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Tek taraflı anizometropik ambliyopik hastalarda optik koherens tomografiyi kullanarak retina sinir lifi tabakası kalınlığının değerlendirilmesi

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 11 Sayı: 3, 326 - 332, 01.09.2019


Amaç: Tek taraflı anizometropik ambliyopi olgularında optik koherens tomografi (OKT) kullanılarak retinal sinir lifi tabakası (RSLT) kalınlığını değerlendirmek.
Gereç ve Yöntem: Retrospektif kesitsel gözlemsel olgu serileri. Tek taraflı anizometropik ambliyopisi olan yaşları 6 ile 63 yıl aralığındaki (ortalama 28,91±15,45) 35 hastanın ambliyopik ve sağlıklı gözlerinin peripapiller RSLT kalınlığı OKT ile ölçüldü. Tüm OKT taramaları, en doğru sonucu elde edebilmek için aynı operatör tarafından ve siklopentolat pupil dilatasyonu birlikteliğinde üç seansta gerçekleştirildi. Sadece, sinyal gücü 7’den fazla olan (10 noktalı bir ölçekte) taramalar çalışma kapsamına alındı ve analize dahil edildi. Ambliyopik ve sağlıklı (diğer) gözler arasındaki retinal kalınlık farklılıklarının istatistiksel analizi, bağımsız örneklem T testi kullanılarak belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca, RSLT değerleri ve refraktif bozukluk seviyeleri arasındaki korelasyonu belirlemek için Pearson korelasyon testinden yararlanılmıştır.
Bulgular: Ambliyopik gözlerde ortalama RSLT kalınlığı 93,91±17,18 mikrometre olarak ölçüldü; diğer gözlerde 94,51±14,54 mikrometre ölçüldü. Ambliyopik gözlerin RSLT kalınlığı ile sağlıklı gözlerin gözleri arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark yoktu.
Sonuç: Anizometropik ambliyopisi olan olgularda ambliyopik ve sağlıklı gözler arasındaki RSLT kalınlığı ölçümleri genel olarak benzerdi.


