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Tunus İsyanı: Arapların Devrim Ateşini Yakması

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2, 59 - 94, 15.07.2016


17 Aralıkta başlayan ve 14 Ocak’ta Devlet Başkanı Zeynel Abidin’in Tunus’u terk etmesiyle sonuçlanan Tunus halk hareketi, başta Tunus olmak üzere tüm Arap Ortadoğu’su ve Kuzey Afrika’sında yeni bir dönemin başlamasına yol açmıştır. Halk isyanı sırasında 74 kişi cezaevinde olmak üzere toplam 219 kişi yaşamını yitirmesine karşın, Tunus’ta yanan devrim ateşi kısa sürede tüm bölgede otoriter ve diktatöryel yönetimlere karşı yeni isyan dalgalarının harekete geçmesine yol açmıştır. Bireysel bir eylem olarak başlayan halk hareketi kısa sürede liderlik ve örgütlülük sürecini tamamlayarak 23 Ekim’de Kurucu Meclis seçimlerinin yapılması ile sonuçlanmıştır. Kurucu Meclis seçimlerinin ardından Zeynel Abidin’in iktidarı döneminde sürgünde veya cezaevinde siyasal faaliyetlerini sürdürmek zorunda kalan bir çok lider Tunus’un yeni Cumhurbaşkanı, Başbakanı ve Bakanları olarak demokratik sürecin kurumsallaşması konusunda aktif bir sürecin içerisine girmiş bulunmaktadırlar. Bu bağlamda bu çalışmada Tunus’taki devrim süreci tarihsel ve toplumsal geri planı dikkate alınarak irdelenecektir


  • Ajmi, Sana, “Aridha Chaabia’s Seats Reinstated”,, 8 November 2011,
  • Al Jazeera News, “Tunisia’s post-revolution cabinet unveiled”, 22.12.2011, .html, (e.t. 28.12.2011)
  • Alexander, Christopher, Tunisia: stability and reform in the modern Maghreb, (New York: Routledge, 2010).
  • Bechri Z. Mohamed, Naccache, Sonia, The Political Economy of Development Policy in Tunisia, (May 2003), gdn_library/global_research_projects/explaining_growth/Tunisia_politicaleconomy_final.pdf
  • Beinin, Joel, “Late Capitalism and the Reformation of the Working Clases in the Middle East”, içinde I. Gershoni, Y. Hakan Erdem, Ursula Woköck,(der.), Histories of the Modern Middle East: New Directions, (Boulder, Colo. : Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2002).
  • Birol Başkan, “Buazizi’nin Yaktığı Ateş: 21. Yüzyıl Başında Arap İsyanları”, Akademik Ortadoğu, Cilt:6, Sayı:1, 2011.
  • Blomfield, Adrian, “Fleeing first lady said to have taken central bank gold”, The Sydney Morning Herald, January 19, 2011
  • Borowiec, Andrew, Modern Tunisia: A Democratic Apprenticeship, (Westport, CT: Praeger, 1998).
  • Dean, Lucy, (Ed.), The Middle East and North Africa 2004, Europa Publications, Cilt: 50, 2004.
  • Eliaçık,R. İhsan, Adalet Devleti: Ortak İyinin İktidarı, (İstanbul: İnşa Yay, Ocak 2011).
