration in Development Policies, Social Development Working Paper. 4: 1-39.
  • Fullin, G. (2016). Labour market outcomes of immigrants in a south European country: Do race and religion matter? Work, Employment and Society, 30 (3), 391–409.
  • Göker, G & Meşe, G. (2011). Türk göçmenlerin İtalyanlara bakış açısı: Bir kültürlerarası iletişim araştırması. Selçuk İletişim, 7 (1), 66-82.
  • Hall, S. (1992). The question of cultural identity, (S. Hall, D. Held & T. McGrew Eds.). Modernity and Its Futures. Cambridge: Polity.
  • Ihlamur-Öner, S. G. (2012), Göçün kadınlaşması ve sosyal refah rejiminin dönüşümü: İtalya örneği, (S. Gülfer Ihlamur-Öner & N. Aslı Şirin Öner Eds.) Küreselleşme Çağında Göç: Kavramlar, Tartışmalar. İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları.
  • Istat.
  • Marshall G. (1999). Sosyoloji sözlüğü. (Osman Akınhay ve Derya Kömürcü, Çev.). Ankara: Bilim ve Sanat Yayınları.
  • Mingione, E. (1999). Introduction: Immigrants and the informal economy in european cities. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 23 (2), 209-211.
  • Moralli, M. & Musaro, P. & Parmiggiani, P. (2023). From social integration to social emplacement: Perspectives from Italian rural areas. International Review of Sociology, 33 (3), 565-586.
  • Nail, T. (2015). The Figure of the migrant, Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
  • Purkis, S. (2018). Invisible borders of the city for the migrant women from Turkey: Gendered use of urban space and place making in Cinisello/Milan. Journal of Migration Integration, 20 (1), 1-18.
  • Purkis, S. (2019). Invisible borders of the city for the migrant women from Turkey: Gendered Use of urban space and place making in cinisello/milan. Journal of International Migration and Integration, 20(1), 261–278.
  • Purkis, S., Güngör, F. (2015). Experiences of migrants from Turkey in Milan/Italy. Istanbul University Journal of Faculty of Political Sciences, 53, 1-29. chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/
  • Quassoli, F. (1999). Migrants in the Italian underground economy, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 23 (2), 212-231.
  • Salomoni, F. (2012) Göç verenden göç alan ülkeye geçiş: Akdeniz modeli ve İtalya örneği, (S. Gülfer Ihlamur-Öner, N. Aslı Şirin Öner Eds.). Küreselleşme Çağında Göç: Kavramlar, Tartışmalar, İstanbul: İletişim. 417-438.
  • Schuster, L. (2005). The continuing mobility of migrants in Italy: Shifting between places and statuses. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 31(4), 757-774.
  • Schireup, C.U., P. Hansen and S. Castles (2006). Migration, citizenship, and the european welfare state a european dilemma, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Sirkeci, I. (2006). The environment of insecurity in Turkey and the emigration of turkish Kurds to Germany. New York: Edwin Mellen Press.
  • Strauss- Lévi, C. (2022). Race and history, New York: Legare Street Press.
  • Wacquant, L. (2008). Urban outcasts: A comparative sociology of advanced marginality. Cambridge: Polity.
  • Wells C (1994). Sosyal antropoloji açısından insan ve dünyası, (Bozkurt Güvenç, Çev.). İstanbul: Remzi Kitabevi.

Turkish Immigrants in Italy: On Migration and Living Together

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 22 Sayı: 2, 251 - 264


This article, which focuses on the experiences of Turkish immigrants living in Italy, examines how the migration process paves the way for living together with differences and for cultural, social and economic change. As part of a qualitative study, data was collected through interviews with 50 Turkish immigrants using a snowball sample and participant observation. The results show how Turkish immigrants maintain their differences in Italy and how these differences are maintained in an intertwined environment that is mutually beneficial. Immigrants do not tend to suppress other identities in order to prove their identity. On the contrary, they enrich the social structure by passing on their cultural values. This situation allows both the immigrants to express themselves and the natives to learn about other cultures. The interaction between Turkish and Italian society breaks down prejudices and strengthens the sense of common life. This article shows how living together with differences strengthens the common life and how it contributes to the immigrants’ adaptation processes to the new way of life.