  • Joukal M. Anatomy of the human visual pathway. ın Homonymous Visual Field Defects, K. Skorkovska, Ed, Springer, Cham, Switzerland, 2017.
  • Lindsay PH, Norman DA. Human information processing: An introduction to psychology. Academic Press, 2013.
  • Kristensen S, Garcea, FE, Mahon, BZ, Almeida, J. Temporal frequency tuning reveals interactions between the dorsal and ventral visual streams. J Cognitive Neurosci 2016; 28: 1295-302.
  • Arnold RW. Amblyopia risk factor prevalence. J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus 2013; 50: 213–7.
  • von Noorden GK. Ambliyopia: a multidisciplinary approach. Proctor lecture. Invest Ophtalmol Vis Sci 1985; 26: 1704–16.
  • Griepentrog GJ, Diehl N, Mohney BG. Amblyopia in childhood eyelid ptosis. Am J Ophthalmo. 2013; 155: 1125–8.
  • Birch EE. Amblyopia and binocular vision. Progress in Retinal and Eye Research 2013; 33: 67-84.
  • Wendell - Smith CP. Effect of light deprivation on the postnatal development of the optic nerve. Nature 1964; 204: 707-08.
  • Chauban S, Marshall J. The interpretation of optical coherence tomography image of the retina. Invest Ophtalmol Vis Sci 1999; 40: 2332–42.
  • von Noorden GK. Histological studies of the visual system in monkeys with experimental amblyopia. Invest Ophtalmol 1973; 12: 727–38.
  • Brown B, Feigl B, Gole GA, Mullen K, Hess RF. Assessment of neuroretinal function in a group of functional amblyopes with documented LGN deficits. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt 2013. (doi: 10.1111/opo.12024).
  • von Noorden GK. Middleditch PR. Histology of the monkey lateral geniculate nucleus after unilateral lid closure and experimental strabismus: further observations. Invest Ophtalmol 1975; 14: 674–83.
  • Yen MY, Cheng CY, Wang AG. Retinal nerve fiber layer thickness in unilateral amblyopia. Invest Ophtalmol Vis Sci 2004; 45: 2224–30.
  • Huynh SC, Wang XY, Rochtchina E, Mitchell P. Peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer thickness in a population of 6-year-old children: findings by optical coherence tomography. Ophtalmology 2006; 113: 1583–92.
  • Wu SQ, Zhu LW, Xu QB, Xu JL, Zhang Y. Macular and peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer thickness in children with hyperopic anisometropic amblyopia. International journal of ophthalmology, 2013; 6(1): 85.
  • Huynh SC, Samarawickrama C, Wang XY, et al. Macular and nerve fiber layer thickness in amblyopia: the Sydney Childhood Eye Study. Ophtalmology 2009; 116: 1604–09.
  • Galvão-Filho RP, Suzanna-Junior R. Study of the retinal nerve fiber layer thickness symmetry in normal subjects. Rev Bras Oftal 1998; 57: 935-9.
  • Lennerstrand G, Rydberg A. Results of treatment of amblyopia with a screening program for early detection. Acta ophthalmologica Scandinavica Supplement 1996; 74: 42-5. Epub 1996/01/01.
  • Spiegel DP, Byblow WD, Hess RF, Thompson B. Anodal transcranial direct current stimulation transiently improves contrast sensitivity and normalizes visual cortex activation in individuals with amblyopia. Neurorehabilitation Neural Repair 2013; 27: 760-9.
  • von Noorden GK, Grawford MLJ, Levacy RA. The lateral geniculate nucleus in human anisometropic amblyopia. Invest Ophtalmol Vis Sci 1983; 24: 788-90.
  • Rasch E, Swift H, Reisen AH, Chow KL. Altered structure and composition of retinal cells in dark–reared mammals. Exp Cell Res 1961; 25: 348-63.
  • Chow KL, Reisen AH, Newell FN. Degeneration of retinal ganglion cells in infant chimpanzees reared in darkness. J Comp Neurol 1957; 107: 27-42.
  • Chow KL. Failure to demonstrate change in the visual system of the monkey kept in darkness or colored lights. J Comp Neurol 1955; 102: 597-606.
  • von Noorden GK, Crawford MLJ, Middleditch PR. Effect of lid suture on retinal ganglion cells in Macaca mulatta. Brain Res 1977; 122: 437-44.
  • Wiesel TN, Hubel DH. Effeects of visual deprivation on morphology and physiology of cells in cat’s lateral geniculate body. J Neurophysiol 1963; 26: 978-93.
  • Baddini – Caramelli C, Hatanaka M, Polati M, Umino AT, Susanna R Jr. Thickness of the retinal nerve fiber layer in amblyopic and normal eyes: a scanning laser polarimetry study. J AAPOS 2001; 5: 82-4.
  • Varma R, Bazzas S, Lai M. Optical Tomography – measured retinal nerve fiber layer thickness in normal Latinos. Invest Ophtalmol Vis Sci 2003; 44:3369-73.
  • Kee SY, Lee SY, Lee YC. Thicknesses of the fovea and retinal nerve fiber layer in amblyopic and normal eyes in children. Korean J Ophtalmol 2006; 20: 177-81.
  • Repka MX, Goldenberg CN, Edwards AR. Retinal nerve fiber layer thickness in amblyopic eyes. Am J Ophtalmol 2006; 142: 247-51.
  • Bretas, Caio César Peixoto, and Renato Nery Soriano. Amblyopia: neural basis and therapeutic approaches. Arquivos Brasileiros de Oftalmologia 2016; 79: 346-51.
  • Repka MX, Kraker RT, Tamkins SM, Suh DW, Sala NA, Beck RW. Pediatric eye disease investigator group. Retinal nerve fiber layer thickness in amblyopic eyes. Am J Ophtalmol, 2009; 148: 143-7.
  • Dickmann A, Petroni S, Salerni A, Dell’Omo R, Balestrazzi E. Unilateral amblyopia: an optical coherence tomography study. JAAPOS 2009; 13: 148-50.
  • Soyugelen G, Onursever N, Bostancı Ceran B, Can İ. Evaluation of macular thickness and retinal nerve fiber layer by optical coherence tomography in cases with strabismic and anisometropic amblyopia. Turk J Ophthalmol 2011; 41: 318-24.

