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Roots of Labor Zionism: Israel as the New Land of Socialist Ideas?

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 1, 165 - 192, 15.07.2016


Filistin’de devlet öncesi dönemde Yahudi toplumunun siyasetine ve örgütsel yapısına egemen olan İşçi Siyonizmi İsrail Devleti’nin kuruluş ideolojisinin temel parçası haline gelmiştir. İkinci ve Üçüncü Aliyaların pek çok üyesi, adil bir toplumun gerçekleştirilmesinin yalnızca eşitlik düşüncesi ile başarılabileceğine olan inançları doğrultusunda, sosyalizmden etkilenmiştir. Yahudilerin Yahudi bir sosyalist devlet yardımıyla özgürleşmesi düşüncesi bağımsızlık için en belirgin motivasyonlardan biri olmuştur. Bu dönemde, aynı zamanda İsrail Devleti’nin kurucuları olan İşçi Siyonizminin öncüleri Yahudi ekonomisini Arap ekonomisinden ayırmışlar ve günümüzde hala etkili olan kurumlar ve siyasi partiler kurmuşlardır. Bu makale Siyonizmin özellikle İsrail Devleti’nin 1948’de bağımsız olmasından önce sosyalist kökenlerini incelemektir. İnşacı bakış açısıyla bu makalede Siyonizm bir aidiyet duygusu ile ulus-devlet halkı oluşturan bir ideoloji olarak tanımlanmıştır. Çalışmada sosyalist düşüncenin özellikle devlet öncesi dönemde ulusal kimlik ve Yahudi milliyetçiliğinin en önemli parçası olduğu ileri sürülmektedir. İkinci ve Üçüncü Aliyaların liderleri tarafından kurulan iktisadi ve siyasi kurumlar hem birleşik Yahudi ekonomisinin hem de İsrail’in siyasi hayatının temellerinin atılmasına yardımcı olmuştur. İşçi Siyonizmi bağımsızlıktan sonra 1970’lere kadar etkin olsa da ilk İşçi Siyonistlerin fikirlerinin çoğu gerçekleştirilememiştir. Yeni toplumun sembolü olan sosyalist düşünceler 1967 Altı Gün Savaşları sonrasında siyasi etkisini kaybetmiş ve yerini Revizyonist Siyonizme bırakmıştır.