Destekleyen Kurum



  • Ambrosini, M. (2012). We are against a multi-ethnic society: Policies of exclusion at the urban level in Italy. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 36 (1), 135-155. https://doi:10.1080/01419870.2011.-644312
  • Ambrosini, M. (2013). Immigration in Italy: Between economic acceptance and political rejection, Journal of International Migration and Integration, 14 (1), 175-194. https://doi: 10.1007-/s12134-011-0231-3
  • Ambrosini, M. (2018). Irregular immigration in southern Europe. Actors, dynamics and governance. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Barrero, Z. Ricard, & E. Yalaz (2018). Qualitative research in european migration studies. London: Springer Nature. Bauman, Z. (2000). Liquid modernity. Cambridge: Polity.
  • Bauman, Z. (2003). Wasted lives: Modernity and its outcasts. Cambridge: Polity.
  • Bauman, Z. (2005). Liquid life. Cambridge: Polity.
  • Bauman, Z. (2016). Strangers at our door. Cambridge: Polity.
  • Bauman, Z. (2017). Symptoms in search of an object and a name, (Heinrich Geiselberger Eds.). The Great Regression. Cambridge: Polity.
  • Bauman, Z. & D. Leonidas (2020). Ahlaki körlük. (Akın Emre Pilgir, Çev.). İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları.
  • Beqo, I., G. (2019a). Migration from Turkey to Italy and family relationships among migrants. The Journal of Migration, 6 (1), 73-96. https://doi:10.33182/gd.v6i1.625
  • Beqo, I., G. (2019b). Women in Here, Women in There: Changing Roles and Lives of Women Migrants from Turkey in Italy, Migration Letters, 16 (4), 531-541. https://doi:10.33182-/ml.v16i4.607
  • Beqo, I., G. & Ambrosini, M. (2022). Reimagining the homeland: diasporic belonging among Turkish and Kurdish second generations in Italy, International Review of Sociology, 32 (3), 483-500. https://doi:10.1080/03906701.2022.212-1118
  • Berry, J. W. (1992). Acculturation and adaptation in a new society. International Migration, 30 (1), 69–85. https://doi: 10.1111/j.1468-2435.1992.tb00776.x
  • Bettin, G. & Cela. E. (2014). The evolution of migration flows in Europe and Italy. Economia Marche: Journal of Applied Economics, 33 (1): 37-63.
  • Brown, W. (2017). Walled states, waning sovereignty. New York: Zone Books.
  • Castles, S. & Miller, M. J. (2013). The age of migration: International population movements in the modern world. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Çakırer, Y. (2010). Göç trafiğinde araftakiler: İtalya'daki Türkler, (M. Murat Erdoğan Eds.), Turks abroad: Mıgration and Integration in its 50th year. Ankara: Orion.
  • Carignani, S. & Rosina, M. & Ince Beqo, G. (2023). Like ‘falling leaves’: The migration of the highly-skilled from Turkey to Italy. lceonline, falling_leaves_The_migration_of_the_highly_skilled_from_Turkey_to_Italy.
  • De Haan, A. (2000). Migrants, Livelihoods, and Rights: The Relevance of Migration in Development Policies, Social Development Working Paper. 4: 1-39.
  • Fullin, G. (2016). Labour market outcomes of immigrants in a south European country: Do race and religion matter? Work, Employment and Society, 30 (3), 391–409.
  • Göker, G & Meşe, G. (2011). Türk göçmenlerin İtalyanlara bakış açısı: Bir kültürlerarası iletişim araştırması. Selçuk İletişim, 7 (1), 66-82.
  • Hall, S. (1992). The question of cultural identity, (S. Hall, D. Held & T. McGrew Eds.). Modernity and Its Futures. Cambridge: Polity.
  • Ihlamur-Öner, S. G. (2012), Göçün kadınlaşması ve sosyal refah rejiminin dönüşümü: İtalya örneği, (S. Gülfer Ihlamur-Öner & N. Aslı Şirin Öner Eds.) Küreselleşme Çağında Göç: Kavramlar, Tartışmalar. İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları.
  • Istat.
  • Marshall G. (1999). Sosyoloji sözlüğü. (Osman Akınhay ve Derya Kömürcü, Çev.). Ankara: Bilim ve Sanat Yayınları.
  • Mingione, E. (1999). Introduction: Immigrants and the informal economy in european cities. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 23 (2), 209-211.
  • Moralli, M. & Musaro, P. & Parmiggiani, P. (2023). From social integration to social emplacement: Perspectives from Italian rural areas. International Review of Sociology, 33 (3), 565-586.
  • Nail, T. (2015). The Figure of the migrant, Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
  • Purkis, S. (2018). Invisible borders of the city for the migrant women from Turkey: Gendered use of urban space and place making in Cinisello/Milan. Journal of Migration Integration, 20 (1), 1-18.
  • Purkis, S. (2019). Invisible borders of the city for the migrant women from Turkey: Gendered Use of urban space and place making in cinisello/milan. Journal of International Migration and Integration, 20(1), 261–278.
  • Purkis, S., Güngör, F. (2015). Experiences of migrants from Turkey in Milan/Italy. Istanbul University Journal of Faculty of Political Sciences, 53, 1-29. chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/
  • Quassoli, F. (1999). Migrants in the Italian underground economy, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 23 (2), 212-231.
  • Salomoni, F. (2012) Göç verenden göç alan ülkeye geçiş: Akdeniz modeli ve İtalya örneği, (S. Gülfer Ihlamur-Öner, N. Aslı Şirin Öner Eds.). Küreselleşme Çağında Göç: Kavramlar, Tartışmalar, İstanbul: İletişim. 417-438.
  • Schuster, L. (2005). The continuing mobility of migrants in Italy: Shifting between places and statuses. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 31(4), 757-774.
  • Schireup, C.U., P. Hansen and S. Castles (2006). Migration, citizenship, and the european welfare state a european dilemma, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Sirkeci, I. (2006). The environment of insecurity in Turkey and the emigration of turkish Kurds to Germany. New York: Edwin Mellen Press.
  • Strauss- Lévi, C. (2022). Race and history, New York: Legare Street Press.
  • Wacquant, L. (2008). Urban outcasts: A comparative sociology of advanced marginality. Cambridge: Polity.
  • Wells C (1994). Sosyal antropoloji açısından insan ve dünyası, (Bozkurt Güvenç, Çev.). İstanbul: Remzi Kitabevi.
Toplam 39 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Göç Sosyolojisi
Bölüm Research Articles

Mustafa Demirtaş 0000-0001-6384-6626

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 25 Mart 2025
Yayımlanma Tarihi
Gönderilme Tarihi 27 Ocak 2025
Kabul Tarihi 25 Mart 2025
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Cilt: 22 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Demirtaş, M. (2025). Turkish Immigrants in Italy: On Migration and Living Together. OPUS Journal of Society Research, 22(2), 251-264.