  • Filiu, Pierre,Jean, “The Arab Revolution: Ten Lessons from the Democratic Uprising”, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011).
  • Gamha, Eymen, “Final Results of Tunisian Elections Announced”, Tunisia Live News, 14 November 2011, tunisian-election-final-results-tables/
  • Gamha, Eymen, “Moncef Marzouki”, Tunisia News, 23 November 2011,
  • Gobe, Eric, “The Gafsa Mining Basin between Riots and a Social Movement: Meaning and Significance of a Protest Movement in Ben Ali’s Tunisia”, (Hal pub., 2011), (e.t. 14.12.2011)
  • Kramer, Gudrun, “The Integration of the Integrists: Comparative study of Egypt, Jordan and Tunisia”, içinde Ghassan Salamé, (der.), Democracy Without Democrats?: The Renewal of Politics in the Muslim World, (London: I.B. Tauris Pub., 1994).
  • Lahmar, Mouldi, “The ‘Bread Revolt’ in Rural Tunisia: Notables , Workers, Peasants”, içinde Nicholas S. Hopkins, Saad Eddin Ibrahim, (der.), Arab Society: Class, Gender, Power, and Development, 3. Edition, (Egypt: The American University in Cairo Press, 2006).
  • Moore, Clement Henry, Tunisia since Independence: the Dynamics of oneparty Government, (USA:University of California Press, 1965).
  • Parker, Emily, “Aridha Chaabia, “Popular Petition,” Shocks Tunisian Politics”, Tunisia News, 27 October 2011, http://www.tunisia-live. net/2011/10/27/aridha-chaabia-popular-petition-shocks-tunisianpolitics/
  • Roussia, Ammaram, “Gafsa Maden Havzasında Halk İsyanı: İlk Değerlendirme”, Çvr.:Özgürlük Dünyası, http://www.ozgurlukdunyasi. org/arsiv/13-sayi-203/117-gafsa-maden-havzasnda-halk-syan-lkdeerlendirme (e.t. 10.12.2011)
  • Ruf, Werner, “Tunisia: Contemporary Politics”, içinde Richard I. Lawless, Allan M. Findlay, (der.), North Africa: Contemporary Politics and Economic Development, (London: Croom Helm, 1984).
  • Salem, Norma, Habib Bourguiba, Islam, and the creation of Tunisia,( USA: Croom Helm, 1984).
  • Tanrıverdi, Nebahat, “Yaklaşan Seçim Öncesi Tunus’ta. Siyasal Denklemler”, Tunus Raporu, ORSAM Rapor, No: 79 , Ekim 2011.
  • The Carnegie Middle East Center, “Tunisia”, publications/?fa=41926&lang=en , (e.t. 18.12.2011) .
  • Waltz, E. Susan, Human Rights and Reform: Changing the face of North African Politics, (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995).
  • Zisenwine, Daniel, “Tunisia: Al-Jumhuriyya Al Tunisiyya”, içinde Bruce Maddy-Weitzman, (der.), Middle East Contemporary Survey, Cilt: 24, 2000.
  • Tunus’da gerçekleştirilen mülakatlar, 20-25 Ekim 2010