Evaluation of retinal nerve fiber layer thickness using optical coherence tomography in unilateral anisometropic amblyopic patients

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 11 Sayı: 3, 326 - 332, 01.09.2019


Aim: To evaluate the retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thickness in cases with unilateral anisometropic amblyopia using optical coherence tomography (OCT).
Material and Method: Retrospective cross–sectional observational case series. OCT of the peripapillary RNFL thickness of amblyopic and fellow eyes was performed in 35 patients age 6 to 63 years (mean 28.91±15.45) with unilateral anisometropic amblyopia. All OCT scans were performed within three session by the same operator with cyclopentolate pupil dilatation for the best correct result. Scans with signal strength more than 7 (on a 10-point scale) were considered acceptable and included in the analysis only. Statistical analysis of retinal thickness differences between the amblyopic and healthy (fellow) eyes were determined using the independent samples T-test. Additionally it was utilized from Pearson correlation test to establish the correlation between RNFL values and refractive disorder levels.
Results: While the average RNFL thickness was measured 93.91±17.18 micrometer in amblyopic eyes; that was measured 94.51±14.54 micrometer in fellow eyes. There was no statistically significant difference between the RNFL thickness of the amblyopic eyes and healthy fellow eyes.
Conclusion: In cases with anisometropic amblyopia, RNFL thickness measurements between amblyopic and healthy eyes were similar in general.


