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Irak’ta İşgal Sonrası Siyasal Yaşam ve 2010 Parlamento Seçimleri

Yıl 2010, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 1, 107 - 146, 14.07.2016


Ortadoğu’nun en kilit ülkelerinden birisi olan Irak siyasi tarihi büyük dalgalanmalarla doludur. Bağımsızlığını elde etmesinden itibaren Irak devletinin iç politikasına sürekli olarak bölgesel ve küresel güçler tarafından müdahale edilmiş olsa da Irak iç siyasetinin kendine özgü dinamikleri oluşmuştur. 2003 yılında ABD’nin Irak’ı işgaliyle birlikte Irak’taki siyasi dengelerin ortaya çıkmasında dış güçlerin etkisi tekrar artsa da ABD’nin Irak’tan çekilmesinden önce iç dinamikler yeniden su yüzüne çıkmaya başlamıştır. İşte bu nedenle, bu makale işgal sonrası Irak iç politikasındaki değişimi anlayabilmek için ülkenin siyasal, ekonomik ve toplumsal yapılarına odaklanmakta ve bunun Irak seçimlerine nasıl yansıdığını incelemeye çalışmaktadır.


  • Al-Mehaidi, Kamil, Geographical Distribution of Iraqi Oil Fields And Its Relation with the New Constitution, Reveune Watch Insttitute, http://www.
  • - Baram, Amatzia, “Neotribalism in Iraq: Saddam Hussein’s Tribal Policies 1991-96” International Journal of Middle East Studies, Sayı 29, 1997, ss. 1-31.
  • - Barkey, Henri ve Laipson, Ellen, “Iraqi Kurds and Iraq’s Future,” Middle East Policy, Cilt 12, Sayı 4, Kış 2005, ss. 66-76.
  • - Bengio, Ofra, “The Challange to Territorial Intergrity of Iraq,” Survival, Cilt 37, Sayı 2, Yaz 1995, ss.74-94.
  • - Bill, Park, Turkey’s Policy Toward Northern Iraq: Problems and Perspectives, Adelphi Paper, Sayı 374, 2005.
  • - CIA Factbook, Iraq 2009
  • - Cole, Juan, Marsh Arab Rebellion: Grievance, Mafias and Militias in Iraq, www.
  • - Full Text of Iraqi Constitution, - Galbraith, Peter W., “Kurdistan and a Federal Iraq: How the Kurds Created Facts on the Ground” Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Arab Reform Bulletin, Cilt 1, Sayı 5, Kasım 2003.
  • _ ________________, “Last Chance for Iraq,” The New York Review of Books, 6
  • Ekim 2005, - Gunter, Michael M., “The Bane of Kurdish Disunity,” ORIENT, Cilt 42, Sayı 4,
  • Aralık 2001, ss. 605-616. - Hameed, Saif ve Smith, Doug, “Iraq Seeks Ban on Religious Imagery in Elections,” Los Angeles Times, 4 Temmuz 2008
  • - Hassan, Hussein D., Iraq: Tribal Structure, Social, and Political Activities, CRS Report, 7 Nisan 2008.
  • - cfm?country=120
  • - Iraq after the Surge I: The New Sunni Landscape, International Crisis Group Report, No. 74, 30 Nisan 2008.
  • - Iraq and the Kurds: The Brewing Battle over Kirkuk, International Crisis Group Report, Sayı 56, 18 Temmuz 2006.
  • - Iraq Energy Data, Statistics, Analysis, - “Iraq Oil Revenues 95%of State Income: Minister,” AFP, 13 Temmuz 2010.
  • - Katzman, Kenneth ve Prados, Alfred, The Kurds in Post Saddam Iraq, Congressional Research Service, 7 Kasım 2007.
  • - Kumins, Lawrence, Iraq Oil: Reserves, Production and Potential Revenues, CRS Report, 13 Nisan 2005,
  • - Mart 2010 Irak Parlamento Seçim Sonuçlarının ve Yeni Siyasal Denklemin Değerlendirilmesi, ORSAM Rapor No 17, Nisan 2010. trUploads/Yazilar/Dosyalar/2010615_ORSAMrapor17.pdf
  • - Measuring Stability and Security in Iraq, US Department of Defense, Kasım 2009,
  • - Muhammed, Ako, “Kurds Consider Boycott of Iraqi Election,” The Kurdish Globe, 21 Kasım 2009, 1AACCEB8F0269C33BDC5A309B35FCD0
  • Nakash, Yitzhak, The Shi’s of Iraq, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1994.
  • - Rahimi, Babak, “A Shiite Storm Looms on the Horizon: Sadr and SIIC Relations,” Jamestown Terrorism Monitor, Cilt 5, Sayı 10, 24 Mayıs 2007, ss.1-4. - “Seçimlere 4 Liste İle Girmek Kürtlere Yaklaşık 160 Bin Oya Mal Oldu”, Dengê Azad, 28 Mart 2010 aspx?id=3401&LinkID=114
  • - Stabilizing and Rebuilding Iraq Iraqi Revenues, Expenditures, and Surplus, Report to Congressional Committees, Ağustos 2008, items/d081031.pdf
  • - Taneja, Preti, Assimilation, Exodus, Eradication: Iraq’s Minority Communities since 2003 Minority Rights Group International, 2007
  • -
  • - Yaphee, Judith, “Tribalism in Iraq, The Old and The New,” Middle East Policy, Cilt 7, Sayı 3,2000, ss. 51-58

