Nadir bir mide çıkış tıkanıklığı nedeni: mide polipi
Yıl 2019,
, 214 - 216, 01.06.2019
Mehmet Suat Yalçın
Serhat Sayın
Burak Bursalı
Gastrik çıkış obstrüksiyonu, mekanik tıkanıklığa bağlı epigastrik karın ağrısı ve postprandiyal kusma ile karakterize klinik bir sendromdur. Seksen iki yaşında erkek hasta bulantı, kusma ve karın ağrısı ile acil servise başvurdu. Amilaz yüksekliği saptanan hasta akut pankreatit ön tanısı ile yatırıldı. Ancak abdomen tomografisinde pankreas parankimi normal saptandı. Duodenumda duvar kalınlaşması saptanması üzerine planlanan endoskopisinde gastrik çıkış obstrüksiyonuna sebep olan dev gastrik polip saptandı. Biyopsi sonucu high grade displazi içeren tubuler adenoma olarak saptandı. Burada gastrik çıkış obstrüksiyonuna nadiren sebep olabilen gastrik polip olgusunu sunmayı amaçladık.
- Gibson JB, Behrman SW, Fabian TC, Britt LG. Gastric outlet obstruction resulting from peptic ulcer disease requiring surgical intervention is infrequently associated with
Helicobacter pylori infection. J Am Coll Surg 2000; 191: 32.
- Johnson CD. Gastric outlet obstruction malignant until proved otherwise. Am J Gastroenterol 1995; 90: 1740.
- Kreel L, Ellis H. Pyloric stenosis in adults: A clinical and radiological study of 100 consecutive patients. Gut 1965; 6: 253.
- Shone DN, Nikoomanesh P, Smith-Meek MM, Bender JS. Malignancy is the most common cause of gastric outlet obstruction in the era of H2 blockers. Am J Gastroenterol 1995; 90: 1769.
- Johnson CD, Ellis H. Gastric outlet obstruction now predicts malignancy. Br J Surg 1990; 77:1023.
- Chowdhury A, Dhali GK, Banerjee PK. Etiology of gastric outlet obstruction. Am J Gastroenterol 1996; 91: 1679.
- Morais DJ, Yamanaka A, Zeitune JM, Andreollo NA. Gastric polyps: a retrospective analysis of 26,000 digestive endoscopies. Arq Gastroenterol. 2007; 44: 14-7.
- Al-Haddad M, Ward EM, Bouras EP, Raimondo M. Hyperplastic polyps of the gastric antrum in patients with gastrointestinal blood loss. Dig Dis Sci 2007; 52: 105-9.
- Zhang C, Cui M, Xing J, et al. Massive gastrointestinal bleeding caused by a giant gastric inflammatory fibroid polyp: A case report. Int J Surg Case Rep 2014; 5: 571-3.
- NR Kosai, et al. Prolapsing Gastric Polyp Causing Intermittent Gastric Outlet Obstruction. Int Surg. 2015 Jun; 100: 1148-52.
- Suna N, Öcal S, Etik DÖ, Selçuk H, Hilmioğlu F, Boyacıoğlu S. A rare cause of gastric outlet obstruction. Turk J Gastroenterol 2017; 28: 419-20.
A rare cause of gastric outlet obstruction: gastric polyp
Yıl 2019,
, 214 - 216, 01.06.2019
Mehmet Suat Yalçın
Serhat Sayın
Burak Bursalı
Gastric outlet obstruction is a clinical syndrome characterized by epigastric abdominal pain due to mechanical occlusion and postprandial vomiting. An 82-year-old male patient applied to the emergency service with nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. The patient with amylase elevation was admitted with pre-diagnosis of acute pancreatitis. However, pancreas parenchyma was normal in abdominal CT. A giant gastric polyp causing gastric outlet obstruction was detected in endoscopy which was decided after duodenal wall thickening. Tubular adenoma with high grade dysplasia was detected in biopsy. Here, we aim to present a case of gastric polyp that can rarely cause gastric outlet obstruction.
- Gibson JB, Behrman SW, Fabian TC, Britt LG. Gastric outlet obstruction resulting from peptic ulcer disease requiring surgical intervention is infrequently associated with
Helicobacter pylori infection. J Am Coll Surg 2000; 191: 32.
- Johnson CD. Gastric outlet obstruction malignant until proved otherwise. Am J Gastroenterol 1995; 90: 1740.
- Kreel L, Ellis H. Pyloric stenosis in adults: A clinical and radiological study of 100 consecutive patients. Gut 1965; 6: 253.
- Shone DN, Nikoomanesh P, Smith-Meek MM, Bender JS. Malignancy is the most common cause of gastric outlet obstruction in the era of H2 blockers. Am J Gastroenterol 1995; 90: 1769.
- Johnson CD, Ellis H. Gastric outlet obstruction now predicts malignancy. Br J Surg 1990; 77:1023.
- Chowdhury A, Dhali GK, Banerjee PK. Etiology of gastric outlet obstruction. Am J Gastroenterol 1996; 91: 1679.
- Morais DJ, Yamanaka A, Zeitune JM, Andreollo NA. Gastric polyps: a retrospective analysis of 26,000 digestive endoscopies. Arq Gastroenterol. 2007; 44: 14-7.
- Al-Haddad M, Ward EM, Bouras EP, Raimondo M. Hyperplastic polyps of the gastric antrum in patients with gastrointestinal blood loss. Dig Dis Sci 2007; 52: 105-9.
- Zhang C, Cui M, Xing J, et al. Massive gastrointestinal bleeding caused by a giant gastric inflammatory fibroid polyp: A case report. Int J Surg Case Rep 2014; 5: 571-3.
- NR Kosai, et al. Prolapsing Gastric Polyp Causing Intermittent Gastric Outlet Obstruction. Int Surg. 2015 Jun; 100: 1148-52.
- Suna N, Öcal S, Etik DÖ, Selçuk H, Hilmioğlu F, Boyacıoğlu S. A rare cause of gastric outlet obstruction. Turk J Gastroenterol 2017; 28: 419-20.