  • Adler, Gerald M., The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, 1860-2006: Legal Aspects in a Historical and Political Context, August 2008,
  • Albright, William Foxwell et al., Palestine: A Study of Jewish, Arab and British Policies, Volume 1, Esco Foundation, (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1947).
  • Anderson, Benedict, Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism, (London: Verso, 1991).
  • Avruch, Kevin, “Kibbutz and Moshav”, in Helen Chapin Metz (ed.), Israel: A Country Study, (Washington D.C.: Federal Research Division, 1990).
  • Balfour Declaration of 1917, balfour.asp.
  • Ben-Gurion, David, “The Imperatives of the Jewish Revolution (1944)”, in Arthur Hertzberg, The Zionist Idea, (Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 1997).
  • Ben-Gurion, David, Rebirth and Destiny of Israel, (London: Thomas Yoseloff Ltd., 1959).
  • Borochov, Ber, Nationalism and Class Struggle: Selected Writings, (New York: Poalei Zion of America, 1937).
  • British White Paper of 1939, brwh1939.asp.
  • Castles, Stephen,“International Migration at the Beginning of the Twenty-First Century: Global Trends and Issues”, International Social Science Journal, Volume 52, Issue 165, September 2000.
  • Cohen, Mitchell, Zion and State: Nation, Class and the Shaping of Modern Israel, (New York: Columbia University Press, 1992).
  • Danforth, Loring M., The Macedonian Conflict: Ethnic Nationalism in a Transnational World, (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1995). Engel, David, Zionism, (Harlow: Pearson Education Limited, 2009).
  • Even-Zohar, Itamar, “The Emergence of a Native Hebrew Culture in Palestine, 1882-1948”, in Reinharz, Yehuda and Shapira, Anita (eds.), Essential Papers on Zionism, (New York: New York University Press, 1996).
  • Flapan, Simha, Zionism and the Palestinians, (New York : Barnes & Noble Book, 1979).
  • Frank, Ivan,“Where Would Israel be without Its Democratic–Socialist Roots?”, The Jewish Chronicle, 19 January 2010,–socialist-roots.
  • Gelvin, James L., The Israel-Palestine Conflict: One Hundred Years of War, (New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2005).
  • Gordon, Aaron David, “Our Tasks Ahead (1920)”, in Arthur Hertzberg, The Zionist Idea, (Philedelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 1997).
  • _________________, “People and Labor (1911)”, in Arthur Hertzberg, The Zionist Idea, (Philedelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 1997).
  • Hermann, Tamar S.,The Israeli Peace Movement: A Shattered Dream, (Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009).
  • Hess, Moses, Rome and Jerusalem: A Study in Jewish Nationalism, (Translated by Meyer Waxman), (New York: Bloch Publishing Company, 1918).
  • Isserof, Ami,“Ber Borochov: Eretz Yisrael in our Program and Tactics 1917”,
  • _______, “Ber Borochov:The Economic Development of the Jewish People 1916”,
  • Jones, Clive and Emma Murphy, Israel: Challenges to Identity Democracy and the State, (London, New York: Routledge, 2002).
  • Kerstein, Itzhak, The Conflict Between National and International Ideas in the Kibbutz Movement, Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, (Ottawa, Canada: University of Ottawa, 1967).
  • Kloke, Martin, “The Development of Zionism Until the Founding of the State of Israel”, European History Online, threads/transnational-movements-and-organisations/international-organisations-and-congresses/martin-kloke-the-development-of-zionismuntil-the-founding-of-the-state-of-israel-1914-1948.
  • Kymlicka, Will and Christine Straehle, “Cosmopolitanism, Nation-States, and Minority Nationalism: A Critical Review of Recent Literature”, European Journal of Philosophy, Volume 7, Issue 1, April 1999.
  • Law of Return (Amendment No. 2) 5730 (1970), laws/special/eng/return.htm.
  • Lockman, Zachary, “Land, Labor and the Logic of Zionism: A Critical Engagement with Gershon Shafir”, Settler Colonial Studies, Volume 2, No. 1, 2012.
  • _____________,Comrades and Enemies Arab and Jewish Workers in Palestine, 1906–1948, (Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press, 1996).
  • Medoff, Rafael and Chaim I. Waxman, The A to Z of Zionism, (Lanham: Scarecrowpress Inc., 2008).
  • Mort, Jo-Ann and Gary Brenner, Our Hearts Invented a Place: Can Kibbutzim Survive in Today’s Israel?, (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2003).
  • Near, Henry, The Kibbutz Movement: A History, Volume 1: Origins and Growth, 1909-1939, (London/Portland, Oregon: Vallentine Mitchell, 1997).
  • Neuman, Shoshana,“Aliyah to Israel: Immigration under Conditions of Adversity”, IZA Discussion Paper, No. 89, December 1999.
  • Ofer, Dalia, “Holocaust Survivors as Immigrants: The Case of Israel and the Cyprus Detainees”, Modern Judaism, Volume 16, No. 1, February 1996.
  • ___________, Escaping the Holocaust : Illegal Immigration to the Land of Israel 1934-1944, (New York, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1990). Official Records of the Second Session of the General Assembly, Supplement No. 11, United Nations Special Committee on Palestine Report to the General Assembly, Volume 1, Lake Success, New York, 1947, http:// Reich, Bernard, A Brief History of Israel, (New York, Facts on File Inc., 2008).
  • Schindler, Ruben, “The Pioneering Ideology and the Roots of Social Welfare in the Pre-State Period of Israel”, Journal of Jewish Communal Service, Issue 52, No. 4, 1976.
  • Shafir, Gershon, Land, Labor and the Origins of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, 1882–1914, (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1996).
  • Shapira, Anita, Land and Power: The Zionist Resort to Force, 1881-1948, (Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 1992). Stein, Leslie, Hope Fulfilled: The Rise of Modern Israel, (Westport: Preager, 2003).
  • Sternhell, Zeev, The Founding Myths of Israel: Nationalism, Socialism, and the Making of the Jewish State, (Princeton University Press, 1998). Tessler, Mark, A History of Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, (Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1994).
  • Teveth, Shabtai, Ben-Gurion and the Palestinian Arabs: From Peace to War, (London: Oxford University Press, 1985).
  • The Law of Return 5710 (1950), eng/return.htm.
  • Toren, Nina, “Return to Zion: Characteristics and Motivations of Returning Emigrants”, Social Forces, Volume 54, No. 3, March 1976.
  • Tucker, Spencer C. (ed.), The Encyclopedia of the Arab-Israeli Conflict, Volume One, (Santa Barbara, California: ABC CLIO, Inc., 2008).
  • UN General Assembly, A/RES/181(II), 29 November 1947, Resolution 181 (II). Future government of Palestine, 7f0af2bd897689b785256c330061d253.
  • Zemlinskaya, Yulia,“Between Militarism and Pacifism: Conscientious Objection and Draft Resistance in Israel”, Central European Journal of International and Security Studies, Volume 2, Issue 1, 2008.