Political Life in Iraq After the Invasion and 2010 Parliament Elections

Yıl 2010, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 1, 107 - 146, 14.07.2016


Iraq, one of the key countries in the Middle East, has a floating political history. Although there were regional and global powers to interfere in the domestic affairs of the Iraqi State beginning from the date it gained independence, the Iraqi domestic policy had its own unique dynamics. The influence of foreign powers on the “Iraqi political balance emergence process” has increased in 2003 with the US invasion, but the domestic dynamics came on surface once again during the pre-US withdrawal process. That is why; this article focuses on politic, economic and social structures of the country to understand the change in Iraqi domestic policy after the invasion and their reflections on the Iraqi elections


  • Al-Mehaidi, Kamil, Geographical Distribution of Iraqi Oil Fields And Its Relation with the New Constitution, Reveune Watch Insttitute, http://www.
  • - Baram, Amatzia, “Neotribalism in Iraq: Saddam Hussein’s Tribal Policies 1991-96” International Journal of Middle East Studies, Sayı 29, 1997, ss. 1-31.
  • - Barkey, Henri ve Laipson, Ellen, “Iraqi Kurds and Iraq’s Future,” Middle East Policy, Cilt 12, Sayı 4, Kış 2005, ss. 66-76.
  • - Bengio, Ofra, “The Challange to Territorial Intergrity of Iraq,” Survival, Cilt 37, Sayı 2, Yaz 1995, ss.74-94.
  • - Bill, Park, Turkey’s Policy Toward Northern Iraq: Problems and Perspectives, Adelphi Paper, Sayı 374, 2005.
  • - CIA Factbook, Iraq 2009
  • - Cole, Juan, Marsh Arab Rebellion: Grievance, Mafias and Militias in Iraq, www.
  • - Full Text of Iraqi Constitution, - Galbraith, Peter W., “Kurdistan and a Federal Iraq: How the Kurds Created Facts on the Ground” Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Arab Reform Bulletin, Cilt 1, Sayı 5, Kasım 2003.
  • _ ________________, “Last Chance for Iraq,” The New York Review of Books, 6
  • Ekim 2005, - Gunter, Michael M., “The Bane of Kurdish Disunity,” ORIENT, Cilt 42, Sayı 4,
  • Aralık 2001, ss. 605-616. - Hameed, Saif ve Smith, Doug, “Iraq Seeks Ban on Religious Imagery in Elections,” Los Angeles Times, 4 Temmuz 2008
  • - Hassan, Hussein D., Iraq: Tribal Structure, Social, and Political Activities, CRS Report, 7 Nisan 2008.
  • - cfm?country=120
  • - Iraq after the Surge I: The New Sunni Landscape, International Crisis Group Report, No. 74, 30 Nisan 2008.
  • - Iraq and the Kurds: The Brewing Battle over Kirkuk, International Crisis Group Report, Sayı 56, 18 Temmuz 2006.
  • - Iraq Energy Data, Statistics, Analysis, - “Iraq Oil Revenues 95%of State Income: Minister,” AFP, 13 Temmuz 2010.
  • - Katzman, Kenneth ve Prados, Alfred, The Kurds in Post Saddam Iraq, Congressional Research Service, 7 Kasım 2007.
  • - Kumins, Lawrence, Iraq Oil: Reserves, Production and Potential Revenues, CRS Report, 13 Nisan 2005,
  • - Mart 2010 Irak Parlamento Seçim Sonuçlarının ve Yeni Siyasal Denklemin Değerlendirilmesi, ORSAM Rapor No 17, Nisan 2010. trUploads/Yazilar/Dosyalar/2010615_ORSAMrapor17.pdf
  • - Measuring Stability and Security in Iraq, US Department of Defense, Kasım 2009,
  • - Muhammed, Ako, “Kurds Consider Boycott of Iraqi Election,” The Kurdish Globe, 21 Kasım 2009, 1AACCEB8F0269C33BDC5A309B35FCD0
  • Nakash, Yitzhak, The Shi’s of Iraq, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1994.
  • - Rahimi, Babak, “A Shiite Storm Looms on the Horizon: Sadr and SIIC Relations,” Jamestown Terrorism Monitor, Cilt 5, Sayı 10, 24 Mayıs 2007, ss.1-4. - “Seçimlere 4 Liste İle Girmek Kürtlere Yaklaşık 160 Bin Oya Mal Oldu”, Dengê Azad, 28 Mart 2010 aspx?id=3401&LinkID=114
  • - Stabilizing and Rebuilding Iraq Iraqi Revenues, Expenditures, and Surplus, Report to Congressional Committees, Ağustos 2008, items/d081031.pdf
  • - Taneja, Preti, Assimilation, Exodus, Eradication: Iraq’s Minority Communities since 2003 Minority Rights Group International, 2007
  • -
  • - Yaphee, Judith, “Tribalism in Iraq, The Old and The New,” Middle East Policy, Cilt 7, Sayı 3,2000, ss. 51-58
Toplam 27 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA34KT38KH
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Serhat Erkmen Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 14 Temmuz 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2010 Cilt: 2 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Erkmen, Serhat. “Irak’ta İşgal Sonrası Siyasal Yaşam Ve 2010 Parlamento Seçimleri”. Ortadoğu Etütleri 2, sy. 1 (Temmuz 2016): 107-46.

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