  • Joukal M. Anatomy of the human visual pathway. ın Homonymous Visual Field Defects, K. Skorkovska, Ed, Springer, Cham, Switzerland, 2017.
  • Lindsay PH, Norman DA. Human information processing: An introduction to psychology. Academic Press, 2013.
  • Kristensen S, Garcea, FE, Mahon, BZ, Almeida, J. Temporal frequency tuning reveals interactions between the dorsal and ventral visual streams. J Cognitive Neurosci 2016; 28: 1295-302.
  • Arnold RW. Amblyopia risk factor prevalence. J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus 2013; 50: 213–7.
  • von Noorden GK. Ambliyopia: a multidisciplinary approach. Proctor lecture. Invest Ophtalmol Vis Sci 1985; 26: 1704–16.
  • Griepentrog GJ, Diehl N, Mohney BG. Amblyopia in childhood eyelid ptosis. Am J Ophthalmo. 2013; 155: 1125–8.
  • Birch EE. Amblyopia and binocular vision. Progress in Retinal and Eye Research 2013; 33: 67-84.
  • Wendell - Smith CP. Effect of light deprivation on the postnatal development of the optic nerve. Nature 1964; 204: 707-08.
  • Chauban S, Marshall J. The interpretation of optical coherence tomography image of the retina. Invest Ophtalmol Vis Sci 1999; 40: 2332–42.
  • von Noorden GK. Histological studies of the visual system in monkeys with experimental amblyopia. Invest Ophtalmol 1973; 12: 727–38.
  • Brown B, Feigl B, Gole GA, Mullen K, Hess RF. Assessment of neuroretinal function in a group of functional amblyopes with documented LGN deficits. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt 2013. (doi: 10.1111/opo.12024).
  • von Noorden GK. Middleditch PR. Histology of the monkey lateral geniculate nucleus after unilateral lid closure and experimental strabismus: further observations. Invest Ophtalmol 1975; 14: 674–83.
  • Yen MY, Cheng CY, Wang AG. Retinal nerve fiber layer thickness in unilateral amblyopia. Invest Ophtalmol Vis Sci 2004; 45: 2224–30.
  • Huynh SC, Wang XY, Rochtchina E, Mitchell P. Peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer thickness in a population of 6-year-old children: findings by optical coherence tomography. Ophtalmology 2006; 113: 1583–92.
  • Wu SQ, Zhu LW, Xu QB, Xu JL, Zhang Y. Macular and peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer thickness in children with hyperopic anisometropic amblyopia. International journal of ophthalmology, 2013; 6(1): 85.
  • Huynh SC, Samarawickrama C, Wang XY, et al. Macular and nerve fiber layer thickness in amblyopia: the Sydney Childhood Eye Study. Ophtalmology 2009; 116: 1604–09.
  • Galvão-Filho RP, Suzanna-Junior R. Study of the retinal nerve fiber layer thickness symmetry in normal subjects. Rev Bras Oftal 1998; 57: 935-9.
  • Lennerstrand G, Rydberg A. Results of treatment of amblyopia with a screening program for early detection. Acta ophthalmologica Scandinavica Supplement 1996; 74: 42-5. Epub 1996/01/01.
  • Spiegel DP, Byblow WD, Hess RF, Thompson B. Anodal transcranial direct current stimulation transiently improves contrast sensitivity and normalizes visual cortex activation in individuals with amblyopia. Neurorehabilitation Neural Repair 2013; 27: 760-9.
  • von Noorden GK, Grawford MLJ, Levacy RA. The lateral geniculate nucleus in human anisometropic amblyopia. Invest Ophtalmol Vis Sci 1983; 24: 788-90.
  • Rasch E, Swift H, Reisen AH, Chow KL. Altered structure and composition of retinal cells in dark–reared mammals. Exp Cell Res 1961; 25: 348-63.
  • Chow KL, Reisen AH, Newell FN. Degeneration of retinal ganglion cells in infant chimpanzees reared in darkness. J Comp Neurol 1957; 107: 27-42.
  • Chow KL. Failure to demonstrate change in the visual system of the monkey kept in darkness or colored lights. J Comp Neurol 1955; 102: 597-606.
  • von Noorden GK, Crawford MLJ, Middleditch PR. Effect of lid suture on retinal ganglion cells in Macaca mulatta. Brain Res 1977; 122: 437-44.
  • Wiesel TN, Hubel DH. Effeects of visual deprivation on morphology and physiology of cells in cat’s lateral geniculate body. J Neurophysiol 1963; 26: 978-93.
  • Baddini – Caramelli C, Hatanaka M, Polati M, Umino AT, Susanna R Jr. Thickness of the retinal nerve fiber layer in amblyopic and normal eyes: a scanning laser polarimetry study. J AAPOS 2001; 5: 82-4.
  • Varma R, Bazzas S, Lai M. Optical Tomography – measured retinal nerve fiber layer thickness in normal Latinos. Invest Ophtalmol Vis Sci 2003; 44:3369-73.
  • Kee SY, Lee SY, Lee YC. Thicknesses of the fovea and retinal nerve fiber layer in amblyopic and normal eyes in children. Korean J Ophtalmol 2006; 20: 177-81.
  • Repka MX, Goldenberg CN, Edwards AR. Retinal nerve fiber layer thickness in amblyopic eyes. Am J Ophtalmol 2006; 142: 247-51.
  • Bretas, Caio César Peixoto, and Renato Nery Soriano. Amblyopia: neural basis and therapeutic approaches. Arquivos Brasileiros de Oftalmologia 2016; 79: 346-51.
  • Repka MX, Kraker RT, Tamkins SM, Suh DW, Sala NA, Beck RW. Pediatric eye disease investigator group. Retinal nerve fiber layer thickness in amblyopic eyes. Am J Ophtalmol, 2009; 148: 143-7.
  • Dickmann A, Petroni S, Salerni A, Dell’Omo R, Balestrazzi E. Unilateral amblyopia: an optical coherence tomography study. JAAPOS 2009; 13: 148-50.
  • Soyugelen G, Onursever N, Bostancı Ceran B, Can İ. Evaluation of macular thickness and retinal nerve fiber layer by optical coherence tomography in cases with strabismic and anisometropic amblyopia. Turk J Ophthalmol 2011; 41: 318-24.
Toplam 33 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Araştırma makaleleri

Eren Ekici 0000-0001-6786-3941

Gürsoy Alagöz Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-7614-5690

Burçin Köklü Çakır Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-7816-0627

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Eylül 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 11 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Ekici E, Alagöz G, Köklü Çakır B. Evaluation of retinal nerve fiber layer thickness using optical coherence tomography in unilateral anisometropic amblyopic patients. otd. 2019;11(3):326-32.

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