Roots of Labor Zionism: Israel as the New Land of Socialist Ideas?

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 1, 165 - 192, 15.07.2016


Labor Zionism, which dominated the politics and organizational structure of the Jewish community in Palestine during the pre-state period,became the main component of the founding ideology of the State of Israel. Most members of the Second and the Third Aliyahs were affected by socialism in the sense that they believed the realization of a just society could only be achieved through the idea of equality. The ideaof the emancipation of Jews with the help of the Jewish socialist state 4 this period, the pioneers of Labor Zionism, who were also the foundingfathers of the State of Israel, separated Jewish from Arab economy, ' today. This article aimed to investigate the socialist roots of Zionism, especially before the independence of the State of Israel in 1948. From 4 4 ª ideology providing the people of the nation-state with a feeling of belonging. It is argued that the idea of socialism was the most important part of national identity and of Jewish nationalism especially during the pre-state period. The economic and political institutions founded by the pioneers of the Second and Third Aliyahs helped create both a uni ' B ' ª 8F ideas of the early Labor Zionists have not been realized. The socialistideals that had been the symbol of the new society lost their political Z@ 8F 4 sionist Zionism


  • Adler, Gerald M., The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, 1860-2006: Legal Aspects in a Historical and Political Context, August 2008,
  • Albright, William Foxwell et al., Palestine: A Study of Jewish, Arab and British Policies, Volume 1, Esco Foundation, (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1947).
  • Anderson, Benedict, Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism, (London: Verso, 1991).
  • Avruch, Kevin, “Kibbutz and Moshav”, in Helen Chapin Metz (ed.), Israel: A Country Study, (Washington D.C.: Federal Research Division, 1990).
  • Balfour Declaration of 1917, balfour.asp.
  • Ben-Gurion, David, “The Imperatives of the Jewish Revolution (1944)”, in Arthur Hertzberg, The Zionist Idea, (Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 1997).
  • Ben-Gurion, David, Rebirth and Destiny of Israel, (London: Thomas Yoseloff Ltd., 1959).
  • Borochov, Ber, Nationalism and Class Struggle: Selected Writings, (New York: Poalei Zion of America, 1937).
  • British White Paper of 1939, brwh1939.asp.
  • Castles, Stephen,“International Migration at the Beginning of the Twenty-First Century: Global Trends and Issues”, International Social Science Journal, Volume 52, Issue 165, September 2000.
  • Cohen, Mitchell, Zion and State: Nation, Class and the Shaping of Modern Israel, (New York: Columbia University Press, 1992).
  • Danforth, Loring M., The Macedonian Conflict: Ethnic Nationalism in a Transnational World, (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1995). Engel, David, Zionism, (Harlow: Pearson Education Limited, 2009).
  • Even-Zohar, Itamar, “The Emergence of a Native Hebrew Culture in Palestine, 1882-1948”, in Reinharz, Yehuda and Shapira, Anita (eds.), Essential Papers on Zionism, (New York: New York University Press, 1996).
  • Flapan, Simha, Zionism and the Palestinians, (New York : Barnes & Noble Book, 1979).
  • Frank, Ivan,“Where Would Israel be without Its Democratic–Socialist Roots?”, The Jewish Chronicle, 19 January 2010,–socialist-roots.
  • Gelvin, James L., The Israel-Palestine Conflict: One Hundred Years of War, (New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2005).
  • Gordon, Aaron David, “Our Tasks Ahead (1920)”, in Arthur Hertzberg, The Zionist Idea, (Philedelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 1997).
  • _________________, “People and Labor (1911)”, in Arthur Hertzberg, The Zionist Idea, (Philedelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 1997).
  • Hermann, Tamar S.,The Israeli Peace Movement: A Shattered Dream, (Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009).
  • Hess, Moses, Rome and Jerusalem: A Study in Jewish Nationalism, (Translated by Meyer Waxman), (New York: Bloch Publishing Company, 1918).
  • Isserof, Ami,“Ber Borochov: Eretz Yisrael in our Program and Tactics 1917”,
  • _______, “Ber Borochov:The Economic Development of the Jewish People 1916”,
  • Jones, Clive and Emma Murphy, Israel: Challenges to Identity Democracy and the State, (London, New York: Routledge, 2002).
