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İran Nükleer İkilemi: 2002-2009 Arasında Yaşanan Gelişmeler Üzerine Bir Çalışma

Yıl 2010, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 2, 35 - 52, 14.07.2016


Ağustos 2002’den bu yana İran’ın farklı siyasi rejimler dâhilinde gelişen nükleer
ikilemini bir kez daha ele alan bu çalışmanın amacı, İran’ın nükleer heveslerine
yönelik uluslararası kınamanın, Tahran’ın uluslararası silahsızlanma anlaşmalarına
yönelik uzlaşmaz tavrından ziyade Batı’nın İran’daki rejime karşı duyduğu
antipatiden kaynaklandığını göstermektir. Çalışma, İran’daki rejimin 2002-2005
ve 2005-2009 yılları arasındaki siyasi karakterinin algılanış şeklini incelerken, Ahmedinejat’ın 2005’te devlet başkanı oluşu ile BM Şartları VII’ye destek niteliğindeki
çok sayıda BM Güvenlik Konseyi yaptırım uygulamasının kabulü arasındaki
ilinti üzerine yoğunlaşmaktadır. Tüm bunlar saldırgan ve muhafazakâr
yönetim dönemlerini de ele alacak şekilde kapsamlı bir siyasi çerçevede incelendiğinde,
artan uluslararası diplomatik gerginliğin fiziksel değil algısal bir
kriz olduğu görülmektedir.


  • BBC News “Middle East, Timeline: Iran Nuclear crisis”
  • - “Bush: “All options are on the table” regarding Iran’s nuclear aspirations.” USA Today, 13 Aug. 2005.
  • - Cordesman, Anthony. Iraq’s insurgency and the road to civil conflict. London: Praeger Security International, 2008.
  • - Ehteshami, Anoushiravan, and Mahjoob Zweiri, eds. Iran’s Foreign Policy: From Khatami to Ahmadinejad. Berkshire: Ithaca Press, 2008. - Ehteshami, Anoushiravan, and Mahjoob Zweiri. Iran and the Rise of the Neoconservatives: The Politics of Tehran’s Silent Revolution. New York: I.B. Tauris & Co. Ltd, 2007.
  • - “Iran declares key nuclear advance”, BBC News, April 11, 2006, http://news.
  • - Iran Tracker. “Malaysia-Iran Foreign Relations.” http://www.irantracker. org/foreign-relations/malaysia-iran-foreign-relations - Katz, Michael, “Russian-Iranian Relations: Functional Dysfunction.” Mideast Monitor.
  • - Kessler, Glenn. “2003 Memo Says Iranian Leaders Backed Talks.” Washington Post, 14 Feb. 2007. Web. 28 Oct. 2009. washington/2005-08-13-bush-iran-nuclear_x.htm
  • Kessler, Glen. “Arab Group Signals Iran To Avoid Meddling in Iraq.” Washington Post. dyn/content/article/2007/01/16/AR2007011600406.html - Kessler, Glen. “Iraqi MP: All the evidence points to Iranian regime meddling in Iraq.” NCRI.
  • - Salama, Sammy and Karen Ruster, Preemptive Attack on Iran’s Nuclear facilities: possible consequences, James Martin Centre for nonproliferation studies, August 12, 2004.
  • - “Security Council tightens restrictions on Iran’s proliferation-sensitive nuclear activities.” Security Council UNSCR, 13 Mar. 2008. < news/press/docs/2008/sc9268.doc.htm
  • - United Nations, “UN Security Council: Resolutions.” http://daccess-ods. - “US Agrees to back UN nuclear head”, BBC News, June 9 2006

Revisiting the Iranian Nuclear Dilemma: A Study of 2002-2009 Developments

Yıl 2010, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 2, 35 - 52, 14.07.2016


This study revisits the development of Iran’s nuclear program as progressed under distinct political regimes since August 2002, seeking to demonstrate that the international condemnation of Iranian nuclear ambitions stems from Western antipathy to the perceived nature of the Iranian regime rather than Tehran’s lack of compliance with technical non-proliferation terms. This study will examine the perceived political character of the Iranian regime between 2002-2005 and 2005-2009, with a focus on the correlation between President Ahmadinejad’s 2005 rise to power, and the passage of multiple United Nations Security Council (UNSCR) sanctions regimes invocating UN Charter Chapter VII. When thus viewed in a more comprehensive political context covering periods of progressive and conservative political leadership, the resulting escalation of international diplomatic tensions between 2002-2005 and 2005-2009 appears to indicate a distinctly perceptual rather than material crisis vis-à-vis the international position on the Iranian nuclear program


  • BBC News “Middle East, Timeline: Iran Nuclear crisis”
  • - “Bush: “All options are on the table” regarding Iran’s nuclear aspirations.” USA Today, 13 Aug. 2005.
  • - Cordesman, Anthony. Iraq’s insurgency and the road to civil conflict. London: Praeger Security International, 2008.
  • - Ehteshami, Anoushiravan, and Mahjoob Zweiri, eds. Iran’s Foreign Policy: From Khatami to Ahmadinejad. Berkshire: Ithaca Press, 2008. - Ehteshami, Anoushiravan, and Mahjoob Zweiri. Iran and the Rise of the Neoconservatives: The Politics of Tehran’s Silent Revolution. New York: I.B. Tauris & Co. Ltd, 2007.
  • - “Iran declares key nuclear advance”, BBC News, April 11, 2006, http://news.
  • - Iran Tracker. “Malaysia-Iran Foreign Relations.” http://www.irantracker. org/foreign-relations/malaysia-iran-foreign-relations - Katz, Michael, “Russian-Iranian Relations: Functional Dysfunction.” Mideast Monitor.
  • - Kessler, Glenn. “2003 Memo Says Iranian Leaders Backed Talks.” Washington Post, 14 Feb. 2007. Web. 28 Oct. 2009. washington/2005-08-13-bush-iran-nuclear_x.htm
  • Kessler, Glen. “Arab Group Signals Iran To Avoid Meddling in Iraq.” Washington Post. dyn/content/article/2007/01/16/AR2007011600406.html - Kessler, Glen. “Iraqi MP: All the evidence points to Iranian regime meddling in Iraq.” NCRI.
  • - Salama, Sammy and Karen Ruster, Preemptive Attack on Iran’s Nuclear facilities: possible consequences, James Martin Centre for nonproliferation studies, August 12, 2004.
  • - “Security Council tightens restrictions on Iran’s proliferation-sensitive nuclear activities.” Security Council UNSCR, 13 Mar. 2008. < news/press/docs/2008/sc9268.doc.htm
  • - United Nations, “UN Security Council: Resolutions.” http://daccess-ods. - “US Agrees to back UN nuclear head”, BBC News, June 9 2006
Toplam 11 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA34KA72TJ
Bölüm Makaleler

Mahjoob Zweiri Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 14 Temmuz 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2010 Cilt: 1 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Zweiri, Mahjoob. “İran Nükleer İkilemi: 2002-2009 Arasında Yaşanan Gelişmeler Üzerine Bir Çalışma”. Ortadoğu Etütleri 1, sy. 2 (Temmuz 2016): 35-52.

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