Tunisian Insurrection: Arabs’ Lighting The Revolution Fire

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2, 59 - 94, 15.07.2016


Tunisian civil unrest, which was launched on December 17th and resulted in President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali’s leaving Tunisia on January 14th, led to the beginning of a new era across the Arab Middle East and North Africa, across Tunisia in particular. While 219 people, 74 of whom were in prison, were killed during the civil unrest; the revolution fire in Tunisia triggered new waves of insurrection against authoritarian and dictatorial regimes across the region in a short period of time. The civil unrest, which began as an individual action, resulted in Constituent Assembly elections on October 23rd by completing the leadership and organization process in a short time. Following the Constituent Assembly elections; many leaders, who had to carry on their political activities in exile or in prison during the Ben Ali regime, have entered in an active process on institutionalization of democratic process as new President, Prime Minister and Ministers of Tunisia. In this context, within this study, the revolutionary process in Tunisia will be analyzed by considering the historical and social background


  • Ajmi, Sana, “Aridha Chaabia’s Seats Reinstated”,, 8 November 2011,
  • Al Jazeera News, “Tunisia’s post-revolution cabinet unveiled”, 22.12.2011, .html, (e.t. 28.12.2011)
  • Alexander, Christopher, Tunisia: stability and reform in the modern Maghreb, (New York: Routledge, 2010).
  • Bechri Z. Mohamed, Naccache, Sonia, The Political Economy of Development Policy in Tunisia, (May 2003), gdn_library/global_research_projects/explaining_growth/Tunisia_politicaleconomy_final.pdf
  • Beinin, Joel, “Late Capitalism and the Reformation of the Working Clases in the Middle East”, içinde I. Gershoni, Y. Hakan Erdem, Ursula Woköck,(der.), Histories of the Modern Middle East: New Directions, (Boulder, Colo. : Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2002).
  • Birol Başkan, “Buazizi’nin Yaktığı Ateş: 21. Yüzyıl Başında Arap İsyanları”, Akademik Ortadoğu, Cilt:6, Sayı:1, 2011.
  • Blomfield, Adrian, “Fleeing first lady said to have taken central bank gold”, The Sydney Morning Herald, January 19, 2011
  • Borowiec, Andrew, Modern Tunisia: A Democratic Apprenticeship, (Westport, CT: Praeger, 1998).
  • Dean, Lucy, (Ed.), The Middle East and North Africa 2004, Europa Publications, Cilt: 50, 2004.
  • Eliaçık,R. İhsan, Adalet Devleti: Ortak İyinin İktidarı, (İstanbul: İnşa Yay, Ocak 2011).
  • Filiu, Pierre,Jean, “The Arab Revolution: Ten Lessons from the Democratic Uprising”, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011).
  • Gamha, Eymen, “Final Results of Tunisian Elections Announced”, Tunisia Live News, 14 November 2011, tunisian-election-final-results-tables/
  • Gamha, Eymen, “Moncef Marzouki”, Tunisia News, 23 November 2011,
  • Gobe, Eric, “The Gafsa Mining Basin between Riots and a Social Movement: Meaning and Significance of a Protest Movement in Ben Ali’s Tunisia”, (Hal pub., 2011), (e.t. 14.12.2011)
  • Kramer, Gudrun, “The Integration of the Integrists: Comparative study of Egypt, Jordan and Tunisia”, içinde Ghassan Salamé, (der.), Democracy Without Democrats?: The Renewal of Politics in the Muslim World, (London: I.B. Tauris Pub., 1994).
  • Lahmar, Mouldi, “The ‘Bread Revolt’ in Rural Tunisia: Notables , Workers, Peasants”, içinde Nicholas S. Hopkins, Saad Eddin Ibrahim, (der.), Arab Society: Class, Gender, Power, and Development, 3. Edition, (Egypt: The American University in Cairo Press, 2006).
  • Moore, Clement Henry, Tunisia since Independence: the Dynamics of oneparty Government, (USA:University of California Press, 1965).
  • Parker, Emily, “Aridha Chaabia, “Popular Petition,” Shocks Tunisian Politics”, Tunisia News, 27 October 2011, http://www.tunisia-live. net/2011/10/27/aridha-chaabia-popular-petition-shocks-tunisianpolitics/
  • Roussia, Ammaram, “Gafsa Maden Havzasında Halk İsyanı: İlk Değerlendirme”, Çvr.:Özgürlük Dünyası, http://www.ozgurlukdunyasi. org/arsiv/13-sayi-203/117-gafsa-maden-havzasnda-halk-syan-lkdeerlendirme (e.t. 10.12.2011)
  • Ruf, Werner, “Tunisia: Contemporary Politics”, içinde Richard I. Lawless, Allan M. Findlay, (der.), North Africa: Contemporary Politics and Economic Development, (London: Croom Helm, 1984).
  • Salem, Norma, Habib Bourguiba, Islam, and the creation of Tunisia,( USA: Croom Helm, 1984).
  • Tanrıverdi, Nebahat, “Yaklaşan Seçim Öncesi Tunus’ta. Siyasal Denklemler”, Tunus Raporu, ORSAM Rapor, No: 79 , Ekim 2011.
  • The Carnegie Middle East Center, “Tunisia”, publications/?fa=41926&lang=en , (e.t. 18.12.2011) .
  • Waltz, E. Susan, Human Rights and Reform: Changing the face of North African Politics, (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995).
  • Zisenwine, Daniel, “Tunisia: Al-Jumhuriyya Al Tunisiyya”, içinde Bruce Maddy-Weitzman, (der.), Middle East Contemporary Survey, Cilt: 24, 2000.
  • Tunus’da gerçekleştirilen mülakatlar, 20-25 Ekim 2010
Toplam 27 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA34NS65PC
Bölüm Makaleler

Veysel Ayhan Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Temmuz 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2012 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Ayhan, Veysel. “Tunus İsyanı: Arapların Devrim Ateşini Yakması”. Ortadoğu Etütleri 3, sy. 2 (Temmuz 2016): 59-94.

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