  • Kerstein, Itzhak, The Conflict Between National and International Ideas in the Kibbutz Movement, Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, (Ottawa, Canada: University of Ottawa, 1967).
  • Kloke, Martin, “The Development of Zionism Until the Founding of the State of Israel”, European History Online, threads/transnational-movements-and-organisations/international-organisations-and-congresses/martin-kloke-the-development-of-zionismuntil-the-founding-of-the-state-of-israel-1914-1948.
  • Kymlicka, Will and Christine Straehle, “Cosmopolitanism, Nation-States, and Minority Nationalism: A Critical Review of Recent Literature”, European Journal of Philosophy, Volume 7, Issue 1, April 1999.
  • Law of Return (Amendment No. 2) 5730 (1970), laws/special/eng/return.htm.
  • Lockman, Zachary, “Land, Labor and the Logic of Zionism: A Critical Engagement with Gershon Shafir”, Settler Colonial Studies, Volume 2, No. 1, 2012.
  • _____________,Comrades and Enemies Arab and Jewish Workers in Palestine, 1906–1948, (Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press, 1996).
  • Medoff, Rafael and Chaim I. Waxman, The A to Z of Zionism, (Lanham: Scarecrowpress Inc., 2008).
  • Mort, Jo-Ann and Gary Brenner, Our Hearts Invented a Place: Can Kibbutzim Survive in Today’s Israel?, (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2003).
  • Near, Henry, The Kibbutz Movement: A History, Volume 1: Origins and Growth, 1909-1939, (London/Portland, Oregon: Vallentine Mitchell, 1997).
  • Neuman, Shoshana,“Aliyah to Israel: Immigration under Conditions of Adversity”, IZA Discussion Paper, No. 89, December 1999.
  • Ofer, Dalia, “Holocaust Survivors as Immigrants: The Case of Israel and the Cyprus Detainees”, Modern Judaism, Volume 16, No. 1, February 1996.
  • ___________, Escaping the Holocaust : Illegal Immigration to the Land of Israel 1934-1944, (New York, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1990). Official Records of the Second Session of the General Assembly, Supplement No. 11, United Nations Special Committee on Palestine Report to the General Assembly, Volume 1, Lake Success, New York, 1947, http:// Reich, Bernard, A Brief History of Israel, (New York, Facts on File Inc., 2008).
  • Schindler, Ruben, “The Pioneering Ideology and the Roots of Social Welfare in the Pre-State Period of Israel”, Journal of Jewish Communal Service, Issue 52, No. 4, 1976.
  • Shafir, Gershon, Land, Labor and the Origins of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, 1882–1914, (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1996).
  • Shapira, Anita, Land and Power: The Zionist Resort to Force, 1881-1948, (Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 1992). Stein, Leslie, Hope Fulfilled: The Rise of Modern Israel, (Westport: Preager, 2003).
  • Sternhell, Zeev, The Founding Myths of Israel: Nationalism, Socialism, and the Making of the Jewish State, (Princeton University Press, 1998). Tessler, Mark, A History of Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, (Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1994).
  • Teveth, Shabtai, Ben-Gurion and the Palestinian Arabs: From Peace to War, (London: Oxford University Press, 1985).
  • The Law of Return 5710 (1950), eng/return.htm.
  • Toren, Nina, “Return to Zion: Characteristics and Motivations of Returning Emigrants”, Social Forces, Volume 54, No. 3, March 1976.
  • Tucker, Spencer C. (ed.), The Encyclopedia of the Arab-Israeli Conflict, Volume One, (Santa Barbara, California: ABC CLIO, Inc., 2008).
  • UN General Assembly, A/RES/181(II), 29 November 1947, Resolution 181 (II). Future government of Palestine, 7f0af2bd897689b785256c330061d253.
  • Zemlinskaya, Yulia,“Between Militarism and Pacifism: Conscientious Objection and Draft Resistance in Israel”, Central European Journal of International and Security Studies, Volume 2, Issue 1, 2008.
Toplam 45 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA34PU75AH
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Ayşe Ömür Atmaca Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Temmuz 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2012 Cilt: 4 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Atmaca, Ayşe Ömür. “Roots of Labor Zionism: Israel As the New Land of Socialist Ideas?”. Ortadoğu Etütleri 4, sy. 1 (Temmuz 2016): 165-92.

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